HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2002 - 09/17 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Gary Caplinger, Chair Alan Grimes, First Vice -Chair Gary Stocker Darion Culbertson Robin Sedlacek, arrived 7:10 p.m. Kenneth Harvey Commissioners Absent: None City Staff Present: David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning Sally L. Leeper, Planner Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer Peter Tian, Traffic engineer Robert Dillard, Attorney REGULAR AGENDA Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway Director's Report on September 10, 2002 Council Action: David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning and Development, reported that there was no action of Planning and Zoning Commission activity at the last City Council meeting. CONSENT AGENDA I Approve Minutes of September 3, 2002, Regular Meeting 2. Final Plat —Consider a request for a Final Plat for Lost Creek Ranch, Phase 3. The property is 263 residential lots situated on 73 698± acres of land in the J. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located northeast of Allen Heights Drive and Exchange Parkway Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Culbertson, and a second by Commissioner Grimes, the Commission voted 51N FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 PAGE discussed with them. He trusts that this won't be an empty facility in the future, based on the studies. Dwayne Guthrie, 1207 Greenway, lives adjacent and stated he is in support. Curt Wilson, 1216 Greenway, stated that he is in support of the proposal. Chairman Caplinger read more letters, 1 opposed and 2 in favor (attached) With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Culbertson questioned access. Mr. Hoover described the crash -gate for emergency access to the west and stated that the only public access would be from McDermott through a controlled gate. Commissioner Stocker questioned if the remaining undeveloped lot may lose some visibility from the street due to the 2 story building that is part of this request. Mr. Hoover stated that the building could possibly be moved back, and Mr. Jones agreed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Sedlacek, and a second by Commissioner Culbertson, the Commission voted 5 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request with the following conditions, including the additional conditions discussed with developer: 1. A caretaker office and residence is required 2. Units shall be single storage, except for the onsite caretaker's unit, which shall be a maximum of two stories 3. No roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be permitted 4. Doors of individual units shall not be visible from the street 5. No truck or vehicle rental or storage shall be permitted 6. No outdoor storage of any kind shall be permitted 7. Exterior walls of buildings may serve as outside screening walls, provided that they are a minimum of 10' tall, that said buildings shall be set back a minimum of 25' from any property line adjacent to a residential use and a minimum of 10' from any other property line, that the area within the setbacks shall be landscaped in a manner approved by the Director of Planning and Development, shall include trees a minimum of 25' on center, and shall be maintained by the property owner. 8. Exterior walls shall have no penetrations and shall be treated with architectural features. 9. The storage of odorous, hazardous, or toxic materials will be prohibited. 10. Architecture of office and storage buildings are designed to blend with the retail environment, and will conform to attached buildings elevations: All perimeter storage buildings will face interior drives, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 PAGE 8 creating a continuous, uninterrupted masonry building wall with no openings along the property line. • All construction specifications to conform to the current retail district and the requirements for this use, whichever is more stringent. • Office/apartment to be combination of brick veneer, cast stone and composition shingle roof, Material colors and textures will conform to approved samples. • All storage perimeter walls to be brick veneer and cast stone with commercial parapet trim (no p0re-engineered metal facia). Perimeter of buildings will be accented approximately every 80 —100 feet, with raised, brick panel with arch relief, Height of perimeter walls to be 11'. • Brick veneer of back of buildings and fences facing Raintree homeowners to the north will be constructed of brick matching existing subdivision fencing. • All exterior lighting will be within the interior drives. No additional exterior lighting will be placed on the outside perimeter of the storage buildings. • Roofs of storage buildings will be painted standing seam metal (no galvanized roofs visible from two story homes that overlook project. The motion carried. Commissioner Harvey retained to the bench. 