HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2001 - 06/28 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 28, 2001 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present Ross Obermeyer, Chairman Alan Grimes Karolyn Nelson Kenneth Harvey Gary Caplinger Commissioners Absent: Latin Blake, 2"a Vice Chair Jeff McGregor, 1" Vice Chau City Staff Present: Manna Sukup, Director of Planning & Development David A. Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Tom Keener, Development Coordinator Sally Leeper, Project Coordinator Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer Jason Marshall, City Attorney's Office REGULAR AGENDA Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Obenneyer, at the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. Update on Council Action: Ms. Manna Sukup advised that all items forwarded to the City Council were approved as recommended by the Commission PD 34 (Crest Place), PD54 (Gencor Properties), and the Thoroughfare Plan amendments. Open Commission Discussion: None CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes of June 14, 2001, Workshop Meeting. Approve Minutes of June 14, 2001, Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Caplinger, e the Commission voted 61N FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The Motion Carried. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 28, 2001 REGULAR AGENDA 3. Public Hearing — Consider a request by the Dimension Group, representing Mohamed F Wazirali, for a Specific Use Permit for a fueling station on 1 816± acres of land situated in the William Snyder Survye, Abstract No 821, Lot 1, Block 6, Clearview Estates, an addition t the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; further described as being located at the southeast comer of Main Street (FM 2170) and Malone Road. PAGE Mr. David Hoover, Assistant Planning Director, presented the request to the Commission, noting that the convenience store was permitted by right, and that only the fueling station is subject to the requirement for a Specific Use Permit. Mr. Jim Koch and Richard King of Dimension Group, representing the applicant, requested approval of the project. The mechanical units will be located belund the proposed convenience store screened by a masonry wall. The canopy columns will be wrapped in brick and stone The screening wall will be stone and brick, and constructed around the entire southern and eastern boundary of the property A right -tum lane on Malone is included. A proposed monument sign will follow City ordinances. A detention pond is provided at the comer. Fuel deliveries will be contained on the main roads (Main Street and Malone Road), Commissioner Harvey questioned noise levels and distance from the air conditioning units to the property line The units will be approximately 32 feet from the property line. Commissioner Harvey inquired about improvements to the Main Street entrance required for safety Mr. King indicated that headwalls will be constructed at the entrance on Main Street, as requested by the City Engineer. Commissioner Grimes requested additional screening of the rear compressors to reduce the noise levels, and suggested that planting trees would reduce that concern. Commissioner Nelson expressed concern regarding the traffic on Main Street and safety issues generated by the middle school, the park, and increased traffic. Mr. Peter Tian, P.E., Traffic Engineer noted that Main Street from Allen Heights to FM 2551 is a two- lane 22 -foot section with minimal shoulders, and traffic issues should be expected to remain an issue until the road is improved. Engineering review of the site focused on ingress and egress, and the right -mm lane will improve traffic movement through the intersection. Main Street is expected to be improved within two to three yews. The engineering study has begun, and the City's portion of the fords are available. He also noted that emergency work is being conducted to improve the safety of the intersection immediately. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public, and the following persons spoke. Robert Bums, 1609 Haven Place, spoke in opposition to the request. Esther Buhidar, 109 Shannon Drive, spoke in opposition to the request. Kirk Wright, 1603 Haven Place, spoke in opposition to the request. Jack and Virginia Petty, 106 Haven Place, provided a letter in opposition and Jack Petty spoke in opposition to the request. Mr. Petty noted an existing problem with construction trucks traveling through the residential subdivision from Bethany to Main. Additional written comments were provided and are attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. With no else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Obermeyer closed the public hearing. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 28, 2001 PAGE 3 Commission Harvey discussed the fact that there are no sidewalks in this area; however, there is bicycle traffic from the schools. He suggested that the fueling station not be placed in operation until Main Street is improved. The proponent noted that a minimum of one or two fueling trucks would visit the site weekly and the timing of those delivenes could be controlled Ms. Sukup stated that staff has reviewed the proposal, including the Fire Marshal, and their concerns have been addressed. The proponent noted that the screening fence will be located inside the property line. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of locating the screening further into the proponent's property, but it was noted that there is a 10 -foot easementjust inside the property line which would force the fence 10 feet into the property. Motion: A motion was made by Commissioner Caplinger, and a second by Commissioner Grimes, the Commission voted 3 IN FAVOR and 2 OPPOSED to approve the request, with Commissioners Harvey and Nelson voting against the motion. Without an affirmative vote of 4 commissioners, the motion did not carry. 4. Public Hearing — Consider a request by T&M Allen Development Company, for a Specific Use Permit for a fueling station on a portion of a 17.039± acre tract of land situated in the John Snider Survey, Abstract No. 848, Bethany Park Place Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at 1212 E. Bethany Drive Mr. David Hoover presented the request to the Commission. Mr. Dennis Lang of Carter & Burgess, and Mr. Curtis Burnett of Kroger, requested approval of the request. It was noted that the fueling station would be open 24 hours a day; however, there would be no cash transactions after 10 p in. The City's lighting requirements have been met. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing. Mr Gary Stocker, 1305 Cassandra, spoke in opposition to the request. He stated he was opposed because of the proximity to the park and bike trail. Mr. Jim Waldbauer, 1014 Hopkins, questioned the parking requirements and the fueling truck routes. He also questioned the architectural design and whether this will conform to the existing architectural features intended to complement the Joe Fanner Recreation Center. Chairman Obermeyer indicated that the parking requirements have been met with the cross -parking agreement with the shopping center. Ms. Sukup stated that the proposed maneuvering plan has been approved by City staff. Mr Mike Henderson, 910 Westminster Avenue, expressed concerns regarding the excessive number of fueling stations throughout the City and the distance to the park area and the neighborhood. With no else wishing to speak for or against the request, Chairman Obermeyer closed the public hearing. The proponent stated that they will match the architectural theme of the shopping center if it is required, but further noted that the only structure they will have will be the canopy over the pumps. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 28, 2001 PAGE Commissioner Grimes discussed traffic issues and expressed concerns about the internal traffic circulation of the center. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Caplinger, and a second by Commissioner Nelson, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request. The motion carried. Other Business • Review Upcoming Agenda Items • Committee Reports Ad oum Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Nelson, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the June 28, 2001 meeting at 8:45 p.m. The motion carried. These i ap roved his Lday of Q61 t1�-J 2001. , ss 0be-=wLAairman Sally L. Leeper I Ideas and Questions about Zoning Case 4/2/01-25 (Clearview Estates Addition) Our biggest concern is traffic and the effects this station will have on the corner f11 intersection. Noise levels caused by buildings mechanical systems in the back. - Can this be moved to the side? We will need more police patrols because of people collecting and loitering around store. Will the proposed fence surround the whole property or just the back of the building? - If not surrounding the lot this will cause a lot of foot traffic between houses by people cutting through. What is the distance of fence from alley edge? - 10' from nearest edge would allow us to plant trees to block view of building Fence height is too low - 12' would be better Mechanical area fence - What Type is it and how high is it? Lighting - What is the height of the pump area? - Other lights? Rear area of the store - Trash? - Service lane? - Will the owner plant trees to enhance rear visual site lines Gas tanks near residential area - Are there rules or plans to deal with the issue of having gas tanks near housing? Lastly PLEASE DO NOT BUILD HERE IT IS A HABITAT FOR OUR LOCAL RABBITS. Save the Rabbits of Allen... Thank you for your time. Kurt Wright 1603 Haven Place Allen, Tx 75002 972-359-7397 � `J iG SJb ltlbC :i n 28 OI 06:37a TIM WRIGHT 972-359-7868 �LFfi Nu 7'E /n/ £ w(( C Q£ To 't t, en.o /1FF7-/N6 iU -lbff- 15✓r- -/_�/0C C -f —e Uc 0 v i r-1 cu"c Fn-s.YO --> 1 r1-� LA) 2r6 K� 10L tiA-e-- (LAC C_ There are approximately 17 gas stations in Allen City Limits. Not I of these stations is on a comer that is like the intersection of Main St and Malone. Malone is intended to be a two-lane street. It cannot be expanded to 4 lanes on the south side of Malone. The next major intersection will be FM 2551 and the extension of Angel. This will be a six lane divided road. There should not be a gas station at the intersection of Malone and Main. Story Elementary is less than a'/4 mile south and Curtis Middle School is less than 1/3 mile to the North. This is a very busy intersection that does not need the added congestion of a 7/11 that will be open 24/7. It is difficult enough now to tum, cross and get though the lights at the busy times of the day. These busy times are extended beyond rush hour because of the schools' schedules. There are currently 3 gas stations at Allen Heights and Main St.