HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3918-6-22 0 "NANCE NO.3918w6,,12 R-J)''I �r, CITY COUNCIL Till, I eoli. , � OF ORDINANCE OF , viC01-OLIN, AN , u!m,i o ,.�. ALLEN, "'DING N . ITHE. CODE OF O I AMENDING COUNTY, ' W AMEN, ARTICLE CH,44%.PTER I I,,, ,r ,,,fay, EWIRONMENT!, �" V111,", AND '"F,,,,,,.,N'VIR.O'N,M"ENTAII","4 DIVISION 2, 4"FOO'D ESTABL1S,H,,MEN"TS BY' FOOD AMENDING' SECTION . '"�� 't. „ p,r :r , ,,, ESTABLISH,INIENST TING TEXAS RtJ1,ES AND AMEND THER11','11"Ol; ADDINC NEW SEC710N' 6- ESTAB1,1RU1XS FOR FA,RMERS ,,�� a; BY AMENDING SECTION' 641W HING, 236 PROVI'DING ES'T,ABI,.,ISI,,IMENT ,AP'PLICATION PERMIT' FEES,AND REPEA1.JNG SECTION 6,1242# BY ADDIN"G SECTION 6,-236'PROVI DING FOR THE "NIAL OF SUSPENSION, F(,.',)0D E,S`I7'AB`,1,.JSHMENT PERMITS; , AMENDING CHAPTER 61, , . AND E -VIRONMENI Rol" A,'WF'1CLE 'lV111 "ENVtR0NN,,, IE.N`TAt, NC1410N 6,*2411,, `1`0DIVISION ,N " PROVI' E 'CHILD CARE FACILITIES." € I V REQ14RKNIENTS FORFOOD P14,F1,PARATION BY A- M,.E,,',,N#, , ''D SERVICE AT AN,,, COMMERCI,A- 1.4, CHII.J) FACILITIES; B"It," AME',NX"DI'NG CHAPTER, „ a 1IE,A1,,,XH AN7"D ENVIRONMENT ARTICLE E ,„ R N � ,NTA1.4 awe, DIVISION "ENFORCEMENT AND FE.F.,S17, 11''Y" AMENDING SEC1,"JONS, 6-256 A,, ,N, 'D u ,,,, FEES "D ENFORCEMENT* PROVIDING A,0 111" Et NTTN R,,f",.PEA1,,,,41NG1 CLAUSE: PROVIDING A SAVI,NGS, CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERNRfLITY ,. I FOR, PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXC THE SUI'm OF 'TWO THOUSAND D01.,LARS ($2,000) FOR EACH OFFENSE*k'N'D PR0NJD,1­N,,TG mi 4 FOR A DA"FE.AiNEFFECTIVE NOW THE BE IT' ORDAINED BYTHE . CITN"" COUNCIL OF '1 COI,,jl,.4l'I.,,"LN' C'.*O'UN",f' .Y,,TEXAS,"rH AIM' SECTION1. {The ram �rrci I City of�, aoe and thef,a of � llen,Collins, I r tronmem,"' Art"c'le, V111, ';'Envirotm Di'v i st"!o n amended by hereby 2, Chapter 6, "l-tealth and, Env* ✓ r W�p ,ham, m I u,I A:,,"by NuW : r ro r rmu,�� r e 4 gym..... r.: �,:_. ..a WV�e�. IN��o «,�,,, .f6i'llows.1- ""DIVISION id �� ooa,rs�,?uW`s ,if „,,....,, �' �Ni 1,,o- �wn rvM'�"N+ Ir ,, vi�W;�) �N&grn c'A ..6-2 3iNMw"'�vv� o :FOOD ES"FAB" LISHME,,NN""FS Sec.6**23,4.—,Adolptio'n, of the Tilexas Food Establishment Rules. (a) Adopted. "ol, T rt i Foiorld Establtshnient Mm Rules ( H . 5. a at AdmillilstratIve, Co4e 'rillA A e 25 Chapter 228 � er Texas Department 1-11ealth Services,, e ., 1,N Augu.st 'ice 202 amended rna imeto'lie AW 1"ilereby ad ted, , the minimum.standards M^ da, s t,`(.,)r food,s ' finlits r r ,:I , ons „., �t , �o r orate Ie of city, t , d m ' c r i t r t : regtilatio ns goveming ,,. theI" preparation, , at eA ' . 1 1, � . iexcept 4 m ,# amended m : and I a i 1 I th I Section. For r �rr, phrase �, .,„„,III,rlrl o purposes i i II pted, byII � I� ,aa�p means ��� I l,leictively rm ,crryawrm f, �Imthe ��r rim I`a� Establisitiment � Ithis II � (ii) ,the Food, The adopted purisuant: to section, 6-234(b). N M,. manager, , MI or a I i .: 4,. e. r repre , gy :,, I&.. hereby authorized and directed t m o » N all provisilons fo, " t ,i 'i pit mles, ion,s »�„rw�, "». t"ollowiing sections, , � me u,-are ,uu paragraphis, Idefinitions, s I ° ,; follows gin» V,i fib„ d�e f","i n it tons 'amended .r wkwl to a m v.�., follows, iYrrr I u.r i ^ »' �' �N (1) G Agri(:*tilti,iral I thict. Anawgyp, Itural IIN" -%ultural, or grtupic 11,0111"C'U1111'ral either V nat-ural or processed s �I » t1 has been pr('Auiced, priocessed, otherwise ',had added foruse as human f,`ood, ' � ,IXu ,JduwI`h �u �„ charged , IC � I: ,..., ,.,�r ... ,r,� r »,,:,,y� .: w.,, , ,,; ,: � I'. designee, .V.. '.I. �:. r,( re1: "»u, n,•"tt f� �..' f 9ffi (bl�l,.�}I�,N,rcPoX' rrti U� r j:.. ,.., i T ,. uim° „ur r enforcement ofthis ailicle'by"the city manager. . rcv Ip1ji-e t o y., �� faic ° �, ` � i m � I and r � � � �r� 01 lant 10t'MR✓I4�: MIXd'Y1 rv' u, t" Y u1� food s fV,» S ,, ,a h r . (1) ft, f �� ri a � mobile � n f"ood, tinit may prt:%,pared, storel and/or I I e Ip,. (2) a mobile food Linit iis Supplied with fresh water andice* (3) (4) ; ✓a r u ":, , , i 'i , Washing, a„sI,m,, I I,, s a� N�I. , those M foo d s i.' sI or " immersed, raGmi �„ food r Iu � Iu'�", �� °" � �( I" I; I.� the "" n I � �' ,.;I sink. »,.. °II, ei,r,- ar„, �I °,,, I I# 10 I1'dence UISIC I � �,� I, prep '� filty " Prolhi"blited",. , !I�, r �II pr,,ivate I central m I also v, N.. ,, 1 ,. and operates n mobile ",w a.Id n i,it -r. due: �fir.. preparatIon the J'a" cii,ity% Anyfi State of'J* » to, prov"ide r' e for, le than . .� » f ,' , : I hours , , . : v for, 1 I n (7) or w'I° :w o l r n and , r prepa,"Ire'S, ,: , , on-site :� � These ✓ � ,i ,� »�� ,, ,.. ,,..,�� u° r:.., ,,.