HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2003 - 03/18 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
EMARCH 1S, 2003
Commissioners Present:
Gary Caplinger, Chair
Alan Grimes, First Vice -Chair
Robin Sedlacek
Robert Wendland
Gary Stocker
Kenneth Harvey
Commissioners Absent:
Darion Culbertson
City Staff Present:
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning
Sally L. Leeper, Planner
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer
Natalie Banuelou, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at
7.00 p m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway.
Director's Report on March 11, 2003 Council Action
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, stated that City Council approved the 2001-2023
Comprehensive Plan.
L Approve Minutes of February 18, 2003, Regular Meeting.
2. Final plat —Consider a Final Plat for 37 lots in Bellegrove Phase 11, in the J. J. Miller Survey,
Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located just south of the northeast comer of
Stacy Road and Angel Parkway.
The minutes were removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered at the April 1, 2003 meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner
Wern land, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve Item 2
on the Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
MARCH I8, 2003
IRegular Aeenda
3 Public Hearing/Replat— Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat for Lots 1R1 & 14, Block
D, Bray Central One Addition. The property is 4.6322± acres of land located in the Catherine
Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, a Replat of Lot IR, Block D Bray Central One Addition, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the northeast corner of Watters Road and Bray Central Drive.
David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning & Development, presented the item to the Commission. He
stated that the property is adjacent to the 24 -Hour Fitness facility. The Replat conforms to the requirements
of the Allen Land Development Code and there are no outstanding issues. Staff recommends approval.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek,
the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request.
The motion carried.
Public Hearims
4. Public Hearing/Tabled Item — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance amending
Planned Development No. 21 from Single-family uses to GO -Garden Office uses on 4.901± acres of land
situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, City of Allen, Collin County, Teras, located at the
southeast comer of US 75 and Exchange Parkway.
Mr. Hoover presented the item to the Commission. He stated that a meeting was held on March 8, 2003
with staff, the proponent and the residents of the neighborhood and as a result, the following conditions
agreed to:
The property shall be used for medical -related uses only
Buildings shall be single story with no roof top mounted equipment.
Roofing material shall be composition shingles, similar in appearance to wood shake
shingles, such as Timberline.
Buildings shall be designed to appear as residential style architecture and have a 360 -degree
focus with no apparent "back side."
No egress or ingress shall be allowed onto Exchange Place except for emergency vehicles.
Emergency access gate entrance on Exchange Place shall align with the alley to the south
adjacent to Lot 24.
Buildings must be oriented towards and addressed from Exchange Parkway.
Dumpsters must be residential style and located away from Exchange Place
Frontage along Exchange Place shall be a combination of a berm, shrubbery, and trees
During construction, all ingress and egress shall be from Exchange Parkway
The areas along and adjacent to US 75, the ramp from the US 75 service road to Exchange
Parkway, and the northern portion of the property along Exchange Parkway shall be
landscaped in a manner to create a grove of trees along the sloped areas of the subject
property adjacent to these roadways
Mr. Hoover stated that staff recommends approval with the above conditions.
MARCH 18, 2003
fi Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing
Wade Kennedy, 203 Wildwood Place, stated he is opposed. He said he was unaware of the meeting His
concerns are drainage, safety and traffic.
Elizabeth Kennedy, 203 W ildwood Place — opposed.
Elaine Seglem, 215 Nob Hill Place — opposed, stated she also was not contacted for the meeting. Her
concerns are parking issues around the buildings, and dumpster locations.
Mark Seglem, 215 Nob Hill Place — opposed, stated that the driveway locations will cause problems. He
had concerns with traffic speed and the parking situation.
Julie Buchanan, 215 Exchange Place — Spoke in favor of the request and stated that she and her husband
were responsible for notifying the neighborhood of the meeting and apologized to those who were not
contacted. She discussed the conditions for approval and requested an additional condition for a sidewalk
connecting to Allen Station Park.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Mr. Hoover addressed the sidewalk comment and stated that he has contacted the Parks Department and
they are agreeable to connecting the sidewalk to Allen Station Park.
Mr. Hoover stated that there are 140 parking spaces, which is more than the Allen Land Development
Code requires. He also stated that detention and drainage issues will be addressed during platting
The Commission expressed confidence that the Engineering Department would address any traffic issues.
Commissioner Stocker questioned the dumpsters and the landscaping along Exchange Place. Mr. Hoover
indicated that the residents had expressed a desire for a mixture of berm and scattered landscaping rather
than a solid screen of shrubbery
Dr. David Bishop, 17 Bishop Gate, Proponent, stated that he was very pleased with the discussion with
the residents, and expressed his desire to be a good neighbor. He fully intends to fulfill all the requests
made by the residents. He stated there would be more than one dumpster per office, but exactly how
many he couldn't predict. He uses this residential -type dumpster at his dental office and they are very
adequate, and are cleaner. Medical waste doesn't go into those dumpsters — it is disposed of in other
ways. He is comfortable with all the conditions presented.
