HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2004 - 04/06 - RegularE ; V_
Commissioners Present:
Gary Caplinger, Chair
Alan Games, Vice -Chair
Robert Wendland
Duion Culbertson
Ken Harvey
Douglas Dreggors
Commissioners Absent:
Robin Sedlacek
City Staff Present:
David A. Hoover, Director of Planning
Sally L. Leeper, Planner
Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Joe Gorda, City Attorney
Reeular Agenda
Regular Meeting
April 6, 2004
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century
Director's Report on March 23, 2004 City Council Action.
Commissioner Grimes requested to remove Item 2 from the Consent Agenda.
APRIL 6, 2004
Consent Agenda
Item Number 1 Approve Minutes of March 16, 2004, Regular Meeting.
Item Number 3 Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Creek Valley Estates, a residential
development with 6.02531 acres of land located west of Allen Heights
between Bethany Drive and Park Place.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve
Items 1 and 3. The motion carried.
Item Number 2 Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Twin Creeks Phase 4-D2, a
residential development with 51.56± acres of land located northeast of
Exchange Parkway and Alma Drive.
Commissioner Grimes asked for clarification on the apparent new ownership, and if the Phase 4-
D2 had changed from the approved preliminary plat. Mr. Hoover told the Commission the
changes in phasing were due to new builders and products being offered due to new ownership
and the desire to offer more diversification of product early on.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner
Culbertson, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
approve Item 2. The motion carried.
Regular Aeenda
Item Number 4 Discussion Item — Discuss the proposed changes to the Townhome
District in the Allen Land Development Code.
Mr. Hoover presented the proposed changes. With a presentation, Mr. Hoover compared Allen's
Townhome requirements to those of surrounding communities. The proposed changes include
reducing some of the width requirements, but also adding a section regulating parking
Chairman Caplinger solicited comments or concerns from the Commission.
Concerns or Comments:
o Reduction of lot size
o What was the rationale for choosing 24 as a lot width — not 25?
o Do the changes affect the density?
o Like the requirement of having 1 visitor parking place for every 2 units — however, wants
the spaces to be in a close proximity of the units, instead of clumping them together at
one end of the development. This is not convenient.
APRIL 6, 2004
o Landscaping Requirements — wants to see greenery in the front of the units. Concerned
with the chance that if garages are placed side by side, that no landscaping will be
possible, and you see nothing but concrete.
o If the trash collection is in the front, the utility boxes are in the front, parking in the front,
etc., you are adding a lot of clutter to the front view of the home.
o Roll-over curbs — encourages parking in the yard — takes away from the aesthetic beauty
of the development.
o Do not like the utility risers in front — consider locating them underground.
Mr. Hoover stated the changes will not increase density — it will provide more open space. He
also stated that landscaping was not addressed in the changes because the current regulations
require two (2) trees for each dwelling unit. The proposed changes are in addition to the
regulations already in place.
No action was taken on this item.
Item Number 5 Public Hearing, Continued — Consider an ordinance granting a change in
zoning for Creekwood Suncreek LP on 14.141 acres of land from Planned
Development No. 31, Tract 6 for Multi -family uses to Planned
Development No. 31, Tract 6 for TH Townhome uses. The property is
located north of Hedgcoxe Road and west of Alma Drive.
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. This request includes the changes that
staff is recommending to the development regulations. Mr. Hoover stated that the request does
include variances. Staff recommends approval with the following development regulations:
Minimum lot area:
Building front yard setback
Building rear yard setback
Building side yard setback
Building comer lot side yard
Minimum Lot width
Minimum lot depth
Minimum dwelling unit size
Exterior building materials
Maximum percent lot coverage
Maximum building height
Garages and minimum parking spaces
Street Width
Utility Easement
2,160 square feet
20 feet
15 feet
10 feet
10 feet, measured at front setback line
24 feet
90 feet
1,200 square feet
100% masonry
Two-story units — 65%
One-story units — 75%
35 feet
Two car garage
2 spaces in garage
2 spaces between building and street
One visitor space required per every 2 townhomes
40' of right-of-way, with 28' of pavement and roll
down curbs
10' easement requirement in front yards
APRIL 6, 2004
Fencing The fencing to the north and west of the property
shall be of masonry construction
Commissioner Culbertson asked if this request would be affected if the Commission did not
recommend the changes to the TH District of the Allen Land Development Code. Mr. Hoover
explained that the request is for a change to PD 31. Recommending approval of this request does
not "lock in" the recommended changes to the Code.
Chairman Caplinger continued the Public Hearing.
Randall B. Wiatrek (spoke for the request)
1503 Westmont Drive
Mr. Wiatrek presented a petition to the Commission listing 35 homeowners who supported the
request. He also presented the Commission a detailed report of concerns he wanted the
Commissioners to consider. (report is attached) One area of concern was the placement of the
screening wall. The adjacent homeowners have requested that the fence be placed 3 feet from
the property line. Mr. Wiatrek stated the adjacent homeowners feel it would be difficult to exit
their driveways without hitting the fence.
Chairman Caplinger closed the Public Heating.
Mr. Hoover also reviewed the report and addressed each issue.
o Alley width — the existing alley meets the requirements set out in the Code — 16 ft. — there
are no alley variances being requested.
o Matching up driveways — This is not a requirement
o The developer has the right to keep the fence on their property line. Placing the fence on
the property line is no different than a wood fence being placed there by a neighboring
Mr. Joel Robuck, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission.
This development will have an HOA — there will be extensive deed restrictions — the HOA will
be responsible for the landscaping and the exterior of the buildings. The restrictions of the HOA
will also not allow on -street parking — strictly enforced. Mr. Robuck stated he will work hard
with residents to resolve existing and future problems as they come up. He suggested he may be
able to give up one foot for the placement of the fence; however he could not guarantee to honor
their request. The fence will be 100% masonry. The material for the fence has not yet been
decided. The most economical material and the easiest to maintain will be of a cement fiber
material (Hardy Plank). He requested flexibility from the Commission.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
recommend approval with staff's recommended regulations. The motion
APRIL 6, 2004
Other Business
Upcoming Agenda Items:
➢ Zoning Change — Shelley Farms
➢ Plats
➢ GDP — Montgomery Farms — Staff recommended having a workshop before the item
came to the Commission for approval. Commission requested touring the property
before the workshop.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:45 p.m.
These mutes approved this a v4lday of V -k 2004.
ary aplinger, 0101nan Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician