HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3920-6-22 ORDINANCE NO,,, 392104W22 AN ORDINANCEOF CITY COUNCIL OF CITY ; OF ALLEN, COLLIN BY �, %, 1 � 14 COUNTY, J`,f,,.XAS, A,,`,N4, EN1)1,NG TH-E CODE 01"' ORDINA,, NCES,. .„a� �,, ,x* A,I)DING 'BN �, ,� ,,,,,:,am „ �� ,�, un,�"namrp„ raN riw, , ^' "u1�' ARe'1`1CtX ^ R 1.0, 'V C ,�µ , v,ui ,, ,",�un a, yrri, '"„A r rrn' 4��w F,;�r���& wa.-;.o-wiJ4 ," ,i::.. Nwf�' I, i"�ii Wre�' �vi: i;�o��, n,:iu� aiu::. I PROVIDING PR0,V1­D1N,, 'G A SEVE,,RABll,,,,ITY'CI,At,,JSE;PROVIDING FOR PENA,1XY'0F HU"N'DRED DOIJ.,ARS ($5,10,0)* AND, NO"11 4`0 EXCEED THE SUM OF F1Vf,,, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W11E,REAS,,I City CO I I o City of Allen. "'rexas find"kit to i I "in I p0lic intierest of Ordinances,relating to the regulation of pLiblic ass;embfiies. NOW ,„ ni.. ,.,,u'... BE IT 01,RDA1NED BYTHE CITY' COUNCI't. OF T"HE CITY. OF C0141.,IN COU N'TV 01'NEXAS,THAT. AL'LEN, As SEC'TION 1. The Code of Ordinanicel, the Glity of Allen,Collin County,Texas,becand,the sanie i"s hereby, I n ,. amending I i, Wby ("hapter ' Ot"fi nsei � "�'d a s" b� a n ,.. g Art"cle rmi., Assembly V'11, Rieguliations" N�' �,I a+.�n I�, �e ,��rwp rI �II�o I I ,,■� '. >I#': >'�'". :�N .. uY I. " i.: W,�, ...:..."'r.'� Nam,. ,.. �..uyrNMUf , �wfN� ., N ,/ :" IIN� iNJAF ', �! �I WiV9RN,uuIVFlENa M�411ARUICI.X Vito, PLJB1,,1C ASSEMB. LY REG U 1,A"T IONS Sec. 10,,­61,1, P"Urpost �,�� � �V � � � � o� has _ 1 I � J IClity :pIII�I�11ry�II�. � MIIM ✓ v, ,iV� �rI m.r. 1...... '�NM' „� ..1 iI �I �'arN�:...., �,>ITW, ,. has ,9�. 'i ��' � ,I�' � ,.pl�. .1.11owi r a,. i ".� .,. ,adopted ns by ,., I. ,, I., 1 "Wn,lrUn ",. � ,rrt .r,' In ( �,�..� ,.la �. ,... JV .,. ,2safety e ,' .: ,. �" �..,.:. �I ".. r ...v.,. a. ,� ,:.... i � .r I ,. .r. i i ,.i. ,ild "rrm. gi ✓ �. .jai � �,. ,� i a „,.. lu r ,. ,�r... i nor I � � I i R,I i I, �„i m r�,:: , ... " '�W. ,I ..c ,... >al I,u. ......�' ',";. ,..,..., .c , I�a �rc .... �'C� ,...,.... ,. ,. ".. .„.. ru.,,.....: ,. ,w,.... prewnt st"tuati w�,*tnb, limtit:•rrr:.11, M ,N:o ,:4� "n„ ✓ :, � r I ��� w'�'Iofdangvl�urous wr,WN?f1 hiazardous havior, amd I cles ttems, `r, ,III during bfic assembly. Sec. 10-62.—Definlitions. -, ..C fbilowing words atid p . .. e e, in'this a t cle shall "have e t,o low meaning. rare "*,Police >d'w chief iH+ r,� III��WW,� rwq���� IWI�I,I�Ip� IN y,„JI r u✓�o � a""�Ib ��ory9M,. i a u i potice ,, ';,..�ty, � diesignee. Ci,tyvl thel cify manager of the City, Or designee.-. I Pa,,t-tici means a person,who part'ic pates ;; ✓ public I�r "b J 'I"P,corporation, '. assoctati,on, organ"izatwn,,, � government nor, y meansPet7son means Y', P relilgiou l " ce, and.all other : gathiering, l 'milar f*(,),rms of"* ItyY�g�,�� u thie o� � I 10 or tNIMW' i !',�' ��.�i.. is:I ofv* r gnevances, , . '. I I 1',,mblic''place which .VIP in, "�. v w I i by o r, more re persons, t / conduct d which 'is r easonably , I likely to drawa crowd, . of onlookers. k Sec. 101-63. ,uu uw,Public Assennibly Regulaltions. (a) It sliall ";*,I unlawful :. f"or any , person attending o participatttig in,a pubtic assembly lk''s.''