HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2004 - 06/15 - RegularI
Commissioners Present:
Gary Caplinger, Chair
Alan Grimes, Vice -Chair
Ken Harvey
Douglas Dreggors
Darion Culbertson
Robert Wendland
Robin Sedlacek
Commissioners Absent
City Staff Present:
David A. Hoover, Director of Planning
Lee Battle, Senior Planner
Sally Leeper, Planner
Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician
Dennis Abraham, Civil Engineer
Joe Gorda, City Attorney
Regular Agenda
Regular Meeting
June 15, 2004
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quomm of the Commissioners present, Chairman Caplinger called the meeting to
order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century
Director's Report on June 8, 2004 City Council Action.
o Council held the lutist Public Hearing on the proposed annexations.
o Zoning of Planned Development No. 65 — Shelley Farms was approved
JUNE 15, 2004
Consent Agenda
Item Number 1 Approve Minutes of June 1, 2004, Regular Meeting.
Item Number 2 Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Twin Creeks Phase 7A-1, being
80.646± acres of land located at the future intersection of Exchange
Parkway and Ridgeview Drive.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey and a second by Commissioner
Culbertson, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Regular Aeenda
Item Number 3 Preliminary Plat - Consider a Preliminary Plat for Suncreek Townhomes,
being 14.14± acres of land located at the northwest comer of Alma Drive
and Hedgcoxe Road.
Mr. Hoover presented the Plat to the Commission. He stated that several comer lots appeared to
be "flag lots." However, they are actually noted as cross access and utility easements.
Commissioner Grimes stated that it didn't appear that the non-resident parking was evenly
distributed throughout the development. Joe Robuck, representing the applicant, addressed the
Commission stated that the parking spaces were not platted because they are not dedicated to the
City. There are two (2) spaces in front of each two (2) car garage, with 75 visitor spaces. The
entire development has a total of 375 parking spaces. Mr. Hoover then stated that when the final
plat comes before the Commission they will include a schematic design of the layout of the
parking spaces.
Mr. Robuck also stated that the maintenance of the mutual access and utility easements will be
maintained by the Homeowners Association (HOA).
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 1 OPPOSED, with
Commissioner Grimes casting the opposing vote, to approve the Preliminary
Plat for the Suncreek Townhomes. The motion carried.
Item Number 4 Combination Plat — Consider a Combination Plat for Chaparral Gardens
Senior Housing, Lots 1 & 2, Block A, being 10.89± acres of land located
east of Greenville Avenue and north of Chaparral Road.
Mr. Hoover presented the plat to the Commission. He stated that the buildings will be set back
from the eastern property line to protect the existing tree line. The request does not include Lot
JUNE 15, 2004
2. When that tract is platted it will possibly be for something that complements this development
(i.e. pharmacy, amenity center).
Mr. Hoover also stated that the development will be required to have a fence and landscape
buffer adjacent to the residential neighborhood.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Harvey and a second by Commissioner
Culbertson, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
approve the Combination Plat for Chaparral Gardens Senior Housing. The
motion carried.
Item Number 5 General Development Plan — Consider a General Development Plan for
McCoy and Roth Addition, being a 13.7941 acres tract of land located at
the southeast comer of Angel Parkway and Stacy Road.
Mr. Hoover presented the Plan to the Commission. Currently, the GDP shows actual
development of the parcel at the southeast comer of Angel and Stacy. There are no specific
plans for the other buildings that were shown on the GDP Mr. Hoover stated the applicant will
have to do a preliminary plat for entire development; and the final plat will only include the
comer parcel at Angel and Stacy. At that time, the applicant will also be required to submit a
Tree Mitigation Plan. The applicant expects to sell this tract very soon and it should be
developed in the near future.
Commissioner Dreggors asked if the proposed detention pond is required when the first parcel is
developed. Mr. Hoover responded that detention will have to be addressed with the first phase
Commissioner Sedlacek asked if the retaining wall will go in when the comer lot is developed.
Mr. Hoover responded that although the retaining wall is not planned at this time, the
Commission can decide on that issue during the plat approval process.
The Commissioners inquired about a time -line of the widening of Stacy Road. There was some
concern that there is no access to the corner lot from Stacy Road. Dennis Abraham responded
that there is no set schedule on the widening of Stacy Road. However, because only one parcel
is developing at this time, not having access to the development from Stacy Road should not
cause a problem.
Chairman Caplinger allowed a comment from Patty Anderson — 1650 Country Brook. She was
opposed to the size of one of the buildings shown on the GDP
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner
Wendland, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve
the General Development Plan for McCoy and Roth Addition. The motion
JUNE 15, 2004
Item Number 6 Public Hearing — Consider zoning of SC -Shopping Center on the
property, effective at the time of annexation. The property is 3.548± acres
of land situated in the Henry Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, Collin
County, Texas; located on the southwest corner of Stacy Road and
Greenville Avenue.
