HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2004 - 01/20 - RegularCITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Gary Caplinger, Chair Alan Grimes, Vice -Chair Ken Harvey Robert Wendland Gary Stocker Robin Sedlacek Darion Culbertson (left at 8:20 p.m.) Commissioners Absent: None City Staff Present: David A. Hoover, Director of Planning Lee Battle, Senior Planner Sally L. Leeper, Planner Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer Joe Gorda, City Attorney Regular Agenda PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting January 20, 2004 Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway. I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 20, 2004 PAGE 2 Consent Aeenda Item Number 1 Approve Minutes of January 6, 2004, Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey, and a second by Commissioner Wendland, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried. Reeular Aeenda Item Number 2 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance granting a change in zoning on 20.229± acres of land to change the zoning from "PD" Planned Development No. 9 and "R5" Residential to "CF" Community Facilities. The property is situated in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located north of E. Exchange Parkway and west of SH 5. Mr. Hoover presented the Plan to the Commission. Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. No one was present to speak for or against the request. Chairman Caplinger stated that a number of responses were received by staff prior to the meeting indicating support for the request. However, the adjoining property owners did have concern about cut -through traffic that may develop. The Commission will consider traffic flow during the platting process. Chairman Caplinger closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner Harvey, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Zoning Change. The motion carried. Item Number 3 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance granting a change in zoning on 27.17± acres of land from SC -Shopping Center and TH-Townhome to R7 -Residential and LR -Local Retail. The property is situated in the J. W Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 705, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located at the southwest comer of Ridgeview Drive and Alma Drive. Mr. Hoover presented the Plan to the Commission. He advised the Commission that the Applicant has changed their request; therefore staff will need to renotice the request and stated that no action should be taken at this time. The new request includes a zero lot line home with deeper lots. This allows for parking options in the rear of the homes. The request includes a reduction in the Shopping Center zoning to two acres of Local Retail. Because of the extensive SC zoning across Ridgeview, reducing the SC on this parcel will not have a negative affect on the residents of this development. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 JANUARY 20, 2004 Commissioner Culbertson asked if the new request changes the overall density of the development. Mr. Hoover responded that it is reduced by four (4) units. The Commissioners were concerned that the change to Local Retail (LR) zoning would open up this comer for a service station. Mr. Hoover stated that LR does allow for a service station by SUP. However, staff would not support any requests for a service station. Mr. Hoover stated that several day care owners have inquired about this particular parcel. The consensus of the Commission was they would not support a service station at Ridgeview and Alma Drive. Commissioner Sedlacek asked if the Open Space would be developed or left natural. Mr. Hoover responded that the request does not include the development of the Open Space as an amenity center, but it would be irrigated and maintained by the Homeowners' Association. There will be 3.4 total acres of Open Space. Jerry Sylo from Jones & Boyd addressed the Commission on the request. Mr. Sylo represented the owner and the potential purchaser for this property. He explained the lots will be deeper, going from 90 -foot depth to 105 -foot depth. Some lots will be 115 feet deep. The development will consist of four (4) single -story products, and four (4) two-story products. The largest product will be 2,900 sq. ft., and the smallest product will be 1,600 sq. ft. Because of the deeper lots there will be fewer lots. The original request included 141 lots, and the changed request includes 136. The interior Open Space lots increased in size from the original request. To address Commissioner Sedlacek's question about developing the Open Space, Mr. Sylo explained at the current time they do not intend to develop the Open Space as an amenity center. However, they will develop the Open Space if needed for marketing. Mr. Sylo also asked for feedback from the Commissioners for possible addition Townhomes located interior to the development. Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. Two (2) individuals spoke in opposition to the request. Vance Barton 1420 Kingsley Allen, TX Mr. Barron asked what type of barrier would be installed to the south. Ben Daniels 1338 Kingsley Allen, TX PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 JANUARY 20, 2004 Mr. Daniels also asked about the barrier to the south. He also stated he did not want townhomes or a service station in this development. Chairman Caplinger stated for the record that staff did receive several responses prior to the meeting. He stated that the general consensus of these responses were in support of the concept, however without townhomes. Chairman Caplinger closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Sylo re -addressed the Commission. He stated there was a 15 -foot drainage easement on the adjacent property to the south. With an alley in the proposed development, there would be an 18 -foot setback. There will be 53 feet to the garage from the properties to the south. Mr. Silo stated that the Open Space will have walking trails, trees, and benches. Mr. Hoover addressed the Commission by stating that the ordinance states that six (6) unites are allowed per building for townhomes. This request includes only three (3) units per building. The new request is a much better request, and gives more of a single-family residential feel. Commissioner Grimes was concerned about the look of excess concrete to the south backing up to the existing residential properties. Mr. Sylo explained that there will be some landscaping on the south end of the development. Chairman Caplinger stated he would support the rezoning request, but would not support the request for additional townhomes in the center of the development. Commissioner Culbertson stated he wanted to keep the lower density of 136 lots. The Commissioners advised they would support townhomes adjacent to Alma Drive, but would not support interior Townhome zoning. At staff s request, not action was taken. Item Number 4. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an ordinance granting a change in zoning on 15.459f acres of land to change the zoning from "PD" Planned Development No. 54 for Multi -family to `PD" Planned Development No. 54 to "TH" Townhome. The property is situated in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located north of McDermott Drive between Alma Drive and Walters Drive. Commissioner Harvey announced that he had a conflict of interest in this portion of the agenda and left the bench. Mr. Hoover presented the Plan to the Commission. He stated that staff has met several times over the last couple of months trying to set development standards for this request. Mr. Hoover advised that staff is not against the concept, but will require all issues to be addressed before PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 5 JANUARY 20, 2004 presenting the request to the Commission. Staff recommended continuing the Public Hearing to the Febmary 3, 2004, meeting. Mr. Hoover presented several photographs of neighborhoods in the metroplex that were similar to this request. Jason Marshall, representing Pulte Homes, addressed the Commission. He explained that he has met with the Raintree Homeowners Association, and plans to meet with them again next week. Mr. Marshall outlined some of the details of the request. The front yards of the townhomes will be the open space. He presented pictures of a similar development in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This request is for five (5) units per building. The townhomes that will be adjacent to the Raintree Development will include a 30 -foot front yard. Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. The following individuals spoke in opposition of the request: Mike Wilson 3 Rainforest Circle Allen, TX Mr. Wilson stated he did not want townhomes or multi -family. He also asked about the rear elevation of the townhomes. He wanted to know if anything else had been considered for this property. In Mr. Wilson's opinion, there were already enough apartments at this location. Steve Saint 6 Rainforest Allen, TX Mr. Saint stated he liked the idea of townhomes over multi -family. He did state that he would like to see businesses other than "Good Year" or car repair. He asked that when the grading for this development begins, that the City consider the rodent problems that were experienced in the past. He wants the land to be graded from north to south. Mr. Hoover addressed the Commission