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Min - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2003 - 02/18 - Regular
ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 2003 ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Gary Caplinger, Chair Alan Grimes, First Vice -Chair Robin Sedlacek Kenneth Harvey Robert Wendland Gary Stocker Darion Culbertson Commissioners Absent: None City Staff Present: Marina Sukup, Director of Planning David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning Sally L. Leeper, Planner Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer Ray Martinez, City Attorney REGULAR AGENDA Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway Director's Report on February 11, 2003 Council Action Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, stated that City Council approved the zoning for the Ereckson Middle School and tabled the update to the Comprehensive Plan to the February 25, 2003 meeting. CONSENT AGENDA I Approve Minutes of February 4, 2003, Regular Meeting. Commissioner Grimes requested to remove item 2, Screening Wall, from the Consent Agenda. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Culbertson, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Minutes of February 4, 2003. The motion carried. 2. Reconsider a request for phasing the required screening wall between the commercial and residential uses at North Bethany Lake Estates, Phase One, Lot 16-A & Lot 16-B, being 7 4973± acres of land situated in the William Snyder Survey, Abstract No. 821, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas located at the northwest comer of Bethany Drive FM 2551. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 2003 PAGE 2 Commissioner Grimes questioned the wall being proposed noting that there is a portion that remains open. Mr. David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning & Development, stated that the gap could be closed if that is the Commission's desire. He stated that the open area is adjacent to a drive, which could remain undeveloped for some time. The wall proposed would be temporary until the remaining property is developed. Mike Anderson, 3819 Town Crossing, Mesquite, representing the developer, stated that they are willing to screen the open portion, with the property owner's permission, as they don't own that portion. Commissioner Grimes suggested putting the screen along the common property line. Mr. Anderson stated that would be a good solution and agreed to install additional landscaping as a living screen for that area. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Harvey, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the additional landscaping for screening the back property. The motion carried. REGULAR AGENDA Plats 3. Combination Plat -Consider a Combination/Final Plat for Thomas Hugh Ereckson Middle School. The property is 22.098± acres of land situated in the James W Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: located west of Tatum Drive and south of Flagler Drive Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He stated the zoning was approved by Citv Council on February 11, 2003 Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner Culbertson, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request. The motion carried. Public Hearines 4. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for Specific Use Permit (SUP) No 94 for a Restaurant/Private Club for Pei Wei Asian Diner. The property is a 1.26231 acre tract of land being Lot 2, Block A, Lowe's -Allen Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located at the northeast comer of E. McDermott Drive and Benton Drive. Sally Leeper, Planner, presented the request to the Commission. She stated that a new 11,500 square -foot retail center is being developed, and the applicant is leasing a 3,150 square foot restaurant space located at the western end. The floor plan and site plan are consistent with the Allen Land Development Code A Specific Use Permit is required for a Restaurant/Private Club Staff recommends approval. Commissioner Wendland questioned whether a traffic study was required, to which Ms. Leeper stated that it was not required based on expected trips generated. Matt Clark, 1342 Bell Avenue, Tustin, California, representing the applicant, described the restaurant and 7 answered questions. Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 2003 PAGE With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Wendland, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request. The motion carried. 