HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2000 - 12/28 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
DECEMBER 28, 2000
Commissioners Present:
Jeff McGregor, Acting Chairman
Alan Grimes
Gary Caplinger
Karolyn Nelson
Commissioners Absent:
Ross Oberrneyer, Chairman
Lauri Blake
Kenneth Harvey
City Staff Present,
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
John Baumgartner, City Engineer
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Don Horton, Director of Parks & Recreation
Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called
to order at 7:00 p.m. by Acting Chairman McGregor, at the City Council Chambers, Allen City Hall,
One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
1. Update on Council action — Ms. Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, provided an update
on items approved at the Council meeting on December 21, 2000.
2. Discussion of Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda Items — Ms. Sukup provided brief details on
Consent agenda Item 2, Watters Branch Greenbelt "B"
1 Open Commission Discussion- Ms. Sukup noted that we will begin review of the Comprehensive
Plan and a committee will need to be established.
Consent Agenda
I. Approve Minutes of December 14, 2000, Regular Meeting.
2. Final Plat— Consider a request for a Final Plat for Lot 1, Watters Branch Greenbelt `B,' a
16.208 acre tract out of the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, Collin County,
3. Public Hearing — Consider an amendment to the Allen land Development Code by
amending Article VIII, Section 8.05.2, Thoroughfare Design Standards, reducing the
minimum median open space required on thoroughfares classified P8D and P iD from
1,300 feet to 900 feet; and reducing minimum median open space required on
thoroughfares classified M6D from 880 feet to 660 feet; amending section 8.05.4 Design
Details to provide for approval of variances to the location of Median Openings by the
City Engineer under certain conditions.
Mr. John Baumgartner, City Engineer, stated that the changes recommended are in line with the
practices of many neighboring communities, and properly applied, have a very limited adverse
impact on roadway capacity and Levels of Service (LOS). The proposed ordinance would also
authorize the City Engineer to allow variances of up to 15% in the median opening spacing
requirements at the intersection of major arterials, and to allow variances up to 25% in median
opening spacing requirements under certain conditions, provided that safety and capacity of the
roadway is not unduly compromised.
Acting Chairman McGregor opened the Public Hearing.
William Cothrum, 500 S. Ervay, #1126, Dallas, spoke in general support of the request;
however, he requested that the Commission consider amending the ordinance to allow further
variance of the standard or a grandfather clause for previously approved requests. In addition, he
distributed material regarding a specific site at Allen Heights Drive and Exchange Parkway that
would not be provided an opening under the proposed ordinance for the Commissions review.
Jack Hatchell, 1216 Balboa Cr , Plano, Consulting Traffic Engineer, representing the Whisnent
family, spoke in favor of the request and complimented Mr. Baumgartner for addressing these
issues. He stated that he would like to have access to all the comers on Alma and Exchange.
Mark Pacheco, 708 Henderson Ct. Allen, Pacheco Koch Engineers, and an Allen resident, spoke
in favor of staff s recommendation. He emphasized that this allows some latitude to review
some sites on a case by case basis and take into account specific issues.
Stacy Standridge, 3 Wooded Lane, Allen, stated that his concern is that there is no current appeal
Ms. Sukup stated that currently there is no procedure to grant any variance. The
recommendation is to allow some variance, without compromising safety, and the capacity of the
DECEMBER 28, 2000 PAGE 2
Texas; further described as being located within the 100 -year floodplain on Watters
Branch south of Exchange Parkway
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner
Caplinger, the Commission voted 4 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to
approve the Consent Agenda. The Motion Carried.
Regular Agenda
Public Hearings
3. Public Hearing — Consider an amendment to the Allen land Development Code by
amending Article VIII, Section 8.05.2, Thoroughfare Design Standards, reducing the
minimum median open space required on thoroughfares classified P8D and P iD from
1,300 feet to 900 feet; and reducing minimum median open space required on
thoroughfares classified M6D from 880 feet to 660 feet; amending section 8.05.4 Design
Details to provide for approval of variances to the location of Median Openings by the
City Engineer under certain conditions.
Mr. John Baumgartner, City Engineer, stated that the changes recommended are in line with the
practices of many neighboring communities, and properly applied, have a very limited adverse
impact on roadway capacity and Levels of Service (LOS). The proposed ordinance would also
authorize the City Engineer to allow variances of up to 15% in the median opening spacing
requirements at the intersection of major arterials, and to allow variances up to 25% in median
opening spacing requirements under certain conditions, provided that safety and capacity of the
roadway is not unduly compromised.