9 Public Hearing - Consider a request for SUP No. 93 for Outdoor Storage. Current zoning is Planned Development No. 58 with SC -Shopping Center uses. The property is described as 13.4517± acres of land being Lot 1, Block A, Comerstone/Allen Addition, situated in the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No, 702, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located at the northeast comer of Exchange Parkway and US 75. Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission and reviewed the materials to be stored. He stated that no information has been provided concerning the equipment or storage of equipment necessary for moving the material. In other words, forklifts, flat bed tractor trailer trucks, and the accommodations that would be necessary for them to maneuver. The proposal would reduce the number of parking spaces on the site; however, they would still be in excess of the required number of 234. Staff is recommending denial of the request. Mr. Fred Gantz, 5440 Harvest Hill Road, Applicant, described the current occupant of the building, and the occupant they hope to acquire by allowing this outside storage. He stated they have plenty of parking even with the addition of the storage. Mr Gantz stated the wall to contain the storage will match the building and would be architecturally treated. He offered to have the outside storage go away if the planned occupant doesn't lease the building, or in the future if the occupant should leave. He further stated that the current occupant is in favor of the storage also. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 PAGE 9 He stated that what he is requesting doesn't make one single compromise to the integrity of this building or the area. Chairman Caplinger Opened the Public Hearing. Chairman Caplinger read one letter received in support of the request (attached). With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Grimes expressed his concern with the flat bed trucks that would be needed to unload and load the storage items. He stated this would be a different type of trucking operation causing congestion in the loading dock area, as it is currently configured. Mr. Gantz stated he is unaware of what types of trucks would be used, and asked if the public hearing could be tabled so he could gather additional information for the Commission. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Culbertson, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to continue the public hearing to the October 1, 2002 meeting. The motion carried. 10. Public Hearing— Consider a request to amend the Allen Land Development Code, Article IV, Sections 4.20.2 and 4.20.3, by amending the permitted use charts for Commercial Corridor (CC) and Industrial Technology (IT) Districts, Principal and Accessory Uses, eliminating the Office Technology (OT) and Technology Research (TR) Districts; amending Appendix A, Definitions: amending Article VI, Section 6.01.5.a.x, Specific Use Permits: and revising the permitted uses in certain districts within Planned Development No. 54 to be consistent with the same districts in the Allen Land Development Code. Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He reviewed the changes and stated the uses have been reviewed with the developer of PD 54 who has indicated concurrence with the proposed changes (Charles Neis). Chairman Caplinger Opened the Public Hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Stocker, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the new definitions with the changes discussed, and make the schedule of uses match the staff communication. The motion carried. 11 Public Hearing - Consider a request to amend the Allen Land Development Code, Article VII, Section 7.09 by amending the Sign Regulations Ms. Sally Leeper, Planner, presented the request to the Commission. She described the requested changes, and answered questions regarding political signs. She stated that staff is recommending approval of the request. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 17, 2002 PAGE 10 Chairman Caplinger Opened the Public Hearing. With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request. The motion carried. Other Business • Upcoming Agenda Items Adjourn Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Harvey, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the September 17, 2002 Planning & Zoning meeting at 10:45 p.m. These minutes approved this /-'• day of Oe-- e/L 2002. Garyplinger, firman C -P. n". am Conway, dministrat � � CD `0/ §((kms °®�°�¥ / k ` ) -0 ����; S. ik) t( ` ` ) / / }D 00 CD |§%|\$ } \ / / g % !f2 «!I&3 CL 3 § z « , z Q CL ) or }\}� °�® ` _ Q � \ a M M "-0 0 cr - %§ oCDm/E ! _ w XN ( \ (3 )�ko2 \ ( M 2 , of F`Ee, n z m & ■ $-2K n a z E )m/33 CD e <y ` ;=MU \ § a M. EP / M. a \ k § @ _ § }} z -0)2 ;a(}� ❑(=o \ g , z 2 @ \�\ \\�~D %kjk;4 M. ® ; | £ % f)[ Gor 2 )] (00aCD � � 0 �M z ¥ ;E2 7l±�| §»� ; ; ■ z @ --% ��a M-\ °6_! f ( \ ® $ t )\ _ M@mCD \ \ IN \ - q § \; _} 2■0M = i 7 § x Jn -nAa , 0 /�(7\ 2 § k ) \ * n% / \} /cn M�33 / ° § a = `® ■ §Zia§ ■ ® �= ° / t@ M*Ew CO) j§ l780; B 71reM-�-7 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WRHIN 209 PEST OF PUBLIC NEARING FOR PROPOSEO ZONING CI'CY Oi ALL&N ZONING CASE Z4IBI92-M (S&k9rove Cwmwmbl) mber 17, mile Alan Allen Cl4rFlag CWnd ClmmWrs 306 CenbryComorisslon Will hold a �perlWmy, Alen. Taxbk hearing on es, tato Consider the zoning case u described b 11' The prop" Is described as 3.40071 acres of tend, ablated In the J.J. Miller Survey, Abstrout No. 600, Cite of Alen, Colin COunty, Texas; located NkM of StecY Road and east of Angal Parkway. Still HM. Planned Devebpmad NO.61 for R-6 Residential. ear]rre gfh ZONING: Amesd Planed ONsIODn'=M N0. 61 tD inakrde additional prop" vA9hbh tlN BRCS ppin9 CUOar Gad Oc allow ter the devalaPmsM of a shopping ardx. Munni g to the aarard tax records, you are the osmw d pmwrb vAW 20O had of the proposed zoning caw. The hearing is own to to "to and You have the right to apuk for or against the proposed Department of d planning SyoU May OU &� � eg" ion by ming the form on the d' Allen Texas. 70013. d Mb nOlioe to the The planning 6 Zonkg Commission b wards its recommendations ter MY toning change to the Cloy Council edlar co duckq a puM hearing. Cases recommended for approval are sUWMmlead ededulad for a public hearing before tits CItY Council. Caws reaormrnded for dental ray be appeabd by Ore applicant within thhly (30) days. At %at lit. a hearing w8 be sd*dlled cafes the CRY Council. Please contact the Planning Department. One Alen Civic Plaza, Alen, Taxes, 76013 for additional 1 infomrdon or call (972) 727-0126, or e-mail mwkupeciAllan•6cua L ZONING CASE Z -81M-61 (Sallegrove Commercial) Members of the Planning & Zoning Camnbelm: d cit. y _ .� 1-'a� Alen, Texas, I, J. with p VWV boated (A nee» %SUPP t (3Oppcae The proposed zoning charge for the fciowing MaNNI: _,. .,-.TT 7,,,,7 � rl c nano-QT)-7)R.xea lilIcI:0 1N0krM0 A crry O - NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 206 PEST OF PUBLIC HEARING POR PROPOSED ZOHM ZONING CASE Z418102.61 (Bailegtove CMWWoitd) Th. Agan Ebeling 6 Zoning Commiseian INS hold a Public hearing on September 17.21162 at 7:60 p,m. in tel Alien CRT bell Council Chambers, 366 Century Parkway. Allen' Tera, to eonelda 6a "o"I g aaae as deporibed below: Abstract The propsM la dasarlbed as 3.46071 mora of land, sivabd in R�amdJ. Md WS ur A Peltw No' we. City of Allen, Colin County, Taxa. looetad pwA d Stacy,MBBpMZMM. Planned DsvaloPmsnt No. 61 for R-6 paWanlel. RPS". ZOIi1NGc AMM Planned Development No. Bi to of a include addition POP" wWn the SC-Shopplrg Center toot, t6 allow for ane avmloPnwa annter. Aaowdag to to current tax reload■, you are tel ownnsr of Property wehin 200 fat d the propoad zoaMd aa. The hearkg a opan to da pudic and You haw the fight to � for of agsMat Urs PraPaad change. You may also mgater your opinion by reWmP�y gorm AMn Tam 7bottom d this notice to Ola Department d Panning a Developmanl, 306 Century The Planning 6 Zoning Comnaanon forwerds Rs moommeldalens for my zoning longe 10 the City Council after conoudog a public taring. Casa moommuended for pr approval amautomatically may appalbahaduled � for a pudic It"" beta' the Otty CaumM. Calla McwwMaad f applicant wRMn thirty (30) days. At MN time a haring wiI be scheduled before to Cly CoaneA. Department One Allan OWPW^ Alen, Toles, 76013 for additions! Plea"onaotthe Plating Dspe Mlpmagar or all (gel) T27-0126, or .anal! msuxup®el.mWn.bca heM ZONING CASE Z44=-61 (Sellailmva Conanada0 Membere of the Planning S Zonhe Coautdaba: With Property baled at 4.t.Y 8 icy d.