HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2000 - 12/14 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2000 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Ross Obern ever, Chairman Jeff McGregor, Vice Chairman Kenneth Harvey Alan Grimes Gary Caplinger Lauri Blake Karolyn Nelson Commissioners Absent: None City Staff Present: Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Project Coordinator Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary John Baumgartner, City Engineer Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:07 p in by Chairman Obermeyer, at the City Council Chambers, Allen City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. WORKSHOP Ms. Sukup updated the Commission on the actions of the City Council and briefed them on upcoming issues. 2. Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items - agenda items were briefly discussed. 3 Open Commission Discussion REGULAR AGENDA Consent Agenda I. Approve Minutes of November 21, 2000, Regular Meeting. 2. Final Plat— Consider a request for a Final Plat for Brookside Addition Phase IV - A being 16 05 i acres of land situated in the R. C Whisenant Survey, Abstract PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2000 PAGE No 1012, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of Chaparral Road and west of Allen Heights Drive. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Blake, and a second by Commissioner Caplinger, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the consent agenda. The Motion Carried. Regular Agenda Preliminary Plat— Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Suncreek III being 40.336 t acres of land situated in the G W Ford Survey, Abstract No 326, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located north of Hedgcoxe Road and west of Alma Drive. Mr Keener, Development Coordinator, presented the request to the Commission and noted the special features of the development. In response to Commissioner Harvey's concern with access to the subdivision, John Baumgartner, City Engineer, advised that since Alma will be widened within the next 12 months, as well as Bethany West access was more than adequate. Commissioner Grimes noted that an earlier configuration included a single -loaded street adjacent to the park. Mr. Keener explained that the earlier alignment did not meet the requirements for tangent length and curve radii for a collector He also noted that significant stands of old growth trees located north of the Suncreek tract would be destroyed by the extension of the collector in the future. Applicant has also provided for non -vehicular access to the park through cul-de-sacs. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor, and a second by Commissioner Blake, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the plat with the condition that the proponent provide drainage easements on the final plat as required by staff. The Motion Carried. Public Hearings: 4. Public Hearing/Replat — Consider a request for a replat for Glendower Park III. The property is described as being 3.11 ± acres of land situated in the Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract No. 812, on Lots 33 — 40, Block J, and Lots 1 — 7 Block I, out of Glendover Park Phase III, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, further described as being located on the north side of McKenzie Court, between CR 423 and Scotsman Drive. Mr. Keener presented the request and stated that staff recommends approval as submitted. Two homes have already been built with the 25 -ft. setbacks. Mr Warren Corwin, Corwin Engineering, 200 West Belmont, Allen, stated that the plat was unintentionally mislabeled. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. PLANNING At ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2000 PAGE 3 Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Blake, and a second by Commissioner Nelson, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as presented. The Motion Carried. 5 Public Hearing - Consider a request to amend SUP -Specific Use Permit No. 10 for a Service Station to allow Minor Auto Repair for a Valvoline Instant Oil Change Facility The property is a .5083 ±acre tract of land situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, Lot 1 of Bethany Center Two, an addition to the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the northwest corner of S.H. 5 and Bethany Drive. The request was previously considered on November 11, 2000, but had been re -noticed to correct a defect in the previous notification to adjacent property owners. Mr. Robbie Wilson, 1765 Crestview Drive, Rockwall, representing the applicant, stated that he agreed with the requirements. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner McGregor questioned the two signs shown on the site plan. While the regulations applicable to signs had been amended, only one monument sign is allowed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Blake, and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request for SUP -Specific Use Permit with the following conditions: 1. East/West fire lane is constructed. 2. Sidewalks along SH5. 