HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2000 - 09/28 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
SEPTEMBER 28, 2000
Commission Members Present:
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
Jeff McGregor, Vice Chairman
Mark Pacheco, Secretary
Alan Grimes
Gary Caplinger
Lauri Blake
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Project Coordinator
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
John Baumgartner, City Engineer
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
Don Horton, Director of Parks & Recreation
Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office
Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City Manager
With a quorum of the Commission Members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen City
Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas
Chairman Obenneyer noted that this would be Commissioner Pacheco's last meeting and thanked him
for his service to the Commission.
Update on Council Action — Ms Sukup, Director of Planning & Development stated that City Council
tabled the Thoroughfare Plan until their next meeting (October 5, 2000). She stated that the Council
would be visiting the site on Saturday
Chris' 19' Hole request for Specific Use Permit was approved.
Ms Sukup stated that we will be proceeding with the annexation of several out parcels The public
hearings are scheduled for November 2 and December 7, 2000. Initial zoning action will be taken in
conjunction with the annexation.
E Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor, and a second by
Commission Member Blake, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the Preliminary Plat subject to the following
✓ Primary trail should be located on the east side of the creek with a
pedestrian bridge linking the development as part of the first phase.
✓ Deceleration lanes dedicated on Exchange Parkway, and US 75 for
stacking in lieu of increased throat length.
✓ The pedestrian walkway from US 75 should be continued to Exchange
✓ Development subsequent to final platting of the Cornerstone Addition
should be platted concurrently.
✓ Floodplain issues, including any further reclamation, should be resolved
prior to submittal of a final plat for subsequent development.
✓ Trail should be constructed as part of the first phase of development.
The Motion Carried.
4. Final Plat— Consider a request for a Final Plat for Conerstone/Allen Addition, Lot 1, Block A.
The property is a 5.6247 ± acre tract in the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, Collin
County, Texas; further described as being located north of Exchange and east of U S. 75.
Mr. Keener stated that this is a final plat and staff recommends approval.
Mr. Mark Stahl, the proponent, thanked staff for putting this together and resolving these difficult
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Blake, and a second by Commission
Member Caplinger, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED
to approve the final plat. The Motion Carried.
Public Hearings:
5. Public Hearing - Consider a request for Watters Creek Park for a Public Hearing to consider a
zoning change from Agriculture Open Space (A -O) to Corridor Commercial (CC) on 144.28 ±
acres and from Agriculture Open Space (A -O) to Local Retail on 4.23 acres of land situated in
the John Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 718, John W Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 762.
Mr. Keener described the location of the properly and the surrounding zoning. He stated that Cartier
Crossing is a street approved in Waterford Crossing and noted that a portion of the property will be
acquired by TxDOT for improvements to SH 121.
Tract I -The proponent is requesting LR -Local Retail as opposed to CC -Corridor Commercial to
preclude development with 100 -foot setbacks.
Tract 2 - The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as Special District 1, which is a special
development area. Staff recommends approval.
Mr. Bob Johnson, Willow Creek, Allen, thanked staff for their assistance with the alignment of Alma
Drive and engineering issues.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2000
L Ms. Sukup also noted that the Sign Board will hold a public hearing on the Sign Ordinance on October
10, 2000 and the Planning Commission on October 26th. Ajoint City Council/Planning Commission
workshop on the Central Business District Plan will be held on November 30. She also stated that the
CBD subcommittee would be meeting. Commissioner Pacheco stated that he would like to remain on
the CBD subcommittee
Consent Agenda
Approve Minutes of September 14, 2000, Regular Meeting.
2. Approve Minutes of September 19, 2000, Special Called Meeting,
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco, and a second by
Commission Member Grimes, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the consent agenda. The Motion Carried.
Subdivision Plats
3. Preliminary Plat— Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for LLG Lands/Exchange
Addition, Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block A The property is 28.7147 i acres of land situated in the
L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, Collin County, Texas; further described as being
located at the northeast comer of Exchange Parkway and U.S 75.
Mr. Keener stated that the property was zoned for shopping center uses in 1996. P&Z approved a
General Development Plan in July subject to correcting driveway spacing to meet City and TxDOT
requirements and trail construction on both sides of Cottonwood Creek.
Mr. Keener, Development Coordinator, stated that staff recommends approval subject to:
✓ Primary trail should be located on the east side of the creek with a pedestrian bridge linking the
development as part of the first phase.
✓ Deceleration lanes dedicated on Exchange Parkway, and US 75 for stacking in lieu of increased
throat length.
✓ The pedestrian walkway from US 75 should be continued to Exchange Parkway.
✓ Any development subsequent to final platting of the Cornerstone Addition should be platted
✓ Floodplain issues, including any further reclamation, should be resolved prior to submittal of a
final plat for subsequent development.