µ'u '; to: �a %,. w Removiriel, de ,,ce, &,:itmalge, ot ­i ii j herwvlse n ur e atiy struattres, s."zign,', tence, equi,pm,lent,, Q S 'improvieme monum,ent,, or nvn"u-,,f)rial, to inc lude fi.:),unta'1111S Sculptur s, plaques statuc',",01, markers, gazebos, objects, ianid other arc Kitecturcall, e'llements or structures, including hanginlg,, attaich , or placting signs, flags, ptacard Now,or anyother object of any d; or other ve wn, or getat (2) Walk,, stand, s.­a, hic, or chimb upon any wall, fence, sh,elter, tree, shrubi'l, any sti,,"tticture�* sign, k!nce, equipment, improvenrient, mionument, or memoriat, 'to include f,`ountains, sculptijres, plaques, statues,, markers, gazebos, objects, and other architev,,tural, elements or structures not dest I gn.ed or inten(i,ed ,t*o' r suich purpo ss s,- (3), Damage landslcapi'ng,p[ant'Jifng n n w, , t,.,r es, shrubs,gra,,�ss,groun,,,d,cover,or othervegetatt"O'n'* (4) Enter on'to private property wi lthlota, the prf"tor wrilten consent of the owner o f" such pn*vate Property". (5) Harass or intim"idiate any non-participants", (6) Disfrus It, block, obs1truct, or otlierwis, interfere with the tnoveti,,ient of pwdestriian or vehictilar ,P 0 K traffic or the five passage,of pledestrian or vehlicular trat"t,",c,, clu,(,li*ng ress or egress to or fr om any buidng dr* *Jewalk I i n* -of-way, mionument,or,memorl"Al, tveway, st:airway, ramp,, sii pubfic ght to Include If'o,untawin s, Sculpt"Ures'll, plaques, statues, markwiers, gi,,­ebos, objects, and other, architectural elements, or structures, or (7) "'rarget or gather within thriee hundred(3(,`)(.')) of a resi'dential dwellting. (i) For purpose., (fthis subsec6on"res*denfial dwe lfing"'means any pem—nanien",builid*ngbeftng used byits ocicupa,nts,is..(,f)1e ly For non­tnamsiient reisident'i'al u s, s. f"Yeted at a it or purpost":*.S. thil's subsectil"on, arget" means a public a"ssen,�ibly thiat tis, tiarg) 1 lar ries*dent*al dwelling and proceeds, ioi,t,,,,i a deif,"ini'lite course or route in fro.nt of or p a rt,i,c%tu,- t I aroundthat partli ctdar resident"i1al dwellin& (I"'i i "I"his subsectifion does not ✓and sihall not be iinterp,reted to preclude a publilc a,.ssembly iin, a r 'detifial ar a,,that 'is not targ,eted at a p,#"irficular reslident"al dwell*est I I I (b), Parti,cipants of a publi`c assembly shall# (1), COMP11,,Y wi"th the lawful directi ions or,t nstnict ions setfio rth on any sign posted,pursuant to law or, I by the clity for or in contiection w-iffithe pubfiic assembly: (2) Comply with ordiniances and,re gulat,,ionsli pf, rtatnmg tio the-use of city parks and not interfere.with the lintended use of the park- or interrLlpt the reasonable use and eill"loyment of the park by non- partticipants, or tions,and,any lawt,`ul,� ) C o mp l y and be su bject to all liocal,state,anidt,,' deral laws,ord inarvict""S regul,aia 41 V difrection,g ate,ven y law, ent'orcement. (c) No pet-son shall tttilize, carr. of the fi,),11ow1`ng ing or 0 , or p,(,ssess any, aetTis or artticles, while att',etid" # partwipattngm a public assembly., (1) Wood or 1umbe r,p(,,)1 e,d owel,shat"t, lath,board,or siniflar item of any length unless that oi�ject lis blttnt on every edge or end andless than three-quarter (3/14) linch iin, diiameter, or ifnot O ce No.3920-1,6-22,Pagle 2 generally ,rectangular r ; : or cylindrical, MUd,M %a , such object . NeI shall, noI c. : three-quarter . � s thickest q(� point,,, (2) M � or,„ r w _ v �r r ✓ h matertal pipe, p I. shaft, I I r 9 GM. a�, r itern o W' 1 , len,gthrtn / �, r rr �, I �r � AI r: '., , .. w:»� ,s. i,w.:i :.:, � " ,. I... .I .: o:.. ': / I � ,...: ».I ,rea ,.,„i ,. : r:l:.. �� (i) »rI aa I WNW, I � I� nn� o,l"unless J» I �' I ✓ "WI' III r 4Iblunt liel� gas, , wo ,. .. sie I r support , w sign, b , ' placard, ptippet, or other v , Y H ;. ,: : :..dis,play', (iv) „,s hollow, , (v)less ,:. three-quarter(3/4.),linch di'ameter,., .. r. v e ;. ..e , poit'il and, - I I�, m P / ` , �I (1/8) W �W IAu, � ,, i u s� (3) S banners, plaque I, I I ni s t s such poster, ban plaques, or f. t r... s /. /I s, b v solely o , , ofs o material, . r such ' as, t cloth,, , h,, paper, plastic, S N n r o" 'c W I capable of" ebei"nIg II or f'bldcd, r cardboard, rp I ,i » not,gr ater t a I C ,, to ' 1/4) li in µ y I t h 1 ckn, I,,III„ (4) Baseball softballbam (5) Aerosol s. y, I " gas,, ,mmacie, ✓ smoke ; , � » „ s... I ,� , bc,,,%,,ar I l , I I ', (6) Pro,*ect"fle launicher wI* 'I" dev" ich, w I w� I Y N I� � r F I , �l '' , w Iet G'ch M Commonly used, n fo,r the n,y puq),,ose of l htirhing,o,throwing I n..w.. „ n :o. j I U, I liquid, I...,I„ , ,.., .0 v,:.. I s substance, ' I I aw P, 91 whether rhI a , , m I " v tI sI I spring iI r J I other me , I , s (7) ' I, 1 r i Texas weapons Wwa� , ,A:: oil,:, r,„ srym.,"', ,. , G,ovemmena ,- ,�". :.:Y I..,. ::', fI,/ I �Mr., , » I1 ,' �0 Dvr Lxx*al Cod rrra ✓' Imo' mM,rn ('I*) knives, daggers, . D. C , , r / si I » , other bladed de » axes,-.. .. » handles, hat . ' ,: ^ ✓ � razor blades, > I: C W v ry e�n I r weapons [ m , . k.,ind, (iii) bo,'1XIcutters, tr gu/t,,i P F* � C * ". � I I � � (''0 I I ; , � n. ' McaIN � M N " � � � r � M : m � 1, (V) ,weapons ss (CEWs'), "I" ^luld i4ig, btar, not 11"It"nited Y J`aszers or stu guns, ( l"I") r,t e ✓.../� ! o , f: /wooden knuckles, or,(v`, I I han : twenty w ; ten 9 ,ingr' C II greater ,"Ms. one-quarter diameter* (8) bottles, or any other r : r : a* � , n wat er,.I cannons, a kiers, I or rvhica � i : W i R� firea,,,n—n-s e wl"Ith I .flatnmable, biloha, r ' or other no „ ti„ ,s r ✓. :. which Mitil"un"ous, �I as Iw Iwl N!r IwU di"sperse, ,. ,«I,,.,I,, ,,,, " i ,;oa J, Ic,I. r "» r✓v�iII,... , rl..f ✓r. ,✓ m., „rr.,�. I,ri...ls,a ,.., ,».. ,..,I., me q�', �rWig,.: , , :.:: ;. "...: W: : 4y , .. ,'�k r. : `�;. "'�; :.. aI,III);.,e,M�',;.� ,. `rY ' ✓1, '.'.. �s,fi:� r:r4i, ,: . 