and stated that the property is already zoned MF, and that apartments could be placed at the location. Townhomes at the location are a plus. Commissioner Grimes stated he felt that the concept would be better in an older area where we we trying to rehabilitate. Commissioner Wendland stated that though he was sympathetic to the residents of Raintree, the request is an improvement over MF I I 0 I PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 20, 2004 PAGE 6 Mr. Hoover stated that the front yards of the townhomes adjacent to the Raintree development will be an open space that will be viewed by those residents. Raintree homeowners will see open space and not alleys or fences. Commissioner Sedlacek stated she was not sure that the best interest of the residents in the proposed development was being considered. The residents on the west and south boundaries will be facing the existing commercial development and McDermott Drive. Commissioner Sedlacek stated that when the request comes back she would like to see rear elevations. Chairman Caplinger stated he wanted to see adequate parking when the request comes back. The exiting proposal has parking too far from the residence. If a resident cannot park in their garage, they have to walk to their parking area. This sounds too much like multi -family. Chairman Caplinger stated that the concept presented still looks like an apartment complex. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland, and a second by Commissioner Sedlacek, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED with Commissioner Harvey abstaining, to continue the Public Hearing to February 3, 2004. The motion carried. Other Business Upcoming Agenda Items: ➢ Zoning cases o SUP — Tin Star o Watters Branch o Pulte Homes ➢ Possibly two (2) plats Adiournment Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey and a second by Commissioner Wendland, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:50 p.m. These minutes approved this day of 2004. ary apl r, Chairman 1 4� W Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician I I I 01/07/2004 08:58 9723357136 CITY OF ALLEN b7car:aWy'l PAGE 01 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC NEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING ZONING CASE Z•12MM3-79 (Wagim Branch Led.) The Mien Manning R Zoning COmauesbn Will hold a public hnarhg on January 20, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Alan Coy Hal Council Chambem, 305 Century Parkway. Alvan, Taxw, to 0WWIdar the zoning caw as dawrbed below; The Properly is dmxbad 29.17411 Marg of land Anded in the J.W. Parsons Swway, AbsUw No. 700, CRY of Alen, COW Cou* Taxes: bated at the wultaed comer of RWgevlew Drive WA Akins DrM. CURRENT ZONING: Plenned DeveWnwd No. 57 for TH-Townhome end SC,%oppl g Cwftr, REOUFSTED ZONING: planned Dsvebprrnenl No. 87 for 27.77 saes R•7 RsaldarnlW, and 2.00 aase LR Local RAWL Acaardlrg to Ole arlwd tax mdoroa. YOU are the owner of property wMin 200 fog of tar proposed zoning ossa. The ham" 4 open to the pubic NO you have 00 Vol to epwk for a Mosi nd the proposed dringa. YOU may oho fegIEW your opinion by MWmkg the form On the bow. of tlis noboe In the DSMIM&M Of Planning 8 Dave W ent 305 Conk" Parkway, Mar Taxan, 76013. Thos Planning d Zoning Conxttledan * rwarda 5s recornmemlaibns for any zoning dirge to Ina qty COrmcl after conducting a pubic hewing. Cases mcommanded for approval are su0orrra0eay adneduled for a public hearing before Me City Courcl. Caaw reeommaded for dead may be appealed by the OPPlicant w" MY (90) days, At tuft Uma a hearing wil be scWuled beb the Cly Council. Plewa oordad to Phmr*g Dapadrnanf, One Men CMe PIaGa, Man, Taxes, 75013 for addNOml kdametlOn or al (9M) 727-0125, or eruct al WwQ*jW~.arg __.---•-•--•-••.•••.••.___..••...•......--•...............•...............•.••._.."' X Cul have ZONING CASE Z-12WO3-70 (Watts Branch LfA) Mambas of fns Plannkq IL Zoning Commlwbn: i, TCP-RY "e"aOil ,AAsn,Taxas, (NAME) (ADDReSh� �wPart ❑ Oppaa The proposed zonhn0 champs to Ins following rwsau: 2nT74E.0 Rfir yfn,Tn` %HAS' Tb, Mc. f' 4 $NePO,^'6'• I Page 1 of 1 Sally Leeper From: dfischer [dfischer30Q0omcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:02 PM To: Sally Leeper Subject: zoning case Z-10/5/03-61 (Catherine Parsons Tract This letter is in response to the above referenced zoning case. As I am not able to attend tonight's meeting, here is my recommendation for the proposed zoning change. To the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission: I, Cathy Fischer, with property located at 1125 Hampton Drive, Allen, Texas, hereby OPPOSE the proposed zoning change for the following reasons: Since I have a teenager who has recently obtained his driver's license, I