✓ Trail should be constructed in conjunction with the first phase of development
Mark Stahl, Dallas, the proponent, stated that they have worked diligently with staff and he is in
agreement with the items mentioned above.
Don Horton, Director of Parks noted his concurrence with staff comments.
Commission Member Blake questioned whether the pedestrian easement was part of the trail. She was
advised that this would be a sidewalk that would connect to the trail, but that it was not a part of the
■`I trail. Commission Member Pacheco asked if there was land reclaimed would they have to go through
the preliminary plat process again? Ms. Sukup stated that was correct.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2000
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing
Mr. David Craig, 4701 West University, McKinney, representing Craig International, adjacent property
owner to the west. He expressed concern about LR -Local Retail zoning and the development of the
tract as well as the proposed abandonment of the existing county road since he presently has no access
to Alma Drive. He advised that he had closed on the property only the previous week and that staff is
unaware of his concems.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed
Ms. Sukup stated that they have been working with Mr. Johnson for a number of years. The location of
existing median cuts was established with due consideration for the location of Fire Station No 5 and
the City's adopted standards. Access to property to the west should be worked out between the
property owners. It has always been the City's intention to abandon the county road at the time that
Alma Drive was completed.
Commissioner McGregor asked Ms. Sukup if Frisco/Allen/McKinney had an agreement for the
setbacks on SH 121. Ms. Sukup stated that there had been a consensus of opinion but that the
agreement had not been ratified by formal action of the Council.
Commissioner Pacheco stated that based on the current conditions and plans the request for Corridor
Commercial zoning makes sense, but he felt the zoning for Local Retail was not appropriate. He felt
that this was a major variation from the Comprehensive Plan. He would like to approve the Corridor
Commercial tract and leave out the Local Retail portion.
Ms Sukup stated that Mr. Johnson may wish to withdraw the request for the Local Retail. Ms. Sukup
stated that we are acting on the applicant's request
Mr. Jason Marshall, City Attorney, stated that the Commission could recommend approval, denial or
something more restrictive.
Mr. Johnson stated that he looked at the triangle as Corridor Commercial and it would allow uses good
for the area. The setbacks are the problem. If that could be Corridor Commercial zoning with the
Local Retail setbacks it would solve his problem. He stated that he would consider Corridor
Commercial. Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to have the opportunity to study this with his land
Commissioner Grimes stated that he is not in favor of the Local Retail tract.
Commissioner Blake stated that she would be in favor of leaving the requested Local Retail piece as
AO -Agriculture Openspace.
Mr. Johnson stated that he would rather have the Corridor Commercial zoning than be left at AO -
Agriculture Openspace. Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to move forward with Tract 2 (Corridor
Commercial) and come back with the decision on the Tract l at a later time.
Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to withdraw his request for tract one.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco, and a second by
Commission Member Blake, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve Tract 2 for Corridor Commercial and defer (Table)
any action on Tract 1 to October 12, 2000. The Motion Carried.
6. Public Hearing — Consider a request for Deer Crest Addition to amend Planned Development
No. 46 to allow Garden Office use on this tract. The property is .704 ± acres of land, lot 3A, a
Replat of Lot 3, Block A of Deer Crest Addition, an addition to the City of Allen, Texas;
further described as being located at the northeast comer of SH 5 and Prestige Circle.
Mr. Keener stated that the proposed square footage of building is 4,800 square foot and that the
building must face Prestige Circle to comply with building line setbacks. Staff recommends approval.
Mr. Tom Allred, Dallas, proponent, thanked staff and stated he would answer any questions.
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Rex Taylor, 26 Whiterock Trail , Lucas, stated that he is representing the Church of Christ, spoke
in favor of the request.
Ed Haskel, Richardson, representing the First Presbyterian Church, spoke in favor of the request
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor, and a second by
Commission Member Pacheco, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request. The Motion Carried.
Public Hearing — Consider the request of Briar Ridge Investments to establish Planned
Development District No. 88 on 169 03 ± acres of land, located in the Jesse Gough Survey,
Abstract 347 and the Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract 854, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
further described as being located east of Custer Road and north of McDermott Drive.
Ms. Sukup presented the item to the Commission and stated that this tract was originally included in
Planned Development No. 54 as a portion of Tract 32C, with a maximum number of 665 residential
units. It was the choice of the owner to establish the new planned development rather than amend PD
The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as Low Density Residential.
She described the location of the property and stated that a 90 -foot collector along the west property
line for a 4 lane divided road would save fence -row trees. The issue of whether the collector should
extend over Rowlett Creek is still under discussion by the City Council as part of the review of the
Thoroughfare Plan.