--><��� � Alm, TaaR 1, (ADAaetla) •� (NAW %-%Pport OOppaa TM propaed Z°Nng ldlange lof the following raaom: ZO'd 8S:Ti ZWz 6 daS V909 -5!U -Z6; tej ljlIdtl7 il,130M Sep 13 2002 10:17 P.01 �= NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITNN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC NEARNG FOR PROPOSEOZONNG CrrY OF ALLEN ZONING CABS Zi1B1g2.67 (Baleprow Comhterdaq blic hearing an In the Allen City The Allen Hall Council Chrnbern, 308CornrilifilliOn gCentury hold a uParkway, A pun. Tem to consider BN zonln0 epee as described below. The property is described as 3.4007* acres of land, skuaeW In the J.J. Miller Survey, Abstract No. 800, City of Alen, Colin County. Tszss; located south d BUOY Road and east of Neel Parkway. ruraaoNTZQKM Planned Dev" nent No. 81 for RE ReGderbal. RagU19TPD ZONING: Amend planned Development No. 81 to include additional ProPertY wOkin the SC4ftpphq Cenertra% to slow for the davektWOrd of 0 shopping caner. According to the current twt records, you are the owner of property within 2DO feet of to proposed zoning ones. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right fo speak for Or against the Proposed Dep�arhnent Cf planning Bmay OW �DeI v lopminour t� century Paby rkway, Allen Teras, 75013. to form on the d this notice a IM changs to the Council The nater �conducting as public hearing. Cases recommendedfor for are atubris icMy sdsdulW apph=M wlthlfor a public �n thirty (ring 30) days. A that limathe City la having will be scheduedmended rbefore theeCCity Council. be appealed by Ws plvose contact the Planning Departneol One Allen Civic Plata, Alen, Taws, 78013 for additional inform08on or cal (872)727-0125.Or egnal maukup®d.aller as ZONING CASE Z-9/8IO2r81(8a "WA Commercial) Membra of the Planning • Zoning Commisbn: Ashton Dallas with ro bcakad at all lots and undevelo 1, P Pero' . _A V - - -- aT�ition, a Support DOppose The proposed zoning tangs for the follawkg rasa+: q/li/n o DATE vid Uovell ..ad nthrRee atiVe I NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z498102-51 (Bellegrove Commercial) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 17, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below: The property is described as 3.4007* acres of land, situated in the J.J. Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located south of Stacy Road and east of Angel Parkway. CURRENT ZONING: Planned Development No. 61 for R-5 Residential. REQUESTED ZONING: Amend Planned Development No. 61 to include additional property within the SC -Shopping Center tract, to allow for the development of a shopping center. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the toren on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail msukup@ci.allen.tx.us r.a 1,.— ZONING CASE Z-818/02-51 (Bellegrove Commercial) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission I, &ft &tgV64`T , with property located at 15;�ified ,t1%� Allen, Texas, (NAME) (Alli S) 0(Support ❑Oppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: ZONING CASE Z-8/8/02-52 (Advantage Self Storage) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: I, t Y 3f o0J KCL, with property located at 1A05 --1 Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) 0 Wort I��ose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons. a, ex's+• i oS 51-0 � s pac � nva, lalot� �:, wt\Q.r� _ 3 an 0 1a 20T: ry (v i"- F'rs veu9 �7m �0. ) a�ht Gl\ DATE I PROPOSED SELF STORAGE PD ZONING RESTRICTIONS Advantage seeks to amend existing PD -54 zoning by amending the permitted Shopping Center uses as follows Sh000ino Center: Permitted uses include all uses permitted in "SC" Shopping Center and Mini -warehouse (Self Storage) uses subject to the following additional conditions: 1 The property shall be developed and used only in accordance with the Concept Plan attached hereto, and as restricted herein. 2. Building set back minimums and restrictions will be as depicted on the Concept Plan. 3. Building A will include an apartment providing a residence for the on-site managers. 