�, ,., � «,...,o rl:" ,,»rn. r, ., r.�.: ru„ ,.. � i ,. ed ry ,.. ,.. t :... r,.„u., v, rol° ,, wrt@�.r... fisact"lities u. �r n'n'' *,,, seboofl, ki"nidergarten, " chl"'Id development Icenter, , e a' care, center, II I, 'hoot, Monte I' I " � v r food, :�. N° ',,, N',�:., '. ��nt ,:. , '..is,% IV to. : and, N. � ,.�etc. S ,''I:.I te a � ;. for .... u I ,mw,V'I o + » : u�. �u�r r :i�, ..:emu �+» the ,of pur pro vid i . °°^., , : a- °e; ,s s'n with i, ° a wl an -�I Snt ,. 1, distri'ct,, community re college, Oty i prot"It rr, ..ofit organization, ��. �,�,,, �n I�» , ���' w IP". te I` I'y��JI� I..rn Allen. �" ,foris Et tnov(ble n ans,: (A) Po mounted ✓ . casters, s M gliders, r , , o o provided r,i ,a,,mI..n ✓ V i» .., o s1 t""ely tillt a unit o Iequipment, fo, "" e.III" i °" a Ind (B) flavitig i ct,ik �.,I� �, � r "Utility v:fi�r ,uti[i,ty connecuon» nN,r /n l I �" I yr � % I I quirckly, I flexible I ,o,n,,,., tty on, nnects r a,. for Itne of suff' gth �»mient ,w be � fur '»rt w ,I��I ment and I'. ��'c y e-wi the area, a, a of�"the nd, (3Small and light I ,� e �r �,� »w' sI»� ,ry »� ,I r ° �i, ,,, Imo, u J enough (1) „ ;or�� fin..,, " ,,� ,�v"". ':,. , two ,.: :(2) ',." ,,.. uo;�Po: ud"" i"�„' I �"n; a l�.rr, °..�I yr jp��'o, "�' I.. I .;.. „ ,�, � I ^1��� +r. ry��^,. '1 M"u, II vu' ow,^' �I I, r "r a�,w�,° �» eI N �rl1, +'I�' " ,I I il is - ..." it : 1X �.:, lu �ru, "�MNw�` vendors; o s�of , produce an d other ; Ic r u a productst"'br re sale, l s . r le i s p tI O 1,u It shall, not include stands that only sell whole,uncut produce. r OrdinanceNo.1Plage Tat-intei-S', tnaif-kt i irliendor. Atiy person w1w offer's or sells produce or agn'cultural prodttcts at a t"talmiers" market. Lt,ghtia c alor,, A surfi,;-,�,,tce wh,I*ch has a, hght reflective value(L RV),olf 55 to 10 0. Affob 1*Ile I I Imowtice ji:)od tin"t (NITT). A veh"cle-mounted, self-propelled, self-conta"ned serv* operatlon dest'gned, to be read,10y, movable and useld to stiore, prepare, di'splay, serve, Sell, or otherN v'isiie offer food. A MFIJ shal l reta-,in full mobility at a ll finies. A MFU does not 1*nclude a stand traII iler,or a blooth. A ro ads"I"die f'ood, vendor 1*,s clalassil"fied,as tct MFUNI R)n,m atithon*ty. G4 of Allen Env, enlital Heati, or other Department author"'J",zed, by the C`1`t),r M aer. nag Sturij.41ing. Preparafion of'food as an exampi'lle", i"nstruction, ,o,rf,'(�)rrn,,a,rketi"ng purposes. S, t ta,,b1h,htnent. A t* od establishment that ol p eraties at a fixeA 11ocati"on tor a per,t(,,)d, greater than fl"ourteen(14)conssecuti've days, but less than thi':rty(3110)cosecute days in,con juniction, with a ls*nglel event lo,r celebra-tt"on. "I (2) 3-3106 H Food D*i,^�;sp lajayt s a men ded to ,t�Wv' � � m�i°^^�ire j, Except f(,),r nuts "in,the shell,and wholle,raw fruits iand,v,ege,jt,,a'biel,,,Is,t"h,at are,intiended forl hulfiing, peefi*n1g, or wa,shi*rig by the consumer bef`ore clonsurripit'I"lon, t`(,)(.,,)d on dl*,splay shall be protected from ft 0111 ,a Ol i d*spllay contamInatlon through ul of l ackalgil',ng+ counter, service line, or,lsflad bar ood, guards, 1 ,P I cases';or other effecti've means approved by-the regulatiory author"Ity.Food,guards and dSplay cases shall meet requi",rements of" toj.-,in AmeHican Natt*oinal Stiandard-s svt*tu,te (ANSI)-accredited cert,141cation program. (3) 3-3 0 6.13 Con Isu mer Self-Sery ce Opera,tl'ons shallbe amended to add(D)and read,as,ft),Ilows: VIV ispicuous sign that iti.StrLicts tile, (D) The sellje r shliA1 posti',mmlediate dsplay area a cot customer!on the proper proce dtire fbr di'spensing fb,od. (4) 3403.11 Reheatl*,ng for 1-1olt �v�lold'ing shallbe amended,'",to add(F)and read as f(-,,,)l lows,'-, (F) 10 A[ j*Steam tables,bat',n-mari`es, warmer's,and si*mt"1,ar hot *(,)od holdl*nlg t"'i 1111ties shalltiot.be, 'is section. useld" fi..)r rla M reh fied under(A)and(C)of tti pl, eating i specj-�A, (5) 4-2,05.10 Food Fq,ta'ptnent, Ce'lr-fi ficati'oil and Classi"ficatt"on shall be amended to read as 1 Flood eqtli*pment that "is certified or classified forl sianutation and com.,mefrel',,al, u'Se by an American National St and-wcirds Inistl4ute i(A,,,N""..Sl'),-lalcl�cted*ted cerit'fication, proigrcm s deemed to cornply wl"I*th Parts j4-1 and 4-2 ofthlis chapter, (6) 4-301,.1,14 Ventlilialt"I"on,Hood Systems, Adequ,.acy shall be amendied,to read as fZ-,-)11o,ws, Vent'llf"llat'lion ho�,,)-,d systenis and dev'I"Ces, Shall be sufficient i"n nutnber and capacity to prevent grease o r con densafio n ftom, coillecfing on fl oo,r's, wall s, and cei*fi,,,ngs, and stiallcause grease dis