HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2002 - 01/24 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Ross Obermeyer, Chairman Jeff McGregor, 1" Vice Chair Gary Caplinger, 2nd Vice Chair Alan Grimes Kenneth Harvey Lauri Blake Robin Sedlacek (arrived 7 10 p.m.) Commissioners Absent: None City Staff Present: Marina Sukup, Director of Planning David A. Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary Sally L. Leeper, Planner Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer David Dodd, City Attorney's Office REGULAR AGENDA Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p in. by Chairman Obermeyer, at the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. Update on Council Action: Home Depot — SUP - approved Utility Ordinance - approved Open Commission Discussion. None CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes of January 10, 2002 Regular Meeting. 2. Final Plat — Consider a final plat for Lost Creek Ranch Phase 5. The property is 22 residential lots on 10.131± acres of land situated in the J. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located west of Allen Heights Drive between Stacy Road and Exchange LParkway PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 PAGE2 3. Preliminary/Final — Consider a combination plat for Allen Elementary School No. 11. The property is 14.329± acres of land situated in the J. Roberts Survey, Abstract No 777, City of e Allen, Collin County, Texas; located west of Allen Heights Drive in the Lost Creek Addition. 4. Final Plat— Consider a final plat for Lost Creek Ranch, Phase 2B. The property is 155 residential lots on 43.314+ acres of land situated in the James T Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located north of Exchange Parkway, west of Angel Parkway. Motion; Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor, and a second by Commissioner Caplinger, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The Motion Carried. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Public Hearing —Consider an ordinance amending Planned Development No. 21 to GO -Garden Office uses. The property is currently zoned Planned Development No. 21 for Single -Family uses. The property is 4.901+ acres of land situated in the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the southeast comer of US 75 and Exchange Parkway Chairman Obermeyer instructed the audience in the procedure for the public hearing and use of speaker cards. Mr. David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning & Development, presented the item to the Commission. Mr. Hoover stated that the buildings are limited to one story and no mechanical equipment will be allowed on the roofs. He also stated that the Parks Department has indicated this is not an appropriate location for a park. Mr. Hoover stated that the required parking would be 100 spaces, and they are providing for 140 spaces, of which approximately half would typically be for visitors. Chairman Obermeyer and Commissioner Blake suggested that the parking be reduced to the minimum, allowing for more open space and landscaping on the site. Mr. Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer, stated that the peak is 45 cars per hour. The need for a deceleration lane is under review but would be resolved during the platting process. The driveways proposed will meet all requirements and provide the best of the alternatives. Mr. Jerry Sylo, LBJ Freeway, Dallas, representing LLG Investments, noted that the fire department requires two points of access and that the driveways meet city standards. He anticipates the offices to be low intensity users, adding that there are only 13 parking spaces per building over the minimum required. He noted that the jug -handle is 25 feet above grade and that there are drainage issues, etc. He described the 20 -foot landscape buffer along Exchange Place and presented pictures of the style of offices proposed to be developed. Chairman Obermeyer asked Mr. Silo if he would be willing to meet with the homeowners. Mr Silo indicated that he would. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing. Robert Acker, 216 Glenwick Place, presented background information on Rolling Hills Estates. He stated that the Exchange Parkway realignment created problems in the neighborhood. He stated that they have PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 PAGE 3 already made concessions to the applicant in the past. He also discussed past commitments by the City. He noted several reasons for his opposition: 1. Plenty of commercial property in Allen. 2. Concerned with traffic safety issues. 3. Site issues, landscape won't work due to water main easement. 4. Utility issues 5. Drainage issues 6. Detriment to neighborhood He further stated that this would be a good place for an entry feature for Allen. Julie Buchanan, 215 Exchange Place, presented a petition to the Commission. She stated that of 192 total homes in the subdivision, 188 signatures were obtained and all were opposed. She stated a big concern is safety and speed of traffic. Increased traffic in the future would make the entrance into the business park very dangerous. She also expressed concern with the commercial development facing the residential. Lori Kirkpatrick, 227 Exchange Place, speaking in opposition, questioned why anything had to be done with the property. She asked that it be better maintained (mowed). Jay Kirkpatrick, 227 Exchange Place, speaking in opposition, expressed concern regarding the safety of children with the increased traffic. He also had property, value concerns and asked the City to protect the neighborhood. Nancy Nevil, 200 Glenwick Place, speaking in opposition, noted that homes don't have 140 parking spaces or dumpsters. She also stated that people coming to this development would soon find access through the neighborhood and that this is not a better use than green space. Mark Seglem, 215 Nob Hill, speaking in opposition, stated that he had a copy of the original deed restrictions on his property, which were still in effect. He expressed traffic concerns and gave