Commissioner Harvey stated that the land is not appropriate for residential development and with all the
conditions presented, he is in favor of the zoning change requested.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request with the following conditions:
1. The property shall be used for medical -related uses only.
2. Buildings shall be single story with no roof top mounted equipment.
3. Roofing material shall be composition shingles, similar in appearance to wood
shake shingles, such as Timberline.
4. Buildings shall be designed to appear as residential style architecture and have a
360 -degree focus with no apparent "back side."
MARCH 18, 2003 PAGE 4
5. No egress or ingress shall be allowed onto Exchange Place except for emergency
6. Emergency access gate entrance an Exchange Place shall align with the alley to
the south adjacent to Lot 24.
7. Buildings must be oriented towards and addressed from Exchange Parkway.
8. Dumpsters must be residential style and located away from Exchange Place.
9. Frontage along Exchange Place shall be a combination of a berm, shrubbery,
and trees.
10. During construction, all ingress and egress shall be from Exchange Parkway.
11. The areas along and adjacent to US 75, the ramp from the US 75 service road to
Exchange Parkway, and the northern portion of the property along Exchange
Parkway shall be landscaped in a manner to create a grove of trees along the
sloped areas of the subject property adjacent to these roadways.
The motion carried.
5 Public Hearing/fabled Item —Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for Specific Use
Permit No 95 for a fueling station on 2.518± acres of land on Lots 1 and 2 of the Allen Business
Center— Tract A 1 situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, being a Replat of a Replat
of Allen Business Centre Tract Al, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the northeast
corner of Bethany Drive and Prestige Circle
Mr Hoover presented the item to the Commission. He stated that traffic was the main issue at the last
meeting. Staff believes traffic can be managed but not mitigated. Staff does not believe this use is
appropriate in this location and that it would negatively affect future development of surrounding
Commissioner Wendland stated the compatibility issue is his main concern— notjust the traffic issues.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
Chuck Chalifoux, President of RCL Enterprises, 200 East Bethany Drive, read from a traffic impact study
by Kimley-Hom. He stated this use will have a very negative impact on his business (safety.)
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Jason Marshall, law firm name 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, representing the applicant (Race Trac), stated
that, traffic will increase on Bethany Road, whether or not this property is developed. He noted that the
applicant will extend the deceleration lane on eastbound Bethany at Prestige Circle to be increased to 150
feet, provide driveway access for the gymnastic site from Prestige Circle; to add a deceleration lane east
of the proposed Race Trac.
Mr. Marshall stated that the lighting is not typical for Race Trac. There will be no direct lighting that will
leave this site. He reiterated his position that this use is compatible with the surroundings.
Mr. Hoover noted that the improvements described are requirements of the Code, and again stated that a
fueling station will negatively impact the surrounding property.
The Commission discussed the traffic issues and compatibility. It was stressed that the issue is a fueling
station at this location, not Race True specifically
Chairman Caplinger stated that he is not in favor of any fueling station at this location.
MARCH 18, 2003
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Stocker, and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 3 IN FAVOR and 3 OPPOSED to DENY the
request. Commissioners Grimes, Sedlacek and Harvey were opposed.
Commissioner Harvey the made a motion to table the request until a full Commission was present
to vote.
Following discussion, Commissioner Harvey withdrew his motion.
The motion will go forward to City Council without a recommendation based on a 3-3 vote. A protest by
the owners of more than 20% of property within 200 feet will require a supermajority vote of the City
6. Public Hearing— Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a zoning change from AO-
Agriculture/Open Space to LR -Local Retail, R-4 and R -5 -Single Family Residential, with a possible
future school site. The property is 44.010± acres of land situated in the W Fisher Survey, Abstract
No. 323 and the J. Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located east
of the intersection of Exchange Parkway and Angel Parkway
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He stated that AISD has identified this as a
potential site for a new elementary school, requiring approximately 15 acres that would serve as a buffer
between the retail and residential section. The requested zoning has been shown on the proposed future
land use map for the new Comprehensive Plan and has been supported through that process. Staff
recommends approval as submitted.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
Terri Lewis, 1603 Lake Meade Drive - opposed
Gary Hamblett, 1803 Olympia Drive - opposed to the retail and school.
Randal Lewis, 1603 Lake Meade Drive — opposed — is concerned with the Local Retail
Renay Hamblett, 1803 Olympia Drive - opposed — concerned with the potential noise, the retail and
Ron Haynes, 1718 Davenport Road, Dallas, He is opposed to the extension of Exchange Parkway — he
was the developer of Woodland Park and his concern is Exchange Parkway being a thoroughfare. The
residents of Lucas have no interest in a thoroughfare. Is the extension of a six lane thoroughfare
(Exchange Parkway) really warranted? He proposed that a simple collector would work He suggested
that the Commission should examine the need.
Nancy Hodson, 1605 Lake Meade Drive - opposed to the retail — negative impact on residential; she is
also opposed to the extension of Exchange, but she supports the school.
