HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2000 - 03/23 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
MARCH 23, 2000
Commission Members Present:
Ross Obenneyer, Chairman
Alan Grimes
Mark Pacheco
Jeff McGregor
Randal West
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
Stan Solamillo, Planner
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
Dan Tracy, P.E., Civil Engineer
Peter Tian, P.E., Traffic Engineer
Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office
With a quorum of the Commission Members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen Public
Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas
Questions on Current Agenda.
Ms. Sukup, Director of Planning, advised the Commission that Counsel had recommended notice by
personal service to property owners within 200 feet for the initial zoning of the area proposed for
annexation (Item 3), and recommended that the item be tabled in order to meet that requirement.
Commission Member Pacheco requested the concept plan was approved with the Planned
Development for Item 5, Allen Tech Center Addition.
Items of Interest
Update on Council Actions
Ms. Sukup gave a brief update on Council action
MARCH 23, 2000
Election of Officer
Election of Officer - Secretary
Commission Member McGregor nominated Commission Member Pacheco for the office of
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor, and a second by
Commission Member Grimes, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR
and 0 OPPOSED to elect Commission Member Mark Pacheco as
Secretary by acclamation. The motion carried.
Consent Agenda
2. Approve Minutes of March 9, 2000, Regular Meeting
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Grimes and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
Public Hearings
3. Public Hearing — Consider a request for initial zoning of SC -Shopping Center, and LR -
Local Retail uses for property considered for annexation into the City of Allen. The
property is 18 ±acres of land situated in the Gnzzell Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 499,
in Collin County, Texas, further described as being located at the northwest comer of
Custer Road and Hedgcoxe Road.
Ms. Sukup presented the item to the Commission. She described the location and stated that two
petitions have been received for annexation and initial zoning. The Commission's review is
limited to a recommendation for initial zoning. Staff requests that the Commission table this
item so that notice of property owners within 200 feet can be given.
Ms. Sukup stated that Russell Creek divides the tract Applicants are proposing initial zoning of
LR -Local Retail and SC -Shopping Center. Ms. Sukup stated that the Comprehensive Plan
identifies this area as a "Special Use Park" She stated that apart from the floodplain area and
considering the large amount of park area in the area of Rowlett Creek intended for park
development, the rationale for creating a Special Use park at this location was unclear.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Bob Reid, 205 Lost Canyon CL, Richardson, the proponent, stated that given the new
alignment of Custer Road, this is actually the northeast comer of Custer Road (northwest corner
of the OLD Custer Road).
MARCH 23, 2000 PAGE 3
Mr. George Gibson, 14860 Montford, Dallas, representing the seller and purchaser relating to the
property designated as LR, stated that he would answer any questions.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member Grimes,
and a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 5
IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to table this item to the April 13, 2000
meeting. The motion carried.
4. Public Hearing — Consider a request to amend the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for Tract 4
of P D. No. 54 from 0.3 to 0 54. The property is 2.1219 t acres of land situated in the
A.B. Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 713, same being a portion of Lot 12R in Block D of
Bray Central One Addition, an addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located between U.S. 75 and Bray Central Drive, south of
Village Way for Holiday Inn Express.
Ms. Sukup presented the item to the Commission. She presented a location map showing the
proposed site and described the floor area ratio of tract 3, and described the exterior of the
building. She stated it does meet the 75% masonry requirements of the planned development
Ms. Sukup stated that this is an amendment to the zoning and stated that staff recommends
Tony Patel, 9000 Central Park West. Atlanta, GA, the architect, stated that the project meets all
the requirements of the City. He stated that they are sharing 6 spaces of parking and the
landscaping is more than required He also stated that the exterior facade is 75% masonry
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing.
David Palmer, 3102 Maple Ave, Dallas on behalf of Twin Creeks Village Shopping Center,
stated that what is driving this is revenue and growth. He stated that this will be an amenity to
the shopping center and to the hospital and development to the north. He stated they are fully in
support of this request
Perry Molubhoy, 16801 Addison Road, 4105 stated that he will be one of the owners, he stated
he is very excited to be able to build a hotel in Allen.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Grimes questioned the parking requirement Ms. Sukup responded that the
setback is 80 feet unless there is parking in the front of the building.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
Pacheco, and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the
Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the item with
the site plan reconfigured to remove parking from in front of the building.
The motion carried.
MARCH 23, 2000
Subdivision Plats
5 Combination Plat—Consider a request for a Combination plat for Allen Tech
Center Addition, Lot 4A and 4B, Block I. The property is 2.88 ± acres of land
situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located northeast of U.S. 75 and Bethany
Mr. Keener presented the item to the Commission. He stated that staff recommends approval as
Pann Sribhen, PSA Engineering, 17400 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, representing Kinkos, stated that
the building is typical for Kinkos — all brick.
Mr. Marshall, City Attorney's Office, stated that the lines delineated here tonight are consistent
with the approved concept plan.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
McGregor, and a second by Commission Member Grimes, the Commission
voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as submitted.
The motion carried.
6. Combination Plat — Consider a request for a Combination plat for Manas Manor.
The property is 2.03 ± acres of land being tract 12 of Buckingham Polo Club Estates
situated in the J.T Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; further described as being located on Buckingham Lane, east of S H. 5.
Mr. Keener presented the item to the Commission. He stated that this is an unrecorded plat, as
we many of the properties on Buckingham Lane. He stated this will divide the property into two
lots. Mr. Keener stated that staff recommends approval as submitted.
The proponent was not present.
Commissioner McGregor questioned if this was in conformance with the deed restrictions? Mr.
Keener stated that it is in conformance.
Commissioner Pacheco questioned the utility easement— if it was being dedicated by this plat or
if it is already dedicated? Mr. Dan Tracy, Civil Engineer, stated that the easement is existing.
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member Grimes,
and a second by Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5
IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as submitted. The
motion carried.
7 Preliminary Plat— Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Villages at
Maxwell Creek, Phase Two. The property is 144 residential lots on 29.872 ± acres
of land situated in the D.B. Hearne Survey, Abstract No 427, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located south of Bethany Drive and east
of Malone.
MARCH 23, 2000
Mr. Keener presented the item to the Commission He described the surrounding developments
and the zoning. He further noted that there are no trees on this property He described the
dedication of Malone Road and stated that the ROW being dedicated by a previous instrument is
sufficient for emergency access.
Mr. Jim Kurtz, Kurtz Bedford, on behalf of the project, stated that the parallel right-of-ways
(ROWS) are something that is common. (Fir Harbor Ct., adjacent to Shelley Drive )
Commissioner Pacheco expressed concern about the ability of emergency vehicles to complete a
"U" turn at Fir Harbor Ct and Shelley Drive. Mr. Kurtz explained that a similar configuration in
McKinney had not resulted in any problems. It was noted that while a fire lane is ordinarily 24
feet in width, requiring a 20 foot turning radius, that the turn would be made within a 50 foot
right-of-way. The parallel rights-of-way would preclude houses from fronting on Shelley Drive,
which is a collector Mr. Keener also noted that the Fire Marshal has reviewed and approved the
Commissioner Pacheco also observed that Bur Oak Drive should be considered a collector.
Mr. Keener stated that while a collector was not be required by the Major Thoroughfare Plan,
that additional access was recommended because of the location of the elementary school. He
observed that while the proponent was reluctant to provide a sixty foot wide collector, that they
would agree to a 37 foot paving section within a fifty -foot right-of-way and would locate the
sidewalks within a five foot easement across the front of the lot.
Mr. Kurtz stated that 60' of ROW affects the lot count. He wants to maintain the lot count and
provide the pavement width that staff requires
Mr. James Corneilius, Dallas, stated that home sites will meet the requirements of the builders
They would lose 10 feet if the sixty foot collector was required.
Ms. Sukup noted that the practical effect of the request was to reduce the front building setback
to fifteen feet
Motion: Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
McGregor, and a second by Commission Member West, the Commission
voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as submitted.
The motion carried.
8. Request motion to ratify Development Regulations for proposed Planned Development No. 88
(PD No 88) for Allen Exchange Joint Venture.
Ms. Sukup stated that the Development Regulations of PD 88 reflected staffs understanding of
the motion made by the Commission on this item meeting of March 9, 2000.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco, and a second by
Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR
and 0 OPPOSED to ratify the Development Regulations of PD 88. The
motion carried.
MARCH 23, 2000 PAGE 6
Tabled Item
7 Public Hearing – Consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
a. Non -Residential Design Standards
b. Definitions
C. Schedule of Uses
d. Height and Area Regulations
e. Revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor, and a second by
Commission Member Grimes, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and
0 OPPOSED to remove the item from the table
Chairman Obermeyer re -opened the public hearing
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Following discussion, a motion was made by Commission Member
West, a second by Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission
voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to move forward with the
A. Non -Residential Design Standards
b. Definitions
C. Height and Area Regulations
d. Revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance
The Schedule of Uses (Principal Uses) and Landscape and Tree
Preservation revisions will be tabled to the April 13, 2000 meeting. The
Motion Carried.
Other Business
Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor a second by
Commission Member Grimes, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR and
0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the March 23, 2000 meeting at 9:42 p.m.
These minutes approved
this —0—day of �� `Of I 1999
ark Pacheco, ecretary
os Obe er, Chairman