— Citgo, Mobil and Exxon. The Citgo station is now out of business. This is at a 6 lane and 4 lane divided intersection. This is also within a''/� mile from the intersection of Malone and Main. If 1 station out of the 3 at this intersection could not stay in business there is not a need for another station at our intersection, especially when in a few years we will have another major intersection within a '/4 mile distance to the east at Angel and Main St. This intersection will be more desirable for gas stations and better suited. Will we have a revolving door on a gas station at Malone and Main, when gas stations go in at the better -suited location of Angel & Main? - ' 16 +- Ove -tom q')2- "121—oc ze F�� o� I am totally against a gas station being built at the corner of Malone and Main Streets. In addition to not being needed, I have listed our concerns that are also the concerns of our neighbors. P /017 16 1 Major reasons for not having a gas station at the SEC of Malone to 6 t7b9u P/44 - and Main St.: 1 The intersection is currently just 2 lanes E/W and N/S 2 The future road construction will keep Malone at 2 lanes 3 There is not another gas station in the City of Allen at a location like this (elementary school to the south, middle school to the north). This creates extremely heavy traffic already. 4 Due to Allen's significant growth over the last 10 years many new stations have been built and none at intersection so limited as this. This will set a bad precedent. There are 3 service stations at Allen Heights and Main St. One is out of business currently but could be sold and reopened. There is not a need for another gas station just -a mile from these 3 stations. 6 In the future, Angel St. will be extended to Main St. and be a 6 lane divided road intersecting with a 6 lane divided road—Main St. This would present a much better location for a station and could be planned into the new intersection. Housing could be kept further away than that already present at Malone and Main. 7 Gas stations should be following the pattern already established by the last 10 to 15 stations that have been built in recent years in Allen. There is no need for a gas station at a small intersection in residential neighborhoods such as exists at Malone and Main St. 8 Property values of surrounding residential properties will be negatively affected. 9 There is not enough room for a gas truck to exit/enter the Malone entrance. It would require the driver to drive up over the curb in either case. 10 The same issue is encountered if the truck would try to enter/exit from Main St. The only difference being there are presently no curbs on Main St. But being only two lane, the road is not capable of allowing a turn of the radius required by the length of the gas truck! 11 There are several time a day when traffic is backed up blocking the proposed exits. 12 Garbage containers at these locations are often not picked up frequently and would draw rats. 13 There are numerous rabbits that make this field their home. Lets not treat them like the American Indians. Leave them have their homes. 14 Additional concerns are : lighting, noise, increased traffic thru the residential alley, and above all, our concern that the gas storage tanks would be too close to existing homes. 15 Another major concern is the number of accidents that have taken/are taking place without the additional congestion of vehicles trying to enter/exit a fueling station. These are additional thoughts provided by my neighbor in which my wife and I concur. There are approximately 17 gas stations in Allen City Limits. Not 1 of these stations is on a comer that is like the intersection of Main St and Malone. Malone is intended to be a two-lane street. It cannot be expanded to 4 lanes on the south side of Malone. The next major intersection will be FM 2551 and the extension of Angel. This will be a six lane divided road. There should not be a gas station at the intersection of Malone and Main. Story Elementary is less than a''/< mile south and Curtis Middle School is less than 1/3 mile to the North. This is a very busy intersection that does not need the added congestion of a 7/11 that will be open 24/7. It is difficult enough now to turn, cross and get though the lights at the busy times of the day. These busy times are extended beyond rush hour because of the schools' schedules. There are currently 3 gas stations at Allen Heights and Main St.— Citgo, Mobil and Exxon. The Citgo station is now out of business. This is at a 6 lane and 4 lane divided intersection. This is also within a irz mile from the intersection of Malone and Main. If 1 station out of the 3 at this intersection could not stay in business there is no a need for another station at our intersection, especially when in a few years we will have another major intersection within a'/< mile distance to the east at Angel and Main St. This intersection will be more desirable for gas stations and better suited. Will we have a revolving door on a gas station at Malone and Main, when gas stations go in at the be er-suited location of Angel & Main? U L1 P 6:052m I I I C k Y a� kf _ 5.592m ,