HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3874-10-21 0R,D1NA'N, ':'C`,F"'7',,,' NO.3874-10,,,,21, AN OR,DINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TITE CITY OF A.I,.,.LEN',,, COLLIN' COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING TIJE At,,1,,,ENt,A,,ND DEVELOPMENT CODE NNN'D N I N Gi M AP1 AS PREV'1011JSLY ikMENDED, BY A- MENI)ING, 1,11E REG"ULATION'S RE1.ATING, 1`0 1"Itt" t,JSE DE'VELOPMENT OF 1,01" 1, BLOCK A,CHRIST THE SERVANT LUTHERAN CtItJRCH ADDITION,LOCATED T',0 THE ItEGULA IJONS OF PLANNED DEVE1,,.,0PME,,NT "PD"' IN AND SUBJEC], NO. 4 T`01 ALLOW SAID, PROPERTY 1`1*0 BE DEVEL0P[j',',D FOR DAY ('70"ARE FACIt.,"ITY 1,JSE1#1 PROVIDING"i FO�R A CON',"I LICT'S, RESOL't"JiTION CLAUSE# PROVIDING A SEV"ERA—BILITY CLAUSE* PRO"VIDING A, SAVING"S CLAUSE* PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO, EXCEED THE SiUM OF TW10 THOUSAND D0[,,[,ARS ($2,0010) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND, PRO"VIDING A-Ni` EFFECTIVE DA"VE. 0 WHEREAS ...,omm"; Com—mission an I I I,, thtw. Plann,,iing and Z d the govem'ng body ot t'he City of Aflen, T'exas, 'It'the City of At,len, "I""exas, have gi'ven the compliance wi'th thie, laws of lt:,he State of and the ordinances im, tot"i a"t, fise, an 1, tng afull andifiltir requili.site notices by pubticati id otherwi` d, after hold*ng diuci heanings and affif'.')rd' htan,ng to, al"I the property o%ttiers generafly and,to all persons interested, and sit-wateditn the afkicted area, and 01 In the vicinity thiereof, and lin the, exericiisite, of" i leg'lslatlive discrefttion, ha,vie iconcludeid that A11en t,and Z' M, Development Cod e Zoning Rieguliations and, -,.,.,on,,tng - ap of the, Gity of'Allen, 'J'exas, as previlously ain-iiended., should.be anilended., NOW, THEREF(M,E, RE 117 OR,,DAINED B`Y 'THE CITY' COtJNCIL OF THE C11"Y OF AL14EN, C01,,,LIN COIflNTY,1"EXAS,""I""HATIO SECTION I. ']Fhe Allen 1-,and Development 0,)die Zoning Regulati,01"i and flit Zoning ,'Map ofthle City of AlIen, Collin County, Texas,, be amended"by, amenidling the regulatiions relati'ng to the use and, development of"' 0 Lot 1,BlockA.,Ch,n*st thile Servant Lutheng,:ftn�Church Addai'on,an addition to the City ofA,- 11en,accordingto the ,� 01 er ") whicl,,i ` plat thereof reclorded In Voktnie 977, Page 652, Plat Records, Colhin County, 1exas ("thfie Prop ly' I is locatedin and sub.ject to the development and use ofthe regifliations ap,p.hicable olf Platmed Deve,11(,:,),pment "Pff" N'o. 4 Shoppi'ng Center"SC"(the "TD-4 Ri,eg"uhiat"ions"), by provi'Aing thatinoaddition'tothe uses, which the Propertynia, be developed and used, pursuant to the PD-4 R,egulations, theii Property may be developed and �y used fbr Day Care Facility purpo�,..;es as sliCh usel's defined in the A1.,oDG cont1"a w"th the provisions im 1.,,!s inanice ia,nd other SECTION 2. To the extent of any irrecon it I I )f thi, Ord" ordinance.s. (',)fthe City of Allen gloverning It'he use and,develop,tiv n't lolf thie Proplefty,andwhich,ar�e not expressly ametided by this Ordinance-*,the, provisiions cltf� O"rdi,,tl,il,�alli,ic,*c�,*,I ,s',h,�,,o(,i,lI be controlling. SEC]"JON3. Shotild any word,sentence,, aragraph,subdivision,claluse,phrasle,or,section of thi's Ordi,,nance,, ,,P or of the Allen Land, Development Code Zo,,ning Regtflati ions, as amended hereby, be, aojiuidged, or held, to be i'd or uticonst" lao''I thie same,,*shall not aft" ct the val"d4y oftheremaining portions ofsaW,ordinance.,(,,,)r the V01, Ifitutiol Allien Land Dleveloptmnt Code Zon,,ing Reglt,,fliat tons,,, amende, herieby', which shi�111 remain lki�i force and eff," ict. SECTION4. An ot'f inse clo,mmitted before the eff�ctive datie of th"I's Ordinance is governe,db y pr-i'(1,'),r'kar�v and I the provl's ik"u.:ms, of the, Allen 1,,,,,,,an,d Dlevelopnwnt Coide Zon"'tig Regulattons, as amended, *ri ie� ct when the 04"t"'ense was C01171IT111-ted, and the folmier lawis continued in efikict 1`(:.)r this pt'Irip"'Ose. �331 SECTION 5. Any person, firrn,or corporation violating any ofthei provisions or terms of this Orldinanceshall be sul),ject to tlie,,sta�-me penaft as provlided ft:,)rlin Allen[-,,and,Developtiwrit Code Zoning Regulations ofthe Gity y Of AIlen,as previously amended,midupoti cotiviction shall 'be ptim"Shed by,a fine,notto exceed the, oflO "I"housand Dollars($2,000) for cach offense. "rhi's., Ordinance shall take c,%.tfe,.,ct immle, its passage SECTION 61# d"a tely from and after- and publicatu)n in accordance with'the pro'vi stons of the Charter,of the Clity of ikllen, andit is accoridmgly so ordal""ned. Dt"J"I"AY111" PASSED A,,,N"D' APPROVED,, � BY 1`11E 0TYCOU.NCIL, OF THE CITY OF ALL'EN', CO,LLIN COUNTY,TE,.XA,S,,ONTHIS ��, E 26""' DAYI'OF OCTOB ER 2021. )0PROVEM WOW'II 000 Y A' OR K'nneth APPROVEWAS TO FORM* A"F]"'VS 0001 . o 0 /....... w "W "of, 00 low "�7 roMulolm rn rlmrrwmro nnam�rwM 00 0o, "CITY SECR.ETARaa lictle" B.Gelo Pletelo C. S ith,e.."ITY AT"'TORNE"Y S Y rg. RM, (k b 1ro 9,12 2/`2 0 2 1Im1,24, 9"218 Orld'i'man cle No. 38f74,40::L1,j, Piage 2 ................