HomeMy WebLinkAbout O-3919-6-22 f ORDINANCE NO., ,* 22 ,tkN ORDINANCE , COLLIN THE CITY COUNC111-1., AS, COUNTY, TEXAS, A.M.ENDING ., � ALLEN ,I�i,lnr DEVELOPMENT PREV10t,JS1..oY AMENDER, AMIENDING IN ARTICLE 141", 4"Bit.T"I'tDING REG"U'LATIONS" I BiVADOPTING CODE, 2021, EDITION, WITH BUILDING I' 2021 EDITION,, � COD,Ej 20 EDITION, WITH INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE, EDITION, W11*11 AMENDMENT'S; 1,,NT'E.,R,,.NATION,A,,,.I,.,, MECIIANICAI.114 CODE, 2021 EDITION, : wrrll .. AMENDMENTS* I PI.AJMBING . , w J , INTERNATIONAt,202 1 ,C f M ,, , ," w ^ CODE, 20 EDITION, W1"`,FH A,N� IENDMENTS* NATIONA.I..,, ELE-CjTRICAL COD+ 2020 EDITION, Wr ,,, p.. rrra�: ;" rr,al `'or,°vr� a ;s ,ar Imwy , r ,, Iw': r„a "/ :, , rI' ., ,rm ,rA ' CONSERVAIIIJON CODE1 2021 EDt"',r][ON,. WITH AMENDMENTS,,# �I RNATIONAL SW'IMMING,, POOL AND SPA CODE, EDITION I I SEVEILkB1LITY' iolrA" ,< ",.. rr,,,G , w,,,; , ,r,:" v,� Ir r ,.,urns ,vnPROVIDING OF FINE PROVIDING A PENALTNV NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND D01,J.,,AR,S( ^ . PROVI DINGAr FO AN EFFECTIVE DA",IrF. 'WHEREAS, the r..,r, I� I ":lovvnrnCoLinclit (K,'.",C) , II I II , , 1 iI r ,A a a r,....., V�4 r.s A.. . ,......4�uw, .. ,. w. wr... r ,�.� n.. �Ifl�mA„�.. ve "... :: � ,. ,,Ir.....vi' , r i I o r » , r ri n ss (known, generally a I the - . "".i Codes");an, , i I WHEREAS, a I Nat"I'mal Flire Protectlim"i A A)has devieloped , �I I o ° - n a :- I and, , rn,. r ut the ,...., 'IV ,.... ".. ",Iv. 'ld,vr'Irq: of :)¢. the '".... Internat"llional ,. ✓, _ r flvFi �W: "4i ^ [or. 1vl f. Ii. lrvNi I , IIIy6V,wl r,, ". I i Air 1�N, fir',. .... iI.. 4r;, �.,,,r, lV. ilA, ,,r:,., ,N � E.f , rnIA'��vX:i.' I. i Codes a nd mNat/ional" Etectn"cal Code thr gh parti",cipattion r ..t. i r A r : Texas o " Chapter r - Intemational Code Counclil through I a r process � ICo,,(les Coordiinat'ling I a fthe 0 North, (,"'.,entral Texas's Council of(iolvemmients(NCTCO(;),, and, WHEREAS, �,lon �„�the ,,I21 loaI� �, Codes ICC ,� Iro-v � I ,, AI �arr„'I �,I' EI Ir the r r, r, ,. rug Electrical I,u,, � on, of � �I � Code f»r, lv,rlIa, I, II I' i A �� E � � � � IInternational Cottnciil � � fir , whose� Ciitv,olf Alien has adiopted fOr-nany ye , WHEREAS, NCTCOG Electrical and Clity d, SI ,I r WHERF,.",AS, E�:. Clity's, bt,/tfliding a I �, ,s r o c c ,. , �.:.b intended to - N r v pen*(':)dically, be , with in t 2021 III rt the 20,20 I vH iIrI � ° �. EI , acuffent i qa rI.I � Ithe qIIIA ,IIv Code � Jptiblishieldbuildtng and co U l � i ' N M " , W nd �de hich ents ve been . velopeld., ine ,� 0 WHER./E,AS,, EC"Ity r COU1160 >, City I of Allen. hasdeterm," d � � °, in the t best S of A ,a,� ,< , �rtwI,interest (.11ty i m er � �of the Irr In"anIgIII se, » �rA r �, Ifir,�,, i the 2020 I I �GI , Iconstraction,,N'ational 'Etect,/rlica] Code, heretin, the ,,, ,, fo,r occupancy I I II I maiten I I ildi the :, �w..I ,r'6 " �" bu �" structures, C*ty fitmts, v t`ort. , and to adopt, lo alp I� ngs E,I ,h, her ^ ° r , a , p, a w s n"I'd n o r fi. order M , " r ft,')r unlique to practi"Ces " Io conditions relating p.U. the design and construction of structure,r Gib Wb` the s City. NOW, THER1,4`wF0R,E,, 'BlE IT ORDAINEDBY J`HE ITCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF At.,LEN, 1N'C0U`NTY, TEXA S,THAT.# SECTION 1. T7he Ali,=Land,Dt,,,�velopment Code of the;("."'Ity,of Allen,1'exas, be amend,ed,by urnending 10 141" els Artlicte III, Bul"Idling Riegulattions, inils ent',iriety,,to rec,W, a follows., 11IA,,RTIC1.4E III MJILDING REG 1J1,,,,AT110NS Section 101. Ad opt'wn of b ut"''Iding lc(:,W ei s,-# 'les nd, regulations, fo,r the I There 'I's hereby adopited by the ('11.1ty t"jor the purpose of esta,bhishg nitt a 14 4, 41 constrluction alteration,removial,deniolittion, pment,,"'use and jocc�upancy,locat,ton and mamtenance of bui"Iditigs and structures,within, the City, inctudinlig permt,ts and penattlies,the ft.,),11olwing moodel clodes w"Ith amiendments and authion"ty,to!adopt polticies thereto as set forthin this A : ...a a. The 2021 edtti I,on,(),,f. th,ll,etiitt,?rn(itl"onal,,Blut'lldijng(,7(,. as pub hished by the Intemat ional 6 # # Code Council,except as lit may betin clonfilet with the pr(,wisions of another ordi"tunce of the city andii'lls.,amended by Sectlion 3.02. b# The 202,1 bioln of the rniatiortal Existing Buittling!, ."Otle, as published by the Intiltainal Code Council, except as it may be tin confiict wi I 1h the pr(,,wisions, of another ordtinatice of the ifty and as,amiended,by Se ction 3.03. 4"he 2 02 1, ed*fi on o f the,1niternat",( I 11,,it il Fifre as published by the,lntema fional Colde tons of another ordinance, of th, COUncil,except as tttnay be, 'in conflict with the provis" e 0 cit y,and,as a mend ed by Section 104. id. 2021 edif"nion of the Intetwati"onti'l Riesiti't".?ntial as published by the ,*I Intemattional Code Clouncit, e xcept a s i't may be, 'in, coln,,fftict w-lith, the provisions, of "I Of It' e anioltheriordi,nanice C h and as amended by Sectio n 3.05., # I (7otleo', as publ"shed by the le. je 2021 edition, of the kitermitiona,11 Alt?chainill 1'In'te,mational Clode Councl*l, except as 'it may be in conflict with, the, provislions of 3.06#f thie City,and,,as alatinem , ., , 'i another ordinance Jed by, Secfion f The 021 editton of the Intt?rnlational F#tieil(ras, (7mift,, as publiled by,theInternatilk:mal 4 Cod e Council,excep.t a,,.s, it may bei'n conflict wth the provisions of another ordinance of the ityand tz,i,sf, allaniended by Section,11071. 41 9. The 2021 ed"itillon of Ithe Intt, ottatt?""'01,4111 as published by the Internat'lion-al Code (.,,,,ounc1*,1,except as it may b "' i, conflict with the Provisions of another ordinannee of the iijity, dcais amended by Section ii "I;-# as pubfished, by the Nafional Fl" h. Ile 2,1020 ledition, of the tie, I IT Protecti I on, Assoc i afj,on,, exicep't as it nuay be iti confliet with the provi"s ions of anj,,,y, ordinance,*lo,,,f. thie city and ta"I'S. at"nended by Section 3.09. The 2021 edifion of the nall.,�.,nergi;,t as pubfished,b):r the to Intematilional Code Councill., eswept as it may be in, conflict with the provi* onlS. of anot,liller ordiinance o.,:tthe city an d as aniended by Section 3.10. j #,rhe 202 1 led'It"llon of the 1n,tt,.:Nrnt:i tio nail S I I n Pool andSpa aspmbfished by. the Intemational Code Council, exicept as it may be in conflict with the provisions of another ordinance* of the c',ity atild,as affiended'by Sect"ilon, 3.1,1. Ordinance N01. 391,9.,61-'122,Page, 2 2. The codes adoptedby refe,rence in subsect"o ,,f thi's section are hereby atnended as t"011ows, The ft:)''How,"ing wor ,ds terims, anid phras., s, when us',;ed iin, thiisi s,"iection, shall have the 'bed to them *n'th"'meanmgs ascri I is sectton,,except where tile context clearly i*h i c a " a , dii. rent meani*ng. bo "Plermatient tio det facifities" meai'l,"iss a room t,,n an, existing bull"Id'ing (including a constrtiction trailer'.) or in thie bullding "being constructed w"Ith a ,tter close;xt nsualled, 0 ✓ # in such, which clo,n,'t'orms to, the plumbing code and iis continuotisly aval""I able to 0 1* all workerss involved,in a construction p ro 10 ct. C. "Temporrary tolilet 'fitieflitiles,." nije%:ans a porta"'b"It'*', 'fiffly, eniclosed, chiem'ically sani"tlized t Oet ot wh*lch ficeld pry', cleaned at least once each wleek.I is sel"Vl; d. E: „ Y construction pro,jectrequirin,ga P","Crm' 'It Wl"thn'n the c,,ity shall have adequar-te toilet "helour*ng shall be cons"dered fac*fifies for workers assoc]"ated w"'th, the prqject. I a d,,e q u a t e fa cil i't i e s e. Resi'dentilal constrUction projectss:, At least- one pernianent tolilet fiacifity", Shall be mallintained 'in each, subdi`vision, 't"'br the employees or subcontractors of each bulilder 0 # 0 hold,ing a permlit f"or a buildtnIg in that, subdiivtsion. A,toilet fac,11"fityl M11SA be provided by each butilder as long as thie b li ;.: holds anactive pel-rm"it 'in,the subdfivision. Sec 1 tion,102 Amendments to�the Inter"national Buil ding Code, 2021 edifi The Following amendments 'to the Intemati'lonal Building Code, 2021 ed"it-i ll on as adopted ptirstianttio Secti'on 3.01, are hereby adopted,,,- 1,01 section 101,A 'i's amended to read as,ftAI GI ws wYn , 1,101.4, Rieferenced clo-des. The other cades 11"Sted, i ; Sections, 101.4.1 thirough 10,1.14.9, and r sew re✓t n i " when speci✓lfic all y adopted, shall be conslid, red part of the et' reniced elhe, " this code, req'Lit'i,,rements of this code to the pre�,.;cn*bed extent of each such reference. Whenever amendments have be:en adlopted to thereferenced codes and standards, eachr fier nee to, salid, code and,standard, shall be consi'der id to refie,,�r nce the amendm nts,as well. Any refjerence to NYRA 70 or die: ICC T."Iectrical C.,,otk shal I mean the Electrict"d (","'ode as adopteld. I* Siert-ioxn 101.4 ilis amended h 'I y add*n,g S.."ections 1,01.4.8and to read asfoRows.1s, 0 101.114.8 Electrical. The provisions ofthe Electn"cal Code shall, appily to the installation of' 0 10, # elect fical sy�st, rns, itic"Itild Ing alterattions,repa�irs,reptacement equipinerit, appliances, fixtures, k'J"t"t ings, and appurtenanflab ces,ther to.. 101.4.9 owl wimmaling Pools and Spas. T'he' 'PrOVISIOns of the Intematiottal Swi"Mrning Pool and Spa Code shall appilly to the construct."'llon,a1terati'on,movenient,renovation re,lace-ment,repair and mat"ntienance of aquattic recr atio'n t",O;1wilities. # I Serfion s, 103 and 103.1 are amended, by replac"In g the phrase "Department of Buildin.g S a fety" With the phrase"I"Buildt"ng Inspections Department"where it appears,. 4* Section tAJ 104.2.1 ts. amended by addin, ✓g the ftfflowing langu age, after the, Phrase ",S."",ection 161.2" tn 'the'last sentence. 1,0,,4.10.1,an,,d,aplpl,*Iciableprov'i,si,"t'onsof'Artiicle Vof the At,DC and the Cod f e o Ordinance. 0 Mina nee Nt,).3,91194-221 Page 3 ction 105.2 is,am,lended to read as fotlows,': 10.5.2 'Work, exemp,rfrom permlif". permit requir inentsi ofthiis code sha]1, 0 not he d eemed,to g nt aiuthorliz t ion, for an y work to be done iin any"manner in violation,ofthie provsilons ofthis c(.),de or any, other laws or ordinances of th,*Is �ti�nsdl*,lc ,n,,,, Penn,'its shall not be requIred, for the 1`611ow"I"11,1g, Bu,'t*,,Idl*ng* I Water, ta:,nks supported, ir ctly upon gr,'de lif the caplacity do s not exceed 5,000 "1 1,a ,ions(18,925 L)and thernra"o of he"ght to dil"ameter or wi'Ath does not exceed 2, to, I. 2. SIidewalks and 1dr-i'veways,not more than 30 linches w mm)a:bt'),viet,iacent grade,,and not over any basement or story, bello w and which are, not part of an accessible rout,e,or part of the exit discharge,.Ianud the placement &,Ior locatioti of concretle does not violate other city requir etit. 3. Wiindow awnin gs suppo rted"by an exten"'or wall (,,)f Group RJ,as applicablein Secti"Oln to 1 2, ndU lo i (IRC)a ccupnc. aes. 4. One- oty detached,acciessory structur si used as,,tool anl&orl storage sheds,playhouses, and similar uses provided tlie floor ar, a,does not ex,ceed 120 squior:tret' t or the h eght does not exceed 8, feet and the placement of the, strtictlure do,es not violate any other, '0 it 01 CI ty requirements such as,"but not 11 1 Miteld to, placement of any structur i"n the Pn"valte Drav:'inagrle Easement(PD',E). (IRC"r 5. Fla I le-,family dwelling,,,t,,Nvio Ig Poles 'nstaIled,on,a parcel where the primary use,is a f 'IyI dwelling or townhome provided the installafion does not eceed the heig x ht aml requiremle,nts fo,r ther sidential zoning district where,1(:)ciated,as sp, in the AIDC. (IR,Crr 6. Residenti'al sw ,ming or wadtqg that are temp rary jin nattire, anvid, less than 24, 1,n1cle's.­ i depth and do not require nor are provided mechanica], circulation or hileatinIg equtpment,'of top,tiny kind. ORO 7. Replacenient of rieside ntl ia l wil t"i do w's rineetl in g the reqti,t iremen ts of the Intlemat'lional 0 Energy Code, t hat doL es not reqtfire a nioldi-fication of'the tructura l openinIg a nd does, not reducethe requirements fi,^)r Emergency Escape,,and Rescue 0,penings,as provi"ided, t"6r lin the Internattional Rest"ident'i'al Code. I u,w'ia'r tion, 1 109.2.1 'to r1ead asfollows,* 6* Section 1,019.2 lis amended by aiddiinig S.t"'Tt 10 Stctiion 1109.2.1 Plain ReVI'lliew Fees,. When stibmittal documents are required by Section 1,09.1, a, plan review t`ee shall be paild, at the time of submittin,g the submilta,I documents fior plan, review,. &iid, plan rieview t,' ,,e shall be as, estabili shed by, rtesolution olf the Oity OUTlic')I t7t("')IM if "I"he Plan rev*ew fievs. are *n add,,lti the perm 10 tme. on to I it f es, 7* Section 1091s amended, by addling nc�`Viv S..''ections 1..09.7, 109.8, 109-8-1, 1,09-8.2, and I()9.9, ,to read as fol,110'W'SI: 1,09,.17 Re-ins'pection fee. A relinspection ,f e as established by, resolutlion of the ci,ty council may he charged when: 1. e inspection callied 'i'or is notr ady when 'the i'nspector amves,01 0,twidilinance No.3919-61-22,Page,4 ................ Ifn�i 4' 2 0 No addr, /4� I I m clearly build"I"ng ., � City approved plans, arienoton the 'ob site w ^^^ Ia r ue, to Ie "nspector' i, I, J, The building :�I' locked :.:.. work I ,.. ,,,. :. II I, '.. isIe: iot avaflabile . for � S " ""'q i. 'i, a t. I (I 5. ,`Job , i's e t� I,,, r I r/„ ,,, /,I e consecutively r the s wl `»r." I 6# 'I"he on"Iginal redtag has been rei,,novied t,`ioirn thej"ob s,,,ite atiij/or, 7. 1 Violati,ons, exist e w the property includ"ilig I faRure t maintain , t I a i u o r , trash, I control or lt,riee proteetton. 8 Anyre-inspecti,on w , � a'r Pa*d be-t ore any., " ore inspectifons are ma m on, a si"temi 109.8 Work without p,,ernilft, 109.181.1 1"Vest"ligatfioni. y, this code has been 1 Ili �. permit 'i's 4: ,y IIIM #I commenced m I I�I I be � " N II first v piiert�iu I I itivestj gation I shall made, he',fore, permlitmay be, I 1 �I II 109.8.1 Fee. An ddififoin 'to the permirt shatl be NIM r, �^ "lolnf H, in� 4 , I �»I�, whether or I r �` ' I '," r r� shall not i I P,ertnitis I,,, I d w investigatton e �I"�w,qual I ' I , mount of'the /» Jd b 1, pernlit f�fe requiTeld by this code or, » plicable, . r s ,,I w r fee, shall I , ;: r v N I u feom compli r w" I r provisiions I b 4, 41 efther ,rvl'h code lb ✓I / I cw MCI.al codes ,,the,penaltv die'SiCribed law. 109.9 Unauthiorlized cover uipfee,. Any out eld work, ,, first ,, inspv Y 4. nin o ction I tO I� I � dlIHI", a,Y, » ��, , I of / shall � � I I� � w, � � " ,HMI I I��: I� ,n� f� I d I r' ; �w„a JI, I 11 1 1 4M , iSI I i' dy deleting the ,,xc I w I H DUI Section 1461.5 i's amended by,adding a'n e w Section ,16.5.1 to read, a s f fl w Is i I t6.5.1 Dattiage ;. �� '� to '� I Ii ,:: NI�I... :...I "'� ',, I'",� wJ r ,. I I �r4.Idama existing II 50% II. I. gro ra+'wiwa»' floor ,�,rI: ,.III ". rr. I,,IN" I ', I:. area YY,+AN' N ",�; I a : ➢I➢Y�.'" i ,�u' ��I I Iml,l'K�MI ww,'�lu 1 r I...., r ti-me�.r: 1,,,., =a.. ' damage I !, ,I�l. r.. IIr.... r '.. d,amage all l. MN"j l ie structure N4 �1i7'� Ipa. 'requu�, ti �I or I 500,�ot,,') ,, I I � � ,YI" I�f J, s 1 un� or wadI� ` ��,mr4 �Ar +'I I ^"�k' I, �I.''I, ul. �' M�rr;. �XPo,r, ���I " �:.,.IIII I,1,Code M ,,Ion.I' be I' ae"'J �� :with,i ,. �. any'�kr. ,r +!U'Po", '�'I MMNN ., f Ij I I Siect-lion 1 I amended deflinitions,b, amending the lity," l � ... I : C " ,� adding for the 'BuIlUdiing"11" RepallirG s "Special Inspector , I : I I ""Ass, I I I i Flaclitit"ie"S" I Is „�,wm+Hwr, rvrl.I mead 6,: : a..: w AMBULATORY CARE F or poilions thereof , r 'used t Provide m m l al, �.)I surgical, » „a W , nursing, » or s , o : „ on ales th an, t lind oI I I I a I f , ; ' ,/ e i,iid n . N I H , „ : I I . bythe services, fi s Provided. , T'his ,group ,I r I ' 'but ,ar+,t be litnitied Hm the : It"ollowting'. .. Dial,ysi,is centers Sedat'lon dentistTy Surgery centers Colonic centers I Psychiatric centers Ordinance 3919-,6,,,22,,Page Imo,I �I I u I Irt thereof IIAMASMSTED I.,1VING persons,,on, IN ' ,I ,awMN '"',. a- I� uri, ,w,,bas`4.'.;,; . P I ✓N,ql...:: I.: ,.iI �;: :: I: "n oth,M+,.I ,.n ,::.: n,.� *:/avm�, „ ,:. ,Nul "el :. ,, �loy :, a,,I.::, I.,rr� �;.:I ,mmM'/ '�, I rd� om �,� I. , '��''�, : ' w», :v/�' �. wl � 4� 'v-Ju" � " a,-rl�R �,„'a�'Y ,�s'I '," ,n v ,/Ir , 'Vwlerrt age, ;,liar' w :»w .I., �gply/:,, ,..:'/ ....,.., r. :. ! "/ i, ,, 6 1 r u ;:: I..I ,',a rd �w ;. qua. , I,.. �IIIJI I u k Irw.... al, . ,. I e occupants a : ( p a p capable I I, responding„ I s / , which F Provides 1tutionPersonal care serv,i to an w& ,:I ,., IN+w „r, I, i, ..physical assistance ,, '�,Iv":+w, a t,"romsitaff. HIGH-wRISE B M o c ;w . r flo((.,)r locat more than : M t`eet I (116 7( 5 I, o t h lowest level of departmetit vehicle c, access. RE.PAIR GARAGE. build"ing, structure, ,.: ," portll'on thereof I fir,» WM ;.. ...: f6r i....." ,;"Nrc", I ;o... :. patriling . , ' L. vehicles. IiI . This r, occupancy shall, Z s inctude gara,ges involved l �� w I A „ c i..I and nr st*,rviciing ofmotor . m vehicles , ixaw ft)r Items eI as: lub I changes, I e I I ield r w ,, pa,,ir o I, „. � 9 9 shocks, replacement , , 1Iv, such minor , . SP,ECIAL INSPECTOR. qtiatif`ied per ;nt, a r retained°e I an approved pv u IA e d .. j ible charge'Wh, shall provie I Ie, � the,, registered d p�irot, r i I i-n, ircsponas,'i i i and I Building Official hav,tng e competence, eI ' :c w r / » inspect . particular type a of u s 6 "",", I s o, ect,to'n. Section 303.13 isamiended by tio,r,ead as,fo11o,"*Airs1#, 3,03.1.31 Assocliatedivilth Group E . u :n li A .or space uscidt' , s , mbly p that I is M ,,� �UIP '": �""'� f �I. 99WWyy��,. IW -I :., �rru,�.. raJr "� ,,P ,. mnVAk'; 1'I' : iroup E ,.'"�N"�, ', I� w /. I..'"q4 not considered . �'&,. JJ al, i ;erq I!� "o.., M, "r ' d n, , I.... I �rt " I�°; �I,Jr.. occupancy, Iexcept r, '..,,9M' » when applyling the assembly ,n I sm,o requirements of'C,hapter and 12#",. ,Ided to ° r / "I:. rc, �Ira. ,� "...�,. i I�.,. Iit .: ',,. o '.Section,304.1 IIIII" j� IV ; � :, .is Fi,re stations "N I^ 5 , less Polw a stations t t,3 " Section ,307.1.1. Paragraph, ' I s amended 'r I G n:... 'to . read I..s .. 'flu ., 4 'w M' Sec,,nion i �� ,i r� '�In,, ',I n„ ,I:-,arl 1r"alb,'/ n',,, ,.W�* ," N, ,.. ,rr horiziontal . Gr I. � y, ,.. .""III, X `c r ,t" 1;.r" W :'. I. r I t. m,,,uow°., v ��4#w� ,. N' �,WIIPoJ.IAi :.,. r r�sa,." �w... r ,.: ">dW wNM,��,..,, . 707 I,� ,... „/, : � s 'e l ics constructed ,fcme i accordance w1ith I Section both. See also , Chapter .. 2 1, DI in,g Plant. V i Section o1. 402.4.2.1, Tenant Separat'i"ons I ,° r "r!I as follows.: 4 Each 4 , nt space . shall be M.. I . , 1"rom other /: ..tenant spaces by . wall, th, ithi sheet I Pw a an Sec,hiotl i,i::. Nwi m�J� rr,N9 `W� ,rwiN" v„I 'I on, Existing »wwoExcepti0in: 19 I: /I I s shall Nd a be sub* ,Iw,w,.,.. I i.. nl,//,�,I�....�, ,"., field "�,li: �"�w,.. I. I °': �.. i n,,,o. e d f"or(, Approval ,�nll t I . to, read, I , a * 403 *,1 I� amended I Ii i parag ra,ph 3 Iw,Jb11ows Excleptitions, 9 +w v , ° al ' , " buflding (i"rotip 'm ", 91r,q�, accordance mwv ,M ' ✓,III,/i �"wIw JI' I � I/ II IA-5 "IIII9,, '�I,, awlI�, I Y aw Section 3031.16., 6,0f Section, is I...P 403.3.2,. amended I ead as,foillows* I I (V),403.3.2, Water supply I Iuired fire pumps. In buildings .a U a 120, fect, g Iw (36.5 m) li bu,fildlitig helight, I rI e pumps shall y connections , I u o 17ewler Io I A, ji , two o water I , tI o, K located, I dif-ferena streets. Separate supply p1pinlig shall be providied betwileen.. _ each sI connection ,Ie 1ittit water ar mrain a I the :pumps, Each c eq iI a I "the st,'tpply Ordinance No.,3949-6-22, Page 61 I .............. I I P pj,.ping between the conniection and xN pumps shall be mized, Nx , r supply I r, and, pressure, exception) required for the pumpsto operate. (No change,tio, 17. Sevtion amended dieleting ,. I 11. 'Al ,I 18. Secit"ion I amended I"Table 506.2. 19'a "to Section 2 amended by amending paragraph under s l , foflowsl. Exce Pt* r + Buildings e a r , wit h . a '� it', sprinkler system installed thru W ,. : accordance ' " m » Sec.,ti*on 903J.1.1, u �:,, accordance I Slect"on 903.3.1.2 prov*ded he fir that �ro I is e,IrI °v loll , ^ thetop ' ,°Nri., � protection pan'thon, w , �1... i of'the floor or ,, ..° sheath. i I deck . stabW above afi q�", I forl ,. .systems n p i g with Section 903J.1,. . Portions of ' s p a u ,. � » ` , . �, , : rw„Yk ".. '0 u,."�rv„ f,"I'lled '.. ,�,. ,::. ","I',,.. ,»w,�,�;.. : ,"'rye,...,. ,.. '...,,i°"� :.��,� ,w .., +(�" W.,;� �.� � ,r W r i,„. �.... w... , ,�w ler � �i"��+I��I.,�,ini 1 ;� ,�0 �. � V ,,D�, a Sys o ,,�.IM'u.�- ,.„r ry ,,,. ,�Isr„iJ :.:4 r Ism „u, is r.. i... "1: 'iMW, not apply"to this exception,for draft 20* Section 901,61.1 is Secfion, ad I " e�,J ' �o ,I 4�. .901.6.1.11, r, Wi, l I i# 9,01,43.1 S.itand i 1"esting. Bui*,Idt*ng Pipe, systems s Ise, a , er N`FTA 25 e,o I ,,�; �, Thiefol'Jow:ing 'nal, M m I�shall , �`r ,. AIIII r ppted to lthe test"ing Ithat is requ,ired every 5 years. "Ne p"p*ng between thie ' *re Departmentt Connection(FDC)and,the standpl'pe shat],be back flushed or Ic 1 approved c,_ n a when . fore"i"gn matert I is Present when caps are, and also hydrostati"cally teste%,d for all FDC's on any type of �M in, r,,. ,rr system. , ' Hydrostatic drri, r avary�r ,k r'wy�, ,s 'INN I". I' "u,NM 1 auk e w,..I�u; ri�pmi,rayi shall I� � � ��� �' N, F4PA requirements s the , es s standpipe systems. 2. For any manilta,I (dry, or wet) standpipe systeni, not I'llring an autiomatic water supply Wing, water cap , t 1dp*pe., to " hoseI '. t,'ire hy ptlanpt"ng sys n (a,s approved by e fire clo e o 'i l)to each FDC, and flow water W o " i�,m system r r o the roof �.. outlet 0o v ` k y that each� i nlet tffinct'j"ons �e it e a o « 1 �w s o to r :�» o„ ,ni m' ,rl..,ing� ",'" m 'into a s,a n d l" ,. There �,.s mr requited ,u^'I�'�,I d pressure I.ntena at the ,dry out". Verif)rl r.,., - I..v I Wncfion property and that, there v no closed,control, valves I s e i„.. 3. Any pres,sure,,, »Nw �' , I I»mi � I l'I� rl' n' �m,i,l"""� '�W�'� accordance '� „ u" � i1 , uc c , , be 1in c , " I c � u,tremients fl N FP'A 25. All hose valves, s';*,hafl, be exercised. , 4.. IftheFDC t*s nolt already provilded w"I"th ap,r r v e contractor,sha,, I ciaps for all, FDC's as req,tiired by the fire code of cial. 54, Upon tall,such l compliettki)n of stzindpipel test, place a blue taIg (as per Texas, for , AdminiStrative Code, Mal' v a i I Fire , . Rul,esl Ins""'pection, "rest and 41 0,Service „fir n / ° ,+ the bottom MB a building. ,. ach pe in the etag shall r ,,,r,�r,W'•. 6p aid, �.r, ,* „ Iµri ,,� „ ar,� ftli ,,,rr �; ,, ITM, � 1 note H,I � I» uIhe II he back shall read"'5 Year Standj,)Ipe 6 h. "I"he d by proce&lres% ' , +- r �'1-. Admin*st #.. r ati ,� Cod,leFire Six"Aler Rutes r ,'y.. regard a y t o Yellow Tags and or any deficiencies no, teld dttring the t Y s i g Ord'i"Dancel 'IN"Ol. ........... .......... "V 7 I' II I the r e«, 'is ,,',e lg required notification, ul, '^pMlas tocal Authorityl-lav"ing Judsdict"on. tre code f o c"a shall be o w I I li T Add iti I I cord,s of I I' I shall be I I1by the ownier I I nd contractor, »I I r ,„ I ° �I I» " a f', Uri, i, app,licable, asrequired bY t1w State Rules met'itionled abovie, and NFPA 25. i wheri a Stanidpipe system tests p; ' water, A, S i sI r i flowed. a a r wl .bul"Idling shall l' N be r # 0 conducted during fr(,,.*.ez1'ng ' „ w or dturmg the day pr"tor to e ( i " h w t"reezing conditions. f: fire Ir. Contact tI» code i e I f„ ci a t"6r requests r sis s » „ C I t I r 'Fire it, hosefrom Cl 1> and, 1,11 standpipe Systems where employiets are, not tralned In the, wiltzation of this, j firefigliting All tiloise valves J " must � remain 'place and, be, ` provilided h a approved ry m and, w h � when I , p, =I �I given to remove ho bythe fire codeofficial. 21* Section 90 is,amended,I I I s r Rows: �f (F)903*1*1 Alternati"Ve.I Protection. Altemative automatic fire-extingui"shing sy d ° ¢s . II �I , „l I _ with I Section 904sliall be p rm A j , addition v automatic s o s a r. prote, �s�. rsurvr i I el recognized, Iz" by, theapplicable c» „ standard, aa or a a I N by, ' fire 1 code official. i 22. 903.,2 d as Av»rr, rI ,,I rl follows.,* IIli (F)903.2 V i i Where required. Ajq)roved aut r r m oo t?I.. I o ... buildings it Ithic N II 1,01cat" 1 I d 903.2.12. 'n,structures s , o ' : be,% provided " C e , �tion 4 a �, „ . ALItOmatic ;s . I shall not ', i ; ,I r d in e r ' a c `w r rooms,el : , p . spaces,,, and elevator hoi'st ways, oth ' r t pits f e , such I , w . l, s ,r I o necessitate » I° ,. tri"'P under be weld niachtne ie I,rsa, Ivs. °.. circumstances. Stortsi,,Ige °:.. I.:. t: s : :, room.,.I Si,,gnage shall be provided, I entry dolors, to I n elevator » vn r I .i r roo m �,. ..« i . g I "ELEVATOR w . NO STORAGE A 23.i IIfI Seettioti, 903.21is y f by, deleted, the, paragraph t"itted"Ex r n. C 24,* Section 91012.9i's, n by n 1910,12.9.3 to read as follows* 903.2.93 Se storage faclififty, t I i m 4�� s .. ; shall be aa . instal-led th ro sal, oi,,*age i'acil"Jit'joes. 25* (F)Se,dion 903.2.11.3 to read as, follows,* 903.2.11.�3 ns,t,l, I Bu"i4d in sove Ir 35...JeetIn he I 1ghti, An automatic�PrinkoJcr system I e. � , AW, I 1 ,,, ial -I ughout bulildings : r have i ur. » . f� I u n: w � f. w : than,. penthouses nternational "ing in r 1 I , ce with 35 f (10668, ,,ecti II; S >' 15 � r the I Bul"Iw r("'ode, that located i more above ove 1 V lowest level of litre department lished fl 1 or. Exceptfon:*, , �II4016.5,Open parkitng a r, ,>T»I` (.r :.,":, IIM rr�,s r+.; I�..: s v s: with Scallion ,.:. the N International. Code, V# Building above N.. «' I having rr other occupancies .� I ,... f N,,, I I r I... ', A 26. Sect"ilon 903.2.11, Sections . W , '' ' amended I 4 ,I, I f: '�fII1W :.., 9103.1.1'1,71 9103.1.11.8, 903.2.11.9to � W , '/IN II IS# ,.. �ryy��' sl storage. :.I,e F'or any btiilding ., I height N °�Is4�°NrMA'. j�srn:.,,.1RN, Iry, r clear �dl rr 4xNv AJI/ 12 f 2 W Wt(4572 mm) see Chapter w o detemil"ne'lif those hN w prov'isiions apply. I Ordinance 3919-6-22,Page �I '903.2.11.8 Spray'baoths,and New Iliai,nd , pti „ boo. s o 1P a ,✓ shall 'be Protected by,an approved, r matic fire-extinguishing d1, 4 it nt 903.2.1, Buildings o .e i,6,000 s r es An% o a t,c sprinkler s ie ' s ry I r l be installed I bui1di"ngs, builiding 6,000 nu+ roughout all eet, and 'n all existing, � purpose a t,f bul 16 1 'that are I' r 'I1 to o i I I �u i �✓ f*eelt ,�I "�ror a �„�M h Irib ,YI1 provi, ;' I � 1 n, fire walls shall not define sepillaratile builidings. �,fih i �ance, � i �� uw I rw t','4x,c1ept"1*on1, Opn pa a,; o � giarages m !�I I Secton I �M%r I a 1, de. BuildinIg o 27 ow ;* Sect19,01 ion. I ame,nded to rad �I foll ��, 1 l, automatic F)903.11.13 ,,,, ��,�I by thelei J,+ 'il r„ ,�,y� �„rExempt locati"OUS1. approved w r "�,' I. I ':lers., la t 'be e�.� i:� the ,� foll ,.. I areas here :.. ("i"nitt u," ��"�.aI ^ M ,It lowillg ' because firc�!-resi,sta,iice-riatc,�*dI Ir lrid �,ri.. o ,.iports ",: NII:' . ".. i ::a u."U�q I daImp, I %„ I:. d �I °� :.. IWryI„ry��' A rII 'ry'II�,��yIII',m -, IIr� 1f ,, �. ,.. /.. A: ,i dl@' "Mau" r �^ : ", "M`;1. J ,�i';" n..r c ,, ,, ,'MW�i.." electrical �I equipment, Any'room where the application of water,or flame and,water,consti"tutes,a se'riou's lifki or frire,hu,,,,.ar1d,., 2. Any I � I� j � I I ,I room "�,�, sni i�r.space ro,I ,,, .�,,. ,„ I✓ ,< n%,�1r-�. "�" ,, rm. ,:p, r ,i "n: : ICI I w nature tise I of e contents,when approved by the code off,-ic ial. 01 "I. „ Generator % ans r o ' rims, i s,under .: the � direct control o ., a ,,ofa pu,"blic utility,, separated 'I, loor/liceilin from the remainder I the bul"Iding bywalls anidl, g or ro, fcciling assembItiles 11:lavin,gr aa ,fn,r:Ie-resi I silance ratitig of not,l,ess than 2 hours. 4. Eleviatior aI " " �".0 f., . � ,- >S machinery ,nI, , ,:Ind,hotst ;. 's,other . f e tha � where su,ch , „.... e s w o mm not rn.;,"';?-.. �,";z a t i o 'I;Int r e:.,I requirements NIquet,' uwi any circumstances. : c, mMyar, a :: 0,I I � as foUlowso 28o Slection � , r 1 u t� ,11'�, 3 r L 1 � 1 � � ,,, �1 1� I I I 1 � �� '� � �"��Mpg attached (F)9f01S,1,2.3l „r pc 0, garagifies,and ^� ", 'tt j l o ��,. attic ,, spaces: 10, (Retna11,*n,dt,,!ir wr. 11" (Rern,aine,,f1t-Aip# Unchiange>(,�) 12, Attic spaces 1 bujildingfis combListible 1io and that are, two or e 1 M r e In helght abolve grade plane or above the to,west level of fire department vehicle access. '131, R4-, Conditionoccupancy � pI m. I. ' s notrequired � m- by iftem : 3 to have � , k shall, with, of the �� ��� ' �✓ �d'��� 1 I'� I�I I �' ,�, �� ,, 29. Sectton 9031.11.3is amenided to read as, follow's, (F)9f,03.,3,,,',1,3',,N''FPA,,,',],,,3D sprinkler systems'.. Automatic virinkhr;,or "nsta" lled in one-and W/ � dwelli"Ings; , �i Group R-4 Cond"itilon I and townhiouse ' be permi'tted to awl a i„ , t1woughot'it'in 1 I � a ," w1th, NFPA. inaccor&fit.nice wlithsitiate liaw.1 30* 9,03.3,141 I mded I a new 1 I ` � w ad ' I IISlie%ction I„ �I adding SeMon. rwig J'�m. ,,. tb,�I.. ..I' Ord,,Inan,ce 3914 9,,6f (F)903.3.1.4 Freeze protection. Freeze protectilon systems ms for autvnati c fire sp"'6nkler systems Ies sh,all be in accordance with the requirem,ents of the, appl,"I"cable rekrenced, NFPA standard ubtaIa and,'I I Sl Section,. "3*3#1Ao4 Attiics# Only dry-plpe,, pre-act „n,, ; listed, automatic Iw ' :. s I„ I systems, shall b(.-*,,allowedto protect attic Spaces'. Exception,* Wet'-pipe, sprinkler systems shall be allowed protect w I ed attic spacery I � , � n I� by , a u , a s I+I �: I fl,00r r arle ', r ' rI„ I :. . , , � � i , » , , of drall"ning t ° Ii System. , I � : i I �sprtnk,lers throughout I he rest i bu`ld i,n,,,,,, and, . Adequate:heat , . , provided freleze protect,ton 4i plier the I I I b I reference NFPA standard, n +WWacl:Iptl,. The. nte space s,a part, k k , `b,ui]d',I*ng`s fhermal, beat, envelop,. ,such at'1* ,sul i, ; is prio, I e t w r�� 1,,, #,' I than at the w" A level., Heat I I a at shall on,ly be, allowed 1 Y9 where 903. I sWaflon. m' approved fire a �. , v , I � ✓ " _r ' .rrt n, n s u o large diameter I »� I .. r p,,ipe, he 31. Section 9a , ,.by adding (oflow,"ing » r » to I I ,,,. ,..I.... I I. I "th Water supply A requIl"red for such I systems AI¢ a provideld n con/fortin-ance I w I ., supply" {... qui,rements ;;* ,.I., i1Mi, ,R2i :I,: @.:. or ., ur protecti'lon iif °lF,ai I ',, a uu'w „ :� ', l � :link ;� ,.. au�I ;. I°Ii4 , I""I. uu 1. ,, 4 ::,v howlever, . I 4 ,: A» ' . ,mp, t,`actor. Ref,'eret'ice Sectl*,on paxfor I AA,. � .:. ° r paw°« ',, uwI'.u „ desig,'I"'), i � I pisi" m k' I,� klrv „ :I b,. � ; ,507.4 �(i 4 e 'kr`pN,�W ,k�,,„ N°: 110: k4.u.. ' .. � UU I-.. : 'mu..:,,( °I,I.:;, � U� requirlem,lents. 32. Secfton is » eC I � thefollowing I after I " f I I I Sprinkler I , : ,ercNr r.r"detecItor, °,. +Ibe °xwrtf,"loortap r,fir: ✓.� I�.ur system '� `^� ,II°r,N�. 'I:. , "� � �'`': - ',provided,,tor rl' ��" I ,. ,„r and� t h -.Iw t r t e�� r�'e;Ir'+� I wd 'I..,shall each , the k I r s stIy and I " t aIdetecti"'on ot1ow I t`6r I � ° _ C , w depanment I : l l % Allo [ o I � i"n 'ther,n k ; I L� I� � " w ` I fr ro 10, hose connecti*,on I c s, perv'isedintitiateto ICI cen tat�"" I�, ,°y "°' g, 33. Sec 4, 03.4.2 i s amended...,. I by i I 1 t .. i I I I.I w I I I.e I tI,AANfc I,,at the the sec ion'. "I"hi" i,.... nn, device � �e �„ ».... rr: .., ,r.. , u,. ,�� ,. ,;:�. '.I y ,M., ,... I M;.... r, red. ° ,: build/ing shall be rt: Iw '.. "a rnr hiotTi/strobt",* �° w strobe7.5. candela I �; � I Ir°I close ,I I pralet t h o n e fitre.,,department conniection.� 3141* Section 90 atnended to reald astollowsi., 10905.2Instaflation standard. � s „mr. shall r abe "'Installed A La M I e am k a c e tI S k»ca o a systems i ,N,,F,*P,A Manu,,zil, dry ° I, » shall. � � Nbe, „ f� � with I a nliMI"MUM I 10 0,psil'g psi, w, I I° � � � I � I � ° alarm. ,. 35t Siecfiion 9105.3is attilenided by add-in„ Section 905,31.9, o read, : i, ,s I IIlowslio,:I.905J.9 Buildi"ng� I bui"Idi*,,ngs exceeding ' �n, 10,000, square a e t i*n area per stiory', and 0 where any,portlon of the buRd'I'ng's Interi"or area is more than,200fieet,(60960 nim)oftravel, Ordinance No.311919-6-21. 