HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2003 - 04/01 - RegularALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 1, 2003 ATTENDANCE. Commissioners Present: Gary Caplinger, Chair Robin Sedlacek Robert Wendland Gary Stocker Kenneth Harvey Darion Culbertson Commissioners Absent: Alan Grimes, First Vice -Chair City Staff Present Marina Sukup, Director of Planning Sally L. Leeper, Planner Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer Peter Tian, Traffic Engineer �1 REGULAR AGENDA �{ Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway Director's Report on March 11, 2003 Council Action Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, reported that City Council approved the amendments to the Sign Regulations section of the Allen Land Development Code, SUP for Pei Wei Asian Diner, and the Pro Rata amendments to the Code. CONSENT AGENDA I Approve Minutes of February 18, 2003 2. Approve Minutes of Much 18, 2003, Regular Meeting. 3. Final plat — Consider a Final Plat for Custer Hedgcoxe Addition, Lot 1, Block A, being 4.4507 f acres of land situated in the Griz ell Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 499, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: located at the northeast comer of Custer Road and Hedgcoxe Road. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Sedlacek, and a second by Commissioner Stocker, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried. A PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 1, 2003 PAGE Regular Agenda 4. Resolution - Consider approval of a resolution approving new and unlisted uses in various zoning districts and adopting a definition for "Birthing Center." Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, presented the item for consideration. She noted that the Commission had directed staff to prepare recommendations for definitions (as required) and suitable locations for such uses. Ms. Sukup stated that locations for the Birthing Center facilities should be in Community Facilities outside the Central Business District and in Medical Office and Supply, Office and Design District 42, within the Central Business District. Hospice (a definition already exists) should be located in Community Facilities, MF -12, MF -18 by right, and Corridor Commercial with an SUP Congregate Residences should be allowed in Community Facilities, MF -12 and MF -I8 by right. Staff would suggest this be adopted. Ms Sukup explained that this does not require a public hearing as the Allen Land Development Code requires it to be done by resolution. Motion: Following discussion, and a motion, made by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend a Resolution approving new and unlisted uses in various zoning districts and adopting a definition for "Birthing Center" as recommend by staff. The motion carried. Other Business Upcoming Agenda Items Adjourn Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Sedlacek, and a second by Commissioner Harvey, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the April 1, 2003 Planning & Zoning meeting at 7:15 p.m. 2Te minutes approved this 16 day of �:2�1-C� 2003. G'aYy plinger, irman Pam Conway, Administrative ere a F1 1 if fl, flklw i ji"M 48 Lie 4y9 4t e(T� vhxi 44 f" fax J4 A »(2 / }\\ n! »§M @\ o=tea, )\ < =. &\ � qj §(%[� /�;�■ \\ 0 0 M D g� � ƒ E )\ \ \\ , }(§!%& }�} [ \\ 2 o � \ |§/|\J sy t a $ \%\CD 7 z & G@f]§ F, CD / n! »§M @\ o=tea, )\ < =. C0D3 k}\!} qj §(%[� /�;�■ \\ 0 0 M D & � ƒ E \ -0 , F, CD °000 n! »§M o=tea, < =. C0D3 k}\!} CD 0 §(%[� /�;�■ 0 0 M D / i ƒ E )m/§§ -0 «�\;m }(§!%& }�} [ 2 o |§/|\J a 7 z \2\ G@f]§ « z ;!$(D 5� an(D / Z / B g�/� a /§ §6\0 #� ® $ ƒ ! p S 3:o o `(�@a2 §-a , mo/nA z 0 -0, (D / a § ■ / OT. )m/a3 E § § \ (« 0 CD■ ! , f ■ ;»ƒ%■E|( ® ° § / ■ /7} !; z mm UO n! »§M o=tea, < =. 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CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-2117103.10 (Allen Exchange JV) t'9 The Allen Planning 8 Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on March 18, 2003, at 7.00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below. The properly is 44.010± acres of land situated in the W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No 323 and the J. Miller Survey, Abstract No. 609, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located east of the intersection of Exchange Parkway and Angel Parkway. CURRENT ZONING: AO-Agriculture/Open Space REQUESTED ZONING: Planned Development for LR -Local Retail, R-5 and R4 -Single Family Residential, with a possible future school site. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feel of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning 8 Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning 8 Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail sleeper@oityofallen.org Cut here ZONING CASE Z-2/17103-10 (Allen Exchange JV) M ab7 of t e Planning & Zoning Commission: `1,�,, e4 C I, 0 , with property located ay: m, Texas, M (A RESS) EYSupport []Oppose The proposed zoning change for th following reasonW WWI , I � F /L O K b '411- 044 . SI DATE