an example in McKinney He stated there was not sufficient ramp space for turns. Joe Chenoweth, 213 W ildwood Place, speaking in opposition, stated that he bought his home because there was no traffic except the residents who lived in the neighborhood. He agreed that people visiting the development would soon travel through their neighborhood. Bobby Curtis, 204 Wildwood Place, speaking in opposition, stated that he feels very strongly that the property should be a greenbelt. Doug Gallagher, 204 Glenwick, speaking in opposition, stated that a concept plan does not lock the developer into anything. He stated that the property owner does have the right to develop, but noted that the proponent does not have a history of doing what is best for the City, and he noted the lack of mowing/maintenance of the lot. He also reminded the Commission of the trees that were bulldozed one day prior to adoption of the tree preservation ordinance. He agreed there are traffic problems and he also was concerned with the abundant number of parking spaces. He suggested the developer/owner donate some of the land for an entry feature, and develop the balance as single family Nyla Lenart, 736 Bush, speaking in opposition, stated her concerns: 1. Noise 2 City representatives had misrepresented events concerning the development 3. Health concems/personal 4. Concern with overflow parking in the neighborhood PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 PAGE Dave Mook, 200 Lynge Drive, speaking in opposition, stated increased traffic through the neighborhood as his concern. With no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Grimes stated the property should remain residential —there are a lot of issues. Commissioner Harvey stated that the landowner is entitled to develop his property He suggested the developer meet with the neighborhood, Police, Public Works, and Engineering departments of the City. He also noted that this development might actually serve as a buffer from some of the noise generated from US 75 and Exchange Parkway. Commissioner McGregor stated that he is not in favor of this plan. He noted traffic flow and parking as concerns, and he stated it is not a good plan. Commissioner Caplinger stated he is not in favor. He stated, however, that this property will develop at some point and he would like to see the proponent and neighbors come to an agreement. Commissioner Blake stated that she is not in favor, noting traffic safety concerns. She stated the tract will be developed, and agreed that a meeting with the neighborhood is needed. Commissioner Sedlacek stated she would not be in favor. Exchange Parkway is very dangerous. She also concurred that the proponent and neighborhood should meet. Mr. Silo asked to withdraw the proposal at this time. 6. Tabled Item/Public Hearing - Consider an ordinance amending Planned Development No. 69 to allow mini -warehouses (self storage) as an additional use. The current zoning on the property is PD No. 69 for SC -Shopping Center uses. The property is a 3.236± acre tract of land situated in the J. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the southwest corner of Stacy Road and Angel Parkway Mr. Hoover presented the item to the Commission. He displayed a picture of the shopping center development and stated that staff recommended approval with restrictions. Chairman Obermeyer stated that the public hearing remains open. Mr. Bill Grant, Oakmont Capital Group, 5700 Plano Parkway, stated that this development is designed for neighborhoods — no outside storage, no truck storage. He stated that the traffic generated is minimal; there are limited hours of operation and around the clock security All lighting is down lighting, none at the rear of the property to disturb the neighborhood. With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner McGregor stated his concern with a solid brick wall. He requested some architectural features be added. Mr. Grant stated that they could add some stone to break up the "wall' effect. The Commission concurred that this was overall a good plan. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 PAGES !!lase Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner McGregor, and a second by Commissioner Harvey, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request per the following restrictions: 1. Any self storage development shall be limited to one story in height, save and except any resident caretaker residential unit, which shall not exceed two stories; 2. Signage for any self storage development shall be integrated with signage allowed for multi -tenant centers; 3. Roof top mechanical equipment shall not be permitted; 4. A separate screening wall shall not be required for self storage adjacent to any residential district, provided however, that no openings in the wall of the self - storage structure shall be permitted and that architectural details be included in the design; 5. Doors to individual self -storage units shall not be visible from any adjacent street; 6. Any self -storage structure shall be set back not less than 15 feet from any side or rear property line; 7. Property within the side, rear and front setback shall be landscaped and maintained by the property owner; 8. A single flag lot may be permitted for self -storage only, provided that adequate traffic circulation is available through mutual access easements and that no free- standing signage will be located adjacent to the public street. 