HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2006 - 11/07 - RegularPLANNING AND ZONING
Regular Meeting
November 7, 2006
Commissioners Present:
James Rushing
Robert Wendland
Jeff Cocking
Steve Shaffer
Alan Grimes
Commissioners Absent:
Douglas Dreggors
Marcelle Jones
City Staff Present:
David Hoover, Director of Planning & Development
Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Planning
Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician
Chris Flanagan, Engineer
Amber Slayton, Attorney
Reeular Aeenda
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report on October 24, 2006, City Council Action
There were no Planning related items.
Consent Agenda
Agenda Item 1: Approve Minutes of October 17, 2006, Regular Meeting
Agenda Item 2: Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Twin Creeks Phase 7D-1, being
7.182± acres located southwest of Exchange and east of Walnut Springs
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Agenda Item 3: Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Kids R Kids Addition, Lot 1, Block
A, being 1.813± acres of land located east of the northeast comer of
Bethany Drive and Jupiter Road.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
the Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Reeular Aeenda
Agenda Item 4: Public Hearing - Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a
change in zoning from CC Corridor Commercial and PD Planned
Development No. 73 for CC Corridor Commercial, to expand and amend
PD Planned Development No. 73 to allow Retail/Commercial uses. The
property is 181.341± acres of land situated in the Henry Weisel Survey,
Abstract No. 1026 and the F C. Wilmeth Survey, Abstract No. 999, City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the southeast comer of US75
and Stacy Road.
Mr. Hoover presented the request to the Commission. The proposed project is a 'lifestyle"
development with a combination of retail and office uses. This will allow for smaller setbacks,
1 and a narrow list of permitted uses. The development will also be on the north side of Stacy in
the Fairview city limits However; the both projects will be similar in architectures, style, and
theme. During development, Allen Station Parkway will be constructed to extend to Stacy Road.
During the review of the Concept Plan, Mr. Hoover stated that the rendering provided is
conceptual only It is not an exact illustration of how the project will develop.
Mr. Hoover gave a brief explanation of how the existing ordinance regulated the 300 -ft. buffer.
The buffer was to restrict certain types of uses. The regulation does allow for parking, retention
ponds, and landscaping. He explained that by using decel lanes on Allen Station Parkway, they
could shift a portion of the structures that appear to encroach on the buffer.
Mr. Gar Herring, Applicant, addressed the Commission. He stated that he will be responsible for
developing the retail side of the development, and then he will "team up" with another
developer, who specializes in office development, to develop the proposed office. As a buffer,
their proposal places the office use adjacent to the neighboring residential neighborhoods. This
project will have more trees, more gathering spaces, and more parks.
Chairman Wendland opened the public hearing
Doug Galletti, Reid Farm HOA President (spoke against)
439 Deer Brooke
• Hotel too close
• Favor the western portion of the development
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
• Request reduces privacy
• Increase in crime
• Decreases value of home
• Requested the hotel location be moved.
• Prefers two story office
• Possibly had an office building where the hotel currently exists, making it easier to
reduce the height of the office buildings
Tom Cruz (spoke against)
413 Deer Brooke Drive
• Wants a walking/running path
• Wants extra security during the development
• Concerns with the hours of construction during the development
• Wants a 25 ft. buffer between the screening wall and their back fence
Hugh Bickbord (spoke against)
1613 Wood Creek Lane
• What happens when the detention ponds dry up?
• Increase in water use
• Doesn't want three story office
• Who is going to pay to have the trash and dust cleaned up around his property?
• Does not want access to this development
• Noise at 4:00 a.m. during construction — problem before
• Increase in traffic accidents
• With the increase in traffic noise —car alarms will be going off all the time
• Wants a tree line as a buffer
Mitch Hefter (did not speak — in favor)
407 Deer Brooke Drive
Joel Lunde (spoke against)
1609 Wood Creek Lane
Janice Barton (spoke)
1639 Wood Creek Lane
• Not opposed to zoning
• Hotel will be overlooking backyard
• Doesn't want a 10 story — looks right into her living area
• Lighting
• Connectivity to Reid Farm
• Masonry fence
• We were told two story was all that would be allowed on this land by City when home
was purchased
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Keith McCain (spoke in favor)
428 Deer Brooke Drive
• Neighborhood access — some residents want, some do not — he personally supports
• Security and maintenance a concern.
• Wants to be able to close off access in the future should it become a nuisance.
Kim Casavant (spoke)
1515 Bethlehem
• Not opposed to zoning — height of buildings is the opposition she had
• Construction hours
• Consider privacy
• Wants the screening wall up before they start construction
• Would support a wrought iron fence adjacent to detention pond
Chairman Wendland read into the record, the names of other individuals who completed the
speaker cards (but did not speak) or sent in responses to Staff prior to the meeting.