Lee Battle presented the request to the Commission. He stated that this tract of land was
previously approved for SC zoning. However, when trying to record the plat it was determined
that a portion of the land was not located in the city limits of Allen.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. No was present to speak for or against the
request. Chairman Caplinger closed the Public Hearing and asked for comments or questions
from the Commissioners.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland and a second by Commissioner
Dreggors, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
recommend approval of SC -Shopping Center zoning on the property,
effective at the time of annexation. The motion carried.
Item Number 7 Public Hearing — Consider zoning of SC -Shopping Center and R-4
Residential on the property, effective at the time of annexation. The
property is 64.1497± acres of land situated in the John J. Miller Survey,
Abstract No. 609, Collin County, Texas; located on the south side of Stacy
Road, east of Goodman Drive and west of the Stacy Ridge Estates
Mr. Battle presented the request to the Commission. He stated that the request included two
proposed zoning tracts. The issues concerning this request are somewhat more complicated.
The tracts of land that are adjacent to Stacy are residences with three (3) of the four (4) residents
operating a business out of their home. If the property is zoned residential, the existing
businesses would be considered non -conforming uses. Over time, we would have residential
zoning facing Stacy Road. If zoned SC, these businesses would be considered a conforming use
and the residential homes would be the nonconforming use. Should any of these homes are
destroyed by fire or elements, they could not be rebuilt without applying for a variance.
Therefore, it is proposed that the front 11 acres be zoned SC.
The request for the southem 53 acres of the tract is for R4 to blend with the existing Bellegrove
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing.
The following individuals spoke.
George Richards (opposed)
1810 E. Stacy Road
JUNE 15, 2004
William Carder
1806 Armstrong Drive
Gene Scott (opposed)
1804 Green Meadow Circle
Kenneth Krogents (undecided)
1802 Stacy
Greg Shepard (opposed)
1801 San Carlos Ct.
Michael Lindberg (opposed)
281 Oakwood Trail
Mack Northcutt (opposed)
1800 Green Meadow Circle
Al and Rebecca Rodriguez (for)
1806 Stacy Road
Alex ViCensky(opposed)
1800 Baltimore
Pat Anderson (opposed)
1615 Country Brook Lane
Julio & Brenda Bejarano
1801 Country Brook.
David Hameed (opposed — did not speak)
1600 Goodman
Karen Sparks (oppose)
1705 Covintree
Larry Linden (oppose)
831 Stacy Road
Todd Downing (for)
Stacy Road
Melinda Davidson (opposed)
1803 San Carlos
JUNE 15, 2004
Nichols (oppose)
San Carlos
Chairman Caplinger also read into record a -mails from individuals who opposed the request.
Comments and/or Concerns:
SC zoning makes his property unmarketable —
Can the infrastructure support SC zoning — egress will be a problem
There is already SC zoning in the city that hasn't been developed
No common ownership
15 months ago the City decided residential was the best use for this area — what has
Most of the surrounding houses are on one (1) acre — wants it zoned for bigger lots — RI
Density no greater than R3
Commercial should stop at Goodman
Request the City do more research for something other than SC
Wants Rl, R2 or R3
Doesn't feel Stacy will ever be widened to 6 lanes
Don't the residential have to be all the same zoning?
Wants annexation for land use control
Access to the existing neighborhood from the south is good for public safety
SC zoning will increase already existing traffic problems
City is overacting because of 1 resident who is a problem
Road is over utilized
Oppose R4 and SC — wants Rl and R2 to be consistent with what is already there.
Retired — fixed income — against annexation
Wants area to grow — supports commercial in the future, maybe not now.
Stacy Ridge has a buffer — they will be protected from traffic
SC zoning is a benefit — Residential zoning would keep us from selling property — no one
would buy a residential home next to Stacy
Without better infrastructure the Cit is putting "the cart before the horse."
How much SC zoning do we need?
Put SC zoning on west side of Stacy
Doesn't want Lorraine to extend
Supports R4
Keep retail new U.S. 75
Chairman Caplinger closed the public hearing. Mr. Battle stated that Country Brook and
Loraine will extend through this property in the future. He also clarified that no changes will be
done to the land unless property ownership changes. However, should the top portion be zoned
residential, at some point in time they will have to try and market the property with
encroachment of Stacy Road. The SC zoning provides most flexibility for development. As far
as R3 over R4, Mr. Battle stated the regulations were not that different, and staff would support
either zoning.
JUNE 15, 2004
Commissioner Culbertson stated he is opposed to commercial zoning at this time, and preferred
R3 zoning for the entire tract.