4. Building A is restricted to two stories, all other buildings are restricted to single story. r/ 5. Architecture of office and storage buildings are designed to blend with the retail environment, and will conform to attached buildings elevations: a. All perimeter storage buildings will face interior drives, creating a continuous, uninterrupted masonry building wall with no openings along the property line. b. All construction specifications to conform to the current retail district and the requirements for this use, whichever is more stringent. c. Office I apartment to be combination of brick veneer, cast stone and composition shingle roof. Material colors and textures will conform to approved samples. d. All storage perimeter walls to be brick veneer and cast stone with commercial parapet trim (no pre-engineered metal facia). Perimeter of buildings will be accented approximately every 80'-100' with raised, brick panel with arch relief. Height of perimeter walls to be 11' e. Brick veneer of back of buildings and fences facing Raintree homeowners to the north will be constructed of brick matching existing subdivision fencing. f. Connecting fencing between buildings to be either 8' brick or wrought iron or as noted on the Development plan. g. All exterior lighting will be within the interior drives. No additional exterior lighting will be placed on the outside perimeter of the storage buildings. h. Roofs of storage buildings will be painted standing seam metal (no galvanized roofs visible from two story homes that overlook project. i. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall not be permitted. 6. Landscaping will meet or exceed landscaping ordinance for the current retail district. X7 Normal hours of operation will be restricted to between 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM. 8. Access to the storage area will be restricted to customers only via a computer monitored access gate. Closed circuit TV surveillance cameras will monitor the premises. 9. Signage will be limited to building signage and one low profile monument sign located on McDermott as depicted on the attached plan. 10. There will be no open storage allowed anywhere on the premises. 11. There will be no exposed RV or boat storage. 12. There will be no commercial truck or trailer rental business operated from the premises. I Aus-13-2001 00:38" Frta-Lla RAINTREE ESTATES I COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. August 2, 2002 64 '�q The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council City of Allen Allen Civic Plaza 305 Century Parkway Allen, Texas 75013 Re: Request formodification to PD -54 zoning to allow for the development of a self storage facility by Advantage Self Storage Ladies and Oentlemen: On behalf of the Board of Directors for the Raiubee Estates I Community Association, please be advised that the Ramnee Fstarm 1 Board of Diracwrs supports the request by Ms. Jan)oe Brittingbam to modify the teras of the PD -54 zoning to facilitate the development of a self - storage facility by Advantage Self Storage, Jnr. Reprosentativea for the applicant and Advantage Self Storage have presented their proposed site plan and zoning request to us and have incorporated our input into their plan, we ask the Planning Commission and City Council to approve the applicants' request based upon what was presented and discussed at our meeting with Rick Jones, President of Advantage Self Storage, em July 29, 2002. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 7 Helen Robinson Board of Directors Vice President Soo W. MAIN STREET • P.O. BOX 41 • ALLEN, TX 75013 • (972) 396-1478 • FAX (972) 359-8735 0 0 TWIN CREEKS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. P July 31, 2002 The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council City of Allen Allen Civic Plaza 305 Century Parkway Allen, Texas 75013 Re: Request for modification to PD -54 zoning to allow for the development of a self storage facility by Advantage Self Storage Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the Board of Directors for the Twin Creeks Community Association, please be advised that we unanimously support the request by Ms. Janice Brittingham to modify the terms of the PD -54 zoning to facilitate the development of a self -storage facility by Advantage Self Storage, Inc. Representatives for the applicant and Advantage Self Storage have presented their proposed site plan and zoning request to us and have incorporated our input into their plan. We ask the Planning Commission and City Council to approve the applicants' request based upon what was presented and discussed at our meeting with Rick Jones, President of Advantage Self Storage, on July 23, 2002. Thank you Sly, Burchfiel IS aril of Directors 500 W Main Street • P.O. Box 41 • Allen, Texas 75013 • (972) 396-1478 • Fax (972) 359-8735 -1Tdvlt "1'- 49- �= NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z -818102L2 (Advantage Seg Storage) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 17, 2002, at 7:00 P.M. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below: The property is described as 4.975± acres of land being a part of Block A, Lot 2, Allen McDermott Square, situated in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. Located east of the northeast comer of McDermott Drive and Alma Drive. CURRENT ZONING: Tract 13 of Planned Development No. 54 for SC -Shopping Center Uses. REQUESTED ZONING: Amend Treat 13 of Planned Development No. 54 to allow Neighborhood storage as an additional allowed use. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail msukup@Jcl.allen.tx us ZONING CASE Z-8I6IO2-52 (Advantage Self Storage) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: Ic McDermott Investments, with property located at 1208 McDermott St. W Allen, Texas, (NAI`'¢) (ADDRESS) 0 Support ®Oppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: The use of this property for storage facility is not in the best inte-ests of the surrounding prop ty re The location of a. storage facility at this site will di ish th lue f surrounding properties, both comercial and 9/,1 /0 L-- DATE �= NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEE—T OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONINC'a CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-818102-52 (Advantage Self Storagea) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 17, 2002, at 7:00 p.m_ in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning was as described below: The property is described as 4.975* acres of land being a part of Block A, Lot 2, Allen McDermott Square, situated in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas. Located east of the northeast comer of McDermott Drive and Alma Drive. Tract 13 of Planned Development No. 54 for SC -Shopping Center Uses. REQUESTED ZONING: Amend Tract 13 of Planned Development No. 54 to allow Neighborhood Storage as an additional allowed use According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Mien Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail msukup@ci.allen.bc.us ZONING CASE Z-818/02-52 (Advantage Self Storage) Me/p em of the Planning & Zoning Commission: I, 11IerT LoAldj , with property located at 1203 G,z ewwIAy PA? , Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) ❑ Support ?Oppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: September 10, 2002 Chairman Gary Caplinger and The Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission And Mayor Steve Terrell and The City Council Members of the City of Allen One Allen Civic Plaza Allen,Texas 75013 Re: Modifications to PD -54 (SC) Zoning on Approximately 4.975 Acres on McDermott Drive Ladies and Gentlemen: After reviewing the plans and conditions presented by Advantage Self Storage, Inc., I am in support of modifying PD -54 (SC) subject to the conditions presented by the developer Sincerely, gna t D ✓q Pnntee i2 /ao 1 6rec1--i k/9-) adereea �iLh �d12 Mail or Fax to the City of Allen Facsimile: 972-727-0165 Attn: Planning and Development Mr. David Hoover, Assistant Director A A September 10, 2002 Chairman Gary Caplinger and The Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission And Mayor Steve Terrell and The City Council Members of the City of Allen One Allen Civic Plaza Allen, Texas 75013 Re: Modifications to PD -54 (SC) Zoning on Approximately 4.975 Acres on McDermott Drive Ladies and Gentlemen: After reviewing the plans and conditions presented by Advantage Self Storage, Inc., I am in support of modifying PD -54 (SC) subject to the conditions presented by the developer Sincerely, Signalere kAao Pdmed Name Ad ress q SQ 1 ewv� A, 5Q4'v rr Mail or Fax to the City of Allen Facsimile: 972-727-0165 Attn: Planning and Development Mr. David Hoover, Assistant Director D:" C1 MOM NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING _ ZONING CASE Z-812810 2-57 (Codnemtone Addition) CITY OF ALLEN The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 17, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below: The propertY is described 13.45172 acres of land being Lot 1, Block A, Comerstone/Allen Addition, situated in the L.K Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the northeast comer of Exchange Parkway and US 75. CURRENT ZING Planned Development No. 58 for SC -Shopping Center. REQUEST= SUP -Specific Use Permit for outside storage of construction materials. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional Information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail msukup@ci.allen.bc us A ZONING CASE Z-8/28102-57 (Comerstone Addition) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: 1 4,1ALg_, with property located at Alien, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) Support OOppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons:. n