'Page 0 I fw t int tm.ent veh'cle access. Clax vero'cally and,hon*zonuilly, frolm, the ne'lialliPoi of tire, depar 1, s I I � � shal I i be prolvlded., II autox, I m wet Ior manual wet, ,w », r I,, i I xc e p,t,1OnS#1*1 0, semi, andpipes are allowled,as Provi'deld ,,for"in NFPA 11 ,. ior f6u �,.I. R.-2 o V "�Mi 'i+ ,f I". �Wm+ i�4 ,xl r, lessin height having no inter* w, rm ',e...lrs fir. 316. St"atillon 905.4,Paragraphs 1,31,and 5 are amended to read M# 1'. In every eI I exi't stairway, a 1 I hose, connection be prov"idied 1'or each Irvc story above me I ble4ow grade planl I Hilose c .. ;I, o s w ,a' u lociated at code , ; m v F ,w d,late uttle -wis appro,veld the lof" tween, land"n �, g rc U vw b, 'hi f rM imr '., Po bly. fire ,,l : �q� I In I, »iry I a passiagewa)r, ax. ' eentrance froin i passalgieway other areas of btu"Idi r A, Excep,tion; "Where floor ,> ,..RIM I. dja »:..f lit ;,w I exit" pass: ge,wa y 0 111 eac h able ti- ' ni an exif statnvay hose connection by,a(remainder unchanged). 5. W"bere o has slope lessthati-f(-,mrvertical , horizontal 3 .3- e o ` 'ta, 'rylIipe shall be provided 'J i. hose,:.. connect Io , loicated � serve the I ooIor at I h 1 = stair s access Ighest � I » "t � o r r , ov. ,d accordance,with I ect o x L'12,0* 3 7* Section 905.4 is aa ilended by addiing a, nic%w Pararaph 7 to read as,foflows: I g IMq 01 7# d by standpiple ll When, ' this, Chapter, M,ncti, r:I flu shall be placed adjacent " tw t ' required o,qn ro exits v ms to 'the structure, ,i '' e, and at I»„wo, hundr d feet (2001") I r' '; a vr,l, I ,' r, ox „ �r' thereafter,r r H � �� Icy �� 11trecode� o � � 1. 38* Section"5.19 is amended, byadding the foillowing paragraph after"Exceptiotts": Spriinkler,and, I I ' be I , x� ,I I%. I, t . �, ter o t�IIrs�Iw I�� for u thesprinkler w i, l r ' I ,. : shall cause an l ; 'upon, detrectlion of wrat r flow for than seconds., All valv 'the, I D,i ler and s lin ;,p systems except ,.. fire depar a "n* 'I r: a..'.. r,..,, `» �'� .:.: ,"�' ,...". x.. "�',I.� "'WIWr '.::: a : :..... «M,�.d to ., 1 ,,. , '�.,. I ,� �.. xw�:i the . central x I,� o I I '.. I ....I m, be ( Iwy. � I � � '. I� �' �°. - ,, I I I I �, ::. � I'v : I station upon tam,periqg, 39* Setfion "7.1 is amended by addiing Section 907.1.14 sNM , foflows: ,. I Des,,,ign standards. Where i , new fir�le . C a , t�r M installed, the, d shall be a "s y a lie,. Fir a I» a.. stems, e M r . q A M M more I than, : a smoke I , detectors, s r ,rrn all, , o , d s . 14I Sec,tion 907.2.1 907.2.1 Group .. manual fire alarm s .M l.: that a I i I v r I the I ,,n I a ' , ., : ,i, , s i' 'I... in,accordance with Section 907.5 s,hall, be installed Group, I ICI IIa i I i :, I � havilinlig load of 300 ox more persons k : y than h .s e ou , belo,w the lowest: le'vel I :.. discharge. ' PM:' , ':: o : o. ':�:. I :I'+�, : froni e :.. Ili= :.. o-wi". , with 0 707.3. ("Y'roupA, Mug I�'6 IMar., � ��I ,.. another ,, rx.,i.......... 'Idiing hall ble, ', International, Code Igo dr. ,s sin, ,,or , purpiolslc'.s Ordinance',N'o,,,, ,,,.1''9119-,(,,i,-,22: 11 f" w applying ,this Ms I Porttonsi of(iroup E occu I : .. „ r upte Iassembly � y purposes shia be prov"I'lided w ilh a fire ;, I system d as require, the ,nl� ��I, N�, fo., Group �v,�, � Iw I IPI Activation I firealarm i„",I ion,ap ,i,ancies nd I iall. Cause iflumlinat :. M:.r ,,,� �, :""�I� '��.°°"',� I �. Id..: I I:,. o, ,..r. o�..: lesis x �d;l � �J: :.� '....' � `.. ,�;y,a, s,I�Ivi : .I r: I,,,I. r,,i:. .I, G'. 'ate o� , le(1, 1 °I' means I" � ,,; u It,,i,,x,) walk.iinlig x � ? level, d41* # *1 # it I Stop anY clonflicting or confusing Sounids and vii'sivat distrateb,ons. ("ExcleptIon" ,I fir,, Ctlion 907.2.3 ,issended by a I I ending the I flirst paragraph I I read I as follows# 907.2.3 (;roup E. A tnanual Imo're alarm systen,,'ithiat i'mitiates „ e occupant Nr Jar Iroi-. .;b. r :,.I > lnal requirements utilizing '�+ , emergency �MWa�" �' ,,,,',J communication, sys/tI rv" .,, �;i I �.. I'�' o I.:�':. Sect,ion 907.5.2.I, :,and i"nstallield in , ry a „ t , . with Section 1907.61 be installediin Group ed'Llnal I .. , >, r N» . . . . I smoke Idtstectiors e iinstal w „, s ,s s or detectors, s be " ected,to the bulilding t`ire alarm, system,. c approved, I " detectifon system sha la b» installed i" , Group E da I yr care o " rI .I Unless k ', . , 'in by i , IjO,(,,,)' open, i space, a » I I buildings, W r . portable buiildings the ' butdding,,, W,111 be considered rI onee building for alarm a ✓ • . ; load consideration s, e ' , i and interconnecti,on of alarm sysi't'lems. 412* . Seiction I� ,,.. wi,. ':amending I " I I :. (� oll , I : ,II, ,,, KK Paragraph "Exceptions"' d,�i, I l s follows. Exceptlio, us,* is ot r qttirred wIry ;, .I rmnual, fire aanln � ,. Group u ^r lional, and day care O PI" n , ,I, load less 50 ,when Provided to c,its 'w"Ith an approved, automatic spnnkler system. , » 1'. , Riesilidential fn-f-lome u y care ` ^ not more than 12 n ,, ; , r s, w a ,'."I,:.:J I sIn %a "I" detectors 'I all habluabite u ^ " r y (For c xI (,,),if , e » , r , , Y...' or 'syears of age, N Sectlion 1907.2.6.) I 1:- S",ectiion 907.2.10.1i's,amended.. read 9w,: follows.1 ... Slection 907.2.10.1 Group R-4. Si'ngle- i" le-station inionoxi,de _ timIbeinstalled : I ' I� " A � Ilociati'lons� Ien ' � . I IIw�wl(Parag r( ,q.,As 110, 2, in, uncihiangrt,tf) and 3 remai 4. �:li, �""' construction, :.. In,d, .��:.d fin.I: approved, carbon , monoxide . �, luim,l alarm o, -: shall ,.. ,� I �:. e ' ts id �„"�ry. �I, d N ��d" "„I separate mow,r.l, ��Jw , I j°" area, � 'II I i "" �,"� � J` wl I I � I in dwellinlig .m:. � I..:. rI:', ;., l.. te vicinity µi e+V. n J ,"lu, wm: unitre I a r r an,attached I ",ax'sNN e garai,�,;e or, r,giast,"T'red appliance. 10, a 0 0 SO 'Where work ,. ,: a pernitt �rt try , ,I �.. divvell-lings ; . "thathave a,.;t ".. I garagesI , - gas flid a "G I*I I, »', vr, r ,I. , �' ` �''. �w.. , . slt*ctidon Grour, R,*,2, R1,,4 and o ', �.,, I�o ,u,�',INNrSl"'ngled-or fioln smoke a1arms carbonfi , s I u " s shall be w ; aind " I o Groups R-3, R2, and 1-1,14.regardless,(,,)foccupant load at all the follow",I*ng locattwns. Waragrvhs 1, 2, and 3 reintfin un,(,,.,h,i tni,gwrie?d) For IIdJi✓ I „ � "EMI �,�li� �`� � aowI I�"I�"r',� � w,rw� I w n , � � ap ro I � i o ,� '�, ,� �I I is of each , idarated sleeping adream the il'mmedlate vicinity of the bedr,(:-),oms in dwelb"ng unIts that have an attaiched garage or gas fire:d appltl'ances., > 4 . 0 6 5. Where work", o i existing,r u ng , penni,t m . ,m dwelli"ngs that a have attached : 4 garages or provided. i /� oG � � c �� � , m ' k 1 q415, Section 907.2.13 is,am,ended replacing t-ion 3 t read, aIII oI yws, I 0pen al"Ir porfi,,,ons, of but"Idi*ngs wah an occupancy 1*n Group A-5 t"'n acc*(,)rd,a1vnce wl"th is, exception do,, S." not Sect'll'on 3 I, y � rs I�, ,N himi,ted ,apply I, Flo ,i, II ' . but to sky,, boxes, tI *ial. Ilr`� II JY `; HMI � detem"i.,"'nedY the budiRd"n1 r amended46* Secti,on 907.4.2 is by addling Section ",to read.as fatlows., " ,all 'be an,approved doubled 47* Section "71.6.1 , nded by addling Section",to,re a as, follows: 90, Winkiginstallaflon. All fire a � systems stIm° J L . � I l a e � ; la manner I ° " o I, �Vr �, e, v� "'EMI ri,, will not n h dievil"cles.;. AIJ sil'gnal,ing fine ctrct,uts (SL1(.`,,,`) � � ,. in-iti*afing 'w I single I I, III, c il, I t N Interfere � I u "I'led openwi"11 not "interf r 1 w4h,, the 1, shall be nsta11ed ope,I' fion; in suc- I I addressable I e devilcies 1("'"Class Gutgoi*,,ng I,. I� �" "a nd � tum SLC conductors I ' s t d k�; shall, be s ,off', I ed iin a, rI " .with „ NFPA 72 m M, o Class 6ricui'Its and q I l havie u m (,:)r Idum ioffi-ourfeets,eparattion, �,III I I ,,I o� cal between supplyrietum' I" a iintierfitce device ,. .,circuit w*t , , e om avN,,,;Ir I 14 r�� The I '...i ting device, ..., ,:'� v o ul I .. .' be I�wuplW .; ° r; diistancle � IIr >r "�I,..,� , r I, j", ��II�N� , devil"ceto n fie*,edt or lessl*, 4 81 ion „ Exceptions. 49* Stec6oln, 6 Is Ivd by adding the foHowi"ng sentence See f6r e' * . * I a Po v i,;,^ m ,�v, . dto the, I a ." D - stiation. 50* Slection 910.2tis amended by amendling paragraphs,2 and 3 ° ns I 14 , "Exceptli ",to , as follows. I Oi , ' . a smoked and,heat rem,l gy-1 shall a be 'I . ,:. h r, n. r a s r buildings eqw e, ° early s r d 'M '„ Ejztstwdrespon, (E s, I w a. Automadti*c smoke and heatreniolval 'I"s prohiblited. 3 Only . :�,,I r w .. a ; heat ` i Da, s . , m v a % n.. , r N a v buill,ldi*ngs e I u I I ,. ,,.. � � control r r ' , t ' : , ,are � , , „ s w rW response dme " , 50 o r I ..:. ,;,.. '� y,,,a Ir,,� less that 11j"sted, control :. ,,, ,'� fir I ra,r. i"n stored o�W ,r �N commodities ..., �... �I I,'�t ,..,r,, ':.. �v e;,I�ua �I I U I uw: t- '� C and, . e 0 I l m prohib,ited.I , , u "' r u a . r, a ` S , I IOrdinanced No.3919-6-L2,Page 13 51. Selictlon 91,01.2iis, amended ,A SectionsIIr Ir ,>,,: I I I ;,I, I or I� fvIlows:, °°° 9101.,2.3 Group rw H. ' ,.. ;.,� als�°I° H occupanc ws: ' fi a A s classified a sfi WID� o 14-2 or H-3, a y of which iare c „ moire, t s 15,000 square w'1 3 I 'Qin psifloor area. I uaJ,, F"K " Buildings of F f „ construction I " ' contaming I r ly I , � materials. in I r..I,�y n"�y m'� Group � 1 I v 2. In areas H used, I b , , , ,I Class , ,far,. w'° ,,,I... ,°. 1 11'*q'tt1*d, 'a :"i 1, Oxidizers, , � - Class, I , , M s p w detionable , a ,niic p u ' an 4 d unstable ,Class 3, or tred (reacti've) a v ICI' Class w r materials I r , for r hligh- hazard � w w l f ^ °,,,,"�"'u '"k at, * . . �ExcleptlonV# Bul"Id' I ' b construction msIF, a, : a only noncombusti,ble Irv, e s1 I 0 ` Section II 1 is,'arniended Section 910.3.4; to,, read as I follolws,io 910.3.4 Vent f being operateld b approved operation.I Smoke .... heat vents i,vs shall he 1✓p ° ,I , , I ,. I �, I I I'wW I lo..II... '�I ram. �., of smoke :I' and I. ��� heat 'vents IIiiNal:�,"r, : irn �, I,,�N" r„"a o, I ,� € I €rnII ,guy .. �',. `.I :'..r:. „,^. , i° ,. , II ,,.., >' W% ,I x ill.; I �,., N'+wu. , ,.a w 'awl :. shall '.;o °, u the Provisions of Sectliions 9 1(). 3.2 w" ' a,910.3.231 . (Fi)9110.3.4.1 Spri'linklerred b �J s Where linst � : in buildings q 9 ed w,jit,''h an appr k I p ' c sprinkler system, s tB �I, ` and hileat vents ' is shall dest,ligned o operate automatically. a� `. I ',OP,4y"°,.,. i"sm I. ^ smoke `� �i,and heat'vents 1 operate te,.. ; ,��w� I ,-..��I�I,. ���r' I,®�y :.ur ',, : , aIF" ' w,. ° u,u ,�Iuri DIM ;,arm "u'I°..% tT��'1'�pM,�til,„I f I l: y" r , I..I .. rating I lctoisit 1 degrees , F (approxi-i",nately ,38 ,degree:s Celsil"its) greater than t m e I -„ rI e , ratIng of the spn"nklers": instalted. ExceII: Manua:] only " s¢.1 fm per Section 910.2. u � *d with, aj,,i installed(F)9110.3.4.,2 I linbui'lidings not equippe, approved ,� Io a " � , lN I system, s 1 1 smoke � heiat v Its shall operate a t "uoI isis I byf 144V actuatlono 00"'T eas �I,��i1�a l� ,", �, �Io"Ir, IImo,;�", .� aaIabove and 221YT ambient. 'c i � r." I.,I 53* Section, 910.4.3.1isiamended to reald asfolloilws: (F)Sectioll , r I IMakeup , ropenings !i , o shall be prov"ided t , 1 tMelt (18219, .1 m,mthe floor 11 Operatilion, level. I gross makeup inlets shiall be sq area of air 9 uare pe�r gy r v t pc,,*r mintfte (0.74 ,54* per,0.4719 m 3/s smiolke ic).xhaust. Section 9/10.4A is am,ended to read ri I fotlows,* (F)Sectio4 Acti'valtion. mmmW II� cIbrI; II,,, Ishall �", t,'ed m u smoke o., systemP k�"a.', I I be I ' I,I automatic ,o iT sprinkler ' , . I s ,, or bly an :approved ; s ! f"',ire, detectil"on A f ,.uN or a , a i ' , '1 ,I. i,d manual , I shall also 'bl provided. ExcleptioliI. Manual systems Section I h Section, 912.2.3 55* Section,912.2 is amended �by ig to rIead as folflows'.: 00,"f',7 M of" the [F]912 2.3 I'llydranat distance. Anapproved fire,hydrant I , I, located , Y I i 1 fire the department , connection as fire,hose lay's along I{^, r ✓ a/�,.w ,, c/ I w h. 5,6* I, isianiendedby a adding M�+ Sect-lion 91,12.1.1 w-ith Exceptlion, foflows.* , i I a F*re Plump When Sect­i*on° 91,12.1.1, located a t an exterior door, I, w not less than 3 ,feet i*n w't*dth and 6 feet—8 iniches Iti, � ».s , prov,� key' io shall fi ble provided *s , r, s required ` r by I IFC S 506. le Exception* When "t, i*s awl r 1*1 1 r ^ r other evels or notat exterior fh,e "' o , leadi*ng , ,e fire punip room, access rs the • ,,,^✓r o r I I»» n but0ding shall be, provi"ded w"'14h eliqui,vallen't fire riesistaince as that requ,ir ed, 'I"o,r the pump room, or as y I v, keys re,quired approved �� F1*Te Ciodeofficl*tttl. Access r 1 .. be provi,ded, ,: a keybox ,...I by 06.1, Slectil"on 5 57* sect"iOn 191,13A, is amended ", "r, ' by :addi"ng the followj'ng ',,, ,:"1 !of I stiction,I. : of m-pump : systemshall also s be ,1,"*or"loss o, o ' N "phase r », '�I Ins by supervisory signal dt,"Ist"nCt Irr✓u , �-w,> ,a»ir , 58. Section 1006.2.2 I , by, :read 1A °r ,tio 10, '"Ifbillows 1006.2.2.7 Elect6cal tFor rfft a' ; rooms, om s : c' , xi"w nI r „ : �r; , , C apply. R, f�rence the Ellectn"cal Code as adopted. I by ,aidding I0, , „ I ,I � , III 5.9* Section » 1 a new par agrI4 , w .... Buil"Id'i'ngs , ! �,�,....M tinder. ' State I , buth � I o r. / with, . , Sitate , w , I :. u d plans,, Wf I, n includi,"nIg any vanances, or watviers gratited 'by, the State, shiall 'be deemed to be I COM 0 # tits of J'Atanciewith the requi*-reme, Secdon 6010 S"t,01*111on 1009.8 is ame',nded by add,lingf."Xicept'll"on 7 to read as, follows: » r7State . , ir�i 'log:. sub 4a^✓:. o»^ ✓ �.. �.�, ,I �» ,..rl eried r . Sitalte plans, religist, ,M, a h g variances, Ie l l waiver vvv : grat'ited b e Sitate, sha be deemed be i*n, ✓ p ^ ,a ff✓ I „ rIn N . !of Sect 11"on, 101 I9 and Chapter , 01 °!:r. , ',,V ,.x ', . „fib amended ., oiou' Exceptions 3. Where a pair of doors sew / ,occupant » rar load liess than� »w I persons, in a G , F, M or S, occupancy... (Retnalittder c 6O '^..4. V Wher a pat*r of doors, serves, erves' , Group r , „ I or ✓ oc � ° �,, (Remaincleir, unchatilgic, 62* Sitiction1015.8is I i ° Is .# 4�, � I... ,,,, r�. the .� ,a,� I ,w<i, Ir„ r I�r� I ,�: : n"r, . ,ro Oplerabile ' I,A than 55,feet (1671(A mn,'I above thee d grade o other surf ce,below�" that are,provi'ded, 6S. Section 10,20.2 is amended 'hy adding Exception I rea s ., walls II `o'Igo-41 I� � I» ,F I u I Y ��"*vie A/ B occupancies, I.. r, p� o(d'i, II v: i s and,: , , I is be 1..;I.: fire-rest"' II In (.3'roup, Ic�w e I,I 'qln ' , ii t V h a construction I %, r , a, l,I , tenant ill I space I thessp a W r . G , proved P automatic ,, TI Smoke- nl�q " J�'Ua�u detecti'on ,wi, I, fNl du.I tro ,, I. P �11� „ 1,). , in ,.,.., '�I I The I r, t u aI,��n on of" 0 �.,�W, ... wa I. i�r I, MNW ., �1 ny detector shall I� f-annunc fir- ,ro,. p.: � �f I� activate I :.1(vH1flR' 14(9mA I ., , alarms a I. areas,, wY v.�,I n the »! I^ 1» /N r. Smoke �Ilrl l�y, ,.wvl ur I,. il% Y��'Mr1tl 1, detectors, shall aWM be connected oI e e to, an Wp, q e* r,b a, „firle system, 4I I where such q r r :ryi, syslte�m is prov,'t'ided, 64* 7 amended to, read Seeflon, 102 DWI I w s., 1020.7 I;I I ai I � ,,, ., ,✓ ,� ��hall I I III �, , r a ' entry a �orfl'dor 'o r I..: '. ,,I "�✓ :,.: as :, 1 rr ,. npointof I...m b. iNl, V,r Ind shall rym I ,r i 'r U,e ro by interviening 65* Section I delielted., 66. I,Section 1101.1 is amended, by adding at) I ,xiception" It read aI.I 'r w I. ' Exception.10 I Componlents r is regulated I t r i .... , t W Division f � e s Departmient oLi'censt`ng Reg,"Wation shall. be, de t in,67* , CO1,T,1Pl,,,t*a,ricc,wtth the requt*rements of"'thl""s chapter. 1 I /;1 , I�r "� and I by IIt ,, , , n orle I,III=` M)'', to, r I ,, , w , dele,� �U f6iotnote I rl�n I 'Ib, Non-class"*fiied I "! »' 'perm,itteld ,� ro I ,, III, I �,� 1i ,roof v _ �I �� , �a of more than 120 " e , of prOlf"ected are,a,. When, '.x lur xn dl*ng 120 s,q ri 4 : feet '%fib, :.I. :. , T -; I.. '/: I �w„ I✓�� rn, a�, r ru r' area, �", � , m m.. v r ,r �,c� to eIbm"IdingsJ ,` I Pi* �use non-rated u' ✓ a, roof coverl"'ngs 68. Section 151,11.1. is amended by 1,., I✓,,,, the first paragraph to read as follows, 1511.1 *ng or General. Materials I I✓:r nd methods applications i for :.:. w ,: IVI NNoi...,1aI I:✓ � an h s I .... comply "'*I ,: % requirements Chapter 15. AH 1"nidiv , J � g /i , b r nr, vll�l,w I: v ro ,mr; cir „ „w% :r,l�p, ^:ll be ,I I�„IIIr t �"�I. ,,,r�, ,� IW,II �.�rq I� '" ,,* „v 1"'able �v,. `,rIu, :oI. ' c: : III :, a I I J / by 1505.L (EAx-,c,ej,,)t1iOn ,rw+ Iro ai r g't-,�tf) to 69* Section, US amended by �W adding �I I paragraph I' fol-lows, i I rol.: Franied walls �r : I on,''M, . I rI , i:, :. �ulwv ° I ,ied 45�w.. w. M, ,;-',w.. top plates ,'�✓r ' be braced fbW,�l' �w•w ✓�, Iw I I I o'.. -r'Isla, ," ' g Steel or r pf at 1 r :N on center ror, I a �, k ..... i"n &m,,,d i"s not" x structural support)* 70* 27102 'is amienided by, the section 2702.5 to read as'fi,,)1k)1ws: Iy 2702.5 Dittsit'gritated, . c ,y a :a,...: P a .areas , » (D, CN,0'A) inareas wit: ; I faxi I ity I: Site oI o c I„ fialyr. „ , I l ei,,iiergency management, ae national �ra I I � W I 'th 'the power, y r shall comply wa .Ii N'FPA710 A- rt-ilcle 708# " i . Section2901.1 isamended by addIng the f0i'lowing sentienicies, The provisions of this (,,','f,`Vhapter ✓v m, N r i- coo r I ... wi I � , w e pr(,":)vtstons a ; # 0 Chapter 4, of Intemational Plumbing Code. Should I ' between 'i on a twoI Build,"ng Of',`ficial Ik * prov"s" pplies fA chaptersil the determme ch Ordi-tianuce No. 3919P 1 W I 7,2,* Section 2902.1 "is amended by aiddling the following Sentence, In III�1IIrII��w, E Occuplancles, :.r, ,. �4 ��,'y�p i numberl of tlfixtures in Table may ; requested, rk e vin writing, ,n, the t p icatit s',,ati R r,,, reasons rwgyo+ s ft:)r a reduced number and approved, �� Bu,'*Ild*n ��� .I '73#1 Sechion 2902.1 is amendedadding footnote to read follows. 10 t"bunta* rcry I,. not r� rv�n r, n,M r,yr*i it i°IMk' "'t� I i,ith P°i urn� i, >,Int � `�y rd of ,u�rl.�, .. le or Ocupc*`*S W1 �- ,., ,,th �" I o '25 r�v ~^�"„�i � ^ICI I�" I` dn*niss, Bcan nd fi r n.d/ +�,. J rc: n '�. 9 . n �fl.i u , >. » Ig 'I µ (bfishments. 74. Selction 2902.1 is,amended by adiding Section 2902.1.4, to rc ad a II � is,ail 29,02.1.4 Addlitional fix,tures forl food Preparation it. r In addiltion to the 'fixtures w�w .. i k. Chapter, all food service p�.. n I 4".. w a,shall be provided, w o ;w i o .1 set fixt-ures ,out in thi's,,.% sec"ttionn. 2902.1.4.1. washing lavatory. leasit i r H haiiidvkrashling lavatolry, i be provided for use by employees' r.h : i : ,. t"rom preparaltion, i food dispensmg and ware w o a, are-,,,as. Adid'It'll'onal hand washling lavaltories Mll, ble requirred based on, conveni"ence of u,se by employeles. 2902.,1.4.2, Service, rc In„ n ,or remodeled s „ e folod service e s � s' a nts' t least .: one s � , ; sink I one r, floor si'nk shat I r provi'ded " that it s conveniently v e located f"or ' I, cleaning a � t I"n Iliquid, i or ii flar wet flolor , a I the , i» d,'ilsposal "'f m W water p ^,s i rNml� �,,; tool and forl ilm.1 waste. T he location of thic,service slitlik(s)an(I./lor tlnq)St*,1,1-k('S" shall be approved bythe But"Iding O fl rhea I, del artment, 75. Section, 2902.2.2 is am w'lid d by deleting I c o I I+ 716* Sec,tion 77* Secti"on,30,02.1, is i ended .. d r by I ''g Exceptions, I and 2to I ::.. l i ^ Elevators completely ol etw located � » atriums � not require� � - enclosure 2. protection. in at nly Elevato s open enclosed parking garl4i-,ges h serve W the parking garage, shall notrequIreliotstway 78* Seefion 3005.4 is amended to read in lits, enfirety as foltows., Sect'llion 4 ry ,w contriol, va`o machinit*rysspace s and controlaces,., �� � cal�� , and b� �„^fir �' spaces J �w� shall I� be Elevator r I �control rv„ �, I � I I , leticlosed w'1*,,th,,,lfire,,?barriers Col''nstructedin accordance'w"I"th Section 71,07 or hol,rizoilital asisenliblIC?S, ^ s'm,Ie e allecoordance with Sectlion less, than +II��p� �� , � e hol''Stwayr �,sure � i e, � � �4. N r: � r ITV�„ 1 ,, w.;M .d l 4��l�iv the fi 411", It" �rep,t,,-otiectt"on,irt,,iti*ng notless than rt rs*sh-vall be, rotected, with ass.,lnblies J "i ghavi-nI ,,,,, requiriedfor the hoiist-way enclosure door, Ordinance Nol.39,19,,6,-,L2,Pagle 17 , Excleptions: 1. Elevator u r I W, i,I C' rooms, `r M rooms, I 's r i, spaces aac I ,. control I l brs .,. s coml,:fletely lociated l I 1 t rr s shall-not require rg I „ r m Protecti,"on. 2. rooms, .,III, : � machinery :I rl....�' r;",.:. spaces 'p and, control ' r...: I�I.. spaces. �"" °Ihk.-,R,,� in I✓la�, f�ra I � I r,aI I Iu ;, : I � 10J: , iiw o c s I r parking garages tI s only erve the parki*ng gara shall nr I v re*qutireenclosure pr(,,:)tection# 01 III 79. Section 3005 ts am I ,. ,by addt"g Sectil"On 3 3005.,8 to ,read f(,AI'Iowts* I I I: I 3 l00,5,,,,,.7 Fire, prorelction itj i Ir- roo I �NI I I I nArol rooms, i, N, spaces,. 30015.,7.1 Automat"ic �I I � l t � t ":� i kler system in �a m at e s r ,„I; with Mr Section, 903.3.LI excep t w s permitted,I h . by and I" 1. Slecti I 90331. III 1.], as,l pro rr r b I Sect,'ko,', w < r,5.7.2. 30, Prohibi Iocatiottso. Automatic sprinkler I i + v :.shall be ,installeldin, m : ✓ e o elievator m c M , >,spaces, control rl , w , , l n I spaces and e I J Il o. hoi,stways. 3,1005.7.2.2 Spr1inkler system i 1 iton*ng. The" , tiI„ .., I ve shall have w w,� , I.,. r controilvalve I e e is ry, switch , I a water flow in I"ce prov-i*,ded f"or ei. floor ... at , m mni o l� o 'I by the cur bul"Idinig's I, o I.� II f lI 30105.7.3 Water protectiOn. An I ° r v I method I I preve n water I "InfiltratmIg o the $, 01 ,, , hotst,r)xray encu r from e r ,e i ; I('41 the ' wI fio c s I , ,s m n I ., I " elevator tobby i sha l ' lepr , ,, r vded. 3005.7.4, Shunt Means elevatorI shutdown w I a w c++ a" I I Secfion 31005.5 shall,1. o be I Itied. ➢I' 1+ 3005.8 S Storage shall a. allowed :re; wl"thin, the elevator rarr machine dr room,control or rolom, achilinery agle at try ' r spaces I. ,, :.. r control. -. ,r.: I Provide !Ww��ri r r each, :.:. r nr� the above l io fisted locati",lons ww �Jt I N 4N Storage k �µr„ ` Allowed r 8001, Stictlion 2i's anilended by amending paragra,ph ,5 to read as foRows., 51. ThebuRdin Nsl � h,, �Irr�ry I,om �y, I�w»nWrw.,ll �I yI �'D � ��w�h� ruJFr ,r.,fur � �� r�l r°,Ib„"W � �� Ie� � ter � I r r � � r 1 �, I he'glitThe ,, IN r ,i.n I'', � II m „'. „w ,' � �",off., rr ,���, t hoii,st ,I � e �r e� Ir , ` t t above grade ohl"Ilghlest floors, I hioi',st Y'll , ion. Section Antend,ments tothe In t Ionial Exilis, I ,,g I ji-Iding Code, I I „ edit"' 17be foflowi`ng � I,, I II�1�IWIII r,b �rvr ry Internati'lonal F.' �''� r 1�: «G � ;. �:.Ir4 Ndwlr.. �ML ,0 k� �.,,.: „�ion,, .: 'NWWi�. 4.... f pursua,� ,.Ma :'' Section 3.01 ^re hereby adopted,, to �F Sert"I"lon 102A i I amended III z t I read, as fol.lows, (A)IO2.4 Referenced codes °o standards,. T e codes, " w specl',fically adopted, ,o wigi I . ,, 'standards rry e I I " � th," code, shall beo sI r I ° part of t I � o quirements ,... „m code, to0' the prescri'beld , in of each SL I a I Secoons 102.4.1 1024.2. Ordinance No. 319119-6-2Z, Nei :�. If ..,; m� ".. �°� Building" " ':' ,. m amendingSection 202 is amended by, the defitml( a Structure" I read i s folflows: Existing Buil"Iding - A but"Idi*n�,'l, structttre,, or space, wl"th an approved, finial i*ns,pecttoniss.,,,%ued under a i i Cori ri d e ti ' ,,, i.. ".... ,�m,:: ,� at ]east i.: pubfished .' u:di fions preceding 's bu,,ddt*ng I °," i� bw*I1di,-ng,, StrUiCtLITe s.;paciethat ' 'ng a change f , "m e or a change of Occupancy* ,",s Existing i ,,, °' I, btj,.iRd,tn,,,g,, o space, e a approved final inspection i stied � I 'under a 'h 'is at i ed,4i",on w i Ali Jeast publi"sheld, code MI Pirecedl"ng ,,i curr ntly adopted bui"Idt"nig ciode,,;' a buiRdt"ng, struliettire,or, space t hat tsutideq,,,,),,Oin,g a change i*n tise or a change of occupancy. 'is amended by adding a 301 igel 163, paragraph Exception'. (('.omponents � u.. rm� i "." ," by H ;... I"gip... ,III I� °�,„ th Archftectut . rall �,�r: ', i registered our,. "...,e Dl*vl',s'loin,ofTle.xas Department ofl,,.1'.censi`ng and Regtdatl*on shall be deemed,to beincomphance wIth the requirements thl"S chapter. uSeclfion deleted. 5,0 S i1s, del,eted. 6* Section 410611, *1 k amended to read as followsi, 406.1 Material. Exj*,sting e1ectn",cal wtin*qgand equi,, ment tindergoi*ng repair shall be allowed Al, P tio ble re,*pAred,or replaced,,with, aaccordance Nv"I*,th thierequi"rements of"NI"TA 70. 7* Section 502.3 is 8* Section 504.1.2 is amiended to read as,folliows, 5 04.1.2 Ext"Sti"Ing fire r l ExI*st'I"n,g escapes, ,q,,., ' c p f shall ,, : t he accepted „,�i t � � � gip, hail be �� ,. � �, buildingsExisting s perti','iltted to be repall"red or r placed. 91#1 Section 504.1.31s deleted. 1010 Stiction 5 � is deleted.I 11,0 r Slection 7013 is deleted. 12o Section 7102.7 is amended to e'it s follows.1 702.7 I I w I I� i� i I r� Mater,lials "r:.. .....:..�....:.'s� new ,work a 1. comply" o. , -,° , .�� ��"e :��".��e a net s.,. , a e l s in 1 Biti,ildfing J I i o i tier* a Vw"m�i MexhanI*(,,,#aI "N't"'al"onal Eleict"rical To',twl Ga.,,S,," C`Oe,,Ii�, and mu International Ti tttnbing m -: ,a" ,,.I. apphicable, r°c ".' matertal s a ar :.,:. detad " f' lnstY ,� I r,° ,rod , ��� joints, °eelement, �� systen-1,in,,the bui"Idi*ng, 0,# Section 802.5.1 , x r, to, I ; as, ows Ordinance Noi. ,31919-6-22,, 19 mm i 802401,51#1 Miini[m, ry i ,I v� I � I, °�, Ii ,I ing emen.t. nay"„I n ,on I +' n F �I a N,, I w, + a „ ,» ,platt"orms, aisles, is stairs, i s I r . land"I"n.gis,that e not I provided,:with I '�, �,,.. , I,..lich i° existing u ;.p v ... ,.... be danger vr, Im ,., °�r". aI� II in, ,„ ,° I � ICI" °„ I:' � I in �, I shall xor ,ICI' I I I I � lol provided wifli,g,,,uards. 1 I �, „ , x entience'llt 4* cti Sle"I on 803 V amended, by add`ng the,,.. following W»;:I ICI 4 "l' ct aw For the nr:reip� xrx- �a, ,:. rv�I...... I r,..... °ler pro. ,°°� fire require u ,. i I �n ., -.:. i thi's i............. on and ", , - k area » s , be extended, » „e „ ,... r e t least ; n , e , I a I M I or spaces I boundedby walls M a v a . I , ov, passage ." 1c,(,mItaining. 'the ,..- m I ject work y area,, an a � ° the work area li m ,I a comidor, ; „ w m exit a x c r v x such ° c o v I hallway, other I access :shall b e protected in i ww o enfixety o that a° partlicularfloorl lievel. 15* Sectlion 8,03.3 is,,lamendeid to read 'in its entirety"as, follows*. 8 ,33 i I� ». `�i � i, an co r,f v °,� yr ° n - ,s , Sem3. 1 �° r ». °,° requirements. 1,6* Section 804.2 is antettield by deleting Exicepti II» ..17 Sechion 8,04,.4.1.2 i amended to- read a as folto'W'S' 804,,4,,',1,.,.2 Fire escapes,, c' ,, " I:mr I Flor other than Group- 1-2, where more „ „than I " exit v "'I S IIM q I a n existing iW Ni :.i t Section . 804.4.1.2. r } il be a , ,ted p `d` I rovt,, one of the, requ'redmeans of ress. {.uuuw7' rV 1801 Section 80 is amended as follow's. ., Numbered paragntph 4 s amended to,,reaf I s ft.)l lo fire I.. � "�Mo w�,w� �� �''I a° escape a 4'sc„Iw.,e shall /a be o III" a d(,".)or# b. Numbereld paragraph 3 is deleteld., 'Numbered , In all btlildin I of Group 11 w, nc� up to anid includmg, the 12'h grad,e, bttildin,gs 4 I A G�u wr"�w�IIRI I pw„e'�"'�,Mwl�' board"ng houses, and ui ldcar ov r centers,,, , ladder of any type M e a� prohibited, ofire sa w s used set � required I e , l gi s of egress. , ss 1,91* Seetion 8,04.6.2 Transioms is am,lended toread as follows, 8041.6.21'ransoms. ww wu, ,°uw » �, ° ru �r, ° ,vxi « r r �I :,r ,,, �, � b.. r oldR'^ D;:.Iw" I° r unchan,ge,(� 210. Slection 90143 i amended by addingthe following sientee"I 0 i , lit For the pui,,pose of fire spr"i sectilon', ,I�„ 1, r , r W work � � , + r I rleast,the , fispace spacessbounded, by weI a ha,llway,if the r I r w area, � � � I I ry orl other aid : exit ,;v access, r, M , then ; . such comi W hallway,.. - I, or "" I access ` a e , be protected , I ,.. an particular entirety on that h is,amended I r� ar" r���� ,. ry F n�. r«... I I � I#„ foflows,* ' 904.1.1, Highm*nse blui,ldings# An, awoma,fi,c sprinkler sysitem shall be provl*,ded 'in work,al,reas of'h h ,to sI' "� n,✓s#, ,2,2* Section 1103.31 li,ksi, deleted. 231* S."ection 2014 1. de�leted. 24* section 13,01.3.,s2t*s atnended to , as,foltows, 1301,311.2 Complifance with other codes, Bu"dd4tigsthat arie. evalu ted in accor& ce wl*th thl's sectlon shall comply-with # I� r 15. 1, 3 1 Section Section 26#1 14102.61 sF, deleted. 27* ection 50is amendeld, I dellete 1509.1 through 1,509.5, 15091.1, to read,, as S �w ,I* fofliows# 15,09.1 When requ-11"re"14, An approved wate'r supply fire protecti-on, either temporary or Th water pe'n,wanlent,sh-all 'be tnade ava'dable as soon as combustible material arrives,on site., e supply :✓ desi(gn w , aw veto bui"Idtng .. �M, war. ng " 1 w , ° adopted # comply wl*th the See.3.04. Amendmients tothe International Fire Code,2021 edifioll# # # ' : i . wp, The followt*ng. to, the Ititematt"onial de, 02 1 ; , as adopted,. pursuant to Slection 3.0 are hereby adopted.- 28* Section 'is, amended F, i m e l g Item 31, o I...w Id `, follows,# w Exi*,,sfing, and i I s when I r Chapter ro Seett"ons,of thi*s,clode.1 29* Sections, 1,03.1,arid 101.2 are amended to read asfollows,: 103.1 General. Cod, Dii,Nri`,s,,,i'ono F,ire Preventl*on. Fir # U�� wrfj���I IVlfrtiM�J, Prevent]"'on Q19b,.. � � i� Ii i� ". tllfe�,: F1617c, Depatinient el.i . ",vN��'Ise ' d�: her6y �N.... M it � , '�94 N«[�tlAB°, gun �" � � the (",,,,.'1*ty of Allen and shall o,perate under"the sup1erv'1*,s1"on of the Chl'ef of the F il",re ',Depart, „ J 0 1,03.2 Appointment. The Assiktant F"i"re Ch,ief of Prevention I's in charge o,f the Divi"si,on of 0, Fire Prieventi"on ibe � o rd, the Fire Chl*eT „ bas"I"Is. m ro e qualifficatton., 104.1.1 Clode Offlicial. For the purp..('),,sje("')fthis code,"'Code Offici*al"shall, Mean the(r-eina1*n(1,c r S"L,,Ac1,t*,on uncl,,,,ianglet 30* Section 1014.1 is amended by adding Section 1104.1.1 to read as f6llows,# Fli.r l Chief or hls,dest",gnated,rep,,,resen,ta,t,"i"ve(si),. 31* 105.1, 11051.1.7to Section Ord,tnance #SIN 31919-61-2211'Plaige '105.1.7 Vailureto obtain permit orworking without a ple'ruinit., Any, person, l alls to # tip obtain,a permit or is conduct,i'ng work,w"thout a Permit c ,proved by the Allen Fire Department shal"Ibe liable to afee of twol (2) ti'mes the required permit fee, figUred in acco,,rdance wi"th the 41 Ity,cot 1, 111i'MUM d t fee Schedule adoptede*,sI*oI.utI"'on olfthes c* in,c*,'I. A m t&of one-hundre wenty requir ee Wilorki"Ing without a dollars ($1.20.00) in additionto the ed pe,n-nmit f* will beassessed. *1 pem,nl't shall ' "c[ade non-compliance jof Sections 1105.3.5 and 1054.6. 3 21# Sectio n 1015.2.3 I*S amended by aid dtng Section .11, asfoHowsl: 105 , Time lim,11"fation of applicatilon. Re'tinstatement of expiveld, permi[ts wiII, require the, apphicant to rekstub,n,'iil permit applicati,on and, requi"red documents and, shall he 111",alble tb.r applicable p,enni,'it ,,t"'ees. Sect lion 105.3.3—is, amended to read as,ft.),11ows, 1,05.3.3 Occtipancy Probiblited before Approva,"I. The budding or struchtre shall not 'be oc cupted p6or to the Fire, Code Offitcial jis,,suing a permil, when requi-red, and condticting as,-so, lated spections tndicatingor the appl"clable provki 1 1, 10ins of thrils col de have bee:n met,, No 10 build'ing or structure shall be used or occupted, and no changle In the existing occupancy, classlification of a bt,,iflding or structurc,, or portion thereof shall be made, until the, But"'Iding Officiial has, 'issued a of Occtipanicy. 34* Sech"on 1,05.6 is amended'to read asfollows: 1,05,416 Required constrwti on plerm, i ts. The colde offic'al *s authodzed, to issue construction pe,n.nIts,I`or worksset forth"in, Sections 105.6.1, to 105.6.24. 