HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1999 - 08/12 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 12, 1999 ATTENDANCE: Commission Members Present Ross Obermeyer, Chairman Jeff McGregor, Vice -Chairman Jeffrey Kelley Pamela Smith Kevin Kerr Commission Members Absent: Scott Neice Mark Pacheco City Staff Present: Marina Sukup, Director of Planning Marcie Diamond, Senior Planner Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Pam Conway, Secretary George Conner, Director Public Works Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer Tim Dentler, Parks Services Manager Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: With a quorum of the Commission Member present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7 17 p.m., by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. WORKSHOP Commission Member Obermeyer introduced and welcomed Marina Sukup, Director of Planning and Tom Keener, Development Coordinator, to the Planning & Zoning meeting. The agenda was briefly reviewed and no issues were raised Ms Sukup gave a brief update on City Council action from the previous Council meeting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 REGULAR MEETING I CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM With a quorum of the Commission Member present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7-43 p m., by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. 11, Presentation — Impact Fees Presentation by Gary Hendricks, P E., Shines, Jacobs & Fmklea, L.L.P., Consulting Engineers, updating the Water Master Plan and the Capital Improvements Program associated with the calculation of impact fees pursuant to Chapter 395 Texas Local Government Code. Gary Hendricks presented the information on the Water Master Plan and noted that a Public Hearing would be scheduled by the City Council on September 16, 1999 III. Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes of July 22, 1999 PAGE B. Final Plat— Consider a request for a Final Plat for Glendower Park Ph. II, containing 18.014 acres of land situated in the Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract No 812, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located northwest of Alma and Glendover Drive. C. Final Plat — Consider a request for a Final Plat for Allen Village, Lot 2, Block A, containing .8237 acres of land situated in the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, and the David Nix Survey, Abstract No. 668, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located southeast of McDermott and Alma Drive Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Motion Carried. IV VACATION PLATS "Consider a request for 3 Vacation Plats for Allen Business Park, situated in the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875, William Perrin Survey, Abstract No 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located southwest of Bethany Drive and S H 5' 1. Vacation of Final Plat, Allen Business Park 2. Vacation of Revised Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A, Allen Business Park 3. Vacation of Amended Plat of Lot I -A, Block A, Allen Business Park" Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Kelley and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to vacate the plats for Allen Business Park, Lot 1, ■■.1 Block A, Allen Business Park and Lot 1-A, Block A, Allen Business Park The Motion Carried. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 PAGE 3 V PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLAT Lyric Addition Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Lyric Addition, Lots 1-7, Block A, containing 68.1744 acres of land, and a Final Plat for Lyric Addition, Lots 1-3, containing 49 7606 acres of land situated in the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No 875, and the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located southwest of Bethany Drive and S.H 5 Mr Tom Keener stated that additional right-of-way (ROW) for Bethany Drive and S.H. 5, would greatly enhance the traffic circulation. Staff recommends that the fire Ian, and mutual access easements on lots 4 — 7 be delineated prior to the submission of the Final Plat. Rick Ferrara, 445 East Walnut, Richardson, the proponent was present and available for questions. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Kelley, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Preliminary Plat with the condition that the fire lane and mutual access easements on lots 4 — 7 be delineated prior to the submission of the Final Plat. The Motion Carried. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Kelley, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Final Plat as submitted. The Motion Carried. VI. AMENDING A FINAL PLAT Twin Mills. Lots 6 & 17, Block A Consider a request to Amend a Final Plat for Twin Mills, Lots 6 and 17, Block A, containing 1.874 acres of land, situated in the George W ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located east of Heritage Parkway, between Bishop Gate and Carter Court. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Kelley, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve as submitted. The Motion Carried. A PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 PAGE 4 VII PUBLIC HEARING/REPLAT L Bray Central One Addition, Lots I IR & 12R Block D Consider a request for a Replat for Bray Central One Addition, lots 11R and 12R, Block D, containing 5.0004 acres of land situated in the A.B. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 713, City, of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located south of Village Way between Bray Central Drive and U.S. 75. Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing. Applicant, Mr. David Palmer, 3102 Maple Ave , Suite 500, Dallas, stated that he is the applicant. He stated that this is for an Arby's restaurant. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Kerr and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the item as submitted. The Motion Carried. VIII. PUBLIC HEARING/REPLAT Allen Buisness Centre Tract "F" Consider a request for a Replat for Allen Business Centre, Tr. " F" for the World of Outlaws, containing 1.44 acres of land, situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located northwest of S H. 5 and Prestige Circle. Mr. Keener presented the item to the Commission. He stated that the intent of this replat is to realign the fire lane Staff recommends approval as submitted Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing. Fred Bemenderfer, 2000 Avenue G, Plano, representing the applicant, stated that he is the Surveyor for this project and was available for any questions. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Kelley and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request a, submitted. The Motion Carried. IX. PUBLIC HEARING/REPLAT Exxon McDermott Addition Consider a request for a Replat for Exxon McDermott Addition, containing .573 acres of land, situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 PAGES Texas; further described as being located at the northeast corner of McDermott Drive and U.S. 75 Mr. Tom Keener noted that this replat reflects the agreements per Specific Use Permit No. 65, which includes a brick fsgade and canopy lights to be down -light only; and the Board of Adjustment action on April 26, 1999, to reduce the landscape buffer from 25 to 15 feet along U.S. 75 Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing, With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Keener noted that the 10 -foot reserve for right-of-way (ROW) would be exercised when and if improvements to Belmont were made. Ms. Diamond added that this plat reflects the zoning, and the Board of Adjustment's requirements regarding landscaping, etc. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Kelley, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the plat as submitted. The Motion Carried. X. PRELIMINARY PLAT Parkside Meadows Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Parkside Meadows, containing 98.798 acres of land, situated in the W Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 323, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located southeast of Malone Drive and Exchange Parkway Mr. Keener reported that the open space requirement has been exceeded He advised that a new name will be established with the submission of the final plat, and that Malone Road, just south of Home Park Drive, north to Exchange, will be renamed by separate City Council action Mr. Keener recommended approval subject to (1) approve with a new subdivision name at the time of final platting, and (2) detailed tree survey be completed prior to submission of second phase of final plat. Following discussion, Chairman Obermeyer requested Mr. Peter Tian, City Traffic Engineer, to provide the Commission with information which would allow the Commission to determine when traffic volumes would require a collector. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Kerr, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request subject to : (1) a new subdivision name at the time of final platting, (2) detailed tree survey be completed prior to submission of second phase of final plat, (3) A 60 foot width on the entry of Muir Woods continuing to Ranier Court, (4) Lot 50, Block �^ A, a gradual transition to a 25 foot building set back at the rear of the lot, (5) the street name, Saratoga Way not be reflected on the Final Plat. The Motion Carried. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 PAGE 6 PUBLIC HEARING XI. Allen Retail Center Consider a request for a change in zoning from Local Retail (LR) to a Planned Development District for Shopping Center Uses, for the Allen Retail Center. The property is 3.96 acres of land situated in the Lewis Wetsel Survey, Abstract No 978, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; being further described as located at the southeast comer of S H. 5 and Exchange Parkway " Ms. Marcie Diamond stated that the Local Retail District zoning does not permit the proposed drive-through restaurant use, or the gas pumps without an SUP Therefore, the applicant is requesting a PD for Shopping Center Uses to allow for the construction of those uses as well as retail uses permitted under LR District. She stated that staff recommends approval of the request. Mark Smith, 8150 No Central Expwy, Dallas noted revisions to the site plan which were not reflected in the official submission. He stated that they would plant Photenia's and let them grow as tall as they could. He stated that would be more favorable to the homeowners than a masonry screen. Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing Lloyd Watson, 8 Lawn Meadow Cove, stated that he does not agree with the service station being here. He expressed his concern that the neighbors had not been advised of any site plan changes until this meeting. He also stated his concern for a buried power cable. He is concerned about a congregation of kids on the parking lot behind the proposed buildings. Anise Bawa, 807, 809 No Greenville, stated that his concern is safety with a gas station. He is opposed to this change. Ron Gentry, 6 Lawn Meadow Cove, stated that there is a utility easement and it would have to remain open. He expressed support for the living screen versus the ridged wall. He stated that the parking in the rear is not a concern for him, but he is concerned about the dumpsters, which would be in the rear, and should be placed as far from the homes as possible. He is not opposed to the gas station. His main issue is water drainage across lots 6 and 7 He stated that however this develops, the drainage is a concern that must be dealt with. Frank Sepi, 7 Lawn Meadow Cove, opposed to the project, noting concerns with secluded rear parking lot, traffic and decreased value of his home. He is in favor of a brick wall for security, and to help with noise pollution. He doesn't object to the drive than, except he wants the traffic diverted Bob Vandigrif, 604 Shady Glen, stated that he welcomes this proposal He is concerned about the drainage He stated that the drive-thm is in his back yard, and he would oppose that. David Blair, 1103 Green Valley, stated his concern was originally that Green Valley PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 might continue thru; however, he has now been assured that it will dead end He stated that he favors a living wall since a concrete wall would invite graffiti. He would like the hours of operation to be addressed. With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Mr. George Conner, City Engineer, stated that when they submit detail engineering plans at the time of platting they will be required to address the drainage issues Ms. Diamond advised that the number of significant site plan changes would warrant tabling of the item to allow the applicant time to revise this plan Mr. Jason Marshal, attorney for the City advised that the purpose of a Planned Development is to allow Flexibility, and that a living screen could be specified in the PD He also stated that the utility easement is a separate legal document which controls the use of the easement separating the tract from adjacent properties. Peter Tian, City Traffic Engineer, advised that the car wash circulation might be a concern since queuing distance was limited. Perry Moluhboy, speaking for the applicant, described the maneuverability of the gas trucks, and stated that the deliveries would come at the off hours. Screening alternatives and lighting was discussed. Chairman Obermeyer re -opened the public hearing: Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Kerr, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to Table the item to the August 26, 1999 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. The Motion Carried. PAGE XII. PUBLIC HEARING Chelsea GCA Realty, Inc. Consider a request for an amendment to Planned Development No. 78 to amend the Concept Plan and Development Regulations on 55 acres of land on Tract I, and to establish Corridor Commercial District zoning on 22 acres of land on Tract 2, for Chelsea GCA Realty, Inc The property is a total of 75 3 acres of land situated in the J. Dixon Survey, Abstract No 276, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; being further described as located at the northwest corner of U.S. 75 and Stacy Road. Ms. Diamond advised that the revised PD represents a reduction in the total square footage of the development, as well as revisions to the Traffic Impact Analysis. She noted the agreement to provide for additional ROW for the ultimate development of U S 75, and is recommending approval subject to Tract 2 retaining the PD designation Mike Clark, W inkelmann & Assoc , stated that this is a reduction in acreage and revision of a previous case. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 PAGE Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Smith and a second by Commission Member Kerr, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request with a change in the request being that the 20 acres will revert back to Agriculture Openspace (AO) district instead of Corridor Commercial (CC). Motion Carried. X111. PUBLIC HEARING West Allen Joint Venture Consider a request for a change in zoning from Agriculture Openspace (AO) to a Planned Development District for Shopping Center and Single Family Uses, for West Allen Joint Venture. The property is 83.5 acres of land situated in the John Tyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; being further described as located southwest of Stacy Road and Curtis Lane. Mike Daniel, Nathan Maier Engineers, representing the applicant, stated that this subdivision would be called Watterford Trails. He expressed the desire that the landscaping along Stacy Road to be consistent with the Parks at Watterford development. Mr. Daniel stated that, the hooded turn lane on Stacy Road would provide access to the commercial pad sites. Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing. John Barnes, 2012 West Kitty Hawk Drive was present but declined to speak. Chairman Obermeyer closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Conner, City Engineer, addressed a six (6) lane divided arterial thoroughfare, which would have an average of 1,300 feet between the median openings. In response to a Commission member's question, the applicant Frank Murphy, Wynn Jackson, stated that the language regarding lighting in the Campbell property can be added to the Development Regulations in this request. Commission Member Smith questioned whether there would be a need for a collector. Ms. Diamond advised that an eight -foot screening device would be required between commercial and residential land uses Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Kelley and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request with the exception of denying the hooded turn lane, and additional specificity concerning the lighting standards applicable to the commercial development. The Motion Carried PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 XIV PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Ordinance Amendment Director of Planning Chairman Obermeyer read the agenda item into the record as follows; "Consider an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-96, as previously amended, by changing all references to the "Director of Community Development" to the "Director of Planning" Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as presented. The Motion Carried. XV PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Ordinance Amendment — Hotel/Motel Consider an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-96, as previously amended, to amend Section 2.10 to delete the current definition of Hotel/Motel and add a new definition for Hotel/Motel; and by adding Section 3.13 Development Standards for Hotel/Motels XVI. PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Concrete or Asphalt Batch Plat PAGE Consider an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-96, as previously amended, to amend Section 2.10 by adding new definitions for Concrete or Asphalt Batching Plant (Temporary), Concrete or Asphalt Batching Plant (Non -Temporary), and Mint -Warehouse (with or without caretakers residence). XVII. PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Ordinance Amendment Retail Cleaning Plant Consider an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 1425-5-96, as previously amended, to amend Section 2 by adding new definitions for Retail Cleaning Plant with Pick -Up Facilities, Laundry/Cleaning, Pick -Up Only and Self -Service Laundry, and providing for districts where these uses would be permitted. Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing for Items XV, XVI and XVII PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 12, 1999 Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to Table Items XV, XVI and XVH, and to recess the Public Hearing until the August 26, 1999 meeting. The Motion Carried. XVIII Other Business None XIX Adiourn. Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Kelley and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 for and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the August 12, 1999 meeting at 12:25 a.m. I A These minutes approved this g&day of 1999 R s Obermeyer, Cyst . n Pamela Smith, Secreta PAGE 10