HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2000 - 10/26 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
OCTOBER 26, 2000
Commission Members Present:
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
Jeff McGregor, Vice Chairman
Kenneth Harvey
Alan Grimes
Gary Caplinger
Lauri Blake
Karolyn Nelson
Commission Members Absent:
City Staff Present
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Sally Leeper, Project Coordinator
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
With a quorum of the Commission Members present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen City Hall,
One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
• Legal Training for Commissioners by City Attorney's Office — Mr. Jason Marshall, City
Attorney's office, gave legal training for the Commissioners. The Commissioners thanked Mr
Marshall for the very informative information.
• Update on Council Action- See Other Business.
• Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items — See Other Business
• Open Commission Discussion — None.
Consent Agenda
I. Approve Minutes of October 12, 2000, Regular Meeting.
2. Request to extend the Preliminary Plat for Malone Heights for 60 days (January
10, 2001.) The plat was approved on November 11, 1999
OCTOBER 26, 2000
3. Final Plat — Consider a request for a Final Plat for Allen Tech Center Addition,
Lot 1. The property is 12457 3 acres of land situated in the William Perrin
Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described
as being located at the northeast comer of U.S. 75 and Bethany Drive.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member McGregor, and a second by
Commission Member Harvey, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the consent agenda. The Motion Carried.
Regular Agenda
Subdivision Plats
4. Preliminary Plat - Consider a request to revise the conditions for a Preliminary Plat for
LLG Lands/Exchange Addition Lot 1,2,3, & 4. The proposed subdivision contains six
lots on 28.7 acres of land situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No 702, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located northeast of Exchange
Parkway and the US 75 service road.
Mr. Keener described the proponent's request to amend a condition of the preliminary plat to
allow construction of the bridge during the second rather than the first phase of development.
Mr. Keener stated that staff is agreeable to this.
Mark Stahl, 5440 Harvest Hill Road, Dallas, representing the owner, spoke in favor of the
amendment, stating that the misunderstanding was a miscommunication.
Commissioner McGregor expressed concern if the bridge was not built during the first phase it
would not be built at all.
Ms Marina Sukup, Director of Planning, advised that there would be no further development
until the trailibridge plans are included. She stated that Mr. Don Horton, Director of Parks
agreed to allow construction during the second phase.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Blake, and a second by
Commission Member Harvey, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve so that the conditions would reflect that the bridge
linking development would be constructed during the second phase and
not the first phase. The motion carried.
Public Hearings:
5. Public Hearing — Consider a request for Suncreek United Methodist Cburch for an
amendment to Planned Development No. 31 to allow aluminum siding on a temporary
building for a time not to exceed 24 months. The property is 4.466 t acres of land
described as Lot 1, Block A, Suncreek United Methodist Church, Alfred Slack Survey,
Abstract No. 854, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being
located at 1517 West McDermott Drive.
Mr. Keener described the background and location of the property. He stated that the existing
accessory buildings are nonconforming structures.
OCTOBER 26, 2000
Mr. Keener stated that CF -Community Facilities uses formerly did not require exterior masonry
veneer. Therefore the existing accessory building were conforming until the Land Development
Code was enacted this year, making them nonconforming and that other institutions have been
denied a permit because of exterior veneer.
Burt Palmer, Pastor of Suncreek United Methodist Church, 1214 Shadetree Lane, Allen, spoke in
favor of the proposal. Mr. Palmer stated that he could commit that all the buildings would be
removed in two years
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Chairman Obermeyer observed that previous nonconforming buildings do not have any
bearing on the item at hand and that financial issues are not something the Commission can
take into consideration, or base their decision on.
Commissioner Caplinger stated that he totally appreciates where the church is coming from
but the code is in place
Commissioner Harvey questioned what the buildings would be used for? Mr. Palmer stated
that the existing buildings are for education and the requested building would be for storage
and offices. He stated that he can find no company that is willing to lease the building for
such a short span as two years and apply the exterior that is required by the City's Code.
Commissioner McGregor stated that he does not feel the request by the church is
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Blake, and a second by
Commission Member Grimes, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and
I OPPOSED to deny the request as proposed. Commissioner
McGregor was Opposed. The Motion Carried
5. Public Hearing— Consider Recommendation of Sign Board to Amend the Allen Land
Development Code by adding Section 7.09 Sign Regulations, Amending Appendix B,
Fees and Charges; and Amending Section 2.03 .2 Powers and Duties.
Ms. Sally Leeper, Project Coordinator, presented the background of the review process of
the Sign Ordinance to the Commission and reviewed the proposed changes. Staff concurs
with the recommendation of approval by the Sign Board.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the Public Hearing.
Sandy Sanders. Tyler CL, Allen, stated that she wanted to compliment the Sign Board for the
review of this ordinance and that it is concise and easy to follow She requests the support of the
Commission in recommending approval of the ordinance.
Ray Adler, 603 Twin Creeks, indicated agreement with the previous speaker. He stated that he
counted the weekend signs in his area, and there were 306 signs. He encouraged the
Commission to adopt the ordinance as it is presented.
OCTOBER 26, 2000
Catherine MacElroy, 813 Buffalo Springs, Allen, also commended the Sign Board for a great
job, and requested adoption of the proposal.
Barbara Vega, 505 Cameron Lane, Allen, was in favor of the request. She wrote on her Speaker
Card `the homebuilder directional signs have become an eyesore. In the efforts to keep Allen
beautiful, please support this proposal."
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner McGregor questioned the number of days political signs would be allowed. He
also questioned Ms. Leeper about the effect on the Allen Sports Association, because of their
multiple sign-ups during the year. Ms. Leeper stated that the ASA could request endorsement of
the City Council for "Official Signs," but that the ASA would otherwise be treated as any other
Commissioner Nelson stated that she agrees with Commissioner McGregor that 45 days is
needed for political signs. Commissioner Blake and Chairman Obermeyer also expressed
agreement for the 45 days.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Caplinger, and a second by
Commission Member Blake, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to recommend approval of the Sign Ordinance as presented,
with the change to the political sign section allowing them to be erected
45 days prior to the election. The motion carried.
Other Business
Ms. Sukup updated the Commission on the Council action which included approval of PD 88
with revisions allowing a ten foot front yard setback on lots 90 with a dept of 90 feet or less, and
approval of the Deer Crest Addition and Watters Creek Park as recommended by the
Commission. She added that Council had authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement
with Ridgeview Memorial Park Cemetery interests for dedication of right-of-way for Ridgeview,
Mr. Keener introduced Debbie Burgett, Planning Tech, to the Commission.
Review Upcoming items — There will be a Subcommittee meeting on the CBD Plan, 7:30 a.m.
on Wednesday, November 1, 2000.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commission Member Grimes, and a second by
Commission Member McGregor, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR
and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the October 26, 2000 meeting at
9:07 p.m. Themotioncarried.
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