HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2007 - 01/02 - RegularL)I I V� CITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Robert Wendland James Rushing Jeff Cocking Steve Shaffer Alan Grimes Douglas Dreggors Marcelle Jones Commissioners Absent City Staff Present: David Hoover, Director of Planning d Development Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Planning Mari Bailey, Senior Planner Erin Jones, Planner Kellic Wilson, Planning Technician Chris Flanagan, City Engineer Amber Slayton, Attorney Regular Agenda PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting January 2, 2007 Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chair Wendland called the meeting to order at 7 00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway Consent Agenda Agenda Item 1: Approve Minutes of December 19, 2006, Regular Meeting, Agenda Item 2: Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Lot LA, Block 2, Angel Retail Addition, being 1.2890± acres located at the southeast corner of Angel Parkway and Exchange Parkway Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 2 JANUARY 2, 2007 Regular Agenda Agenda Item 3: Preliminary Plat — Consider a Preliminary Plat for The Woods at Watters Road, being 15.215± acres of land located at the northwest comer of Bethany Road and Watters Road, Mr. Hoover presented the request. He stated staff and the applicant have resolved any outstanding issues relating to access. Other engineering related issues will be addressed prior to the final plat being submitted. The Commissioners had no questions, and felt that the plat met all requirements provided in the Allen Land Development Code Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Jones and a second by Commissioner Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve Agenda Item 3. The motion carried. Agenda Item 5: General Development Plan — Consider a General Development Plan for Village at Allen. The property is a total of 181.341± acres of land situated in the Henry Weisel Survey, Abstract No. 1026 and the F.0 Wilmeth Survey, Abstract No. 999, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the southeast corner of US75 and Stacy Road. Mr Hoover presented the request. Because of contract negotiations still pending, and that the Applicant will not be developing the eastern portion of the development, the Office and hotel have not been included in the General Development Plan. This portion of the development will come back as a separate General Development Plan. He advised that there is a possibility that some pad sites could shift as details are finalized. Staff and the Applicant are still working on a resolution to the land swap with the City that is needed for the extension of Noble Drive. Commissioner Rushing was concerned with the hotel not being a part of this request, and that the possibility may exist that the only place for the hotel on the site would be where it has been proposed. Mr. Hoover stated that there were no contracts on anything that was illustrated. The site will evolve as contracts are signed. This may free up another location for the hotel. Commissioner Cocking commented that it appeared that Allen Station Parkway had shifted to the east. Mr. Hoover responded that nothing had changed, but what the Commission had seen prior to this request was conceptual only. Commissioner Cocking stated he had concern with the limited access that was provided with all the retail that was being proposed. He asked if the Traffic Engineer had reviewed the plan. Mr. Hoover stated that a TIA had been done on this site. The findings were used to develop a Development Agreement — City Council will consider it for approval at their next meeting. Ell There will be 2 left turn lanes provided in every direction. Dedicated right turn lanes will be PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 3 JANUARY 2, 2007 constructed as part of the agreement. Improvements would be made to Stacy Road, to the on off ramps on US 75, to the service road adjacent to the site and under the freeway, and to iiiYYY Noble Drive and Allen Station parkway. Commissioner Cocking stated he would like to see the comers cleaned up at the southwest portion to eliminate any possible blind spots at these comers. Commissioner Shaffer asked if the requirement had been met on the loading docks. Mr. Hoover stated they will all be screened (berms or masonry wall). Commissioner Shaffer noted that there was a DART rail station illustrated on the GDP, and wanted to know if this had been approved. Mr. Hoover stated that there have been conversations with DART but no agreements have been made — at this time, the City of Allen doesn't participate in DART and it is unknown how far in the future it will be before Allen is a member of DART. Commissioner Shaffer stated that the parking formula used was 4.5 spaces per 1,000 feet — The norm is I to 200. Mr. Hoover explained that when it is a "mired use" development a reduction in parking requirements can be made. Commissioner Shaffer asked if there was a ratio for restaurants to retail. Mr. Hoover responded that they were looking at 750,000 to 900,000 sqft for both — nothing specific to restaurant or retail. Mr. Herring approached the Commission. He stated that at build -out there will be 900,000 sq. ft. of buildings. They