HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3924-6-22 ORDINANCEN'Go, I I J I AN ORDINANCE CITY NIOUNCIL nJ,r, ewe ,, ° I nil I OF THE LLIN S, CO'UNTY, TE,"41 CONTIN"tJING CHAPTER I I11, AND READOPTING G ARTIC14E CU',Rr,,; I JtJVENILES, n C10DE IJ ,I„n "� - cu"y : Im,xw ,"� I THE ORDINANCES ALLEN, TEXAS# PRON"I'DING PENALTY OVA F NOT TO 'EXCEED y � .THE S'UM OF FI I D011.,LARS, ($50( FOR ..EACH OFFENSE; P I. w ,,... ,I ' 0) REPEALING CLA'USE; PROVIDING A S CLAUSE; AND "G AN I » I TIVE DATE.., PROVIDIN F WHER'EAS the �� / I p, ( , F J ar NW � �� ("'0ty Couned") a Ordiinance No. 264T,,8-07, Ordinance"N"o. I iII I I ��wr� Ordt'-, ,I,ce�nJ"aan,r,� OrdiinancemNi'ol. and 1% I ,2681-61-19 pertaining o � i I i "o <� I� a,l m, r , I I Ctirfew Ordinance", ), ,icle 11 of the A J at Chapter 10, A i ,fllen,'Fiexas,- and, , �rJ °I „ WHE1tF,AS,S o the" u'I'.e a v L,o,ical . Government �I Code r u"r City Council,bet"ore. , i :. Y anniversary Ythe date of a ,the Juveni"le Curficm Ordinanc .� Mnd � I third year n ,m I I ,, I I Ordinance ,I �y, II �I, cI the �uIOrdinance y I e � ��II I r. � I i I I I r I I I onduct 1 4, P ,Y a I.. m ,.. , ', ,'w, I�... ,r w.. a un ,"I.II , n :-: � �. Ir" I.:,and,, r l ;��� I,, i nNI 1 I IIl"nue iIfilic hearings, " ... .. . ,. C*ty Counc"I qwng,the Juven"te 1, d the „ HE R. EAS, h. IChief of Pol,licefor , of Allien, "rex I s, 11, l br"ete on �N� Y l� pril Curfiew Ordinance n „; � „ . I r w I i Ordinance was s i to ntended I ,I and, .WHEREAS, in Code, the II Iwith d wxasl.,,,,ocal IeJI n , Inwction, I � " Councl"'I reviewed, » YI I I Juvenii]e Curfew .Ordinance s e N I J s I , t',v and, n I, w problems A Ordmanice 0 , i th e " I „ conducted : c : I public ' I m 0 June, 2022, , : need Y q tnt nd '111, Ordi ,a c ,d, WHEREAS,, based wl oI going, Ci'ty C� Id I s Y I � CsIinthel 'best t I theaflth,,, J s r e N I I J I �M � Ordinance. ,�� J v� continue� I NOW, TH ORDAIN ED BY TH. CITY COUNCIL OF , ..CITYOF A,14LEN, TEXAS,THAT.* SECTION a. The, find I » « above . a m iticorp, I "I " I M I 1 this iI Ordinatwe as il , in C ftiltyr, Set ,forth I I herel'". Sit k"FION 1. Chapter 10, Article11, I IOrd'inanices, II � City I County, Texas I (Juveni"le Curfew0rdinance , � jI hereby readopted I�I IIHYI.:t o read as, follows. �I "AR"171CLE 11 CURFEW J'U'VENILES See. 10,02't. Definli fions, For I se I,.. � �J.article,I e, eftffliowing I shall N f 11owing , . . hoursr .I I 1: 0 pm. , J I Sunday, Monday,,]1"u(,*,.s1d,ay,,, Wed-nesday s dayl until:0,01 6,-00 Sunda,,Y f'the day'll, a.m. I and 121:01 . .J untill l �I�' �-.,,. III �,r Saturday Emeq c. 1 d.s J : , I re, , I i i I state . , r ! . calls ,s f(,,,)r an m� w , � �" � ir I� e acttott�YJen ul�, r�, �w �Includie butis,not timfted tofire, I +� ! � I v I JY id any �., IYr N I, Y , t, immedta; Imo. y <. le e ten, , or ; & r w � , I � I', i Vi..: , _�I p I action, ' , prevent r : I W w odi'ly �injury Iy loss of kfc. (I II IIII U 1 j any privately-owned I Y II Esta,blis' hment , II means place rr busitiess, tedfor a P,rofit loi, Y ,�flit public �^� Mvlitied, I I, I I rl r,a �o but not ny pla,cle i, " u, ,,rt n means any person'to w�hom, alu'ventle hasbeen� I court orcler. un1) der I 'Jtwien,1*11t:,. means „, person ` w "in(1,7)years w, ::-"e, w�Ir '" ,-n e W i,n years Op, n W tior means , " N ,any establishment.� I I. tirm, s I s n partner'ship, or r a r nt1k)n „ " ti,ng,,, m r : , r ,,:1"'he r, pailners o any �ry �;„� I or members,or attion the otricers,of the cor poratton. w, I IJNr I I l% : � ,. i "s, the I � p �careperson � : I r ,� Net � I I � h nt, or by the order, .........:........ court, ,guardian w person, by the parI by I(1,I I aor I I , jor bY the court, appointed guardian to havethe care and,icustiody of a person,,,, r I Pu,blicplace which the publicI I I Ior a stibstant'algroup of the pt.,ibl"C h","I access,and1 las tnclud^. ,., is ,.... r���,.finlited o,. rr c :.ar ,... al ', , rnr ." wi,.,...ra , r,„IR.,,,;, i e.. h1ghways, o. , �. , r: ✓",..: m,,. , ,., ew ',,:.�,.. ,. ,, ',,» ,... ,maMo,, ,, °�. f a. r nw.. "Wb �. ,,. r:.., hiouses,, ,,, ° "k it k ;s ,,'a f c It �I s ,anidshops., u I n leave prem* "'es, e a ° " n_Retnain meansto linger, � walk, stand, dT'i've Y yl to �I by a I � I��III� r r operator, I I in control �i °wr;Nsell I. I�ar^.I.. pollice officer�N" W the IV �iw, :.: , » r other,. person � , ,.�, � the pt-emli r, ea fir. 10-22.Offenses. (a) A juven,I*I le offense o I I �� I in commits ,,' + ,. r, public plaice on the premils"IeS ofany eistabli'shment Within the,city during, ..I.., '„ 'hours. i(b) A parent guardi'an I Juvenile :;I "Wa a s I 1"'f such Wk c persion.know"ingly permilts, "'le , Y I purp,,1oset`u1,1,,,y � I I I M run, I I �',or II ICr aII II rJN, N . u upon ,in or an, public Y ,n place on the premises ,° any establishment curfew hours.00 g rm The ,owner, ..,....e operator, .." ',c; , any , �.,... ml ,, ,,. ,�' n „ n, � : ,.. ,"nt ;-..�, r, ,...... t city , ,,».... n, ,I... , r,.,r,:., ��,.... � I III, "��, � � I I I � �„ ' ' I I �; " upon the I I if "ch person knowl, Iigly allows �� Juvenile during I Iw remain , lIe hours. Sec'. Mw2,3. Defenses to priosiecu,tion. 1 It (a) ,1 def ,I. n Y i proselcutton under i e I ,„Ir. I»:0-22(a). that re* le I s.