HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Parks and Recreation Board - 2021 - 10/11 - Regular PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 11,2021 Parks and Recreation Board Present: Geoben Johnson III, Chair John Holley,Vice-Chair Phillip Brewer Nat Dreyer Luke Hollingsworth Karen Simpson Terrance Thomas Bonnie Borrello City Staff: Kate Meacham,Director, Parks and Recreation Brian Bristow,Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Carrie Cessna,Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Silvana Best, Special Events Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Travis Cunnig Recreation Services Manager, Parks and Recreation Terri Drury, Crewleader, Horiculture and Forestry Bill Herman, General Manager, Allen Event Center Tony Hill, Resource Development Manager, Parks and Recreation Katie Krout,Aquatics Program Supervisor,Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium Joey Ramos, Site Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Jennifer Robinson, Strategic Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation Robert Townsend, Business Services Manager, Parks and Recreation Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Parks and Recreation Board present, Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. on Monday, October 11, 2021, in the Meeting Room of the Allen Event Center at 200 East Stacy Road, #1350, Allen, Texas. 1) Election of Officers Chair Johnson, opened the floor for nominations of Chair,Vice-Chair and Secretary. After a short discussion,Member Hollingsworth nominated Member Johnson for Chair, Member Johnson nominated Member Holley for Vice-Chair and Member Holley nominated Member Hollingsworth for Secretary. The floor was then opened for discussion and the following motion was made: Parks and Recreation Board Minutes October 11,2021 Page 2 Motion: Upon a motion by Member Holley and a second by Member Thomas, the Board voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to appoint Geoben Johnson as Chair, John Holley as Vice-Chair and Luke Hollingsworth as Secretary. The motion carried. 2) Approve Minutes of the August 23,2021,Regular Meeting Motion: Upon a motion by Member Hollingsworth and a second by Member Thomas, the Parks and Recreation Board voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes from the August 23, 2021 Regular Meeting as presented. The motion carried. 3) Introduce Staff Carrie Cessna introduced Katie Krout, the new Aquatic Program Supervisor at the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium and Joey Ramos, the new Site Superintendent. 4) Update on Allen Event Center Operations and Tour Bill Herman gave an overview on the operations of the Allen Event Center, soon to be the Credit Union of Texas Event Center, including event types, economic impacts, staffing and closed with a building tour. 5) Update on Fall and Winter Special Events Tony Hill and Silvana Best updated the Board of the upcoming Fall and Winter special events, including Arbor Day, Cece's Track and Treats, and Holly Jolly Celebration. 6) Update on Parks and Recreation Open Space Master Plan Timeline Kate Meacham gave a brief overview on the status of the Parks and Recreation Open Space Master Plan and the timeline and plan for sharing it with the community. 7) Update on Current and Future Projects a. Stephen G.Terrell Recreation Center Kate Meacham updated the Board the progress on the Stephen G. Terrell Recreation Center starting with the timeline, current construction milestones and the dedicated website, lifeinallen.org/progress, for the project. b. Rolling Hills Park Kate Meacham shared the playground improvements and updated the Board on the next steps for the project including the site plan. There will be an onsite neighborhood event held on Saturday, November 13, 2021, to provide an update on the project to the community. 8) Items of Interest a. Items for Future Agendas b. Next meeting Monday, December 13, 2021 9) Adjourn Parks and Recreation Board Minutes October 11,2021 Page 3 Motion: Upon a motion by Member Simpson and a second by Member Holley, the Parks and Recreation Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 13th day of December, 2021. Chair Secretary