5. Public Hearing —Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance amending Planned Development No. 21 from single-family residential to GO -Garden Office on 4.901± acres of land situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the southeast comer of US 75 and Exchange Parkway. Mr. Hoover presented the request and background to the Commission. He stated that there would be a maximum of three buildings, all one-story - Garden Office style, each approximately 10,000 square feet in size. The total parking on the site would allow for 140 vehicles. The main entrance is from Exchange Parkway. The property is currently zoned for single family — 45 foot lots, 30 -foot height regulations. All residential lots would face Exchange Place, resulting in more traffic than the proposed development. The proposed office development would serve as a buffer from the noise and traffic from US 75. The City does not intend to purchase this site as a park or open space. Access to the site would be from Exchange Parkway exclusively with emergency access only allowed from Exchange Place. No roof top equipment will be allowed, and the development will be limited to one story Dr. David Bishop, 17 Bishop Gate, stated that the overall objective is to provide an excellent medical development for Allen with a concept that would enhance the adjacent neighborhood, providing a buffer from US 75, Dr Bishop stated that on three different occasions he met with neighbors and most indicated support at that time He stated that he will be the end developer for this project. Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. The following spoke in opposition to the request with increased traffic now through the neighborhood, traffic on Exchange Place, safety and drainage being the major concerns. They requested the Commission consider their opposition and protect the neighborhood. Joe Chenoweth, 213 Wildwood Place Joel Blaylock, 207 Whisenant Drive Ronald Rodenbaugh, 210 Nob Hill PI Connie Rodenbaugh, 609 Bush Drive Tab Brede, 735 Bush Drive Lori Kirkpatrick, 227 Exchange Margaret Manual, 209 Exchange Place Megan Monnat, 209 Exchange Place Paul Dobson, 210 Glenwick Place Wade Kennedy, 203 Wildwood Place Julie Buchanan, 215 Exchange Place Gene Gattis, 733 Bush Drive Julie Amschutz, 1104 Larkspur Drive The following turned in speaker cards in opposition to the request: J. Kirkpatrick, 227 Exchange Place — Opposed Nyla Lenart, 736 Bush Drive — Opposed Edward Lenart, 736 Bush Drive — Opposed Douglas Fletcher, 201 Wildwood Place — Opposed PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 2003 PAGE 4 Mark Seglem, 215 Nob Hill — Opposed Elaine Seglem, 215 Nob Hill Place—Opposed Danny Monnat, 209 Exchange Place — Opposed .Peggy Schutza, 219 Exchange Place — Opposed Joe & Dorothy Keslon, 209 Nab Hill — Opposed Mary Cain, 207 Exchange Place — Opposed Kelly Gattis, 733 Bush Drive — Opposed With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. In response to questions, Mr. Hoover stated if the property develops as single family, that development will cause a greater traffic impact on the neighborhood. Under the current proposal, the existing neighborhood would be screened by landscaping As a Planned Development, landscaping and aesthetics can be controlled. He suggested the Commission consider tabling the item in order to meet with the residents and Dr. Bishop, and perhaps work out some of these issues. Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer, stated that traffic would not be at peak hour with the office development He's not concerned as much with the left turn off Exchange as he is the left turn onto Exchange. Commissioner Wendland stated that Exchange Place is his main concern. This is a difficult site and not suitable for single family development. If an emergency access gate is used, would a single entrance into the development be sufficient? Mr. Hoover responded that a single entrance would be sufficient. Dr. Bishop stated that he distributed about 140 flyers (placed on doors, not mailed) regarding his meeting with residents. He made an attempt to notify everyone and he apologized for misreading their opinions He stated he was willing to do whatever was requested to modify this request. The residents may not have understood that the Exchange Place entrance would be built as an emergency access gate only and stated that he would he agreeable to tabling the request for further meetings with staff and neighbors Chairman Caplinger reopened the Public Hearing. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to continue the public hearing at the March 18, 2003 meeting. The motion carried. 6. Public Hearing— Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for Specific Use Permit No. 95 for a fueling station on 2.5183 acres of land on Lots I and 2 of the Allen Business Center— Tract AI situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, being a Replat of a Replat of Allen Business Centre Tract Al, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the northeast corner of Bethany Drive and Prestige Circle Mr. Hoover presented the request and background of the property He stated that the intensity of this use is incompatible with the Local Retail uses in general and with this location specifically. Mr. Tian stated that this use will draw more traffic. The applicant will be requested to widen Bethany Drive and extend the storage to help with the traffic flow. The current condition of Bethany will not be !�t enough to accommodate the traffic flow. Mr Jason Marshall, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, representing Race Trac, reviewed the traffic study, stating that this use will not have a significant impact on traffic. He stated that this use is perfect for this area noting that the immediate neighbors are in support. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 2003 PAGE 5 ■n� Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. G Chuck Chalifoux, President, RCL Enterprises, 200 E. Bethany Drive — Opposed; stated his concerns as increased traffic, safety concerns (left tum is difficult), and access to their business partners would be increasingly difficult. It also could bring offensive noise and odors. Steve Ruffini, Chief Financial Officer, HIT Entertainment, 830 S. Greenville — Opposed Sean Hoffman, Bradford Companies, Agent, RCL Enterprises, 200 East Bethany Dr -Opposed; stated that there are aesthetic issues, and too much lighting. This use doesn't fit with the Business Park they have developed. Allen Streeter, 205 East Bethany — In Favor; stated that traffic is a problem already on eastbound Bethany, especially since vehicles make a U-turn to reach the Metroplex Gymnastics facility; noting that the cross -access easement should limit the need for this type of traffic movement. With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Scott Thigpen, Race Trac Real Estate Representative, 300 Technology Court, Smyrna, GA, Owner, stated that the proposal is for ten pumps, which is two fewer pumps and the canopy is 32' shorter than the Race Tone at Legacy in Plano. Mr. Marshall stated that the traffic increase would be insignificant based on 2004 projections. He also stated that the traffic volume at the Race Trac on Legacy could be attributed to the sale of beer and wine as a destination location; while the development on Bethany Drive would not 1 Staff disagreed that the increase of traffic would be insignificant. Mr. Tian stated that the traffic impact during peak hour could be minimized with the widening of Bethany and increased storage. The traffic count on Bethany is about 28,000 per day The widening of Bethany to a six -lane divided roadway is scheduled for this summer and is expected to take approximately ten months to complete. Mr. Hoover noted that the traffic could be managed but not mitigated, and the proposed development would not improve traffic. Race Tom was informed that Staff would not support a fueling station at this location Julie Diamond, Race Trac, 300 Technology Ct., Symms, Georgia, stated that they want their site to be accessible and they want to improve traffic. She indicated that their site would generate about 100 cars per hour at peak hour — 3,256 per day Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Stocker, and a second by Commissioner Wendland, the Commission voted 3 IN FAVOR and 4 OPPOSED to deny the request. The motion failed. Commissioners Stocker, Wendland and Chair Caplinger in favor, and Commissioners Harvey, Culbertson, Sedlacek and Grimes opposed. Chairman Caplinger reopened the Public Hearing. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner Culbertson, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 1 OPPOSED to continue the public hearing to the March 18, 2003 meeting. The motion carried. Commissioner Harvey was opposed. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 2003 PAGE 6 Other Business • Upcoming Agenda Items Ad own Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Culbertson, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the February 18, 2003 Planning & Zoning meeting at 10:30 p.m. i` aThe minutes approved this day of 2003. a C `linger, an Pam Conway, dministrative C retary I E Lf Members of the Plagp(np Zoning Commission: N el -r 4 1,lip with ProPertY located at Allen, Texas, (NAME)'%(ADDRESS) ❑ support The pr0pp7d zon• e i}g change for the following reasons: .�..c,.w i sti�.aaacz w SIGNATURE DATE ZONING CASE Z-1/131033 (US 75 & Exchange —PD21) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: I, v ` h with proerty plocated att3 w A- h t Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) D Support 1 SIGNATURE r DATE -----Curt here -- - - ZONING CASE Z-1/13/033 (US 75 & Exchange — PD21) / Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: I, &a XlAd4L + with properly located at 7190 �/L $/� ��• . Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) mopposs The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: ZA' CRE456.d 72AFFiG iv 7;K APE. i✓tIGN�=l4^^D• AL�Fi✓ ffj�5 Too /4W gVgY 3u/LD/ups Nad a✓G.�ND T��� F+C CFF/cES—' 4)E )DAl f A1455D %!f/5�i [1, G zWr 'eETT f[ w,5 uNDbP Fe Q ^646 OFFj4E5. DATE I 1! �2)i� X0(D mol o aO[I — ro o a Z O m��D-iyo�.o�i im^ So°o S_ m �7 a 3 OM 47 CL FFb 3.�c2. WD m °° m " ZuN�c0n,2co 3E ru0F O 3 Zv CD y O C C N 3 T =m y ry lD m m O YI n O uo �0 N �J�JO oN -4 rid v 1� 'aZ iQ m N la .N. a .C•. Z D am 0 m o N NN C T C>yT� �* c m v DO p A �m�33 �o ° �Q �£' rcCNN ^I x W 3 .y.,, m .'Il N % N N 3 �W �Z<nod� > y ? p'm 2£ ao°i '1 S. Th N CO) o W 3°nN O e om Z0m �, w Z i+ © rh rh C N `! G Bois XOm=w ❑oa�Of � 0 n '0 ��fD 1yodm 60o0i o°os= m Q o• 0) y a 3 m ? 