11° "I v I pour, deposit, release, e w , ,i« a rt b or expose o e the „ s in,upon or about a „ public : I „ I �N /bl Y ' (9) Plastic containers M r WI u g rw liqwd; (10) Glass " m � containers, airts ry e ty� M filled; (11) Open flame torches, e 1 lanterns,oI r M I « . devices I M e 1 N : : ar» e materials s, » r: A I r W gasoline, kerosene, pr(:,)pane,or r otherfulel sources, (12) , Shields made � ti � ✓ , Ifi ✓ CI hard N � �� , � �L l material Y I � I � / �I �N �I diereof," ,, (13) Bricks, a r-s J concrete, piellets,or r ball bearings; 1(14) Scart , ba .» -.., . a r s . any other e r.o fD I or covers „ . partially . "Identity. �� � , � n :,w � with . , intent ,to conceals J I b d w �,covers the r n. , " M , „� « except -for r+ ,;�� :..., r :..... '.;. ,,rt,... ,r...... „. ', I , ,:.. ;r t i,... rNr NG..r.. ;Y. I.. ,� :.. ;r.. '. ,::.., ,:, ,r:rr ..rc fk r v I. ,:� r I'�,,r � 1"'m. :r I al , r. �" c .. J»m ,I. r :. ,i..✓,?. ,�O �G�,I�kMIP :.; I w,�..- I� ,. ,».. rra'Yu i I I :rrl r„r.. ,rl„ 1r .... ,»d'.. nl n','I.,; : r,,,v', s'� ,I I s (%' I 1 Iral I I i r I I' II r..lar. 7�:».. I�Xfu�:vlu. ,r„ NWl"v, ,an„l;,,�,1.�d �Y.o I ,. ✓ arm ,I»�W4a.. I IrYI. MN :. r,. .,. ... r �,M✓.Nwr M I:d .. ,�vm,. » , 9 (15) Gas Igo rNsimilar ✓N� �"r, breathing It's: „ �"I� ,In I�v,mask„, r, role I`�' - Ir 3920-6-22, I Il I No. Page 16 Impact resistant hietmet,,inclttiding,btit not himited,to motorcycle heltn,ets,blicycle helmets,sport's helmets, orball'ist'lic helmet&', (17) Laser potnting or simi'lar deves that whe n directed at a person s eye may causie, temporary blindness ortnjury,; (18) Umbrellas unless or a forecast of such,durling the public demonstration, (ii)stich I ,"w -om handle,,, to t" *` I such Lmi,,,brella has a umbrelta does not exce, sixteeti�, (1116) "t'iche"s ft i,p anid (11,,i) blunt tl,P# ' 11 (19) Professionally or personally manutactured, or fiabr,"'I'leated equipment or clothing des"igned to, 'be 0 of but let-riesi stant, �f�ra,g,ment-res,,'ist,,tin't, or tmpactre,, sVant,,,, mcluding, but not himited ft 'istant vests,, A jacketsi, or stabi-resi stant vests to, noit control gearI, sports equipment bullet-ries* or (20) Load-bearing or similar ,I vests designed,to carry weapons,tacti"ca], equipment,,or armor plates. (d) ThIlis art"I'licle shiall not he, construed to authorIze 'the tise ,of the public roadways, except in exact Compliance wilh, the laws of the state ianid other ordinanc es of the c"ity applicable, their to, and persons who vil'olate such other lawsand ordinance!,,si sh,all be ptini,s,hed according to heprovisions of the other appl iic able laws and ordinances, & (e) "Nothi ng tn thi s atlwlie proh'i"b Its, a law e nf or emeint lo fficer or, fire f ig hter from issuing', a icomtriand, to move or disp er,sein accordance,wlith exas Penal Code Section 42.04 iin the eventof a rilotutireasotiablie 10 notse, or g passageway'. (t) ing in 'this artt"Cle", 'shall prolubil a, p eir'SiXon, f,"rotn camying, a cana Jr using a walker or other slimillar deviice necessary f'or providing mobility so that per's"ion may parti"cipate 'in a pubfic ass c,*,nil bly" O 0 01 gH Nothing in this artli cle sha ll prohilbit the ,impo ssation of speclific conditions for activitij s expresssly authorl"Ilzeld,undiera pertn"Itfor a spectial event IIIISsued pursuant to Chapter 8,At"ticle VII of th"is Code or ft prohi"'bit the modificat"I"'on of the