HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-3921-6-22 II RES01,1,JT10N'N'10. ' ' " 0, A C000ULOF THEC1"Y ", E 1,LIN1 'Ft 4LtA1N N�RfS0T0 NI .A COUNTY, TEXAS, St,JSPENDING THE J'UNE 17� 2022, EFFECTIVE DATE OF IJONCOR ELECTRIC DE.LIVERY COM,PANY'S REQUE STED RATE CHANGE TO PE RMIT T H E 110"V Y TIME, '111'10 STUDY T HE 11,1,QUEST AN""'D TO ESTA B LIS 11 REASONABLE RX'FES# APPROVING COOPER,8,TJON WITH THE STEERING D COMM10'FFEE OF CITIES SERVED BY ONCOR TO HIRE LE("AL 0 N C0N'St,,J'L'T1NG SERVICES AND TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE COMPA- ''Y AND DIREC11A, V NECESS,AI' 1,41TIGAI'10,,NA'�.N"'1)1� "APPEA1,S.; FINDING, "I"HAT 'THE ING AT WHICH "'I,,"HIS RES01-41.)"TION I ASSf1,.D ISOF.,,NOE .JB .o (1; TO T HEASRQUIREDYLAWEQUiRINN , CE OF COMPANY AND, 1,.,,,,EG,A,L C10'UNS E1., FOR THE S"FEERENG, CO3'V[M,147FEE#, AND PROVIDiING FOR A�N%` EFFECT I V E DATE. on or albout Ma, 13, 2022, Oncor Electnic Delivery Company (Oncor), pursuant to PIAZA, §§ WHEREAS",, y 33.0,01 and 361.001, fillied w"',t e h, the C*ty of Allen a Statemnt of ,",'Intent �to incr ease ele tr i c tr nsimiss ion atid, @ f" June 17 distn'bution rartesin a,ll munr icipaltines exiercist"ng ortgal ju,risdliction within its service area, e'l-ectL! 2022 and,,, WHEREAS, the Gity of Alle , a member ofthe Steering Commi''ttee of Cit"ies Served by 10,ncor ("Steen"'ng Cot-nti ,tllee""""') and will cooperate wlith thie 169 sil"I'mi'larly situated cityiniembers and other c"I't parttictpants, in conducting a revriew of the Company ,,", ap plication and to hire and,dtrect lega,l counsel and consultaint anidto prepare a common r eisponse and, to negaiate with the Company prior to getting reasonable rates and dirlect any necessary i i,gation,", grants a a r locil regultory autho "fies the 611ght to stispenid, the ef-fect"ve date of' WHEREAS, PURA § 36,108 -1, 1 1, re pr 't,ve" an,d)" a y's afterthe date,the rate chat,,ige would otherwise be eflect*oposed rate changes )r tirti,ety 9 (l P WHEREAS, tJ`R,A § 33.023 pro vi des 'that costs incurred by Cit"ies in ratemmoc e o tkiling proc e:�',;*,dings are t 'be ret maibursitxd by the regulated,ut"itily. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 11" R SOI.XED BY THE CITY C01JNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, ump�,ofit.411N "I"11,0UNTY I,r.TEXAS,r1l" 1=AI SECTION I. 'The June 17, 2022, ef"I*ectlive date of the,nale reliquest submitted b� Oncor on or ab o,ut, May 1-3, y ew, the v imu:fm pert( ate tmiL to revi 2022, tv suspend edfor the max" )ld t#,,,ttlowed,by law to, pem.1,14 adeqw, proposwid, chanl&les and to esta blish reasonable rates,. SEICTIO�S`2.1 As indilicateld 1"n "the Cit", tnetnbers;hip 'in 'the, S,teerm ittee, the resolut,,ion approving Comm" Executiv e Commtitte*e: of Steen"ng Co mmittee is author-i zeid to hire% and dir ect legal counsel and consultants, negofiiate w"ith the, ("ompany, make recommendations regarding reasonable raltes, and to intem,ene and direct any necessary'r adfiministrative pr,(),(".,:eed,i'n girls-i or,coit,"trt litigat-ion associicr:tteld wlith an appeal ofa rate ordijinance and. ,tbe rate cias,e f"i lied with the City,or Pubfiict)fflity(1/1,omt1nisstot"t. SECOT10N 3,,,,, 171,nat t he City's reaso nable nate case expenses shall be relimbursed byI , c i v r. SECTION 41. 1"hat 'lit is hereby officially t,"'ound and dieterminield that 'the tnew-e%ttng at whtch thlis Res(,,)1ut1*oit1, "I'S passediis ope n to the p ublic as reqwred by law and the publific noticeof'the th,,ne, place, and, ptrrpose of saxid mie"eting was given as required,., 01 'be sent to Oncor, (..%,tire of"Howard V F i" l I 'r, Oncor Electric SE( FIO,N 5. A coIp:y of this, Re sollution shall Deli'very Compatliy I.J.,(7, 161,6 Woodall Rodgers Ftleeway, Diocillas, "I'exas 75202 atild to Thomas Brocat''.1, Counsel to the Steering Commil"Atee, a,tlJoy'd Gosselink R,iochelle 1& P.G1, V.0. Box 1725, Austin, Texas 78767-1725. DULY PASSED ANDAPPROVED BY T11E CIT'Y COUNIC11, OF 1711E CITY OF ALLEN, C ...L ,.... , COUNTY,TEX,`AS,ON THIS,"Filff 14,T"DAY OF JUNE 202,201 AP E D Kenneth M.Fulk,MAYOR A"I"I'E ST: III F S,h TRMC,C1tV'S EC'RETI'ARY' it 1*,�G,e'ley B fl Resoluttion No,.392 1, Page 2