9. Outdoor storage or truck storage shall not be permitted The motion carried. Public Hearing—Consider an ordinance establishing PD -SC No. 89, a Planned Development for shopping center uses with mini -warehouse m an additional allowed use. The current zoning on the property is SC -Shopping Center. The property is 8.0291 acres of land situated in the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located south of Main Street, east of Jupiter Road. Mr. Hoover presented the item to the Commission. He stated that staff believes that the request could be compatible with the overall proposed development and surrounding uses and supports the amendment with conditions. He stated that the driveway would actually be shifted over from how it is shown on the site plan presented, due to some tum lane modifications on Main Street. Mark Yelenich, 110 So. Shore Drive, Maumelle, Arkansas, the Proponent, stated that he has an agreement with the adjacent landowner (apartments) to replace the wood fence with a solid masonry wall that complements the apartments. Commissioner McGregor would like to see the landscaping done with this development— not a later phase. Mr. Yelenich stated that half of the landscaping shown is on his property and will be done. He also stated that the fire lanes with the second access would be built if the Fire Marshall determines the need; and added that each unit will be sprinklered. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 PAGE Commissioner Blake expressed concem with regard to the vacant day care property to the east. She questioned if there would be any wall or landscaping along that side. Mr. Yelenick stated that there would be a brick and stone wall to the south of the day care center, with stone columns. Mr. Yelenick also addressed a detention area shown on the site plan. He stated that water would be collected there — it's a storm water easement. He stated that he understands that the detained water will drain out at a controlled rate. Mr. Yelenick requested that the 15 -foot restriction to the west of the project be removed from the recommendation. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request with the following conditions: 1. Any self storage development shall be limited to one story in height, save and except any resident caretaker residential unit, which shall not exceed two stories; 2. Monument sign is allowed on a flag lot for the self -storage only. 3. Roof top mechanical equipment shall not be permitted; 4. Doors to individual self -storage units shall not be visible from any adjacent street; 5. Self -storage structure would be allowed on the west property line in conformance with the site plan. 6. A single flag lot may be permitted for self -storage only, provided that adequate traffic circulation is available through mutual access easements. 7. Outdoor storage or truck storage shall not be permitted. S. Architectural treatments will be added to the wall. The Motion Carried. Public Hearing — Consider an ordinance adopting zoning on 212.79+ acres being 20.69± acres for R-5 Residential, 52.04± acres for R-6 Residential, 39.17± acres for R-7 Residential, 9.34+ acres for TH-Townhome, 36 86f acres for MF -18 Multifamily, and 31.20+ acres for CC -Corridor Commercial. The property is currently zoned AO -Agriculture Openspace. The property is situated in the John Fyke Survey, Abstract No 325, the F.C. Wilmeth Survey, Abstract 999, and the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located west of US 75 and south of Stacy Road Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, however the various locations of the uses are slightly different. Staff recommends approval. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 PAGE Scott Shipp, 475 Craig Circle, Highland Village, Proponent, stated that they followed the Comprehensive Plan when they created this plan. Commissioner Grimes expressed concern with the triangle piece of property to the south. Chairman Obermeyer opened the public hearing. Mr. George Gibson, 14860 Montfort, representing the owners Dr. Key, Wycliffe Bible Translators and Wycliffe Youth in Conflict, spoke in favor of the request. With no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Sedlacek, and a second by Commissioner Grimes, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as presented. The motion carried. Discussion Items: No discussion was held at this time. • Consider Update to Comprehensive Plan • Preliminary discussion of Future Land Use Assumptions for both Chapter 395 Impact Fee calculations and 2002 Update of the Comprehensive Plan. • Proposed Allen Streelscape Image Study. Other Business • Review Upcoming Agenda Items • Committee Reports Adioum Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Caplinger, and a second by Commissioner McGregor, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the January 24, 2002 meeting at 10:20 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved this fh day of 20011`. 2u� oss ermey/ar_, ai Pa onway �^ I A I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 24, 2002 PAGE 8 LIST OF PERSONS EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO THE AMENDMENT OF PD 21 Robert G. Acker, 216 Glenwick Place Julie Buchanan, 215 Exchange Place Lori Kirkpatrick, 227 Exchange Place Jay Kirkpatrick, 227 Exchange Place Nancy Nevil, 200 Glenwick Place Mark A. Seglem, 215 Nob Hill Joe Chenoweth, 213 Wildwood Place Bobby Curtis, 204 Wildwood Place Douglas & Sherrie Fletcher, 201 Wildwood Place Marcy Holland, 218 Glenwick Brett Holland, 218 Glenwick Place Paul Dobson, 210 Glenwick Place Margaret Mortal, 209 Exchange Place Bill Stephens, 734 Bush Drive Keith Fowler, 738 Bush Drive Terry Schleuse, 229 W Exchange Place Dale W Hol, 607 Bush Drive James Shieu, 223 Exchange Place Mae Shaw, 223 Exchange Place Lunette Acker, 216 Glenwick Wade Kennedy, 203 Wildwood Place Weldon & Gladene Scott, 718 Bush Drive Walter Smithwick, 716 Bush Drive Vera & Louis H. Rogers, 206 Whisenant Carole Smithwick, 716 Bush Marty Monnat, 209 Exchange Place Mike Shoemake, 726 Bush Drive Barbara Gentry, 615 Hefner Kathy Wake, 728 Autumn Oaks Ronald Rodenbaugh, 210 Nob Hill Place Connie Rodenbaugh, 609 Bush Drive. Teresa Rodenbaugh, 210 Nob Hill Place Judi Hager, 201 Glenwick Steve Hager, 201 Glenwick Mary Lea Workman, 220 Glenwick Ron Workman, 220 Glenwick Place Chris Smith, 600 Bush Drive Joe Lenant, 736 Bush Drive Nyla Lenart, 736 Bush Drive Thomas Wake, 728 Autumn Oaks Betty D. Haskell, 225 Exchange Place Garland L. Haskell, 225, Exchange Place Elaine Seglem, 215 Nob Hill Place Elizabeth R. Kennedy, 203 Wildwood Place Tim & Margaret Thomas, 301 Whisenant Judi Edstrom, 731 Bush Drive David Winter, 202 Glenwick Gary Fostrom, 1808 Versaille Ave.