35* Sectillon 105.6.11, is,amended,,t,(,,) read as, foIlowsi, 105#6.1,1 Gates and harricades acrosis fitre p 1 a r r tis access roadsii. A, const"ructioll pemiit shall be requIlired tio "insta'11, any system..t1liat during nomial operation,delays,or prevents entry, to, or obstructs a tire lane or strectinto, the premisies of a resident"Iral or commercial,area. 36* Section 1,05.6is an'te n dera b 1,ly d,d*ng S ect*on 1 05.,6.25 toreadas,follows* 1,05.6.,25 Electronic accel contriol, systeins.1 Construct-ion, perm"its are required to linsta,11 or 0 m(,,.,,)dI*f`y an electronw acicess control,�system,,,,as specifted iti,Cliapter 10. A,separz�ite constrttctiton perlma ,isrequired toinstiall, or mlodlit'�, a fire Mann,system that ma'I be connected,to,the access Y control system. Maintlenance rrie r,"I",'o irmneld in accordance wiith this code is, not considereld a flicat"ion and ,does not rel %c For the pur 0 0 ,tre a,pertni pose of this section, electronic access control devices Utilliz, id fo r corit rolli-ng ingress, qi,,!ress, or both, sha"11 be, perm-li, ed. Adid"I"tionally, elielictron,ic access control devices Which allow for flree egr ss, shall alsol be pen-nitted. 3 7, Section 105 *is amended by adding Sectlion 1,05,.7 ti(:)read as foRlows,*,I *,"I 1,05.7 Perntlit and other fee si., Fees for ea ch penmit re qui,t,-led, plan review, , insp e c tio"nis re "tier regulatory ",n,g, an-d equi"piment tisle or process elistle-bli's,bed by mspections, ou, resolution of the clit ncdfroni ome to tin,'iek,attid niadea part,of the City's Fee S,chedule shall IY CIOU I be paid, prior to the issuancle olt' S;,uch pemnitt performance of such, service, or use of such equip"'Ien t, I 38* Secti,on 106.4 is amendied toriciad,as follows'. Ordinlancle',No,. 3919#±,,�, 22,Page 22, 10,61'.4 Retentiort construe, ' : ,, . dIojcuments. Ont Ye.. of , .. ! . j I docutnents shall lned by be r , � Co.,& old�' I I Fiire Offiticlial i nial approvul of the work e 1 alb e In. One I i,IJ I approved . v r construction, . documents , . ,r.. I . tothe a . » , ,.: . said, s W along , " with . i of the Fre, Depa,rtment Permlit sh,all on site the bui"Iding. : ,, , „ I.rt " u� ; , r d thereby I. in progretss. Constnictlion documents shallberetain . by the in company oro y Irequired , i w by r.. Texas ry o State H"re Marshal's Office, afte ; final: approval of work covered therein. % h , deleted I.I 39#1 ro m". »n 1073 Permit VaWations, ,. its.,. ety''. I-r 1108.2is �IfI�, I ,Y I U read as 4I�' I.X".,;"' m 1✓, amended i'...., IOW', 1 � follows, I on of 1 I �NI; U 'The h I� Chlet*, or , ` 'I II "o, Ins o t :;:,,�+,m�as'':...I IUng "r"ir l'Vdesignattle,,d, w sen," r,w '` "le,-: inspect :ll, buildings, prenuI r, portion there s , ; r a^ u i, be necessary. „c� � . Ai,,i inifial" tilion, I e a and, I one s e shall rI I m e free o ,I I the Fi,rei o s, 0, N 6 10 diesignee � „ ,� „ make t,:*oll,ow�-,tj,,,p 't'nspectiIons� � the inspection, r, I s rtr lto, ion or determi,ne whether " e a I , ', ;. ons '%' I o-, dti,r ling:;. the rr prev"I"otis inspection have, b ',, ;,"n, I ";" 'I : IN � ', I fee occupant, 1,essee, person making e of the I .1 Ifee f��es W" � 1 i, "� I° `�N �w"`premises IIIII��®jIII I�yIIII beiingbuild'ing �Ilrl"r ram.. pay, 'a,;vil v. 1�' 4 1,, (30), �ia w bi"lled, r , M'I:: ✓ e lawful occupancy of the building premi,ses. Fees r./+, t*ollow-up nl, „„ ra, rM. WK meI` Iil. a'wUp., ., »,XI.,r �� ,r, �Nr� a„>„ ,Ixrn ✓ I rn/II ,�,>� I � I � IwV� � ,rnII: «� »Iwr; I„`IbiI ,u�III 1 r 'i � y✓,�>,. , r 1. .� X� I✓ , r ✓ 1be a set, , e schedule r rr'II a adopted, by ° o,"X w t �ml�',I of the city I LUI e ,II,.. # # $1 Recurring o I rr o"; n s froin year "to, year, I,I" result tn i ss n :: of a : ,:v :; an, ". s 1, ,; » be restncted : , o �» V. re-inspection i ir o procedtl,reas. I�, gy r �r this is Section,., .: 6 1 Section 112.4is I"I Inde,,dto a a follows, , Viotatl*on Pienalties. ." I pers,oll, fir', .. . - I y ,violating a 1,,12.4 r ., . .ofthe pri r,... 'Urbn"i.":iions,or r ,��:, II �, "'th nr Artlicle or �Ishall erect r a ,I:r rlva",wr fir:, Code'.wa ,✓r i,"r .,� '" i n or :: .».' !V I,ny " ,..» requirements work „' ern,, n', , thereof a pa,,,Ir doin vil , the r ved I� Ithe I II o Iused, ,:I. 1. J n documients, Imo! di"Irective ur I (:.,,�r . w.;: permitor ''I, i, d n�,I I , under r» rm.. : o.,4 I r. r�." ,: be gul"Ity �"'' II..,: r r �N� I:. upon, I I:.,, ;. the proviisitons Ir. ,. ,�h l,r;. 1,:r� ::: �✓ ,r ,,, 1.'. I Ir P,. , ..r�, ,. �frr ,. 'n the Munlic"ipal ;: "., r„� ,." cr "'xrranr ,... /,�r m. ,,,,rwaoa,.r "Un., r,:, r:: ,+r�p f" ub 0 fin and and Court ' �,,b rrCity , Allen, n1o/100 dollar ($,2,000.00) tbr each offense. 1,,iaich e r Fry day, any r, I 1" ✓Ir" continuelion shall shall,ble deemedto a e separate Ir I` Jn e. S read,42* tchio n 1,13.4 i's amended to as ft,,)Hows* 1 ,:.. ,..., "", "... ,..... � ,... :,., ,.. .,, shall ��. .,x„ ,, ;t,,,. c. :,,, '", ,mr/.., r "crr�- ,I �yI� � � � I�'', � ^ � bleen �,, j, 5 4 s J r " t �VX r,.., o; I. ,I N;,p I per, who 1 e �1 �i. any:,, after h,av1"n,&,:,1,, . •.;. , t I:o work, f " ,i o r except x , such ,a as1. i persion 'is d ,.o perform to remove a violationorunsafe cond,lit'ion',,S.,hall be liable to a,fine ofnottnnorie than two thousind atid no/1,10 �n dot „ 4r r'�� fbr "fro- � r ,,a,,nd � � � v, � 1 $2 II I ,„ �° I r, II1ll ( ,000.00) be deemed to constitute a separate off'*L,,%,nse,. 0I. 41 Section 202 is amended ti ' I by :f definitious, 'f 7, phrases, ADDRESSA.B . IF1RE DE"FEC1110N SYSTEM," , A, „e:r c� G A,I)DRESSABLE FIRE DETE(,,.`,'-"'1J0N SYSIO.FEM," w„ N . : l'!N".. .. P1.,ACE," ' LF-SERVI Cr STORAGE FAC r I c .NI B PERSONN'EL,'" an "UPGRADED 10 U , :, R,EPL.A,CED ' : read a s ' fotiowsi# ADDRESSAB LE FI DE"FEC"TION SYSTEM. . Any system capable of' prov`d' Is WentificationM I� I.. ".: Im I I ,I. I '.... �i :.... �..,, ' r .. ,�r/,41 (.I'' 1 :., *n. „ :.r»q each , �� n �r " shall ,E."tiglish and,as descriptii've as,'ri,lossible to specifically lidentity the locat"on of the d,ev"cle *n alarin. 'The system shafl havethe capabili a a ty of lrm, v en' i fi cat'i loin. ANNAL,01G ADDRUSSSABLE FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM. An'y system capable of c alctilating a changeln valtie 'by d1irectly measurablie quanti,ties(Nirottage, resistance,etc,.) I.: the n. sensing point",,, 'The physica]analog may be conductied at the sensing point or at,the main contT'0 1 paiiel. The systetn, shall be ciapabile,of competrisiatin gfow lon,g-term changesin siens%orr sponse whi'lle maintaining a,constan't sensitilvility". The compensation shall have a preset poiint at which i itted to,the control,panel. 1"he sensor , Iv.remaill a detector,maintenance signal shallbe trl, nsmi capable of detecting at,,"I,d,,t,,,r,cans,,t,,n't'ttig an alami 'while in main,tenain,cv.atert. EFF,..ND I"N ACE. A methiod of emergency response that enligagies b uilding components and trained staff to prov"Jide, occupant sat" ty during an emrgency, Emergtncly response Involves rem&ining �t,n place,, relocatinlig wiithiin Idu.ie bui'lding, or both, withilloLit evactia,"ting the b tti`I dt"i n S"U"11.4 S N, a STORAGE FACIL11"Y., Real property, des"gned and usedf'or the purpose II renoing or leactsing individual sitorage spacies, to customers, 't,"or the purp,lose, of stolln*ngx and w rem oNring per sonal property 0 on a self-servicv,basis. *,ire Chief STANDB Y PE R SONN[NX14, Qualified fiire service persionne l a pprov e d by th ile I'"' When utz..', d, the number required shall be as d rI " n d by the, Flire Chief Charges, for utilliZ ation shall be as normally calculated,IMF ,"by the jurtisdiio",,ion. UPGrRADED OR REPLACED, FIRE i'�LARM, SYSTEM, A tiire atin sy'stem that i"S 0 upgraded or replaced-linctudes, but,, iis not 1-imited to the l`(,Alow Ire;ng, I Replaicing onle s�iqgle board or,fire a,liami�,clontrol unit comp,,onent witt"i a, newer mod, 1. 2. 1,n St"(1,,I I i ,lg atww fire ala rni icon trot un"t 'n addilion to oriin place of an,exist'ing one. 3. Coinversi"on from,ahom system, to an em1eq:1,1ency voice/afl,ann communicat"i"on system. 4", , '' ` tzies&(111dressable or anaflog 4. Conversi on froni a convenlitt"'onal system to oneth,at utd" i devices, The s t-,�Wlo wing a re not cons,idered an upgrade or replacement:, L F i' ` r dates 2. Software updates 3. Repl ac,ing board s of the same model with c h t ips uni tzing the same or newler cad 44* Section 202 I"S"i allnended by ameuding �the definilitious of "A M—BUL ATORY HE ALTH CARE, FACILITY," "A"Y'R11UM,'" ""FI R E WAT CH,11 "FIREWORKS," 41H11G11,*PILE D COMBUS71"IBLE STORAGE,""IJIGH RISE BUILDING "'AND 1,."1f",PA1R GARAGE"to read as foflows# NNVI B'14 jATORY 11,1EA1 14"I'M CARE FACILU117Y., Buildings or po rt ions thereof u, led tol provIde medlical, stirglical, psychiatric nursing, or similar, care lon a liess, than 241-hiour basit's to Indi'viduals whio are renderedinicapable of self'-preservatillon. 1"his, group may include b'ut not 10 be lim"ited,totht fo,llowtingqi 0 0,ridinance,NNol., 391,91-6-22, Page 24 Dil"alysis ,,� „�I:III b. Pro edures I*nvolvi'n d oitio ,g se a n Sedation dentistry d. Surgery centets, e., Coloni'c centers Psych tcenters ATRU,UM. An,opening cotinectingthree or , �to ,e I I. (remaitil I-xl unchangred) v» WATCH. N e m , ;y measure a s W ; °. t✓ , r Y I M, . c t. . „.I�.� and I r . a , : .W. '�N. ' Imo'by . I'�i : ;, indi'viduals "''WLri �'I',. � IV)�'., bui"Iding rI Fire,r gym, ,¢ I..o ,o ,i '.i; standby "� i I ; portio mor clial, for the III � Code Of � p�» I purposes r� I�v ,I persontli,e], when required by controlling fire hia deteening early s' b of" .., I: fire, r .. ,. an alarm I, fire and not1f,"y"Ing the Fire Department. FIRETWORK.S. Any composil'tion or devlice for the purpose of producing a, visible or an III, deflagriatiolt, detotiatt"on, � I� I I; I r, I r, ,, I I � I and/or I q activated bytigntitiioti,, WIth a match or other heat produciqg device that meets the defitnitlion of firework,',si I"; firiewot'-kSit'll's, I ��� f I��Y'" ✓ ��m� „wl,"9X� ul�'I� "'� err ��'I,uva"L14G L3G i I:' f,`,orth herc*in. per Ilrl I' ,I�»,�N�v� v 1�✓�' ''I�'" ��a+ , r' STORAGE. r„,rro rr :;, second �War.�a.oi, r;�rn. riror pariqral,,)h ^-% y91�M..: �s; »„ v,;.:"� �. I,,, ;,�.�W» HIGH-PILED STIBLE r portion9at id � as � :ul�, V I � I Any storage r�V,I" „r p I I✓;rpl� e as group r of building for used Speculat"ive Buildl`ng W!r. 6,» m4 ,rrin :' 4III �"excess wa�; w ,pl I � I� clear, "4blI �b °�r: �t oaw f ',. f re„I �„ �, : �> helight : q��'. I Ie .,,1�eb°MXMW` gi "; r i has IIv'y ,..r; I!�" "r. W �Fr" "' ,�, r�.. ible f""or p i^mNh be I� �m, .... �, : ,�...., a �: r. :.i,un'dµ :: .: I � "::.. .... I.'I: ...... ;,`' ' ✓ 1 ,.'� �p p ".°,. I� � I uw» I. rr�l :, ' be . ,. I t .. ^,I,.. drl, cons �,'. I✓r I wpmI ' 1 , .r - W storage .✓ �'�i r,: I�.ws Wrap, 12a: - m ., " to Id: r, ;.�..".. r, When i � vl.I ;''NMre ''.. :^�.ISystem w "err :of �"� Iva�N;I:'' " r:. ,. - �r,. Group i'� u�. �' N.+ specific,i!�N�a. '��'''° product. cannot I,�" be. r,:. 'W"" t"'tre proteation `,�.'IrQ ,., lu ":.. 11fe,; � ,: features shall ,., ,,gip. �;. �,UVII III,. fo. I M WN � plastics ;n: ,�I p ��» J I I I the maximuni pille,height. ,ah d, more than 55 t� et HIGII-RIS"Ei, - A DIM r 'e fld* 16,764 mnli)above the lowest level of Fire Department vehicte access,, REPAIR, GA-RAGE., Abufliding,,, , portion ,! uI1',,*olr c I W orr pairing . nI. v ^.a „I fi i i, occupancy shall " I also ' o �I. N lude garage involved, lin m1i'l , r. This,; ,, I »d I _a �o p servicing o motor l« �r f6r ,items ssuch I luble changes.,pI s e c.I io ns,,, I ra v I I I a-;, �r,I I,«, I r>< r� I ✓; �� ipartreplacement, c ,, inor repairs. 45* S read as ft),flow's# � � � , Y � r n I 0 � 307.1.1 Prohl"bited Open Burntingy, Open bum*n,g � v � e cause 0 , I I I, smoke ." ��.I... . . ��,.. ".o; �nrti',tea.ions �.:... hen ,'.:, vu-�mr.,a r�V I ,,..,,r., ..i ,..-r '... local '...Y :, I:' m,', ,:..., ..,...^. (,Ni,-,),hazardous,shall be prohibiteid,,, E'Xiception, r 1p V Wr✓ the �I. g r 46. Section 307.2 b I I I l u� s o.. I - s.I PernilitI: ,;' ", .. �^,, A permit. shall be obtained. from "'Fire Official, �k�, I alecic. nce » Ith wIrt,. II r, prior "col i fire »I :. recognilized, A pplication yvl l, range, or w'I*IdII`,f,,'e, mian4g.w ... tl;.pr ,� , prevention or c" :. „ of disease or pests, r.; n p �',,. bu, * g ,,,,, mtn I.for,such approval 1a shall , only be presented by, a n d pertnitsissued ✓ owner oi,,f,the land whilwch pre is jto be* kr.,i-ridled. Ordinance No. 3919-6-L2, 25 or 'in Section I f „, is W .. I ', ,.I '... � I :...,Y. i �,iles „y�, i. iq�, p�;. uo• NW;"o-. ':, u ,, i , �`�.,�.. u� c d : ;k ,:,�'i I , but riot be Itmitiedto thle t"ollowi",ti. Ig. ��„^ o gal �, ,, �, I,;�,, Quall"lly wm tn, r. �f / �u � „;, u^I�ww ,, n ,:.u ,„ r,; (TCEQ)guildelities an ,, <, s t i s 2. w State, CoLjvy, Local io pemia,nent bans lIbLj,mingI; and, �,''���pggl��� w�, ram..Fire Code Offici'al. �,'�IN�o�� v,. ., '�u � U�r, � ��y"" rarrMa� �i� "� 'b� by ,tl�u+W , e erl�mu�ur °� t' 47. Sect'llon 3073 'is, amended to read as ftAlow's.# ""de offiticial 'i's atithon*zed "to order" "I'he firle Ext"inguishing Authority r 1.r, 307.3, ram I ,, Ithe shment by V. pertnit holdwr, another person a .responsible or ,. �.. r department o k pe ll burnlingthat creates or adds to a hazardous or objecti"01nable slituation'. ,418* Section 307.141 is a,mendedto read as fol.lows., 307.4 Locatil,OM The ll feet Ilocatilon 1"or Wen bumiing '- not be less than,^3 I (91,440 m,: "IN fivinstructure, , ' s � � , o wt rn 3 het(91,440r t o �o� r `, ', Exceptions.* v., 44. Section 3,07.4.1 "is am,ended, to, retaid as ft',41ows: ,... I N ��i.: „,�..: "�inr'�MW, "'v,�r,,�w be conducted d ied withki 50 f*eet 05,240 mm), ra greater, 16,3 1071.4.1 11 not id'i'stance as determinedby the Fire Code Off"I"ciall,or astructure or comblustible thefitre is contained, in a barbectie, p"It. Condit'lions that cottld cause a fire to spread with'I'll,the rleiquireds,;,etback of a s1tracti,ule shall be eliniinated,priiior totg on. under5101* Section 307.4.3 ts amended by addi ng a new paragraph 2 2. Where buildings, balconies,, by an `' i Al sprinkler system. 5L d by Sectio 307 4 f gSectlion 3107AA and Seetionread,17.5 3071.4.4 Pernianent Outdoor Flirepils or Fi[re feature Devices. Pleniianiently installed outdoor 41 nd i I Ii i{,,,,, , a v Iry �� r�I m "�`"� tured and ° i '"� ' i' ° W h , t � / T+µy,., � I,/, ,,wall it NjI��I. a I � r M�!' u'AW combustible ^'oT' rr�'. l r"u a !% y nl�0 �I 'emu 4�Y„i�iYV No I,. I�b�. I in ;. w nrt � JI f � �i Exceptions: �y 0 t`eature �' i�w�"I,. �'";.. `oio '. , a�1»oor ,,,,...e , , � devilicies isted less, v"han 100,00"'0 i s a fire I I installed ithlin, artr,� � � �mo � � co '� to r 1 r �(vertlically 2 It, P'llert-nanentlylinstalled ot,,ttdoor fireplaces, constructed accordance with the Intelmatiot"41 Bul'Iding Cold, # 307.4.4.1 s. All so d , isfirep'its, devices. Exceptilon'lo I,,, -and,two-fam'ly dwellings. #1 Ordinanice No,., 3919-6-22,, � I P :.;I I,,. I : for I : I .: deVII*0L)IIS,.I lI nll of / Uwr;I. . ° �rrIv.,r,,..'. ,::... I.,. firepits Comply, �Ww f"011owing qut'rements:u, , Flame shall, I:. fully enclosed l ' I o W ,pernianent means to prevent de ,fro m enter,111tig t V' Ifire andtheprevent () br Iftoni becoming 'burned; 4. 2. Plrovl*d,e I emergency fuel fbel „� hut** ^''�� ''. w,,,f ,r �, I�,^��I ,.. I.ut Ir: „,,, ,",,��^:I "i is "I:.I _ �f"�" ,� '";a�; aerg. °"�,"..Iurife..fi c/ I w I` � n 1 ;.. r✓'tv , lu f r,�: i emu, r 11,. r . ( , oa�l-.. gas, IMYrt1: 'tic, w,' � I 1, . N firef�,ature device Jocat.,.t"ons,* )I rde "N clearly 1 * „ F� :, , It .Flo,or u ✓ a . ..; : s w ldM I ".W I,o s , b r i s 0 material, ,ry u. f : y gaps WI and W llj, ,vs sealed,, 'Uu 4. I� lineV� i, J , ,,., �. r, wlpry,,e� set ',;,'b, automatically - a'�10.:.. I.:- shut-off' gas supply, "'"NN: I r r.:':. "u ,.� yn w o� ,ny e onfuel S, flame at y� ry' .I agreed� upon by , F"I*rfl Code Offficj'al. 'fib 3 0 7.4 r y "'french , I " Burtist. "I"r .. , c ,r .. shall a e conducted ,r w..'. � w;./.e s d, t" ac, ordance I witb, Secti"lon, 307.2. 52# Sect-ion r 307.5 is amended, to read as f6flows, 307.5, I Attendance. Open burni*n#, trencli burns, bonfires, or recreatt"onal fixes and, : r e of pornziblie outdoor u ' r t"i'replaces shall, I. be constantly st , attended unti] the.. l; ,'I*nder of Sectt'on d) r i,, e 531* I Section,308.1.4 fndied to, as m, II 308.1.4 Opew-fiame,c o k,",i: devices. Open-fliame »I devices,cr c gridis, .:r other si " r l, , devices,,used : folr « II ; g s a . " o be 1(:)cated or used on b o M, ebalcontf'es, decks, or lI l W „ 0 e (3,048 a.)of combustible construai, . Exceptions, One and twi()-"'t"'dmily dwell'ings, except h',tm",,te1d Jwln ,, r,Flo ` lu I water cap, , I., r. , „ eater than 50, pounds (2 I kg) [nom iinal210-pound (9 N k,g) 'tT-g s capacit,„ , '.I aggregate eb " eLR-gias a a ,y, not to, exceed, Wt a , 1,00 Ibs. n' c ,., a ' ,"-... ; ' Where but*Idt"ngs, balconi''Cels, and decks I "'. protected by I" I,.,, „ oIJ,^ , ,..J r, Ir.i q n, l*,c sprinkler ✓ Iw"I. 4 I II l ; that iners are li'mited . r I..water v c " not n ", � 6 � n 5 0 .6 2 0 greater r pounds o 2 1 ! kg) ,, m i:, pe ' I (9.08 'th k,,, ty b rk ,: ,) an,, ,I V"nl„, n Igate Iifi' m vrrb, �;e 410 Ibs. y I r,wV„ IqNww wfM„I.T-gas , �I o not �d ,v `I I 7N, 'MMm LP-gas c ,u:r . e devices having[,J`­ga,s c y]. 21?�z u" , water t c rct* , ,, r ug&;,reater than pounfds [nomi"Inal pound(0.454 k,g) �MpV': 9'Rw I �,'IT-gas n Section of ,308.1.4Iamendedrfg Sectlion308.1.4.1, I I .B �,eri r»'yv,' �Yru'Uk ,N ,w� ,I urnin, �'.:. i ,... ,fn. ,, /Nr„ ,rl,ri ,. ±'�! :�I ,; v„ jiIti ,,r.,fwl .3, v�. rl prohl"'MIted. ' ', I vN����( -r� ,ram, refuse -... ,,� ; Suol�''�g.i, o,:rr "' I,/ Isr�, ;: ,. "/ ✓Jolrff,' .I u, :,. ,,, ,.I b:. :-,wl not , ,. approved ;,,w of"I:, ,... u,'a ,,.,,.w. f6r ,�, ,�,:,,.� di'sposad, r declared ,...flame r�°f. o I( IW. r f»��� f,n-. o � ,, y'..:, ro, filNvo. kwn.. ,w pubfic ,. r,� , n. and, i"s prohi"bl'ted a r ywhere - no N , , ; ! sr y all ap i rn i ' follows: e " !� ,� ire, r,�te defineld ,rubblsh, and Ordinance No. 3,919-6-22, , I.,,� Page W,61'(7fI*ba,9e. Garbage : M I, I animal IV I d vegetable e v ' eltii... e . r w h s that , " C y M ` nfll,. v „n,u�4 houses, I 4 kitchens, restaurants, holtels, produce markets, folod service, / G, d prociessing establi'shments, nics, or greenhouses, hospitals, i I ,i., Iw,I,", Imp� `I�k �es. Rubbi"Sllh� s d : ll .a or, o < so ; rw a be IN aIor ax , s not e . but li'mited Ira,r ,- clothn)�"....,I`�' . ��" leathier, I. carpets, " i I° "�' wood, r J. excelsior, paper, ashes, rubber f ,iuiers, W, triee yard branches, tri'mmings, ftirnitum, , , contai glass, crockery, masonry, an other a s. o l, IN Wdsstei. Trade waste I e shall R, , . ,. al l], s i i I i orliquId ., i ¢" I i resulting , g from con I e , building operations, or lthe pro,secut'ion or any business, trade, or 1"ndustry, such as, but not imited to, plast'i1c p cinders', nd rs land t ` fo,mi� solid, � Iliqu*d tIe,mat e Js 10 NItiterials b)IreI � J Ilu lse Smoke ��°�I i �h,°�NII �; �I �'A of rubber, asp,haftic I, combustible,� r flammable liquids, gnated � wood,, o similar_ C I e a s which ls, n den.se ��� U econsidered. �rl e ', o a hazard, a public musan the communi"ty', J ,are s ° r prohliblited. 5 I I, read III Swction 308.1.6.2 ..... by I ,:, �...1 I paragraph.. :., l r r rr"..: "- " n<ud '....I° :"I,Ipcv/. as fOROW"S* I 3. Torches or flame-produicing devices i n c"I �¢ c i Section 3108. 1. .. . !N n4r Section 308.1.6.3. ale, e or ro re, I ".. foillows.i .. 308A.16.3 Lanterns. person shall release m,a cause ls ble released „I e unmanned t`ree- 'k, floadeviice., I° ,1I,,,Ip" �, if�° or 6heat source, ' '; such 1I I�but not 111"milited ^ a, "q� ingI I , rr I i� r✓ I " r I I 1 I ky laii,tem., 57# Section 3111.5,is a -.V dI I to read I follo"�si.i 3,11.5 c r' Ie, Code Offici'als authorized, to require markingt or a I d r e build"ings, I or structures., t a t a sdiete'n—ni''ned a be unsafe I �pursuant I Sectlon, 1,10 ofthi s co de d 3 relatin i qui-ried,by Section 3 11.5.1 through 3111.5.5. Ig to, strttcltitlrecl or interi"or hiazards, as rie sect"on 58* by ung p 401.31.4 Fire Alarms and Nuisi,ance Ala False aliarms and nuisance ia, I I alarms,. shall be gIvem, signaled, � I"j'j" J ,. caused, ��"✓ 61r to gwen, I6�' i;...:,.I r u: , transmitted,I. "IAIn ,m" permitteld be ,, signaled,� ,.II I,..�u�mi"tted I,. 1 i man,ne ny 5 Sect,'ion, 403A I � JI II,rris, I ed I ,I I firie 1 I I 6~ ,� 'I� wr 4,03.4 Group M 6 IG �„ An plan,in II ,,., , I h, Section 4(,',)4 s b;. pire&pared a Ii. maintained, foI Groitip occupancies a i s and for bui"Idtings n o,... no- � rw,l rMN I I�,� I diagram depi,cti[ng ,°„I ," II ,..,.� m:..6 � G, 6 G, I�L , G6 G;,� I routes shall ble , ' I . ! . l ryrin % v / S . � i Group E occupancies sh ro fiA a ,' Sectlions r' '�r i�. complymI4,03.41,. I through 403.4.3., 610,01, Sectlion,4104.2*2 is I l� I 405.54 Tiomeopi Thie , re . ue d official d:a' . , l I ' , e .✓ : I, k n dndl e ; anly time. J Dri"IdIs, shall 0 b unex and eh,eilid , tnir s under d» 'varying r r I , " , simulate I unusual a conditions , pect th4jit occur in s of' .I Excepti,ions'. I. (Ar(i rrw ,"Ita,w �j I, e) 2. (NO ,Itanlige) ���{,��� Not'll"',,,rication, ",A,M�. of'. teacher/staff haviling Imo. rw,. I. r 'wa, ,f of' 11glit- or sound-s , sli'" Ve, ' r ' a ,... ,, 's I.': b "s those I N , autism �s I s c o, for the pr(:)tect*(,f)n those stu i de nts/o(,":cup ants, shall be allowed prt, uar � � I "m " a i i 4 fIf' , " fire ' vu I�I , urIou62. Stctilon 501.41, ts amended to read as follows, Timil"IlIg I Whein <� II water f501 I,� 1, apparatus, Ir l w��," ,r I sr," i 1 i o „,,: r �,. 1 rrf:: +'�»,I ,r. quIred installied, for I any ,. , development, they shall e s r II; '„ :. �...: '.. and � pri,or to law r= :r I ,. ,r„J r,: . �," :... mlo,. a ;� ,� ,a. I, » ,... rII I �I� I vImmSul � w �n �4., ,,a construction fir, proligmssed."beyond, i iI i» "� Ion I 'fir Iv ry », r v r re. II' 631* sitlettiOn 5031.1.1 is: amended to read as follows:l 503.1.11 (I Butl*,'Idings „I , f fi Approvieid f I; apparatus,,,,. ,,I. g , � fi":r v N * 4W, � facflt*ty. �:.:: I'IIW ,'f ! � I or �reI ,,. - or "... III. " ,. :. '.. , „ � :w,:w.u�'' n , NIr IIM' ,. ,II.1i' ll�Nu'x, , :'.;:.. Ili!" V o r �' ��, II , the ten ,w fe, rp, ,.- ,Iq path I ,,nl!�I I�"r r ,.. �I. '�''r unobstructed f, � ,, measurement.. . U ��' ,I,...,. ,.. r IJ 4 .. ,..I. (10') .. , e r r vemal walls f e structure., ' '9AIe I YIII:. r I r II r "Alcieption" r a hd s J k V I geit�, II , I 64w Section 5103.2.1, is, amended to read as f oflows. i : 503.2.1, Di mt ensitons.,II Fire 1s, I 1 Iiave an structed width "m. I "not less 10 24 fe "t (7,315 " , exclusive cI Iwr of v. shoulders, I s ,, » pt for appri: . r sr c , . gates i .. I I :,I ,""sr, " rw,.H. I�:..: Sectl"on rre»: ,,..- ra ,.,,, a. », r....� ',J ".!., ,. ,:r. rn I val (<'. ul ,mr I" .:" u �'"`: "^,, :, �",±, r� II... 503.6, �, :"` I I " Il�,�,:.: `": rr�' :."'' r:. ',»,. '��' , ck:f I. ad shall l"Ither n-nect »:. a �* ,. 1n �+`��ry "'uum !', u, w »fire nds � ..., " ;.; and w:.:.a �wJ''u ti r la.: c,',�,.u'v�'r ur (4,267 ", II, Ir rlI I 1I"rr" ',' both � Itio, Any , lane » fire J �wu fir„ Ik»,,,"," und , ' my"� I a✓"",J, I ,u,I ,II w priov"ded u: r 1 r ,, of,50 a ha,vr'i,n,g 1w1" minimum r r wr," 'If „e,;, o or more interconnecting fire tan,es, are providedi,,, r , Jf"(',)r » that u , connectioll I Iry" �I I�� I I shall be required � 1"� r ,I be gyp,�� accord, ,"I��m "�p�, the o...1.1owm1g,', grees or greiater turns only. L For 90 de GI y�a � � ' 2 f �, o- l " -twww� au)ltl. u 1 fir., if ,„ I..... 30,,fo, 44"oot ,� as ,j urradi rNww»» , &! radius 2. For i ul » a than ' degrees: American Ass,ociafion of' S and M u �I.-::"r" Offitcl*,als �", ,„,�wrr�f „�,.. ,r~rrod,1-11,1gh.ways ,1, J, I I"„o„�Mk " Ya °,M design I �" I °'".DWI,"r.°i ww� M� �u�,,IawNSmo4 Str shall be utilized, Exce r Ied . a : access, IVertical r w r � " 'be r , � �� 'Y �L �: I� �I I,IJ la. y ftre ,gin I and ;I i I rl du all , w are,. s I r I rI '1 i"1 1 g shed vertlea ce when approved. aI 65 sections,5013.2,02 I. t as tneinded to read to MIu � F!"Te Code Off"Ic"al shall have ai a , , : +NI y • 03.2.2 e.I Author,lity., , tn Ord'iln, IINo.,39-11-6-22i,Page .................. ji 'the m,,inimtim access w i dtlis and vertlical, clearances,where they are 'nadequate for fire or rescue, o"Peratlions. 66* S'ect"ilon 5012.31 is amended to read as follows, 1503.2.3 Surface,,. Ft*re apparatllu,s aciciess roads shall be desil"'gneld and, maintained 'to support, imposeld loads, of 95,000 Lbs. fbr fire apparatus and shall b t,�. surfif,,Iced so as 'to prioviide a,lll- weather dn'ving capabiJities. AH fire, la,nes shall be construicted, to meet the III of Allen Engineen'*ng Standards. 67o Section 501,151tis amended to read as fol,lowsi, 1;..,,012.5,De ad ends., Dead end fire apparatus acce,Isis, t*o,tads aretiot pemiitted., An ap,proved Eire Diepartmc,tu veh"icle acciess turn-around shall be required. 68* Sectioti ,5033iis amended to read as,follows:, J, 1 5,031.3 Mark,I'ng,. S'tn*p,,,,i',ng, si'gns, or other"markiiqgis, when approvedby the F"re Code, Offic"al, shall be pro vided for fitre apparatus access roa,ds to "I'dent"Iffy such r(,)ads, or prohIN't the 0 0 4 obstruction therelof., Striping, signs, nd other marktingsi, slit"It, be mat`-,ntained a cleanand a legible. condi'li"on at all time*s and are, replaced or repatred when necessary to prov"de aidequate V I S I b 11*11"ty I Striping, Fire apparatus access roads, shall, be,, conti,nuiousl, marked by paiI. nted lines�y The of red tnaffic pal*,nit si't'xinches (6"') t,n ullltdt h t o show the bo un dari es ofthe lane, words "'NO P� ARKI NG, FIRE LANE or""FIRE LANE NO PAR,,`K1N`G"' shall, appe ar In f6ur"inch(4" white letters at 25 feet tintervials on the red blorder markiings allong bolith s ides of t1i,le fire lanesi. Where a curb 'i's ava,,,dable,, "the stripin,g shall be on, the vert"I"cial face,of the curb. S* 0 2. 11 US, St"gns shall re*,ad "'NO PARKING FIRE LA,N`E:.*; or, "FIRE 19 It t1l PARKING and shall be ','12' wide and 181" high. St"g,"ns, slia,11 be painted on a whI background,with letters atild borders "in red,Lising tiotlws,s thaan 21"lettering. Signs,shall, 1, ble pe,rmanendI I affixedtoa stati,oriary post and the bottoturof the si shall be s*x t�et, A I et 'heis (6`16") above fin"'shed grz,,,:We. Signs shallbe spaced, not more thctn fiftyf six 1,ncl (50) apIart, along both st"Jes of the fire, lane. Sigils may be, t installed on pemmiatwnt but" , or wallsor as approved by the firIe Chief 169. Section 50,31#41s, W,me"odedto read as foiflows: 503.41, Obstruction offitre applaratus access, roiads, Fire, apparatus access 'roaads shall not be obstructed 'in. any manner, includ,,t I n oI vehicles, whether, attended or unattenided, Ig the parking f I for any,pen"od of til"Me. P,ersons in charge ofia constructton projeclit,suich as,but niot limited to, a Gieneral CIPOTItraictor, arL,r spionslible to en surle t hat fire apparatus access, roads are ke pt clear oI vehl*c les,and other obstructions atall ti"mes and may,belssued a,c1lation for non-complt*antee 'tinder thtis sectton. e minlm,um wid1ths,and,clearances cstabshie"id 11'n Section,503.2.1 and any, 'k If, I I T' 'he areia miar ed as a, fire, lanea-s descr"bed 'n Sect'llon 5033 shall be n iaintal"ned atall t)"'Mesl Fire Chief and,P olice Chl"'ef, and theIr designated, me,.resentait t ves, are authortzed,to re,move lot, cause to be removed,any materileffl.. vehl"cle, or object obstnicfing afire apparatus accessroad at the ial expense,of the owner of such mater , vehl"'cli (1)r e f, object,,, 1 503.4.1, �'wu�"bstruction a nd Controli. "No lo,wner or Person in charge of any premises SIe,%'rv,ed by a fire lane or acce ss easement shall abandon,restrict,or close any fire lane or easement wi"Ithout 10 first sectin I,ng from the Ci:ty approval ofan amie nded pla,t or other acceptablie legal instrume n't showl fng the removal 1of the fi-,e lane. Ordinance No,. 3919-6-22, Plaige 30, w IS�� I devices. Speed, b G or other , i" Y " II� o`bstacles des'i"Igned slo,w,tbe speed of traffic and that have the ft',xlt of'slowing � wm the impeding responseI shall a c : a permi-it,, as " , I :' ' "in 105.7 f , *f : prior t o �m ,, ^ I ,.I Speed control devl*c ws „ be constructed out of concrete, Ie I nIW1W approved I »ler plastile, or I s I I a material. Section, 503.6 is, Iaisfollows., it,the ml St.curitty "�ates. IW�rvM�,, �I5,03.16 other dievlices rI"], 1 insu#,tflafion I e W o WG I I r personsshall coMply i,„ the Fire Mar, hal's I Office a , ,, l." aw wl Pollicy statement. ICI I n 504 is rrnded by adding ISection ,,,I!III I I � 4 to read I s fo,Itaws., .Iflre,Riser/Pump Room. Ac r f riser : m v l I and fi,r I pu,nip:rooms ," : .14 h,all be from f the exterl"'or of the bu*ld*n h I » „ t"br w' l, they, serve. e Intenl'or access s ,� I t pem"Ilued. Fire,, riser rooms, w and fir e PLIMp o G rr G, IG,, shall peratures 40-190"T, and,fire ptjm-p rooms "" "" I shall N,t fol h 'bi Y 'the firle Punip, ,also, maintall"n aidequate a'l*,r flow based on the r quirements se, rt ICI manu cturer. Secflion I 505.1 A identlificat'ilon. Newaind, n s bui,W4,tigs shall, 'b eProv"'ided with, i: w , m it I.address , e., a . " +. ' w address, P , i"dent"I", Y "» l' : f a be legible fi " Placed-tn " a positton that :ll reiet ad ',fronting 1"dentl'ficatl',uy. rw mll: le 'from the� thor s vl e propierty, Idress ,haracters" ;'; ; Ad , Contrast the"I"r .. , background. Adi ,, m shall be, Arabi',,c 1 I , t, I , letters. Numbers shall ,be spelledI ' Each character shall be ' less : 6 linches,(I 52A, thefire code 1 ;ry r, stroke w � (I 2.7mm), 1, nil official, I ". iY4'r»: ". I, ble provi''ded 'I. Y .,..' ,..:I approved, ».: I, locations to f"awilitatle ' "r � pn,vate „ I : �donot d'ately , ncy n � pl � r m � „ : o , W . m : I'Mme 1, fron't street,, : and/or ht,',ti,"Idiing II ,..ro '.in be :l W ,.,, from ., u.... public ,, ,.:.. a pole or ed way a nt, � � 4 r , ddriesses 4-"',n,,c,,h other rn ,,� „approved ro a (1,52.4 h1eight bwilditig 1.6 t e ' , ,o ,; I I u f a - I I, contra r " ; sting : G. the background (10 ! e build'ing r other approved mcians Shall beused to lidenllif�, the strvucture. Numerals or addresses, I I shall `inch.(762 poisteld I 20-'I*nch(508 I mm) backgrounid I i boridier. q w I _ � W;, � w, Address IGJ � ��, I'�I:IYW �i. be ,,.do � I W'" Ied. a ,on GO ,r „ Uvn u6w pn,,;wp� I ,I I '11, "" R-3 . e S'*nlglcFa,,m,*Iyo,,cc'tipalic"els . , ,.0 have ,..:I : ,.,..., of " , 4"'h,, " 5/8"'stro 1' and, , „ color o ' w a st'i with,, » .e backgrotind Iclearly, I , :s I I - the such alleyway and..lelgible from, street fronfing ,,... proper-ty »rear alleyway "i Ii 505.1.2 Multlifanufly Com,nW, I i t I e l I ., Street Address �W � a ml I nlimu,m of 121" ' ., ..th a 211 stroke. e Indlivi*dual buj"Idi n numbers w shall be a . o of" li 18"' h"'I*gh t, f 3"' stroke.�w >w w I in � WWWW "firN »� II+ „"VwMW... : �'�+Xly„ .HIdW,Ir )Y,f� ,1 »:, IY �„ I ,.... ,,w ".GN � ;rI �� „s (2) bu."i"Id,ling. .Apartment spread p W numbers,shall � be m I higli w, :I' f I e ,..I f : stroke and c ,, a 7"' I I ,:' , All spread,,numbers shall be II mlnlim'um » 4"hligh 5/8"" birush stro Ind,tvidual apartment � � G �,,, III I ^m I"ers rJ ;'Ie :... �:" ' rvll,,-, ,I "I" , Imo", II, w w: r ,, 5/8VYn 50 La,rge Office Warehouse ButU Address, a »,s Ie vi'siblei tlrom all a u ,e.' W directions. N'urnber shalt I , , mininiuni of 24"' 'i helight , Y 4"'r stroke. µ e Bui',,I1dinIgs, over, T feelt ton poin ; 10 r shall � � Y ! locations lif � than ro B � ible. I , numbers shall 1, ble »I q V,> ,� I S for mult i complexes and shall ,,. be I tocated o,.... " , I front j door and on the rear door, 6" ili, height with,a I"' brush strolke. Ordil"nanice I 391-9-6-L2,I 311 II �NNI 505.1.4 Shopping Centers, High Rilsel Buildings, and Other App,licaflons. A, minimum of 12"' h-ligh, numbuyo ers with a 2""' brush stroke shall, b "e Nrlst"ble from all, access, dl"rections. suite *7 numbers are required lo�ver the diolot-with,4""htgh nutlnbers w"th a5/8,"brush stroke. BuildinIgs 'ect from the street and 10,000 square f,,eet shall "nstall 18" nuuibe�rsi with a 3"' yond 1I 00 f stroke, 505.1.5 Marquee and Monument A,ddresses installedon a,marquee located nextto thestreet wIll require numblers 12" h1o, Igh w"th,a 2"'bnash st�ro ke"to bel locateda imum of 3 feet above graid,le. Marquee and-NIonumen't signsmust meet City of Allen Sign Oirdi'tiancte* ,'R,e,,lqut*rements. 73. SeCtIon, 5051is ameltided, by adding Section 5,05.31 tio read as foflows,# 505.3 is D*Irlectio�nal,,It,'".*qt,,i,,'I*ptnel,n,t ID Signage. DiTiect i'lo nal and equipmc,%-nt Iddent"I",fi cat ion stgnage may, be required, by the, code of'.T'icial and shal"If meet the requirements as set forth in �lthe Firel Marsh'al's Office wriitten pohicy statement as otallined the most curremt viersion of the Allen fl,"s, Offic e S*gn Book. Flire,Marsh,lio # c lioing sentenice althe end of the, sect*74. Set*0 506.1 is anlended by a d g din ,thef W w ton. All and, extisting occu pancies, except slinglie-family residences, shall provlide (a) lock box(es)as spectfied In the Fire Marsball's Office written policy statement. 75. Section 507A is amenlided to rielad asfollows., i IC i 507.14 Water i test dalte and linform atilion. water suppil'y test used f o,'r hydra,uh ca-liculation of" fire protection systenits shall. be cond''tteted in accordance w"I"th N'FP,A 291 M'' rk"ng of Hydrants"and withi, one year "Recomm iended Practice fori"tr Fl o w'I'lesting and -a i, rl III spri"nkler plan, submittict'Ll "he Fire, Code Offiticial shall be notified prior to the water supply 'test, Water siu pp ly tests, shall be w,,itnes,sedby the Fil"re Code Offictal, as, require.,d. The exact lio, ation of the static/r,' sildual hydrant and the t,"Ilow hydrian't shall be I*ndicatedl on 'the design, drawings. All firr protection plan submittais shall he accompianied by a hard iclopy of the waterflow testr pofl, or as approved by 'the Fire Code 10,ft."ic,tal. fIr I he report mustindicate the, dominatit 'water tank level at the time f lthe test and It'li, maximum and minimum, operating as well] or i'dentlify, appIl""clable water supply fludw-Ition. Tile ticelti.sed levels, ,of the tank, ton System I'hen des"gn the'fij,re protect* sflu,ctuafion *nformation,as contractor must t based on thl I per the appIlicable referenced'N'FPA standard. Reference S rrn 903.raw,.5 for additional desiign 0 requi,"rements. 76ection 5071..5.1 is amendtA to read as fol w ios w S , *l 507.5..'1 Whiere requwed. As propertiies develop, fire hydran ts sh all be Ilocated at all I istances between intiersect n t-,, ,1, 'I Ig streets#:itnd at II mamuni spiae'ling leatied 'n"I'able 507.5.1. D* hydrirtints shallhe meas,i."tred along the rotite thiat ftrehosce,, is lalid, by afitre veh'tele from hydrant 'to hydrant. f Ordinance No., 31919-6-22,Plage 32 TABLoE, 1*5,07.,15.3 MAXIMUM BET'WEEN'H'YDKkNj ",`TS i f"�i "f"If III II Vi 1 if N NIO IIWI II I IV ViII II III I I V 0 01�� PoB lUl�➢I WIV Il VV I.V UI UI I V"Vf IVI 11�.IV�W9VVVfI�N �I�VUVNIVII OIIIN(4N21�" V91VI7..1 1 UWIU!IN NNIDN�.NVNNN�NI.U!I>IUIWNNIDDIUIVI�IVW,V�VIUI!�IMu�IUIIVIIUV�I@I01. ..... IWUINNNNNN....... ..U�!!M9.!NN,WI:OMN�IUN6N➢,N1W.. Pori ... ............ ... ... NIODMHNWiJ?.�WIWVW!IIWDUIVNVNIVVWVUI�II.IWV!Ml.l.. ... )< UN1f�NN��If 1�f0�UN1NOI�V,�N�IU.,,,,,,�,�1� �I�N'�I�N1JUIN IN.V��N 16�ll�911fVINNN s ,ry�y arr,�UPANC , S`PR'1N`K1,,,,.E' RED wI oNDf NOT SPRINKLERED �,,,ern � nw I I EI 500 et Res l '' I�INNWUNINUI9UIU�NNOf. .... ..... :INIIpIOW to wIW1�NUVwow�W4�fm1?�Mu�IIUN� NVWN'Htltl�tll�tlIUN1NV9NUNI�JIWONNN I f....:: ��_:.... :.:IVW9�IVIW N 600 � � r rv'wp6 ^� >nf," ' f I & 4,21 cet fI Res l I.i I Il I I I I 1 u l 0 VDIVV Of IWQNVVVtlOf.UJ ...IVIVVI II fVVNIIW:�:Mtl�l NIUVNII VVN OUJI.VVWOIV UVIUVIUINI ��.tluUIIVVIIV ,ilI I o IIN I ii ii� ilii Iu I II' �m 1,.N� W.uul NNNN�pw,tlPolU VIJ� lN1,Wlll„V�,i N1 ��utiVuo�Ml�uoWN NuNNIU��I��u �f�i1N��ViViI�o�IN�uV'�!w!P�4NNGN�d^..N!N�uiwVmVMNllUNu�lw,�'V.��W�WIfV1W04PIPtlfGu9W�W�V�UW9Vll._. �f�'�gVYMi hU I' I i f�,j�o � Ir. U� 40() P 3kg l f ,I WII IIVVu ,. IR'NVV'WN 1NIVI IIII4'>I'W'IDIVWVIDNNOIOIUNIB'MIOU✓IOb'IWVMWIW� IVP'Nn WNNNpN�ff?II�fWNWN7,WMV IIf7 W: ON :,IOIIMOfVIVNf010UN'R�NO'M:: ..IMNOW'�INMINION�GI'UWPOWMllW�WV410V( �WWUIU III'A'14N,�VW[W�WWUPPo�INUINNIWIMU�MIMO. .: WWWMI,VIVIM 1WJ!1�W,W'4U'W OJ 1H... ..., ,.....U ther ' 't II 1' eery. ; ll 3100 ,I :ul IAA. m': r I ""'Iet r r I r I r i I �i it I I i r r I rl.o o r�i"�ri UPI ru o I II o ION rt o u I.o o i 0000Nowo omolo o INm ooio 0 ooutiu6V I o I o uuuuuuuuowwu�uu�w�wuimuouo�uuuruoriuioil�!Nil I IVfuuoi�!mw.wau�INuuilw?mf�Im�iNVuloivi';wwwa�wr�4u:�;' oi�JNMoo�wuaNu!unov�J¢,u�;w�ulluiaa�,wM'!�IVumllw�w�uw'. iil�VVu�IIwiI�u�MNupuuuuu!�i�umlmilVbp�liiuww,wuw:w�uu�anwuw�aPUuu��wumwlml!hl�l�!u! NONWUN'�.NVfPJ'A'INIMNOIW,7�9fN90�1f010fPN'Ii1N�,VVwN11NW^VNNNN'N�RNPoIIJ.NNNOINNW➢NNN�,U41@N9VV,WN 1✓P1NP.NfM91�N'IONIIMONfON�uNVIWllVIIUIIW9NML�IM�dINNVNPNNNII�f0.0171PVUN^wW1VUN�oVI!WWPAWIiy NIN.01N0@POII�UIpU IVpVWaIVLNVfOfUI1 W10VIVVI.I.I.I.I1Nl UIl U UNIVI I.I.IVU IJUI There sh all;. be ,Itlg..r i um ✓ ,o(2) fire hydrants s ,E+',N„ ✓ each pr c ... � !N., the prescn'beld alongdistance hist,edin Table 507.5.1 1, Protlectied,Properties. Flire Hydrants,sha,11 be 11"nstalled for fire latlies wl,'Iffi spac ing as r quired 1, In o a �r i,i n hydratits : r o✓I �: J o:: prow"ide street insitallations, qijecffie r i'n 507.5. m'I wl .,., :: ';1M:;. cr: supplemental �r�l, n, ,....ra ..rc water ..Ir✓...✓ ��,..., ,.. ,...,f,(,)r , » ,�, i .i0cflirt*. protecti"on systems. , r:.. within I ... 10(,Yfeet -1 Shall `, be ; I I Hire f),epartment connectlion (FDQ fo,r sy'stem.5.11. $1 77. Section 507.15.114 is amended toread, as ft4tows; EMI, fire ,.. ��. �reI�..,5,,,,, � icfl()n,. Unobstructed access '�' ,r li N� hydr � Ih.. be r, NY r 1 all, ' : I e s. , at Posts, anid, other or kept or4+ 10nts, Fire ,,ment Ia;noi" connections protection control # 10 valves iin a manner :t would prevent paMl� 1nt or i,. 1 Sim: r ��: :.: r: : a u+ firehydrants froni being u „I ..:. 1, disce'rtflible. , � � ,:..t ie n, io"" , be deterred or hindered, gatning I ir t0 access to fire protection equipnijent or fire hydriants. 78* S,ection n�, 507.5 amended Sections 5,07.5.7 'through 507.15.`16 to read as foflowsi.* Firie Hydrant Ty, p,e. All hydrants shail be of the three-way, type with National S,tandard threads,AWWAbreakawayconstruction,�r ni,nimium 5!41,'11 valve opening and shall ciomply wlith i"I the C fl a ,i.e hydrant shall have a4"" large latest specificiation -502, Jr2 ion wah two 2!/�,"&ide c j c s and,Sibiall 'be plaiced, on water awle mains of no less, Orian Inchies(16")tn size. Fire hydrants shall be Mueller "C approved IMM Ail new hydrants shiall come ftom,t o , . r N., with,a ✓ silver : powder,coated and 'botiinet. Once installed e 1 ..a ll be "Ith pai"n'tedi'ti accordance li Sectil'on 507.5.16. Valves., mo placed Iall � ale hydrants d . ✓ �,IVialves v'J�,1, Y��,r', �,+ 1, teadsi. Breakaway gip, I � 1sI� � I : ..... IFire ;; ,,^- �,m,�, M' r ,.roy. ,,,vinI,. I -rm bre'j'a,kraway , aiv „-. Yi.:.'.r1 ,� � " �urwNl�. Im, I �' ; w� , " Imolt. t_ � :I w ✓ I,, a three,(3) inches, a no, ; t ,. t hanfive (5) in above t o igra, de surface. 51,017.5.10 C'ur'b 1,,.ittei. . Fire hydrants shall be located I i i u :..iof two ;o(2) 'feet and a maxIMUM of si(6)f&et behinid ,a u r nw" .,: :.. line., No .,,i e ,hydrant shall be placed ^'dk �M i'n,a, the ,: g: radius of fire lanes. 5,07.5.11 ICIf'ioning. All fire liydra.trits shall beinstalled � 'Ire �' a fi7iice the fire latjieor street. I I re 507.5.12 1 Access Obstructilion. Fire hydrants, d placed l: i r , re ' or -access, r i dr-ives, ..���m parking lots, re be pliacied n,. o;w that �. rl the ,: -: �,.� , A. al MM i:. �ii f the intersectton, Yn access dnivi(,,:� will o1ccur 1when the hydrant is in use. Ordlinallce, 3.91 9,4w22, 33 Pri'vate Propert .„ hydrants located r pr* 507.5.1.3 : Y"" . , v property a D,r u„ ,rrmpu,.s, e o the I Fire Department IL Mes. All fir hydrants placed,on,pr propeny shall a ely protected b � . . w stops,, concrete dv posts o other I ;', a methods, , ' o a ,. be 't e o "� S ity of landowner,on 1 which the wew fire hydrant installed. .507.5.14,Location t o Bulild'ing. Fire hy M,.. not be , a closer l sor than F I 0 r to a building i,ng+ or height of buiild* 10" 507.5.15 Ident"ifica, IImIv< � IVV � I�-Duirva o approved I . ,I�,::. ,.,,I .: :: ;-a. ,..: w, ,. '�,a:. ! � "v', ,: ,Nr � ea :'Iv vn;.... h„Y '."n. 11"he,+ An Vve '. „ o..:. b1ti;e, II,,.. Gnu, �; iM. r,.:: .. ,..,..«;� 'm shall,rl ',; be ,. n+,v� : ,...o �..'., m� r each ," ,�::.��,M°, ul�:�u;,Iruo ,. :I :. ,,:. /mlu��, ,. r � o,�� , � WI ,, I :. frire ohydrant Ile { I ID affixed ,, r I I the � access lane fire hydrants. opposite 55,07.5.16 F"ire, »,"'>� ,RCNr, „u „I ` I- '' to ,which uIrached I,, 4Table 5,07.5.16)1. - ,, '�%,�I '/..,; r� the III�'Yhydrantabovie sh,all ble paln ted, is,illv er. und, TAB14 Hai 50 .5*16 IwlVuouou a VI ooulullollVuouoVl V u to lululm boll 11 I ruulmuol IUIIVUVIIm a IlVouoIIIV IIIIVOIII mV l I Vullu uoulwl mloll o l �Iolvi�V�wuwVaVlol�iulmuw �mNorURo[mamVo a�u�re�u��wwoviloivJV o.�ItuVyw,wuawlVewll.lul IrD�ulw�IVmunmullulua�Vl�ullv�!wlwmullo�mu.ofluVwr�Vlunlulirw.u!uulVmouVlo�mlt�I�V�I uwio.V>l VI�I Id!<ul��IuiVl uu M A-1 N SIZE C101,OR I I Vu71 ulVl III I V I II IVII wVllf ".4 VI U f u<�u.....N1D1D7 :f I� WPI f II � IVO I V 111f �1P1 NVD 1V9 UNN I.lu..... VNPff4'uWJf�l!uVIWV�,WI'�1!V�VV',IN>IWON!9.➢ �V�9�VVMW :.... �IW'Wf�IIV01f �u!��!�f�Vd4 V�p�N fDWNNNNI�N10�P11!ININVN.M9NV�1lI..PNti�1N i�lf '�1�N .. .N!11G�NPNDIi!VI'�I�i... ..... ��!19N��NNUNN�I��P[9NN�l�D ...1W��.......��P�l �l�ri�l)1 « SIRver �...... i�UNVNW��IM0080VI�II�IIfMVII�UION(N9W WO�UWINfWIIIIIIUVVVVVIWINWM�pUIUIUIUIUIIf tBluc "10 or,greater Yellow !m�,uu>w�w wlw�u iiwiol ,oivalltl. �. �uilm LWMMMMa � 79#1 Sect",ion 509.1, is, a n adding Sefetion 509.1.2 I read, I fotlows, 1*1 . 509.1.2 IStign Requ-tirt.,ments.,, t,J'n1ess I :e v , ry ' , I e s apply, let-ter"ifng f,"'brsigns miim�« mr StkIction ,uw, m«, �: ,requiried by i , y, � riII r , e" D Ida' eI. II '°;"�!k Irr ii-nehes bu,,flding, a: w (4) .. „'a o,""t i r or approved , I 0471"icial. The 1,"etters,,shall be of a colorthat cont,,rasts wilth the backgrou:nd. 80o, is I I,.. I( by adding I read us foilowso Stcfion 509.2Se,%iction 5,09.2.1 I oI, 509.2.1 Outsid . le, , dtisconirtect. When . e p t" ,dfisconnects are n . t ... , '. .. r I r. "r of a btiilditig,or a .. approved vo: « electrical I , , &r , 'room o ,q ' II IN ..: the .. main ai powler .. diiscio nnect d { : i access, Iv I " d switch I# : '; approved . I means r �.., e„,.all n disconnect m.. „ , ur,..r, II locatio,,n a w ,: ,,. Ir„.. ; y:.. .: ,I, , ,..,in � ,: a.,. �. Ire...�i ,I .Ir .. ,r�rlv'"c Id.. ,.,,., avri -r..,, wI ,I � i � � III w, « Ir«+.. ..� :.:,. ll be .. u'u...,I..... W� ,�..:..w«� � uwr,,�4 I��p� Knox EPIO, switches Mm ��: W>I «�'Nw„ may be% 'I z ,=.,, 81,0 Se''Iction 605.4 is 605.,4 Fuel olil �� o rage s � o s Fuel, ol"], storiage sys shall al 'beinstalled , aintall"ne d «w'I I e n : g :wit I this i code. 4"anks tanid,f e a « u � tng� systems N :" j n.....l wI m in J ' c with Chapter 13, ofthie Intemational Mechanical Code and Chapter 57. 82. Sections 605.4.1605.4.2 are n d e I t read I ", I s 605.4.1 Fuel, wlif storage d 1 a t",,i - w.I r a. 'Iv P r IIN 9,,l o. : I I a, Where ..connected : e w o �fuel-oil M , a � �� , I, ' Y � . WW �1 o a , «» , M r above d v ground Wv"t r t ad"dillional, protec l be 1660 gal (2498 L / , t',"uel o 1a' above g o , r in, .. qa, n c I 1 'i y 6,60 gallons, (24918 shall, 1, M , with.NFPI a d Chapter 57. 605.4.1.1 Approval. Outdoor ft w I ry g tanks, he* .accordance " : 142 ndaxy , UIN01 2,085, und r hsted as d0lible ,.. rr66 i containment �l umr ivl" J tanks. I u m 605.,4.2 Fuel gy �qf y r eI inside buildings. Fuel ol""I storage s i* r u,w d i ; v shall. a ,r;....:,,�,� rav',, ". and wI'm,�l th Stictions 605.4.12 through 1605.4.2.8 Chal r 57'.,: 61015.4.2.1 Approval.' Indoor ,t`uel olil st I a r :..tanks shall be : P «o a i Y:...' U'L,80,,, 1A .1,42, or, UL 2085* 60, `: Ir I �W,� I I" I : I � �'!, ICIass ,I�; � u 1 Ii W I timlits." One "., ;. �Ili f tanks�.i :ii 'I i,i...�. ,.,�,"„il...", 111 lge c..u^ 1,11ul"d "�."1 '.. periiiitted build'I"Ag. � ':a „....r«a I..,in`+; ".:.: ,. ya, ty, ,a,,: a N : ..".,. b,„,r. : ,.,.;. .. The -...d a anal.: i o...,r, a" � ,N�w.' 1 lia,11 the f'ollowing'," exce 1. I� 660 gallons (2498 : :. II ,�,,;� ,-: ,,. �I,� ,��,s r '� "�r,'d ..�o"a I�'n :im,I' �;o nmlh,�. I in, ,I � ' build',tings', r o ��I �.,, `, UL 80, UL1142 or t3l.,2085 Class, 1adouble ICI wall/secondary, m" am 7#W«,„>c,a:;, ;' Ir Itank-,filor Class '11 tiquids; a1,,320 gg'allons, (49916 1.) "in, b ' equipped w- , r « automatic p e system be 1* # accord-ance wi*th Section 903J. I stored e" i'n a tank, ' . , "with I-J., ' or UL 21085 as a double-wa,11 secondary containment tank-,and i*n Iyi',,,,n,g with, 1 31000gallons J . 356 L 4 where W :W: pro,teic,te,dlc.,i,l..,,),,(,,,,,)ve,-gro"Ltnd,tanks ,kif mo UL 2085 Sectioti 5704.2.9.7 and,,the m„, is Protected by automatic r"A w:1 ''-.,. � 4a✓/�- 903. ;,Ira00 e,,Ate Iecordance t"4 O�mimc,1io,,, *L System I o¢oil I J 8 *2*2 ecfion, 7.5 is, amuenided to read as,folliowso 807.5.2.2 Artwork in Corridors. Anwork and teach,ingrnatertals shall be limi"tedon the walls inn corri'dors to ,nitore than 20 p r . m . r of wall a " a I c° . Such ,m ,ti ii l shall n ',.:I I fP«conti"nuous .from floor to e i � ; or„, ,11 to wall. Curtains, dr,ap,,,,e,%,nes, ' harigtqgs, and othet decorative materl1 I I ffiom . : 1 ralls or « ; fi w b meet , c propagation � r cri of 'in o�m a. N"IPA, fvN.. '�lu� P�"�Vr �„i "'�'I'I�,� i" �� " �," ,Ir� :.., m P �Exclephilon* Corridiors protected by a approved ' n a ✓ w I � a : � stem, s; installed av " 0 accordance c r a c t Section, 903.3.1.-1 shall, a ,be, 11mited to 50 percent of Y . wall l area, 84* Section, 807,.5*2*3 'is amended to read as follows, 8,07.5.23Classrooms. I I, "I, i' I°� I ,; tenals shallbe fii,mited vela walls ,f c.I N ! s to not, 4. , than a 50percent o : thiespecific wall I 0 : which-they axr attached. Curtains, draperies, wall a hangings 1 and other t e" deconafive a t , S si m m d from walls, .a or , ' I..1 I shall ..' i, meet l flame propagattion 'rov w: ,. "! '.. :i,, «'°,..��''I, �",',.. '� ,:"�#! 1i..; ,m701 r a , Si,ection 85* Section 8107.5*5.2I j,: t1ows. I "� � t r 1 fo 0 # �.. Iq�„ Sectlion807.5.5.2 ArtNvork i c{ . Artwork 6 a materials " dllb timilted : I, ,tille "I ., ; s to 1ot v a e than , 20 percent of 1° a l area,. a 'Such a t, a i de I shall a , : "be from floor ns, drapen"es, wall hangings, continuous, rtal'� a "� � III priopagat" sus ended ioni the,, walls or : va v " "",I Ie V a ,i,(,,)ns,gs I fperformancie criteria I of ; 7101, in I c i I I c with, Sect"I"on 807 o be noncombustible.. 86. Section 807.5.5.3i's to n1 r ray, follow'sil, Ordinance,,"No. HIVIp Sect'lion, 807.5.153 Arltwork 1i,U clasissroonisis. A,rtwork and i ;' miatertials sihall b,e i i",ed oin ,vv a,IN of cliassirooms to,, not moire ttian 50 percent of the speel"Ific wall area to which they ar, at,tached. Curtains,driaperies,wall hatlgingsi,andother decorative maten,al suspiended from the of Ni "J"PA 701 w a ils or icel in gs shall meet 'the fla,n�i,e propagatilon perft),,nnance cr*ter 41 accordance wlilh Section 8,1071 or be noncotnbus'tiiblegip. 87# Siectioin 901.61.1-its amended by addling ctton 901.6.1.1, to,read as follows, 901,06#1101 S i. �N ie Tiesting. B ", ing ownersl/m,naniagers tntist maintain and test standpipe syistem,s as,per NFPA 25 reqUirenien-ts. "'it""'he f How'ing additi"onal requirements shall be applied, 'to thetestil"ng thatt's required,every 5 yearsi-, 1. ,h),,le,�p,,ipin,,Ig'b,,,etween the Fire Depar tment Connection(F D C)and the standpipe shall be hydrostatically tested for all, F DC's on any typ,,,e of' stanidpipe, systen"i. Hydrostatic test.ing, Shall also be conducted in accordtance withre*iquiremelits for 'tile H diiff rent t, pres of standpipe syste"IM's. M 21# For anyr mantial, (&7y or wet) standpipe system not havung an autiolmatic wiater, supply 0, caplable of fi I „ » wlalter through the stand i the tester shiall connect hose from a P'I PC*0 firle h,ydrant, or porta"ble pt'imping system, (as approvied b�y th,e Firie Code Oftici a 'to eiach FDC,and flow wate'r through the,standpipe system to"the ),,,of otaletto vjen*t'�that lea,ch "'Inlet con,,,tiectl* t�'�u,i,ictl*ol,ns pr(,))pierly. Confirm thatthere are no openhose valves #1 # prtortoi introduc" terinto adry standplipe. There 'i's no pressure critena required, Ig wa at the otitlet. V erlif�, that ch,,iL*lc,,k "�,j�,alv,es ,funct"ton proliperly and,, that therie are no, closed control valve s oti,t he systern. 3. Any,priessure rieliet*I reducing, or, ono valves shall be tested in accordance with the re I,of NFPI,,A,25. Allhose vir"I'lvels shall be exierciseld. 4. 1fthc,FDC is not already,provided,with approved caps,the contractor shall linstall such caps f6ir all H.',)C'.s,, as requl"red b , the F"re Cl(,),d,,e Official. �y 5*1 Upion successsiful completio,n o�f standpipe test, place a blu,e tag, (ra , per "Texas m,,,"I,n"'I"st,r,alt,ll"ve Code"),, Fire Spn*nklier R,ules fo.,r Itiv wu�,pectIl'on, Test and Maintenance ServiCe(1`1M)Tag)at the bottom of ealch, standpip ri,,,st,-,*,,r 'in theldiitig. 'The ta�,';shall, be check-markeld as"Fi"Tth Year" for Type of ITM,and the note on'theback of thie tag i sli, icidl r, ad"5 Year Standpipe Test"'" ,at amii,nimum. ,, C , 6. T � proceduries required y 'the Flexas Admin,11', trativie Code Fire Sprinkler Rules th regard to Yellow Tags and Red ags or any det"Itcliliencics noted, idu,rl*,n,g the testing', d niot'"ficati"on, of the local Authority Having Jurrisdiettilon (Fire lti,clud*ng the require I Coide Of" cial),shallbe�,Fol towed, 7. A,ddlt,l*.onal,ly,,, ,,r'tA,,cords of the te"Stl`ng shallbi.3 ma,tntainled,by thei owner"and contractor If"' appili"cable, as dby the State Rtiles mentlioned above and NFPA 25,1 8. Standpipiesystet"n,tests where"�Nratierwill be flowed extemai to the,buildiing shal.,l not be 41 or, 'to expe, cionducted dur-Ing t",reezing dlitions or duringthe day, pn* c ted 'n ig ht t I me r I e� g c o n d i tion n s. 9'. Contact 'the Fire Code Of"ficil"'al, t V or requiests to remilove ex"isting fire,hosiefrom Glass 11 0, and III standpiple sysitetn,s where employees, are "not trailined in the ut'i"I'tization of this firefi, ng equipm-c,,%,ti,t,. "Mi ghti All staridpipe hose vialves tintist remia,"in in place and be Ordinance No.3919-61-L2,Page 36 fl� INW: en to remove ` hosi '( �Ire�w�r ��ap and aln foi i.::rev II�Ie e, by approved , a 0 Provilded wl Fire Code Officlati., Section is k%etion read 881w, amiended by I" 9,01,.6.4 I r err r ., ` s,# 901,.,6.4 False, AIarms I Nuisance Alarms. Fa a a o, s and, w ,I �, „ Ia � shall, » , given, signaled a, a , s e caused a , or,pt,,;%rmitted to be r : signaled nale o , t e : any manner., 8"19* Section 901.7 is amended,to read as follolwsi, 901.7 Systents,O' Service. r I Where � ; m: fire protectioll system, e I , service ; , ,'Ithe 1 I e t o I excessi"ve number ue act ivalions, the fir depa.nment andthe I'tr code j c a shall be noti"fi, d ,,immedtatiely and, where requ"ire r bythe firIe ciodle, (,')ffitcliat theshall, t , e , ' c > t P N , A , r v I/ v, watch sh wc A ',: 'be ' provided fo, , alloccupants cn s left 'un h , rotected by t e shut `-I. down u m, ,i ;` fire protecti',,onsystem, IiIias been returned I' service. Y' ,er w i (rt'.�tnai,'n,ing I luu,�of. , 0 1940 Stxtion 903.1A is amended, to,read asfoflows: It 903.4.1 Alternative protection, Altemaltive n , a i fire-extingutshing, systienis complying w,ith Sicictioti, 904 shall, ble, perniitted Aw in r wSprinkler �recognIzed by,the h I by the F11"re Colde earl, �r a provided, standard, or as c,'lat. 1191 Section 903.1 Sr, amended adding Stictlion 9,03.1.2 ro,read s E,i » » w Ikv,''' 903,.',1,.' thik code Res"dent"al ,.. ,,� „, m „ ,x, raal ...ial ::r.,mrai .,: I lum Vn.. Intemaltional 2 lly 1 ,"!ode, l s'j? -nkler �. J� o �„ I� I Am ar -:. ,V,:.,, '°s "nstalled 'tO:accordance Ilo,I " If✓", °'a> NYPA NFPA 0 B u I, � 13D I � ', ,......r ,. �.ua w'. rm r r rn�� ui. c. Iv. r. r.,II. >»ma I:, ,.... I.I „" r,s; �m: I �"rd Ism »;w "� "" *�w(_ IIc 3R,.�,,. , .. u,. ,a. ....I ruw , ✓, �V m..... purli,,ose -....,: !�I, ¢,. o IIV/.:, ,�"... � �,» 6,, ,.,,,� .I „',,.,,,� :.n ^ ':.: � referred ww I^� I N,. as " I. II , pertni4ted other requirements ,. , " I A of s :code. ,d : .. residential, In s , ,a sprinkler 1" ordance s s ,,..,I. +.led ,:.. f 'I 6. N`FTA,. 13R , :, :, I'ws. bre-ezeways, pati"O's. I P ✓ ,.... I° w ro I ns Garage areas S also M covered, e I M d s � mP NFPA 13,D, and NFPA I 3R. If an I a hvi"ng ' and structure I i,,, :.% includes any, slecondary rva I � � n a,NFPA � it ao Iumzeid a,�, a » o , �^ I Fqy , a: v119 Urt Y� I ml � "� ^my I �� f 4;;�� �wA : I ao" U�r: II I:. I r I be " ,, r "I I I Except»ion,# Group,I 3 attached aNa garages, need w be sp , , ^ I » _ m 1, sta-led w*thin I "if dry sprinkler , ai y 1 I ,a f et (1,524 mm)of"the door;opening between'the garag,e atild anached, I �"� Res"dend ,,; ' f"ire sprinkler r", I I "I I I rs �hall, I I` heated 'in the garage. Exceptloft* Ot,hier 'riser location as rovied by, the Aflen Fire Departinnent Pr, vetition a', Dii v I i o n a 92* r. S,ectlion 19012 is amendied to �U I I I follow'si, �pl 9031.2 �yls �, I�, ri �, � i WherIe required. . r ,I „ � y�, ^� ,,. '� ''in I°�ym -I ,I.. ,+�' I :. ''�'b I ..��o;'I"� a „ ,. I , I,�IW, 'I »�41,iprovied ,. I'NNa,,.., M.... �r,.»�„m.,: �I....,I +Ww,,, 'fir.;.;I I.I �wr.. �D a Ism c shall y : i * a p . locafilons descr!"bed in Se 903.2.1 through 9031.2.12. Automall' , I t rooms, elevator e aa I machine ^ spaces, 'n andSpr`nkliers I : * II „" „ � , mach* elevator hoi'stways. r I , � allowed 1, "I the ele r ,I machine ,'` , shall a ', ble prov"ided, ,: the :'.... entry, ,.. „ , doors, to - r«I.. v, ', a„ w room indicating „,a,dW' a "ELEVX,r0,R ,�»H� :,. ,tea. NO STORAGE I� �� ai ,r �,.,, IWY „ ALLOWED 9 NNI �,I Iw Section ffirther amended deleting h 'para,graph o : "Exception. v wr : i6,,, : I Nio, 94,* Section Ill _ ,read 9013.2.4.21 I r I i ,,,. I fo"llows, 90,3,1,41 M; I�Ia � I,rIII 4wi Group dist"I'lled, Im,,, Y�I.,, ti auto, �";< system ,�w„I.,. area I!I -I fi,re „ter dlist�illed � � I� � ! awl „I,� sefor I e mianufaicturie �r I v , I r ;� P11 o III a gallons of m i':: e a e i;!m I r m m alcohol) Ic : .. e area V , w I W- '.19 P is ;..i read t wm and: foltows,oj tlr,* Section .". amend� 3 : ,w d by rwrm Section I' u . lne# 903.2.9.3 Group S1,4, d'sittilicn�11d d ' l , Ain, I I x ed throu ighout a Group S-I fir�lle area ` rall rir the bulk storage of " I � spitrit rovi Y. dist'i'lled, s orwtti,e ue fo,MMI 4WI Nh e, e a,1611 1 v , " in the Ftre area .Involving :. moire , 1,20 gations I y .m m.i " any, lonie"time. I 961t, Section I 9031.21.9, is atV, I by M w Sectlion 91, 'read i ...'f " s 1: 903.2.9.5 Self,,sfwrvice storage factififty. An au o t� sprinkler : system s shall aI ble installed, . ',.. :.'yl. ,gal m rCiM... ,I I: .V,rµ��Storage w M°loea. m,l rc:�, e, i. I .:q. Y„ I:,,. , I Vre .� '.,. :oiw ,i m ::,p .. laa,I tit p rn vr»�I r':I ,nli+mlk !, : , ,o Ilri�., A wwYw,a>bA ✓v1; Iw,v IPuw ,; ::n" : �,� � �Mra :: r ''. Vl�imr�'W I„ ' ,.�'j. I D" ' l��iv I� A�ry ;. ';.. shall'�Mw'I I: be ,. 'INN,. ,, .,.: � �w''..., I .. rr :.. (18"'). I, I `" bielow uz' level ,... stora, , Iexm.::rnr:. l ,, : Mv�',.: the ry=. ,19M !r heads W�w.c .Ilk above that',,+M '..: level,. Thi's RMi J...IY r . * : , .�shall be amesh of rt lesisthan one(1) *nch not greater a s*x(6 J"h", screen, , and, : "M s h. ✓ „ s shall ": be i"nstalle(I ,tum n. that elements , le are at.least e " v l. ,, ""') ' "^,� I,,,�,�'�beillow III sprinkler """� I'l "� '"„' head. ny "tl 97* Sevtl*on 9012.11.3t*s I tneI I t :. v, read, s follows,* .... Bfulddings 1l'w.. ,I 35, feet more hiet'ght. „ Imp^ n ,�':.'mow I, Iw s ,...; ;.......!, , system shall be installed c iHu N w.0 , ..u"Id' S � flolor level, , ,' I. � pen'thouses',; � ^fiance I,.I, , f r ut Section 1510, of ,, r �, r r : But"'Iding Cod located 35 fcxt (101,6 or r o a I I I 0 the, ✓ lowlest levelof"l Fire De l, It rI access,. Excephotrio, IOplen parktinig structures, r c ! " e „: I w W ..,, , Section 406.51 of t , Intlemattional IG Buildi`ng Ciolde. i 98* P � 116 m� I "I1 Slettlions I:„V � I �I �kNll Il Ml a I 9012. it r q 903.2.11.8, r nd 91,013.2.1,Ii�IN, M o read as f6flolwrsio: , jl 9012*11.71 1 * w r Ciombusfiblei Sitioraligit For N btit',dtng with. � a clear he"', ht (4,572 !�';'�&,' `gib�I m see �' „°,„.. '.�" ✓ determ those, I rv,owrlproivistonsm), .". a", :.,' +wwtl i' , 'Inc k �M Nr I TV G 903.2.11.8, Booths and Roloms. New and I ...... , �qt.^, r,� spray, -,,.I y booths,�and, spraying... �I �i u Spray I l I,. r' ,, be protected by an approved r,�I.'I � Iautomatic , a i fifre-ext"t'tlg�'U,'I�,s � h I M 1 System, G l 903.1.11.9 Buidd,lings Olver 6,000 I:^u, ., a v , : :.,.m I" i; eI „y a, shall bleinstalled, r r g r , l buildings with m„ M building area I ,I o 000 square I f 1"or the m purpose. o. , i For, th'i's area separat� provis'lon, fire walls shall;., not define btu"'Jiligs. Section measurement shall ^ l bebased o n . ; dimetisions, I of o r: , :a lr w x v r of , shafts, courts, ': , : deduct"i"on 1"o, corridors, v , i..... Iw... II:. r^ J' +. t1l"I'lethickaiess m 'v ttires. floor area r I I ; .colunitis,or . rv�, "The r,r,rtl� abutildi u I, nig, or portlon'ther ot� Ided with, ,,, not prov I - Projection of w I' Iww w extenor walls ws w , I ble the m r area Ir; r the hor1z(1'()r111tt1 fl » , , . above. I. upper-level ri , w , I I.j type I r e M the M b,I�I. w heilightis liess,t five, shallfeet (5'0") shall be be considered. Unfit i w hed a . . ftiamied toplemmil'itfut,"ure, . p floI' thle m u ed rt J N. " w �::.. , '.� ,. �H� 'irmuwI,.... rol,-:..:.. '.. pr, nINbwc,..w�km. dest"gried, ,. support fliolor �i 'au., ':,. 'be f,"o, Aail. ,I MI,ImrIiturie area. un i d Ord"in,aUce' No.,3919,4,22 EJ .xceph*on,,.* Open parking garages tn, compliance wfth Section 406.5 of" the Intemational BuildIng Colide, �W 90131.1,14.9.1 Modificaltions, repairs"', i s4N„ �li w.o ns to ""i ,sw,t"ing b'uitdings. An. aiitomatic u ww.' n ,., :.iw. system cable and "I,w ,:., installed throughout i'n accordance 1311, ,. wmW;w ,,,w,: or �r IIappt . !� � i existing ua w,� buiJd,,in gs i %� n all iletit: Imo; i En'larged to ,�����o ''Aka' iw �N''^w, "�I,;'o'Nf ���n" rd� I ;'�,��i�,;i� 6,000 ', 2. The bulld-Ing has, mcrea,vsed,; Ive rem 3 Yod lo,f d flteir'Marich 1,1, ru"Id" ovier any perl � �, n r,;,�.. r2l�l.y,��,„I Its ,�� ia4 floor, area re:. ,o�:+i ", w i... IuHild" :..beco � ," ,°;:, ,.. m. ,.., �:a ,... 6 . ,0 c i greater f. or sqttiar a r ,t i. 4. Fifly ,r�'i :, ` isa: m:,� ��' :e''�Wi r" « due (50) ,f a,; , , fire rI ; or maI,�,,, m I removal of iing fire ratied asset:nblliels damage ,„,; structural fAilure, when w� s r; resultm an ori, Jbilais*c aillowable area" lor gtna I lo,,,incewthth"sCod,,eloroth,,erprovi'stj,,lon,s,o,fA,,rt,",Icl',e 51 Required,tol ble,proltectedin alecorda I I III of'the ALDC. 40 99*1 Section 19031. is amended ,follows.1 90 ., Exempt locat'lions'. When approved,b, the Fire C(Ae i" is ,i Offi «:, 1, 'rsl s „ o be requiredil the e c 'where s a (textunchangled) becauselit 0 "is damp,of fire istance-rale*d „ construction,,or, s L A,i,,iy room,where the application,of water, orl flw,,ne and,ellectn"cal equiipment. tier,,,constitutes a senious,life or fit ,liazard,"- 2. l �1 �Io space where sprinklers are i I ..ii w : . : s. a I 'because of the nature of'the I Code Officlitat; ,when approved by the Generator ,. e .n� "";off ;, ��. e ,: u� rvw „ r i ,,� „ ., ,�,�� '",�I�, �I awl � I 1 IofII a pu,b] selpq ",�I ftonither ,mder,of. i, bu,"i"'Iding by w+'wlls ;.i, floor/ceiling ,. roof/ceding a w � i I i�� having afire-resistance � �rating f not less a I hours;, an I 4 Efevatior machine I ery spaces,and hoistways I other than a p1ts � where �" I n" u s, r , l e would,not � I �, t requirements� � per circumstances. ,P 1100. Sect-lon,1903.3.1*2 is amended to read as,follows, 90,3,3*1.2 NVPA 13R sp,ri'nklier syste'nis., Autoniatic Spifinkler systems 'in Group R f � accordance amp � ., where ,�� I yaw � )'"nr , Ie a„A� ,r!l Permittedt�ruu� ,uui,.s ,,, i ;,, uI " I� 'mo .. �d'�.i �; �I� . N�o.r r, meets all of'the foll L Flour stories or liess above grade plane, 2. T'he flolor lev of the :" hest sto Ii"S 35 N,feet (10,1668 r I l I." less, ro o the loweisit level of fire departmen't ri The flow "I lowesit story"is � : feet 1,0,668mm) ,:.. less below M" lowesit level of firle departm—ent ", I e flu, „. 01,rdi'nance 39,19-6-22,Page i 101. Sec"tion 403,3.1.2,2ik amended to read as follows'. 9033.1.2.2 Ciorriidors a. I baliconl*esl. S protectlion, shall . ° W ided 11" all - corridors andfor a1l,baliconies, 101: 2,. Section 9033.1.23 "is r °l :,. ,I v.e I. to, read a fo flow's. 9033A.2.3 Att"irs, Attached Garage I Spr,"I",iiklerlpi,r(.)ltectt'on isirequIltred ilk' ac :. '.....,'fly a a`i''`r s and 1"'n the f6flowin, W # Ig atttc spaces# Attlics that arle useld or lintended "for liviing purposets or,storage ,' 11 be protected automatic spnnkler,*system,,1, lm m� W, V, 2. Where ftiel-tired equi-p,ment is installed in an attic, + v f not tiewer y qu-11ck responsse, jintermed:,iiate temperature sp,n-,,n—k1er shall be i"nstalled above the pW t; '., ` tha ht above Aic spaces,. nw, , �w :i. are w�u. V tN4v;o or, more, stories in, i„ o^ plane rw�3 iWi , t " above lowest level w ww'..department'velit"cle access"- , , Group 2 occupanicy ,.; ills.CondItion' �We not w Ww f omply, wl'th I�� � I�n v, ewar i� A hall wing, 4.1,: Provide a m at"c o r system lW; s protectioll" 4.2 �y Provide ' heat 1detecti"on system '""�+ il� c I' diat ""pip I� "" I.,I�'Ie i co'ilva We 'the bujild'ing alarm, system, using4.3 Construct the attic noncot,itibustible niatertals. 1W 4.4 Construct the attic u f,tre,-,r to d t 'wood clomplying wah 2303.2 of the Internat'i ontcal Buildin 1 I g Code,. 4*5 Fill the attlic With non-combust 1"'b]e.tnsulation. 1,03. Section 403.3.1.3is ' w a afl,m fo,tlows# ,ended Wi "3.3o'1.3 ,,N'FPA 13D Spr Systems., Automal,,'ic sprinkler systems, installed inn two- f'4mfly dweflings# 1 GroupG-rotip R,14 ,Condthon I and to,wnhouses shal,l 'be pemiitted to be installed throughout ° ance with NFRA, 13D orin accordance with,stoate lam'. # #1 104. Secti 1903.3.1 is amended e b I,ng S`t:'�Ctlioni "133.1.4 to read a folJows: v "3.3.1,4 eze proteefion systems tl','or automatic fire l shallr systems " Mb NW I ,,,i ,, e h reiqttt'rements of °,wuAW ,, �, it Wla� c i nwiMlW NFPA (i.,:. : i.. , the 10 this ,, °SS, Ct Ion, " Only � fisted i fteleze aLlitOMatill: tire pr aettion, o sys,tems si fib,i..11 be allowed to pr,otielict ry,c spaces. Exception: Wet-pi'pe fire sprtnkler slystlems,' shal,l be allowed, to protect non-ventilated attic spaces * �, nu�W° + o w rune '�uu,�...e ' f boa. '"w. Ordmance No.3191,19-6-221, 1 I I; I 1. The w„u n s, '�"" er°Ju e., s e by a separate ,., "IH v .,,i ,mil valve s r rn y ,m '� , dra" aµ�. ,�, �ur� KKw ;. ,ora, ,.. rcoaae .;�.., °„ ra crr ,...: ,�,e:,. w.. ,, ,., ��,. � :,., � ,. ,. Diva ..... , oo,.:✓, '.m N ,: :,...�. Iwr'. t r, ,. ., ,,. r.,r o)if ,u.�... �,i ,,N I� I 'o-a � i " '� "' � „wiIwxllw "'�N �...» �`I I I II,,�, Ma �I bu'd,di"ng- 2. Adequate h be provided for fre r . pier , ,.: h" c e c C w : ' NFPA I'"�pwm �F`" q� �"I JI�� Ii r , nd 3, The a ,c space aNI is a part ofth e i t a, , " : thermal,or heat,I y n ,e lsuch �. r � i"n' Sul'sclit �is provided at the roolf deck, rather tha"111 at the celling leviel, ""Reat. trace,/insulation., I t „ i I be " I a „ approved, $1 41 by I the „ firle �` e �,,,,r� i u .. "NbI '° ,:�, I;..,' aw,µu I "�� � wwater-filled ,r'V w, ri � l� ^ e 6 V 105. Sectilion 'hc I ,,, a ��, uh, y WaterI ,I `;as r °, : ,� �c o, I°, r �, I�` �t, a wlu t pro,vi'died in I" w, �� p .ill be requirements, c. v ,. ew ofe r. r ».. i standard's; ( m howlever, every, , fire pro system , shall � ,... ,Na a Iw: I rr,�„ y�... !wqy oocap� +� au irN i� roN �. ,tl I�!, c.�,:. J 10:, '"'""Ni,'... "'�I�`. �� �` � : ,..... wr r,.,.a:N �� ""r�:.au�I Hz "' ,�„".� � "::.I n"r:�'� iu�," I.. : Is':. r w'" d . c r I ::0 c a I ern r"u r� „n CHI , IMa�I o requit"lements,, #I1,0 Section 9,03.1.7 amended by, , I , * :o s 9, a 901.3.7.2 to reads follow . 9,033.71.1 Milissing V .. � : I. caps., , : f .Mi Ss .* o.r'damag, .FDC caps, w I shall' be replaced IA- with locking "Knox" I FDC caps. . A11 new, Cs and p i e : sr Ia e d r wo sI shall.- haveKnoxcaps or plugs I*nstal led. "K,3.7.2 Rem FDCsi., Re'Mote fi connections ry w shall be * A w e Mv : r underg-round s pply 'h*ne t v I fire r i J , room. o . „ m i-. cannot fi ire „ a supply. 1,07. Section 903.4 adding I follo"Wiling, ICI I "Exceptions"*10 be rtem ow detectiors ,shall provildeld Sprl'nkler �„toandpi'pe�� ��, I , I x system s and sbiall, cause a sr ana: ' upon, d . water av, flow for more , :. I seconds,. P . control . .valves l . ", c. R . u. d d , '> a oSystems I o w except,'For Fire . Department h ,. ly ry r 'connection :..:,, "ii:. shall be a J° r 4W ' ` to b I.N,V...::. n.. : I.:.. i,' ww signal the 'I stat KK 1 „ . 108. Section I 90,14.1 amended ,I��by adding Section 903.4.1.1 read ,air follows, I pipe systems ,,�yvx�., V., .,. Dry fire �Iv" r:er �r , i..., ,.. Dry pli'pe firle sprinkler„ I I w.. ,� shall a I.... �I bigh pre mrrTl; I'I' ,',."rc 'water ,,��v`a' ,.;'�,:.i flow, 11ow 'I.ral I :.,I v,;� ,. ovrr "�N' "� ,W �,:�, sr,u�n ,I r�' IIo I.. uVro�afie, e I . �.. Wm Mw, , >. ,,, I I, µ hi"gh '.. i�w. I INa a i I !e ,. ,na I I I ;:..:, N v.' by, ng the �. a, of ✓i Irr I,r/: the J fnid v ICI e'.. ru The r : i devi*ice required on s l ,. r ":..Io ,of 'the m bul"Idl*ng shall b a 'weather,pr e, . � ificatilion � q :� , , 75 , u w strobe we , � , a , as close ta priact"cable to Ithet"tre department,clonnection.1 #, , I p:I ., r'I ��:I� tion n: c Via.. 41 �liw a"MI endedbl it , Sections I"114.4I ;:: ;, Mir° to I...r,a s f 9,03.4.4 a r I -Individual rots. 1n1d*v"dtia1 zone control,: valves shbe n m l as Ordiniance 1 M"u,ltl*-Storybu,*Ildl*tigssh,allt,,,i zone . byflororand,haveseparate control v : s installed that t will,a , : a h floor,t".« be independently r , : , s I q. u ,; rc ,. ;,,, a J an " ton . the,,, , Ir w..,::,I t n rr.: ;h sprinkler � s"..I" '..,,on I other ,�r^r�;+.f1oo,. s'. 2. ,�.. r I "^� oit,r : ,MI ' r ,wrl i'" �� �"" Iris` o "I ,,� r v I�rq,r, � ,,," r „, '' buddings Iwr ,, r�o�J , ratedly u be zo d by bulild'ing section i I i approved in, Iadvance : mo Me by Allen F 4 , # O' Rescu,e. 1"he requtred sectlional control valves shall be located In f ma,,in, spriinkter "' v' I r or of ��'yVry 1 ron� rdM�,,r qa�y�,� by v�,�� o h « ,,�friwry;; desi(gnee", , �. I , � ; the is„k#PI I-Lovzardous areas ' such as, spray a ', K:xoths, 3. flammable hq ilk . storage a e. . «, etc. m shall r # 'A separate w a « I zones,N have, fi , Cr ;, J. valves r , r . fled that 'w , r• r, , spnnkler ol system� , , . areas be „pendently! shut-off e y vr N ' otit havihg � i i c t on s. :. �ration of I " °�`r' e system � "� , in other a �" lug I� The , qui,red ,u, `� u� i fbe, �r ., I valves � I 'in located ... �I": :.' ,n'W� ,,'fir.."rr, "�'`'�; n,..;area ��"J'I IVIi"', 9!,:: ��„ booth �," N"r r o'�I� the t ,,,; the spray or in pr ,,kler control valve room,- 4. Specitail s J s such I as prie,­ROiction systems. P „ I u.: Nh parate zon 4 andd mt*" a t e control valves v s i � , e that will , I I ,i I ' o* k i system s . in y, „ �M a e to. e 0 ,� rm� ,.... �».. ". " tfw'ithout having ,r,o ¢,.. r, � ✓ ',. n ,. ;, �r„ � ", ,. ,a ..w�,� "�,�rNh ,+I:..,Irr,�: r�, h,i I „ ,,moo, ,� opera, "�,the '��� other y,rh area, l I, control valves , p n. I Hed that a t I(7,omputer rooms shall be daio. S , z t ew a ; 'have se a ' ,. * 1 allow '. 'o""",✓a "�„ ���.. �„e Ili"" areas �l he IN'1I. rrN �: r =,(4 in out l, I�:., buF' ,, :II[' nm; �k,kier system, r�,., r ! N ;ml�ll ./JAIJ d6V, shut-Off ," � I ff&t having Ir "m:. on the operation, oy the fin, ',,I,� I�: other, u�i °I� areas, e s 01 6. Where sprinklers ,. re are . r ,a r , �i I separate indicaning control I. ' ovalves � � and, drains s i ' Ibe : i r @ and a „e Io , a u e� .� V ,� N , �,II �, �n J can be controlled independently, 7. Subfluoo,rareats, shall haves7eparate control, valves 1"'nstalled that w1*11 allow,the Ssllbfloor arlea,, to be independently shutloff wlithout haviing an effect on, the operation of the . r s s i, other areas. W . The requ]"red zone con , l I l: , shall I belocatedin an access,"Ible area outside the subiloor area,", tand 81 Where the zon, the spr; ...le; isylstem and installationI par ,t (J),l valves."t , JM' ��,µ�p,� fire blu � �� � W',,. 111'.fe (ety of ,,,,, J��uii'9�r h. VUI f :. ,l" t ,r "6 i l: V, 1,evet " protieici*on for t' ,I o, and, the v .o ti w , pant s and ftriefigliters asdetem,iin ed by the Fire Marshal, (A1 903.4.5 Moniton*ng I� ,'nd Supe,rvisingi, � All, valves, a- ,:i I �'Mk,",. rin, supply i, � �",,u:ns to water y supplies, I sectional t, '.. ,,I r �"} ,,nd other controli ar:... :ivyI: »�,�.: r, m�-, ,..r ro .INro ,« ° �' r1P : ;' � fimed water-based fire suppr ssionsysterns shall be supemrlisedand trionitored at a1l times. (traphic maps shall " be po in e sprinkler p � . �. � w - �),, I depicting spr � w zones,. a Propertag:x a� , f and/or Ior s.g I r , " shall f I �.," ` , , , . r ; , � ....., valves w N ;e s ; I, . their f"'unction and ident'it"'ythell"r tt,,,)ciatioll. S,evIlion 91011611 is amenided by adding 'Section 903.,16.1 to read as fo,Rows: Spray ,;n Iw J:�Igws' '.d booths rooms. New. spray booths, , spray rooms shall i r existing protected anapproved,a' . a i, firt�,-ext,"in,g��tj,,t*sh,,'tng system se ; c o fi Section 240, I: 112. Settion "5.3. amended by adding St,;wet"'lon 905.3.9to read a.s ft,)Hows: ik, "53.9 BUIRl Exceed,in­,g 0,000 s, , r.- , t. Inbui Idiings e wdtng ... square ; feet in area per story anid where any plortlon of the bullding's intenor a rea is jnore,*than 200 f et(60,9600 39191-6-22, Ordinance No. MITI) (),f travel, vert,"ically and f',,rotn the near�est pottit of fir, diepart,.ment vehicle be provl*�ded access, Class I automatic wet or manua 1 wet stts',indp'lPes shalf''I'll EI% r r i,ri L Autoni, tic,dry and dry stanp, si are,altowed as �ded f6r N"I"PA, *0 provi, i'll 14 witexre, approved by Ittile Fire Code 0,111,16al. 2. R-2 occuplancies�of 1"'o.ur sto ri*es or le sst'n ght having no tntert"or com'dors. ded 1 by am endin g numbered para graph s 1,3,and 5 to read as foflowsi, 13. Section, 11"15.4 is amen 1, In every required exit stat"nvay, a hoisse connectio n shall be Provided for ciach story above and below grade ph,'ine. Hose connL,,*.ct,1*0,t1S Shall be located at a1'n,,termed,,i*,a,te landl*ng betwe n storl*.es, ul,.it 's's,other wi se appr o,ved by the fire code offic,161 3 In, every ex,11't , passageway". at the entra,nce from the exif passageway to other areas,of a buildi'ng, passageway are ro,m an Exceptio w Where t1too r areats, a4jacent to an, exit, r achable f ex"I't starnvay hose connect mJ My "Ion by a ...Q#t�maind,,t r ton unchangreti) Where the rm, ")f h,,aa.sz a slope less than t5ottr units vertiwn cal 1'*,n 12 unl*ts., horl",zontal (33.3- percent slop le), each standpipe, shall 'be provided, w"Ith a, two-way hose connecti-o n 'located to, serve t he 'roof'or,at thie,highest l a nding of an,exit s tairway wil'th stai*,r access to the roof Pro,vi"ded,in acicor�danice with Seettion 10 1 L 12. 114. Section "541samended by ai dd,ing a new nu mbered paragr a ph 7 to read a s A)l1ows* 0 7. Wlwn required, by d"il"s Chapter, standp',i*,pe cionnecttons shall be placed aojacent to all 10, its to , and at t,"Nvoi hundtred, feet (200", interval a s along mjor required ex* the structurie comdoirs therfter,or as othenvike approved by " c dle c thetire o offi ea ti i a l. 115. Section 905.8 'i's amended to read as,follows, "5.8 Drly standpipes. Dry salanidptpes shall not be stalled. Excleptiow Wherr subject t1ofreezi'ng and t*n accordance"Wl"th NFPA 14, Addittionnall, manual Y dry standp t*pe,systems shal 1,be supervi sed wi th a m i*nimum of 10 ps'I*,and a max i'mum of'40 p..:'l",g ,a,ir pressure with a, hl*g,h low, supervisory al,amm-t'., Mianual dry, standpipes may not be i r w ed Inside a stnictur other than,an approved open parkinggarage. 116. Section "15.91s amended by aidding the following paragraph after'the,"Exceptions"', Spri"Aler anti standpipe system water-fl(.)w detectors,shall be provided�u�or,each fl otor tapto the s" rnkler systlem an,d shiall causie, an alann- upon detect t*,oii, of wate, 11010 for morim than 45 P 1, is sleconds. All control valvesin the Vrinkle,ramd,stanidpi"pe syst ems,exce�pt for Fire Departnient hose contiecti",on wil"ves',, shall be,., etectrI"cally, su."pervvlr. ked, 'to j* "fiate a supervrtsory signal at the centra.,I stati",on upon tiampering. # i "Is IBNa 117. Section 90,6.1 (1) is amended by delelting F',4,xcep 'mil lon 3 In,I 118. Section 907.1 is amended, by addiing Section 907.1!gyp 4 to read asfollows* Ordinance No. 39Mw,642,Pagile 43 907.1.4 I)es,ign S.""'tan dards. All alarT,,n, systems, new orreplacements, shall be add,ressable. Alann, s, ste ser-vm* ,g more than 20 smoke detectors shall have anah:),g"I"ll'itiating devices, Y 119. di*on, 907.2.1 is. amended to read asfol[lows'.1, 9071.2.1, Gwroup A. A manwafl, fitre alarm,system,that activates the, loccupant not"ification system, in accordance wl"'Ith new Slection 907.5 sihall be i ta Nd, t un Group A occupancies h,avjnlg an occupan't load, of 300 or more, persons or mo�re than 100 perssons above or below the lowest levell of ex't d*scb-ar in acclor'dance 1 1 6,�e. Group A occupancies not separatedfrom one another with, Sectiion 707.3.10 of the Intema tilonal Bu"I'"Idling-) Code stuall, be consider d as a s,'ingle (,),ccupancy for the pt,,trposes of"applying thiss, ction. Portions,of Gro up E occupaincies occupteld ft),r assiembly purp.os-es shall be prov"I'ded with a fire alarm system as required for the Group E occupancy. Exception.* (N(,), chan,gel) Ai o on of fire alarm not'll"t cattion apjpfioanices shall: 1. Catis, , illuminati t of the means of c *th I on gress,wl 11`1,ffit of'not]less than, I "foot-candle, (11 lux)at thevva lking surfarice levell;a nd, I Stop any conflicting or Col"I'fus.,inIg sounids and v"I'sual distractions. ended by amendtag the, first plaragiraph and adding paragraph L.1 under 1200, Serfion, 907.2.3 iiss am ft I paragraph s "'to reaid as follows.# 9017.2.3. G`roup A manutcil t`irc alarm systlem that tiiates the occupant notifileation, signal ut,/ihzing an emergency voice/aliarm communication sylISSItem meleting the requirements of Sectlion 907'.5.21.Jam'andlinstalt id in accorda,tice with Sectlion 907.6 shall bit'. 1installed",in Group E educational ocicupanclies. WhIen automat'ic sprinkler systems or smoke dietectiorsv are "I"nstalled, such system s or d e te ct ors shall be connected to the bul"Iding fir alann sy s tem. An approved smoke detectlion system shall, be insta-Iled lin Group E day care occupaticies. separated by a mfiinimutn of 10,01" open space, all build'ings, whether poftable butngs or the ma,,in, bui"Iding, will be considered, onle bul"Idi"ng for ahrtnn mx-*cupant load consij,detration and, inter,con,nectilon,ofalarm systems. Exceptionsi.1 10, (N-v changl-ie)�, LI Res'lid e I-nti"'al, ln-H',ome duay care wlith not more, 'than 12 chlildren may use interconnecteld,single s,%'tation detectors 'lin all habitable rooms. (For care, of more, than ,fi,ve chi"Ildren 2 1/2 or less yearsi,ofage, see Section,907.2.6.1) 121. Section 907.2.10 is amended to, re/aid as follows: 907.1,1,0 Group S. A M anual fire ala,:rm system that act'i'vatesthe occupant noti/ficaltion System 11"Worda ce w"th Sec6on 907.5 shall b, 'nstalled oup S public- and self-istorage rii in accf n 'I I I I Jr occupancies f briinterior corridors andinterior cotnmon area. Visible notl*ficat*ioti ,a,p,pil li,,an,ces are,not required with,111 Storage units. 10 Exceptiow (fM)l chan,,g ) 1, 22. Section 907.2.1,31 1*8" amended bylamending Exception 3 to, read as follows. Ordinance No. 391%4,22,Page 44 Open a,d� portions of b , wit'h � I s IX v I f: Group A-5 iti. accordance i open Se G ,_�I,, 303.1 �� �„ Intemati,ona l B � d � �nG N ,� hein used YG�U. for u� � &.e,attng# R, howe'ver, doe;s not r f "'°':: I ,n,,- '",�r Y,�p:� .. �»I�, »n,,. u �i,�. r», I '..,% '' , �vrG IN �" �w"e but 11#,mifed I sky bo, ,r»J » staurtantsand sl"Milarly enclosed,areas cwa . "7 7"to reald 123. Secti,on 9071.4.2 ,.>am° amended by v Section, �J»�' i Ju.'llows# �I " . Type. Ntanual lAiwarm ,.nitiating dievices shall be :. approved ... ;.. iv oi,, dotibleaction ° C 1 al I 907.61.1, is n I tS.,`4X,fl on 907.6. 4. Section [ng foltows: 907.6.1.1 i. rN . .Wiring. Installation.. All fire alarm systems ,„ G e . shall u be ,,,i,,,,n,,s,,;taIIed in ; : manner that w � w, � � w 0 ' of 9 le i[nitiatin f p r � ¢ IX� „ Y ! n u - conductor t tnter I 1 �, normal 11 (�a o wi',th the operation i "...:GH ».. All Nr.., '.,� litine ,.„ rr (St,C) I� ` ' la vp �I r shallI ��I I �N ° e' �'rr, i �ryro �,n I Iopen Will n of °I b, I � , '°�' rr ny r " u 's" 1 F devices : (Clitctss Outgoing and d r . S'I,,,.0 conductors, ', , J. shall, N be 1"nstalled . ance w-i'th in. circuits am 2 Met ,r have ' ml ... ¢, ,;, 9 : !°.,, ,,,a. 1,) IVllAr�Q f�" r�mn, ,. and + i-i,, ,, , lo.. -; u.. ,...:, u� circuitlurn n " f , cc dev" ,. t vert"cal between G H'feet Separation hor* , supply re 1, ic ice »h n u =,. dev"I'Ve ,,,... ,'y I, (IDQ from f igna., I,,,,...,f( r„r ,: °,. y,..:, w ,' V: td.. e w"'red Class interfirwe dievice initiatting is u�,ml vd 'the ^rdistance ftorn ,. r to :.i '.... or ,r,.., a.. I ,/. ,., dev-,i"�,ice � omw� r � u a INWI, provid J,, ! , the u°,,s Iless. Y� 125. Section 907.6.3, is amendedby deleting all�,four Exceptions. 1291NNI amended by -III..... Section 907.6.6II. adding it b, the following ,sentence of rthe par ,Ir, f. S�le 907.63 ft)r ,� � �" �.° :', � transmitted, Hero n e w,r- I t'� „ 12 7. Sectlion 91017.16.6 is amended by addl*ng Sit*cfion"7.6,61.4 to read as follows: " Communicafl,o u requirements. All � ' I or replacements, : f " e shall , new . s It o " .. I, Vory a , trouble ; J signals n descnptrvely r , nno nr ua , n, fi in NFRA 72, , v: :, °e n,or pr r pnetary e<n ...... ..... .. nrt.. ,; a .:, , rrn�. dei,,n r. ;.., r, �,. ,r�R I , r I dev'11"'ce desIgnattilon and locationlof ,,,. e s,sable Idevice Id e' r : c t n,. Alarms, shall not i, be pler,,m,,'I',,ttle,d,tolb,e.transmitted a General Mann or, Zone condi'tion. 128. S,ection "7 is amended Se ction 9,1071.11 to read as,follows.10 by n,Yi 907.41, Password Protect"I'lion Prohibited. No fire alarm, I system, s te be protecteid, . by V 41 ies passwIord would, h'inder i''frIme'dizeitte, silencing NE r J ,H, Fire or, pin � Y � � , � Department. 129. Section 910.2 amended amending i 1 paragraphs under "°, I I I I I read, as I fol 1"I1ows > I ! �ld, I I I „'A I °`r � r ' 1 smoke ,. o �:, heat, e' I, ,,IG systems G r' I °`� �»"� and shall be J N j , �I « u � , but,"Id'i"ngsn "th IX . � G sprinklers. ..w.mIrils. Automat'i c µ ",k Ie a heat reniovral h prohibited. ' I Manually activated, 1 � w � � mechanical , u � , " , � exhaust " r I shall be requIred, n areas , . p ned wilh control mode of I p � r � ,r r N„� With response ,,r ,�,; G, f' �,r� � G� i°�+ate,�" fay"I��", f°��y u, �' s�,, � �qwn ',k listed s, f� rlsv 11 '�Mww a u� r;r ,, r r r � lamaf 50 Yw "'"Mm ,N ,id.'. 1/2 o "V'�rt r,,' r i, If' . o,control . a , « ii,,i, s i e` ''o r . � rts I t 12 . N e , h �. Automatic smoke, and heat removal s Prohibil"ited. 0rld,I*,nIa-UCc,NV# "Page, Section 910.23 f,^✓ ' 910.2 m I:'iamended by adding Section to ea as fotlows: 910.23 : Group'1 Bufldt"n,gs and'porfions th e used .. Group H oecup r s follows, r.. I I. In as Group 14-2,n o w „f cla� k n , a wh,"'ch are, more, a 15,000 N a '.r f," et (1,394 tn,2) i"'n ,dg Ie t'Ioor l area. ..,. ti.'xcepifitom w ble � Bw"Jdt*ngs n f ^ � a �v�✓ construction Is,.,Ivi containmg only noncombust'ible,materials. aa ef a u�,,,✓a'ql, ' areas 2. In bul"Id"ings in 1-1 w a storing Class and 4, hiqu,I solli'd, . " rdetonable „ .,�w per ox i Class and . m vv r " s Clats-s 3,2, and reqwred,for I' unstable i�" ✓ (reactive) ,+�' `w ✓ ,, �, u ,IsrI f � rr , � � or 3 water-reactive hl"gh-haz., IIffi�,a I commodity I�wuo I�,,, �I, �r ,�rqy v Iv; ^, n. ....Exception,* B i I 1 di"n , r w c, ,I t w e construction � : o °I o nly noncombusti"'ble mater'll'als. 41, 131,1-. Sectt*on 91, i Intern a : Fil"re - Section 910.4,.,.3,.'1,, bs;amended , ,. ' t read I s r , ,. n w 910.4.3.1 Makeup ,Ailri. Makeup air w s shall be provided � , i I w f&et ( t,,ttomatic. . of' the u floor level. rrIN 1;�N : a I�:., wI ', "I g "�^��.arN a�squareq ,, r tip 8feet per 1,00,0 i rod of w v e minute (0.74 in, 2,per 0.4719 m3/s)of smoke exhaust.1 132. Section 912.,2 i/s,amendied by S ctilon 912.2.3 to read Ire follow's; 912.2.3 ,. Hydrant dil."Sc ;I An approved, shallb,,,e 1(x:ated wit of flte rr Hre Department a ;I ,rirww,,,, connection fo 'iii gnwy as the fir wvb hose lays ran g an unobstructed, fsed path. f Section . , r Exceptilon 9,13.2.1 ir� amended , the r foflowing sentence ,.v to ::: ,.i�, followsi, :. by When lo,cated on theground nor level o pump 11, the fire a� with a. e t o :Ft're, I Department access,. &:"w.,. that , not o, less . than, w fictt''. in w - , r d „ feet. 8 I of Iwdoors ,..:.: f ueVhel''ght, regardless ,. i"..,,te I that II e provided. A kley box I ram" �'✓o ll be by Sec ry provided at th"I's 11 re/d door,as, u° W we w::.r ,�, I I I Ili.. llien is ', necessary el. s,,... locate the fire pump .. n I other lievels, cept om x Ait ,r wall, � n + leadt",ng to the fire pumpro om access from the exten"'or of I buildiing all he, i -, be provi'ded li w, equivalent fire, resistance �I w.. ,r:.i:... required. for w pump.. v()I,,I a ,r. !, "by the IO'ffitc]"al. rr+�� I oI ', �°wfm:, : ode Access keys I I,provided, in the key b,,lox a;rvMWr eq I ,°.d by Section L Section, f ''I�� �r '.. � ':I � o, I rE'I :. I':I ;"1 913.4is amended, . „M�.r�,�,.,a t 'r followmg. „ sentence� a the rar nd "r...: X 'na f.. ;�'�,o n '. Thv fire-ptimp � n�.. � ,- ",. �rr�,�� ., I°„�,, ,.:ri :„ qwp ,,a,�,n ,aw', yaw. ri� :::- ✓ ,..,r,va�"a riwad oN � „��u.:.o �wr��.,�Iw: Iri, i. r✓ ✓ _ �f ease s., „✓�if r I01 I0 �.. M, �t # °I � � 1dl'st, ct n a �� �r rLs, 135. S.",ect",ion 9143.1.2 ilis,amenided to read asfollows,# 9143.1.2 Water Suppl : required u ; I Fire P In. bul"ildi"ngs that are m ao than f 120 f e : (1,28 m) 1* i bu"l",Id"l"n,g ,he'l*",gh't, required, fire „ ✓ Po 1r . .. shall b supplied ° ie by connections r aan: to o f w ar 0,than . ,, te ,',, a- w located in, d rent,,,, » r. e , a r.t" Separate supply p shall l ! pr„�) µ between. each c, c . : to main and, Npumps. Each ✓ r , w o , � ' w supply: Ordinance No. I Wpip,in,r twee, I ',,he ". , err I :. supply�, ,. ro the flow ��n.d prIva( sur r� ;�; be 'flu � e("I u ed fo,r Troia.punips to operate. cepall�ll Y' change Jal tvIIM r uW,�g i FW II��NI ��yy v�'u� wV ) 0 LeOaQ 6"'�r Y ry� v//I ✓ 0J 136. Section 1006.2.21"'s iaMC,nded by addin Section 1006.2.2.7to reaas d,, follow so l, g 10� iI ,' IRooms. Forelectfical r I � exiting,�� I I ' I a Ite, - , a e. Y s ✓ : apply. ce,the Ret,""' n r 'n Electrical Codie as adopted. 137. S'"e"C''flon 1,0,09.8 is amen de,d by adding Exception 7 to read, as f o,11ows Bujild'inlgs I :rr : L ",. fw,' I , ,, >�f I":. I o r,. :,�'aMlth «;',,,I,. iui I I Iuliated uilt, ce �I I'"r plans, in cng any r with thea I I„. r uir d rr, waivers iW s granted bythel State shall dleem,ed �U compliance P YI I o Wments I ' y 10()9tand chapter I, 1,38. Ste 1010.2.51 ilk, amended , r I by m G „ Exceptions 3,and, ,j I,I ,w fol,lows: .. 3. Where : pair I s nl' fi; a o' f Y „ s o f lessth w persionslinn n Group ti r M,o ir I' S V a ,.I. (R',c,:#niainc1e,,,,r u c S ✓n �d,,,) . Where a paiT ofdoors o rs serves rrvr a, (iroup ,, I . , , or q occupancy +car ; (Remainuie r r unc angec� 1,39. Se cti I 1020.2 i i I e* y adding paragraph 6 u ". N'. ft p C s tI I read, as llows;o, ,. WYie In Gro, B I :'� ''� r ,: 0U'MIIUw !NN% !�IMIper,I "I �' Y � e� ��II r� �� Y ,, III, construction w o rrYi � t'n a i 1 tenant ; ' when e the q - cJ �"r:a r a t� . r h an approved . automatic a I i, s s . u i w t c v " w w I det'llection, The actuation of la„ any detector shall activate cv✓ e alarms res x , r. / a. I I; I ,,. i"n , e c i Y.. iIN, / e s :. am / r, , V ,halt be connected Y c e o the build'ing's fire ✓ Y �� I where: i , such ; rni '0: system, is provided. 140. Section deleted. 141. Section, , I I I ,I I amended"to read I follows.1 : v , Retiablitity. RequiT d ex t c c r s. w „' ,s o extl . d,i,,,,,,sc"ii,h,.,,,arg,,,les shall ul; be o d x s as✓ n u : "I free from obstructions,, . . imped iments to, fufl, -. l,.t- r-,: w the case of other � g .; Y .. t or, IWril passageway shall, ' 'd o p S puq),,1os,e V Ip V , a r . r. with, ..I, Ia means. of � I Secun`ty, devices Af, ,. means of egress arv. s shall be s o " Io, approval t aI o r the F11're, Code Offic"I"'al. 142. to end Section, I w I ,nIOW"2 yIIvlls�' H t� I �IIof yg: r I N�r�u Provi"de emergency e ^ 6 w rd Po s e ICH e a l Sect'll'on,60.4.4. Secit'iion nded rI III I�II I J I,,yIIy is, e f � rce, o ed of i,l� I a r �^ ,� AN 11015.1 � � adding the f0tiowing, ph, Fi",re r w system I*"nstallat'll'on shall completed o :e,eu . iill.o ' U I from dirfite of I oI , by the Frre cod e Fes; cl*lal. I I is Il" I;i 144. rsrr, 11,01.5.6 s foflows,* l I� Y a, on 1103.5 I mendedby �I awl 3 I 2',»Ordinance919-6-2 I 11031.1.5.6 Spray Booths Rooms. Exts,'tu1,,,,g spray wra booths I spray rooms shall protected 6 . approved a ' v us c fire-extinguishing system se „ accordance w ewith > I Seclitil'on, 2404. 14 amended wN IMF on 1103.7 I / � Soections .1103.7.7 »ryy� o, by IANIVI. '.. r U 1103.7.7.1, /' read, I foltlows,,* 1,1017.7. FireAIar'ni, System D Stand,ards. Where, a n ,i I:,Ii. „ fire, a 6 system "'IS I, aI " morethain, upgraded , n I replaced,th e , I addressable. Rre,alarm, Ir „. systemsut"I 2+�I s /or +�N i�'I�o aar'a heat dietectors, shall '„;� I���"w b I'' "v;�^'I ritlating dievilceS. ',I"m,�,I�p"a ,I Exceptiow Exi s e > : : r r , ` ,w ` 1. t. mr , am m. ,remodel I : Y or x.. : a exceeds eN b YP,,elN ,h buildling. . When N rfire buildingiz' or fire. alarnn,,i, ' system, �q. I uWp� �w�1 remodel � uAi I, m,�' or expansion al: au., alami I I i�»: a'.,. � "r, ,.-.... :.... I; a ;.. date of ofiginalpanel "i i ,n v . I i system, the fire system ,exceeds; � 501"1; thebu,*Id* 18 mionths,of pe%,rm, 1103.7.7.4 I I a t I I I, n e l ts. Ref o a , to Section. ftn applicable I� requi,rements . 146. Section 1203.1.3 is amended to read as,follows,# 1 . *o n. Emer 1203.1".., o , , , . m , , systems w , ,,.. power systems ` a " A . ,{ ... " 'I "TA I I L accordancegy; the Intemat"onal u m i m w w w i a � m W Existin, i shall r a - + � „ �mo a , � with on r aapproval, . p ' vI exicepI , as speclfiedln Chapter 11. Exception* I Where ' system ' Supplied i, .I gas from, I u,tiltty provider a S apprioved, 120. Seicfi on 1203.1 is amended, by adding Section 1203.1.1 O to rea,id as follow's 120111''.1,10 S'vistemsCn"tical For Powler , Systems ne Vi s a , . i .t . m I U r m power s supply to parts o fact"Jities thaI erattion, require continuous for the ea ' W pubticsa fety,' emergency d g I ma_ ; ,.' ,,national Aqr i as and NFPA ce " busness 12 1.NAND Section, 120,311.2I o, 6 d to ri N, ,..i I v l Oo ,h),w 'Imo'.. 1203.,2 Wherie I Emergency and ,' Y power r I , shall, � prov*ded where i gi 'm e , I �I � I12012.1 through 1203.2.19 f I w w e identified, I* /* I „ r or, � Iother r f ;Sul N°°Ir» 122. Section 120112A amended L I" re ad aw. I "u...I,, ws'. 1203.2.,4 Emergency Volice/a.larm € m u, °' o , System)sol, Emergency power be I r v.. I ;. Ial : I,..: U.: �:; � " In.I:. i, :�V..nth I ,:-..� �m�; .....i. w f6 - , '. I W"I ' I �" � » I I � If I11ow ^„ occupancies, I I „"r I u „, m'I ' , I ul I „ * I elsewhere ' e f , �, � ' m lei �m a , �„ � : Sect*otti 907. Pie system shall than a 1 be s spec- . l � o DI capable ,Wpwl la a nl to du,ratlion, mill" ,Ao., -I :� a ," laro 'I,wwre-MWI:: Iw ,rrel� �rl I.: wl.I ired in III I, I I I 'N"'Fo PA 72, Covered mt Opc,�n Malls, Secti"on and .20 914.2 Group,A w�Occupancil'es, I�kman e ':. Nreu l,, / . ! '� AI ,I1 .,>wJ�.2''+� ent Bul'Idi"n1gs, 907.2.12.3 IaNal "w ,..� s' ,,n Section 914.7 ffigh-r'l*se Buildings, I914.3 Section / w u ,,mwr< I' � 907.2.14,andl.,914.4 I��� I;I � ^ rA „n ,,....,., , Iemu,a�I I Ordt"nance No.3919,4-221,Pjaige Buildings, Delep Undergroun,,d 121 Section 12012.15 lots amended to read as followls'. 12,03.2.15 Means of Egress 1.11umination., Emergency power shall be providedfor means of egress,'111munati"on i",n accordance wIth Sectiotis 10,08.3,and, (90 tnt"nutes) 0 124,01 Section 1203.2,36 iks am ended to read as fiAlows.1 120311.2.16 Membrane Structures. Emergency plower shall ble Provided f(,)r ex'It si "n Ig,,,,s in w4h Sect"on inutes) emporary tents and membrane structur s in accor 1, 1 0 m," 31,03��� a Sta,ndb,y powe shall be provided b ,.m a, n ;.. m r s in pertnanen't m structure.s in, at I I v Sectlion 2702 e Internat"lion-al Blujildl*ng Code. 1(14 hours) Auxi'liary inflation Systems ,i '.. �Ikl shall, ;I a 'be prolvi'ded '10 * -supported 1 -N in �. in ,.,w � o r c I wo.. � ",� Seat* on 3 103I.10.4. structures 125. Section 120,31.2.18 is 11111e,nded to read,as fi,,Alows, If 12013.2.18C1101ontrollpowerJaeprovided, control, 0. 10 'is systems +i. .dnmy� ".. IIow',i,nIg i �.�r... i ," � n,w� " ,,..fied r- ,, ivFeu...' ,r fo. ". i� i i ° »i„ is:, as i I i :. ,.; �nr r�wi i"n ;;.: ",..'�Mp ode, as �' qui"red jin Setti'lon 09,*11. Clovered Bui1ding, Intematilonal Building . Code, Sectlion Atriums,,, Intemalt"'I"onal Ruilding Code, Section 404.7 Under roun Buildings, Inte 1-31, 1mtemational ,9 Blufldi,ng Colde, Scal"on 40,8.4.2 Stages, Interniat:ionai Building Code, Section 4103.7.2.. Sp,ec"I'al A BuilIdings (a a Wphc , p t I oGroup As BuIRd"I',ng Code, Secti"on Stnoke Protected, Seafil� ��ecIt"on, . . . 1 Buildings conmildered to'be a high*wn'se. 1,26. Section 120,12 is amended, by adidling, Sectil)"US, 12012.201 1203.2.211 1203.2.22, 12103.2.23, 12012.2411203.2.25, 26 to read fotlows,#120112.20 Coverit.,�d and h power shall i �a be priolvided, Open Butilidings. accordance with, Sectl*on 1907.2.20 and 914.2.3. 1203.2.21 Airport Traffic Control Towers., A, standby, pomrer sy'stem sball be provided, fi",n airport traffic control e e than 65 fl&et "'I*n hei*lght. alb be .ded to the tI':AIOW't',,ng eq,ttjjpm,,en,t., 4r-tmn eqtjftpmelnt,,miechanIcal equipment, and fight" ,4(, 1'. Pressurl*lt: i ing, 2. Elevator operating eqtnpment. I Fire aliarm and smoke detecflion systems. Oridt"nance No. 391.9,*w,6v*2,2,Plagel I 120311,112 Enclosttres Ilia o Alternative. Standby shall be f,-o,, Iproof I enclosures, I us�d� b provided. (� ,- wu., ,, -r stair presisunzat : .'e I „ ,u.. associated : t: r a ,.. fire , .V systems s „ Q u : ,U w ° a ., the Intematt""onal I Bu,"'ifIdl, , „,. (.0,.ode, ii, ectt,`,on 9,,09,20,7*2* 12 I .- 23 Ele'vratot- StandbY be provil"ded I Ielevator pressurizatilon systlem as it ° ,ll" e by the International Bul".1ding Co Seal'on 909.21 120,31.24 Et[mintation Smoke Da,mpers in, Shaft Plenetraltions. Standby power II provided when e, ell"mi"nat"ing a I r di:tmpersi i I ducts penetratl*ng s t is in acc m I W :. the, International Buil Wing Code Seall"on . 7'17.53, Exception, 12103.2.25 Exhaust, ,. provi'ded Comx ,�,�, Systiems f'or,Clothes Rtwyet*s. Staindby shall be t`br common ✓.... a. n': exhaust w W .s s r,t, , y, for clothes drye located, multiistory I 4 „ , w sin, °(,:. J ,.'.s+nI wa wah the Intemat"I"'onal Mechan-lic4al Code, Section 504.10, Item 7'. 1,203.2.26 Means of Egffre,,siss 1-11uni'lination n Enierg,ency power shall be prolvildeld, I coy:. I ,.,,�°»: "".. I li I ; accordance �' 'e II r :..,. Slection, 11.0114.5 when ' I I requi"red bly - wal.e the fire (90 tniilw Wsnutesi- 1-2, csw rnaF �I r"+ Wu s N ode ,nutes ",wher, 127. Section 2,304.1tis I. f e to read I.I as follows, 23,04.1 Suptrvis,lion The I�- � r�� Dispensing, di''spensfing r„ W,. ,r�; :, uu m sT I : , :.I",,. ;. '� ,., vl ,, ,.�. :. i.: ,.1�4,. �� ` Iiau.� °'�" ' '' WPomnw shall °.. be, i rs "" °r Is" n I yyWwt th he„I :o g:. Conducted qtiall"fied attetidant,,atid/or, 4 20 Shall be under s s r,. i&, ,'+ of a quall"Bed attenidant,- a,,n&or W S hall be an unattended , ` Q ` v W " fcacilit Wu , accordance W Sect"on ly 2304.3. . At any „ r W. thequ,all, .fied " I n of Item Or I : above i's.,4 o. presen,t, such I I I " t„t,. °s a be i s,. a, an unattended ° r , f-servIcefacility .. and,, , a i also c comply with, " a Section,2304 128. Section 2141,01.2 "' deleted* 129. deleted. Section, 31,03.3.1, .I by 1310. Table 3206.2 is I,:...,1 J.... io" amending Footnoties d ,,I ws. Where I j I .. " , ' i W are, protected by W�ode u, early, suppress, I . � s tfast ,response n*nkler al (ESFR) �, Systems I. „µ a sprinklers, bra . e time r �index 50 W (meters-second) J/2 or less that ar w 11"Isted ;i I"N fire 1"n r,o storied ,o ,.,,cl s rN n,;� s,, ,�„� �' '!-. Vo, w, ";` Iglu rr :,.�" I fewer, we lor talled i"n 13,miarit/jail aict� accordance ,.�. NFPA, smoke and, II, s° heat vents l °.,m'w� ,i�,manually v 'µ engineered ' I systems, ares , Table 3206.2 is o titled "High, Hazard," and "Greater300,000" ,, read t, s follillows, I High hazard hl*lgh-pileld '' ra. areas shall, not exceed, 5100,000 square 2-hot,ir fire wall cot'istructed in, accordancle with Sect"ion 706", of' °, the Ordinance Intemational Irv,",, f j' �" � ��� w, y„ di'vide „��,, ,�rc,� , area.g Bul"Iding ,l be high-piled ( ex,cc%:%,d*n I 00 w 0 00,squzivr f,"�,,,et 131. Section 3311.1 I*S allIeUded by adding thefo,HoNving sentence to,the end of the secttion, 'When fire apparcitus access,roads are required I beinstalled ,'t"or the, '., shall be ,. nl ,�"'""yi o�^ p h %'. w.,. ,., ,��o: ruu I""�, r .;:psi ,,...o progressed beyond e t-M n 'has 0 Completion of th o".-'.. rv'ry, on of y structure. 1, 32. Stvt"11*0. 5601.1.3 is,amended sw read inits .1 r;r m�" „r as follows,* 5601.13, Firewffk,.s. The Plossses,stion, nianut'acture, storage,,, ssajell handli"n1g, and, usie of fireworks f prohibited. Exceptilonvi Only when a,pprovield I', ir firework &*,splays,, storage, and ha,ndh.ng of fi,reworks; as allowed 'in Section, and 5608. 5604, d d"i splays I, The i t a o auk .. p " ry. as allowed i Seettion 5608. 11,33. 57103.6 amended, by, i r; „i si it I...read as follows,,, Piping irNr�r ";�, -'.. "'� Rtptng . nvvy r ,:'„�„� ,. r airy �....`^o i ..:wr ',. gar,i : component ,., va�i...,. o : a �u i ir, parts, flam,mable and 6 M+. '�ior �w ,biro:i� ,mN�ry:: ;,�i � r t,`6r i�� i i., 4 be wU �� 5703.6.1 5703.6.11. ,�� ,�, "„�,�, �„I "��-:I.i .a";� ,spy �, „,;.,"i,".r u �.> I., Sections o- � !w i. ,i�iw � oi., i,ld n� ,�, through . ifri approved method, s '�' o m .:r ; n a 1, A .�e , shall: be I "r . .... pipmg systems. Section, o �v,� fie, wI���.'N�' . i,. �mRi NAM�Vdry amended "wd�' r �!ufI�, ftAlows.,� - �wIgoor K, ,i ;�,.l comply '�MktliW '',�, .14 Leak Leakt v f%w o.:.. ,o , ui�u,! rPo �',... a1r.'; i.,a�, � SlectIons, 57 4 w 5704. "of r" k r ,h 5704.2.1,',1.4.3. An approved wrr method of secondaary containment shall be pro,vided fo r underground,tatik and piping systems. 1,35,#, Section 5704. r al ,miended 'to read as folflows: 5704. detection. tJnderIgr(,:)un,d tank systlems shall be provided t an, a ri ved method of i � u *gned and ,� w � � � � , ,�, e inaccordance w"I'th NFPA 30 and as rewy, cl,"'fied, i I n e Sect ,,n, 5 704.2. I A#3 wr I ''f ui�y , 5704*213, 136. �w�w. � e ,, 57(M.2i.11�I „i �1 v m...�r adding S,,"ection 1.4.3 ti. read ..b'ro l ..., llowv# 57104." 0bwsr"vation i each,d'.i*ameter shall, be linstalleld in the back 11 material of er flammable combustible '� liquid storage tank. ".17he tubes i shall extend a point inches bielow ' ry accessaverage grade thel exclavation to ground, level, and shall be provilded with suiltable surfacel caps, '.., E:�.atch �i, '. VIiAR' fT ,.'. � .Wprs .u o �NgflN Wd M�, �„ !a ,'"� ,;..,,, � � shall pro'lle� � v. ,.a�, tube ,'�w� f.l.,I; �r t" lYY Nvtth w ,I mini''MUM o Sampli*ng tuble s shall be placed in the 10 fe-etl of the tank exca,vlatt*on and one every 50 fc%,,et routed along product hnes Itowilard-s the, w �Wrii,w I w+'Apl� �& I ,a,o„� „¢tl nhi , , , o are I'u',,:., ;.,. 1 137. Section 5707.4 is amended by addin ,thefollowing pliaragrapb,: Ordinance No., 39191w,6w22,Plal w iq�,aea. or o Mobi-le f,`ueIt",ng sites s h,all be restn',cted, to com-mercli'all i'nidu st6al, govern m ental, or mantifactufing, Wher the parkitig are�a havinjiz, opertiritIons is pnniafily intended f*or le Im I*n employee viehicls. Mobt 11 g shall be conducted tor, fleet fuefing or employee 'vehicles only, not, the gleneral pubil""e. Com,t Tnerel"'al sl"ites shall be rv��s;trl'cted to of.,rfict%.-t-,ype, or stm,,idar occupanclesthatare,not p6ma,61y i*ntend,er-u,,se by ,e ptiblic, If 1318, Se c tio n, 61012.1 is amended by addIng Siewd'„ion 6103.2.1.8 to read as follows,# 6110,11,1,181 Je,")vlr, 171 y Repa*r Dental Labs, and S1ar Occupanctes. Where nat"ural gas All, to be ustwA to supply appro,ved ser",vice is not avallable,portable LP'-(,,as con'ta,'i-ners are,allowL torch assembes or si',n"inilar appliances. Such, containers shall nolt exceed 20-pound (1i) krg) water capacit"y. Aggregate capacity shall not e xceed,60-pound,(27.2 'kg) water capacity. Each devicle shall be separated from other contal"'ne,17,;siby a distance of no less than 20 f t. of 139. S., «lion 6104.2 is amended by adding Exception 2 to read as follows: I Except ays;pemli*ttled i"n Secons 308 and,1610 4.3.21 t,Y-ga,s contai ners tritrei not permitted i r Met *,at areats. n, esii ti '1410. 161014.31 isi amended by adding Section 610,14.3.3, to read, as follows, 6104.31.3 Spas, Pool Heaters, and Other Listed DeOces'. "W"here, natural gas semri lee is, niot available, an LP-gas contav'I"her is, allowed to be used 'to stipply Ispa tand, poo.I hezaters or other I-I'Sted devi'"ces, Such conta,iner shall not exceed 250-gallon watter capacityper lot. See "'Table 61()4.3 fbr locan"on of contai"ners. Exception: Lots where LP-gas can "be off-loaded, whiolly on the property whiere the tank is located, may install, up to 500 gallon abrove ground or 1,000, giallon undeq::Yround approved cont.,tainers. 141. Section 16107.4 isamendedto read,as follows,; 6107A Protievl,,,irig Containers from Vehicles. Where exposed, to, vehiculaf daillage due to proxi'milyto alleys,dri,',,veways,or parking ar;JAM citirs, LP-gas contxw*ners, reguidators,and p sh,all ipmg be protected ali elcordance w'),tIll S'leTtl""on 312. 01 142. Stiction 61,109.13 'is amended to read a s f6fliows., ble 6109.13 Protection of Containers. LP-gas containers shall be stot-'ed within a suitict, enclosure or olitherwi'S"It"! protelicted agai*nst tat"Tip nng. Vehicle il"inpact protection shall be "ded as, requred by Sect"on 6107 provi 11 1 A. 141 xn I ., fiv Fire, Fighter, At*r Rep.Ie,:nI*,.S-1Iment Vyvtems is amendej,d by adding, Appe, ,,,d*x Requt*,remieni isl Section 1,101.2 to read as, fo Ilowsi, Section �rvrIOI,.,2,R,,e,,qtjt*red I.,ovatilon. In new but"'Id.ings,fill st,(r,,,ItOIIS S11,11,01 be requI*redwhenany of the fofflowin ndit*I Ig co i tons occur- Anynew bul"'Id.ing 5 ortnoire stion",es in hei lght,; I Any new b'w"Iding with 2 or more, floors below grade; and I An,y new bu1ld,,ng,5010,,,(,),jOO .,,,'...gym Nµw, ,,, e lor more in,Isize. Ordinatice No. 3191,19,,&,221'Paige 52 rof stairwell, shal " a a : SCBA fill a U ions , : o a,e: , . - , a , ,. flo lin ,i.� ,, ".... the pri'mary ' stairwell , :.... ,oi".. ;.. ,ra numbered : row, ,. i stairs ,.. secondary o ,"::.i a i , �i:. The Irs nd ven pri,,,mary stairwrell wil"ll'be the 'all"T located closest 0 I.I r a nw. I:. Section** 105. Ametidments, to :i' International Residential Codle, edition. The follo"wring affiiendtnents 'to the Intematiotial Residential Code, > olin't as aidopted, ,uruant p s to Sect"on 3.101, herr-,*by adopted.* '1101 Sectlon R102.4 is amended to read as flollows. Section, standards n '":.a ,.,., referenced . .. ":,'r; this, "' r shall a ble considered, rr,»i �isr ,.. e„: part I �w,this, code s I.,: j:. f' ,r.. � requirements the . prescr-11""'hed i M N w f each s N . „ s and s 11irther. regulated, t" lin w „ Sections R 102.4.1 and have been adopted I a�"�NI ��"�I " I codes, i »� i�"�« !,a R102.4.2. Winenever amendments : r Diu:� nd fur rr a, to q rds, each ,.. on: im e "wM.,�... I w and .. , ., ""�au 9 I V a i.." ,".,°" ,...i a the a I I ' I I i � I ' � i a, standard r�i ,,..„ ' o, «e I i; u,N ire% ,rr amendments,, de " .: Any 'reference mil„.i r,: NFPA 701, w,. ,,...; IC(,',, Electrical Clode shall, is u r Electri"'cal Code as,ad,opteld. I Section I,and.. R103.1 aram,ended lnis,ewrttheDepartment Name s follows# R1031.1 Creation of enf it agency. Iy. The Gilty of . a,. a B,ul*,',Idl*,ng ,l,ns,,pectl*'onL)1,epa,,rt"ment 'w hereb� created,, official a in charge, fi ; thereof , l sh all, be kzno""rn ':s t Building i 0,1�,Yficial. � 301 Section R104.10.1, Is delieted. 4. Section R405.2 is amended by amending I "Building"Ito I I follows., R105.2.Work .:, " t front permit. EA"empit tons f1 perm"it r qutre*,ments of this,c w shall . All or deemied to grant tor » work. r .to done r -y» n w violation u the, I Pr,(-.),NriS,ions y code or an,' ,, r laws or ordinances , jurt"sdicti",on,, Permlits, i not bereqwred for the following, Bui"Iding, 1 Water tanks" supported directly, Ivry,:..de �„ ,�,- "f'I�M „.,i do,„ �� not exceed r � and theratii'o » xr I'o�., (18,925 y OJHNIo� height to,dianieter or widthdoe%,,s not exceed 2 to 1. 2. Sidewalk's and idn"veways,and other fl,,at work t more than 30 linches(762 tnm)above o± de, aem ^k , G: r o11 in basement o ry below . and, which are., t pa_rt of n � ible,��, � „ dischar�gle and, " oplacement a, r l„ locationconcrete wdoescc k1 , not vl'iolate other city requirements.1 Decks less than -and, w o , I 30inches above grIade a point.4. Wiindow awnings(IRC) supported exterior 101`1 ',and Grio"Lip U (1RQ 5. One-story detached accessory I" r a ' f used fi s o 1.and/or storage ' sheds, e � playhollses .. Via.nd, i "✓I""M� i .i.,provided , ,r aar m i the floor �F�r u does I exceed �"I.ry:re :.... 120 I""� ;�it -f uithe height " does not „ c i feet and the placement o, , e structure t c » does o , 1 i t any other etty e�a , s ,�w� limiled placementst r », », but a „< u� , w `',ate , Private Drainage Easetnent., (IRC) ,f, ���Iae 53 „Ordinance i3919-,6-22, 1 N 60, . �Installed a�ir-forI ,�......r''. a parcel r. r„.„ nn,.a,: the pril"ni, ,: r - ,.: ;;; a, mo :, �. ;� .,�. d"welling, ,i..>Poles nr ' �, I r r, u.i o �' I two, r fiam"'ity dwelling I r n I,� provided I 1wr s a I ton� Idoes i r, aN I'ed the he"ight mJR, r ��� ,,,' a a , , aresidentlial zoning d1striliet w here, located,as w e in the AID('(IRC) 71. �Residenua,,I swimming r j i po<,,.)Is I aretemporary �in nat"ure r I, llels, s than, Inches dr . depth and dio , a n require w i are, prov, N, e,. wl"thmechanical a,I �, or heat'ing oanyki'nd. (IR(7) 516 Sectio,n R105#,3o,',I,o',I i[s,deitted. 6 Section R106.1.4 r delleted. 7# section R108 'o ft ead r asfl,ows, R1,08.7 Rewinspectil'on I il A ft*e `r estabblished by : Iunctil I I "I on may be ", geld whew,, I The Inspeettoin cal led fo,r isnolt ready wheill the inspector,amves,* I No'building address or permr it card lis clearly posted,; 3. Approved plans are , '�' b site ipi available, I' v ,, "' e inspector ..., n,.i I c of 0 on;, - s,, , 4. 4 lockled work n , Iotherwise mirse ,ws o:I I avan i e for, s ec when ,i c7 n , 5. Thejob sae is red taggeld,twice cons.,ec,"utivelyt"or the stm" 6. The 15.. a red, a,;, has been re oved firom,t',he job silte* 7. V"olations, , exist s r ,.r, the property fri,cluding fifflur e , ,r r in J o u c ,,, trash i o n; an d control or tree,,prot lec t �' , - ' I)efore `�� aonalas w I ,i~�)q�'. m�^ Paid ,fin ua' w ,H„;. �", �„�^ .,`mil.. in"" . Any I as se nonduicted, yrn that li ob , e. 8 enfire,,0" 0 RI Section RI,,: �M,(inciusive of Sections tY 10., through RI I,,. e l�N parr, I '......r I del�eted, Us 19114, 0Sectilion RI i's its, StOl'ou MEANS APPEAL R112.4, I Applicat,,ion, appeal. '.', .:,' Any personI s'liall, have the right „a " to, appeal ",uu a decision If the building Vclat to the Board, of rva Adjiustment provided in Sectlion ,2.02 Development Code. 1,014, Section R202,iisi at,,nneuded by amending the definition, of'"Townhouse" to read as follows.: fy Arx , , ,r i,i�N ,, f ,.. tt d�^ I 'i W:. , 'i :. ,.b.. ay., ,,, ..:,ele or :„ V.TOWNHOUSE. group c,� at' : " - i s Separated, by, propeity fines lin w :, " each a unit : s M r ,., frotn, fi-,),,,t,,md,,atfion i I roof and, ` I on at hv yard, rr public i , sides. 0irdlinance 3919-6-22, Plagle I Tiable R.3,04.2(1) ,iis: foflows.1 r10ABLE R301,2(l)' CLI'MAT'ICAN,, J), (.,J,,,`,'0GRA.PH1C DiEStGN CRITERIA wow"��MmuM,w,wemme�nmMMmmneamommMMmmWlvmrorereM, msomlor oo:..... uv�ww" ..... uuNWamuu�auuur,wl muu«n�x IWIND SIGN GR,0,'t,J'N"­1D `� INIWMWIti4W�tluuuWMaMIUUUUUUWUm19Po,�mm ,IblowwwwuWwWwlwW�wrrWrw,^"wwwMMwwWw"we�WaWMr�r�w.wamrmi�w,a"rww,�mr: � M✓.w�uw.wr�.ae�mrwMmluwmWrare,r�mrvawawm��waMMwmM W�Mw WMWIa✓�WrooWwmW"Wa�WWWWu�M+mWWWWW ,IW�rvpnMwMq�iv�WlMWwuaur �,SPEEDd Wilindborne ,:S " eTopolgraphilc Spleclial OW ..,,0A1)1 I(mph) E f f ec Its,k W,1"n d Debris (`*AJ`E1G,0RYf Regioni .... �� rcrcrcrcmirrmuMlmmurolmmumwmmwllmminWlrvmUroWIIWW,umwow,WWWNWIm olommN. tlN11Ifd�WWWW'VdVWIdVW : ... wWrWroWIbWWWWrwrwwwwarw�wawrwWNaWr�NMwwnwwrNW��.win�n��mw.w.m"rc �m�mWwaW.. 15 we i Vlr, 3 s le 5 1 b/ft2 g"u,st)/76 t"Iastest No N o N o A IAN,, .. _..IDIIb,WmWawWum iuW', wNw,WwoououuwwWau xxnww.�w�mrwWwwr x'w.vry��Mw,�.»„w%wr�w... rNwM ...... NMI. i. W�I�III'�riNl... ::: HHwwmwiwrvm�rryvdmrvMmH�immim+xxar.�rvRMlb�dmMMIN�d�MINOAHMM�umfaM��MFIIMMWM�'Me1MIm.MmmfI�MMMVVM�MM�W... WOP. IP�IdIW�pgq� SUBJEC7 TO DAMAGE FROM I NawltiwrvwmwWmllWVWuuumu�awawawwUmlwwmx,muumuwUuwWwrmwmmwlvwlwavwu�wWwoWWwowWw�mxal�. �WrvmmMm m�mmxamumwmavm�mawawm!MMammmmmnumwm,mronroMrcc,Wa iawmmiv,Wuumumululolmwmnivup�WnmmMwowUulama� Weathiermga of 1"'Ine,depthb, I t ec, .. MWro,aM�W �,mmMWu mmmlWWmIOIWWmrwlmwW,Wm'. wwwwwwWWWW rx I�WIW'Ww+u�wwwww�a... ....... ... .. un�mmrrrWmMmwm�,auwum�Wn�aaI�WM�mreA',wMIwwWWtuuWMwlwa�wW.. ,,Moderate 6 Very Heavy .. .. WtlMW MiW : WWW�.. WWWVWVWVWWW'WYmNbW�MW�VW✓N�NNW�xu: ... MWWIMMWIWtlWWXWMW'NII KKiMlil WMM.NbW4W14 WR ry m<ro:row'M M .... ... ,.. ........ MM MMNNNNMNMIWM//XY,WIPoMNPN�/AMNNWN�N�N�IMNAIMWNMWWN IdN :.M�KKWNkNdWIMf�XWdIW..... WINTER BARRIER FLOOD AIR MEAN ANNUAIJ DE"SlIGN UNDE11-wLAYMEN ZARDSg F TZING TEMPj TE,MPe REQU11 Dh INDEXIi wsW.::. wdaHmmmp�MMUMWmmpmmmmdW mWWllmmmMmnm VIVIMm�PoM o'aIUMNVU�'sluiuUWtgwW,uUVVWUiWiOOWOWOWOUW000OUo .. .. ... rewWUdu�Wl �'IM�pWItlWwf N'wow�&� 22oF No I.. c a I Cod 150 64.9oF I :...�VWWW!WN8W8WWIW,WN4YNk1w WWIrWi/WWA�M%wwwwWW.m'�t�rvw,muwwww�rvrertrA...:w�kwwww,.wrw,riw xxa,e�ti.rvNmw,mrvvmmmxrcMuimrvrmm�ww�mm IMMmMMumww�mmn�mmmuwMMu�.M�....�nmm,mnwmplMMrm,M�wmuwmmm�ro 1¢W1oNMAIIMMIM�MPNNVMWM'MPIWAX�pM OWWW�'dMIM IMWw�YiWNMIIMIIWII�IIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IwNW n. p Section R302 iS am , 'by, amending para,graph 4 Ind aidding a'. ew i paragraph . 1 under 1,P '1" #1 "'It"';xcle, flons"to read asf6flows* Exceptions,# Detached ,,NM .Illy: feet �i lot line In 5 , gariages I,.I !f(ry I,ly „ ;�I 0 ,,yy�yi14y�, ria dwelhinlg lociated 'PoN.. may { WI o a, ave ro,lof1pin)"ections not excleed,mg, 12 itwhies. 11.1 6. Open metal carportf structures may!be co,n,.,structed,wl*th"ln,t'h,rce(3) # JP fect fii,,ne wl*thou,tt'"tre-res,,'i',sltj*lve or opemmg protection w,h,,en Ithe loca:tion of such is approved s requIred within adopted,ordinances. .. 13 Section R302,3is l v n d :.. by addin Excleption It W r I.'' s follows, 3'. Two-fiamily,dwell,mg ted a tI ,,aflslodivided by a property through the structure al be I 'awn ., �'M required 1, fiortownhouses, ,,W 141, SectionR302.1,15.1. is atnended to read floflows'. J 'R3 0 2 ff 1, 0 p le I � I � 'I N Or " , m � , a d I a pinwtte gart, W irectly i*nto a room o used �m sleeping a if purposes s l be perm,ittled., Other o m M between the o ga,ra,ge and i i I shall 1 Iw/lith s o woodI I N ll i p'��than 13/8 � I �w (35 u S � r n"II I sofid,o,r1rioncycomb core stelel doors not less than, 1 3/8 inches(35 mni)thick',,or 20-minute:f,"I rated dloors. 10 1 I1Seefion W amiended by the I r paragraph, , s follows*,51121No..1111919-6"I-2 Page 55, r The:Exception:* glazed , areas shall l not 'be required where I a, Il ight local r ,,. 'rI,.system , d are provIded. T 'n ,.. I locial e a s rates shall, : l be .determ, "I'l[neld in accorda , th Se,c,tI11'onMI505,.I. Exh,auswt I f',"tom :.. 1 space p c w shall a:: exhausted, t , di"real,'y''to ter r, outdoors.q Spaces.. Iw "awl closet y be ,a I '.': approved NM Iv.VaUI I��f� ,,. M b:. , 'AM^yl closet' a lavatory � L= " t, �.. , a i a e i J ,.0 :i l e ffitn or si o i:a &Nrice designeld .. I remove , f odors, I 1,"rom,t n , .,.... I,16. Section ,W,313.2i �,�M.� a Irk,e III :..s are, I deleted. 0 17o, Section muII paragraph R315.2.21's r II I, ` '"I J under"Exceptions" I ,do-" follow&o. „�I I.�- r, ISM e, �I" " n ,r," ,"mlr y, I,; I ,�� yr poweried, a "�Mq; !I,11, �rI,mm� I ,"� � �" Mfir, I r systems,, I I 2. I" ,I ;" ;. r,u,y�,;. : ,...... 'w..: �w, Y, '.:.i ,VIA;. I�ir.... �X �v-,... ...� c � r r plun,,ibting appliancies, 18. S'ectlion R322 lis dieleted., 19,0 Section R401.,2 I ry mended by adding the f6flowing sentence,at the end of lthe section. Every I,.. I� "I bon to foundation r ,f. existing , ,I.. ,I v, post-tension , foundation, �, I I I r g ;w:... "r;IM.d by this cod, urshall designed,and sealed by a Texa.'r«I r g., '"' Ir,l..... II I" I engtneer. ,20* Section R602.6.1 is I u, ,I I I d to read I as follows,,# ,I I I � "When i I lu R602 top ,n or pattly ,ICI, I „..", ,:. ..,.I,��I, ,I, ICIng b, I ,.: «, ping ,I,I, ductwork, placed. e. 'in an I a,� wall, I necessitating I ww� ", i the , I pereent"' a �w ,a+l r ,.I;:) (16,..I a.» its width, galvan'lizied ,I, t a�, not less than s 0.054 : (127 � m. Irk ,m", I inch Iiiick(137 � ,�I G,a) and I inchies shall -be. fastened across I I��.� I I.I. uw (0. 14"„ uwlrnil �ri the ,, �" ��m.wmr,,,, , F„ ,�Iuo"�.....,^ "��: " �. ,:. ,�Ii i ," �j,. ,n:,,:W� t r",I. �» avIr ,I ,IrIte O m aI ru Mw I� �^ ,I w I �r ' ,�tmuI ," ,la ,i..,.. mu", I ,,:. r '. , w..l ,, r;» ,,: :'lo �,. I '�.,r m ;r. r✓ ,:..., r: Iu. �", 1 I„,..» / , ."..,.. .. ,I „r+..: �i ;..,,r r I. +muw >-ww. ,,.':, I'I...:: ..r.�, �.... n;..e, „I.: "a u„ ICI ::. cr ''..:: past I��..,., � ll be to ing Fasteners: . +.' l ' Y " prevent s p:w,�I , L ,, " w plate 'Material. J'he metal I fi 111 C ? Pextend a mini,MUM (,,,)f I ,e" past e r ' See figure R6,102.6.1. ("Except" V.:.:. � I »Aw" Nrr, ''+cl un c IWIv, rtrY r M tgure R602,6(1) I, I' 1 I WAA1, 1,naaurJinrl, '000fA droa f0„0 00 u� Ids" O",°�,�+" 0,01, w " W01,00 �w'FNI �IO°�' 00 'd� 0 000 ,vnw ,wrw� Y;pN� W�a #r0 uw"" "fool Oe 140 ° *#0000,00 I Ala r - wiro�vnwn�olor:' n to I roll" M»,,, "a<'fs'*%- n� AAW 1 oo jo ram arl ti"Y^ da'a wwwf I0, i 10 wire I, ^AMA i I MTW 00 n'�°emu 1100tiO y0°v00#� arnul� y wr"Jw" I� 000,� ,� am f� 000,010 ol� �� 001e, I�lua°''tuna° 000,01,0101,1010,: 0`00 �Illn log "0,00 00000001, rinla�^ ��i� una I .1010, rmn a r i i I` I I ftA I JIaNn, j 22* I I :...lfyq�lGM1� D N Sectfion, Sect"ilonasf6llows: torwalls, A fies shall, R703. Veneer B W. for,'Wall St,uds. In, tia,med c anchored'to studs as 0 followsIt no f-Urther a, 1,10When studs are 61 lincheis 407 mm' O.C.,stud I.' I,,n�llbe I I,J,,I II:.. i�, apart hi in, 'inches24 ally ting m) the (737 „' , r I>I a„u. approximately Jmw.l' (3,81: ,. , fowndatiion,,; . i When 'ties, 'ies ,µ placied °n, studs tI 24 o:. *Inches 'h',s rto 10 :Iim) I ^ u ""a,4 `� a be spaced ' :; °es,su.. .C., further apart, I°n 16 i"niches(483 a (254 I lly starting approxmiattly I w "inI'�," ,�IIm,m i^'1 from n.) ded by �I i„ IPA,. �w o read I�Ir I..... Section R902.1 23 6 � S# , I 02A Roofing covering �, I r�;, °� ,+ ,o, VI I '°" �" R ed wil"th maten'als set forth in , 11 be , ° I° to roo, I I . 4 d by thi ble Sections R9,(A and, R r Cla.s.,. ` I G or C roofing i , be installed. s a Classes, llited acordance w W, y I UIL 790, r(,,,qui hall"�� I „fin, w, °w< be i° lob I I I; r, ASTM �I E 108. 24* Efficwncy deletied ' Chapter JREj Enerpr in I I J I25 . (f Stivition M1305.1.12 *is r.,I :.., II r ,... p;;tp follows,, a, # 41 M1305.1.2 Appliances ,. Attifcs , la appliances shall he pro"Vii1deld''.0 k 0 , ; g Ides e appliance , : : : v : , " required. ," I Iaccess :ey r on qpentng :. (I.) ss is, dimensions(I � shall .be � ,� a.,. � ,.. 20 � a 310,1nches I(508 . , by 762 a �. and. to shall 1jarge enouh to „, 2 largest I r" ur I of re r�m���I ,/zl*& u,uN: , inch plywood" I 5/8-4",nch C ew rI r I I, ' ° access t o the attic splacie shall be!` I"'ded by one,of. :..I ICI. e f ,AM^ Wvww > I' . A,permanent stair;I an I�Ab d own'�mrt 1 a:�,�6, n„�.. I,'i x, I 300 ( 6 :. Imi, c,. � I A pull- III"1 ,�, 3k,g) I I An access Yron , pl ,door, .' floor er „ma�,rr1 m I �m M level. Exceptionsil, (uinchangeic� 261#1 Section M1401.14 is amendied to read, as follows. M114011.4 Exterior ins Equiipanient , appliances i>� r..l I. 'Y I .. be � listed No ,and labeled f „ , . ,... r ; I. o I condensers I , m. i I I l belocated inside yards 'less Is than i i is felet,unless, Iapproveld by Building Official. (rem-iiaining I�m,%-r unchanged) M I IIr, �I�laIi"�rti�lr„I. 14113iis amended �'.. r I 'ld follolws. M1411.3 Cl disposat. Con all . c r 1 i L coils, 4 evaporators v ' k 'o shall be ,, x,r r.:;r. w....n Im„ r.... fir ,oe,: d1rain . 1 I vp, 1 m M m ` r ugh � w� I��o,� ���� .. I mw�,J9W II !�' oiv,�VI,I I,No' :. by 'i�P I�' '"m$ I:': .t , c :,.I v '' m,I�w 1,N I w� '� Nw� .,.o. ti� `, , yY�' � ��� I .,- „1 ct " Y ,yM<' d* +fm tdranin. (reitna, o I tt;.�v, i I i 28* Section M11411.3.1 Ing Items I I e , foilows, ,and 4 to 3. An, au u I l in pan II, o I , :nI g n I r , ofthis section. roc . ,water, 4UPu level ' detectil"On/shut dev'I"CC MQY' V e installed the building V V' a ICY, 40, A I , , level, det Ideviice. (intet*vleining text r r w I I m rlVl overflow , b ' ' pan. A, wirttler level detectiion/shut off deviice maybe installed with prior approval of the builiding offic,11"al. 29* Seiefion IA d tio read as M1411.11.11*1*1r m folWws:1 M1411.1,1,31 Idevice'S41 �,I , 1', (htiilk Water,,,Ievel III doiw,,n.,,,,flow ,Irl Nu�� 1� JN water �" ° > dra*n 1"' level detection deviicem a installed, w"Ith ffic � prior I proval uw� thebu'*Idi ng x a,,:1 310. Sectlion M15016 Makeup Air,Requi-red, is amended read as fo"tIoNvI,s* M150,31.6 Where one gas;, iquid o I fucl-bttniing � I Makeup air r,equired., or more l I liance that is k , m direct vent b i I l draft ....venting w ' ,s located 'within, . i i . 10 dwelling,unit's. tair bam"er, eiaeh, exh-aust system,capable ofexhausting in, f'400 i'c I N I M feet per, R,i I, IIr .�. � m3/s) r M '..: oF.I I r a: 1 :: passively provilded w"I"th � �i mJ or keup air at a rate Iapproximately I Al to, m, Idifference'I between o :exhaust airrate d 40,0 cubic fee Minute. ''.,... Sitich, makeup, . i s „ ,e r.. ` r N o � I ,d with n o fiewer t , o 7 p complying Y1Seld'i'llon, Exception.lo - NIake .I air i's 't required for, I'. 1., " �I'.' "�,,,"�, I I.I rr I�..... exclusive purpose is, r the ,. �" I� Iintended aJ I I open, ,:,, 1 I v:..r I be I I I I ;I I olther wrin I I I r, mm�� �, „�I �I � u", all ml vl 1 N r N<1 are. � I 1�' 1 I�r, I 1 'aulAF w%PM ,u N W'here, appliances in Nw�N w f r I1 I power-vient, I I I I /tic, per rY:I, I I , the em,ha:ust hood systein I plermnitted1 �L ,1, f�et m3/s) , 1 ,.. ,: / : providing makeup , ' Exffiowst hood V I 1 capable . W fexhausting ' r , fi V . excess a " 600 air minuteof 28 /s) th r„fr mrr VN � u..' prov"li'ded �I4 :. �u In " r ,Iv makeup l to rence betweethe � I N prox/,i,mately Ie1qu,I the I I I I b - t a rate of ex—aust it Minute. nate, and 1600 cu,b"c feet per 31. Sect",ion isM1601.14.4 amended dI I s foRows'. Ordinance I,,. 11919-4*22, Plage 58 r l ducts 1-isted i*,n accorditance wi UL 181 shall be M1601A.4 «I I I N,I, I d 't"n, j accordance r, , I. " w1th manufacturer's" . i"nstallation mstructi I a or, m r „.. approved,I I .I I � Flexible .. ll'id traps w* h mel i ducts shall be supported 1",'nch Iv, r 18-ogauge v, metal, 6�, �, r,r r� r IN 6 sad lis, rr J10 intervals ,;, vAI6 o� exceeding «r1 feet or in accordance rf d m«., r: nr,l th the 6 ro 6 s insvallati"on, II In t'nstnidm �a I« I' `I 31. Sec6on, M200,51.2 is amended M rilead as foll,ows. M2005,112 be BProhiblited locattions., Fue„ �q water h v shall not installed in d I �I , t"' *n rt I,+s : storage "s Water heaters located 4 R bedroom , shall, be li, seated aer : :I r.I. F{ " "that . 0 ' o : u , . ,... .., not . a taken. from the fivi"'.ng s: a " . Access to m :r " enclosureh,a lid fronithe bic%droolm bathroom e g I dolor., wleather-sitripped ado I accordance - : with the i lo door a* leakage n *r .. I of the Intematt"'onal: Energy Conservatl'on Cold, rt and, Im I .- *,. :I . �th an approved " rt s b dev,ice. Installaflon of d.,i*rect-i ' � . tank vent w"ater heaters, i I type I Iheaters I I ICI N, ,o required. be New permitted be Mistalled „uRiestid�ntial heater(s) shall be approved ' m i 4 attic ;i ' installiati'lon and, ., ✓ s In , r ,� e o pan, e N dral"n the T&P 11"Me di"'rettly to the �J outdoor ��m ""I ,I approved, location. .4. 33* 43 (301.1) Ill :. Ir :, Ilii'� by adding "... ,. ,, Sectlion o the end of the section. meters shall be located on r I 'e strAll ucture. I 10 Nm ection 4,24108 3,(301 .5. is,deleted 3 S (.. ... 2),is udied by addiing a second,paragraph,to r ead as,to1lows, 35#1 Slection G2415,,�.2 '.I✓,� da 14, 6 cacti fing Bloth rl , sr " + I, N I I u,. i's ,, gas piping shall il,denat*fy " , f gas, i The «dl '�IIcy'' qp,, rr~:•I" tags, oIMIII1 I I6»�o �u " mu be I vur I v, I i" I steel, m I v , m Y r,,, `,,, I ,I""`," 'the folllowt',,g * g shall I" I sitampled. *✓a o the �Irttl,� u, I aAl" 1/2 to ,5 Psigas pressure - Not Remove"" 36. Sertilon 24,15.12 (14041.12)iisa mended to read as follows,#' C12415.11 Min,'timum btin*al wmI IIIM � a �Under,ground6 1 'Tin, 1 � IdepthImp (4,157 61� � . 3,7# Section G2,415,42.1 (404.12,A)I,I�deleted. 38Apr Secti,,on G"2417.1 (406.1) amended o r a1S fbillows; G24117#1 (406.1),. General. m �: t o � t ceN � its � a , I�, g , t I 0 shall lie I i I�cted, and piressut-le tested, "� determl*ne ,,,1 I I I M I des'igft, Iofand, ' [h 11 *th mista, oi,tion ractices yi wi Imp I I V f l �", I� I I " Code. The I ;',nn I I a� I° NI �; ; l a � e tests presiefibed 1"'n S 2417.1 ro 24 17,1.5 I determi",ne co p h , I , w1th the,Provist-ons o I,h MI Coide. c penn"t hold „ s g ,» reasonable, Aae,advance p ,a w "I""'he � I equ* A power, bulj official when the pipling systemtsfor dly 0 # *1 ' lablornecessaryfor , ` s i ,lions, and test : h beft,,im,ished by, I,: pemnl*l holiderIand, :. I r a determil"n"I*rig .� 6I�m. I0 permil", I , � po st, a �. pressure, uu0 ibed I s e. ; � � o � I � Idiaphragm stbllowi-ng � has been WWI , , : and ittile ' tested .a "d i r I its entirety ' ii d „I I ,. stops open. 39# Sectil"on G241,7.4,is amende m 'to read o Howsi., i G24171014, 1(406.4) 'Test pressure �w, 'i 1 1 Tiest pressure, shall , w "II "with it " 10, m manometer, .... ,�.. v ,..... I 1� '.. ;y,:. pressure-meas, ,...,. �,,,I, rn,., ,. ".,I o,'.. ^ '. ,,.p, ,'.. I.. I,.,W e I „ ` I� N rlwli i I1 ., 1 i, „ul Indicate N a pressure loss; c' , by leakage ,I n pressure x " source 'Pr II ,shall be 1"isiolated, wbefore the Pressure tests are made.. 40. I tton, I I "tad I emu,l I I Nryl� I N:.flowI ,,,1 « „ 1 417 VMS E G24117*4.1 Test The ew, II1��1 »j 1wshall ^ not �" ,; II1 (406.4.4), ps (20 ' I I �' �, 'wn k,Pa gauge), I ,I r,t the discretion ,, �„,1III piping and 'I Im I ^,_ may, be 152 M pressure . , leiast st"'A (6) » I ," 1.." I « wo . a . , o; I :. P W .with , r I manometer , s or # # 0 slope gia'agle. F tests W k I i i piresissure of 3 p diaphragm gaugeis I vw : N q .a, ll iltize prF. �n �1 ,.' diani,eter » e ,.N , ,Ione-half " .". 1 ' a set ^�Nw''I(3 "w: :.", h,,:...,,,, i.,,J.:, .,r.. Iv I" y. -.,. m.n; inches 1/2"), u, 1/10-pound 04 # 6 It n I e o o. and, I pressure range nol to exceed s , } ',, for test ^ a W ;, „ a pressure I .' m. . �, i �, a ,,o � '.. �I, 1,.,1 ".¢r,Ior NII uwnI �^, ,, "e � :.. °,,:.. '' ",II :...' ;.. `"I, :... mw.N:� w , psl* 1dial diameter 1 "three 'wa a ". � 3 ,� wW �yW, :, r^xum ra siet -rt;I.., " :I, one-half.. ," :Pw 4¢, 1 hand,, ;:;,I, o.:,,,1 s -pound hN dW IM w'I. For not excee ing, 1. u. F..:., f' I«n, I., Rey,^ ..,,. e ., :.,i, 20 1x.f. s ww ," ':. I and fiorpipim,ig c „ I I, 1 1gass a pressures , " I I of fourteen ,.1 I inches .water x . column, piressure (3.482 kPa) Oa (1 I and, less ''r I� �w1 j. I« column ,I I ,' (52.2 (7.5 ,:r, tPnI21 ' 'I" ri, ps'll"), 'testhe pressure shall , » , n r I10)poundsi per square,.. inich 6 k,Pa). For pipi'nIg carrying . I ,gzas,a ,a pressure t .e , .s 200 incheis 1 : -r column(52.2 kPa). 1(7.5 psi),the teis;t pressure , shall be not , " 1 I � I Wless the " " w : W n' pressure., 'I" � � eld tting cal I, ga:tiges ,� ,: I. 'fJay'.. dtisplay0 « v. I. I ,,, wl. �, � Iwxr,�''` ,'�NvWwlly, v ;.. ,. ,. nd W.0 ... ,». , ". I Dl*aphra, of ndl'41"on,., The "'.f..' r vml test must be w:'w"I l ro l '',to dl*aphragm gauge used for t },- I j... Iwo Section G24117.4.2 "i's a „I ,,,, I of Ito read, Nwn v u s ,* G2417o4*2(4106.4.2) Test duration. Tiest duratt"on be held for ,, x,^ ^,�,1 ,,�, vm ,I I� � wll (15) I� "�rvp:ml , ".,��.... mv" "..n. r,. '.. ,. ,..II ,: 'e ".. n:, s, : �...1�IIr Irv, ul'. ,,,... ", [W,'.: .. , ,,.. ".» , "... rs..,han I fi at i 10, and for ptip,,iing carrytng gas at presistiresin excess, of fourteen(14)inches water column pressure, , I. I„ duraflo, � :i Imi 1 "p, :i., I».' I ,.." ^� 1. r f ,: t I I building (3.4 x,,,� kP 'the test 6 ,I ,... ...:1 w , : vu ",-... I,,., �w,, :t e w'I:, ,,II , : P,Y ^Nk but ,:.... case a1N for �' px,I �., � "":d.-, , to «r:.'�, I ,° � less ' '. I minutes. I ..., ,.. �r ".. r1 aM yr ..� I, Nr;; L in 1.. ral„� ' than Iw"rvx a "::::n, ... shall: r' ':"", I system l I': All Icy I s :open. 1^uw1 »' I 42* 4(,'N#I)is dedby ad Section " ., : Seetion, G2420.1.4'to ..... r : I I. G24,210.1i.4 (409.1.41) Valvesit'n CSS"Y installations. I ated Per S ry 1 s I w a� (CSST)Pj'pi*,ng systems shall bessupportied " , r n,. I , . ;i :. n fitti*ng,or equI'valent support, sultable fior » I �w 1 � �� I�on but Iwl reater t Ii,an e of'the valvels,of adequate strength and quafity,and located ialt i',ntervats Ive no I � n, wwwN om s to Prievent or damp °` �w ,„ 'real . from ....... center 1"r,olY of thei , * ": "v, :.,„ ^.' ry interfiere ^1 I .. , ''. - I12-linches a;m valve. Supports shall bei ,I i" 1 ,, I u.. wN41mu... a I. I. the i.firee expansion, "s „ ," ciontract,"ion " w e » ptipirig, fitt,­i,,,n,,gs ; valves betwetmanchurs. All vl'alves, and supports s,liall be designed and installed so the ��I dise,%,.n,gaged e : ,."1 rvnu,� ;y , NI I r ' ',, VsN,. ,.. o a, ient of the supplorl'i"tig pipmg. ' Sect"Ilion I111 I11 1 I ad a G2,420.5.,'I, ,(4019,.,5.,,I,),i*,s, (4019..,,.'1) , I. r,� ,. 1,;. ma Mw� rv�,. j.m" mw�, ', ^ I„�,r „- � 1' ,,. ,�' (Ifit G2420.5.,''I II " ",saw' ry i ,-..�1 s b n "w,m' I „,':!,V """c v::. �", ro ' ,,, ^J I,. 10 t „ ce. � � w « ' I u Assecondary ^ � I located, valve ,,I, �w,1 'be installed I I d a firebox ,,., I f the firebox. I I44 Sedion G2421.1 to read ^� rNy1r (410.1), is, Orldina'n'CeN. ''O. IIaIWF G2421*1 I(410.1) Pressu,M`� regulators. ti,ne pressure 'regulatior shall be..,. w„ » wV",.�aN' :.: , ly ., ,. ,�,rapproved ,tor u (: n l �a ,. o : �� a ^ a, W1 requtreme i ,�"m„, access ,^ a�,�' �. � �I� I�^ � ^"I� will �w for A I.�Nro Imm rt�i.I. � -Iv', ` ',, ' I„i. " ,, ,, Section M 1305. . I f regulator , a I,;r� f,,I lievel ,^, ,^I^I Space I r �, f� � INS ExceptionNMI A passagieway, or o 'be and renrioved through the required ,e'' f ing serviced attic opening. 45#01, 1 w�vII IIto H I III woof Id»ol,IVIIIto » rlr�r » I fn"'to,read r I i l ble G 2445,1,......siole source(621.2) atIngIsn...' Onel orm,u re I;ted room„I, heaters"N. a, I fed ,w vImu rt vw'oait, , u�coml," I9" + Ig be used in dweiling, Exceptiom Existing api„,� ..ui IIr wntled .'MI ,: v r<", Idfu...� ,fa 'tits', in 'Ithe codk r; �W ve in r.:.W° Ate':,m when I instal lied, .: by-the, accordance hen approved provisi'lons to, rl�,rain *, ,. as � »w oai exist Riel Gas io, ""^ " � N I ro,, � a"»nuy a � descn"bledIn, saf�c ond d II�„"�I�Im,�I I f,r ,,, Igin, Intemational Section Codle108.7of Fuel Gas Code. I 46* S "�w ectin G21448*1*1,. (61241 i.Irk 1) !�, I m,' to d as follows,, 0 - water heaters relative G2 (624.1.1)i, Installation requirements, : 1 „ a t � e I ts Ives odr,a* K o � c tI r� �� � I � relief � � " » I i F s � I Is code. 47* Stcflon P12 amended amending� i paragraph � . �� � k I l - r .I»,t' � AI� t or, ,. I , ,.Iw ,1C :System, aI d , wSa�ni`ta , +-drainage, » , ' I , � : µ »^ w'i�, upon fAl" lureor need repair ry bt-,,connected, ;.,I Ci�y San"itary i Sewer System. 4I...,^ Se-ct-t"oin P126033 t s ,......, ^, it t read If w 'ill IWw:I, 1 I I „P2603.3 Protection : N-4etath"c wIa as I.. t n east A 1 ductiRe I I galvant"'lzed steel,+ � be placed A di'rect contact ,I�rI members,,, eLs, concrete : ate i I rl c. i e .. a ll» a flooirs or other" I ta"I.masonry. N y Metiallii,c Pip"in shall o, be, direct contact I ^„I I, used ^Iw�f, ^ „ is th to » »NI Wher, eat w prevent dtrect lba ct I the,,sheath"'ing shall have r thickniess ^tletssithan 0.0108 inch m , (10.203 mm)and the sheathing ro ,,, g . e F # A approved mate i e n „. Whiere s i. t i' I protects piping that penet concrete I , I , r walls or floors, lh sheathl"ng shall bel4istalledt"n that allows movemen't oftht I pi*ping thie a g 49# M is a aI ,f I, _ II, � P2603,15., " P21603.5.1 , Siewer depth., Buil,di"nIg sewe that connect, , to, private s a I . k N . stems shall 'be a mini`,mum, of 12 inches (304 mm) below fini'sheld a':- coti,,nectlon. Btu"Idi*,tig � awICI''2 (,u " ) 14,old sewers ,.NWI ",b' I�.,"''� INr°I I be ', I:I I,.. to r,n �I;�I I � G, ,,r I�graide. 11. I 50* fflng Section P2604.2 is I amended I SelcoWn.P21604.2.1to J s P2604.2.1 Plash*c H and D'W"'V` PI*,PI*ng Iw N Plasti*,c NNv,Iewer o D,WV piping I. . o v ' „ shall be G .: , m iin Iaccordance ,, the a N a , f ,'.... sa 1. re , .., s.. r t.„ .I I u c. I I I h shal ble controlled N r u ,. u exceed,, ; f the de the p pe .diameter, plus a trench whi"ch has`nches or, : I16 � �, width equal to w,I " „,, I I �. I II� CAI, ofthe ptptng mtjltiptiedby 1.25 plus 12 I'Inches. The pt*,pt*,ng inches, 'fill , '` V 'back, I9 m.�..e 0 ted, IO ui..... Nm.., n 6- inch layers,; I IU. and, :. M. 'AfJ. I�R'., �. !(%il�� r fill i..., V119�1 i ^�i pl*ping. '� ,,1, w Nei l each l � 22 Ordi*nancie I.I.Page, 61 r I, 85 percent standard pro tor density and" shall, be to of extend ,° o a mtn,,imum of 6 inches above the top of the pipe. P2718.1.1 I, SeCtIon iss amen " by, add" Q� �S, a ,, �I SectiOn P12718i.1, the,a,l�l have a, pan.J Pan required.: All I r I aaa r ," IIiU "i a l" Nw,,w". " "., Y,: second floor.ia,nd, y. above :� y I sh The n shall ,r Iw"th a water test Iing Iexit exterlor of the Str=ttire to the outside. ,5,2* Section P2801,15,6,amendied to read as follows., Section �N' lited 4Ion's'. Water li,eaters, ��hall be located in I ,u,r* w' Chapter 20. No tank t ," e water a r heaters shall be pert ' w :, in,.New Resi . attics,* „ , s,* Tank , less. water .m heater(s) niay beapproved fo attic r " I. . a, a.,o and a d shall ' T&P the outdoor roveld and ,I,ll drain the linedirectlyto, I' a tocanion. IN 5u 1: Sect"I"on ,..., uryr 1. '.1,".I is it ; amndedo read as ,flows.1 t" " ot m) P28101.6.1 Pan t.. , an I" "I"he pan shall a l�1, less than 1 1/2 inches (38 ;, in" depth a nd shall of sufficient s rI - o Ind : I r a I, e" i d all dripping condensate W w tank water beater,,. "The, ° shall: be drained by indirect waste pipe having ,� 9 diameter I" I less m ,,�I..I 'inch , ' (191 ' f �Plpl'ng � for safety . r rim °",.. pa � shall be of those , a � I listed la" I.. ' b""l�r"o I Table '., pan I .. '. ,.a q :..I' discluarge I I ,'N .. ms�dli"1 . : Mtittiple u. drains may � , ,.. '",, � ,I ;. ,i I I r I. ,p':., w , by thie. attve autbority and t4ted by the installati,on instructions "",, manufacturer's thoseand'i,nistalled with instructi-ons'. Section P2801.7 tis I '.: a6ttg nuN li"�cie ' a',inSVa,,� I �.. "'I',I lam, (,. amended Exception,: Elearl"c 'Water fleater. 