Glenda Adian
424 Fox Trail
• In favor of zoning
• Concerned with 10 -story hotel next to neighborhood
• Does not want access to neighborhood
Kim Fuquay
1639 Wood Creek Lane
• Opposed
• Does not want hotel looking into her backyard
• There will be no privacy
• Worried about security and property value
James Adian
424 Fox Trail
• Undecided
• Concerned with building height —would bean intrusion on privacy
• Property values negatively affected
Judith Bickford
1613 Wood Creek Lane
• Opposed
• Backyard will become public
• Property value decline
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Michael Woody
417 Fox Trail
• Opposed
Joe and Jennifer Shankle
408 Long Cove Ct.
• Support
• Concerned with location of hotel move towards U.S. 75
• Height of office buildings — prefer two story
Larry and Grace Baldridge
1625 Wood Creek Lane
• Consider placing a walking trail/sidewalk with landscaping behind the office complex
puking lots
• Suggest that the retention pond that is by the proposed hotel would be more likely to keep
water from flowing into the subdivision if it was extended south along the back of the
development instead of placed in the center, where it is parallel to the parking lots.
Sherry Laurence
405 Fox Trail
• Wants the proposed easement between the Reid Farm property lines and the edge of the
parking lot for the development be 50 feet.
• Wants a stone or brick wall for privacy, as well as plenty of landscaping.
Cundy Fertitta
419 St. Andrews Drive
• Supports
Louise Tessier
423 Shady Valley Drive
• Oppose
• 300 foot easement needs to remain in place to create a clear transition zone
• Keep the planned masonry dividing wall — it acts as a sound barrier, in addition to a
visual separation.
• A wrought iron fence would be a major downgrade.
• Limit the maximum height of the hotel to no taller than the Garden Inn Hilton — keep the
hotel next to the service road
• Limit the height on the office buildings
Joseph Tabone
404 Shady Valley Drive
• Oppose
• Do not want to be able to see a multi -story building from our backyard
• It appears that most of woods and fields will be covered with concrete parking or
buildings. Those woods and fields absorb a considerable amount of water during large
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
rain events. Would like assurances that this development will not cause drainage issues
that will back run-off water up into the Reid I= neighborhood.
• Lacks green space and an adequate buffer between the development and the
neighborhood. Developer should be required to "give back" a portion of the property for
public space. Reid Parra has no access to City Parks within reasonable walking distance
of the neighborhood.
• Traffic congestion. Propose development be delayed until the proposed widening of
Greenville Avenue between Exchange Parkway and Stacy Road is completed.
Jyothi Vootkur
1517 Bethlehem Road
• Opposed
Chairman Wendland closed the public hearing.
Mr. Hoover readdressed the Commission to answer questions.
• Traffic - He stated that the City is working with the County to widen Stacy with six (6)
lanes of pavement. There are plans to reversing the ramps on U.S. 75 for better traffic
control. Staff hopes to use additional grant money to do more improvements. Project
should begin in six (6) months to a year.
1 • Height of Hotel - Mr. Hoover explained that the existing CC Corridor Commercial
zoning allows for 16 stories. The limitations of 2 stories are not a restriction in any of the
zoning district.
• Noise — The hours of construction are regulated in the Code — 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mr.
Hoover explained that due to extreme temperatures this past summer, the Chief Building
Official, Bret McCullough, allowed for slabs to be poured at 4:00 a.m. Mr. Hoover went
on to stay this is not the norm, it was an exception.
• Access - The Developer will meet with the neighborhoods prior to submitting the plats
and site plan and decide whether or not to construct a gate to allow access from the
residential developments. However, an 8 -ft. masonry wall is required.
• Movina the Hotel - Staff has discussed with Developer alternative locations for the hotel.
If moved, that space will be filled with another allowable use However, the hotel is a
permitted use.
Chairman Wendland asked if trails would be constructed. Mr. Hoover responded stating that the
Developer is not required to construct a trail, however; if there is a connection to the residential
neighborhoods, a path will be provided.
• Lighting — Mr. Hoover stated that the Allen Land Development Code regulates how the
lights "bleed" into the residential neighborhood. The Code requires "No Direct Light'
A Photometric Survey is required.
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
1 Commissioner Grimes
• Does current zoning would allow for a 16 story hotel? Mr Hoover stated yes it would
He also stated there is no definition for how tall infect a story is.
• Clarification on the Proposed Uses. Batch Plant by SUP — Mr Hoover stated the Batcl
Plat (non temp) should be removed.
• Likes the Office Use as a buffer, but wants it moved outside the 300 -ft. buffer zone.
• Nice looking development
Commissioner Rushing
• Likes the Office Use as a buffer.
• Doesn't like location of hotel, but understands why it is there.
• Can the hotel be moved across the street to Fairview? Mr Herring responded that there
will also be a hotel on the Fairview side. The hotel client wants a fdl inter -change
• Good use of the land.