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CURREMiIMRM'Plnpbl eVMn R 21WSF-%VWF", RE4YF$ff3Z4NM4. PYnRe Onebp,bd y00fatlMOeb uv NYw0.q m ma Nn.tlm..mw. w an me anw tlpMbynlmm z5o Wtd W MWMOO>P+re usa. Yw nM' a160P� b eb Pnlc ab Pv Iwe Me eYM b WM Iw w iWnt tlr pgbeN DN & D— Rw W Ey P- Ne pm m . W13 tl tli rotr4 b tlb OMONMn1 d PWnYp 6 DeR.bpnsM1 305CRNny Pwkry, Nm Tnm. ]5013 TM flwnep B Z NV CmmNbm b ee � W ny ]PNe dI b ri Cey COuwlaew ea Pbkl®Ii' Cm wmnmu,0 WMry m8utbnmdc y� br a pWec 1NrYy Ee1Pa tlb Clq Cnrr1 Cm rmemm�bee br hnYl n a WMebS W W aPP� nitln tlelyl3o)eM Neytlnn •IWbe ni MwlleOeee LMue tlb Cly COwxe. PWM aWH. tlb PWnbe Oe[NePn4 OMNa, CMICPWA NM, TOW. )5015 br W]I9ay bMnbeonw W n>27 rnmPtwslu3![gyd,W,,,y,u / nncwa I� ® ZONING EXHIBIT, ZONING CASE Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange — PD21) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: i, Lou / s withproperty located at 246 Uldt S<N.F wr . Alien, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) G Support aPppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: SIGMA RE Z -/7-Z-00 DATE A I "e rn>rm.usa aorawsztnwaaaaaasb.a.amu) m / Fb-ftaIlra CasrrenN baa•PaaOlrabm FrO,ay 143ros.rrmr.b aMie�e.4 s�iba� tuna cbaab.s. am oltrr arbwr. /+a,. Tar, b maua F sale —. Ota alt.b b aanbaa. awt : t— a taa rbw b M Naas war ttrvq, Nrld No tm4 Caen cunb.ro: mwrM.arrwm.rauin.na eNmPttibtw. Pla.r ealYpliailn131 traF-6apb F.i/. PI—OaerrlarbeD9ae,db,aaa /mdb b M ane„1 b nm01)w 1l M laY a PtV a4 Mtlin 140 br d M aaFlr anbp tW. lla Onab b spm b M pE4 m0 pu btw M tlpb b qwk b a qr,r M papp.a0 d,r,pl Yw lwy rb nibtr tar aa+m q nNdry M tem m M iouan d ib noam b M a.olmad d Pbnla a o...bp..q a4a c.e.y PataaY, Ala Tau, meta. TM WnaV 6lpie Cmaitlo„ bal0a ■ tasnvnwr.M,t b ln1 maa diaP b M �A' CauM rbmMrrylPEkbar9 G—immr14aa bapp,anitnabaabtyrraYtl aadl �a%abi Mei,rMsllMeMbltleM1bCEeleeab�0om�1 wM P W mY[ M IMio O�ybMt Onl /i, pAe PIS Nn Taal, m01i tr l0�ur Hom W n w as liT-0 mOta4>..r.blpaOa.aMno / traatrw 0 ZONING E%HIBM ZONING CASE Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 8, Exchange– PD21) 1 MN. C al.baa....l.a. Membe of" Planning d Zoning Commhabn: I, e r0LWM pioperty located at .2 0 Agan, Texas, 1 5013 (NAME) (ADDRESS) 0 support The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: — 1 La -or an d OF bus na SE -- Q al 4t ti i- 'tC J (rl /ice T A - 19- 03 DATE AmT6e b M wrtd rt nmb. Yw r N vba d popsy �1 i6p ad d N pbpme0>od V Tr IHYp b Nb1 b H p{ac ab You Nw H � b epuee 4 G yWel H papae0 dyryn Yw ay ✓•e rtyes Yr epebe bJ rt.dry N trb ce N Mba d tl mks b H ppa4M d Pruiq 6 OMopsl(8p5 fiery paN..q. Nbn Tea, )fi01a. Cpud dtr•pal Mq arn�ile6treppb+rraaiebrlbeaaY6 tr.pwr bwM1a 6.tr.N4cab� abe �emnesne6 tr6.a+nsyrapeiYrN �pyad.iin Hbl6Taq. Madia.IrYgMr.tlaar6 rlweNayCalb6a P W o mYd H F6euia 6egnnsa Oes Nn dot plm� Task T®. )BMl tr dalHl 6/wlsbn ar d Mal mma s epr wpbedwswua I ® ZONING UNIBIT, ZONING CASE Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 8 Exchange — I KC"w Mem/ bers of the Pbnning 8 Zoning Commisslon: I, .cIA/d,4 AllOYtrs . wim P qP located at Alen, Texas (NAMW (ADDRESS) c❑ support The proposed miu q mange for Me fallowing mss. 0 02'/9—ot0O DATE de WA womw aFciws ARNOFexmGPOB�T MQ urroreraa m�o,uuezmam-apsmaare.pronl Ty. wbn A.b.9 a Tway t®Ibbn r w. pde� ohne m Ferry +a �. d T V D via b N Nbn qr 1rr a.ind Drove, aor C.rYY SHY. /M� To, b m.XS N miO w r J®Itl CWR lr pbpsy 4aboeM base a.srd rtl catch NHseY Webd8uq,/aY.0 nD_ 1�. Cdti aaw. Tv, babe d H egdrY aer d 118!6 s0 ew.a. Nrry. Prep oertptiKnu It trE£Spb Fai/. scmmluzam PYeb.assWbaabOD3Nn Obo.� AmT6e b M wrtd rt nmb. Yw r N vba d popsy �1 i6p ad d N pbpme0>od V Tr IHYp b Nb1 b H p{ac ab You Nw H � b epuee 4 G yWel H papae0 dyryn Yw ay ✓•e rtyes Yr epebe bJ rt.dry N trb ce N Mba d tl mks b H ppa4M d Pruiq 6 OMopsl(8p5 fiery paN..q. Nbn Tea, )fi01a. Cpud dtr•pal Mq arn�ile6treppb+rraaiebrlbeaaY6 tr.pwr bwM1a 6.tr.N4cab� abe �emnesne6 tr6.a+nsyrapeiYrN �pyad.iin Hbl6Taq. Madia.IrYgMr.tlaar6 rlweNayCalb6a P W o mYd H F6euia 6egnnsa Oes Nn dot plm� Task T®. )BMl tr dalHl 6/wlsbn ar d Mal mma s epr wpbedwswua I ® ZONING UNIBIT, ZONING CASE Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 8 Exchange — I KC"w Mem/ bers of the Pbnning 8 Zoning Commisslon: I, .cIA/d,4 AllOYtrs . wim P qP located at Alen, Texas (NAMW (ADDRESS) c❑ support The proposed miu q mange for Me fallowing mss. 0 02'/9—ot0O DATE de WA womw ® ZONING EXHIBIT ZONING CASE Z-1113103-3 (US 75 & Exchange — PD21) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: I, /gAYf,8R0Yk-ES with property located aQQ3 Whj-Cfn #JiP pR .Allen,Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) ❑ Support k6ppose proposed zoning change for the following _ NO]ICETO PgoPEeTY owrmlB3nBB 3m FEET OF PUBLIC IIEWNO ios PIMP08®3pfle ar3orAIJII! zoxwo,cA6ean3aSJ nlBma belwpPD31) • meAwn Pl.bee azaBs caer.leMlbtl.IMICIwM1gm P.au.y le, mo3,rTxownb M Alen CIb MY CPUIdCMibee,3W LnnW PeeuwY.NM Tem bmebn M3orpmee 6eevEM Mbr �r TM pnpxly beebetl alBM SeoeedbM eeeW bM eenY Webel SVvry, Nebo% Ba 1028. CaBnCwy, Tem lomW rM ewtlmrconvdUB]SeME Agee Prkvb. LU]taEMIA1BnePone! Qe.