am acutely aware of how much traffic is on McDermott Drive between Walters Road and Alma. It has increased tremendously with the opening of all the new stores such as Lowe's, Pei Wei Asian Diner, and the other various businesses including the multitude of banking institutions. I feel the area has an extreme amount of congestion due to these businesses and would be greatly affected if a multi -family development would be constructed along this thoroughfare. I also feel there is a sufficient amount of multi -family units in this area already with Settler's Gate Community and the units on Benton Drive. One of the reasons I moved to Allen was the small amount of multi -family units here as compared to cities such as Plano or McKinney. If multi -family construction is allowed, the traffic light at Walters Crossing Drive would have to be installed again. I don't feel it would be safe to have eastbound traffic trying to tum North (left) at this intersection with the extreme downhill grade at that point. Personally, I would prefer single family housing in the area and would personally buy a lot if I was allowed to build my own dwelling, since now I need a home with a three -car garogel Thank you for your attention to this matter Cathy Fischer 1125 Hampton Dr. 972-727-7449 1/20/2004 I E E. I I I A E CITY OF ALLEN NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING ZONING CASE Z-12/4103-79 (Watters Branch Ltd.) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on January 20, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below: The Property is described 29.1741± acres of land situated in the J.W. Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 705, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the southwest comer of Ridgeview Drive and Alma Drive. CURRENT ZONING: Planned Development No. 67 for TH-Townhome and SC -Shopping Center. REQUESTED ZONING: Planned Development No. 67 for 27 17 acres R-7 Residential, and 2.00 acres LR Local Retail. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail slesper@cityofallen.org ________________________________________ X Cut here ZONING CASE Z-12/4/03.79 (Wafters Branch Ltd.) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: i, I mer T• ili ¢wl nth property located at Ito? K�,•as(s D r�VIS.. Alien, Texas, (NAME) (ADD S) support D Oppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: SIGNATURE DATE 0 I 1, L f MR ZONING CASE Z-1ZV03.81 (St Jud CathWlc Church Men1bom of of — - //�� the Planning d Zonin ) _ I,Y&z' g commipron: (M ) with property,locatetl at �uppoft (DRESS) ' Allen, Texas, The pmposetl zoning O poftChanfor r the klbµing reasons: SIGNATL9,iE I 11 FRCIM : INTERr£TRD INDUSTRIES FAX N0. : 9723886733 San. 16 2664 12:59PM Pi _ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING QTY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-1219/0381 (SL Jude Catholk Church) The Allan Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a pudic hearing on January 20, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hal Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the toning cue as described below. The Properly le described 20229* acres of land situated In the Henry Walsall Survey, Abstract No. 1026, St. Jude Catholic Parish Addition, City of Alen. Collin County, Texas; located Went of SH5 and South of Sunrise Drive. CURRENT ZONING: Planned Development No. 9 for CF -Community Facilities; and R-6 ResidernON. REQUESTEDZONING: CF-Conanunily Facilities for a Church. According fo the current fax n:Cads, you arc the owner of Property within 200 feet of Me proposed zoning case. The heartg Is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed charge. You may also register your opinion by reWming the form on the bdbom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Devedopmenhf. 3D5 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Paawog & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zonig change to the City Council alter conducting a public heanng. Cases recommended for approval are mul0nuffically for a public hearing bafore the CRY Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealedscheduled o applicant YAM thirty (30) days. At that lime a hearing will be scheduled before the qty Coundt. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allan, Texas, 75013 for additional infortnaton or call (972) 7270126, or e-mail skeeperacityAlen.org Cut two ZONING CASE Z-IZV03.81 (St Jude Catholic Church) llernbers of aur Planning & Zoning Comnft*l n: I, rseBCT" 0,6*.i withproperty lodalisd at 4,00 SNNQist - S .Alan, Tow, (NAME) (ADI)R&A4) XSuppost D Oppose The proposed zoning Change for the flowing reasons: An_ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET M OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-1219103-81 (St. Jude Catholic Church) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on January 20, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below. The Property is described 20.229± acres of land situated in the Henry Weisel Survey, Absbact No. 1026, SL Jude Catholic Parish Addition, City of Alen, Collin County, Texas; located West of SH5 and South of Sunrise Drive. CURRENT ZONING: Planned Development No. 9 for CF -Community Facilities; and R-5 Residential. CF -Community Facilities for a church. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail sleeper@cityofallen.org ZONING CASE Z-1219/03.81 (St Jude Catholic Church) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: r f avy I, ,' : . with property located at y3a 5;,we se L2i4'. , f . Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) o ,uppId U Oppose The nronosed zmninn channe for the fnlMwinn reasnns- SIGNMRE DATE L nM _ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-1219103-91 (SL Jude Catholic Church) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on January 20, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the zoning case as described below: The Property is described 20.2293 acres of land situated in the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, SL Jude Catholic Parish Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located West of SH5 and South of Sunrise Drive. CURRENT ZONING: Planned Development No. 9 for CF -Community Facilities; and R-5 Residential. CF -Community Facilities for a church. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards Its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail sleeper@cityofallen.org ZONING CASE Z-1219103-91 (SL Jude Catholic Church) Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission: n n I, O h v-S->'i� i --t— , with property located at `Wi e RAAk nl r QJ ,, Allen, Texas, (NAME) (ADDRESS) Support D Oppose The proposed zoning change for Me (Glowing reasons: I Pam Conway From: David Hoover Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:14 AM To: Pam Conway; Sally Leeper Subject: FW: Proposed Zoning Change --Original Message— From: Tim Riehl [mallto:dm.riehl@commst.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:19 PM To: David Hoover Subject: Proposed Zoning Change Dear Mr. Hoover, I am a resident of Allen, and I live at 1407 Kingsley Drive in Glendover Park I proved to Allen approximately 14 months ago, and I am very excited and happy to live here. Allen is wonderful. I received a notice in the mail regarding a proposed zoning change (Zoning Case Z-12/4/03-79 (Watters Branch Ltd.)). I will not be able to attend the Public Hearing, and I wanted to take this opportunity to express my opinion. I strongly support the proposed zoning change for residential from townhome and retail shopping. As opposed to commercial and retail developments, being located in proximity to residential areas: 1. offers better family Irving environments 2. offers improved personal safety and improved property security 3. provides reduced congestion and less traffic 4. provides increased privacy 5. maintains and/or improves personal property value As I mentioned, I am very happy with my new home in Allen and with the community in general. However, ever since moving into my home, I have been concerned about the current zoning of the land included in the proposed zoning change. I am quite happy to learn that this proposal is in place, and I very strongly support the proposal. Thank you for your time and consideration of my opinions. Sincerely, Tim Riehl Tim Riehl Home: 214.495.8516 Mobile: 214.707.8516 Primary: Tim. Riehl@comcast.net Permanent. TimRiehl@aol.com 1/15/2004 Message Sally Leeper From: Sally Leeper -0 Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:16 AM To: 'Dianne Weideman' Subject: RE: Zoning case Z-12/9/03-81 (St. Jude Catholic Church) 11 Page 1 of 1 Thank you for your email and concern about the St. Jude proposal. Luke Drive and Notre Dame will NOT be continued into the church property as streets; however, there will be a driveway entrance into the parking lot from Luke Drive. This is not a zoning issue. The zoning proposal is strictly to determine the proper use of the property. The southern portion is already zoned for Community Facilities and the northern portion is zoned for residential. A church is allowed in residential zoning with a Specific Use Permit. This request is to zone the entire property as Community Facilities. ---Original Message— From: Dianne Weideman[mailto:dweideman@salmonbeach.com] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 5:32 PM To: Sally Leeper Subject: RE: Zoning case Z-12/9/03-81 (St. Jude Catholic Church) Dear Sir/Madam, I have a questiontooncem regarding