charge to accutnulatel on the grounid outsilde the p,hys'i'c,lt!l,] ,foja,c,*il* *e s,. (7) 5-'Tio'I'llets and U'rinals shall be ame,nded tio read ast" flows:, Ordinance N1 1,,3918-w,61,,-22,, Page ".3 At :least �I, a«, ,,, �.,, xn� I la,vv,,,, �": � ,: :,i ,.. ,�„ y III�I.rl � ,,ot ,�I:..IIw �....r ''r 1::� ,� w�w,», :,. ^� shall be 'by law, . a„ I "i I Is are r r s ae I e'd r. , 's � s i, ,I I, shall done a , dby . nd Restrooms shall, : ,. available N , e public ; n , : + , ' ". w . :o clonsumption A Q i . "' . ,1 CC", shall, t.be V wV i through foott preparation or, , storage a i , , , a rim o r as ; , , o„ e a d serv, eq,m'pment orsuppties are stored. ), ed (8) 5-204.111 tandwashing S'I'nks a .o shall. be amend, ,,,,. N I i„ mM I�' i P@Mr�i"; Irv,:.IUk i(C) (A) Within twenty-five , �Ic (25) I� employlees iin ood dispensingMIa ;NNc areas'; , „ oJ,U...,e 'm,. r, i�w ,J and, . r. I, I, a h1t, a f,"ood Wi mww 1,hing „ - located � a mv v ' m s shall, I, s guard. (9) 51-402. :1_2 G`,rease" J .: p stri,a be amended d a to,a ,.. (A) d(B)to're fol IP�.. If w e . J grease trap shall be located to I I J �, � or cleaning. (A) Grease, I, shall be c outside the physti s, by the reg,ulatory aulthority,and shat'll,niotbe located,in 41,fire* ka,nie. (B) A best management praictices, (BMP)poster provided by the regulatory ,w , I : shall ... ing w 4 ° �a "m� IrI:' , ,��! I , l�a ram;I, , ^ 't vi n< fofflows:, aa, u; ,u w> b�., - t:'.� �„„m, eINVk, I,, 's, r ti, toed ,Iall wr : 4,Lr�, ��°It , �° / tr : as (F) :" ,, Ira. mm ,', «, w:. ,rn: ,, ,,,,^�.p. , , ,,.. ,�e�l ,rv,' �„ ,I,^. ,.✓ w, :, r+,�,...a ➢,..ir ,✓u,«, ,.;I� receptacle, w,:��� ��. �, ,..... ,, '.a„I bra; I opening I rl�' al I I '� I for ^� er"a' I�p I r,�l I I� �Po I yWtlu '�M� "�G gremcs%,e tr I I ,, er pest A t tM ,t „ e'regulatory, .e ., o �� , o a <., may require an,,a`. uo a r I curtam,,or other ef,'*f�aitve m an,s to,mittgate est lent'ry. I I, I 6-301 1­1,andwashing ,� wr, lab ^ J I ,, ,a ti, „ ,, read ,�, �' °�, follows:, 1aV, INh Avai, il i I�w ✓ll be `, `:�, ,✓ � No .. . . ,, , sinks ✓ s. : a prov"'ded, with t aupplyEach handwashing sink a 1,group of 2 adjacent I m handwash mr �I Via, of hand, a �., ,, Ewa fiqu'd...(12) Dryi"nIg Proviisiion shall be e IJ to read, a u, ^, w..„,... i, Except as s in part, (Ei) of s ,, ;..,: ,. ,. handwashing sink or group ,.fadjacent handwashing s"inks shall be providied with.111 (A) Individual, ,J �.,�I disposable , .- (B) A contintious diisposable towel, siyrstem,Ittiat SLIPP11"CS,the tiser wl"Alh,a cleantowel, (C) heated-mir"hiand I� dievil"ce, * pro 1, (1) ded*„ s ni, � SIN � and,, qua �- la I„,<r� �� 1(2,) � 'There Iw,InIWg I wa � I"^N'a avoid w rw'-nat ion, wyyu t pull by/ , hands when e� , „Q� a k'Ick plate n ,I , '01 * # exil'ing 'the restroom t4,cifittes, except, where the t,oil,et room, „, outward; o (D) hand device that ;. n s sto ; that hilghvelocity, pr" Iw, n�Y,wa m a I. at,anib'ient to, e r' providedir: 3918,4,221, Ordinanve is The r,lnk ,_ r t1wicet, and, (2) 'if"here HI is It t o 'am,. ,e, e ting the Idoor (E) food nw ,r ' °, jIa r �' 1 � _ �areas, (A) � �I Y, beused. (131). 6-50 be , i � I (C), t"J'Sing ... routine . t n, previentive pest n 1 ,. » ' " . ic e and " , - , l .' n � ; under " dI..� r §7-20") 1 Y 7-2106.12, d 7-2061.1311,, and ,. 10, nil 1(14) -1 1 liall 'be amended to ;nr ,..�,.," ,,,, ," Characterisi i'cs section(A) (3) r` {KKK„�I:. � I w> di r �""I, �yi r,� � tO T IIr ra �'I) Nonabsorbent, u,bj t 1 isuch Aw,uwm I re,,,('�' igerators, watwelwalshing area,. tolliet rooms, I' i,stre rvrs food preparation ws, , mobile tbod, ",. .. a a. I ... i :. 'I'S areas, rrh and ' a s, subject e „ to flushing or spri c , wg, , e Flooring th I " , Nrereld uW Nu cons ,�R° ,r,. includes r"e, u are a,,„� 'terrazzo, r-,ulatory�w r�r quarry poxy and Iti'le, epoxy,other durablie, c Oir „r authoma,, „tia I� r � u approved, wwd s, �. flooring systems shall be n� s r m : H, fi finlis.;hed product 'w ° F . I 2a o i u,, . !4, 'ble 0 *, I „ � � ✓ r i " H , but inch. u Floon"ng is o smooth, d r m " o v � 11 linitted composite filt (VCT),I v*nyl:r, I Ian„ 4 d V �- ,,; ) pean . V nd, are I �I un � Irn� not hulls,or "rows i i u� I �"I ry ""I acceptable. � 1 w) 6-201.13 Floo and w. W'all Juncittires, Covied,:. and "I".1""'onclosed or Sealed section (A) sha. be a SIN "'d to read s fibIlows.- (A.) shall ✓ � I � Iu " ibe floor � wall, f shall isixii-mch coved ':. f. ',i ',r ,. integral m'': °r �, "I�oz. finished Ji'loor. base.AnEpoxy and seamless r,�;::. :.. �,;.