are not targeting a particular restaurant ratio. The plans are to have six to len sit down restaurants. He also responded to Commissioner Shaffer's concern with the DART station by stating that it will not be a station — it will be a stop. Commissioner Shaffer stated he preferred to see the hotel on the GDP before considering the request. Commissioner Dreggors asked if they had names of tenants. Mr. Herring stated nothing that could be publicly announced. Commissioner Grimes stated he supported the request. The Applicant could have built the hotel the way it was originally planned prior to the zoning change, without the other improvements. Chairman Wendland agreed. Mr. Hoover tried to assure the Commission that the General Development Plan could be amended if the hotel becomes a concern and it is unable to get approved by the City Council. He stated there were many options that could cause an amendment to the Concept Plan. If they had to change the Concept Plan, they would be required to go back through the zoning process. This would cause the GDP to be amended. Commissioner Rushing stated the he would support this request, but he could not guarantee he would support the request for the other portion depending on the eventual resolution of the hotel site. Commissioner Jones asked if Staff knew the time -line for the infrastructure improvements. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION PAGE 4 JANUARY 2, 2007 Chris Flanagan and Mr. Hoover both responded that with TxDot involvement there is no guaranteed date. Staff hopes the project can start this summer —possibly take one to two years but that the expectations were that the improvements would be finished by the time of the opening of the center in the fall of '08. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner Grimes, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and I OPPOSED, with Commissioner Shaffer casting the opposing vote, to approve Agenda Item 4. The motion carried. Agenda Item 5: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider an amendment on a portion of Tract 2 of PD Planned Development No. 53 for CF Community Facilities to allow for a daycare. The property is 2.828± acres of land situated in the Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract No. 812, located at the northeast comer of Exchange Parkway and Twin Creek Drive. Lee Battle presented the request. The church at this location has decided to subdivide their property and sell off the portion they are not using. Currently the zoning is for church use only The request is to amend the zoning to allow for day care use. The Application will be required to dedicate right-of-way for the expansion of Exchange Parkway and Twin Creeks Drive. The median opening on Exchange Parkway in front of this property will be closed. Mr. Battle stated that the Applicant will also be constructing a portion of Twin Creeks Drive. The Concept Plan illustrated shows two (2) sites. At this time, there are no plans for site 2 — the applicant or the church may use this site for extra parking. Chairman Wendland opened the public hearing. Chairman Wendland stated there were approximately 35 citizens who e-mailed their support for the request. The City did receive one response in opposition from Mr. Mark Pomaro who resides at 1614 Navarro Drive who was opposed to traffic and the noise of children playing outside. The applicant, Ms. Kim Southwell addressed the Commission. She distributed her resume to each Commissioner. The school will have two functions: From 8:30-2:30 they will function as a preschool; from 3:00-6:00 they will function as a reading tutorial center. Chairman Wendland asked what will be the maximum number of enrolled students. Ms. Southwell responded that at full capacity there will be 362 preschool students and 100 after school students. They will not be offering transportation. Allan Hill, Architect for the project, addressed the Commission to show his support for the request. Commissioner Cocking asked for clarification as to what was being rezoned. Mr. Battle stated that the acreage listed in the zoning does not include the church. When the development is PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 2, 2007 PAGE 5 platted, it will have a separate legal description in addition to the metes and bounds description �j that is part of the ordinance request. It cannot have a lot and block designation until it is �1 planed and it can't be platted until the zoning amendment is approved. The amendment to the zoning only includes the two tracts of land for the day care. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Shaffer and a second by Commissioner Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to recommend approval of Agenda Item 5. The motion carried. Upcoming Agenda Items: o Mr. Battle stated that Staff evaluates the Allen Land Development Code yearly and will be proposing minor adjustments to certain provisions. o Zoning change for the Arts of Collin County tract. Adjournment Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner GrimS ,4— a Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn tho tannin,g and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:00 p.m. These ma oved [his Yk day of �"` 2007 GLG. X� U ,'inutes Wendland, First ice -Chair Kellie ilson, Planning Technician