Mark San Miguel — Resident in Woodland Park - opposed to the extension of Exchange; noise and traffic
Matthew Hodson, 1605 Lake Meade Drive - opposed — concerned with the possible removal of mature
trees and noise control. He also questioned if the open space would really be open space.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
MARCH 18, 2003 PAGE 6
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, responding to comments, stated that Exchange
Parkway will be four lanes east of Angel Parkway. She stated that there is a seven and a half foot tree line
easement on the northern edge of Woodland Park, and the tree row will be preserved with additional
landscaping added. She explained that the waterway is actually a ditch, not a creek and is needed for
drainage. She noted some issues of maintenance are yet to be resolved as it is a county easement that
carries water from east of this property The school expressed the need for another elementary school,
and although this location is not ideal, it would meet their needs There is also a trail system which
connects to Celebration Park; and a screening wall is required with the local retail abutting residential
property She noted that detention would be required and that consolidating detention would allow the
development of a landscaped area adjacent to the roadway.
Bill Winkelmann, W inkelmann & Associates, 6750 Hill Crest Plaza, representing the Owner, stated that
this concept plan was developed primarily based on the City Council's comments from the previous
submittal in 2000. No users have been identified at this time for the local retail.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Stocker,
the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request as
presented. The motion carried.
7 Public Hearing—Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the Allen Land
Development Code, Article VII, Section 7.09 by amending the Sign Regulations
Sally Leeper, Planner presented the request to the Commission. She reviewed the amendments
recommended and the comparisons to surrounding cities. She stated that the Sign Board was
recommending the following amendments:
1. Amendment to Table 7.23 to change the method of measuring retail/commercial attached walls signs
to allow fagade times 1.25 for property closer than 300' from the right-of-way and facade times 1.5
for property 300' or greater from the right-of-way
2. Amendment to Table 7 23 to change requirements for free-standing monument signs for
retail/commercial multi -tenant properties greater than 10 acres to allow a primary sign 15 feet in
height, 150 s.f of copy, and 250 s.f. of structure This is a change from properties greater than 15
3. Amendment to Table 7.23 to add a new category for properties from 5 to 10 acres to allow 12 feet in
height, 100 s.f. of copy, and 150 s.f. of structure.
4. Amendment to Table 724 (Central Business District) to change the maximum square footage allowed
for lamppost style signs in Design District No. 2 from 2 s.f. to 6 s.f.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
Robert Rogers, Rogers Signs, 201 West Boyd, stated that this amendment will only help the large
businesses. Allen already has a very strict sign ordinance. He is opposed to the change. The small
businesses would be losing advertising space.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
The Commission discussed various businesses and their sizes They considered the reduction of sizes
proposed and discussed administrative issues. The consensus was to allow a measurement for wall signs
MARCH I8, 2003 PAGE 7
of 1.5 times the fagade for all structures. The Commission indicated that the request for an additional
category for multi -tenant signs and the change in the CBD Design District were appropriate.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Grimes,
the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the amendment as
1. Amendment to Table 7.23 to change the method of measuring
retail/commercial for property to fagade times 1.5.
2. Amendment to Table 7.23 to change requirements for free-standing
monument signs for retaipcommercial multi -tenant properties greater than
10 acres to allow a primary sign 15 feet in height, 150 s.f. of copy, and 250
s.f. of structure. This is a change from properties greater than 15 acres.
3. Amendment to Table 7.23 to add a new category for properties from 5 to 10
acres to allow 12 feet in height, 100 s.f. of copy, and 150 s.f. of structure.
4. Amendment to Table 724 (Central Business District) to change the
maximum square footage allowed for lamppost style signs in Design District
No. 2 from 2 s.f. to 6 s.f.
The motion carried.
8 Public Hearing —Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance amending Article VIII,
Subdivision Regulations of the Allen Land Development Code by amending Section 8.10.1 to provide
for pro ram reimbursement charges for water and sewer extension.
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer, presented the request to the Commission. He discussed the costs
associated with the various sizes of water and sewer lines (8", 10" and 12"). Currently the costs vary
i widely and this would standardize the charges
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion: Following a brief discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Wendland, and a
second by Commissioner Sedlacek, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0
OPPOSED to approve the ordinance. The motion carried.
9 Discussion Item —New and Unlisted Uses Birthing Center, Congregate Residence, Hospice,
Shelters and assignment to zoning districts
Mr. Hoover stated currently there is not a Birthing Center as a listed permitted use. He briefed the
Commission on the approach taken by other communities where such centers are located within the
metroplex He noted that it would be allowed by right in some locations if considered as an office,
although it might not be appropriate in some office venues. Some thoughts to consider are: How should
this use be classified, and where should it be allowed9
Commissioner Harvey excused himself for health reasons at 10:30 p.m.
Rebecca Burpo, CNM, Birthing center, discussed the care given to the women using the birthing center
and stated that they are low-risk pregnancies and return home quickly
Following discussion, the Commission agreed that a Birthing Center should be listed as a separate use,
and agreed that a number of other uses such as Congregate Residence, Shelter and Hospice should be
MARCH 18, 2003
considered in discussions at the next Commission meeting, directing staff to suggest definitions where
none existed, and zoning districts where such uses might be considered appropriate.
Other Business
Upcoming Agenda Items
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Stocker, and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
March 18, 2003 Planning & Zoning meeting at 10:50 p.m.
These minutes approved this day of % C 2003.3. J
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