HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2001 - 12/13 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
DECEMBER 13, 2001
Commissioners Present:
Ross Obermeyer, Chairman
Jeff McGregor, I" Vice Chair
Gary Caplinger, 2" Vice Chair
Alan Grimes
Kenneth Harvey
Robin Sedlacek
Commissioners Absent:
Lauri Blake
City Staff Present:
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
Sally Leeper, Planner
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
Don Horton, Director, Parks and Recreation
Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect
David Dodd, City Attorney's Office
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Obermeyer, at the Allen City Hall Council Chambers,
305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
Update on Council Action:
Briefing on Allen Historic Village
Briefing on Allen Stmetscape Image Study
Public Hearing on Allen Consolidated Alternative Transportation Recreation Trail Plan
Open Commission Discussion.
1. Approve Minutes of November 20, 2001, Regular Meeting.
2. Preliminary and Final Plat - Consider a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for the Fairview Baptist
Church Addition. The property is a 46.189± acre tract of land situated in the H. Seabom and R.
F Clements Survey, Abstract No. 879, Collin County, City of Allen, Texas, located south of SH
121 and east of the proposed extension of Stacy Road
DECEMBER 13, 2001 PAGE 2
3, Combination Plat — Consider approval of a Combination Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, of the
Chaparral Townhomes Addition, being 10.1793 acres of land, situated in the McBain Jamison
Survey, Abstract No. 491, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located on the northwest corner
of the intersection of Chaparral Road and Collin Drive.
4. Combination Plat— Consider approval of a Combination Plat for Lots I & 2, Block A, of the JaRyCo
Addition, being 3.5173 acres of land, situated in the David Nix Survey, Abstract No. 558, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas, located west of the intersection of the southwest comer of Alma Drive
and McDermott Drive.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor, and a second by Commissioner
Caplinger, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
Consent Agenda. The Motion Carried.
Public Hearing and consideration of a request for Specific Use Permit No. 89 for outdoor storage
and display on property currently zoned Planned Development No. 55. The property is described
as Home Depot, Lot 1, Block A, Allen Central Market Addition, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; located at the southeast corner of Watters Road and McDermott Drive.
Mr. David Hoover, Assistant Director, presented the item to the Commission. He stated that the
proponent, Home Depot, is requesting the SUP Staff recommends approval except for the following
fence panels, ladders, lumber, weekend event products, pallets as necessary to support above items.
Mr. Hoover stated that Home Depot has requested the public hearing be held, but defer the
recommendation until the January 10, 2002 meeting.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
No one came forward to speak.
The public hearing remained open.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Caplinger, and a second by Commissioner Grimes,
the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to keep the public hearing
open and table the item to the January 10, 2002 Planning Commission meeting. The
motion carried.
6. Public Hearing and consideration of a request for Specific Use Permit No. 90 for a RestauranUPnvate
Club. The property is a 1.91963 acre tract of land being a portion of Lot 3, Block l of the Allen Tech
Center Addition, Block 1, Lots 3, 4B, & 5, an Addition to the City of Allen, Texas, located at 604 W
Bethany Drive, Suite 107
Mr. Hoover described the location of the property and the surrounding development. He displayed the
proposed layout of the restaurant, stating that it seated approximately 120 people, and is a predominately
family style restaurant. Staff recommends approval.
DECEMBER 13, 2001 PAGE 3
■�". Larry Bellah, 6020 Vista Park Lane, Sachsc, 705048, owner, spoke to favor of the request.
LChairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner
McGregor, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request. The motion carried.
General Development Plan — Consider approval of the General Development Plan for Lot 16, Block
C, of the North Bethany Lake Estates Phase One Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas on the
northwest comer of Bethany Drive and FM 2551.
Mr. Hoover described the location of the property He stated that staff recommends approval of the General
Development Plan.
Commissioner McGregor stated that he would prefer not having two properties adjacent to each other with
detention areas, suggesting that the two could be combined into a single larger pond. Following questions
concerning access to the site from Bethany Drive, it was noted that access meeting the requirements of the
Code would be provided at the location shown. Construction of this access would be necessary in
conjunction with the proposed first phase of development. Mr. Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer, stated that the
eastern most entrance will remain closed until the two lanes of Bethany are constructed.
Commissioner Caplinger expressed concern about the timing of construction of the screen wall.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Caplinger, and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request contingent on construction of the screen wall with the first phase of
development. The motion carried.
8. General Development Plan — Consider approval of the General Development Plan for Lost Creek
Village, being 8.536± acres to the J. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas on the southwest corner of Angel Parkway and Stacy Road
Mr. Hoover presented the item to the Commission. If the property is developed as requested, it will need
an amendment to the Planned Development to allow for a mini warehouse on Lot 5, and a variance to
allow for a flag lot design on the same lot. If the amendment is not approved, then the configuration
would be changed to garden office development. In either case, the proposal is consistent with the
requirements for a General Development Plan regarding circulation, driveway access, fire lane easements
and other development issues. There would be no changes in the layout of the plan, simply in the use He
stated that staff recommends approval
Chairman Obermeyer stated that flag lots are not typically approved.
Bill Grant, 5700 West Plano Parkway, Plano, representing the owner, described the CVS pharmacy He
stated that the budding to the west of the CVS would be a very high-end retail strip. He addressed the
flag lot and stated that he would be open to any type of restriction the Commission would care to place on
the lot. The objective of the flag lot is not to create another signage opportunity He complimented the
staff for the thorough manner in which this request was handled.
DECEMBER 13, 2001
Commissioner McGregor asked if constructed, would the mini warehouse be contained within a fence?
Mr Grant stated it would be totally contained. He stated that the building actually becomes the fence
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor, and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request. The motion carried.
