HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1999 - 07/22 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
JULY 22, 1999
Commission Members Present:
Jeffrey Kelley
Pamela Smith
Scott Neice
Jeff McGregor, Vice -Chairman
Kevin Kerr
Mark Pacheco
Commission Members Absent:
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
City Staff Present:
Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner
Pam Conway, Secretary
George Conner, Director Public Works
Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer
Don Horton, Director Parks & Recreation
Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office
With a quorum of the Commission Member's present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order at 7:11 p.m., by Acting Chairman McGregor, at the City Council Chambers,
Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
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Item IIB - Allen Village —Commission Member Pacheco questioned the proposed right-of-way
(ROW) dedication. He stated that it appears to come to a certain point and then stop. Mr.
George Conner stated that it is actually a deceleration lane. This item will be pulled off the
consent agenda.
Item IIC - Reid Farm —Ms. Marcie Dimond distributed the correct preliminary plat for
reference in reviewing the final plat.
Item IV- Lombard Plaza — Commission Member Pacheco questioned if the Fire Marshall was
satisfied with the fire lane access. Ms. Diamond stated that she is satisfied that with the new
site plan approval process recently adopted, that will allow staff to review the site plan to assure
Lthat proper access is provided.
JULY 22,1999 PAGE 2
Item V - Apple Creek Addition — Commission Member Pacheco questioned if the landscape
buffer and setbacks needed those to be shown on the plat. Ms Diamond stated yes, they do
need to be shown.
Item VII. 7-11 No. 2 Addition — Ms. Diamond distributed a revised final plat for the 7-11 No. 2
Addition. She stated that the topography lines, and additional fire line labels were added.
With a quomm of the Commission Member's present, the Allen Planning & Zoning
Commission was called to order at 7:34 p m., by Acting Chairman McGregor, at the City
Council Chambers, Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Consent Agenda Agenda Item 11
Acting Chairman McGregor read the item into the record as follows:
A. "Approve Minutes of July 8, 1999
B. Consider a request for a Final Plat for Lot 4, Block A, Allen Village, Ltd., containing 2.2116
acres of land situated in the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, and the David Nix Survey,
Abstract No. 668, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described w being located at the
southeast comer of McDermott and Alma Drive.
C. Consider a request for a Final Plat for Reid Farts Addition, Phase 1-B, containing 1.3427 acres of
land situated in the Henry Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, Collin County, Texas; further
described as being located southwest of Stacy Road and S.H. 5."
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Kelley, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve items A & C on the Consent Agenda. The Motion
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Kelley, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to remove Consent Agenda Item B from the table. The
Motion Carried.
Allen V illaee — Lot 4
Agenda Item II -B
Acting Chairman McGregor read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for a Final Plat for Lot 4, Block A, Allen Village, Ltd., containing 2.2116 acres
of land situated in the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, and the David Nix Survey, Abstract No.
JULY 22,1999
668, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the southeast comer of
McDermott and Alma Drive."
Commission Member Pacheco questioned Lot 4 regarding additional ROW for a deceleration lane on
Alma. He questioned if it would be dedicated now?
Mr. Blake Colvin, Hickman Consulting, 18777 Midway Road, Dallas stated that he would like to
dedicated it with the plat.
Commission Member Pacheco stated he would like to have it done now, by separate instrument. Mr.
Colvin stated that they are prepared to do that.
Commission Member Pacheco also questioned the fire lane access if it was to be constructed as well.
Mr. Colvin stated yes, and it would also be dedicated by separate instrument as well.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve Allen Village, Lot 4 with the off-site right-of-way
dedication and fire lane and access easements to be dedicated by
separate instrument. The Motion Carried.
Edwin Place Addition Agenda Item III
Acting Chairman McGregor read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for a Replat for Edwin Place Addition, containing .864 acres of land situated in
the lames L. Reed Survey, Abstract No 758, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described
as being located west on Allen Drive, north of Coats Drive."
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She described the location of the property and
the surrounding development and zoning. She stated that the proponent desires to develop Lot 2 as a
medical office, and a different fire lane configuration is required. Staff is recommending approval as
Acting Chairman McGregor opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed
It was noted that the proponent was not present.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the item as submitted. The Motion Carried.
JULY 22, 1999 PAGE 4
Lombard Plaza Addition Lot 1 & 2. Blk A Agenda Item IV
Acting Chairman McGregor read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for a Replat for Lombard Plaza Addition, Lot 1 & 2, Block A, containing 1.657
acres of land, situated in the Peter Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 990, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; further described as being located northeast of Roaring Springs Blvd. and F.M. 2170."
Commission Member Kelley noted a conflict of interest and excused himself from the room at this
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the proponent's desire to
subdivide this parcel into two lots and realign the fire lanes to accommodate the proposed use on Lot
1, which will be developed for an Auto Zone. The required 25 foot front and rear building line
setbacks are delineated, as well as the mutual access and fire lane easements. Staff recommends
approval as submitted.
Acting Chairman McGregor opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Neice and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request as submitted. The Motion Carried.
Commission Member Kelley returned to the bench at this time.
Apple Creek Addition Agenda Item V
Acting Chairman McGregor read the agenda item into the record as follows;
"Consider a request for a Combination/Final Plat for Apple Creek Addition, containing 1.0 acre of
Ind situated in the Joseph H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 326, Collin County, Texas; further
described as being located west on Alma Drive, North of Hedgecoxe."
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that this is Tract 7 of Planned
Development No. 31 (the northern portion) for a day care center
Ms. Diamond stated that mutual access and fire lane easement traverses the southern portion of this
lot and the adjacent property, thereby serving both properties. The proposed curb cut is consistent
with a median cut that is being proposed by the City of Plano. Staff recommends approval as
C Tammy Williams, 198 Apple Valley Rd., Plano, the proponent, was present if the Commission had
any questions.
JULY 22, 1999 PAGE 5
Commission Member Pacheco stated that the building setback line and the 15 feet landscape
easements are not shown on the plat, and will need to be added before filing. Ms. Williams stated
that they would be added prior to the filing of the plat.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 6FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the submission noting that the proponent would
add the building setback line and the 15 foot landscape easement before
filing the plat at the county. The Motion Carried.
Custer Addition Agenda Item VI
Acting Chairman McGregor read the item into the agenda as follows:
"Consider a request for a Combination/Final Plat for Custer Addition, containing 1.4309 acres of
land, situated in the John Huffman Survey, Abstract No. 416, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located east on Custer Road and south of McDermott Drive."
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that this property was previously
deeded to the City of Allen, but has never been platted. It will be the site of the future water tower.
A 25 foot setback is delineated along Custer Road.
Commission Member Pacheco questioned if access to this property was allowed from the alley? Mr.
Conner stated that they don't plan to have access, except maybe during construction.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Neice and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the plat as submitted. The Motion Carried.
7-11 No. 2 Addition, Lot 1, Block A Agenda Item VII
Acting Chariman McGregor read the item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for a Combination/Final Plat for 7-11 No. 2 Addition, Lot 1, Block A,
containing 40,000 square feet, situated in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711,
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described m being located north on McDermott,
west of Watters Road."
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She stated that they proposed to construct a
convenience store with gas pumps on this tract. A 25 foot front yard setback is delineated along
McDermott Dr. and Watters Rd. The proposed fire lanes will connect to off-site fire lanes that will be
filed as separate instruments.
Mostafa Setayesh, The Dimension Group, Dallas, stated that he would answer any questions.
JULY 22,1999
Commission Member Smith questioned if the property proposing ROW dedication by separate
instrument was the same property owner. Mr. Conner stated that the proponent is buying the property
from Twin Creeks and it would be done by separate instrument.
Commission Member Kelley questioned the sidewalk along Watters. He asked if it went right up
next to the curb? Ms. Diamond stated that PD 54 has stated the in the P.D. Conditions how the
sidewalks should be built.
Commission Member Pacheco questioned if there was already a SUP for this property. Ms. Diamond
stated that in PD 54 on this use is allowed by right. Commission Member Pacheco also noted several
misspellings on this plat.
There was some question about the trash enclosure Mr. Setayesh stated that it would be enclosed and
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the plat as submitted. The Motion Carried.