<bpnaiplw 31 br SFSbgb Femry PEQVES ZOMMfk PleeeE pewLpnedy(bOnEsn OlfYaura Mov?ee b M cunml M nmUe You nM wpwd pnpnB WBbl3yb M dM pY•ToeM nMp TM Mwlry b open b M p4Ac N pu Iwe pe �Itl b epok br ar yYe[ tle popwM tlinge Yw meY rso iepbY Wn oPlnAn bl YMmbg tle Idm m Me bdLm d tli nm[e b be OepabnM oIPW Wp 60.vtlopnn,L 3p5L�pry Pa,Mry. Nen Tem. ]Wti TM Pbuebe 6 Zarde Cnndeebn IbwW X3IeMmenenbe b enY Tenbq Neipe b M CYy Louts aMr mitluNpe PNOI�eb6 Leee.iammnbelbRMOYalen auG,ebyyetleeYE b. Pdip MaM1q Moe M L3Y LneYl Cbn ravnmenel0 for Enbel mq M Y9epYe by M ,pp4ve Wets bYlY1b) 2 le Ngrtlme • nwYp w1M WIeSJee MbpeMCly CcuPi Tmm.]6M3br.EGNeN HomeMnoollft-4BnSvbnel�iYePnOdeFe 1 jbtt n nn ® ZONING EXHIBIT ZONING CASE Z-1113103-3 (US 75 & Exchange — PD21) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: I, /gAYf,8R0Yk-ES with property located aQQ3 Whj-Cfn #JiP pR .Allen,Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) ❑ Support k6ppose proposed zoning change for the following � xoTloETo tmwPmvowxmwmwaweEtT � weueucxEwnmowaesoeoaeoraac arzwNzae zoxlfw waznnwsaryanaewee.eorti TMNan Fw 1 aza*e CmeaeMWn41Japb an FaEn�y t0. .arao Rmm a,e Nen ar Itr ta.rzte.ms� zos cin ems, Nn. Tm. m wrnlarM>nnYn ws � aeeaeea lebw Tln wavertl m e®mee. zmt: ev®a Yeq seems m n. Mwr V/ma a'+lT'. NWtt j xo.tme,wince.w,r.oe;a,aeaabe.ae,mgaa,erausn ma enep.e.n�. CUBMW ZURHO, PIImeOOMopnM eln 2t br SFSYgb Fm,el REOUEIITEDZOaMQ nwieU OwebpnrMlareOCwM OIa. uye I f wcaawbme amentlu,emnle. pwwm. mmerappwgwa,m sW maase PaVaeeE mnmp ufa. TMWMw4q bo0a� b tlr Wain M)w Iwe M ,yM b ePNM M u gpmx� tle � eYmM Ya/ aaTen fll rtmmlM Me Iain m Ne MILwn a Oib rgpme WIN, OWeNrenl a Pmmeg a OwdoPma lO5 CeNey Pakwey, Nen Tem,>5(ItA TM PmnnY,p 6ImYg LwmWm h,wtlt Y rammnamebe far wy meW9 genie b tle ON Court art aetl,Wp a Pim UrYp, Cw re^mineNaE lar RPara n bbmebvly a AeEUW b e qmm Irw9 Eabn tle C19' Csxrl Cun ,ewinnn,e„yeJ b MNY mry M yPeekE M ee •PDb^r Mlhm bell'IbI Ms NMtlroa Mgegxll MstlMatl Eelaetlr C-0'CdM Pmpp a.,matle PWnmp eeaem,eK One Msi CMeeW Nrn, TGm, ]E019loreaaUonel saornmm as Istel rn<t]; a«�elemTeYMe�mieue / ( rmove mem auebreuu.....,m m ®d r4 rCe Y ® r ZONING EXHIBIT ZONING CASE Z-1113103-3 (US 75 & Exchange– PD21) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: //- with Property located at 225 EXCfir'!�� `Allen, Texas, (NAs ) (ADDRESS) SIGNATURE ❑ ose Support �dOPP W zgning change for the following reasons: DATE �dice�6+� �t s7Ate7' /iZo✓E. Cut here ZONING CASE Z-1113/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange— PD21) Members of thePlanning& Zoning Commission: I, U/i4&7-6 N f5d R% _ with property located at ZdS-SKC 01443r, ^Olede, Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) Support The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: 2. - L. ^WA"� F. w. W" - *4WXI "A owAer i,, Td e. t? dN 7? CXCAWAV9 '%OPCC- Gi/TN 96 N+NG 'y its STOPS — Ld40is/B �' Ga'- i d,I/1.✓s dM 7Nit eT.66l1• SIGNATURE GATE !fJ p/NY u/dwc,0 Asf/r /Fd KE OW Nl.C. W4KY A �46/A/d'Sl Ca'tFLEx 7 W/>N/.f/ aed go -i d{ TIYhf.''t•CdNT Od/.0 Q �frs /s 6v T,M/E `x"s174/d /4r44TY 1/4tbtl4r, TN4T ydq M;64C4dYi 9'14A"1"l4.0 wi6aQ6'Cf9kf Z-7-d3FrdK Pd/ry OFls V.451 4pN.W lKd6lAtfE/may �S• ,Z d/s/f y0 Q Odtp GO //,p i/!' =6/A/ 7W,s NfId- Af4rdaHd1O -fid- yl�IIS �Q" G/iiLN 4/C 6046NY 7'Ns ffdK�i -� 5 ZONING CASE Z-1/13103-3 (US 75 & Exchange — PD21) Members of the Planning 8 Zoning Commission: I�C-A,✓ i!A41i& with property located at x.37 143 KS N V R . Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) ❑ Support The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: '?ov t $ -9- he_yl2 P, N' '115 /440.0 N� P e A3 Citi Rwt' v a�`a SIGNATURE DATE 0 i. � 71�r2 l%rAS[3- b 'F'L �= NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-1113/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange- PD21) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on February 18, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below: The property is described as 4 901 3 acres of land situated in the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, Collin County, Texas: located at the southeast corner of US75 and Exchange Parkway CURRENT ZONINGPlanned Development No. 21 for SF -Single Family. REQUESTED ZONING: Planned Development for GO -Garden Office uses According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail sleeper@ci.allen.tx.us ZONING CASE Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange —PD21) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: I, Ken nefhg- l)'lary , with property located at 7 'ex ""2 /?yr P/., Allen, Texas, (NAME) Cain (ADDRESS) ❑ Support OOppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: 5 X75 Sn ,Iz//SecladeW t)er�1161jrhooW, i�erm lt.'nT�9ar�en c*rr,c.es�'us% norfh aF us u�eu/rL -fvfa //u ruin ar2r rhov lA/e GaYrenf/ 2xbe✓''"ce '>F%'o�f•c h%zard5 c�tfr.7� in and aKf tyy/gp<' �—T a- 11-03 J SIGNATURE DATE of oe�r Pe/9hborhoad, The exit ramp o Gentle/ /already poses JcreEtrl'sks. We Feel 4-A4-1-o�;ee bur•/din55 /n -Me p/'oIpnsed �ocaf ayr k)e"Ml �arfher eriliance_ `mess ha/zards. A//en a'/rtady bas 2n abeuoda,rce 0 -IC en24fy dFf ce bu//d%�ys, 40,6y shau/Q aae kllow yylare 4a be- bu /�Z �%as� co7 Qid<r 04er OPPos;�%oN Zoning case Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange — PD21) February 15, 2003 Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission: I, Harald Achen, with property located at 211 Whisenant Drive, Allen, Texas, OPPOSE the proposed zoning change for the following reasons. 