HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2003 - 11/18 - Regular((( ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION
NOVEMBER 18, 2003
Commissioners Present:
Gary Caplinger, Chair
Alan Grimes, Vice -Chair
Robert Wendland
Gary Stocker
Robin Sedlacek
Daren Culbertson
Commissioners Absent.
Kenneth Harvey
City Staff Present
David A. Hoover, Director of Planning
Sally L. Leeper, Planner
Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Joe Gorfida, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway
Directors Report on November 11, 2003 City Council Meeting
David Hoover reported that the City Council presented a proclamation to the GIS staff recognizing GIS
Consent Aeenda
Approve Minutes of November 4, 2003, Regular Meeting
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner
Culbertson, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the
Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Reeular Aeenda
Public Hearing/Replat — Consider a Replat for Millennium Business Park, a replat of Lots 2R
and 3R, Block 3, being a replat of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 3. The property is 8.422± acres of land
out of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: located
at the southeast corner of Century Parkway and Butler Drive.
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He noted that the replat is being completed in order
to accommodate the relocation of the detention pond. Staff recommends approval.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing No one was present to speak for or against the replat.
Chairman Caplinger closed the Public Hearing.
NOVEMBER 18, 2003 PAGE 2
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek,
the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Replat for
Millennium Business Park Lots 2R and 3R, Block 3. The motion carried.
3 Preliminary Plat — Consider a Preliminary Plat for Creek Valley Estates, being 13 residential
lots and 1 Home Owners Association (HOA) lot on 6.678± acres of land situated in the George
W Ford Survey, Abstract No. 328, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located west of Allen
Heights Drive and south of Park Place Drive.
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He noted that lots 2, 5 through 10, and 11 will
require homes to be equipped with fire sprinkler systems. However, at this time, lot 2 has an existing
structure on it that will not be required to have a fire sprinkler system unless at some time it is demolished
and rebuilt. Commissioner Culbertson asked what the requirement is that requires the sprinkler systems.
Mr. Hoover explained that it was because of the length of the cul-de-sac. Lots 3 and 4 will be accessed
from Oxford Way, and the building setback line is being adjusted to allow for general alignment of the
cul-de-sac. Staff recommends approval.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Culbertson, and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
preliminary plat for Creek Valley Estates. The motion carried.
4. Preliminary Plat - Consider a Preliminary Plat for Allen Center North Addition, Lots 1 and 2,
Block A, being 19.084± acres situated in the James T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No 777, and the
Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the
southeast comer of Stacy Road and SH 5.
Mr Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He noted that right-of-way for both SH 5 and Stacy
Road is proposed to be dedicated. Approval of the preliminary plat accepts dedication of the right-of-way
for final plat. Commissioner Grimes expressed his concerns about drainage from the property. Mr.
Hoover then explained that a cross -access easement is needed from Lot 2 to the City's Pump Station and
that the drainage issues would be adequately addressed prior to Final Plat. Staff recommends approval
with conditions.
Roy Wilshire, Kimley-Horn, addressed the Commission and confirmed that when the Final Plat is
approved for Lot 1, the right-of-way will be dedicated as proposed in the preliminary plat.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
preliminary plat for Allen Center North Addition, Lots 1 and 2, Block A with the
following conditions: The property will need a cross -access easement from Lot 2 to
the City's Pump Station; an agreement is needed with neighboring properties
addressing detention; and a note should be placed on the plat that the detention is
to be maintained by the property owner. The motion carried.
5. Continued Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance granting a
change in zoning on 529.47± acres of land from Planned Developments 35, 36, 37, 39 and 43
(being Corridor Commercial, Community Facilities, Industrial Technology, Office, Multi -family,
Shopping Center, Garden Office, and Light Industrial uses) to a mixture of R3 -Residential, R5 -
Residential, R7 -Residential, SC -Shopping Center, Corridor Commercial, Light Industrial, and
NOVEMBER 18, 2003
Agriculture -Open Space uses The property is situated in the Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract
No. 280 and the George Fitzhugh Survey, Abstract No. 32, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
located north of Stacy Road between Watters Road and Chelsea Blvd,
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the direction of the request has
changed significantly He then recapped the initial request and reviewed the existing and proposed
zoning maps. He noted that the specifics of acreage have not been determined at this time. Staff
recommends no action to be taken. Because new notices will need to be sent out to the surrounding
property owners, a new request will come back to the Commission at a later date.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. No one was present to speak for or against the request.
Chairman Caplinger closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Culbertson questioned what the proposal is to be for the out parcel on the east, and
suggested it be shown on the Future Land Use Plan as "Low Density Residential."