The Commission discussed other options that would be less intense than SC. Garden Office was
an option that was debated. However, there was no consensus to consider this option.
Commissioner Sedlacek stated she would support the request for all residential as suggested by
Commissioner Culbertson. The surrounding tracts are residential and she preferred R3 over R4.
Commissioner Harvey stated that 11 acres is not enough land to develop a large shopping center,
therefore he would support the SC zoning.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Culbertson and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 2 OPPOSED, with
Commissioners Grimes and Harvey casting the opposing votes, to
recommend R3 Residential zoning for the entire tract with no SC zoning,
effective at the time of annexation. The motion carried.
Mr. Hoover announced that the City Council will hold one (1) more public hearing for the
annexation at their next week's meeting. The public hearing for the zoning will be at their
July 13, 2004 meeting.
The Commission took a break at 9:15 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:30 p.m.
Item Number 8 Public Hearing — Consider zoning of AO Agriculture Open Space on the
property, effective at the time of annexation. The property is 0.5873±
acres of land situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500,
Collin County, Texas; located east of South Alma Drive, south of West
Bethany Drive and adjacent to Rowlett Creek.
Mr. Battle submitted the request to the Commission. The tract of land is part of the Montgomery
Farm and is included in part of the conservation area.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. No one was present to speak for or against the
request. Chairman Caplinger closed the Public Hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
recommend AO Agriculture Open Space zoning on the property, effective at
the time of annexation. The motion carried.
Item Number 9 Public Hearing — Consider zoning of PD -40 Planned Development No.
40, Tract 2, CC -Corridor Commercial on the property, effective at the time
of annexation. The property is 9.5185± acres of land situated in the H.
JUNE 15, 2004
Seaborn & R.F. Clements Survey, Abstract No. 879, Collin County,
Texas; located off of the southeast corner of Stacy Road and S.H. 121.
Mr. Battle presented the request to the Commission.
Chairman Caplinger opened the Public Hearing. There was no one present to speak for or
against the request. Chairman Caplinger closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Sedlacek, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
recommend zoning of PD40 Planned Development No. 40, Tract 2, CC -
Corridor Commercial on the property, effective at the time of annexation.
The motion carried.
Item Number 10 Public Hearing — Consider an ordinance amending the Allen Land
Development Code, Article IV, Section 4.20.2, 4.20.4, Use Charts; Article
VI Special Zoning Provisions; Section 6.02 Private Clubs and
Restaurant/Private Clubs; amending Appendix B Fees and Charges.
Mr. Hoover reviewed the changes to the Allen Land Development Code that were necessary due
to the recent local option election. He explained the different licenses that TABC will be issuing.
In response to Commissioner Sedlacek's questions regarding special event alcohol sales, Mr.
Hoover explained that TABC authorizes the City Council to grant Special Use Day Permits.
This will be done on a case by case basis. Because of the required zoning verification process,
there will be a one time fee of $250. This however, is not transferred if ownership changes.
The Commissioners were concerned about an influx of service stations coming because of
alcohol sales. Mr. Hoover reassured them by stating that gasoline sales will still be regulated
through the SUP process.
Chairman Caplinger opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak for or
against. Chairman Caplinger closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Harvey, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
recommend approval of an ordinance amending the Allen Land
Development Code, Article IV, Section 4.20.2, 4.20.4, Use Charts; Article VI
Special Zoning Provisions; Section 6.02 Private Clubs and
Restaurant/Private Clubs; and amending Appendix B Fees and Charges.
The motion carried.
Item Number 11 Public Hearing — Consider an ordinance amending the Allen Land
Development Code, Article VII, Zoning Development Standards, Section 7.09
LSign Regulations.
JUNE 15, 2004
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. He began by stating that the City cannot
regulate content of the sign. The existing Code does not give us provisions to regulate what
signs can be placed on windows.
Chairman Caplinger opened the public hearing.
Robert Rogers, Rogers Sign Company, addressed the Commission. He asked that they do not
make changes to the existing Sign Regulations.
Chairman Caplinger closed the public hearing.
There was discussion about how difficult it would be to regulate the percentage of window space
that is covered by signs. The Commission did agree that for public safety reasons it might be
appropriate to consider some limitations on window coverage. Commissioners agreed that more
information is needed to make a decision.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland and a second by Commissioner
Harvey, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to have staff
do more research, and report back within thirty (30) days. The motion
carried. No other action was taken.
Other Business
Upcoming Agenda Items:
• McCoy and Roth Preliminary Plat
• Final plat — Suncreek Townhomes
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Wendland and a second by Commissioner
Harvey, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the
Planning and ZoningCommissionmeeting at 10:25 p.m.
These minutes approved thisy of C 2004.
ary linger, C an Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician