HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2022 - 05/03 - Regular PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION
MAY 3,2022
Commissioners Present:
Dan Metevier,Chair
Michael Smiddy, 1st Vice-Chair
Kenneth Cook,2nd Vice-Chair
Elias Shaikh
Brent Berg
Gary Stocker
Jason Wright
City Staff Present:
Marc Kurbansade,AICP,Director of Community Development •
Joseph Cotton,P.E.,Assistant Director of Engineering
Hayley Angel,AICP,Planning Manager
Jordan Caudle,Planner
Kaleb Smith,City Attorney
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chair Metevier called the meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen,
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Directors Report.
3.1 The Director of Community Development discussed the action taken on the Planning&
Zoning Commission items by City Council at the April 26,2022, Regular Meeting.
-4. Consent Agenda.
(Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be
removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff)
4.1 Approve Minutes from the April 19, 2022, Planning and Zoning Commission Regular
4.2 Consider a Request for a Replat of Lots 6A,and 6B,Block A,CLA Allen Addition;
Generally Located East of U.S.Highway 75 and North of East Exchange Parkway.
(PL040822-0007) [Exchange Business Center]
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Berg, and a second by 1st Vice-Chair
Smiddy,the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
Consent Agenda items as presented.
The motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Commission
May 3,2022
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5. Regular Agenda.
5.1 Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request for a Specific Use Permit for Dwelling,
Single-Family (Attached)/Townhome Use for Approximately 1.4348 Acres of Land
Located in the James L.Read Survey,Abstract No.758;Generally Located at the Northeast
Corner of Boyd Drive and Butler Drive.(SUP-072321-0004)[Townhomes- 100 W.Boyd]
Ms. Angel gave a brief description of the item and staff recommends approval of the
Chair Metevier opened the public meeting.
Chair Metevier mentioned receipt of the following letter in opposition to the item:
• Molly Spear, 117 Arbor Ridge Drive,Allen,TX
Chair Metevier mentioned receipt of the following letter in favor of the item:
• Carl Gilliland,202 N.Allen Dr,Allen,TX
The following individual spoke in opposition to this item:
• Adelia D. Scaife,403 W.Coats Drive,Allen,TX
The following individual spoke in support of this item:
• Fahim Khan,applicant,400 Chisholm Place, Ste 310,Plano,TX
With no one else speaking,Chair Metevier closed the public meeting.
The Commission discussed the following:
• Minimum dwelling unit size;
• Townhomes facing the Dallas Area Rapid Transit right-of-way;
• Architectural requirements of the Central Business District;and
• Design Review Committee's discussion.
Motion: Upon a motion by 19` Vice-Chair Smiddy, and a second by Commissioner
Shaikh, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR and 1 OPPOSED by
Commissioner Wright to recommend approval of an ordinance to adopt a
Specific Use Permit for a Townhome use subject to the SUP Site Plan,
Landscape Plan,and Building Elevations,as presented.
The motion carried.
5.2 Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Request to Establish a Planned Development
Zoning District with a Base Zoning of Light Industrial, Corridor Commercial, and
Townhome and to Adopt Development Regulations, Zoning Exhibit, Concept Plan, and
Building Elevations for Approximately 84.3632 Acres in the George Fitzhugh Survey,
Abstract No. 321 and Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract No. 280; Generally Located at
Northwest Corner of Chelsea Boulevard and Ridgeview Drive. (ZN-102121-0019)
[Chelsea 121 Mixed Use]
Planning and Zoning Commission
May 3,2022
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Mr. Kurbansade gave a brief description of the item and stated that staff recommends
approval of the request.
Cole Henley,applicant,4145 Travis Street,Ste 300,Dallas,TX,gave a presentation of the
Chair Metevier opened the public meeting.
With no one speaking,Chair Metevier closed the public meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Shaikh, and a second by Commissioner
Berg, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
approval of an ordinance to establish a Planned Development Zoning District
with a base zoning of Light Industrial,Corridor Commercial,and Townhome
and to adopt Development Regulations, Zoning Exhibit, Concept Plan, and
Building Elevations, as presented and with Section 7 of the ordinance
modified to include "this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and
after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the
Charter of the City of Allen and it is accordingly so ordained."
The motion carried.
5.3 Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Proposed Amendment to the Allen Land
Development Code Amending Section 4.10,"Residential Accessory Use Regulations,"by
Adopting Standards Pertaining to "Cooling Towers and Similar Structures," "Carports,"
"Swimming Pools,"and"Home Occupations."
Mr.Kurbansade gave a brief description of the item to the Commission and stated that staff
recommends approval of the item.
Chair Metevier opened the public hearing.
With no one speaking,Chair Metevier closed the public meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by 2°d Vice-Chair Cook,and a second by Commissioner Berg,
the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
approval of the proposed amendment to the Allen Land Development Code,
as presented.
The motion carried.
6. Executive Session.(As needed)
The Executive Session was not held.
Planning and Zoning Commission
May 3,2022
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7. Adiournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
These minutes were approved this `144'h day of-May 2022.
Dan Metevier, HAIR Jessi/• ohnsen,PL• R