Public Hearing and consideration of the proposed Allen Streeiscape Image Study
Ms. Sukup presented the agenda item to the Commission She stated that Mesa Design was commissioned to
provide alternative streetscape designs to establish a unique identity of the City of Allen. She stated that the
study proposed gateways, landscaping, screening alternatives, lighting and pavement treatments to establish
identity, as well as a sense of arrival as one enters the City and approaches its center. She noted that the study
was paid for from funds authorized by the Community Development Corporation.
Ms. Sukup discussed board on board fences, she stated that the consultants recommend 8 foot fences along
the image streets.
Mr. Brian Bristow, Landscape Architect, stated that the issue is what trees to select, he recommends that we
maintain flexibility to be able to adjust to the plan, to not be locked into a certain species. Also, we are a city
with a lot of bedrock and certain species react better in that type of terrain than others.
Robin McCaffrey, Mesa Design Group, 3100 McKinnon, Dallas, 75201, consultant for the city, stated they
wanted to find a distinct tree for the City of Allen.
Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Grimes stated he was pleased with the proposed pavement treatment at intersections, but is not
in favor of additional fence requirements or the design of the monument signs. He was concerned about
financing of the project.
Commissioner Harvey stated he also doesn't care for the 8 -foot fence. He stated that the signs need to be
more informative He also stated there were too many monuments, but that the city should include the design
elements in the municipal complex first.
Commissioner McGregor stated the plan should establish priorities — he was strongly in favor of the pavement
treatment and the gateways to the City However, there are a lot of great ideas here, we should do the most
visible first. He does not believe that retrofitting existing light standards is a priority and stated that gateways
are more important. He is indifferent to the size of the fences. He stated board on board fences look great for
6 months, but questioned future maintenance responsibilities, adding that landscaping and lighting were
issues along Greenville Avenue and should be addressed in the near term. He noted the potential conflict with
the requirements of TxDOT on state maintained highways and expressed concern that implementation of the
Plan be equitable.
E Commissioner Caplinger stated overall this is a great plan. Signage is important to him, as are gateways. He
wants to know he is in Allen. He stated he lives on an image street, and his fence continues to be knocked
down, so this is an issue for him, expressing concern that additional fence requirements would represent an
unnecessary burden. He agreed that the plan should establish priorities.
DECEMBER 13, 2001 PAGE 5
Commissioner Sedlacek stated that she was surprised that CDC paid for this, and stated she felt it is a "pie in
the sky." She is not in favor of the wildflowers in any median, however, she loves the idea of gateways to the
City. She was also not in favor of the 8 -foot fences and requested that the sources of financing for the project
be addressed.
Chairman Obermeyer liked the pavement treatment and the concept of gateways to the city although he felt
that the banners are not realistic. He agrees for the need to establish priorities. He was uncertain that the
fencing was not unduly restrictive
No action taken.
10. Consider amendments to the Allen Land Development Code adopting Appendix I — Trail Design
Ms. Sukup presented the background on the trail plan, noting that the City Council held a public hearing on
Dec. 6, 2001, deferring action to receive the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the trail design
guidelines. She noted that these would be included as an appendix to the Allen Land Development Code to
provide guidance to the development community in trail development
Mr. Bristow noted that Allen Land Development Code requires trails built to meet AASHTO standards. He
noted that the trails are intended to allow light and infrequent maintenance vehicles.
Commissioner Caplinger inquired as to whether access for emergency vehicles had been taken into account,
but expressed support for the proposal. Mr. Bristow stated that some trails are isolated and are only 8 feet
wide, and emergency access would be difficult.
Commissioner Sedlacek stated this document would give us "teeth" for development.
Commissioner Harvey expressed concern regarding multi-purpose nature of the trails where, for example,
cyclists and skaters, shared trails with senior citizens.
Brian Bristow stated that they share that concern and the 10 -foot trail would allow more room for multiple
users to maneuver comfortably, noting that motorized vehicles, except for park maintenance, were not
permitted on the trails.
Commissioner McGregor stated that he while he is in full support of guidelines, the language should not be so
restrictive that multiple amendments to the Code are required to the future, suggesting that field conditions
could be such that some latitude in the application of the standards would be reasonable, subject to approval
by the City Engineer
Commissioner Grimes agreed that the language relative to construction details appears unduly detailed,
referring particularly to diagrams on pages 9, concerning the size of gabions, and page 11, relating to 10 -foot
concrete spandex — suggesting that inserting the word "minimum" would be appropriate.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor, and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Trail
Design Guidelines. The motion carried.
DECEMBER 13, 2001
Discussion Item - Consider update to the Comprehensive Plan — preliminary discussion of future land
use assumptions for both chapter 395 impact fee calculations and 2002 update of the Comprehensive
Ms. Sukup briefly discussed the land use assumptions and asked for the Commission to provide her with
input. She described the background and stated that these assumptions will be utilized to update water and
wastewater master plans and are the basis of impact fee calculations. Forecast land uses do not necessarily
coincide with existing zoning.
More detailed revisions of these uses will be used to develop the future land use plan, as the Commission
considers the update of the Comprehensive Plan.
No action is required — staff would appreciate comments and suggestion from the P&Z.
Other Business
• Consider Canceling December 27, 2001 meeting —
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek,
the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to cancel the December 27,
2001 Planning meeting. The motion carried.
• Review Upcoming Agenda Items
• Committee Reports
Ms. Sukup stated that the Leadership Allen class will be helping out with the Comprehensive Plan survey this
year, and she stated she was pleased to have their help.
Motion: Upon a motion by McGregor, and a second by Commissioner Caplinger, the
Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the December 13,
2001 meeting at 9:30 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved this �'0 "7day of �\ 200D.
L -
Ross Obermeyer, glialrman