HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2002 - 06/13 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
1 JUNE 13, 2002
Commissioners Present
Alan Grimes, First Vice -Chair, arrived 7.05 p.m.
Kenneth Harvey
Gary Stocker
Gary Caplinger, Chair
Robin Sedlacek
Commissioners Absent
Darin Culbertson
Lauri Blake, Second Vice -Chair
City Staff Present:
Manna Sukup, Director of Planning
David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning
Sally L. Leeper, Planner
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
John Baumgartner, City Engineer
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
David Dodd, City Attorney's Office
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, the Allen Planning & Zoning Commission was
called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Caplinger, at the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305
Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
Director's Report on Council Action:
➢ Ms. Manna Sukup, Director of Planning, stated that Ms. Sally Leeper, Planner, presented the
Public Hearing Notice Sign item to the Allen City Council in their workshop session on June
11, 2002.
L Approve Minutes of May 23, 2002, Regular Meeting
2 Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Ten Oaks Phase Three, being 52 residential lots on 13.1933 t acres
of land, situated in the James T Roberts Survey, Abstract No 777, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
located northeast of Exchange Parkway and Allen Heights.
3. Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Auburn Springs Phase 111, being 205 residential lots on 45.484 f
acres of land, situated in the Witsaul Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 323, City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; located at the northeast comer of Malone Road and Main Street.
JUNE 13, 2002
4. Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Bellegrove, Phase II, being 49 residential lots on 14.0709 ± acres of
land, situated in the J.J. Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located
southeast of Stacy Road and Angel Parkway.
Chairman Caplinger stated that the proponent for Bellegrove Phase II has requested that this item be removed
from consideration and placed on the Commission's July 251h agenda.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek,
the Commission voted 41N FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to remove Item 4, Bellegrove
Phase H, from the Consent Agenda and approve Items 1, 2 and 3.
The motion carried.
5. Public Hearing/Replat — Consider a Replat of a Replat for Allen Business Centre, Tract Al, being
2.518 ± acres of land situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; located northeast comer of Bethany Drive and Prestige Circle.
Mr. David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning, presented the item to the Commission. He stated that the
replat includes provision for a dedicated right tum lane on Bethany Drive — westbound. He stated that staff
recommends approval.
Commissioner Grimes stated that he would like to have the plat note verbiage expanded, regarding the actual
location referenced in the reduction of the landscape buffer.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Harvey,
the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request for
Allen Business Centre, Tract At, with expanded plat note concerning the landscape
buffer reduction on Bethany Drive. The motion carried.
6. Public Hearing Continued — Consider an ordinance for Dr. Charles B. Key adopting zoning on
212.801 acres of land, being 63.50± acres for R-5 Residential, 47 40± acres for R-6 Residential,
13.67± acres for MF -18 Multifamily, 37 74± acres for CC -Corridor Commercial, 31.091 acres for
MF -18 Multifamily, and 19 40± acres for TH-Town Home. The property is currently zoned AO -
Agriculture Openspace The property is situated in the John Fyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, the F.C.
Wilmeth Survey, Abstract 999, and the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas; located west of US 75 south of Stacy Road.
Commissioner Harvey removed himself from the room due to a possible conflict of interest.
Mr. Hoover presented the item to the Commission He stated that the collector was realigned and has
been agreed to by the adjacent property owners. He read a letter from Mr. Charles Nies in support of the
request with the new alignment. (attached).
Mr. Hoover stated that staff recommends approval.
JUNE 13, 2002 PAGE 3
Chairman Caplinger Opened the Public Hearing
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Sedlacek, and a second by Commissioner
Stocker, the Commission voted 4 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request. The motion carried.
Commissioner Harvey returned to the bench at this time.
Consider Land Use Assumptions, the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Impact Fees under
Chapter 395 Texas Local Government Code relating to Impact Fees.
Ms. Sukup presented the item to the Commission and introduced Gary Hendricks P.E., and Brad Berhardt
of Birkoff, Hendricks and Conley, LLP, Consulting Engineers and Kelly Parma of Lee Engineering. She
reminded the Commission of their role as Capital Improvement Advisory Committee. She reviewed the
Land Use Assumptions, the costs and the changes from 1999. She stated that staff recommends
Maximum fees be established as follows:
Fee Type
Water (5/8" meter)
Wastewater (5/8" meter)
Roadway District
Service Area 1 (SAI)
Service Area 2 (SA2)
Service Area 3 (SA3)
$ 938.34
$2,681 28
Per Service Unit Equivalent (SUE)
$ 790.00
$ 739.00
$ 660.00
She further recommended that Water and Wastewater Impact Fees be established at approximately the
1999 level in order to be within the range of neighboring communities:
Water $1,200/SUE
Wastewater $ 500/SUE
Combined $1,700/SUE
Ms. Sukup reviewed the recommended findings
Commissioner Caplinger invited Mr. Dahlstrom to make a statement, reminding him that this is not a
public hearing
Mr. Bill Dahlstrom, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 3200, Dallas, on behalf of the Montgomery Faun interests
and Phillip Williams, stated opposition to the proposed Roadway Impact Fees. He observed that, as
applied to his client's property, it represented an enormous increase in fees. He stated that this will
impact them significantly and would put them at a marketing disadvantage. He requested the 1999
Roadway Impact Fees stay in place with the eight districts.
JUNE 13, 2002
The Commission questioned when a final decision had to be made. Ms. Sukup stated that the Local
Government Code, Chapter 395, requires that the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee provide
written findings to Council five days prior to their public hearing, which is June 25, 2002.
Commissioner Sedlacek asked if Impact Fees could be adjusted by the City Council in individual cases,
receiving an affirmative reply
Commissioner Harvey questioned if there is a way for the public to have input, since the item tonight is
not a public hearing. Ms. Sukup noted that the City Council would hold a public heanng on June 25,
2002, at 7:00 p.m.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek,
the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to accept the findings and to
forward them to City Council. The motion carried.
Other Business
• Review Upcoming Agenda Items — Commissioner Sedlacek requested that the June 27, 2002
agenda include an item for consideration - to change the meeting date for the Planning & Zoning
Commission to the first and third Tuesday of each month.
• Community Workshops to review the Comprehensive Plan — June 18, 2002, and June 26, 2002,
Allen Public Library -Meeting Room, 6:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m.
• Committee Reports
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Stocker,
the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to Adjourn the June 13, 2002
Regular meeting at 5:20 p.m. The motion carried.
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JUNE 13, 2002 PAGE 5
FAX NUMBER: 972 727 0165
PROM: Charles Nies
Twin Creeks Business Park
RSP: Revised Zoning for 212.80 acres
Tract 2 from 47.40 acres t0 47.67 acres
Tract 3 from 13.67 acres to 13.51 acres
Thank you for your assistance in resolving our concerns over the
alignment of the future collector road. By moving the future collector
so that it enters our property perpendicular to our property line we
are confortable with the location.
I will be unable to attend the P & 2 meeting thuradey evening June 13th
to confirm our agreement and withdraw our objections, so I ask that you
do so in our behalf.
Please also express our appreciation to the commission and the
proponent for their consideration and assistance.
Charles Nies
Twin Creeks Business Park