Ms. Sukup described the request for Tract 1. She stated that they are residential estates lots, 30,000 sq.
ft minimum lot size, minimum side yard 10% of lot width up to a maximum of 15 feet, sidewalks on
one side permitted but may be required in a P.D., alleys NOT permitted and drainage and conservation
easements should be considered.
Tract 4 to be private recreation.
Tract 8 includes Public Park and floodplain,
Tract 2 includes 209 patio homes lots, 5,850 sq. feet The proponent requests the following variances:
Front yard setback of 15 ft, with 10 for side loading garages
Front loading garages 18 feet from the property line
Maximum lot coverage of 60 %
Sidewalks on one side of the street only
Tract 9 is floodplain and will be incorporated into the Golf Course.
Tracts 5, 6 and 7 are to be private recreation. Ms. Sukup stated that sidewalks should be unobstructed,
and that mountable curbs, integral sidewalks and obstructions such as mailboxes, should be addressed.
Ms. Sukup presented slides of examples located in McKinney representing this same type of
development. The Code requires that lots backing a thoroughfare, including collectors, require an eight
foot masonry screening wall unless otherwise approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission.
She stated that if the proposed medium density residential is considered appropriate, approval should
be subject to:
1. Minimum front budding line 15 feet to include side -loading garages.
2. No front loading garage less than eighteen feet from the property line.
3 Unobstructed sidewalks on both sides of the street.
4. If rollover or "mountable" curbs are approved with integral sidewalks, a mail center should be
considered. Alternately, the sidewalk should be designed to accommodate mailboxes while
allowing a five foot unobstructed sidewalk.
5. Staff does NOT recommend allowing "perpendicular' lots. However, if such lots are
approved, detailing concerning screening of side and rear should be required to protect privacy
6 Drainage/conservation easements should be established as appropriate.
Mr. Brad Meyer, Carter & Burgess, representing Briar Ridge Investments, presented his plan for the
layout of the request. He stated that whether or not the thoroughfare crosses the creek or not, the
alignment of the collector will be relatively in the same location. He described a "tower" entry feature,
a water feature and heavy landscaping He stated the homes would be very high end and the patio
homes would have to complement that. He described the product types and showed a video depicting
the quality of the product located in the City of McKinney.
Chairman Obermeyer Opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Mr Meyer stated that the density of the proposed Planned Development is well under the maximum
allowed in Low Density Residential, and that a reduction to the allowable number of units in Planned
Development No. 54 by the number of units actually platted in the Proposed Planned Development No.
88 should be considered, rather than reducing the number allowed by the maximum 665 single family
detached units specified in PD 54 as recommended by the staff.
Mr. Meyer spoke to favor of reducing front set back lines for swing garages in Tract 2 to ten feet to
permit flexibility. Buffering between perpendicular lots could be required and that prohibiting wrought
iron fencing on those lots would be appropriate. The trails located in the private recreation area would
be private and maintained by the homeowners association, connecting to the public trail. Tract 4 would
be identified as public open space.
The floodplain area adjacent to the golf course would be incorporated into the golf course and not
platted as residential lots. Mr. Brian Burchfiel, Twin Creeks Project Manager, explained the request
for 4 -foot fencing along the golf course as being intended to overcome the "caged -in" feeling that a 6'
fence would create with the smaller lots.
Mr. Meyer stated that the sidewalks in the estate areas would be located on both sides of the street
John Baumgartner, City Engineer, advised that the storm water capacity of streets with the mountable
curbs has not been calculated. He noted that residents complain in neighborhoods with mountable
curbs, but either design can be made to work.
The Commission voted to recommend the following exceptions:
Tract 1
Sidewalks on both sides
A 6' fence on golf course lots
Mountable curbs (urban section)
Drainage and conservation easements should be addressed at the time of platting
Tract 2
Front loading garages would be permitted 18 feet from the property line with a minimum 15 -foot front
yard setback
5 -foot integral sidewalks on both sides with four feet unobstructed.
Mountable curbs.
Screening walls to be consistent with existing walls stone and cedar plank fences in Twin Creeks.
No lot should be perpendicular to multiple lots.
No wrought iron fence should be located on the rear or side of remaining perpendicular lots.
6' foot fences would be required when swimming pools are constructed.
Commission approval of the circulation system is subject to final Council decision concerning the
Thoroughfare Plan and local street alignments would need to conform to the requirements of the
subdivision ordinance at the time of platting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Grimes, and a second by Commission
Member Blake, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to
Table the item to the October 12, 2000 meeting. Motion Carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Pacheco, and a second by
Commission Member Grimes, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to Adjourn the September 28, 2000 meeting at 11:35 p.m. The
motion carried.
These minutes approved this la" day of J�{_ C rU 2000.
� 77-1 ti's (tici�Gc
Pam Conway