„"�""�,. th I " iinstalled wWi"; integra], � �nch, � alum—,IN,,.r �; n,, Q, ,,...i,w ,,va .umvrixA... "� ,r. ,' num cove I shaped tile, edge trim, in/stalled intlegral and n6° rw w the fini"shed floor, t °HI be used, in dry storiage areas, driessing Im , tocker rooms, employcle toilet rooms, mop slink areas, a10, nd'vest"I"bules. ts, section (a)(311)(B" shall ; amended w I and r (C) added ' : to reads (16) §228,.221 Mobile FolodUni CO i...I regulatory a u t tit, s hall a: w q i an U to come, u on a ti ua#,:s w I I I oft en �., loicati'lon desiilgnateid rYNNapV� (I the �:c, Y"e'n ° ;inmnir°ivr. °�.�renr � Ir°artrn„ a 'gyp. U,;p i r I lcyas "a / �: �✓.that %I41+.�"I"� YewI n«", I � I flu "! ^�' �" 1 q n �P� i, ,, 0 iss r adi]y niioveable. (C) ThiePerson li .charge , MFUl' sOnall doctiment dates and r . s v . . ,, h.as . : d i s : a s y . central pireparatlion fi,,iticifity, . : s , v'� k� "I a a a r provi'de � I. �11 documen'tatiol"I a regulatory r,, v ,fro ,roue^ ;,, ty upion request. N"q ,y„ I f (17). §228.241 Fa d Operating Plans shall bl amended I read,,as fiollows:,i ern,' Y,;w� and ,�;°,.. propnate °ri vq� shall m�l Iwo°.. I be ��r ., �, i,. '0 erai�" �u �'°, :�o i r wW Plthe the construction of a folod establishnient; (1) (2) the, ,,.I conversion +W,p,o ° e„ s , ur;. fir(.: "w, ,i sting r,i, ,,y.", structure Y ,;.. ,rvr„q r , s:e as a foo, e s"abl i'l :.: t r. Ordinance 3918,w6",22. Pag(-!,1, 5 41,fAw "I' h � *fing � � ' t, �nge of „ � ' d , Pj a,C ,1 ,food ty-p V� isi� "restabitien't the ory MA'S ��,...,�. u., t'6od e ai, l ,,I '�:.under �p W„ � ;rr.,, ��» s.. Jib..w by t '�,i , ;:. W' regulatory R I� �" ��"JD d�r �...� m, � deterntines,­: that plans 'AMn+ if �v s „n , xd. Ie, necessary to ens"ure compliancle wilith thi's sect"'ilon.111t ,.� ,i ra�r nOrdinance.", iwv,ffi; in , �W:s �" I ,: ui ,.. Nn; � :.- ,,„ ,� v IINei,be SECTION 2. V,^'" "� , Coll,, amended, EnnIvironment." "Environmental 6,"'F lth VIII, „ m I I i it by Mrr ng S 235, t`011olws.., � oI :.. itl� Establishments," . ;I�' IWm�n ,. J V i,,, � 'to "r ad I,, "Sec.6-2315. --Farmer's' Markets. (a) -, All fart'ners" rr t.. µ each. vendor w1 attending r fItnners' ,, ', �o V , i i , ,, ,,deral law. tncted,,by,applicable state orie , -,, s of p s„, i s gym,,, Res,pi,on,s,,i',b,"t,'I,"i,ty,, ass,v,gn'tne,,:. (1) f""anner's" i e t permit holder be the . �F g or shall d ., ,,..,� ,...: °ypµ ��q . waw "�;''� ,. w a ,. � , ° ,. �� ,oy ,...I�" :.m, ,i o,, present Iv. ,, fa' :::. i. f�uiµV ,..�, ;;, udhI . �s °' t I '�'uin� c ..person in d 41niarket : shall, be �W:... r ng all hiolurs of operation. The charge to I "r , 'S I ensure a] vendors comply with requ,i ementil olf'th*s chapter axnd shall provide proof of , W N M t yU passing an ANSI-accrieditexl cerri food, prolt, ctiio „ manager's Course n request, s (2) Fa,n, �i , � , �o e o di'sotribute temperature c for I » t (YCS) 1`(-Yod shall ' a',, have o s e I I "h ':g that can provide proof upon request of suicicess,f,.blly passing a add F exas Department of Stiate Health Serlvlices (TDSIJS) 1, d food h ' course. o s ,.Fannerss" I k . m I that offer, ` :sell, l Iorecognized , � , diistfibute only I,... prepatckaged, . i �7foodand plants, nuts lin t shell,1, � I 1 m a fruits and II"rouN " ,a s iA are intende-A 1,*or huthing, peell'ing, or ,a rwiiµy i °` by e consumer e be o, consumption, s t ,; are exempt, e , , from the c " W, v food handler requirement., .,,o rid, shall` market '�' � rimerm :M" F irygp '�, ;.., ,� Jge vW'n. w A, " ICI 4.�,:: e:.I.::.. ,.r,a awe I ill, an.1d provide ed at request, !fist , Nwd:w market be , i fi,,... least: Sul calendar r",IN'f i�'"� day's "" date a�, r,:. market, �„1. i��; include.-, n1n ty from ofthe nd (90) I, ,., , n The name,address,,. a phone '.,,„,I ion ,, i. e ch farmers" market `, n„, "I"he date(s)the farmers' markelt Nrendor operiateld alt thefarniiers' market1*1 tist Of fi r ca t1d,,, I s market vendor, f(,),r each ad, date op erated e the f aniiers' market,101 and tv. A copy ofany applicable pe,lnnit(si ) hieldby thefi-mmers' t,,narketl venidor, he I , Ior liocati,on I ch food is s q r i I n, including i ` i where the 1"'biold was grown, cult'i'vated, or otherw"I'se obta"ined by the fiztraiers' market (c) Food. II (1) source. Only o froma M , , » as defilned a t« NJw, or, 01 v ,� ,,�,�, -, ,fiood prepared ' � �"".:- ,.. e.,,� .,.� „�,„ �,v -iM'." "'�,�`�; ;;,`F N ,2a,'. �I'�,"" " fizam,,iers �'in < , , . a ,z iVw„ w ° may be rd�""',„� l 4 w. - market, 3918-*6-22,1, ,PIaIg,eI6 items. I Proh`b , F'sh, foraged foods, game i � r° gleaned, to-od, and nion,i n of owa prohiib,,,tted, "n ",I o^Ian. w i. ,"mrr„ w ,i " t a � ndµu°�4 u " "�" -, ,.. r :r (3) Ternperatur I b n , ,m w�,S: Foold t r , ,. gy a! : e,., ' I , t r u i e rNgy , , ispei . ,i':'ied, "in this c a ',v n, Meats, 'ri961 �`,° rMW����'„W.