Acting Chairman McGregor opened the Public Hearing.
William Cothrum, 500 S. Ervay, #1126, Dallas, spoke in general support of the request;
however, he requested that the Commission consider amending the ordinance to allow further
variance of the standard or a grandfather clause for previously approved requests. In addition, he
distributed material regarding a specific site at Allen Heights Drive and Exchange Parkway that
would not be provided an opening under the proposed ordinance for the Commissions review.
Jack Hatchell, 1216 Balboa Cr , Plano, Consulting Traffic Engineer, representing the Whisnent
family, spoke in favor of the request and complimented Mr. Baumgartner for addressing these
issues. He stated that he would like to have access to all the comers on Alma and Exchange.
Mark Pacheco, 708 Henderson Ct. Allen, Pacheco Koch Engineers, and an Allen resident, spoke
in favor of staff s recommendation. He emphasized that this allows some latitude to review
some sites on a case by case basis and take into account specific issues.
Stacy Standridge, 3 Wooded Lane, Allen, stated that his concern is that there is no current appeal
Ms. Sukup stated that currently there is no procedure to grant any variance. The
recommendation is to allow some variance, without compromising safety, and the capacity of the
DECEMBER 28, 2000
Mr. Standridge stated that in his particular case, he thought he had median access and has no
' right for appeal. He has gone through the process (site plan review at TRC). He requested an
appeal process.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed
Ms. Sukup stated that there were standards before and they are not that different now. There is
currently no process for appeal. Weare proposing, within limits, some opportunity for variance.
Staff had no authority to allow variance.
Commissioner Caplinger stated that there should be a way to allow for a variance, but he isn't
sure how.
Commissioner Nelson also agreed that an appeal process is needed.
Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office, stated that he would caution against an appeal process.
He stated that would be a rather unorthodox thing to do — to appeal to go beyond the minimum
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by
Commissioner Nelson, the Commission voted 4 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request per staff recommendation with a
change to the variance percent from 15 to 20 percent (15% at the
intersection). The motion carried.
4. Tabled Item/Public Hearing — Consider a request for an amendment to the
Thoroughfare Plan, amending the 1998 Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance No. 1616-7-98,
as amended, Ordinance No. 1880-10-00, reclassifying and realigning a collector located
north of Exchange Parkway, south of Stacy Road, west of S.H. 5 and east of U.S. 75 to
M4D-Minor 4 Lane Divided Arterial.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner
Caplinger, the Commission voted 4 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to
removed the item from the table. The motion carried.
Ms. Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, presented the issues from the last meeting.
She presented the proposed scenarios. She stated that the adopted design standard is Level of
Service C (LOS C). She presented staffs recommendation.
The commercial collector (C4D) should be realigned to provide a 90 -degree T -intersection
with the Minor Arterial (M4D) and the General Development Plan revised accordingly The
General Development Plan should address median openings and driveway cuts.
Ms. Sukup also presented some issues for review during the General Development Plan process.
The Public Hearing remained open.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Mr. Dave Nobel, Trammel Crow, 2200 Ross Avenue, Dallas, the applicant, spoke in favor
of the alignment.
DECEMBER 28, 2000
Charles Crook, Professional Engineer, Wier and Assoc., Amon Carter Blvd. Ft. Worth,
stated that there was consensus on the alignment and classification of this roadway. The
applicant agrees that a deceleration lane is necessary to maintain a LOS C and indicated
that two right and two left-hand tum lanes would be provided. He is aware of the General
Development Plan issues and those will be addressed at a later time.
Mr. Baumgartner and Mr. Horton responded to questions from the Commission.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by
Commissioner Nelson, the Commission voted 4 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the request with the following conditions as
recommended by staff:
1. The commercial collector (C4D) should be realigned to provide a
90 -degree T -intersection with the Minor Arterial (M4D) and
2. the General Development Plan revised accordingly.
3. The General Development Plan should address median openings
and driveway cuts.
The motion carried.
Other Business
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Nelson, and a second by
Commissioner Grimes, the Commission voted 4 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to Adjourn the December 28, 2000 meeting at 8:25 p.m. The
motion carried.
hese mutes approved this �� day of 2000.
oss er to hairman Pam Conway