Paxton Tract Agenda Item VIII
Acting Chairman McGregor read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Consider a request for a change in zoning from Agriculture Openspace (AO) to a Planned
Development District for Single Family Residential and Community Facilities for a public
park. The property is 110.7025 acres of land situated in the George Fitzhugh Survey, Abstract
No. 320, and John J. Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
being further described as located south of Stacy Road between Malone Road and F.M.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to remove the item from the table. The Motion Carried.
Acting Chairman McGregor stated that the Public Hearing remains open.
Ms. Diamond presented the item to the Commission. She summarized the original request. Shc
stated that this is in Neighborhood District No. 15 and is between a low density and a very low-
density area. She further noted that 60 percent is in the very low-density area.
She stated that the applicant has revised the request. In summary:
• The total number of lots were reduced from 276 to 259, which reduced the overall density from
2.96 to 2.76 dwelling units per acre.
s Reduced the R-5 tract by eight (8) acres.
JULY 22, 1999
• Increased the R-4 area by approximately eight (8) acres. The density was significantly reduced
by almost one-half a unit per acre. This was in part accomplished by including the 2 27 acres of
open space within this tract.
• Reduced the total number of lots in tracts 3 and 4 each by two, which slightly decreased the
density of these two tracts.
• Openspace requirement was reduced from 3.68 acres to 3.45 acres due to the reduction in total
number of lots in this request.
Staff is in support of various aspects of this proposed request including extension of planned collector
streets, provision of land to be acquired by the city of a Neighborhood Park, the reduction in density
and the variety of lot sizes proposed. However, staff is concerned with the loss of approximately''/: of
the significant tree stand at the northwest corner of the property.
Jeff Miles, Jones and Boyd, Dallas, stated that the tree grove on the west side has been reduced by
about an acre. He stated that the trees won't be totally destroyed; however, they will be on lots now,
and in backyards. Mr. Miles stated that they are actually proposing more openspace than what they
originally proposed.
John Pannell, 1020 Stacy Rd., Allen, stated that he built his house facing west because at one time
this was to be developed in one acre lots. He would like the homes to face toward him on larger lots.
Sharon Brazeal, 261 Country Club Road, Fairview, stated that she is bordered by Allen. She is not
anti -development. She asked that the developer take into consideration that Fairview requires one
acre lots. Ms. Brazeal stated that she is concerned with the density along the property line. She also
mentioned a road she would allow the developer to use and improve, so that the proposed homes
would have their fronts face her home. She would welcome neighbors; however, she would like her
front porch to face her neighbor's front door also.
With no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Commission Member Smith questioned if the road would be for the purpose of creating a single
loaded street so the homes would face the neighbors (instead of back up to them)?
Ms. Brazeal stated yes, that would be the purpose of the road.
Commission Member Smith requested Mr. Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation to discuss
the park.
Mr. Horton stated that this would be a neighborhood park. He described the detention pond in the
area south of the development. He stated that this would be the Neighborhood Park for this area.
He stated that there would also be a trail linking up to the park. He described the trail locations. He
stated this would be a combination of a passive park and an active park. He stated that this is
identified in our Comprehensive Plan.
Commission Member Smith stated that her expectation for minimum lot sizes was for about 9,000
square foot lots, and this request has about 7,800 square foot lots. She stated perhaps she did not
make her expectations clear.
Commission Member Smith reviewed the surrounding developments. She stated that we have so few
properties in our community for large lot development. She stated that Cameron Property (Country
JULY 22,1999
Brook Estates) is the only property in years that have been zoned for such low density She proposed
that the density be reduced to something similar to Country Brook Estates.
Commission Member Smith wants larger lots bordering the surrounding property. Based on adjacent
property and surrounding zoning patterns it is justifiable to expect lower density in this area.
Commission Member Kerr questioned the proponent about the request for the single loaded street
suggested by the speakers in the Public Hearing tonight. Mr. Skorburg stated that he had not heard of
this suggestion until tonight.
Mr. Skorburg stated that the park is favorable for the City; however, to continue to delute the cost by
reducing the density, the park and a collector system, there has to be some practicality. He stated that
this is in accordance with the comments presented to him at the last Planning Commission meeting.