- I ,,,I Accompani"ed iMN �' by, ' Y�W, s parent ,r r guardianl* uvent(2) I I direction ji . � , On an at nt p V ithout any detou or st V, I' (3) . motor GII "I *' I � *interstate trav,el *, f Engiaged, ;: ,' ,.. a^,., „ , I , ,r ,. «?;I. n, ,. ,,,. i�,..",:.. w� auI, rro. p:., ,::� '::n' I.�:: �":I . jA 4 employment actIvItyt without any detour or stopl, Involved (5) (6) On 'thie sidewalk, , I abuttling 'the I Juvenile's residence d roJ rI abutting the residence , rno I r a as did not r W IOW"t"'n ,r ,ryyy�� q�� roa�� oor S�dIANI departnient yi¢uWlY^ n �i , ,I/d�w" ^ : police t about l•A i:. ..i i,.. neighbor pr sencek$, 'si Ordinance Flage , f �I I I 1 I)' I (7) ro: IIN, J!0 �I� MP,.yl , � I W> J nik: M'I .,', ,..:r, „n,.. ;wry service, .. , 1p vM t -p „ r✓..,roxu w �., ' ry : I ir. 'il f „': :::; ,)✓,My, 1:... ryn4;,red ,.. n r a Attendi`,ngr N, :. Wlr '�niae' Wryld a. UI f'r, Woi:. ,,, s. u.,, ,'�'WMAW":. II li, �Frv,.' 6... :... ' M1,u'i. .n �e ,,'urti.;�i::J� , or ,. M.9 '. :.:. Iw,l�rypp�„, M+9.'. ,ecu.. '. f.: :. r,, , 1 gomg II u,ql'... � , d,... home p.�, ,,. m r., r.. .I II I oneIovM^" �rI, �IIII�IIy� " I nl I I9II�'II II �Idetiour or l"U'I f:. Nby o.. , :. I-, I... 4��w.. I ,1�M,1 I ,:Al��v �I , 16:I�w" +.. r v i MN 1 I, o , stop; supervised , r ,� adults , I I M rt the (8) recreational ne, ,, social �W "I v I I :I� and Attending �"I'�,rI �����w^„ I��hI � ,currl I µ I: '1 u, N,b MWW:., I, I'^mkrc,' � �k�' U.. .,�w,�ii I v I our ^ r I, d. 0 uw by CitI or Ar r a civic _ ' r r I a fi m , : 9I , other . '' i" a. d entity ri„ 0 : I , w i 11ty, the,, yw rp w ^ �. goling ° wI�w, �,,, pwr , rr, ° ,� lo::, I I�our WI.. �rICU j,tiven-fle' s, , rl� jlr r�l '..,r '., '. !k ,r Nl r vw. a, nut a '; I 'rrl� rYl �r'.t^ ,�I� 7' Exerici',,sil"ng F"irst An rights , protected by C Unlited States,.Constitutioft, �I , (10) d1l"sabill"ities I �k CHIwNrm' Irq 1`�I'aI ., IIrI I °o I" � � ohad it e c .,c w v.""r.,C.A., Family Code c h. W 1, as a ,, (i It 'I's a diet'e;nse pirlosecutilloin ^,I ,�; ItI «sect 1.0-22(c) ' operator, wm, ,Y I o, ee of an, r stab a . r pro,Mptly , , filed the poli,c e , a , at juvenflewas p on W premises I : establishment I & r hour's and, re W s I I w. P Sec. 10-24 Enforcement. Before I a-.k-ing I n f : I, I ro r " I Iacuilion I under s section,., a police r 1I e shall ask, I , I a I I r 41*1 rt , I r ro m reason °, public place. ,r , oNIs rI I I ry , i'ssue a I rI w I o make arrest , . m, „ h t. ..✓ "Linless th.e - , I ., 1 ��..s I ,,.I:ably l , belie'ves that an, rt, I °r e has o r µ, ° M based on any , respoinse,and other II I e III rry defense 'in Sectlon 10-123 is pr r,. nt# Secs. 10-25. Penaltlies.1 (a) violates lu , ,� I�, �, rI�., a, r:. .: rnl ',m .