3. Remove trees from Right-of-way. 4. The signage on the site plan should be revised in accordance with the ordinance in effect at the time of submission. The Motion Carried. Ms Sukup later clarified that the site plan included in the presentation which had been reviewed at the November meeting was correct 6. Public Hearing —Consider a request for an amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan, amending the 1998 Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance No. 1616-7-98, as amended, Ordinance No. 1880- 10-00, reclassifying and realigning a collector located north of Exchange Parkway, south of Stacy Road, west of SA 5 and east of U.S. 75 to M4D-Minor 4 Lane Divided Arterial. Ms Sukup presented the request to the Commission and described the location of the proposed thoroughfare Issues include alignment, the re-classification from collector to M41), addition of a commercial collector, impact on capacity and Level of Service (LOS) on Exchange Parkway. Staff recommended the following: 1. Reclassify collector to M41) 2. Maintain alignment north of LLG property Mr. Peter Tian, City Traffic Engineer, stated that LOS C is the design standard adopted by the City and that the present alignment at Cedar Drive would maintain that standard. Applicant's proposed location approximately 800 ft. west of Rivercrest Boulevard would result in a LOS E -F which would be unacceptable. The intermediate location 600 feet east of Cedar Drive would result in a LOS -D Mr Tian stated that his calculations did not consider enhancements which could be made to Exchange Parkway to improve levels of service. Mr Tian stated that intersection of Cedar Drive at Exchange Parkway could remain unsignalized if the intersection is relocated, since peak traffic generated by the park does not conflict with peak commuter traffic. John (Buzz) Franklin, Collier's Baldwin, 9400 North Central Expressway, Suite 250, Dallas, Texas, 75231, on behalf of LLG Interests, advised that as long as the alignment on the property to the north remained substantially unchanged, the realignment proposed by Trammel Crow would receive support from the property owners. Tom Simmerly, P.E., DeShazo, Tang & Associates, 400 South Houston, Dallas, on behalf of Trammell Crow stated that if the signals were interconnected, all intersection could function at a LOS -B. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2000 PAGE 4 3, General Development Plan should conform to current alignment, OR 4. Traffic study should be updated and corrected to justify any change in the Thoroughfare Plan, including any required enhancements in the corridor to maintain LOS C on Exchange Parkway The public hearing was to address only transportation issues. Issues associated with the General Development Plan, which would be reviewed at a subsequent meeting, include access and treatment of property adjacent to historic stone dam, buffering/screening of park and residential property to the east, loading dock location and additional deceleration lanes, among others. Mr David Pitstick, Director AEDC, spoke in support of the project. Commissioner Blake asked Mr Pitstick if the Allen Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors believed that Trammell Crow's earlier successful projects in Allen justified adversely impacting traffic flow in another location in the present. Dave Noble, Trammel Crow, 2200 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75201, spoke in support of the project. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing. Paula Ross, 917 Autumn Lake, President of Heritage Guild, stated that the historic dam is the reason for Allen's existence. The dam site needs to have access for security and easy access/parking Warren Johnson, 810 Autumn Lake, Chairman of the Heritage Guild, asked that consideration be given to sensitive treatment of the historic dam/water station site. With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Mr. Dave Noble presented a proposal, which would provide access to the dam area and presented Trammell Crow's proposal for amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan. Mr. Peter Tian, City Traffic Engineer, stated that LOS C is the design standard adopted by the City and that the present alignment at Cedar Drive would maintain that standard. Applicant's proposed location approximately 800 ft. west of Rivercrest Boulevard would result in a LOS E -F which would be unacceptable. The intermediate location 600 feet east of Cedar Drive would result in a LOS -D Mr Tian stated that his calculations did not consider enhancements which could be made to Exchange Parkway to improve levels of service. Mr Tian stated that intersection of Cedar Drive at Exchange Parkway could remain unsignalized if the intersection is relocated, since peak traffic generated by the park does not conflict with peak commuter traffic. John (Buzz) Franklin, Collier's Baldwin, 9400 North Central Expressway, Suite 250, Dallas, Texas, 75231, on behalf of LLG Interests, advised that as long as the alignment on the property to the north remained substantially unchanged, the realignment proposed by Trammel Crow would receive support from the property owners. Tom Simmerly, P.E., DeShazo, Tang & Associates, 400 South Houston, Dallas, on behalf of Trammell Crow stated that if the signals were interconnected, all intersection could function at a LOS -B. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2000 PAGE 5 The Commission discussed the distance between the proposed traffic signals, and issues relating to safety Chairman Obermeyer recommended tabling the request to allow the traffic engineers to resolve discrepancies and conflicting opinions regarding the flow on Exchange Parkway and for the different alignments to be studied further. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Blake, and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to re- open the public hearing. The Motion Carried. Chairman Obermeyer reopened the public hearing. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor, and a second by Commissioner Blake, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to table the request until the December 28, 2000 Planning & Zoning meeting. Motion Carried. Other Business None Adiourn Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Blake, and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the December 14, 2000 meeting at 10:55 p.m. The Motion Carried. These minutes approved this 7�"day of 2000. eg r, Actin Chairman Pam Conway, Se e[ I