HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Downtown Steering Committee - 2022 - 02/28 - Called DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 28,2022 Present: City Staff: Tommy Baril, Chair Rocio Gonzalez,Deputy City Secretary(absent) Murry McKenzie,Vice Chair Marc Kurbansade, Community Development Bob Acker Director Austin Bassil Doug Galletti Ted Gould Stacey Greer(absent) Alyssa Schnick(absent) Janet Sherlip Ana Sutter Mary Vail-Grube Gregg Watling Chris Schulmeister,Ex-Officio Member(absent) Dave Corneae,Ex-Officio Member Jim Waldbauer,Ambassador(absent) Kathy Litinas,Ambassador(absent) 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present. With a quorum of the members present, the Downtown Steering Committee Meeting was called to order by Chair Baril at 7:00 p.m.on Monday,February 28,2022,in the City Council Conference Room at Allen City Hall located at 305 Century Parkway,Allen, Texas'75013. 2. Approve Minutes of the January 26,2022,Committee Meeting. Upon a motion by Committee Member Acker and a second by Committee Member Sherlip, the Committee voted ten (10) for and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2022, Downtown Steering Committee. The motion carried. 3. Highlight February Activities. Vice-Chair McKenzie and Committee Member Grube provided highlights of the February activities. 4. Discuss Activities for March Plan Design Weekend. The Stantec Consultants Steve Kearney and Erin Perdu provided the committee with the activities scheduled for the March Plan Design weekend. 5. Discuss Communication Strategy for March Planning Weekend. Chair Baril provided comments and indicated that Committee Member Grube would lead this effort. 6. Mock Community Input Visioning Workshop with Consultant with Breakout Sessions held in City Hall Basement Meeting Rooms A and B. The Committee divided into two teams then reconvened to provide summaries of their input. DOWNTOWN STEERING COMMITTEE CALLED MEETING FEBRUARY 28,2022 PAGE 2 7. Set Next Meeting Date. The next meeting of the Downtown Steering Committee is scheduled for Wednesday,March 23,2022. Chair Bari! announced he would be providing a brief summary of accomplishments and announcing • the Design Workshop Weekend at the March 8,2022, City Council meeting. 8. Adjourn. Upon a motion by Committee Member Sherlip and a second by Committee Member Acker, the Committee voted ten(10) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Downtown Steering Committee at 8:50 p.m. on Monday,February 28,2022. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 30th day of March 2022. APPROVED: Tommy Baril,CHAIR ATTEST:, Shelley B.George, Y SECRET Y