Commissioner Sedlacek asked that if the request is approved, would the Future Land Use Plan need to be
changed prior to approving the request. Mr Hoover indicated that the Future Land Use Plan will need to
be changed to reflect the approved zoning. He added that an Entertainment District is being added to the
request, as well as a cap on the residential units and a minimum dwelling size of 1600 square feet on the
R7 lots. He reviewed the proposed uses for the Entertainment District.
Chairman Caplinger stated he had concern with proposed double -loaded streets.
No action was taken as recommended by staff.
6. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance granting Specific Use
Permit (SUP) No. 95 for a Restaurant/Private Club. The property is described as 0.430+ acres of
land on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 9, City of Allen, Texas; located at 103 W Belmont Drive.
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. Staff recommends approval.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing Letters received by staff were read into record by
Chairman Caplinger. (Mike Williams, Cathie Walsh, and Joe Barton King — supported) (DART — no
comment). No one was present to speak for or against the request.
The applicant did not address the Commission, but was present for questions. Chairman Caplinger closed
the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Grimes was concerned about the additional traffic to this area and could this site
accommodate the parking. Mr Hoover responded and explained that some on -street parking is allowed in
the CBD, and the surrounding property owners support the request.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Stocker, and a second by Commissioner
Culbertson, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request for SUP 95 for a Restaurant/Private Club at 103 W. Belmont Drive. The
motion carried.
7. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance granting a change to the
approved concept plan on 10.89+ acres of land from Planned Development District No. 84 for
NOVEMBER 18, 2003
Mull, -Family Residential uses to allow for the development of apartment units for senior
residents. The property is situated in the McBain Jameson Survey, Abstract No. 491, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas; located northeast of SH5 and Chaparral Road
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He noted that the request included a new median
cut on SH 5. Mr Hoover reminded Commissioners that the property is already zoned Multi -family, and
that the request is for an amendment to the Concept Plan only Staff recommends approval.
Commissioner Grimes asked that should the Commission approve the request, would the Concept Plan for
the property to the north go away? Mr. Hoover explained that it would not automatically Commissioner
Grimes stated he preferred to have the Concept Plan for the north property be resubmitted for approval.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
The following individuals addressed the Commission:
Bruce Wade
7 Brewster Court
Allen, TX 75002
• The request does not address the northern part of the development
• Multi -family overcrowding our schools
• Opposed to only entering the development from SH 5.
• The request does not address overall development of property.
Max Hatfield (represents owner to the north and west, Barbara Kandell) — supports the project subject to
the following being adequately addressed.
• Utility stuboutss
• Existing median cut will not change
• The proposed second median cut will accommodate stacking lanes for access to the property to
the west
• Wants to only deal with the City during their development and not the other owners.
Elizabeth Cline
23 Crockett Court
Allen, TX 75002
• Concerned that her property line is five (5) feet from this property.
• Was not notified when this property was annexed into Allen.
• More apartments would brig more crime to the area.
• Supports a park or more cluster homes.
• Presented an e-mail dated February 5, 2003 from the Planning Department.
Brad Hackett
1618 Collin Drive
Allen, TX 75002
• Agrees with the concerns of Ms. Cline.
NOVEMBER 18, 2003 PAGE 5
Chairman Caplinger read an e-mail sent to staff from Paul Haynes.
• He disagrees with the location of the entrance and exit of the development.
• Wants to relocate entrance to Chaparral.
Chairman Caplinger closed the public hearing.
Applicant Jerry Green addressed the Commission. He stated that the concept of this development is for
non -assisted senior living. There will be no resident under the age of 62. Therefore, this development
will not impact the schools. The trees on the back portion of the property will not be removed.
Marc Tolson, Galier.Tolson. French Design Associates, presented the Site Plan to the Commission. He
noted some of the amenities of the proposed development:
• 6,500 S F community center
• landscaped courtyard
• security gates
• rose garden
He added that the units will be rental, and not owner -occupied. He noted that each comer of the building
will include an elevator.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
change to the Concept Plan from PD 84 for Multi -Family Residential uses to allow
for the development of apartment units for senior residents. The motion carried.
Other Business
• Upcoming Agenda Items
o Final Plat for Walgreens
o Property swap with Twin Creeks and the City to add to PD 54
o The 529 acre Blue Star proposal
o A few possible preliminary plats
Commissioner Sedlacek requested that a Workshop Meeting be scheduled to discuss Item Number 5.
Commissioners agreed that the Workshop could be held prior to a regularly scheduled meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Culbertson, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:40 p.m.