restri"ctlions "in,thi's section f6,r such p,,, rinits issued pursuan't to Chapte l. r 0 IM 8, Article VII of thlis Code upon, a, finiding by the city, managrer thiat such modificatt Otis Will not impatr or thre ten publ"Ilic safe,%ty. (h), Nothingin this article shall precluide the City, ftom en,,fi,)rcing other law s,ordtinances, or,regulations. (i) ' oingin this arncle,isinteti,(Ied to lotate or rest,,r,.i,ct,and shall not be applied or enforced in a,manner 11'e"'I"exas Co� 5 deral laws. that viliolates thie'UnIteld,Stiates Constitution-IJ nstitutton,andappIliciable state lot General Authorlity. (a) The chiief of police shall implemen,t,administer and entorce the priovisi,ons Of, tl,mits Article,. 0 4 0 11 i,ve'the author"I" r strict publ* mbl,'*es from certain areas if condilittons, ch'ief of pol cle shall hz ty,to ic a,sse I i I'll , - h alth, or sat"' ty, the free t,n1(,,)vement of'pedestrian or present a pot1ent,(#,,i, am�i or threat to the public e bui,I dil n monument, or, vehicular, traffic, or the unimpeded ingress or egresis to, and from cil)y Igst me,mon,a,"I, to linclude t*(:)1untains, scuIptures, plaques, statues, markers, gazebos, objects,, and other arc hi tect"till,r al e lements or structures, and, any such r, stricted. area,s shall 'b e s""Llb.ject, to mod""ficatti on by tlie chlief of police at trin,y tiMe., Ordi"nancle, No., 3920,45,122,, ',Page 4 '11 , iority to make reasonable adjusitments*n, the date,t"me,, frequency,,,, (c) The chief ofP01i"Cle Shall have the autl duratt,on,,, r(,,,),ute.. loicati f a publi mbly at any lt",ime rti, order to accommodate other on, or, tilanner o c ass'*e, "Nordo, I r conictirrent pubfi*c assembfies,,, sp(Mal events, held in alec, arnicie, w"th Chapter 8, Article V11 ofthis ),r cily events,,, 'the 'ri,),zhlts of ad" rs, the needs of the Public to Use City Stre*,etSj, jaicent property owne Code, w7 pubtic rlights,-of­wa� and cit, property, and pedestrtan or veli,'i",c u har traftic using public n'ghts-of-way, Y Y or w"Ith the of the netghborhooid surrotinding the ptiblic assembly,or whein,the chiiefofpolic, fitids 'it, 1"n thein'terest of the pt'iblic he,",,�alth and sat"ety of the,CI*tyI and 11"Its citizells. (d) The chil"e*f of policle shall have thie authon*ty to separate groups of public as:w;,�nibly participants, at a, minanut'n,of twent 41ve (25) f�I a art Jlrom, ione another, withoutregarld to the purpose or,content of' Y P A the niessage, wilo, desire to engage i I,n a public assenibly at the same tiirne or near thiesame location in o-rder to preserve, the publ ic p lace at'id salid, separation may involve "the use of"phys"ical barriers f(,)r sleparatlon. If f asil"ble, priority of locattion shall bIe baseld upon which group of ptiI,blic ass'embly * #11 M part i,c,11'pants arrived first. ice or I tity manager ts au (c) The chief of pol C thofizedto install temporary nafflic clontrol, signs,devices,and markings rlelatii,ig to the contr(:),1 of the spteed, movement, and parking of'motor,"vehic es 'in assoctation "l' w1th traffic anticlipiated to be genterated by a pub.lic cals"Slembly. A teniporary trat,1"tic control slign, device,, ice,or marking auith,,orized to be placed or marking shall, havethe same ef ct astraffic contriol slig"ji,l,dev* W)11 , bythe trat",fic engilinewe r pursuant to Chapter 9, An:icle IV of'thiis Code. Sec. 10,165.