�,.,ql. w. �. ..„"II '., n: ::t.. r�.. I': �, mr separate r '..p.I,:, :..� �.. ,. I.. ,, A person I ,,,. ow ,., provist"on , vo, ,IIIra,. rr�l ,..... I � I I ' I ,:... .I r Ir/ ro ^ uNrrr ro, �' awl piart, of' ," day dti,fing Which, w r the, ,...�.. , :, W F I, :�. � ✓ ry W ,:I e n r I r..,s- ;I„� j: Pernit"ttled. Ea 1 exceed five offense, I - i, , , " , Xl:. on, �r ts, not hundr ftirle wvr, I I,r: w ,,�IM:Mw� I I "I :.punishableby I..J : UMW ,� Code IImunicipal :, 1 � � �i IIII" " ,the ,el, .;. MV,:..1. ^, �V ::red by !� �! ,.,i'+;� I.. �I��,.'mod� ,. ;.;.. :, nl, �i w court : �YV I r I jun"sdi over „ juvenile ho vlol r I I� subsection, 0-22(a) and , ll. � to juvien"ile ,, court. Secs. Reserved." 10o,26-10,19. SECTION fN, Vu !PoI 'G,',, Mb"• Ordinance .person, , ,.w: ...... ,� e. Ir: , P,: aeo :,..ny W rw. , ,r. provistotis ,;:.o , I 3., Any nIII I I s heretofore amended,,, , I I I I be „n � II <✓nl r ,w, �� ,II II I , I I subject N I ° w w ar y of,, I r, I utr- I tion, shall be punIshed a,fine r, I fI ° ✓ I r � Five Hundred Dollars ($500), fo reach I provisionis ,rr, mw r , °rr, Nr hN � 1.III ;1 � I I I"� �,S,ECTION" I prov,,�isions II I 4.1 A11, I I:�w O ty, I^ I I d all Ordinance a I w hereby, repealed,. , other provil'sions I . : I n e of," . I he City of Allen i"n j onfli"Iet 'll II Ihis Ordinance,% � q r iai in r" f`or w r I ct. with r /�ra w I , Should IClause, ,Ir ,^ � rtr,rIIII I, be III IIIII sentence,,,, y wr+MHmM,�:�.I, � ,, ,,,. KtlNw,r,' : . pari,,tgraph, '�°w,.'�MI:�.mmr, ,I� rW:ew. , ';: � lart:�. ph-raxse, w✓ w:1M",., �t�',i w..r is (.`)rd*inance I µ. I or I heldto unconstitutional, e' r vI , I W , id, ... r m shall not I w w - I I M 'M : v .�I rc O I :M. I ,,U, r.; rmi ;aNrc any .; , provisi"On , than , � u °k I�ilr � ; , I �" �°, ro III,.... Ir. :o-'� thereof other ,....: ,:. part decided �w:l' be i"nval"I'lid, : o.r.. � �" I of I Code WOrdinances � rrylu "I Ir1� II"" ,r 0,hil W ,m °,, :: , rI �UIWy'MM rnd "a'MVivJa I,,e c�VU m ,I, r, w: rr, I,, M✓ is;:. MNn, Ir. '^^,Mr.:MM the I 7D ... .. .. ... I : SECTION, " Thl"S Or shall take , u ,n r 'N im,.,niedilatelv rom and afte its passiaige pub40 D� in. provi'de. caption,as,,,t ht, law and,charter I Or,di"Rance No., DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE Cl"I"'Y THE CITY OF ALLEN, au , ,.,nu0"N, ,'THIS THE y�itOF J"tJNE �� ��g��� ° I��JDAY nw I..�u, . no it ,' i, � W�'bi�¢N „ 2022* APPROVE rr I 'AYOR neth,M.vil"I APPROVED AS,TO i i �Wwni i - uw� �uu� w ��a � aura r�wrlo mmHrv. mawromw�mm FORM. v, �m imam* ..... M"l N Pelter G.S '*th,Cf"' XVI"OR. "EY SheUey B George, SECRE K 1 o Ordinance 4