1.) The property in question is essentially a median, albeit a large one. 2.) It is far too small to safely develop into a business park. 3.) There are other tracts in Allen that can be developed that provide easier access and don't infringe on a residential neighborhood. 4.) Many existing buildings in Allen that could be used stand vacant, and it makes the city look bad. 5.) Traffic will increase to levels for which our residential streets were not designed. a. Bush Drive is a straight shot from Exchange Place to Whisenant Drive, it's half a mile long and it would be very easy for a distracted, upset, or medicated driver leaving a medical office park to exceed the speed limit by 5 to 20 miles per hour. b. Whisenant Drive has a deceptive little curve in it and numerous tines in the last 10 years drivers have misjudged their speed and the road conditions and ended up in my and my neighbors yards. The likelihood of an increase of these types of incidents would be high I urge the Planning and Zoning Commission to DENY the requested zoning change from SF to GO. It is also my sincere wish that the Commission consider taking steps to acquire the land for the city of Allen, for the purpose of establishing a Greenbelt. Respectfully, Harald Achen j4wV / `A--- L US 75 & Exchange Bishop — PD 21 Ms. Deloris Gardner, property owner 603 Bush Drive 200 Knobb Hill Opposes the request based on the following concerns: 1. Devalues property 2. Increase traffic 3. Safety hazard 4. Office adjacent to residential not compatible. I Zoning Case Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange - PD21) Page 1 of I Sally Leeper From: Brenda Farmer (EUS) [Brenda.Farmer@aml ericsson.se] Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:08 PM To: 'sleeper@ci.allen.tx.us' Subject: Zoning Case Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange - PD21) Importance: High P Dear Allen Planning Department, This message is in regard to the above zoning case. Darrell and Brenda Farmer, with property located at 209 Glenwick Place, Allen, Texas, oppose this zoning change for the following reasons: • Traffic hazards from access road those coming off the highway and those turning onto Exchange Parkway. It's already a dangerous area. * Traffic increase in small, quiet neighborhood there are not any sidewalks which proposes a greater risk to our children • These offices are too close to residential housing. Thanks, Darrell and Brenda Fanner 209 Glenwick Place Allen, TX 75013 (972)727-5988 2/17/2003 Pam Conway From: Sally Leeper ����¢¢¢¢ent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:15 AM o; Pam Conway object: PD 21 Zoning Case Ms. Betty Monico, 205 Nob Hill Place, called to indicate she is opposed to the request (Z1-13-03-3) at Exchange and OS75. She indicated she prefers to keep it a greenbelt and that residential and business do not match, they should be separated. Sally L. Leeper Planner 972-727-0125 Pam Conway From: Sally Leeper Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 8:10 AM To: Pam Conway Subject: FW: Zoning case Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 & Exchange - PD21) Add this to the file please -----Original Message ----- From: beverly birdwell [mai lto: bmbltx@yahoo com] Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7 59 PM To sleeper@ci.allen.tx.us Subject: Zoning case Z-1/13/03-3 (US 75 6 Exchange - PD21) We are currently viewing the meeting on 1/18/03 on TV We have seen many of our friends and neighbors expressing their concerns and disapproval of the change as requested by Dr. Bishop. We are firmly opposed to this change in zoning. We have lived at 221 Glenwick for over 29 years. our neighborhood has no sidewalks and closed access. We have many small children and older residents who use the streets for bike riding or walking. Please do not destroy our neighborhood with this change Thank you. Carl and Beverly Birdwell 221 Glenwick Place Allen Texas 75013 E972-727-9271 Do you Yahoo17 Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day http //shopping.yahoo.com I amaiq m 3m waedm iemw, Sw,n 3R owi« d «aP.rrywmm zpo mmd6R po.osee mnYq mac TM 1meMY b oP«i b IM1e PNRc N pu care Ne Mem Wtl. l« « gwLL tlq ptpaeeE muige rw may em rtOYtl pr apFM q «mmog Ne bnn an tlw oamrn d Ms mlbe b me Dap�p�wn+m PWnvg a Celabwtle, 3W Cm,ry Pukwy, PSen Tem. )5013 TM PWRm3 6 IDnpip tamni,fm Nra,nOa R iennnwgetl«R mr Nry eaJq � b Die CYy cowmwwaeuceq. wets NRM1p, ctltl wmn.nwm mr+PPm.