HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2003 - 05/06 - RegularATTENDANCE:
Commissioners Present.
Gary Caplinger, Chair
Robin Sedlacek
Robert Wendland
Darien Culbertson
Alan Grimes, First Vice -Chair
Gary Stocker
Kenneth Harvey
Commissioners Absent:
City Staff Present:
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning
Sally Leeper, Planner
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
David Dodd, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at
7.00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway.
Director's Report on April 22, 2003 Council Action
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, reported that the City Council approved the SUP for
Pei Wei Asian Diner, the zoning change for PD21 from Single Family to Garden Office, and denied the
SUP for the Race Trac fueling station.
1. Approve Minutes of April 15, 2003, Regular Meeting.
2. Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for the Freedom Self Storage Addition, being a 7.865± acre tract of
land situated n the David Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 977, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
located on Main Street east of Jupiter Road.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Culbertson, and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
MAY 6, 2003
Commissioners Present.
Gary Caplinger, Chair
Robin Sedlacek
Robert Wendland
Darien Culbertson
Alan Grimes, First Vice -Chair
Gary Stocker
Kenneth Harvey
Commissioners Absent:
City Staff Present:
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning
David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning
Sally Leeper, Planner
Pam Conway, Administrative Secretary
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
David Dodd, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at
7.00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway.
Director's Report on April 22, 2003 Council Action
Marina Sukup, Director of Planning & Development, reported that the City Council approved the SUP for
Pei Wei Asian Diner, the zoning change for PD21 from Single Family to Garden Office, and denied the
SUP for the Race Trac fueling station.
1. Approve Minutes of April 15, 2003, Regular Meeting.
2. Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for the Freedom Self Storage Addition, being a 7.865± acre tract of
land situated n the David Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 977, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas;
located on Main Street east of Jupiter Road.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Culbertson, and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
MAY 6, 2003
Regular Agenda
3. Preliminary Plat - Consider a Preliminary Plat for Lots 1, 2, &3, Block A, of the Suncreek United
Methodist Church Addition, being a 12.2516± acre tract of land situated in the Alfred Slack Survey,
Abstract No. 854, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located west of Suncreek Drive and south of
McDermott Drive.
David Hoover, Assistant Director of Planning & Development, presented the item to the Commission.
He stated that the projected future buildings have been shown on the Preliminary Plat in order to assure
that water, sewer, drainage, and access issues are adequately addressed.
The Commission questioned the detention. Mr. Hoover stated that on-site detention (pond) will be
needed for the expansion. Screening of the detention area and maintenance of the existing drainage
between the church property and the residential development to the south will be required
Staff recommends approval.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request. The motion carried.
4. Final Plat- Consider a Final Plat for Lots 1, Block A, of the Suncreek United Methodist Church
Addition, being a 6 6148± acre tract of land situated in the Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract No. 854,
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located west of Suncreek Drive and south of McDermott Drive
Mr. Hoover described the Final Plat the stated that Staff recommends approval.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request. The motion carried.
5. Public Hearing/Residential Replat —Consider a replat for Lots 27 and 28, Block A, of the Villas at
Suncreek, being 0.266± acres of land situated in the Josh Butler Survey, Abstract No. 47, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at 203 and 205 Venice Court.
Mr. Hoover presented the item to the Commission. He stated that the purpose of the Replat is to combine
two adjacent lots into one lot.
Chairman Caplinger Opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner
Culbertson, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request. The motion carried.
MAY 6, 2003 PAGE 3
6. Public Hearing —Consider an ordinance granting a change in zoning on 6.68+ acres of land from
AO -Agriculture Open Space to R-3 Single Family Residential, situated in the George W Ford
Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located on the west side of Allen
Heights Drive, just north of Bethany Drive and south of Park Place Drive.
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the request is consistent with the
2002-2022 Comprehensive Plan for Low Density Residential, and noted that this layout makes the best
use of the natural features of the property without disturbing them in the process.
Staff recommends approval of the request.
Chairman Caplinger Opened the Public Hearing.
Dave Vaserlane, 17 Oxford Way, stated he is opposed to lots 3 and 4. He stated there isn't enough room
for access to those lots. He was also concerned about the owls being disturbed.
Mr. Jim Brazeal, 732 So. Allen Heights, Owner/Applicant, stated that he discussed the cul-de-sac with the
Planning staff. The cul-de-sac will be extended to minimize the removal of trees.
David Dodd, Attorney, reminded the Commission that this request is for zoning —the concerns raised are
addressed during the platting process.
Mr. Brazeal thanked the Planning Department staff for the help they provided in his planning efforts.
John Binyon, 13 Oxford Way, also expressed concern about the cul-de-sac. He suggested using the
alleyways to minimize removal of trees, and didn't understand the expansion of the cul-de-sac.
Chairman Caplinger read two public hearing letter responses which had been received in the mail. One in
opposition and one in favor of the request.
Mr Mohammed, 15 Oxford Way, opposed, stated his concern about the trees being destroyed and the
additional traffic the development would create.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Mr. Hoover indicated that many of the issues raised are platting issues. He explained that the cul-de-sac
would be slightly extended, which the Commission will review during the platting process.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request. The motion carried.
Other Business
• Upcoming Agenda Items
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Stocker,
d the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the May 6, 2003
Planning & Zoning meeting at 7:35 p.m.
MAY 6, 2003
These minutes approved this 0" day of M 2003.
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CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-3124103-16 (Brazeal Property)
The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on May 6, 2003, at 7.00 p.m. in the
Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as
descnbed below:
The property is 6.68± acres of land situated in the George W. Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located south of Park Place, west of Allen Heights Drive.
CURRENT ZONING. AO -Agriculture Open Space.
R -3 -Single Family Residential
According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning
case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed
change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the
Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013.
The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City
Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled
for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the
applicant within thirty (30) days. At that brine a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council.
Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional
information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail sleeper@cityofallen.org
Cut here
ZONING CASE Z-324/03-16 (Brazeal Property)
Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission:
I, Lwa.cy Plky"kv l t —,with property located at L6 ho u "49 (-7 Allen, Texas,
❑ Support
The proposed zoning change for the following reasons:
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