�ted ' �o`,'.0 4a. �wNm��O NI ) j� I ,��,w�.. 'mmYW rl r ww items, 0.%,�1 UH fir, be '"sPo�1,� 'ww�/ below forty-one and while mM�r Iµ a W NI Ir �I „ i NH I, to Fe1. Raw u I +� �I shell, rn eggs ,.i shall 2 �"' maintained ,u; ,�,,vr- .r;, �,'t or below .. forty-five I I det,';rees �w (45) the market, and while Fahrenheit duratio n of , , transported'tilo'(,,he tiiarket, 0 ,�I� m: ^ Section .,,N , p: I �'mpiltig. I IIl r, r »r, tinw,"gip, n 437.020 I sliall quir Texas lth 1 11 tifi It,r Codie,as amended". and S(11,, i Pri(,*.ivenling em '.y. erw -i ,... v,"tiYm, s *n uv; ,er �°'^hell, o , r. rq � ,. °„��, (5) fir„ �^ Except��n INr intienided h't-ithing, %,el" r �r"i y r,wMb consumer ah! "„v�,; I b I#�w vegetables t`or ' ing, a..' w , � ., rJ.,, mµ f:,bodbie,,fijore I n ,I ~;i on display shal be a v ' from c , I i f� ,iI ^ b use m 'jI packaging", .counter,, vv service l , „ , , 1iYbl . y . , �w , w . �i i .NS,F or e+, i u e r �. m + ; I. slan ',a �;,�.,,, he I completely wey c,. Vi I o display case s accessible c di " I , , r ; I ' market vendor wJ;Mfo stat,"T, or by � other means approved,by e I,.r gulatory, :ctuthor,111Y. (6) Food prepared farniers' r n I o lwlh disanibution 'to sumers i, foold ak� firirm,ers' � �„ ;' shall r� ��„ I "`�,r, �''rawlhI.. r �k prepared N.o t ��J�N, market, ,.: e t ,,I.'.... : obtain I.. s rr.,, Air e pernia and meet requi,reinentsuti,derth'lis chapter. Equipment, uteinsitls, ,," act i 'ic (1) F''tj,nc,t""Iojial."I",ty of eqti1iPn"j1,eW# 10 f,"orozen shall,1'. Equiipnlientusied to.,,,keiepfood,riefrigerio ted or and, be abile required Imperat the duration perat,ions,ati,d �>u I .,. "'I"'ables Lised w1ithilin, the vending areca shall be made of durable, non-p,ot-ous, I and be rr�;"� ly ram: ;',�� I r,� erg'°° . (2) � Iw c a p a t i e E I o p,,.i,le ,,, "r e a oil an, , s+b Wh,,ere "I i.,-" d, at least one hand �',I..��Iv? ,I ��FI� facillit, Y i�`" ,i roved ;a "r'a I , (I) I I.M„, "r "rr ry r I°F I rity that �, prow"i I ides o„ potable, `"DWI,I I�'"r I wati '�i i wastewater, W ool c h ,r, ' bas*n, fib, needed, �Nw,�,�I:p', disposiabilit ".'II�d I r nd a i „"gyp, �'k eee' `.'w '"" shall. I be, located, di vending sipace o a conducts,l samplitig, 0,ple r I. w n s. upo wr. , � � �� mm for 11 A hand I D^dtl"� <°,.I fac � +~Mb-..i , notwwa d vendor, s pre,-,packi a ged, with, only equi, e, fi-klits products,111 plants,nuts,in'the shell,and Nvhiole,r w, � 0 n I gyColrg, peel a o as a co �, rs be�f"Ore consumption, -,, (3) P h y s i"c a I fisi,ci I'i t i e s. 'to Floor s I I,, ct ion. Ftioo,,rs and floor coverings :. r :imu, vending anrr., inwr: areas ,I shafl be .. localted on. a, conrb w or asphalt s�: e other.sul"tatble e i'a ,I I by the rt,:,gullatory authority that eft"ectively contriol dust and mud and proNride adequate drainage. Covered area. "Vending ari as s,hall be covered ftee of pests, and capablie of ji p o i,v*ding shelter tor vendors and custotiners. r i SECTION 3. "I"he Code of*0rdin, ceiS, OUthe City of Alleti (,'.,.o111*n County,Texas,,be,and the s,amie 'I's hereb Y amended by amend"ing Chapter 6, "1 1ealth and Envi n,ment," Artiel-e V111, "'Envi"ron.mental ficalth " Division A 10 21 "Food Establishme.,nts,"by addling Secfion 2,36, to r ad as ,"t' flows.j I'Sec.6,2316.— Permils, Fees,and I Asp tio ec tons.. Ity, (a,) Author* (1) "The provist"Ons o,f7f this witcle, shall be ent"brced by the regulatory, authority,,,. It shall be ity, or fts represe-ntatives untaiNNId R),rieftn)i peri.,on to, with the regulatory author* perf -t I tes as prescribed in,this,article. and designees or-nance ofthe'r d'ut"' (2) Var-i-ance. A vari",ance• tr(,,),ni th-is aillcle a,y ' e granle , he regulatory autliority 'in, accordance with thie Provisions set out in 8-103.,10 throulgh 8-1103.12 of'the Federal Drug Administration Food,Code aidopted by the sitate of Texas. in,i,ij nts.