These minutes approved this day of ��,(�m �p� 2003.
-/Gal Capli eq Chairman Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician
Pam Conway
From: Sally Leeper
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 3.23 PM
To: Pam Conway
Cc: David Hoover
Subject: FVV. Development No 84
Pam, please copy this for the P8Z
---0rtginal Message ----
From: Paul Haynes [mailto:GPPPH1@peoplepc.com]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 3:18 PM
To: Sally Leeper
Subject: Development No.84
To Whom it may concem, Although I have nothing against the development of the proposed semors housing
project I do disagree with the location of the entrance and exit of the project. At any seniors development there
are approx. 50 to 100 cars a day that will be visiting or staying. The entrance on Rt 5 is going to cause more than
its share of traffic accidents. We have enough coming of Chaparral and the "Beer Store" and since us seniors
don't have the reflexes that the young have, I suggest you relocate the entrance to Chaparral. Or better still tum
the current apartment complex located on Chaparral to a Seniors Residences.
Yours Truly,
Paul Haynes
Pam Conway
!� From: Sally Leeper
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 3 23 PM
To: Pam Conway
Cc: David Hoover
Subject: FW: Development No 84
Pam, please copy this for the P&Z
---Original Message—
From: Paul Haynes [mailto:GPPPHI@peoplepc.comj
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 3:18 PM
To: Sally Leeper
Subject: Development No.84
To Whom it may concem, Although I have nothing against the development of the proposed seniors housing
project I do disagree with the location of the entrance and exit of the project At any seniors development there
are approx. 50 to 100 cars a day that will be visiting or staying. The entrance on Rt 5 is going to cause more than
its share of traffic accidents. We have enough coming of Chaparral and the "Beer Store" and since us seniors
don't have the reflexes that the young have, I suggest you relocate the entrance to Chaparral. Or better still tum
the current apartment complex located on Chaparral to a Seniors Residences.
Yours Truly,
Paul Haynes
11/11/2003 13:38 9727477306 JOE BARTON KING PAGE 01 (/n
CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-IOMM3-63 (Belmont Restaurant & Lounge)
LThe Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on November 18, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, to consider the zoning ease as
described below:
The property is described as 0.4303 acres of land on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 9, City of
Allen, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in volume 6, Page 152, Map Records, Collin
County, Texas; located at 103 W. Belmont Drive.
CURRENTZONING: CBD -Central Business District for Office/Retail.
REQUESTED ZONING: SUP -Specific Use Permit for a Restaurant/Prtvate Club.
According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet Of the Proposed zoning
case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed
305 Century Plarkway. Alster your len Texanion s 75013ing this or by fax at (972) to 727-0165. mint of Planning &
The Planning & Zoning Commission forward$ its recommendations for any zoning change to the City
Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are alltomatically scheduled
for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the
applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council.
Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen CWio Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional
information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail elseoer�cclNofallan.aro
X Cut here
ZONING CASE Z-10111/03$3 (Belmont Restaurant & Lounge)
Members of the Planning & Zoning COmrrrleelbn:
I, - D'o K.1 }) , with property totaled at '20-6 YJ • Dfi L VVbgT . Allen Teras.
The proposed zontrlg change for the following reasons:
�--)1/ O•
�,....,.m a DATE
ant By: CHARLESAc; 2144958942; Nov -10-03 5: 35PM; Page 1/1
CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-10/810383 (Belmont Restaurant & Lounge)
LThe Allen Planning 8 Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on November 18, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to oonsidar the zoning case as
The property is described as 0.430* acne of lend on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 and 10, Block 9, City of
Allen, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded In volume 6, Page 152, Map Records, Coffin
County, Taxes; located at 103 W. Belmont Drive,
CURRENT ZONING: CBD -Central Business District for Of6calRetall.
REQUESTS ZONING; $UPSpecific Use Perk for a RestsuranUPrwate Club.
According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 2DD feet of the proposed Zoning
case. The hearing Is open to the Wale and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed
change. You may also register your opinion by retuming this for to the Department of Planning 8.
Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 76013 or by fax at (872) 727-0185.
The Planning 8 Zoning Commission forwards Its recommendations for any zoning change to the City
Council after oonductng a pubic hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled
for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the
applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before Bra City Council.
Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen CW Plaza, Allen, Texas. 76013 for additional
inforakon or call (972) 727-0126, ora -mad slearsrditcitvofadan-om
X Cut fees
ZONING.CASE Z-1018103-63 (Belmont Restaurant 8 Lounge)
Members of the
I, -�((Plla(n�ni�g��3[Z'oning Commission:
'+LC. • with property localed at l�2 (d% ✓�1P rMZt— Allen. Texas.