+ee.umnwurry memee b, wok lieeriq oemm tlR Cq CPval Lm ixamiuke6 far OmW mry M,ppevNE q N, .aP3tlmwRw Hair twlM+. u,rwne. nwry w e..a.adea e.1«e u« �yc«.K3. PWse mn0d 0w Pl ft Uvmtl4Otl NmC PA Men.Twm.)6313b WbR1 ieornROon « m (erp rna+zq «wmeF Ytlpwptla W skis wmoan 0 ® ZONING EX(i1BfL. ZONING CASE Z-1113103-3 (US 75 & Exchange— Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: �1 / /7/)///94/ 1, e \ I Y k with property located at Q � /O� ,Allen. Texas, AME) (ADDRESS) The a proposed zoning ng for the following reasons: NOTIOETO PROPERTY OwfhRW 300 FHT OFPUBl101EMN6FORPROPO6FDZptl+O CRYOIAIJII! ZONPN3 CIi6E2Ms033 rya T6aEWtl�pt P0311 S .17M TFe Nen Pi,ip aY«iq CandtlMwooa, pipc oarYq «� FWM 18,2MWMP m tlw Mtl011yNY C0ua3 Ch Msb ,305 OwOry P,ik .Yawl Tam, b«,uarMmip®,tl EeMEtl EeIPc � TM papenY V eeavpaG a • Bof a evtl m brk,Em+ea F O+e Mw,y webol Sa+eY. utltl Na 1036. Gann Cany.T®.bmbE Ytla wXwMmmrm U3)6 eM EM«pe P,eby CURMrrZOMM pYweE Dvv*n M31mr6FSNWFW* REOUE6TEOZONMO: PYnR00saMpw�tMOOGadn Oamms I amaiq m 3m waedm iemw, Sw,n 3R owi« d «aP.rrywmm zpo mmd6R po.osee mnYq mac TM 1meMY b oP«i b IM1e PNRc N pu care Ne Mem Wtl. l« « gwLL tlq ptpaeeE muige rw may em rtOYtl pr apFM q «mmog Ne bnn an tlw oamrn d Ms mlbe b me Dap�p�wn+m PWnvg a Celabwtle, 3W Cm,ry Pukwy, PSen Tem. )5013 TM PWRm3 6 IDnpip tamni,fm Nra,nOa R iennnwgetl«R mr Nry eaJq � b Die CYy cowmwwaeuceq. wets NRM1p, ctltl wmn.nwm mr+PPm.+ee.umnwurry memee b, wok lieeriq oemm tlR Cq CPval Lm ixamiuke6 far OmW mry M,ppevNE q N, .aP3tlmwRw Hair twlM+. u,rwne. nwry w e..a.adea e.1«e u« �yc«.K3. PWse mn0d 0w Pl ft Uvmtl4Otl NmC PA Men.Twm.)6313b WbR1 ieornROon « m (erp rna+zq «wmeF Ytlpwptla W skis wmoan 0 ® ZONING EX(i1BfL. ZONING CASE Z-1113103-3 (US 75 & Exchange— Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: �1 / /7/)///94/ 1, e \ I Y k with property located at Q � /O� ,Allen. Texas, AME) (ADDRESS) The a proposed zoning ng for the following reasons: Joni Halpin 623 Sagebrush Lane Allen TX 75002 7oni.hQAttbi.com To: Planning and Zoning Commission Re: Request for Special Use Permit No. 95 for fueling station on Lots 1 & 2 of the Allen Business Center I would like to request your denial of this zoning change request. As a citizen who drives past this part of Bethany Drive several times a day, I would be very disappointed to see this comer used for such an unappealing site. I agree with city staff's assessment of the additional traffic congestion that would result on an already crowded street. But my main objection is a purely aesthetic one. The extra illumination, if allowed, would be bothersome to the eyes of people driving by. Even without it, gas stations are generally not very pretty and don't produce the best of smells. That's why they belong right next to freeways. Thank you for considering my opinion on this item. Joni Halpin Allen Citizen 0 January 21, 2003 Chairman and Commissioners of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Mayor and City Council Persons CITY OF ALLEN One Allen Civic Plaza Allen, Texas 75013 Re: Zoning Request for Racetrack Convenience Store and Gas Station NEC Bethany Road and Prestige Circle Allen, Texas Ladies and Gentlemen: I am the representative of the ownership group who own Advantage Self Storage at #3 Prestige Circle. Please be advised that we support the request of R and R Investments for the approval of a Racetrack convenience store and gas station to be located on the northeast corner of Bethany and Prestige Circle. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. fSin r , i �ne6 s Cc: R and R Investments c/o Mr. Dave Wilcox 115 S. Travis Sherman, Texas 75090 (903) 892-2151 Fax (903) 813-0847 F1 Enterprises, Inc. February 7, 2003 David A. Hoover, AICP Assistant Director of Planning & Development City of Allen One Allen Civic Plaza Allen, Texas 75013 RE: RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc. Proposal for Property at Prestige Circle and East Bethany Drive Dear W. Hoover: RCL Enterprises has been a part of the Allen business community since 1980. During this time, we have seen tremendous growth in Allen and are proud of the part we have played. However, not all growth is positive, and so it is that we must voice our opposition to the proposed development of a gas station at the comer of Bethany and Prestige. As this location is directly across Bethany from our business, we have several reasons for opposition to the proposed development: Increased traffic and safety concerns — Traffic on Bethany can already be quite heavy at times and the addition of traffic entering and exiting a high volume gas station at the proposed location would present a safety concern. The speed of traffic and the curve in Bethany as it approaches this location makes entering, exiting and crossing Bethany a treacherous task. The additional traffic from the proposed business will only exacerbate this problem • Access to our business - The increased traffic flow would also be a detriment to the ingress and egress of our customers, supplier deliveries and outbound shipments. This would present particular difficulty for tractor -trailer traffic exiting RCL's driveway to travel west -bound on Bethany, especially when meeting opposing traffic exiting the gas station to travel east -bound on Bethany. 200 Wt adh y Dewe • MkN T. 75002 • 972/3906300 David A. Hoover L February 1, 2003 Page 2 L Appearance - RCL has endeavored to make its building and grounds as appealing as possible and is opposed to any development on Bethany which would detract from the appearance of the area. The required amount of site lighting needed per building code for a gas station would detract from our professional industrial park and be inconsistent with the existing use of the neighboring properties which are campus office buildings, a gymnasium, and other small businesses. Such a business would also be offensive due to the odor, gas, noise, visual, trash, and other pollution created by the people and vehicles utilizing the facility. RCL Enterprises believes in working with the City of Allen to enhance the living and working environment for our employees, the citiiens of Allen and Allen businesses. We urge you to deny the request by RaceTrac Petroleum to build their service station across from our business. s We will appreciate your consideration of this matter. Sincerely yours, �.... - Charles G. Chalifoux President cgc:iw n HIT Entertainment Dallas Once Los Angeles Office Landon Oeice 830 S Gree—Ile Avenue 9300 W if m Boulevard Maple House AIIen.T% 75002-3330 2M Floor 149 ToMarl tteCourt Road z Tel 972 390 6000 Brly H.N. CA 90212-3213 eve Lo W IT J F Tel 3107248979 Ootid Kingdom z TO. H 20 7554 MW -. February 10, 2003 David A. Hoover, AICP Assistant Director of Planning & Development City of Allen One Allen Civic Plaza Allen, TX 75013 Dear David, This letter is in response to the Notice of Public Hearing for the proposed zoning case involving Race Trac. HIT Entertainment is opposed to the requested zoning change for a fueling station for two reasons. The first reason being that a gas station simply does not fit with the present businesses in the surrounding area. The second reason is that due to the current traffic on Bethany, and the proposed placement of this gas station, the number of vehicles taking U-tums in the cut -through on the east side of our property will significantly increase for those heading east on Bethany to access the service station. This will create a traffic hazard at our east entrance, which is the main entrance most of our employees use coming off of Central Expressway. Again, we are opposed to any change from the present zoning of local retail and plan on attending the upcoming Planning and Zoning Hearing. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, if you have any questions with respect to our comments, please don't hesitate to contact me directly at 972-390-6397. Yours truly, Y7 C. Ruffini Chief Financial Officer I wviw.hdertemirrneM.can LEACH FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 200 East Bethany Drive Allen, Texas 75002 February 7, 2003 David A. Hoover, AICP Assistant Director of Planning & Development City of Allen One Allen Civic Plaza Allen, Texas 75013 RE. RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc. Proposal for Property at Prestige Circle and East Bethany Drive Dear Mr. Hoover: The Leach family has been a committed investor in the Allen business community for over twenty years. We have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with the City of Allen during this time and hope to continue doing so for many years to come. As a property owner, we are opposed to the proposed development of a RaceTmc gas station and convenience store at Bethany and Prestige Circle because the proposed use will: 1. Adversely affect our property values as the proposed use is inconsistent with the existing use of the neighboring properties. 2. Be offensive due to the odor, gas, noise, visual, trash, and other pollution created by the people and vehicles utilizing the facility; 3. Take away from the aesthetics of the neighboring properties. 4. Create a very bright fighting scheme at night due to its large use area and need for security which will be inconsistent with the surrounding neighborhood; 5. Create additional traffic flows and circulation patterns which will be detrimental to the business tenants located on our property; and David A. Hoover, NCP February 7, 2003 Page 2 6. Provide an inherent environmental concern due to the underground storage of gasoline with a creek only a short distance from the proposed site as well as a facility which provides services for children adjacent to the operation. We are of the opinion that the proposed development of this location does not serve the public interest of the neighboring property and businesses and urge you to deny the application. Very truly yours, 4a'- mary K. Leach Chairman RKL:iw C �� �����» - � : ��\ . . : yy , y� . . . . . :� .�>�< : . . � . . a»:�y�: �������\ /\ � � -�? 0 JIM VAT it '11-1- V K� "OU JRMAIY�l I.M.211, R VNJ,� �t941 Imm ` 1 .1 1 i- . - ' 'It con mr, Aw a a-- a In. a 31- All k -yim,['1I, pt Q , 177 AT 5�'11 nO , 1 1?M itt", -l"I!,g, vt�,,,w oil, J I e`/ ;0 CD 11 Er > q » z c | �E® }0 0S' [ » % | ! & @/ , ;��m e0-0 ° ° z y f2\ 00 (D ;§it($ § f \ § ( z % !(2 '<£IR'3 §\` _\ z y $ ! z 0 �= )CD }\}} �D ` ` �k �• f f / mZ �k 0 f 0 _} )]]\; E / R f § * }n ,7§»! ! u z \% 0 /2(7\ & \ \ § )\ ( ]mm 39 / 00 \ \!_ I,@ ■ a f ° ■ & ¢0< 0CCDD § \/ zMOMMm 2 !;f )<0CD u0 ,/ ± g > z c ) 2 2\6`| [¥/ \; ° A | 0 �I� 0���� 00 CCD D ° § ) !(= -0 (D , - CD CD cr \ 2 0 \ } � )00 /(i w "a Z «* ��M,mm 0 \ , 2 �� \0 q/��` z 0 m x , �' - i , �z \% /( /2($\ / g B \ \ ( ]M\B3 / � \ 0 0 ` �! ;,@ { q }CD ;k<0w CD ^ § CD Er6 j((5 ` * ' / \ z E£ 0M = > a