the proposed construction to take place at the St. Jude Catholic Church located West of SH5 and South of Sunrise. From the Architects drawing and from reviewing the Church's website, I cannot determine if the Church is intending to build Luke Drive and Notre Dame Road (small streets in our neighborhood which give alley access to our residents) through to the Church property. From the Architect's drawing, it looks like there is a road going to Luke Drive; however it also looks as if the fence goes all the way around with no breaks. I am just confused on the intentions of the Church. My main concem is that, if these roads are built through to the Church's parking lot, then our neighborhood is guaranteed to be used as an alternate entrance/exit and for overflow parking. If you do not know the answer to my question, could you please direct me to the person I should be contacting. I would truly appreciate it. Sincerely, Dianne Weideman Vice-President/Treasurer Spring Meadow HOA 1517 Redeemer Road Allen, TX 75002 1/13/2004 I Message Page 1 of 1 Sally Leeper From: Sally Leeper Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 840 AM To: 'Donald Weasenforth' Subject: RE. Zoning Case Z-12/9/03-81 (St. Jude Catholic Church) Planned Development No. 9 was zoned Community Facilities (CF) specifically for the church, as a church is an allowed use in CF zoning. The property to the north is currently zoned for residential, and a church is also allowed in residential zoning with a Specific Use Permit. The request is to rezone the entire 20 acres for Community Facilities to allow expansion of the existing St. Jude's Catholic Church and make the zoning consistent on both properties. ----Original Message ----- From: Donald Weasenforth [mailto:DWeasenforth0000CD.EDU] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:21 AM To: Salty Leeper Subject: Zoning Case Z-12/9/03-81 (St. Jude Catholic Church) Could you please explain what is meant by "Planned Development No. 9 for CF -Community Facilities," which is induced In the current zoning of the property in question. What type of "community facilities" are projected? Would/Could these facilities be available to the residents of Spring Meadow? Thanks! Donald Weasenforth (1522 Redeemer Road) Donald Weasenforth, PhD, Chair Developmental Reading Developmental Writing English as a Second Language Collin County Community College District 2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway Plano, TX 75074 972-881-5970 972-881-5923 fax d nfows�_ rth�rood.edu httr):Iliws.ccccd.edu/dweasenforth 1/13/2004 I 0 p 11 I _ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER WITHIN 200 FEET OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ZONING CITY OF ALLEN ZONING CASE Z-121910341 (SL Jude Catholic Church) The Allen Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on January 20, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Allen City Hall Council Chambers, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, to consider the Zoning case as described below. The Property is described 20.229± acres of land situated in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, SL Jude Catholic Parish Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located West of SH5 and South of Sunrise Drive. CURRENT ZONING: Planned Development No. 9 for CF -Community Facilities; and R-5 Residential. REQUESTED ZONING: CF -Community Facilities for a church. According to the current tax records, you are the owner of property within 200 feet of the proposed Zoning case. The hearing is open to the public and you have the right to speak for or against the proposed change. You may also register your opinion by returning the form on the bottom of this notice to the Department of Planning & Development, 305 Century Parkway, Allen Texas, 75013. The Planning & Zoning Commission forwards its recommendations for any zoning change to the City Council after conducting a public hearing. Cases recommended for approval are automatically scheduled for a public heanng before the City Council. Cases recommended for denial may be appealed by the applicant within thirty (30) days. At that time a hearing will be scheduled before the City Council. Please contact the Planning Department, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas, 75013 for additional information or call (972) 727-0125, or e-mail sleeper@cityofellen.org ZONING CASE Z-1219/0341 (SL Jude Catholic Church) Members 4s Z /be" of the Planning & Zoning Commission: �L' I, 11/ 7-'uA with property located at ZV F -Ainee 9/ Allen, Texas, (ADDRESS) [9'Support D Oppose The proposed zoning change for the following reasons: � I & | » � 4 �} 00 f *`- .• ) : _ ( \ | k§ \ | | i u jƒ ) \ Al }/ ( � . ;NO ! I I A I L. / | .|