55Section �* P2,804.6.1, ,dam,�I '" en'ded to reald as follows; IIHIN P2804.6.1 Requirements for discbargepiping, "teI YdiScharge piping ser i " y prt*.ssure u i valvie,temperoature retief'valve or combination thiereIof shall:, III 'Not ble d"rectly connected to the drainage system., 2. Discharge through an air gap . Not be simall e than,l th ediiamieter,,I,of « outlet 'the ' : valve vr fi. I" r r a shall discharge f"L1,11 Size to the air gap* 4 le ef hall n cnnect to ny otherrl" f Ip Servie ➢ pWw ", r device a ,I. "I I�,"m �o '.... pilpi',ngserving /.: I. I� d,, devilee equipment; „' r� iu � ri. �II,I�qu�w�I4� III T&P&qcharge ExceptiomMultliple 1 'Wkro r,,ay ,v. ,Uk, w i, Ik'v„ : 4 n ", w systet%n when approved by the admin'Istratwe authority, land permi'tted bly the ,,, ,� 110 ", r rap I " ma ,� ""�, �„ * nsitalled tbose manufiacturer's on instru tru ,. rira 5 Ditscharge I F an, indirect e» xa ee receptor rrt I aor 'the rp outdoors,,, t I "I lk e."xr-It unichtniget!) 6 I�Section w P"211902.5.3 I ed to read I V ��w,iw�v �r I: 11 P2902.5.3 1,awn lrr"iga,tion system"SK. The potable water supplyI, system to law'n imigation systems shall be proltected agains"t, backilow by an, atmosphefic-type vacuum breaker� a,, pressure-Itype vacuum breiaker, a double-check assem blyr, or a,, reduced pr e ssure pn*nciple backflow pre,,��renten A, valve shall. not be linstalled, downstream firom an,atmosphenc vacuum breaker. "Where chemi"cals, are "I'lintroduced intothe, system, the potable water siu� ply shall be I P protecteld againstback,flow by ar, duced pressur pfincipal backflow pr ventier* N11 iim*1gatilon systems,shall have rain.andEreeze tell 57* Section P3003.9.2is,amenided 'to'read'i n its entiret:�y, as follOWISIO, P1003.9.2 Solvent cementing, Jojint su,r",,t*a#,:ce,,s,, slh#f, all be clean anid 1,'�ee , om moiisture. A purple 10 primer that confio�nns,to, ASTM F6,56 shall be applied. Solvent cernent not purple 1",n color and "'44 1 1 conf rming to TM, D2516,4, C'S"A 131,37.3, CSA B1811.2,or CSA B182.1 shall be appfied' to all joint surfaces# The jn't shall lb, made wpile the cetilentis wet and sihall be in accordance w"IthASTNID28551, Solvent cenientjointsshall be pertnitted above orbelow ground. 5,8, Slectio,n P34 I I including all suhseletions,is deleted in lits,entirety, I t I 'fo 59,0 Section P31,12.2 1*1,81,amendeld*n ts ent rety to read as, illows, P31,12.2 Installation. Traps f,"orlistand slin-k-.s;tiaxnd, simitzrix equipment shal,l be roughed 'In above the foor and, may be ventedby extending the vent as high, as possi"blie, butnot less 'than the # # IN dralinboard hel I ght and then return"Ing it downwardand,connecting i,'t to the hiorl"17.,on'tal slink drat'll), 1 0 immedi,ately downstream ftom the viert-lical fixture,driain. Thie retum vient shallbe connected to t-e hior* I drain throu ng an t"'on,be prov"ded"wi th a f6ot tzon'ta a wye-branch fitti d shiall,11in addl 1 J vent It aken, of,,fl the vertIcal fixturle ven't by means of a wy,e-br��lnchi,t,,n,media,tely,below the floor and extendit ing to the nearest parni tion an d then through the roof to, the open air or may 'be I u . i less than,six(6) `nches(152 innm)above the flood le. viel connected to othier ventsat a ploin't not 1, 1 rin�i, of the 'fi xtures served. Drainage fitu-ngs shall be, used on all 'parts of the vent below, the f,11oor tevel a,,nd a minimt'lm, Slope of O'ne-quavaet, (1/14) incli, perfioot (210.19 '11I.M/M) 'back to, the d r alin shall, be maintau ned. The, retum bend used'under,the drainboard sliall b e a one (1)piece filitting or an asselmr-bly of a fortve(45)degree(0,319 naidius),a ninety(90)degree(1.6 radi"u,$) and a t`*orty-five (45) degree (0.179 radius) elhow in the order nainied. Piple sizing shall be as elsewhe're requil"red in,this,Code. The.,"'Island sink draiin,,upstream of the r(,1:,ftI vent,shall serve no, other fixtures. An access ible icle anout sliall be installed 11"'n the viertica,ll portwn of thefoot vent, Section,106 Amendrnentsto Internn'tional Mechani"cal Clode,2021, edlition. g amendments to,the,Intemational Mec "cal Code, 21 s s 021 ediltion, a adopteld pur han uant Ito Sectil"lon. 3.01, are he,,,,reby adopted:, I, li '� 1,01 Slection 102.8,is a,tne,,aded to, I I d asfollo 102.8 Referenced codes and standards., The codes and standards re,fere,nced herein shiallbe those that are listed "in Chat,pter 1,5 and such codes, when specliticially (�tdoipted, and, standards, I $,* I 'ibed extent Apr each such shall be co,istd i ered,part,of the requiremen-ts of thiS co lde toth i e presc r" reference. Whe re,,I dl&ff�rences occur between "provistons of thtfIS, colde, and thi�c ref�:reneed standards, th,e provisions, of this co,d„u shall appily'. Whenever aniendments havie b, en adopted to the refie'renced codes and stan,dards, each reference to said, code and standard shall 'be c "dereld to rekrence the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 710 or the ICC onst E m Ik " wal(76d,'e sihall mean,the Electn"cal Code as adoptied,. 2, Sections 106.5.2 and 106.5.31 are,,, amended to read as, f6i'lliows.# Ordinance No,, ,3919,wO-w22,, Page 63 106.5.2 ,nn '.. Fees for fw, ::.iIw �schedule. the �.: �;r. 'r„� ,nr u , :rT- ,ri :.. „. ,,...,.. ,,.. � ,. a sl r:,. a inspections ,.... ntic.. ,v .: stt ee ., "ram �, 1 � ;. r �,� "...... :.. roe. � ,� rc ., I n o ,.c. '," ,-�,v ' o,,, time ,... ,.,. �.. � ��, r, ,. ,.... w nl I.,nril r wm :; rugl " : �:.... '° w I olw� � � ul,+:; ,'...,. a I... r, 6� ,>rorub �° wWII I n I Ir ,;Iyg�,, I ::. ',,. I o 1 ', I�'CityafiIlyy���,I�'o,1 :.." � ,..��16I �;i ai,„ M ,a..I, �IIaJU r c''. G, � ,"�M,,,, : ,:. ;..,,I N.. INm'nn'�,iilr .. 11.. 1 ""�I rn..f, ,.�.oi 'MAIu r :. vit,. I w Gify's Fee o �w�et �1Uy:1 ,t u ' Schedule I, f a .v Fee Th,e'bu`I`IdI*fn,g YwJ� v �I II I „I Sul 1 � � fumdI`n,,9 rIlrn I.i... I I ... Av.� : r FN M1 I.IVw„r of v I, ,�.�w. I�aa,,. c pol"I"cy f,`or 'r,rvv :� i�,I����„✓u �: the M i 1�41r'I v �,es. I Section 306.31 us an,,t*.nded to read asfoHows:, 3063 Appliances, o attics. Atti'les containj1',nIg apph"ances, shall provi*ded: (i'ntervenit pp . U !� i .i.IW The rIC di",mensions i"vrord..,,aaow= nandla..�.r ✓wlI , ,.... ruoPw ,w : o v shall, ",',a�" ,r.:.. � �I � � I: ':� 'b 1lo.�� I','r',r :,. r�'l rrI access ro; roi.; `� r I'firbe ,'..ZO rgerwhere ,, u '�''7I1' '" �� ' �ww� a uti6�,aMr o,u.. v" :...;, - `I: �: r;,,�Illc�`?� . W w �n raw ,i IAJ+ uch '4'Mlo v 1�N�: 762 �;uj�� uro I ew�lbly a:or sHMV ,, f14, 30 '1"nche%s i ,, ,r,: r(508 n l r allow I loud lar � I �"" "' ,1 enough I n,�Iwll l' I lur ..o 1, w a..; �rn removal �,r� the U .... ,al '.. w ,�'` '± : o, �'� r �'w .. .,..:: I ",v:v b w.� I d have c o:, s Solid Fn flooring, with a , i" t l" ,e of nl-inch plywoold o." 5)"8-Inch ,v r , I lorl .,a rbloard,and sh a I be placed over a load'Ixan"'ng wa or I " approval. n. 1 At, m m, toraccess t e M t" space, provide , of'the f`*011,ow*,n, I A permanient stafil" 2. A Pult-downsta r 1. . 0 I (1,I, kg) a and An I access �,r AY*' ftom an/t u r. rfloor level,. 4v . Secti'lon 306.5.1-is amended,, read as,.,fotlows: sery tee 3016.5.1 Slopled, roo.f�,i. Where. applt,'ances., equ,iptilent, fans or olther components that requirle �I L 1 :fshavi,,ng � ��r l a 2 1 n rrc�o1 n4o ,� 1�wl I �I� , and Ig �-, � � I I � n l° I I I n I ,� w 21 I w w�l, ,1 � � I 16 inches n 1 h s � cleats ° is spaced not moi h� 161, I Y , Ww provided ur, �. r 1 1 ,'1 I I°' I�,t cie �Ilevelplatform, t � . . lielvelall be I Ok, prov :' ,,, each '.. �'h.. "',�; „",. �,!: :. , r !,1 '"� i �! Il,�N �. l,..,»Nq r 1 I.. I �wPo; rt rc,V� I. I:..II y v� :'r f iq ro. y :. :,, pI I I ,:. l �.. I.iI � of l ��r � � 1 �I, r is l;l r .n maint n 4�� r 4 4. platfoirimn araI ., �arrcIrr 'in a/,ny 1W� NI ` ��III Irc1 1 I � I I1I shall be provi'ded wl'th gitards. gruards shall extend M"" of not les,s, i 412 'i I I (10617 1 I ) above, o �,. e platfomi, shallbe o: ' tw 'o a tprevetit passalge o ry ° � dt"ameter (533 mm) sphere and, shall 'the J n � ,n �,: ' u as >nn, F ,,b� t � � itft,)r1 the, kiternational Coiek. Builcling, 5* Section i*s amended by di*ng Section 306.61 I 1 w ,1 **'� 306.6 W'ater heaters I groun,d o When 'the I z „ " o plad I in ,which , W er heater isl*nstallied. ', more i v J.eli'ght(8) Y»e ',(2438 tInt above floorlievell, . it '. made „I rtss w by, e stai*,rway or, pemianent ladder bu,,i"Jd,ing. 1 as I,n 1 1 water (lot I' I r � capable il 1 e r , I �h �� ` :.. ,., , larger, � I fir,'. I _r... ;�r. ,... a be,,,i*,ng �I, l �arc,n'a�.I.:.., 1 lam,., a IOW ;.,,, ... ,I ,., ,,..,. ,. ,r ,:.,. ".. I- a�,.,..,.., heater J..I;. ... �, Ircn-.... „� ,....,, ,+Mn,,.. w r,. I,.r.... � my �, � � �, (10) W� -.+,rvr nr; w water an,.: heater rcl,� ,.. .,,I u 1 n ,,..1. V. ,�, : ,.....ld !.. `vMYr 'nFl :....'�4 ,:, ', �I �" ',"., 1 1 `" J:.. aIl I:. feet ed I, v v�.�.. '.p, ' r,:;: r I,v :. 41 �M,V ` 1 ..0 Jr (3048 above .I e grotind,o level and, a I ber o , d i v plortable la,.d-den I.. 306.6.4 I �. h"ght"ing at n. Whenever 'the mezzanine : ptatfomi, is, not J n # ighting adequa,telylightl I I fistoareicepta cle outlet Jl y ": thie mal"n lievc IIG Prov'I'ded rro Iand """`"�ww� w,��l i„ ,„ ,�, III Sectl'*,ion I �,' �< � poll 307,23 .3.1 I6. IiS to d ,as Iwlr�lu: ' - 4.. I,..: r li ,..... a i'; n e: w' l" numbered parliagraph,. r... lv Jtiw,Iu;::' Orldinan,clie 3919-6-22,Page 164 drai'ti, Yx -o I I 2. A s,eplarate ry connectedd,,t-ai*,n pian ,, r,l� �;r ,«�� m!.y�potn't rm4,d1l'spOS'O"11 �Isvm � I, ✓��w„', iviul '. w,u,Y� „ w I :. Ill ,... "��:.... �qw,I �"pr, II N^rI uch in to allert occupants T w I pn"'mary a ir,�... ^� I„ overIow IIgryI I'ne shall 1 connect o I uI drai-.n Pan I higher lev,el than the primary draj*n connect'i`,on. ing However., u J s 'c o point shall n create iat I h�az.a,rd, such : „ in , i✓ r.. wal �;,* .,. `"�,, ^", o'I, ,: other area ✓I w.,igl 119 uN'noi ""'� " e �� "" u s tl. ',ryk. i i v, 7* Section I �p II 4012.1 I. 1 , by, adding-Ig 5 to I.read, ,I,I w,. �;I� ,I paragraph �' I:. Tondet ,. r,, '.,,,I,',. prtvate d1wethnigs nat contain ,Y ,: - '�: :. closet,. lavatiory I I " i on Iereolf may be w✓ I 1,II '' 1 r I r"` r�I I x ,III�' " ,, , ng ,.� nl lar dev"'ce d ed"to rel wve or,sIMI 1, les,ign 11, s ,om the I 18* Section 505.1-ts 505.1, G uDomesu',c Ika ' a q � I ff � therequirements I "s " section. i I All domesti"'c cooking,I. exhaust . ( , .ventilation, I shall be µ e vert'I"cal be through : ¢rvM' the 4m rooif shall,Y NIN not perni*itted horl*,zontal, 9* Selion5016.1 1 IMF amendedto as foillows, : ,""..�.. �^°"7kl 1 i::.. k,`tchen hood, ;,.Fm i', Imo.. "a... omr .rah c rr,�ry�.. "�,. ,I br �,pP„I 1 ,.,, ;,.::v, ,,. a, r":.., ,,, , '� „ ,.. GeneraL oi�wwr' ,,"^ i. . : , ,.,uwu. and ',.,' a.. �4 ,na.. r�' shall, C n ,,., , with u 4, , r x, * a m s .s w m I a-i,f ' " m ,: ,' : ,r, ,�.: : I I ".fi r. J exhaust , I, equipment w ntl; m It i x shall be , I r ,re o I � ^, „ Y shallnperm*tted, hor* t be ype » Y 1, n w, 11 holords. , 1010 Section 603.6.1.1, k amendedt read s foll-lows. 603.6.1.1 Duct length.I » al'r a,maxi" of 5 lee � o p � p a and I are, e x 1, IMMn I I have ,psand ' =I �ly (1* -III �I - �� ,i 6 1"' uv, 1 ,1 4i. Sr«Ition, is tidm,dto �"ICI ame 5 II I I IF"I'Te , Ductis a: a I r -r n m " , , < in fire, - ,, I s * I I 4 ,n, rotected with rl ice "P listed fire dampers Section , Interitiona/Buildit"'lligl shailbe ,0.1 , > ,. V 'WO IWF.. Ilqr,n"A ha "I Sect]"o, ,.✓I ,I ✓ I rI Iwn II x d 1rfi 9 IM m 10. C. Section 3.0�7 Amendmentsi tio, , Intern FuelC"rals, Code,2018 ti a, I. Ir f6flow,ling amendments , r r r to,, the 1n,tem,,a1tj*0n,a'1 Fuel Cias Code., 202 1, el , , ✓a apursuant Sect ii1on, e hereby adiopte& 10 r I Sectton-'102.8 is d foillows: ✓ `„ � t Prea I 102.81 Referenced codes and standards. T I codes w " v I , v 4 , N I "'r. ,.. " I de shall be those, ' ^, , . n are fi s , Ir Chapter a R and such „I eIs, when, s " l I a , mo " r y Stand .a rids, FIshall blefconsi'diered ,, „✓ I� r, �" o„ „,III... ,�IIh 1 �1prescri".bed , "I such reference., de ren c .. Where v I,c u l between provisi".ons � Y , code and " e referenced standards, e provil'si*,ons code shall I Whenevei- amendments have been adopted to the r.' w ^ ced ' : and n standards'. o - I each �. I� p:.. . said i e a nd standard, , I n shall be 'derl I IaICC ilco;, 1 'tln•',, �i ..;,'AMM'�' >. I�, 1 ;�,�m : "'ws, �U I� Any �Y ,. fro,�, �` il�m ✓rvNFPA n.✓r the Electricat Cod mean „ 4 the Electncal C s a ,,. 1 . Orld lam, No., 3919-6-22,-P, 65, I nd are amended to as Sections109l.l2, 'follows 0,91 Fees,. Fees fior tr, r , I �lof , nI,w the, r< ,o'I � w,,::.., (,,:A" „ :...: plemiilsi : perl"orin- r f✓' :.: ,pW«„ ^° � :.:, o�„ m ec , iws code , shall be I lestabli'shed frolin fi to tim''ell resolufion . Ci'ty Counc and set forth I*n the CI*ty"s,Flee Schedule. '109,.16 Fee reffinds. The bufl,dI*ng offlicl*,al shall establ"I"sh a pol'I"cyfor a'Ll,tl,'llor,'I",Z"1',I,,,Ig the refund't ng of f-Ce 3. Section V13 tis amended inits,entirety to read asfottowsl. Slection 113 ME,XNS OF APPEAL 1,13.1, Apphication fo r appeal. Any, person shallr t sI*o,n ofthe bul0ldling offic'I"al to the 'Board of Adjustment as provi"ded "I"'n Seal'on 2.02 ofthe Allen Land Delveloptnent Colde, 4. Sect.11ion, 3,06.3 is,amended, to read in its,exift,firety astollows.1 (NM) , Appli'ances in i� Atfics it � I Ihances, wnlr w, 'BMW , "'Iwc n p,rov'I'I'd,c.,,,d,.,.,,,.(t*nten�ient*ng tea; lan ua unehan�, *de of the apphance. 'I"he clear acleess 9 �e s I ��,edi'mensionsnrhall ble minimum Of�� I � 3:0 'Inches (508,mm 762mm) � jncheis by I enough 't , aflow removal w n larjirie ot the lalgt fir" III", ,,»` I�wfin' „, ibw,'� i uw� aanr, nw 1 „ "I r'.I n :o,. P tlXl Ak o ,r n flooHng omn,, anvWw:II :" »fib , wil'thI� v iI.., !�' :.rn'�Mk� r ,�'� pl,y"woxod �. ,, v .�� ,nVA� , an , �Iw/ „. ...: ,.l, , o : i ,,.. ,, :. .. I. ".'w ,, ',�, �o "'.,, '�,N�I�,,,r, os".. �, ,rr ". ...,. 8"' '...... r� �,, : � .... approval.board and shall be,placed,ovier a load,bean'ng wal],orl w"I"th,engiineered ,t'""„ r o ", provil',de ,; o. spacie, fbtlowl'11,19, L A. I permianent "*mY �WPu wu k,g) "rt4y; fir' 'rI ^ 'rcul, IIown, Ir ,wMW ,v,,, »�. v ,^ dl^��n.: mwn�lc'R rau o.'i I^ ,,I v, I An access, :,,, ^ I^ksl door.,,fro,,,ni an 'I upper floor level. 51* Section 306.5.1, is amenided lto read as follows: II ")306.5.1, ('7M, Whe're I ^,,, Ieiquipmetv, fh,tis or other Iclornpon s ° requtre Se'rVice are Installed, on: ,I n having slopes greaterthan + ,..i : : t hodzonta, untits I'n 12(25-percent slope) greater uch edgle,a,catwalk alt least 1, I I I e' j I"th stibstant'I"al cleats spaced not uy o "» s i � apart shall �» k „I, �»^iMI "fib , n^ ^^ , ""'w, ^" �"' Ii�"ew„,�I i,14 he iiPlieviet m�aprov"I'ded: ,,: n„,u...,. I..� u. � �I�n,fin,,. v... n '. "i's...:,, u..�'., ;.. ��,:.i:.. ".. v...'gym; � firom, Platform shall ', , ', be Provided ,..n, each, ;...'� t,. ,,,; �r... i,. .,:,.. ...... ,... �°,,,, ,, i n:v access . inn nr I require,. .., ✓ br repair , maintenance. °�� I r �, IM "I"h di'menston sha"11 be provi'ded, ", ,^��,y e ,wm^ !� xtend tiolt b ,Iww than „ �,rJ-' guards (11067 mm)labove thic, platfi(,:)rm, ,, shiall be constructed so as, to prelven't ,the passage of a 211',,,n,,,1ch 41 . "' ` diameter(533, nun)sphere and,shall comply M i, the lioladi"t : » . , s t*or guards µ wI : 14 In °w n n�olt!,,,,der re w, ter..: 6,* Section is amended, ° Seiction 306.7 I fiAlows* b),r Sub,section ,31,06.7.1, � read Irv;' I 306.7 Water heaters , bovel �� n N: fir: '. W;, rav ^ w»,w,�,nrr , r m, �w, nin ; grolund tfo,rni t*n whi"ch a water heater talled 's more than el"glit (8) feet (21438 mm, ) above the ground or ' , , level, �' ern � � ,;r,, � ', � aI,� I ," e: , sin"..e �nroi e.. �: ",.. vu... ' '� w'��oi u9mo �NwV. �,.., IAIwJ.I � ....r.. ,iN4wurt i„ .. wrv.: � I, i.r. ,,�, : by � �oi> �ski, the but"Idt*ng. Ord *niance No. 3919-6,1221Page, I G 306.7.1 and I convenience e I e I�r , r Whenever the mezzanine or platform, is, 1 I � I I» :, r I, «I � �Ii j „,w 1 �, receptacle � level, "�ii:.'..... �'' lig �... ... n, i.. Gar,Irv„ ,. :: P lY:".. '.:. aw!I�'Vcolrffomthe�. V highting 4 � in �,q� KK idNfJf0, ,1 �,, ervW ,� 'r �6'Uwir,q.W,::e'�y�nd lh u !o. I uutlet �,m...,,,1 ':, oee+ r . MY' IV ,��A'� I'."9M F� Section 306113.1 !� ton 7w Section 401.1.5 adding f6flowing . Both, ends of each KK n» a o» , » ' pr s n e gas p'tping shall '1 n r » , i r :gas,pries,*sure With, "'I"'h lore....,,. V � I steel I o„ I I composed I h I 1 oil , ding shall he ova eod tl i,arWR ,, r'o the, v tag,., "WARNING III2 to 5 �„� e, ps: Do Not Remove'If 81* Section.404,112 d 'to 11eIw is, r 404.12 MI*ll'*IM'Um burl"'al depthi. I-Jnderground pipi'qg sy:stelnns shiallbe "I"'ilistalled a m-11,11MUM 41 depth of 18 inches(4,58 mm) top of p,ipe helowgrade. 91. Section 41(4.12.1 lis deleted. 10 Sitef"I"on,406.14 'is amendedto read as foflows., 406.4 Test pressure . measurement. Te%st priessure, I r, 1 be measured, � "�o� ,.: ,.�th, �„ manometer I ��VI I. , 1r I,i ,,i'o�, i r� 'ned and a x a o t , ;„ read, record, �« ind'i1cate pressure 'loss , 1 The .ig 1 r� �p u e. I leakage during the pressur . 'test Period,. c p o pire. ,I be isolated.. he before, t pressure,tests are made. I'L Section 4,06,,114.1 ,*is am vulded to read asfoI,Io,8#v1,s* 1406.4.1 Test pressure:,,. The te,sit "1 e" r u be u shall '" be not less than,3 psi, I (20 k gauge)', or ,P 1�,; ' di*scret"I"'on i Code lolf 1 !� pi.ping fqv`" r I� "1�r, �I�, maybe I y ,r a pressur 1 a of at For ,, 1 f 1 erl 1 � lIleast 1 (6) �� s f 3o d m o to test's r , gauges ��,�,a ., v„ IBC lu ��, I a pressure I psig, dliaphragm d,,Ial i". I r ,. ,11 hand, I� 'thr �' .;w 1 + I,� (3rv, � s„I �f,„ ,,, ,;",��I w 1 � a, � � ,"" I I « I 1/110-pound, inicrementatioin presssure rangenot to exceed 6,ps"' for tests reqtiiritigpresswre of'3 ps*g. F', tests n pressure of 10 psig, gatigesa I .� iAIMre o f� dial �� � minimum e „I...I ti,ot to,�o mn n;....�, � ,...� :..elded,�. 1....P nid, ' % *'�i ;... a pressure rementation atid e-hal f ,a 210 pund 'in ' 1 exceed " ,. psl, For �' � for p piing ":.�r r in ,Ib�' gas ;... pressures Ing, a, 20 excess o fourteen (14) 'Inches , ^ m1 water pressure 1(3.48 ' (1/2 psi) and less, than, a 2(,,)0 'inches o :: y e f wati 1 column pressure (5 kPa), (7.5 psi)1 t- test es pressure s: 1n not ot be less than,. A, I 10) pounds Ir, '. I1,r!� p�r at a i �,�;I ,.,�,�, �r�"��kl rr. Ir"�'h rPoWh �e:I,„ ', per square inch, (619.6, Oa)., 6� a , c� r1I lI ,r ,.� '^r rev :'cIi'- :ce wro:.. rhfll ,v �a ,, �IIR`Fa..I,,,ree'p II �o. '..�. ' e�.„e'1 �.��, ,.:.:...:, 2 . ,.:. Ilr... ..::. :. the s pressure rbeless than.for:. �.. used, I I, times r I prol,posied, '� II �� �.. 1 � KKJ e ,r,i .. ICI,, ,; : �Ia x'n � I '',,be in,goodwork"I'lig condition. d .,, rn ...... , I� ,. 1 a... wro. test n...nqy,.must � I current ,» 1 � and 'be ' ...... 1 �, r' '..... gauge 1 '. � r Iw.. ,^ �,, Jv,v I.:r,,. ». „Irl t . �a �� � tested, ,Ir. ert,It7� d annually. 12awl rr�r�� ti o �1`9 1 1 I � I e d d to Iread as foIlows. Access,,, I..:r ��,: 1 v I s valves . "I �i., shall a be located i� places 41 Is, , provi*de , :1 cef," I i., Shut olft"' ,,�'-.,� ..Iry � ry � � r �, 1 be �� damage. shut off valves in � rah ,_ � � �� , � protected, gi H,, .i a r w, b F. s , i s shall be Joicatied ni i : than.. ( „ :. : i", floor level w ' a 'ball valve for L emergency KK 39M,,6-L2,III , Page 4 to reald as f4tio 11 I *cfiou 4091,1, amend,le t ,Ws Secfi1(,,)nf,by adld*ngStNi ICI, 409.1.4"NI'alves,i*n CSST'linstaffations. a.v a �� t e d � `otTug I _ i Ffs st eel $I (CSST)l pipin,g Systems shall supported � " tting, or eq i , I support, � i I�°J o'' I I I� �; fb,r e I I „"° ufig, i„��w ,orb r , , and quit'ifity,, located, 'intof ���w dat'l ✓, ,�, vibration r���nIi ar II i out� � I i i I Utz12-I*nches feom �.:. I center f the ,valve, a . ara SUPPOrtS shall .. r expansion and clontractlion, of the syst e3nlifls p"t*pi*n,,,, ,,, fings,, and, valves between g,installed I I�'r(:)- ,�"I yot to aoi I .,1N with '., mi free . anchor, fit * ., A.11, valves and su P ports shall"be,desj*gned, so the l e �of �� 00, of the '' pipin,g., 14. Sectlion, 410*1 is, amended by adding i f6flowing i I J at thie end, of I I section paragraph flitled "Exception" of read as follows. awl... f � � cie f I nc e a i , eAccless � regulators _ comply a q it 'in Section 3,06. Exceptiono: A,Passageway e] i"ce space I'S not rawid e I,,, w,gu,lator,,i's capable ,rp ofbe.,ing serviceld and removed through th,,e required aftil'ic opening. 15,* Sectlion 621,2 'is amended by adding a paragraph fitled "Excepti''On"to read as foltows:1 62L2 Prohl"'biteduse. One units, 'in accordance with thic colde provi,silions in e't,"'I"ect when installed, when approved, by the r ; ✓ � fe , �r �II DWI ,; g ,. .,f, ,��p �„�U,rI ,, I�,,.� ,,Co,die 'unless i Slection 115.6- Excepti,on,* a,i I wl.r�. 6 , � „ * � � � . I � � � in accordiance ✓ provisli'lonsw � � �,� � to f , , � IPt-ovecl' by the colde r. r ,: �� '� a ,.. :,. ✓a ;. I oa r . ,.:., i�rilµ; � °^'�; r� it� . L s a �� ��� � � det.emil'nied,tdes.1cri*bed 115.16. sech"On, 108.Amendments to the Internatt"onal Plumbing(','.,ode,,2021, editijon., I� Ilo� I IIie ,:,., ,, ftM� , 4 '�Xw,.Ir,rI ,. ,.." '9Pow ,.iIntematt"ona]:. Plumbil"nIg w,wr. r , 21021 It 2i I as adopted pursuant Secti'lon 3.01., I o, .I C"O"oritents I Section t follows, giistier d J�)r.of�-ss*onal Eng"neer 1,)rat 7 13 Re " I, I I 'nage De si,gn. sect"iOn 102.8 is antended to, read as followsi, 102.8 Referenced codes s and s I .I The codes and standardsthi's C in � "ode, e sliall be those t w , tistedt"n Chapter 15and, ' codes, when c4 ,. I I I I standards shafl o r asz part of the r I c , s : code <"tothe prescr'bed ex , each sucIh ,f,,,... e c IIe. Where the diff,"" , iw �, "� ✓ r between provist"ons - l s code o f � referenced 0 Ilk" h.," "Je A Whenever standards, uJ � pro !�� j I i i Ithe mi'ni*,n-i,,u.mstandards,amendments have, been ad,opted, to the referenced, codes and fch ,„a e a c✓r to said code ...nab,r,.:...wiq� �w. ra rrr r✓r, ✓ ,.., nr.,....,�a w'�p,ra. � adopted ,�" ,,... III".�''�y '�I '� i I I ✓ � I�u�w I I �, C "� r r shall be � � r i well.,, IPA 70 or «Rod E"lecotrical (7(sode Electrical Any �,; ,,' a "� pl. " „� shall mean � Colde a adopted. Sections 109.2, anr r Le amended Ito read L follows:1, Ordinance 919-6-22,Page wr I No., Sul � +ma 109.2 Fee ;ill»..,. „�. issiu,ance r,ra... I. �, �I ,., r. r perfomiance o :.,..rwp; :....1r. r,. :.y. I idrr.Fees I ICI If ,,'�NI � schedule. ,....rr (e t 4i (sVll. by this,code shall,be as established ✓� Mq , '...; rr�: 'If"r'om ' to �� �Council t i I ° aresolution r. U r .w/ll and set forth lin the City's Fee Schedule. 109.5 The bul"Iding official I�I�y{AWN,w shall esitablisha policy for „u ,,,1 V A,I u ,:b a ,., ,.,., , ur °w c es 4* Section 1 amended 'in itsent"ji,iretyad as l� f6flowsi, SUCIAON 4 MEANLS OF APPEAL 114.1 Appli'leafilon forappeial., Any person shall have thle rlight toappeial a, declilsi'oin, of the bu'ld,ng offic'al to, the Boardof Aojustment as pro,vlided in Section 02 olf the Allen DevelopmentCodle. 5. Slection 1 „ amendied to read as follows. 305A contact., except I a:5t iron ductile irion, and �I I I b ° °°°I Ir, q Ir�w°rWId, ���,0 4 ""�! cwn I rr r i I ,, "'&, °r� I w ,�,I /r4 kWV..:rIrrr,1Y�" 'uYi. '. '`rl.y: ru :r; ,,.,.,; mm»�, direct contact, rr, I'w4 , r. r:... h ,...rx, ,.... tic, u,. r„ I , r,. I: c1nder walls and fl oo.rs or other masionry. Metafflic in Piping d"Irect contact Iv v the » , .. shall h "L W'here have 'with corro. " s I ° w sused�r pre,�Pent direc m rmor a t W.4 W., r Im, , o .less t a 01.008, i�. (i 8 mil) (0.203 . . o,the, � , „.. t k :shall. be I,a ofapproved, : l ✓ f . 1 'Where.. .. Y Ic l. protects piptng 'that, r penetrates o I, 1 e f or I s m r , walls floors, or ;.,., V� shall I: I,. ;� .... of pipinlg ', ng ows mlovemen't he 1 III r ,, ,'aniunner Jat r 1„ rr r r., the sheathi"119. 6. Section 305.4.1 ts,amended,to read, as followsi, he (304, mm)305Ism w� ��,� � � below ng ewersi shall be a umu,m 12 J,ncu S grade. 7* SeCtIon 1 30I15.7 is r:.,I ry to r„'I, I as foRows, 305.7 Protection i � i IH�! �Ir of plunthing System,., Components ofa plunibing systiet'n Inst,a wr lot,*ations in a lI r alongfi ect !fir I. rc I..IrP: driveway's, parking garages or : Iv', which W o I could be expore to damage shal, , „I , I s :lin, . I I or otherwise wallprotectedin,an,ap ,[,),r-()ved manner'. 8#, SecCion 306is amended by ic te sewer I iI ° a I, I '3 0 °IN1,' sI"� n WVpIpIng rwr .1 t I or Nast* p n g ,, 1 1, tindergrotInd Ashall be installed Ij accordance I a I ur mani,,,,tf-.ri,,lcti,irer's'ln,stallat't'on instrii,etions. Trench width i shall be, `I Im oI vc I1� I m i 'v� o°uI,�X I� �� 16 inches icontrolled , , ;A pip plus 1 : II Ir1� ,,1,I,1 � „I � � Jf I� � � � hasI of, � e r ,� e F � diameterI "I I" 1.25 ! : granutiarPiptn , . : plus r ,I � , . rie, plipitI . � � �: fill and then balickfilled i'de fill ICI 61-inch ide lolf piping, the 0 c ,c,, I � � r minimum , ,.a81.5,I percent n m . I pr(,,),ctor density extend, , n �- nd, a, I� � �„I 1I J4 i �rl I � No Foaff), ,.. uo: �d:- � oI o;: All ,�;, I"� I° ,. ,,m� ,�:"ram ir�, .> 0 ° ". 'I, /U�I, � 1 1,r the r Cell Core Al r ,r, 9110, ! S.",ections 31,41A is,amended I I follows* 31,14.2.1 Condemsate di'splosial. Condensate t"r'olm al cooling I ¢ I h and - ta I I r shall i conveyed I : friomdrain, I I , to I an I t s I k r r p o `Y r ,, J place , '.,. han,ged) n Condensizate shall diischarge iin o a k / r I,,alley, w i ' i rooftop,o other Ju..... I. ����Ipp ,wr I�a;�I W„� Ada to cause r ::"s r, e a 11,0* Sect,"lon mended " r to m , I s*, 409 �" e �r I! d"i'sh"Waleshing °, � ,,,awlIII I '' �`", I Flo � " p, � II ilI 2 Water nII"o r"'r; + he w ,I w INN �w I, v" ,I ° i I oa rIre M �,rwr, ,, r, a, a,nce Ispa, II�" I � `" � m°,' �I„', I p," �", � rSectioll, - I r� an gap or , �Jn✓ �II � JIw� wr �Vrt, I I�e (rt ,tµ °"section Iw 608. Ir, I r c to I c I y IJ �d) is t e*Section follows* ' I4 13ARequiTed, forfloor � ' � y , �� � � � I, I "r � following ,ar trap . "t" primers "' a I„ �I u d, ..I. �n wk �Idr,, �r Iwu�.I p„ Ial" Ilwrarlell ,m,.. i ,.w�-�"n,�. r�. I,.. mr.:: �I: I �:,, r" "„ ,..�." m,II, ;ro,. .� myI �" I� I,I -of "r a� an thing f 1lle Y " I; dwelfings', p,.,: ,o"" vl. s containing ,ue ,a ,,., "s a.;i , u I Iv r far µ^ a J n+J'I,s. washers shall be mll provilded "�' floor liocatied � di'ly dral"n,: w p � floor I ° Such drains k hav�e " "� � e � t I . ° I� wl�. 2. Commercial kitchens. �11eu drainst"n I I m a s',the code �I����IIII Im r I I �Ijy,�Il � miaay accept floor sinks; atid 3. 'r,I r 0 M S. Sedton I, �1,,. ",1�4,, I 502.3Imo; �j "r amended ":. I�w foHiows; " " J rtr *n I n�N,int w�'.: rc� J' ,artIg �r rc, heater shall�.���Jr o u 502.3Water, heatets's ,.r.!fir vu. m 'I,a vol J.. a r be, prov*ded I MI (iintelt-vvni"n1g, Iangut e wr , I )...S*de The clear l % access ru r opening � : lN i � . 0 (508mm d'imensions shall be, a minimum inchies by by762 ,.r,. r r"... v, larger such dtmenstons be 'n : than r 20 inches by 30 1, (508m,m by 762mm) where h , su ch . ,I di'men.sions, a.. Inlar r enough o l removal : I I r „ heater. walkway . I" to the applia"Ince, shall a have "..." I.r 1 w u wW °,�.v. ,�v�ll.. ". �.. ,w ,.. ',... -, ,::... o.. ,l ",id floor­i,,,ng,w1*t,[i u", Ir u��lo"r rt,:N thickawss, °T ". , �i�.. � 5/8"o6ented w strand I , board , , , aha,ll be w I v load blearing r , . r a red w� � As plar A a .. w attic lu ro ,mw , ,II,Icllr ' `°"{�,' space,J - HrrawAl a Il"`ww ml the m olloVia, II, it, :' ?kww,Nwo r the �Iq Pore r #rc ti�w A permiatient 4wlrv : g� 20' A pull-down, n� ith a iiprlbs. +w. a�mv 1 6 k,g.) tyl; and i'vi ,r access I,w� firou Ir�` w,lb I�INS 'Iw +tw✓ Section 502 i's, lamended by addi ng Section 502.6 to read as follows# 5,02.,6 Waterhelater's, I�,,I I Iove ground or floor. Whien attic, I II ,,,I z a I� �u platt7ori a , ',tn which " water heater � installeld is more 'than, I i (8,) " , (2438 �" above . I, ground , fl Iwn ladder ,p rk J ,, ,I, " .I r Inofm Ir � ,rll be I I�I. ° ! I I ,I� uva I wII fastened I building. Excep,tif,m:' ; "water 1 larger I � , s capable being 0 4I ten (10") I Ir lo,,, I n "wateraccessed through a, lay-,in cc,�t ling and ca, installed I than, a, am, the ched ,Nwr or level p i,a portable� � + �":tid I �r"^ �IJm<,r I ,", IIIa,< 48 � r ground r. 14* is , amended aI r�l �mJ �,u�' Section 5041.6, �r ance d 391,9,,6,,,L2,Page, i I , for discharge Piping. The discharge pi'pi*ng uo,'. : r„r a pressure iJ i,uwld,",, valve,teniperaturie, relief valve or comb"ination thereof'shall: I Not be di.rectly collnected tothe drainage systeni", I Discharge through art air ga,p fitt"1`1,19* Not Ivalve I and mm.�„„ be e is,, ��.°,r than the diameter rr ,... outlet �� �w F,. �w &scharg�e 'full, size to the air gap,01 4. Serve a, singlie, 'r lief devilice and shap"11 not connieia 'to piping serving any other relief deviice or equipment; 5., Exception.* *.Mu-Itt'pile'retief devices may beilst aillied,to a single T&P discharge,piping systenli, when, d by t, st t v o d pemilitted -. f,rL�icturer's'l"ns,ta,'Ilat,"i"on r0 nia , t I r k n `t, os r � o I ,n� DIis%Jc'h(#,,,t:rge w� o an ind,'I rect wtaxs.,,te receptor t e outdoors, � 7. Di'schar ge in, a a e 'fin; dioes, 'r a Se per onial irU"ury s i :�`w' damage-, 0 Dkichar Il,w� °... �V� �, °iir ,:. -. ° f� r � ,i�Y;, �t- I �abuilding 'Nilot be,9. treapped-, 1 installed, flowb yrgrav` „ "ren, ... i a°e not I than " d'.. i reµ..above, and not less'than i� °: i I�" ,�,;a i,dscharge pipe . dwmeter thefloor or flood level rim,of ti e wr s ui r interceptor, d IN ot havea r ' h ' e connection ptpingi, 13., Nothave valves or tee l'itUngs; 14. Be constructed ", c ,r. i, those s.r.. irnaterials listediln, Section materials I..v, s tested, ...se''. a tedand approved for&uch,use in aliccordance with ASME A]12.4.L- and 11 q�,,, "..a o.. is a i� '; .�:. , ve 15 Be of nom nal, si'ze Larger than the „�� of the a�,�, r ,�.:,rye''°m'',. l�,p�, �I,,, ',,,i I,r i : r, r 'I�m'@I .'� I dischargaings;iinstalled with insert fitt"ings of'such tubling shall. be flastened << r Siecfion 504.7.1, isi, amended toread as fo,flows, Seetiou 504.7.1, Plan stizo a,nid dralin. ' ie pan, shall be, not less than I i'nehe,.�; (38 mm) in I i I I I I r�, depith,. and U..,.: w shall,. . be ,�r:.. sufficient: c , Shape. ,e k�'."c �- i, 1.�" dripping, �.r c�,.., ". rtu,°.°„ w from, w he The I indirect,�; , � - , '" ,. :..rv�i'va: ,;, l,l u�t ,I,V,��, atheater.,, a t, r l,l �1 ° �, IIb uwaste , dtainieter f�, than, �b o ""-/4, Hich ,. ,.,. : r, x.�., �,. ,. .... dratins shall � ° be a.. ,�those ,„ .� rnr a; .. -m .....� r, [Isted, lesi. 19 mm) Pipi`ngfior Table 605A. Multiple drai"ns , en approved by thie administratti've, I and, ° pemmil"tted the°° n „ ufi au Sena instaflati,on tnstructtons and, tnstalled w"I"th those instructions. 16. Sec"filion 605.3 Iwong a paraigraph title „, J i `to read as,4011,11(")WS: I F."xCept'loni: Where spectfic materials at-e requil'reld, due to the speclial reqtijirements such as a S tence ''i r that tise w"I'l be penn, tted. C tab or "in,,ld,ustn*a",I ,t,,,i,,.sle/ then the speci,'i'afty piple reqwredt 01t*dI1*nanICjeN, ,oi. I P,age Now I 1,7* Sect""on,6,05.4 is ,...t ad4y adding paragraph ofitle I I x u, fion" to - s I , s v f`,x,1ceptjiotr,: Wh Ma MIS i �..... required- : the special, . ,..r ,. : requirements .e,,. i...e ,,, ": such s iere, ta.-Is , a then the spec,lialty pipe reqLjired science tab or industnial use, for tbatuse w'I'll be Permitted. '18. Section 605.5 is, amended, b ing a,paragraphtitle"Excleplion"to reald,as follows: y, a d d "1 NI, ,,,Where specific natiet ,t are r r due to r are,,, a pectl,,s ,u such as, a Except, tab or, the 'r I a,.1 1 "' Industrial Sava,. then �'w„ ' r ,! I p"pe fittings required, ,rl. r...at „' .. be e w' pern-'utted.'1,910 Section . 