—Exemptiolls. M * `1`he provisions of this,; Article dio not apply to authon"zed peace offiicers, employees, agents, or )f thi W represientati"Ve"s Of thie, City of which shall be exenipt from the provi'sions s art'icte when such of1ilcers,"'o, emptoyees, agents or riepriesentiatiVeS i the city are engageld in officia,lbusi,,ness of the city. Sec. 1,01,46.—Penalty. (a) S ubj subsection (b) ofthis section, a person who,vl I olirltes a provist"on of this artlictle ji;rutft,�Y of a Ject to separate of"'fense loreach d,ay or part of a day dun*ng wh"11"ch 'the v,liolatilion "I'S Committed, continiteld, or rilie not to exceed five hunidred, dollars hab e by a fI permit-ted. Eacti offense, upon conviction, Isi puni'.s.''I'' 1 ($5001.,('x)). T 't;,, tng a Ct t tn (b) Absent exigent Circumstances, a peace, of"Icer shall issue a warning before `ssu* t t (M 4 IN 0 accordance wl'th subsectil"on (a) of Iffits seawn. Suchwaming sihall be sufficlent if prov"'lided,orally, by posted signs,, or by arn,phit"Ied,amnounclement."If, SECTION' 2., All provisi'lons of the ordj*na,nc(,:,, of the City of Allen in, conflict wri'th fiIie provisions ofthts (,:.)rdi'nancejk'be,,,and the same are hereby, repea,led,and all, other provisa"ons of the ord)i',na,nc,1e'1*S,0141,'the City ofAllen 1, * 0 0 # 1' '1. ...tj,11 fo,.rce and eft" et., not, Itn conflict wah the provi&i ions of this ord''inance sh,'ill rema"n "n f SEC"TION 3. Sihould any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivi"Sion, clause, phrase, or,sectlion oftfliiiis ord,,iinance', W ortuiconst' �Iial the saame shall not aft" ctthe validity of as aniended hereby,,,ble, adjudgeid,or held to'be vo itult''10T 't full fi),,,rce ande,,ff' t., the remaining plortions of SlIt ordtna,,n.1ce,.,, which shall remaiin "n SECTION 4.Any person, firm or corporation vilolauing:r anN,�, Of the provjisjions ortemis of this Ordinance shall be deemed,guilty of a m,"isdemeanor andtipot"i conviction s,hall bei punishied,by a fine not to exceedthe, sum of Five 1-1undre,d No/1,00 Do,Itars($50().00) fo.r c,%,�:ctch off nsle. SUCT10N5."rhi"s ordi nIZ,t"nce shall take eff" ct immediately f"rom and aftler,its pa,ssis.�,ige, as Lam and chiart"'er in such cases provide. Ordinance No.392f)-6-2211 Page 5 ------....... .......... DULY PASSEDAPPROVED BY THE CITY CO'UNCII.., OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, rEXAS,ON THIS,THrt. t4 Tll 'DAY 0F,J"tTN!]E, 1� rv, li, '' IJ (11%. 00 T WM Kennelth M.Fulk, -AYOR, APPROVED AS TOFORM, ATTEST,* 01.0%"I II ,,iMJIMbMH4NlA�NAnMNNWI tlAIMUMNWINNNMMpXMNMN?�tlNM01M9fIMmAMMYWARAgNNflMPq WIWVW'I1P�Gb!eIKKtlll WARM wou"K NWWWW". Peter G. Smith, V ATTORNEY S h le,1,te y B.,G,,elorg,e,l4kM C,C I TY 1,C Luny TAIRY (PGS'llirs.05-11-204"WIt"Divi 127569) Ordinance Nio.,392(,),,**6#,22,I'lage 6 ..................... ....................