(3) Addil (:fmial requim As necessary Ito protect agatnst public health, hia ards, or ntj* %s the re, # & is,ance..i, gulatory authority may it'npose iadd,t,tj*,onalr�e,q,u't'r�ementsi,,ti� ,to,�,,id,ld,i,lti*on, to the requ,irements,clon'taineld,in th'is axit,,i,etc that are author"iZed by law set out"inj 8*,,,,-1,02.10 g of'the Federal Dru on " ofod,Code ad,oI ted by the stia-te of J'exas.Admi`niistrati �F ,P (b) P ert-niu,i r,e,d 1,"Ohmen't, processi ng (1) I't shall hx,� unflawful ttor any person, to op era te, a fo.,,()d, lestabihs, 0 e stab hi s hmti nt, miobille f6i:)d unil,, tempora,ry 't,", od establi'shmetit, seasonal t"ood es,litiabl"I'shm,ent, bed, and brea,,,kt,",fAx-st t`(,J)od lestablishn,'Itent, childear, t"Nocwidily,, or t"'armersl market sub* o 't hi `thout a, vallid pemi,iit issued by (1111e, Ject It, -Isi arttcle, wi'thin the City 1'r zi,ior ty Only,a person who comp'llies with the requirements ofth"Ifs aq—,11'cle regulato aull 1,sha,ll be e ntitted to r ceive arid, retain such, a pfermit. Pem,,,its shall not be transf rable 4 (,,)m one person or etitityto another person, location,or entity'. A vali'd plermit shall be, con iclu(l '4111s 1y,post(*.A in every establishment.sp �,,u i 4#, (2) Any person,, desirifng tio operate a t`(:x)d establiss,11-nient, tt'ood prociessi,,ng es,aib lishment, n1i o b 11"1,1 ft,,), uniit, temporary, a,Foo,,,d estziblishment, s.,t,,%,,asona1 t5o,,ord estabsent,bedand, break,1`%a,:st fbod eistablishment, childcate 'JI`acility, or f7amiersf" m,*,,�irket shall make applicati on in aa mannit.*r p rovided by the regulatory au th on, *ty and, paiv the appropriate 1 00 t* e. (3) Annua i t s. All per—mit catlegoriNw es isIstted ftinder this arti"cle", excluding temporary 't"Id establishnient peits and sea,&(Y11t`f1 'f6od estabhment perm"its,, shall expilre on, December 31 annually, 'unless or suspenided under this arti"i is.le. (4), T i, o f I food establishniiena p, rntfillts. he Io1),er tion of a teniporary f od lestabliShrinj nt, t,,n,,c1tt1ding saniipling food product, ,iiwiy not exceed, (I 4) consecut'ive idI,,",ys, per eiv,fent and must be m conjunction wtth a speclial eviem or celebrati,on,as approved by thereg,ulatiory authorit"'Y". Ordtnance No. 9,1 62,, Page 8 .......... ........... ----------- ,It)w mw i c,Iw mc,-),n ,uW �I,es; st be itted not laterthati, to , event, or f ,m i than a ten, Fa ('10) a o ,�r „ days ys prior f r I event y "if five (5) r � jai ,„��� ✓ w same ww 1„� wirv� ,,, bm,r: WM:4'p�rv�ri Iw y� be, pen-,n*l,t,t,lc,,.,�dt"'�),r,the „ru a m, w ., more (,I* rwrc ICI) At '/�� r, i" I Eo.,�N4r dOM eia 'than oixw, b(,,),(,)thI be will , each,, required W�. N »m , ,. rto,obtain it separate pertnit., .. (I*v) Vendors with a ✓ , annual permilit i,ssuedl under s I s r y, , a I f r i s section*: obtain ; W- a separate e a a temporary food ens b µ s rnt. pemu*t when , p,UNK,,irtl,"I'c.*Ip , v e iF �` I event". w °, nm�, uH o r, ," r �w" e "/,, r" �I..w'W r>� , tor ," vr' „ rJ Iirvi,✓ o i," ,,-' �r mmw',i ::, yfr aW,+;n that have Iw an 1 annual pert (v) �w; be , Mfood"', �,, v, e ''�, v✓�ur u�r ,aim approved, 11'i':w iT:,rm i;;'r r,p. "�l i r., gulatiory ��rrj��,% y, u,I���,i�Ul�r„a. plemn!"t w %ce i� i ,x rsF-, ,. � � Ian r ""��' I ,.. y uPor �� au, , /',. I Nr ,,m : � "� �' `�r '` ,,� � owner I .. m � 'wN,. ;..,, '�v,' „r ;� ,, I I m I,'� >�' qm!, Le., ,r �, fv rr s rei ,T l r�ra y,,-, �u, Nreui� vn..... , ,mNnr, proof .,., r ;.':, „� ,ai,. r,"..;.. mGPo,rr °'✓c y5:u ✓i.,y,. �Vwa '"fir,,, 1 di,, ,o. , i or io" y.. ,(dm'o ur t with 50,11(c)(3) s ,�,s'11 "IiI iUfO ,,c ai o, on. (5) Seasional food « s r p b,i ",, n permits., (i) Tti,ei operation,of a s w I 'food establishmentis u re s a a r ' e, (14)d but less a thirty , (30) ✓ s- c ""'I've ,days per event dt per v I en, Seasonal p are ,„ litntited, two ,",wy (2) per ca d » , a ..per locati i ,' ; as a established purstia,nt to the Ia Land, Dapment" Code,, r " a I., i '` w .o .a wW 1") Seasonal ,ii:,a: ;i pemnil,t :i : "��: aa,� ,,. ,rv��:.b. :.:' r✓w�.. ":n i,,.a en r' at leas,'a fi've shment nv working day's priortothe s 1m1 rit,id,ate. 9 *1"110, Vendors w ith a, val A annu I Perm], Is r sus o gym° of th'IL ct"I'O must obtain ia e rate seasonal H a tfiood establ"I'shment piermit i pizarticipating i"nft,,)r, hbr 'Hh✓� ; s,y,�»i� 'w "°,",''�.., "y. yr r^»al ar,:...I�ro � .I';,` " '��' that ,d havIlle a�°;,', annual �', �'��' pert-ni't. , "„, 1, mi »I =� m, (6) Latef"'6es. A,nnual p renewal w I i� rN i c ,am" more " " t r. days afte 0)a expiration x � � W r (hate shall ✓ I payan d � �s 4 e ,late the, r , � the ��w rN0 I: I M I!G mM ^Pow (30) : eir the, ,:�,,- ;,„, ,a>ni� w ,I��i° �,,,° �,,.,,, ✓a.... ar".; �r r w �w ,. ,rr than thirty � dayis . An ,y MY � expirationti shall make r p at"I'on r anew permit., (c) Representativies, � , ^�, �,,,, �. of !„�, � �4 ✓ :. »,��:v iory '�w V<, w I after e proper identification, permitted rN V Ienter u ✓: I 1� reasonable �, food � r i'shn,'ie, �1: I t � �w aka,. I fi ing inspections t t trittictle as set I I .or thie purpose of mak, o detemnine conipltancc wi"th thisa it me, out in TFIER. (d) Inspect"I'ons. Shall conductied at ft"requency ar, desen"bed I If the Texas Fild « ink � �° m9 w„ � !, "MD t � manner �h�"i, iand, .: � ,. I, v„ ,iieu,.. ,P "detem, ,..... v ,v: ;.. „�i.. .ryant ul ,. �' w..� Rtdes, 1 finidiings ' I„( '&N"� IW o,,.,.. i'.„ u r. r ti,.�.. ,. ::. by thief' : Ni t I, ;. r w ,t ti. (e) P y s ii, i , r I r,�I " e phanciewith n is o r le q w p me n o,f'al,fo,od e s t a b Ii s h m n it n t i n,c io, lord,i ,»s and regulat,rons of thils Chapter shall be I brou,ght compliance "With I (1), A,provj,stons of thils chapter when,: �9ti: :,fir.. t"'rotin pern,'ivit ;....: rr , ,ai��o' vax ,x +, a "..„'' � ),r u V ,.i establishment w'q �' "''� �° ,ev.:,ra,..;i.. i I,.y ;,r gym,.,, Y..,,,,, r� a... , *I owner m« P., or (2) A,change 'in type of operatioti,; or Ordinance 3918,,6,12, I � 'When l a it is detemiinedby r.,'+. �' ,.... ,�I,. ayr..rnuI, ,. ,u1u .vuml„ 1�rrrrl IIIII N1�" �„ II NI � I Ifir, I r r m' ,I I continued,' Imi �,. ;,: �i 4 m rr health or i ! �,qul`Pn- I(,.,the I , ` H � r, t f 61 poses I m sk I publi S I et af y SECTIO.N,A. ThieCodeof I Cityof � Cou,iity,'["""lie,,x,c,aS, II J, r r amending Chapter "Health and Environnient," Article V111 Division, 21, , hments,,""by to,read s adding d Sectil"on 237, ft',),111ows: wa "'Slec. 6,,237.—Suspenslion,Rievol,cat"I'"'on, Denial of Permit,Niotticie,Appeals. (a) (1) The regulatory attthority may I , „ P I r i, , deny a peiniia f`or f"i'dit to c I . with o,.t e t I�.^�.''fir or,pirlovi'sions �N'm,1,� l I"I�N I article, any I I of not�b (2) � orv�l �"�r a pemit"t'is ' I N �I i rvro revoked, ,- I, w holder Na he pen'nmit shall, '� a l I�I it ! w , to , thatthe pernin't I upon wve oft �I(: �m � �a I y 'I pe , or revoked. ooe'.,, The ,. suspiensi"on, : e". o IoI shall, contilintile untiil t1a regulatory a IaIraot er - determines Wr, ,;w.,„�✓ ';,�,,,N �.. �,r`�, � vr�"..' Ir , IN,�I II a"q„„,j. ,Mth ;� r r� rthat ry o � �r 1� , ���I, .,,r �� � �Nr r rpermitha,s' 31 permit reinstzated. Suspension or revocation of a, authonty,from tak.i`ng other e4orcement aamn author"lizeld by law. (3) 1"he I regulatory ,.,, IaIo ";' authotity . a ;. W I r, advancle notice, Imll� raw,... I n,,� I I, the permlit i s I found to have one or, moire v o aw � I " It to an , , t hielIz.11"Zi1i, public filealth orsi, f ty. (14) 11t applicant ,� I� .,.I owholder 'I.. 7. peniiit r y appeal the fU,l "fvl: , ..11�, ,I.. dienial., . I q revocation of , I the perm-lit to : e1 I o � I 4 s r r i i „* µ � , , , by,appeal stating , :. a f-(,,)r s., a appeal a u , five(5),business da a receipt i, ;of notice of' I, such I,. dieniial or w�'' �w4'� �u�' vl I (5) Wil " five (5) business days a ii.. G f an appea . . a I w y e representative 10 ; shall, a ,set, r a date,, a eI,and place, ' for the hearing o t he appeal a del'i'ver I ' 1 „I, I r' in. ✓ n : „ , : r h this ,� u c IRu The w , , ^ p .. :., i.V rthereof : 'to b, H person . y shall ; i y a k o � deck"on by r i Is �, a , a , � , a r i , : " o . C. o order a ,"d in the appeal r,,. ,,, rw1 ,oa tt,,ve f 'ider ng'. zed 'bv9. a II,11.provide ��:... tt(,..n cons �I ��ppllµ � deciston .I"'^^nWrf I perm,it holder,,., I I Notice. , ��I� � IIa1albdelivered �" pursu,ztnt " I ,I�� lrIr A I,.�Iv Irl li ..IMb provided by the 4 4 Cily, I ay on the » date I 'it yr;is I detfivere:d, three ry b " dieemed t haveb,een dieliveredby , day's after ., „�r the . ,�:... date I,, ,... r�,,, n:. rl. i's ^ny)Ir I.: I i.. by first class I I�,..lil nited r ] orI > r: �uoxt fir, cpostage prepiallid r I I ,a I m persson,provideld "� NII r, :,t:em v rf r w r, h n „ a perntitappficatton. Sec.6,.,238—6-240.,—Rieserved." " I: Code o es,O I ry LI c �� y m I City I % �I I r n (7o,llin Co''i " g:, " 1i,,,e I : r same ' e V111, *shereby SECTION I "Eti.v ,, I1�'I by ur Chapter� 6, r1wwI ^ r , IIflealth," is I I I Di'llvi's"i"011 I I _ Care F b y repealing r a .I> I i 6-242 � d a .L d I w sectilion 6-241 I re ad s f`ollows: se1c., "DIVISION 3.—CRILD CARE FAC1141T,1ESi 6,**241,,,,1,, Chlild Ordt"Dance No. 1 I num F 'Page I I (a) 1"he p of im �o, to «R I:d u w s u, i fo r , quirements for food pr p and, I "^I.,;I :.., ',.,... :. ,.... wry ,:.,. ',.. :' a,. I " ;. ,..- I4; �"N;u,.° �, �, I �Il�wr, � „„I � v�,. ,... beriesponsible IbYN arm ,,, ,.. �..,. „, 4 w,r ., I�w,.::: I,,° I. I E health and rl I , � ^'�.'I I I I for ,fe�y of I III serv* �I � �: r� ;'I �I I I I� I I� ,� �' I I i I�y I , �r �, r Flo I rir rfv ��I „ :. 