HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Community Development Corporation - 2022 - 05/16 - Regular ALLEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT;CORPORATION
MAY 16,2022
Board of Directors:
Tommy Baril,President
Antoinette Vincent,Vice-President
Shahmeen Khan, Secretary -
Matthew Foster
Ron Alexander(absent)
Stacy Gonzales
Chris Schulmeister
City Staff:
Tim Dentler,Assistant City Manager
Chris Landrum,Assistant Chief Financial Officer
Kate Meacham,Director of Parks and Recreation
Rocio Gonzalez,Deputy City Secretary
Guest Speaker: •
Dan Bowman,Director and CEO,Allen Economic Development Corporation
1) Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Allen Community Development Corporation Board present, President Baril
called the Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. on Monday,May 16,2022, in the Council Conference Room
at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway,Allen,Texas.
2) Approve Minutes of the March 21,2022,Town Hall Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Foster and a second by Vice-President
Vincent,the Board voted six(6)for and none(0)opposed to approve the minutes from the March
21,2022,town hall meeting._ The motion carried.
3) Approve Minutes of the April 23,2022,Special Called Workshop.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Secretary Khan and a second by 'Board Member
Gonzales,the Board voted six(6)for and none(0)opposed to approve the minutes from the April
23,2022, special called workshop. The motion carried.
4) Motion to Reallocate a Savings of$65,876.37 from the Equipment Replacement Project for the
Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium Fitness Refresh.
Motion: Upon .a motion by Board Secretary Khan and a second by Board Member Foster, the
Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve reallocating a savings of$65,876.37 from
the Equipment Replacement Project for the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium Fitness Refresh. The
motion carried.
Community Development Corporation Page 2
Regular Board Meeting
May 16,2022
5) Review and Deliberate on Proposed Annual CDC Projects for FY 2022-2023.
Staff advised the Board that Project(A)did not meet the Type B Board funding requirements and is
removed from consideration and also that the Downtown Monument Project would be revisited with
planning for the Downtown Allen Revitalization project.
President Baril asked for questions or comments regarding the Proposed Project List being considered
for approval. After discussion, President Baril stated the following items would be removed from the
project list for further discussion. Project (D) Shuttle Buses for ASRC; Project (F) Forestry Trail
Maintenance Equipment Package; Project (L) Maintenance Equipment Replacement; Project (M)
Third-Party Consultant; and Projects requested from the public for a Cover over the Locomotive,
Downtown Monument,and the Improved Public Access&Misc. (Connemara)Package.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Foster and a second by Vice-President Vincent, the
Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve projects B, C, E, G, H, I, J, K, N, and O.
The motion carried.
Project List Amount
A) 2023 Medical ATV and Trailer $41,725
B) McDermott Park Trailhead $120,000
C) ADA Transition Plan $132,000
D) Shuttle Busses(2) for ASRC $396,000
E) Ford Park Development $500,000
F) Forestry Trail Maintenance Equipment Package $132,000
G) Playground Replacement $360,561
H) Rowlett Trail Construction(South Section) $1,800,000
I) Consultant for Security Camera Study $132,000
J) Storage Building for Special Event Equipment $47,520
K) Allen USA Celebration $120,000
L) Maintenance Equipment Replacement $763,029
M) Third-Party Consultant $100,000
N) Trail Maintenance $200,000
0) Collin County Rides Program(DART) $200,000
Cover for Locomotive
111 Downtown Monument
Improved Public Access&Misc. (Connemara)
Community Development Corporation Page 3
Regular Board Meeting _
May 16,2022
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Secretary Khan and a second by Board Member Gonzales, the
Board voted six(6) for and none (0) opposed to approve Project(D) Shuttle Busses for ASRC and to
include the vehicles into the Vehicle Replacement Fund. The motion passed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Member Gonzales and a second by Board Secretary'Khan, the
Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to table Projects (F) Forestry Trail Maintenance
Equipment Package and (L) Maintenance Equipment Replacement for further discussion at the next
CDC meeting. The motion passed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Board Secretary Khan and a second by Vice-President Vincent, the
Board voted five (5) for and one (1) opposed to approve Project (M) Third-Party Consultant and to
increase the amount for a total of$125,000. The motion passed.
Motion: Upon a motion by Vice-President Vincent and a second by Board Secretary Khan, the
Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to table the Projects requested from the public for a
Cover over the Locomotive and Improved Public Access & Misc. (Connemara Package) to a future
CDC meeting. The motion carried.
6) Discuss Board Evaluation Form for Feedback to the Council Nominating Committee. •
No action was taken on this item.
7) Other Business
a) Receive Sales Tax Report.
b) Receive the Quarterly Financial Report.
c) Receive Updates on the Project Timeline Report.
d) Receive the ACDC 2022 Work Session Report.
e) Future Agenda Items.
f) Items of Interest [Board announcements regarding local civic and charitable events, meetings,
fundraisers, and awards.]
• Next Meeting—June 20,2022,7:00 p.m.
8) Executive Session (As Needed)
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened
into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City
Attorney on an agenda item listed herein.
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Regular Board Meeting
May 16,2022
Economic Development Deliberations Pursuant to Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code—
Discussion of Potential Economic Incentives for Properties Along the Hwy. 121 Corridor.
9) Reconvene and Consider Action on Items Resulting from Executive Session.
No action was taken on items discussed during:Executive Session.
10) Adjourn
President Baril adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 20`h day of June 2022.
ommy Baril,PRE IDE ahmeen Khan,SECRET