The proposed zoning change for the following reasons:
l: P-10-03
'. `W%
CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-1018103-63 (Belmont Restaurant & Lounge)
�The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on November 18, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as
described below:
The property is described as 0.430± acres of land on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 9, City of
Allen, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in volume 6, Page 152, Map Records, Collin
County, Texas; located at 103 W. Belmont Drive
CURRENT ZONING: CBD -Central Business District for Office/Retail.
REQUESTED ZONING: SUP -Specific Use Permit for a Restaurant/Private Club.
According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning
rase. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed
change. You may also register your opinion by returning this form to the Department of Planning &
Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013 or by fax at (972) 727-0165.
The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City
Council after conducting a public hearing Cases recommended for approval are automa8cally scheduled
for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the
applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council.
Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional
information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail sleeoer(rdcityofallen.ora
X Cut here
ZONING CASE Z-1018/0383 (Belmont Restaurant & Lounge)
Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission:
with property located at Allen, Texas,
The proposed zoning change for the following reasons:
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Page 1 of 2
RE: Comprehensive Plan
2/5/2003 9:02:02 AM Central Standard Time
.� To:
Ms. Cline:
The property which you describe is under several different ownerships (at least two) — the apartment development
has not proceeded and the owners are apparently not in agreement that it should go forward, if at all. One party
is investigating the possibility of garden office development. Since the property is in a planned development, any
multi -family development is tied to a concept plan. The plan included is quite specific and does not recognize the
differences in ownership — in other words, it would have to be developed exactly as shown on the concept plan, or
the plan completely revised to break it up into multiple ownerships Any revision to the concept plan would
require both notice and public hearing before the P&Z and the City Council.
A separate but related issue is the development of the Comprehensive Plan — our revised future land use plan
(proposed until adopted by City Council) shows the area you described as "office" While this is not zoning, it
recognizes that the area is likely to develop differently than the actual zoning in place today may dictate.
In summary, it is unlikely that the City will initiate a unilateral rezoning of the property, but equally unlikely that it
will develop as multi -family. Since conformance with the Concept Plan is a prerequisite to any actual construction
and since this appears unlikely, it will almost certainly be submitted for revision. In this case, since the proposed
future land use plan shows it as "office", it will warrant additional justification from the proponents. Any such
revision will certainly involve a significant amount of discussion involving adjacent property owners
The revised future land use plan recommended by P&Z last night should be available on the City's website on the
Council agenda — the proposal reviewed by P&Z is still up as an attachment to that agenda. Please let me know
if you have further questions.
Marina Sukup, AICP, CFM
Director of Planning & Development
305 Century Parkway
Allen Texas 75013
-----Original Message -----
From: BETH2O47@aol.com [mailto:BETH2O47@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 8:28 AM
To: msukup@ci.allen.bc. us
Subject: Comprehensive Plan
Marina Sukup,
I am a resident on the south east side of town. I am concerned about the undeveloped area behind me. I
watched the planning and zoning meeting last night and was not aware that changes were being made to
the plan. I would like to express my concern over the area just north of Chapparel and east of Hwy 5.
Several years ago, before the southern most piece was in Allen, I fought an apartment complex being
developed behind my home. At that time I was informed that only 2 multi -family developmentw were
allowed per neighborhood and we at that point already had two. The apartment won with many restriction,
for which I am grateful, they ending up not developing due to constraints. However, the Plano piece of
land was annex into the city and approved for multi family development witlI��ppootificabon of a public
hearing either by mail or posting on property. This now makes three multi fa'rKiily development in our
neighborhood with zoning for a fourth We do not have a nice park like the newer developments and I feel
this area could be developed by the Parks Department.
Since the filling in of our natural pond, when they started building the town homes, several of the homes
in Collin Square have developed cracks. I met with the engineers several times in attempts to stop the
filling in of that pond,as I was told it was were a natural spring surfaced, unfortantely it was on the plat as
Tuesday, November 18, 2003 America Online: BETH2O47
Page 2 of 2
a stock pond and nobody seemed to care. On a side note the town homes also killed several of the trees
in the natural tree line.
I would really appreciate if you would tell me how I could go about getting the zoning changed for the
undeveloped part that is north of the town homes currently under construction
I plan on attending the City Council meeting next Tuesday and hope that it is a public hearing so that I
may express my concerns at that time.
Please let me know what I can do.
Elizabeth A. Cline
23 Crockett Court
Tuesday, November 18, 2003 Amenca Online: BETH2047
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Thank you for your yqur"r rre in the