1 r„l , „ I���,',J, zrt I I.. ✓mx� i x III'I. ., : II..N%�'IV� I 4 I, r.. : �MXI (r 'N'Mrf� I,: r'... ,.r r;.: %III �.... w. I. �I w�,,,wp� r� ..:.:. ,..:�,,1, 6 act '�NI:.: r°6 1 Igpn� MRM ty liaision �P i : 6 „ ,I';. re state r ,N I s with r I a r s , tog Y iwah . a State mi'ni" , ff'State requirements. I. N' ur a requirements ar + r" re , More, : I s u "ent the c II y s u q - 6 U thee fac"i'll"ty, s a " e. I I WState r ,W I„di, e, I : 1"he " " I ,. dt'rector or owner ,, e I I„,.,� 'the I r Jr J I N of the , I rt*tity I I rcrN I4r w t,`,`,1,ic has Alsolute w: �, I w„gip, � N,I �� I w I r I I � I lh*si 1, ity att" , #, r, I rr r II fiacilit"Y, r, ,, I,Ir � rt rc4N� r„ �,, µN ,"R .,, ny ��^, I�^ � �I I I � � r, I�r4, r rWIlwr � .,,, wa�INr4 N "„II ;, ,�" -, � � I rcll „, "�,I,r �, w ble ing requi,rement ,, id, �I f6old�°^�'il I`" � construction I requirements ' I ; �I' I I �I I wi �,I � J�II" I othis r. III � r Nldcar homes, � I y l � ,i u 4 c qpr(:)visions n qunied this a I> c; a l, e ,. : ,. , t i i � this W w let '�NI r' v"� M' rrmi9d °a'N ('fl I�XI�'��,y tt n,Jl� "' �goov!Q`�. '"�I 0, r� r '.il"91Y fR hp bly article. 'I�'i (c) ExIst'Ing "fiaziliti I: When eI r p :e I r or I ,II n ➢r r lowniership, existing , s , : chlildicare I fit l e l s fl reNnt le shall comply w t fi F@, '9gro,V, ur ,W NM, , codes. 0 # 0 a", c ,: , d,. w fakiihty i r , I -., „ food, t`roni : ,: 'I r ,. "a ' r t shall b : N ei ilte,and shall mal*ntal.in documentation �' t, fo<)d r�r, o I v r rvv c JAW Ir» 61-2145. 61-2 2* ,rrm. P I. uww ,Reserved." SECTION 6., a Ord i I r r d by I �0 f , City� Allen, Collin County,'"rexas., : I the same J...II :I AI r I �w� ,,, I I� I "FI I 1c1Nd '� I � � ,,id M. e rFmter I � 6N4 I ,r � � I I ,INw.Ju� 4 flealth, DiVisilion, 5, r 4,4 4 Fees,," III6-257,to t`*(,,)1 rca""� �r. rrr ;,I �„ rr I`,"I I ,r� r', Ir, „r� I,.:., a4,� I ;.... �, ��o ,i ,gym;r"J:.. lows,',, nt " , bly ., ., 'gym r ::. :�� +'mod I,.., r 4r "'DIVISION " E"NFORCEMEN"I" AND FEES Sec. 6-256." pillellattiesi. I(a) Any person wh knowi"Ingly.. Violates , s , provision of this I a u" or n order w u N i II here undier, shall, o r p be guilty .. r f I rc ,r, punkhable by a, fi of' not more than two thiousand dollars ($2,00,0,01()0) �: I �, Each ro pier I ,, I � I I I I �' i to Bepa i,,-a,, I te o exIsit shall be considered a IrI , I ,r ,r„�II,",r ,Ir � ,, r4d:�" I I ,I r"4brI n se,. � ; » �L �� � » � � N � Pena „vr � w �L � ��. provi's-ionJ anicle, rcI r may4 " , » .,, , t, W 'fir i�II� #1 0 41' nt officer '#1 o 'both 1,`,'6r ive i nj un c It � "' , a I Nr I I I;, the ' prov's" I' I , ts f th i I *I,. ,,;n.;.. ,"wlWy, .pn; ,ny r ,pr��r '(c) Addilionally, ',. :" '. (!� �' enti"till I � '.� I �ru ', Icr*m*nial " I:a y; N�o. :^fir ,�, ,;� ,r rc , be is entitteld under Sec., 6-257. II ,; i" I i r article cr shall.beset resolutilon by I cilty I , I4 pernu''t r : » I alnid t es , I: IW v " ,:. i,,... file ai ,r�,„I. for in'spection,,ii, y, �" I :II, II rc"„III city '4;r "'� wIIWfi"- i�,,e,� °v» ,,�. .4" "4�.ICI m�, "N;I�'y r , ; I IN,";r ,... : �k' wry nu �rrrll� IN�k;. ,�V I(WrN" �.; ✓ i4 u�::a � : :. r r ". publilic " I' SEC`F10,N`7. A ordinances o , lr I t , City I w .. o Collin C . .conflict. I , Y priovisitions f I " 4 this, ^ I I be, and I same r hereby, r repealed: prov'ded., however, 'that provi".sillons „ l , m rc , rI s V , in, p v I „: M hr " e prioNirisi"011s of „ ' W rd ii n ,v iti, et` ' I 0rdi"nancel � lRu'Ye 3918-6-22 / , S"ECITION8. Should any word, I r �� djudged, or M paragraph,,, «, Ii�, ; II ICI 1 "I I hereby, I I be, or 1 iI� shall affect »II reniain*ing port.�ions I II�w; i a "MNI.r which Inal"Intinfull j"(,,,)rce and Iv» > '' , t. SEC"I"I'ON'19. ... on,firm ��!.. ,w,. :."„� ,.�, ,,."„ inanice .., , mW i; M �. ".. ,. o. provisions ,u, ) x. d. ,.I.this, ,r.v:.s, rewm ,:to the C(:)d,,c of the II sanie penalty provil"died, f"or in the N Code de fOrdimances as hereby,d, b e ,I IIof Allen, aspreviously ,. M,., a ,.e. - I ,, IIw: , Iwll l , Irr,, ",.t.....of a,., C11"ty m,nien IOrdinances exceed'the e sum of Two IThousanid Dollars($2,00.0.00) fo, each offense. SECIT",1,11ON' 101. ,» M , sh-all take ef"'I'* ct m and r r v,,w 1"'hi, itnmediiatelyfr( wi. passage,xs" law id :.,.. 0 insuch provide,.DU I THE OF Mra. ,� � w „" ,..„,.,.. �. ,". " D, "r�. r �. nib �7Na.' v,. :.,✓w� �, ,aM :, � ;r✓ww'.,..,�„o r w�a Maa .. ,m OF Cl"'I""'Y ALLEN, owvR'` ra. mwl ri ,,�N,. I: nlaw� I. Sr..r,I 1 �" �,a,rt r ml�arwwo1",DAY rtKK..FI,,,xw.w,� Y'r rvol��a l� w+ N { i mPKKMMH � MMNMMIM'&MIMMtltlMMMMMMHMMMM�'Ntl>MNNUMMD'wWWNNOMFdMNMMti�V4IMtlwItlP�'�,M'M,'IPoNtlMP�fi'flMMo'dMItlNflUMo'!Me�INI.. 2022# ,APPR,,, „ IM Fr,, : 4t Fulk, ���I Vo MiLls, A'PP,RO'V'ED1,,A,S III"1 ,v'vio��ro�xP, vNc 1 or i � rmvw✓.�ww�ln�w:�M�w, 4w Itl�tlVd MMXWMWIwuW<mmIfiMMMmmMM mmmmNw� AIMWWMINNIM KON :WON, 4ftPororow tlJ �m�wJ�... MMMMmmePoNM tlSN+ � �w Y CITY W Peter G., Sm"i''th,: She, G Georgle,