HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3925-7-22 i I ORDINAN'CE NO.3925-7-22 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL THE Fw " till C ,�, , AN I COUN"ITY, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE COMMIJI ,r,,F"I"Y I „l ��l ✓�,„ ,ml„I ul ,; „'I IIJ ADVISOR1" I BOAR.D; PROVIDING THE DU'TIES, OF SUCH BOARD; PROVIDING SEVERA111LITY C1.,,A,tJSE1; N't) PROVIDING DATE#WHERF,AS, , � wryEngagement II„ ling JI � I ;rood, I�,Itty I Iuncil Ias determined sly by ty ,, _ wr �, thir, engagement J �,, ✓ �✓, I IJ Board strengthen U e� Jn across , � enhance ��.� I o r � wilt, r I I i hin ✓ I : J J I I n the Clity Council and Clity, . i � � N � � � ' . ll W� U N J *s I Iianid related issues; and, l I I ty U o I the tWHEREAS, Ciity Council Ci t,*Allen, Texas, hasthie, r I r r � � rter to C,it I,tzens to vanous boards;and commissions., NOW, TH BE 111' ORDAINE ; . CF'.UV -CUL)"NCII., OF 'THE CITY A1,1,EN, COLLINCOUN"PIFY,TKXAS,T,',tlI,AT** SECTION" e ' F wn Engagement Advikory Board"' refieffed, to as l n s li,ereby I created �w purpose , J , , w he City Counci I City Staff on matters regarding community, I , outreach special, events,andrelated,issues. programs, ern„I For Haul,I I shall Iro,", '. �... � ,I the purpose this :: �w "....„ ,. ,: ,; .,:' terms,: phriases, ".!�nm I�, flo"I'lowi"n rw aw m� qr `'N,"� �Wk, ` ° II II r I'rn,7 �,z n,hiere' U1,3,ioai-i,,'1 or E.,ngagettient, Aidvi,isol,-,v Boarii' ,gl, dbl shall, meian the City ofAllen ICommunity Engagement Advisory Board appointed LJ� I 0tyManalger City J Texas, .y Managet- l mean ,ti, (10MA1111U41 g r sha,11, mean, r l I s of Allen t`�iiotn- all back I g I collaborating each h � �. n � J .I , w J h r l�� v _..:m other Iv r I ,r ��., ,... I.. ,:� "'' ,. r .I ,., v '^'� Mp :... �d,�.: ' - :'.P'of . � , �coot � be �onli � .��. ul �� � SECTION The Bloard shall consist �I seven,, (7) be appo �I ; by I n Clity, Council composed �, s n , r JnC4 shall I serv, t n I lach I �, Board I t the time of such I ,� d'Uring rl � I� 0ty ` Ietsorl n't and e term, oter J rJ ,: �II ,Il,l II� II p „ I Ir< IYII 1l IIr i „. J,, � .,.,, „ staff "I"hie OtyMtanager and, Clit�r has resilded,in the Ct ity for a,pen"'od, of at least one year prior to such, appointment. I haison shall be w I r members I„ I Board. The Manager I v W ndu t of the as coordtinator a quoru,m I and prolv*de,. ',s,,,lupport to Ithe Board. Four Board shall a a for the I I I I of ,uu "� s �If �n .roll of,,✓ Boarid, ,. � ,, s each 6tiOctober J ✓ III r,��� . I� I (2) I I for per"I"od, ; a"letidar I priov"diefor, LI I m d e n I , the ° initial mem 30 beris Septemb,er ofthe,second w I r J thereafter. lJ h Ina ✓ i, a i I to - I I I u places I I be appointed, I I : . two-year n I I m I members ,)r nJ I I:..appointed for I I '"�I, � n I places :. Iwappointed foone-year� , � All. subsequent:I h yt t ,be Iro I I twoyears. SECTION :,i `µ' r Board shall , I hold , n , „ il l.o ✓ ; meeting artiiw each r .._yearin . , Octoberto elect q ,: , , N ,' " ,, vice-chairpierson, and secretary"A, : I I , . : i J. upon, ;' � w fi (I), The , ,„ W ' sa 4shall priessilde over i ,„ I r I "rhe r hairperson shail assi"st the chairperson i I n directiq:; the , of the Board. In the absence of the lolf the chairpersion, the ' ,,,m Jam,s dutiles ,t rp r u (3) "',rhe secretary, shiall keep , , s, of ru ��r all Imeetings., I� � secretary's , absence , I chaiitperson, sha,11 I other r F , "" � �, "gyp "" I the assistance I � ,r ,arV v'i , rr � The 41 may, � Idesji L I � ,�� Boarld, �� r 1"in ta,ki"n personne d transc, b inutels ble,but shall slign"the (.'),fficially ,, before, Ig an n, i ng m_ I piresen't'ing same to the Board ,for approval, SECTION The oard shall , b I I I 'the dates .r the,, :, , � '.,i g g rc I >. Biolard. A meetings,'S rww, shall be conducted n.. postedtin, "i " I! f 1 w,t the i ers, Texas Open Meet',11" �i Act, VA"'.C#'Al., .Go'vernment . Codie Chapter . bythe Ci'ty r 5.5 1. J mm I " comply wlith the� i I a, I I "„ w s CI I s BoardAppointmen't Poi'],"Icy `l7he SE1CT110N ' f the rd shall be I puq, ),ose � duties,I , , e to .r y 0) Act "'in a advisory I i y to the C ity Staff an i City Counicii in matters, perta . engagement, outreach a i ir, e, "'., programs, "'�;C*ty Council fi, rs",'�",'�,m events, �� :°"'I �""nd related. �''; `* i'sSues. U I -om time to I - „ I1 ttm , ae (2) a ndments to this ordinanict I Through lits ina r a report atintially to t Glity Council I rduringther I r I previous year ,its proposal fo,lr e ror wu It ,, year. (4) Relcommetild to the C Council from r i, ., , :. ,i... - ' : polictes . procieduries /f , „ a;. C..Ijouncil consideration r �the Staff1ditaison,tofoflow in c engagement G I (5) T he Ro ll besqolely advisory. The Board and ji s indi",viduale''I members m ll not have any a I o, tota,,kea,n,ya,c,t,,,,,ionwh,""I,chle, thorl"ity I , Iga,ity't)"I"nds,theC'*I'tY,I P,P, nd any City fti,nds, ti.nicur any debt on behalf of the ex �" h" �` accept rrm V "'� any grants . I�rdonations �w v, ,"m C"Ity. or (6), shave I r� r the I ,. t � rl �, t 0 II employees. SECTION 17. Should any word,sente,ncel,paragra,ph,subdi"N,"I'si'lon,clause,phrase,or sectioln of this ordinaniee-*, or thile ordinances, r amended hereby, be M ,: e vo*d or unconstit, . fi(,)nal ':. r l; , w , or hield to , olt �„ , � � I „n �"° "fig I � r � Cily,I�'�` �w�, v � � �r h ,, ��; o ,fir, �"��" � � �� o, t ,. � ..eamended, which shall r, main in t`uill f rce and,eft" ct., I SEC11ON8. i Ordilitivanice, . shall r, o effect o e, , „, I - passage and approl,val 'by the City, : as 'the j I law and,, a l such cases provide;;, Ili I accordtngly,� I ordmined. DtTLY i I rwm,:, " w„r w PASSED ANDA'PPR,OVED BY TIIF,,, roe ITY C01.JN'C11,,,s CITY OF ALLEN, COUNTY TEXAS,,ON'THUS DAY 21022. APPR VEDOI Kile-neth M,.Fu,1k,V[,AYjj,R II „;wrr v. v✓ i I I n II fir, �r AS TO F011,M# AT'TEST:l ,dw roleo �wilonN vwowuw�� ✓nimuuruW wmr pu�auro"""m? rorrwwu^ y i syiawwrwwuwiwilow �� N»�t�cmr w�mw�mxra, 3�4 ��.r �� j v� oNN if r v " vow r' �uowi��"�uwgl ' dvw-rmomM+wou�r... "rr IF rm:.""� a Wyk r „ . g�fW'�'1NRi r Tk,MC, y, „�� r , u, .,...oar „,,, i� .ice. � a.INU .,�v� CITY"SECRETARY Ordinance