Commissioner Cocking
• Zoning clarification — the base zoning in the communications shows CC — the
Development Regulations shows SC. Mr Hoover stated it doesn't matter — the PD sets
the area regulations — SC is more liberal. CC 100 ft. front yard. SC 25 ft. front yard.
• Has no problem with the zoning request.
• Do we need to include the 300 -ft. buffer in a motion? Mr Hoover— "yes we do 300
ft. in back, request a 25 -ft setback in frau.
• Clarification on O Office has a use by SUP? Mr Hoover stated that Of should be an
allowable use.
• What is the proposed height for the Office? 3 story? 2 story? 4 story? Mr Herring
responded that they have talked to an Office developer They currently do not have a
prototvpe for a 2 story development
Commissioner Shaffer
• Would like Developer to meet with residents on access and path before the General
Development Plan.
• Wants the 300 -ft. buffer on the General Development Plan.
• Wants the hotel moved.
• Are there any indications that the drought conditions will cause construction to be
stopped? Mr Hoover stated that by January 2008, new sources will be available for
water supply
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
recommend approval of SC Shopping Center as referenced in Exhibit C,
change the maximum height to 12 stories — 160 feet, remove Concrete Batch
Plant SUP from Permitted Uses, Change 0 Office from SUP to a Permitted
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Use, and the existing 300 ft. buffer adjoining the residential on the east and
south to be maintained. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 5: General Development Plan — Consider a General Development Plan for
The Woods at Watters Road, being 15.22± acres of land located at the
northwest corner of Bethany Road and Watters Road.
Mr. Battle presented the request. The applicant has worked with Staff to minimize the
development's impact on the existing trees. Staff recommends approval on the condition that
driveways and median locations meet Code requirements.
Mr. Heller addressed the Commission. He stated the only change from the approved Concept
Plan is the median opening.
Commissioner Shaffer asked if all the buildings were going to be 1 story Mr. Heller responded
that the PD allows for 2 story buildings; however the plan is for I story Covenants and
restrictions will be placed on the development that more natural materials be used for
construction (wood, stone).
Commissioner Grimes slated the request as indicated signs on the plan. Mr. Hoover responded
that the signs were not part of the request. Signs placed on site must be Code.
Chris Flanagan addressed the Commission and explained the Code on driveways. 25% reduction
is allowed, but not guaranteed. A variance was allowed on Bethany for the driveway because of
the trees and creek. Mr. Hoover stated that the request does not include a variance of greater
than 25%.
The Commissioners had no further questions.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 5 with the condition that the driveway and median locations
will meet Code. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 6: General Development Plan — Consider a General Development Plan for
Walmart Supercenter, being 34.590± acres located at the northwest comer
of US75 and Exchange Parkway
Mr. Hoover presented the request. The Developer and Staff have worked together to try and
save as many trees as possible. Because of the building square footage, required parking is very
large. Staff did a break down of the uses inside the budding to calculate the parking This
allowed for less parking — less pavement allows for more trees being protected.
Mr. Hoover directed the Commission to the "jug handle" entrance. This entrance belongs to the
City — not TxDot — the City's Traffic Engineer supports the design
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Commission Grimes asked if the realignment of Curtis will cause a burden on the property owner
to the north. Mr. Hoover responded that the property owner to the north has been involved from
the beginning — The City has a letter indicating their support.
Commissioner Cocking stated he had concerned with the jug handle entrance on the connector —
the area already experiences traffic congestion. He would like to see a restriction in this location
that there is no left turn into the development. Chris Flanigan stated that the geometry will
dictate that turn. Chris stated he will discuss with the Traffic Engineer about an acceleration lane
near the lug Handle.
Commissioner Cocking asked if the creek is being relocated, are there plans for erosion
protection? Mr. Hoover stated that erosion control had not been addressed at this time.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 6. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 7: Consideration of a request for alternate materials to be used in
construction of required screening wall for Angel Retail Addition, Lot 1B,
Block 2 (Primrose School -East Allen).
Mr. Battle presented the request. There is a 105 -ft. wide drainage ditch that separates the day
care from the neighboring residential neighborhood. Staff feels that a masonry wall would only
create a "canyon style" look. Should the request be approved, Staff will require the future bank
to continue the same style fence.
Commissioner Grimes stated he wants the fence to extend the entire length of the southern
property line. Mr. Battle advised that a small gap must remain to allow for maintenance to the
drainage ditch. Commissioner Cocking stated this could be arranged with a gate.
Commissioner Grimes asked who will be responsible for the maintenance of the ditch. Mr.
Battle stated the property owners association is responsible for the maintenance
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 7 with the requirement the fence is extended the full length of
the southern property line, and provide a gate to the access easement. The
motion carried.
Upcoming Agenda Items:
o General Development Plan
o A zoning case
o Preliminary Plats
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Shaffer and a second by Commissioner
Rushing the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn
------------ 11mflanning and Zoning Commission meeting at 9:30 p.m.
day of
Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician