HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2000 - 02/10 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
FEBRUARY 10, 2000
Commission Members Present
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
Jeff McGregor, Vice -Chairman
Pamela Smith
Kevin Kerr
Alan Grimes
Mark Pacheco
Randel West
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present.
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
Stan Solamillo, Planner
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
George Conner, Director of Public Works
Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office
With a quorum of the Commission Member present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 8.12 p.m., by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public
Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Consent Aeenda
Approve Minutes of January 31, 2000, Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco and a second by
Commission Member Kerr, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and
Li d
0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The Motion Carried.
FEBRUARY 10, 2000 PAGE 2
Regular Agenda
Public Hearings
2. Public Hearing— Consider a request for a zoning change for a Community Facilities
(CF) district for construction of a skilled nursing facility (Victoria Gardens), on property
currently zoned Shopping Center (SC). The property is a portion of the 212469 ±acres
of land situated in the David Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 977, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, further described as being located west of Jupiter Road, south of Main
Mr. Tom Keener, Development Coordinator, presented the item to the Commission. He
described the surrounding development and zoning. He described trail connections and stated
that the trail will be constructed by the applicant along Cottonwood Creek, in conformance with
City standards. Staff recommends approval.
John Griffen, representing Victoria Gardens, 8680 Main St., Frisco stated that they are very
excited about this development, and that he would answer any questions.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member Smith
and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 7
IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the item as submitted. The
Motion Carried.
3. Public Hearing — Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a
Restaurant/Private Club (La Finca Mexican Restaurant) for property currently zoned as
Tract 2, Planned Development No. 68 (P.D. No. 68). The property is known as Lot 2 of
the Allen Tech Center Addition, being .9523 ± acres of land situated in the William
Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas further described
as being located northeast of U.S. 75 on Bethany Drive.
Mr. Keener, presented the item to the Commission. He described the location of the property
and the surrounding development. Mr. Keener stated that staff recommends approval subject to
applicant's maintaining a valid state license and compliance with the terms of all permits and
licensing requirements Approval should be conditioned upon applicant securing a Certificate of
Occupancy within six months of City Council approval of the SUP
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
FEBRUARY 10, 2000 PAGE 3
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member Kerr
and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission voted 7 I
FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the item subject to applicant's
maintaining a valid state license and compliance with the terms of all
permits and licensing requirements. Approval conditioned upon applicant
securing a Certificate of Occupancy within six months of City Council
approval of the SUP. The Motion Carried.
4. Public Hearing — Consider a request for a zoning change on property currently zoned as
Planned Development No. 42 (P.D. No. 42) for a Single Family Residential
Development (Auburn Springs). The property is 94.569± acres of land located in the
W Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 325, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further
described as being located northeast of Main Street and Malone Road.
Mr. Keener presented the item to the Commission. He noted that an updated boundary
agreement with the City of Lucas is needed and that the property has drainage issues.
Mr. Keener stated that staff recommends approval.
Mr. Papagolos, Developer, 5225 Village Creek Dr, Suite 300, Plano, stated that they are working
with staff on the drainage issues. He stated he would answer any questions that the Commission
might have.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
Smith, and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission
voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the item as
submitted. The Motion Carried.
5. Public Hearing — Consider a request for a Planned Development containing
Commercial and Single Family Residential uses (Waterford Trails) on property
currently zoned Agriculture -Open Space (AO). The property is 84.463 ± acres of
land located in the John Tyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located at the southwest comer of Stacy
Road and Curtis Lane.
Mr. Keener presented the item to the Commission and reviewed the background of the property
and zoning on this tract. He stated that Watters Road would now go through the middle of the
property Mr. Keener described the proposed land uses and noted a conservation and drainage
easement containing a large amount of trees.
Mr. Keener stated that staff is recommending approval subject to the development regulations.
Mr. Frank Murphy, Wynne/Jackson, Inc., 600 North Pearl, Dallas, stated that he has requested
credit for Curtis Lane regarding impact fees. He stated that a requirement to construct Curtis
Lane in addition to Waiters Road is quite a burden on this development
Chairman Obermeyer and Ms. Sukup agreed that adding credit for Curtis Lane would have to
come as an amendment to the Impact Fee Ordinance.
FEBRUARY 10, 2000
Mr John Barnes, 2012 West Kittyhawk Dr., representing the Kittyhawk subdivision, stated that
they like this development better than the original proposal. He stated that they are in favor of
this proposal.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Mr. George Conner, Director of Public Works, distributed to the Commission a Street Light
Illumination Standard. He stated that it fits the City of Allen based on professional standards.
He requested to substitute it for the table in the ordinance containing the Development
Regulations that the Commissioners currently have before them.
Chairman Obermeyer stated that with all the revisions being presented tonight he would suggest
tabling the item to be able to understand and incorporate these changes into the development
standards, and bring them back before the Commission at the next meeting.
Commission Member McGregor stated that he would also like to have language added stating
that all residential lots abutting commercial should be screened by a masonry wall.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
Smith, and a second by Commission Member West, the Commission
voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to Table the item. The Motion
Subdivision Plats
6. Public Hearing/Combination Plat/Replat — Consider a Combination Plat/Replat for
Lot I R, Block I Allen 727 Central Office, being 1.6891 acres of land situated in the
William Perrin Survey, Abstract 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further
described as being located south of Main Street on Belmont and Bonham.
Mr. Keener presented the item to the Commission and described the surrounding development. He
noted that no building setbacks are required in the Central Business District (CBD). The proposed
amount of parking is inadequate and a shared parking agreement will be required before a certificate of
occupancy is issued.
Staff recommends approval as submitted
Trace Wright, SLMBSA Alliance, 5710 No. Central and City Place, Representative, stated that this is an
equipment budding. He stated he would answer any questions
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
EMr. Conner advised that that there are no utilities in the easements that are being abandoned
FEBRUARY 10, 2000
Mr. David Keeling, another Representative for Allen 727 Central Office, noted that they do not
anticipate any massive digging regarding additional utility lines.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
McGregor, and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the
Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the item
as submitted . A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the
parking issue is resolved. The Motion Carried.
Combination Plat— Consider a replat for the First Baptist Church, Lots 1 & 2, a replat
of Lots 1 I — 16, Block 2, Lots 1-10, Block 13, Lots I-10, Block 14, Lots I I — 18, Block
3, Lots 1 A — 4A, 1 B — 4B, 5, 6A — I OA, 6B — I OB, Block 3, Lots IA, 1 B, 2A, 2B, 2C,
2D, 2E, 3A, 6, 7, 8A, Block 15, Lots 1-14, 16A, 15B, 16A, 16B, Block 4 of the Original
Townsite of Allen, in the James L. Reed Survey, Abstract No. 758, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas: further described as being located on McDermott Drive between Ash
Drive and Cedar Drive.
Mr. Tom Keener presented the item to the Commission. He described the location of the
property and surrounding development Mr Keener stated that specific concerns have been
raised by adjacent property owners and those concerns are addressed on the construction
drawings or by separate instrument Staff recommends approval subject to the City
Development Regulations
Jimmy Moore, Chairman of Building and Land Committee for the First Baptist Church, stated
that they have worked with staff and the neighbors extensively He stated that he would answer
any questions
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
Kerr, and a second by Commission Member Smith, the Commission
voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the item subject to the
City Development Regulations. The Motion Carried.
General Development Plan
8. Preliminary Review of Allen Exchange l.V General Development Plan
Mr. Keener reviewed past development proposals. He noted that the proposal is not consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan shows as Low Density Residential at this location. The City had
declined to downzone the adjacent LR zoned property located on the southwestern comer of
Exchange and Angel parkway in the past.
John Cole, 4521 Nashwood Lane, Dallas, Owner, stated that he has been involved with this
property since the early 80's He stated that the problems of Exchange and the drainage had
made this property is difficult. He stated that the retail area would be anchored by a grocery
store making the development economically viable.
Commission Member Kerr expressed concern about the amount of undeveloped retail in the
FEBRUARY 10, 2000
Commission Member McGregor stated that he is not opposed to this. He understands the burden
of this property.
Commission Member Pacheco observed that this plan seems to improve the drainage. He is
concerned with the size of the buildings that will be in this shopping center section. Commission
Member Smith added that maybe a Planned Development would help address some of the
concerns, by increasing set backs, additional landscaping, etc. Commission Member Pacheco
Commission Member Grimes stated that this is eventually going to be a major intersection and
that lends itself to shopping centers such as that proposed.
Chairman Obermeyer agreed that a P D would be best. He suggested that the Shopping Center
tract be buffered from residential and arranged to provide additional buffer between the grocery
store and the residential area.
Other Business
a. P&Z review of proposed subdivision regulations.
b. Zoning Committee review priorities.
C. Possible assignment for review of Parking Requirements.
No discussion was held at this time
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor, and a second by
Commission Member Kerr, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to Adjourn the February 10, 2000 meeting at 10:37 p.m.
hese minutes approved this day of
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