6,06'.1, w �deleting 61a numbered Ind ire, 2001 6,08.1 "is amended 0 1 t , follows. system608A General. A plotable water stipply suicha are:a ::. I.I v , I Prevent: c : , ,.: w v non-potable liquids, sIids o gasies b : »..,. � :.. :.. "into xvri potable water supply through :' ,;.,. u iawlpi,�Iptng conm. r i. Back,flow �i '.. gym:: red. �mw,� r..I� :,I Ir,r,,arm to ,. i. ,,boo , a �v� ���.' " preventerlly ;m ,�W..''ra �, i. rcm ° local � �� r � Section 16Nibitated ,ilattions, am1, ,�"'" �,°I pm,� Iorali� °' re ,608., nd 2 tol Section, 608.47.5 change,to reald asfoflows: o,, I � I,�, ,� of , 11"'Ile waterble supply 1 law"n, 608.17.5 to tirHgation irrigati� I �I systems rw 1 shall be protected, alp e � I�` against backflow, by ,, I I U a t breaker, pressure-t,,Yi�,,e 'vacuum breaker, a double-checke u_ a d pnnei"plie, backflow 1beins'st',alled aa'Preventer. A valvie, shall a ' I I down �,,, r"rc I a�rel i w�orc �r���„I „i atmospheric re breaker. Where c � � a are � r (rc .I, » " „ � w s, re�' potable gat ly shiall, b, I�rc protected agal,,nust, b,ack,,flow bly reduced systems , havienin,and"freeze protecu"on installied. 22. Section, 608*18i's I. I II I ,I s fi,)Hows, 608.18 Protection, suppliels. An individual water i r shall ble,located, and, ry a s e I I � a s I be s+ �w � , re r fi I tan"i i ,, ble 0 tocal Installation "in r"i 1,i� shalt be Iv I« with I, Sie,*cfion, 6081.1 23a I I , "I : I m I I I I a follows: Section '702.11 w , , e parag � i r . r a: o nI n," ad ph #1 0 , q wa " E xception,* „,„ � c " s ,rIe �a ,� r u � � ,., c s a, SCI emcel teaforlindustr"lal ��I specialty, �r 24, Section 703.6 is deleted., 25o Section 704 is' Ire I o by adding Section read,ais f4flows. i 704.5 SiAgle sta fittings. Silingle » c fittings, with itI internial, baf so . , stack shall I diesignedby m w o g a ; n comply' 1 to + a,,, t recognized a Are standard. 216,o Section 712,its amended , oui. Section 712.51 to read as,,foIlows* I, I � " a 712.5 System.,, sumps , e 'y ai'a ; d-isicharg tn, a :. v , ' use 11010 'occupancy where k e l sumpserves, I r . : 1 1 fixture unit , shall e provided Ordtinance No. 31919-16-22,Page I' With :'.. dual pumps o r, r, r 1 , a -a n , t o ftirtcfion indepetid ntly »n case s r w overload . s J r I an ical µ.w.i , . FoIr storni,drainage sumpIs and pumping systems, see S 1113. a 270, , I'ions 713 ik amended I changing, i a fifle capt ° to read " "ENGINEERED, DRA , ", l u DESIGN," 2811, Section '713.1 is,,amended to readas follows*. N i uA w I e� r ' 0 ;methods. „ w . shall „ ,o be de by �a rl w � � , „ ; r � using approved d p Iove 2941, Section 903A, is,amended to read as f6flows; i I I I I I I Id not less 903.1Roof Ie�:,' I '.. ': '.., ICI. All vent,pl'pes that, �..., A�n�.. .,.. r roof�mn. '­ ly than s . /. :r r. i 52 w I l , Whet.. 1'the" roof e '"I for i I : I s a Promenade, observa,6on, d ck, sunbathling deck or stniflar purposes, tern,unatie no t less than 7 t" et 1(2134 mm)above the roof 11002.101is Mo, Section ' deleting InlaNI I , I' »,, aWmr,„ 0 �� i � III , II ;i- „1 II 1I III V, � ' Ible + n gNWI r,, »n/, Iv"r„ or, dMN"I N wW�w WICrl ud as I f0111OWS1*0 1,0033.51.1, Grease Interceptor d� rY r ;, Di, (!p4A. rrA. �'W:oi.. /, ,.Ar�r'p,.. p „, a, food 9MI"a I..I( KW/,..: �v:..r 0 discliarge o W than mo0 gallons per ti F shall dl's , , :into q : „ : .750-gallongrea., -: trap. a „. E sta b 11*sh n * w-lith a discharge, of gallons pe, ; I w» l r '. shall dlisIch''i0aarge I v, a least ✓ 1,010- pound siz ✓ g.,,rcase trap. approved-type "v m: Iu grease interceptior o grease C :. rr, x. ». mrr the ,r waste, � to.. leading I wi, a al I..liven I^� "ArkI /„ ,,q *th vVW r 'in I'y )f I; r , r :,I,,aI, , NMrv11"I"le �M, ... the prov*s* , ,"°o,»:.,. Ikv,:'' wn �nr. subsection,. �wml JWur n 'F rom I;' si I drains,and other fixtures or I i t o� restablishments such , , . ,. s em ,, lunch counters, /, v : R »n" r ba,rs and c , a hotiels, hoI ,pi lilt � An I m s � �/ F. r l .fiacto"'ry o school "I k"I"Itchetts, rv} � I, � �w�ou,. m :�°". I � rn � II u I I i gr n > u.. Nu::I ,- i i�r„.",' ,vl ,,; c /, I I I :. I-,. t I.,/'.:I �I r I:....." 'I �"�i1'r to� w w r ge u o o hindc:r s . treatment rom pnva,te sJ , le system d I' ,q4u# � , , " ' � I gy ll di'sposal. when, greaseinterceptors ar I required. ,, m :. : grease v I. // s a . located, out .s Iry e the ,.. I ,...... greasetrap ,.. r, rti ,,; /, m u r ,."„ ...,, , .,: ° :„ » ,r �... w/,II.`II�III � w« �', I r I,, ,, I Id, r I +� 1l"' I�Iw u�..... ,, �. �IIM not x ^ -. °A,..:, w I. I.,, , it .... dwelli'ng ,:. IWMIv i :. pri'vate quarters. i, 10, Interceptors ,�w� ', I;vwv,; shall, Gre ,II , I II I Peciffir"ati, w, I Grease I IS das a mininium as ft)1toA`SW,*A1 „, ,,fir✓I I I Concr r Sliall '� be, composed, o r > part,Pottland i ":' .. fivie pa,,fts a 1rrrg a Reinforicetnent bars defo.niied numberfour hars on IR-inch centers,*, 2 Manholes,: Castiron, firarne 20-iinch cover, '„I v rr ' ; �"vent ICI Interceptor, e nb I Vents Four-`nch sa " Y , 4 , , � W n I ,connectedn » proper rhall be r , inchies compartments Y atmosphere s " above w , and Iv 'Inside bufl,,diinglo Capact"ty-1; I: 4 . 750giallons retention capacity u or I..m 6 v;H r,u r ,; and, Clean rv"r, Should �'wrvu. m: be two-way located near s possiblieto '�'tu r /"' interceptor on I err"�pp"i t a „il - above ,.aWm. I 32. section I Iw,r fo Rows.: 1106,011 I i' 1106.1, General. The st*ze of 'the vertical coniductors and leaders, building storm drains,,,, building storm I m , and a 'honzontalbranches of such. itis or i eu s ,, be based , 1, ,(6) *inches!per rainfall,aat,,,,rr. 33* Section 110,80 is am,ended, to read as,folliows, ,11081.3 Suing Ofs o tdral"S.1 Seconidary( rodrain s, s i s .r be r y w . ,�in.. a e' r. , u tI i�e,c ,.o n L 106. Sicuppers. s ,be sized ,t preventt,"Ix d ,pond'ing wate sI .. ar�; 1, I i from ,�exceeding that, for which the roo des"g-med � detemiined � Secti'(. 10, 'Ie Scuppers, have ;,. dim,jension ",; �. r,�r,„�, „han 4 � low a ,, „ � inches (102 fliow through the p6mary system shall l � dratinage,� system* 34. Section 11,09 is, let' 35* S,ection, 1202.1 is amendeld by deleting"Except''k,,)',ns, I and I Section 3.09 Amendments to National,Electri"ical,Colde,2020 CAIRI"On# i "' I, wli *ng ,a,mendni,ents to rv,onal Electrical Code, a ,� ,,, i ' 1� . as optied pursuant to Sectlion 3,01 are hereby adopted. - I I" adding1, Art-icle 90.4,is amendied by 90.41A Article 90.4.1 pl: I; is,spuance and . Fees f or the „ permits tabli'shed tlro,m I� ,»i""XAo.� ,oy �1 �,�.. o ,,,. I d bythis w rrt d��.. ,r, bile "� mqk I performance me mne , rw,',:the t f I and set �.... �.. fir. ,�. �,''ail...I�, a�. , M' ,Inww. a � r, �r, ': '"'� erg, nr'%�W- '..,, I ,e, � Iw1uII , el", II 1,by ,res,oluti'lon. ar, � Io,.;�° nrnrr'i :: ,. , �, ,.. wi Hbv _,. e:..,., ;, ',, V. , f.... r � ,V�, here�..: ,. be ", City's, "„ Schedule, I� miI i , w,� ., ,, , -M 1, ,firit is �� w,�,I , for e uwi,on i w '�"," I �r,1 IIr�`�IN '^n�„" � o-', 'D trical amended,i,ns, ector to re-inspect any phase an elect rl ezitj ob. I Art licle '11.010 Part 1,is l ",'pneermg perv,iw t, as fo,11OW's E n 0 SuptrvICIgineeriing I jq)�y,ol,n,. Superv"s"on r� ed State of rexas icensed Profj, llY� `'. I 'I Engineer I engagieid primzarily in,the desi*gn or maintenance of ellectrical linstallat ions. I Article 110.2 'i's amiended to read asfollows,: 1,10.2 Approval. ' conductors, „q p I, � iIe rIe I I e t this C..od'(",-! ' beacceptable only if approved.., Approval ,N- » by a, Nati"onally Recogntized Testing 1.,abii �t � c » cl r. t �t. 0, luajboratory qual"if"lield, art:y inspection i f"" I N e' c, approved thleA.M. #I # 1, , *1 1 1 (1 Excephoul: Unlisted equipment obi... e» to i.niother location,w`thin ajunisdictii,on orts, field I subject Ie the approval by I" AIIJ. approval maybe by a field ev 1 y I Intbnn.ational Y, by aNR,TL,,or qualified third-party inspection agency approved by,theMAJ. I nd Note No. tf: See Exan-tination mw�, Equipirnent J"5or Safety, '� 11,03, Ex , inaltin, Idenificati =; llatMini JsoEqupmc ., e f ienSosamo definitions o ,, t , ,.� »d �:, o�,. :..;. ee ,I`, i�,. a;...,, v .d,, ... Identified, �Y�.,1,abeled,and I,Iisted, Int"O',nn, attional Note No., 1: M"antit"A,c'tL,,trer`s set f-cierti ficatlion of eqalpment tnay not necessarily I y„ � I Recognized " :. �..,US II� t s t "1 ✓r ,s '"�'ul' ,NYw" Nationally- Testing'[,,ab. Ordinance No. II 1, provide II, I,dIII✓, I ^�II "I�;� �. 3-" IRi Id V ✓- I: I � I I�" I N I„WrI ,11 I , qualifying a 01,,trd-p arty, i nspectl on,agency. 01 Artlicle 210,.52(G)(1)is amended to read as followeld: (I)Garages,. In each c attached ttar . I giaralge ' w i each, ach deta&lwd ga � l Iery� '. ,W fpower', -ti, at, licia-S"t one receptacle outlet shall be linstalled, f r each car space. 5* Arficle 3001(A),is follows,,* 0 * 1,30,0*1(.I I 'AI I A"I'l Wiring Installatit"),11S. ffd.I. I s Art-icle covers general questionis I e N s , fo, r I Imethods I Ifor � 1 ✓ instiallat , I wother I articles. elect6cal conductors for', commerc"I"al, offitic, or industrial installatlion approved 'tea Wv�w;..No'"IWI ICI �� I o$a `f�'� r14 I f .°I�<'� �N,+u�':�u,ryaalw� arm I N jc ,:�I. Ib� J� Ir.of I I I W w lord I N a �r r� I �1 ��r N� I iII ,,, � II L No, e NSri ; I c If I� be '✓ �� ifI, � o , �� III l 1" � � s shall, r Nis , Io ' xbiathtu,bsr � s ,w : enclosures, and,, d l ' , be enclosed i"n metal conduit aroun,db , Iareas', 2. Smoke deltectors(alarms),carbon I o o ; alarms, " ,AFI protlection N s I a o upd4ated a t W f.. G"A i o IU�N'M�� rv'',,ce ,II�' ;'°pal M MIS. o ry 11-1 and 31. All : I `,i ✓ ^ Ie I " , „ i'n o material sihall " IIk I' either M(". wu IaI r f or,co a ,'N..,.I. adding61o, Article 3,00.11 is, amended by Paragraph I� gri� I'glits, shall be supported ,' e,.....f ,.I t ,c,:I ,a of. u �, g of but"Illig All, and, ,A IIi ' � to'the f �, I,n,, " Article tsi amended to read asf ollows, "330.1, Scolpe. This article covers Ia the . use,, II m lat . ion,a c o s; A, , ^ specifications fn . o s ... e .. install M If cable, . , ¢ r3rpe MC. All metal clad cable nl p ,s , I N fi insu'lateld blushings such 'i Ii devils,ii, I.. 8,01 Art-ilelle 50,0.8(A)(3) is amended to read as followisi, (A)(3) I Evi'dence acceptable IaI I , authority : „ : hia v nl" I II* °;a I ro *oln Ich as,-,,, I n ✓ ' I. .y s , I - a ,a ,I � I InI j dgment s and sealed by a QualifieldState of Texas ["A ✓ IEngineer t I� ✓ e I ICIinstallatilons",. 910 I Artcle (A)its ended i �^ I » read o ,follows. (A), iImptementab"on I,)ne I Classifilication Syst I Classil"ficiation, I, Lr ,« s , . I I m Vi_ ; and, �, d � �a I� i"xistallafi °�I I �hI "' wl-"I I � �r'�, eA �� inspection, gyp, „nd 4�. .�:+ Ijr, ' ., m"m �I N `�, ,I la Ip'�, yl r I Qtta,filit'led '�. ," 11J"I,",,,,,� License "� t),rofess'"orial , .. NI Engineer � wlnmw a� d�&II by I"I State 1 �'° ihall, wl V engaged r�fl �✓✓ n "wm, I �� �": II d�;Nr des II oll I to � I I � � ✓I, h "I ;,,I "I st I I d " s,IO 2, Ordinance No. 31919-6-L,Page 75 1 010, Article 517.1.3.,O(G) is amended to read as, follows. tces tn C I ent branch ,of he, ., , qutpni I loo.ridinat O'n., b 9 ', s,unl w t'a electrical ,'hldam' ca i,..s; r,.. w: shall ar a be c,n.... rll I� ,, for of time t 'a a ",✓ piciriold ,ult's duranoin t Ie �v' i I I...III 01.1 isecond. Kweption, Nio. I Betwiecn,,tt,,-,reinst7(,,,)rtner ..Iro primary . t, i set m wprotective devices,,,N here onI i; aprotect've „ ne overcurrient ev protective devices';ex tII "�WvInI 'MWw I�, .rmner s ' Ma c, �,i . I ,mt protecfivie devices I, / a a r M (ampere 2# ,Exception, No. ro w a r w , I, rating), ., s ',os. Inf(,",,)niniat'llf",oti,aI Note: The t . 's W' I w i,Iio a ry o a 'I a s tised. 'jo MU I I :...s s section do I,, cover opI range of overcuffient conditions, Info �', �, IAVwryy, Ip Ilpi rpi"�. I,"II° , „„"": I,;mW: rl�coordination „y�,,.lir/^'j� II I �u rI. �i ill. a ,Iw„ �"I ��Ipwted � "�N �Jai iIrt. >'a8 'd�d,'�'N.. B', d9! " "I"ICIIr �, �uu �'bl ', / .', �rl " 4s,;, e III; ta�YN'otle, " rig b r r not covier the fitfll range of oviericurren't condi'litions., IaMMInded by adding Article 700.27 to I r I Article 700 'I's ollows'. Ar"ficle 700.27 Fi*xt'uries ht and Loci atlio ,..I of "I✓ : I err ;r� u'- I i I,i II 1'. Battery, Apr✓, e i, fiixtures must " r d to k normal ° Ilighting cit-c " w rr' they, ; 10 installed. e r pack, " ' shall a, be t1 n o b th ea leg w room switch. WhereI I su, rt"'� w `„"! ,," lights ww I tiim—ed II 9. � shall w a i n Jlr,,� 'I J,II,° r r I to, /�" b ' HI"I r",i lylrw wwl „,.:. u r ul e breaker wiring �the flixtures "„ ht l rat pianeit, , w f � � m nfI ci Circular mark / •"'iI' wh � `" IY,�✓�frJpainelr" fw, located, I, box, 2I Where"battery, it ,"„ installeid wi ,ww � I�...JI: .,I,,,, " ..., , ,,. _,�, ,„, "om, a/ r„rr..wI✓ .I .r, I, ^, "s:: r�ry J roN I Ir I ! I � ',r.mh'-.' m , Y, "' , tr ;„1, .,:., ,/ lI ,: ,'ICI:- ::� II... n ins; on all, ( i I '�s : w I a : o wit, ,^ through, Y : I i I i s q c r provided the breaker,11"s lockedin on, position. other installations shall n" , � -,% lred In same an,,ner as inciandescent pack fixtures,*j w liighlil � rrwNIII, "„ oo / " Y„"aqshall " ,,,�I„ w�I, ✓ r✓bry� " I� , I ,Ia^. , end, � ,.w, :. i more ''�I' I" : �: I I. necessary, , i I , "I"t 9 �. each I � �. I � fight',fix,twe ��rdl 'J I nearest lighting '� I"I" �I te °I :e and", fi'amifly. s , e o ' Ie , r Command A„ " m iI mo i, " , drmW Rooms; .� BBrvu v^ w�„ �wm , "II.a „y��'I' N„ IbJ✓.:i '". iPal,� Isle; and �BJIfo�IYA�' � I% gency ICJI;: I > Emer avI r,rrv'r�M,'rI vwM'�' I ' t'J,Mfvlr. II'hJrl➢ ,� h, vJ4v J /',�,II I„� ,n I.,I� I. I U Yd I�, code 1B'I%Il ,u� N'nI, d additional �I0 ray be, wrfitielid v me, I I. �'all M#p,. �Sr„ ¢„�" requirements .., B i DIY I I fi,,ghting requ I: ,v" I. rlDWIwlf ,a ;,I ruts to Internat"I'lional Energy Conservation Colde, I 01211,, i B I I "I"he ti,) r I I to I ton, I Iuant I I a the w al Ener I � vation Co,,,de., 2021 ed'fi " 9 tio herebyaidopteid: Section 3.01, are Section, II I, � Selil"'on CtO,2.4.2, � Sectiot'i ' reads f01, 1w, "III, "I ., C102.1.2 Alternalfive comphan . I ✓ bijildhig .I I� I I ,Iro- �I Energy ,, B* bIJ I 1Systems vab;l J IJr �,l^,I,.Iuwrt /// ,, , ,/ Ir > by the J ^ 6 ,: I ratory Itio be in i w I e with the energy Av i, u, i mncy H i p K nts of ,n r o ,.�a a . y,at the option "ro rt the, code , oflicial, be considered I rro / , iin c c ,, ro"a I , w M "ry", United S Et"i,,vifron,,i,,,,i,,,"ien't,,aI. Prolecti'on. Ageincy's Energy St Prolgranl.. r:' a",.:I " energy, code ry I o n r ,... shall, ro. I I.s ' I , in Compliance. Ordi''I'lanive .; W, 391119-61-22, Page f 1 or d'ited local , R102.1.2,Alternati've ComphanCe'. Abtiilding certified by,a nattional,state, Systems 1-,,aboratory, 'to 1111 energy , V efficiency, 1I„ , „ program I determ"ned e E,n,erlg,.,,7 �Icompliance ,a " 'with, , the en, x « a i I I - wl,, of, r, this aI 1„ x w m,x y r the " option x cy " I ,e The Env, : be considered ilin 'I � b, (Jnlited Staties „ I code r y em I ail, Protection r Aw � Agency"s Energy Star Program certification "� ,,„ energy, code;. equivalency m '� o ." shall , r ". be,I considered I Compliance. ., ,i Regintirdless, the program r n ,,. n ^..,, w°.. ,,; I: i -I� ,: «e,` e o.,rvy ', 2-fitimily 11 1 jI 1 w I ; dwell"'ing shall,.', he ,s a v io I,...., I and , prescril"I.),ed 'in, Section R402.4.1.2 R40133.3 Idµ (� ' phrases rr I« �,� �� ,I* Section 102 sI 1 ,,ded " xne;�a"� rw�''. for h " GJazing" and 'I,b '^cif c:,,MAII o'.I.. Falefor" s oAl. sI DYNAAMIC GLAZING An� fenestration pr(,Auict that m e. « s,; ae ability r � o change l r ' , „dal vistbl V'T),, J tran smitta Jr„ PROJECrIVION FAC"I"OR. "I"he ration, of the hort"'zontal depth of the ovierhang, eve or, pemiatiendly attached stiading device, dividield bythe diistiance metrits.,,ured vertically f`fom ,, f�:,nestrat"Iion gliazitig i,xiNAl .''�.: IMu�� � �I:: I I� t.,. .Nw ,,, ixI I���g�n ir. / I..✓I I : I :..n '� n � ry t 1 e ;; .w Np�' /' e u �G.erII MIF I��.: ^1��'d.. 'a� ,I :o Mlu a k�r : P r, i, f, ,� +AN Y attaliclied sh,�ading devicle., Sectlion R41015 deletied. 4* Section R402.4I.1, is amendedm adding Section R402.4.1.4 read I way .# It4,012.4,1.4 Samptinlig oploons f r R,2 multi''t"atmily11,111ts. Forbuildings with eight o testedmore testing be , requi"red'by R402.1.2 ori R402.,13, greater ofs""even I� �� �� � ., � as " " tpercient x ^ii, g�a aflolor I. g-round I I, 1unit', .. „ ,: n .: ,rw�.,. largest m.�,^� � a� mididle t1o,i I I and � : ,:, - uxJ!4P N�AII ,i I,«.unit . ',nM ,q,�losure area,. l., isit' For N tested. unlit , that ag . s , a ", , a A leakage A rate, ` a n additt"Onial t1tr , u i Is shall ,# 0 ble se „ re o It � I and, locations. Where b 1 at,*ewer 4 p than eight testing unt'i each tt,,,:stin1g,unut shall betested. 5* Section C402,.,5..2 is, amiendeldbyamlendingm2to readas foilows., 2&,. and sleeping g � rvI � f"unit testing x aw 0 i N the greater o ,seven , units o a percent of ",the � v r N « , *n , a, , t-,,n-,i m�, r ,,... - 'I „ i�7 - ,'°'MNri u i„ ;i r« <" ,,I i ,�, I«. " ,,,. 1 :. nr I �'I' t ' Wd 1 floorunit, and I n,,*i, u 1 xA a unit w1th " I v,, largest r„s g q.,iit enclosure I'area. For each tested N ". hat exceeds aqu rAr, " ' r" lea,kage rate, x w a« y u I e w,.,o three N ,s shall be tested, e : iinclud.ting ,il a Mixture g unit types and locations, 6 Section R1403.3 i I�"9 :, I ,Ib �f, . � e � i,:..403.3.8 t I «If � ^I f d'�i�,p, I i R403.31.8 Sampling v»nsfor R2 mutt'family diviettingulait"is. For build"lingsW"I'th eight or . o.0 " ,.+s :r I a : tested requireid by I R4013.5, he grea seven units or 20I, percent of e- testing o ; : a untts , building shall : I tested, s n inch-,idi " ' floor unit, agrounid I floor unit,a I I I floor, I a.,unlit ith largest testing, floor area. each testied , t" that br exceeds h J"1n,,i,um .. . teakage ria x , a1 , a„ I , units J shall be x,s r ^n loicatiions. Where butildings have few r ,.tha n leight 'Including a mixture of testing unit types and #testing units, A IN ,a ng it shall be tiested,. 7110 Section C403.61 ��I I1 I'�a� I l'n 1",Y 'by, adding , section, C403.6.14 x.. read f. I... fir,, followsi: Ordiinance No. C403.6.4i Sampling optlions ftw R,2 tnultifamily dwelling U"I I tsi. F'or bui lid i'lig)"s with eight or more, test'i n, t's thatmusit be tested as uni reqtttreid by, R,403.63,,the greate,r of seven uni'ts or 20 percent of thie testi*ng uni I tsin the "bullId i ng sh s a oor n all, be teted, inclUding top fl "Ll 'tt, a ground t1oor unit,am. iddle floor unt"t,and,a,timit with the largest testi,ing untit floor,areia. F,4or each,tested, unIt that does not meet the nni'mmum venti'lation, ratie. add"donal three unlIt's, shaill be tested 1n1c1,udi,,ng,a,tnv,xture of tiesting,, untit types,and locat,'tions. Where bul"IdIngs have 't"ewerthan eight. tiesting units, le,,ach testing unit shall betes,t ill d. 8* Table R406.4 Max* UM lowv Energ is amenided to read a,si'foil * IMI y Rating Index "' Table R406.41 Maximum,'Ener*, Rafing Index C mom:... te Zone y r 'r,Ratt!!&Index 63 o "111is tableis eff'ect"I ive froni, Septeniber 1,N y20 19, to,,August 3 1li 2,022. Table R,406.41 Max,11'MU m E it e q:!, Ra�t* I idex Ing, n Y Clitnate Zoitte Ene''FlU,-, Ratil IndN fl �,RMIdMI IMI� IIIIItIIItII110�0 W WWIWdu�Xl.&WWIIAIIgI�&�U�N4RbImNW�IfµfWSN'MpWMWtl&Hbu "�X##uwdNwu 'uxxxbpMtl'M�d,Y :wrvmmrrnmmwxb roxmwwwwwammw�mrHMxdirvwwweNuxrwrcmrvmwe'mnmu,rmmwxxrvawammm mmlmmnmmnvmmu�wmwarvMmlmlrmmlxmmsnrm+nm�ml�M�M,fx H4YromdMl.SrodwamaSA mmlNlhioWM@flMUM,roNflflsm ex 3 59 ''­Th'11"Si uable"i'S"',effew,,ctive on September 1,2022,to August 31.1, 2025 91,01 Sectioln, R40 8'is deleted. Sectlon 111 A,me n dmic tit's tothic International Swimm,I ing Pool anid Sipa, Code 2021, edtt lon't I Section 102#19 is,amenaded to read as follows:1 Siett"ton 102.19 Other laws. The Prov I"si oils ofth',is code sh,all not be deet'nled to n"tillify atiy pro,vi,s'tonsi oif1,(,,),,ca1, s-tate or l.' law,to include,b'fin lt not be i tted tio.1 1. "Flexas Department of State Health, Services("I DSFIS),; S,tandardsfi(,:,,,)r Pub,',fiic Pools anlu, d I pas; §285.181, thriougli §285.208, (T"D SHS rules do, not apply to poots servring one- and twio,­'Eamilly dweltinli or towtihoiu uses) 2. Texas Department of tr.''Icelising and Regtdatiion (IDLA); 21012 Texas, Access ib i 1i ty S %qui,rem,en 1" `1, It."tand,ar l ds(TAS,),TAS prov"ide the scoping and techn-ical rL ts for acces;s b I "Y fior S,wl*,mm*n 'ifng pools and spas and shall, comply w"'th 1()12"I"'AS, Secti.ion I g Pool,wad" I,1,"g.., 242. (TAS rules do not apply to pools, set-ving one-and two-fa,mily dwellinligis or tow',,nhoiuses) Excleption,* Elements regulated,un,d,er"17exas Departmen't of Licensi'ng and Religulation (TD,',I.,.,.,R,) and built acel(,,ndcru," e w1ith "'1,`T)1R approNred plans, including any variances or, waivers, grra','n,ted by, the TDL.R, shall be deemed to be in compil"iance with the requirement.s. of tlii's Chapter. 2. S f'm is,atnendeld to, read a s follows, 305.1 Glener ai. "l,"be,pr ov,isio,risofthis secti,on shall apply tothe design,ofbarriers for restrict,ing entrytnto areashavii ng ploots and spas. In only one-and,two-ffimily dwellings and townhouses, wheries quipp 'pas or,hiolt tubs,are e edw'l'thalocka'bles,a,,fetyco ,rconi,ply't'nlgwiith,A,,,S"'"l""'MFI346, ati,d, sw'UMM1119 p0olS, are* equ,,ippled' with a power d ty cover that coniphies wAli, AS11"'M Ordinance Nio. 3919-6-22,Page 78 .............. f �I I(( I, I III , ° are located shall ��. ",.,. ,..rr», r„ �� ,I to i where nply those :ra », o.. spas, „ I II: rro. hot tubs «... pools ,. be > 134 , s" ulo with Sections,305.2 through 305.7. 1 sectlion 305.2.7tis, am,ended by adding subsierflon 305.2.7.1 to read as,foflows.l 305.,2.7.1 Chal"'ti, I"Ink -o/nlet"nI".,,, prohi",blited. I'link f�nctng :� not plemmutted '" batTier III.. I public ploolisli btililt after January 1, 1994* 4. Section 3 M Ir is a dli by the first para,graplh t a I as follows,if,I of 305.4 Structure wall, a .: s W barr"11",ler. Where a wall of a dwelling or str cIw ° one,-, , 1 1 and „ two-, f4mil fing , , - I : s W I r ,.I a accessory " e Wi s V I c l o serves , W s patt o a, and where : ry � d1loors, � „, r , „ µ ", - , rv � c , Ispa „ thatwall, , , ; ,fft.,O low,1be / requil"red. (Reni �'I" G /��; °,aInd, (1) 51# Section, 305.6 to as:follows,# the Natural barri"ers, ,:».. t. I�r ,,... ali' fictm,11"lydwelfik,ig ,),l " ,,, »r, I - r.lnf�;udw,m. �m I +� vlu . w where, I. pool or sp I u Ie a I m • , edge » e of " k o„ other natural , aI body o water, e. pubhc access ts k, .:°.pemi,,i � Q" allowed .r I4 �,� �ii ry .... " I IUM and ' I .. � or I I� � i„ shoreline, '.: .,.y� .;: i'i l,��.: .':., bam"'ers, " I �.'. ,; „fly+' not " u� along a:.. w»" ,, n ,.e I,; extend °I,,, � �.., beyond waterl ed,, ' a mi » I I required% » I I bod, of water shorefineand the pool or,spa, 6`# Section ,. I" "+I!;^ �:. "Wifoltows* a n SIN ng the following Exception Excep ' Components t n of prpjl"ect,,sirie,,,gu,,Ilated, i"ith "[Xvision III Texas Department nLiciensirilg aid tol be �'r shall be I Compliance 'll III i ,e e requirlementsof is chapter. am II I 71* Sl,e, f,,I 307,21 s amended toadd se I I 3107.2.2.2 I follows'. 3017 , 2 Ad* jacenicy to, » Foundatio'n. DepI,,,h, af/rfw�wi,m,nning pl a ,r, �I>»; nw In ,�v III Floi , Structural , W i ll, L 1, 1M + w near, bu Id , 1,*otindat fo 1 r a , » a a ratio :. of 0 „ „ , � ' -ing wall. ukM I drawing ," ;- I III.. am � '",al �.:�;. a«„"Excepti,011,,,l A °�"�'�wIe,I "rl��°�"�'I """ �p w new I structure I a'" subm,ated,for approval. 8* Section 310.1 is, amended, to read as follows., 31.0.1 Generat. Sucti''01111 I a , I ;: o » I for pools and spas shull . provided . , , i'naccordance with, A,PSP 7 (AN'S11/P,H"TAACC 7) or for publi'c I mo. , State, o, Texas Rul ,for r .[,)"ubfic Sw*mtn*n, 1 g I Spas, Ti*lfle r 1"Af.""' Chal I 265 ., Subichaptert,lalf', §265.1.90. tinichangec,�,, 9,0 Section I °ure a, 'I v »he table I I I' by delleting f amerid"i"ng the text to read as follows*'. '"n1 #� I 1. I : r ry l 402.12 Water envelopes. ,. I : .. I i , , 'water a , , l I ! , . "able a 4102.12 p the -,,, 'I lin c the Texa, departmetit o. State Hea I�r I I ; , Adnili nil, t ta u, ;» Code " gym'm e 25, C"hapter 2 Sectlion (e) a d Figure. � OYAC 256. „ (e) Ordinance No., 3919-6-221Page 719 Ir (lection 411.2.1, is,aniended to read as follows; 1411.2.1, Trielad d-Un' 'e"n'StIOUS and area., Treads shiall havie a m"l"n,*IM'UM''u,,n,obstructled,, horilizontal depth(11".le.il,horizonval nin" o'f 12 inches and,a m"inim"UM width of 20,itniches. notbe less,than 24, inches-(607,mm),at the leadt"'nig ledge. Tre y,ds shall have an unobstructed surfialice area IIofnotllels., thii 240 square inches, (1,54838mrn,21) and an,unobstructed,horizontal id,Uripth of not less t han,10 inches(2514 mm) at the center h",ne. "I"I Se c tion 411.2.2 tis amended to rielaid, as f(,)1I oWS# Ri"S'ersfor steps shall have a maxl*mum un"Jorm hie"ght of 10 "'nches, w4h the bottioltin, rl,11"ser helght allowed a to zero exceptthe bottom ri*,sler, shall have a ui,,i1*f`orn,1,, hietight of not greater than .12 in,ches, (305 mm) mleasiu,red at the clentieAr 111"ne. The bottotinn"liser he 1"'ght i's allow,e d to vary,,to the floor. 12v Section,411.5.1 is am,ended by amiendtng Item.4 to readas foHows,, 4. rhe leadin g edge shall be vl'sl*bly set apzirt and, provided with a hiorizointal s,ol'l*,d or 'broken stripe at illeast 1, inicli wl'ide on the top surt',Iaxe along the firoint leadi,"nig edg le of "rhe stript", each, step. Thts, stn"pe shallbe plainly v"isible topersons, on,the pool deck,,,. I shiall be a contrastinlig color to the background oln,whi*,,ch it is appit",ed,,afand'the color shall ble Permanent in nature and fir,hallbe Ia sh"p-r sistant, s,u,,rt`,,1ice. 131. Sellon 411.5.2i's U,Men,ded by amending Item 5 to read as follow'sit I oj� fid or 5. ThIII e leading edg s e hall be v"sueadly set apar t w n t and provl ded ith a hoizonat"I s, i, broken stn,*,pe at least 1, 1"nich wide, on, the top stirfalice along the, front leading edge of each step. Thi's sltn*p,e shallbe plailinly vl'sl'ble to persons on, the polol deck. "I"'he stripie shall be a contrasting color to thebackground whicti itiis applicid,and the color shall b stt stir cle.le,pemianent, "in nattitre and shall be a sllpl-rt,:,sian 1,14* section 610.5.1 is aniended to read as followsi, 6 10.5.1 (Jili"fiomi he" 'I 1, light of J 0 'niches. Exceptt'i'l,)r itliebilottom rl'serrtsers,at the centerfil"ne shall bave a maximu,m unifiro,mi he"I"ght of' 10 inicbes (254 mm),. The bottom r"I"iser height shall 'be Permitt,ed t jr fir om the ot'ller,risers. Section 112 Contractior annual registrati,01111'. (a) Annual fel"e". f6fliow,ng people or business,ic shall regl',ster with the community development department ona prov'I'ded, by the 61ty and, pay an "'I pursuant to secdon L109 ofthis, annual regi,st-ranion, f.,e esitabl'shied,by the cilty counci 0 Code,, I I e C Ity I (1) Anyl person or enti',ty makoing app l, cat'lom for a, Pem,,f"t from �th wh*ch must ble, iss,tied prior to commencienilent lolf any lvv,,o,r k regulated,by arti"cle III of th,11S C o de,- (2) Cod,ei-cerit'if led inspectors cer"ttifited pur uant to and Saf ty Code Ch. *fi ertbrm'iing inspeco,ons of and provilding toll the city certi, catilions. 'regardingthe compliance of builditi,,gs and other struatires"with,the:latest ed141"lon of the International Energy Conservation Codeadopted and amended as part, of an,' ieof thi's C o ; and 41 Ordt,nance No. 3919-6-22,Pliage 80 :..... ,, tester sc:...,, �....., r,, �°,. per" "�! ,.,, n.:. I,IIp n; u: I !'r,', �'' �I �u I ' u�r'In< :ow Any a yr v' � r� .:I; w x v,,I,i ri:° � ,. , rI..N � I,u<'�xo nv IMb, �- �mou per"'t"brms inspections,: 1 : x prevet"ition, assemblies within, it i t he ii„, pursmant to / I ,section I 14-14(b`)(3) . Code of Ordinances. (b),' Exemptrions, friom !�X.I ,,I.. ,_ 71"'he t,"o Ilow:i'ng P�,°I....1,w�..�. be exempt f'*rom s r.: wl (a) .... r,... ,. Ix, : o awl (1) A person w . pert,'(,,,,,)rm,s, 'work I l; I property owned o or. leased , thiept:rsoni;alld is Mlessee yr✓r ✓qc, a Iw /✓ ,., G» � I rr �+I »+a °, 9✓ 1�/ I 1,r,I, r,."u � ,.u,' ° o ,r r I,.r,o�b amG+l owner », propert"'y Iw a �i ,, ,w �4 I I,w � s '.:,on the, property owned ,, J I'�'ew Ior leasied the plersion's elnipl,ioyer. I ",exemption ,'.. a+uw.. from b) 6� , by r, m �, m w I u s W exempt r any, person , any, rw « n prov Iw ro :w +w � ,h au „ Ilol,... n-nt iv..A, n,r ,,�., ,.... nn,ir' a„a.. ,,, permit r�.,... ,,, r :.r 4,: r..,. , r/ 'r,�lalunpermit fee ' IIMI�u w� IvI�014 'a » °°'w� ,,M.. ...I. ;,, ,i.�,: a,;rr.I� payrnen't „r,'> .r'"r,!+ f�„ I,r/,w" i /. r. n y ry a Code or i Code of Ordinances pnor m commence y work foIr � 4, of I 'o ance I In, inspection ,or c wh, ch l;perm w hicense, , obtained perf a feie must'be ll or paid. I payment quiried, , � 1 lay � I I I be I � extent s Y y, ,t7e,ot'il,, ,assi�ess*tng rr , »III I� iv AIich II ,r» theI pr(,)h,"ibitshall. not 1is Ig i f from such I v I pro"Niided, Iperson I ! °'� Jo vIor i however, regi,stennigy, with the city as required by subsectlion (a) of thi I s section exicept as allowed dI ,I 1I , pursuant IV sub sect 1",on of"' thtis section. (b) (d), .. ,. ,..... ,... , s , ', ,: a.,... �.. rnrb, ,;tI ,,,. ✓ x.. ar ,...,, :.,ofor.... cu ¢rIr ; , ,r:. .�... ,...No :. : "� mM. w �q'»., a �� ruwWwI.. , 0 � I � rr.. uW,. riII „`'ivr�YwF ,I "Mw. �"I ''... : Iola`II : qI IIm Im b I I ll be, ! .: m..:... !.. ,-... report r. A °... ,. 4 person �... II'.. rm.. ,/ r�„ „',.,.r ,,;a -o, 4'. d,.. , rA� I G,:..II� � : , ,.� q:.,: rIW : I:.I I I,. lil�rI. I:: I ,II IF, II" IrIur ': I ,I .r a°J-., Mmwr. i.mw+ w»..I, � ✓ "', :II�, :, ', ,.. I. °,,..... I,. i �..e. r ✓u has required, 4 I,f�,,e pursivan,t , and i's sect 1,0111 w» SECTION" � � nw w I ,n,,Iv v » 2. All ordinances, the �,, I I I , Cityt ° °„ IA r,I the provisi"ons,�» �r Ord,inance �, I be, the same r P I / :. , Provided, however, th.a 'all . G r r said , Ordinances not, , conflict, herew"ith shall remain infull ,irorce and le,t"tecL SECT10,Nr 311. Should i word, s r , wi piarz (graph, subdivi c n clause, , i phnt,,,ise or r.,c j o. of N Ordtinancie,,,,, or I Development m ° G,�� � �� „, , o �/ o � � t gin„aIhe ff e ct t va I i d 1i I nal, t h le , same I I I I v, po rt i o ns Ordin anic e r, A I I en ,nd Deve lopm Y I. s,hal 4 Code,as amended hereby,which shall remai n in 'fill I f6rcie and effiect.1 o r m I,° I I. I w goverIneld II SECTION I 1 blet' I �„I ✓, �, !,f �� �� it I�I ,I �"" ,r Allen amended, Ioll"'fiens�, �" /provisions I ✓ ✓ I�' : ,III 1 I c e �I I ommilted, and the foniier lawlis C0,11ti-nued'I"n etlf t,,,f(,)r th"ts purpose,. . . , tt 1 . M , o i. �c„ p4G9 0",rd" SECTION 5., person, firnii, ,I. Vo aI i .violating a, ✓ u prov* a .y shall same G,. penatty :.; i"n -,a. sMR ,..„� Allen '. w,rb, i A1,'te,nI,1 4 City °°, Iw° -w,°� v .,; ,,. !U4»,�. provided, fi,)r :.. 1.,atid,: Devtloptnent.. Coide ,. ,. the 1�,. �'.w »r:. amended, , 1 U. v I 1 !I „ r i I previously , I r I N shall by , I �° rt , IA., °J Thousand Dollars ,, 2,000) fi,m)r u I , , f om,v e. x . , ;I I ' e �, such w , I o shall � I s i I I e deemed toicon,stilt-ut I w. , st,',,*:,parate o:f1` s.. passage' b pubfication SECTION Section, I of t w Ord,inance Ishall , a e !I; , n I J23, 20.2., � I afterit fl8 City I ,wn „ HJ 'M'" fuo-'b,'°hVdw,�Ibr9ry� I ,Mi ,yp : ,w.ons n. :. o. : rnce � '; '.tWmm6lw9NVW4 A,1 All :. :F I�. the s Ordinance shailtake efl,"ect i"MMed,lately firom and after passage ,, illi I 1 of publication accordance pr(,)vision,si the Charter �" Ilw» It »v>� N�`; �Po-»' "Q � '�'v °n�"; N �„ 'A v the Gity »Allen, r' a., :,a vl y o � v r..n ., Ordinance No. 319191-61-22, Dl,,,Jl,.,,,'Y PASSED AN'D APPROVED BY CIT Y COUNCH... OF 1"HE CITY OF A . : /, COLLIN OUNT'N TEXAS,ON THIS 14""" DAY F f(JNE 2022w APPROVED1. IN Wim W"wwww"off" 0 PH nfteth mlo Fulk, 1AYOR A,PPROVED ASJ`0 FORM,. A'f"fEST* I. MU'twwwwror �3 I B. NAll CITY SECRE --RY Peter G. Sm ith, Ordinance No. 311919-611-12,,Page,82 ..........