Mr. Skorburg stated that there would be no alleys on the lots that would back up to the neighboring
Commission Member Kerr stated that he expects that the City will pay whatever the land is worth for
the parkland. He stated that he realizes that this is the area of the City for estate lots. He stated that
we have worked to protect the surrounding areas and expects, as Commission Member Smith does, to
see very low density
Commission Member Kelley sated that he does not have a problem with this density as it is. He
stated that what they have resubmitted has been in line with what the Commission as a whole
communicated to the proponent to come back with. He would support this as submitted.
Commission Member Neice stated that he is comfortable with what the proponent has submitted. He
stated that the park remains and he likes the layout, and he further stated that he likes it as it has been
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he could sympathize with the proponent because the
Commission Members that are present at this meeting are different than those at the last meeting, due
to the absence of some members at the last meeting.
Commission Member Pacheco further stated that the overall density is too high, and there would be
significantly smaller lots on the perimeter. He stated that in this proposed development, the lots
backing up to Country Brook would be exactly half of what is in Country Brook. Commission
Member Pacheco questioned how could we require that of Country Brook and not require it here?
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he appreciates the staffs concerns about the tree stand at the
northwest comer; however, a bigger concern is that if this is approved it is undoing the good that was
done in Country Brook Estates (regarding density).
Acting Chairman McGregor agreed that the density could come down a little; however, given the
commitment regarding the parkland, he stated that he is willing to be more lenient.
Acting Chairman McGregor also stated that he agrees with Ms. Brazeal. He stated that he doesn't
know how that road situation would work. The road would need to be a 60 foot collector, and that he
cannot support the submission due to the density on the east side.
JULY 22,1999
Mr. Skorburg stated that time is getting away from them and this is very important. He would like to
come to some understanding.
Mr. Skorburg stated that regarding the lots, which would back up to the neighbors in Fairview, maybe
they could do some alternative fencing as a buffer. He stated that this is an attractive property He
further stated that this development will be an asset to the City, and he wants to be a good neighbor.
Ms. Diamond explained the Comprehensive Plan density requirement for this area. The very low
density is defined as 2 units per acre and less. Average density should be 2.7 She noted that this was
planned for the estate housing. Ms Diamond described the surrounding development's density
Ms. Diamond stated that this is the last piece in the Very Low Density (VLD) area. She stated that
everything platted now is approximately 3.0.
Mr. Skorburg stated that if they take the section adjacent to the Fairview neighbors, and essentially
match the size and density (Country Brook Estates.), and on the more northeastern area (Brazeals) do
a living screen, a berm, and that may take care of the neighbors.
Commission Member Pacheco stated that he would rather see all of Tract 4 go the 8,000 sq. R. lots.
Commission Member Smith stated that she would like to see what we did with Country Brook done
here also.
Discussion regarding the density and lot sizes continued.
Mr. Skorburg stated that he will reduce the number of lots by 10.
Commission Member Kerr stated that we are trying to get the average for the entire district on this
tract. Part of the district is way above average. This is our VLD part of town, and the majority of this
development is located in that district.
Sharon Brazeal stated that the reason that the County Brook property was developed as it is, is that
the neighbors came out in force. They were organized and the developer, Mr. Cameron, arranged a
meeting with the neighbors and addressed concerns. She stated that she would like these issues
resolved before it goes to the Council.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 4 FOR and 2
OPPOSED to approve the submission with the following revisions:
• Tract I — Minimum lot size 8,000 square feet
• Tract 4 — Minimum 40,000 square foot
Commission Member's Smith and Kerr were Opposed. The Motion
Findings — Maiority
1. Compatible with Comprehensive Plan (density).
2. Compatible with development to the east.
3. Neighborhood park desirable.
4. Curvilinear streets.
JULY 22,1999
1. In conflict with the Neighborhood District.
2. Current high average in the Neighborhood District.
3. Higher density on Tract I will drive higher density to the west.
4. Bordering property on density is 9,000 (lowest density).
Other Business Agenda Item IX.
Ms. Diamond updated the Commission on the Council actions, and she noted that the Walmart
Supercenter was approved.
Ms. Diamond noted that the new Director of Planning, Marina Sukup, would be with us for the
next meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Neice, the Commission voted 6 FOR and 0
OPPOSED to Adjourn the July 22, 1999 meeting at 9:27 p.m.
These minutes approved this h -h day of u u t 1999
Joss - ey , haimmm Pamela Smith, ecretary