HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3929-7-22 ,4,,22 �wr R1 .1)' 'I"NANCEN0., 9 rvi rc' C,01J]N� 01, OF 'THE vdin � r , / � i„ -�Wmr,.w ,�dn�..„ � ,.. "�.. o„ �w,.xl ClIT"Y ,, ✓, CITY 0F ,AL1`,.,0EN',, -..wrrY,r� ,,,,xln ,ay... r,, ,:,, w gw„r,.. .,� n�.�a i.. .,a' ra ✓ „ ,,,m .,,..rw q. r.� ,:�.,,. pr„✓, .,� Y' "NI)IN ],'. 11�, 11EN10 : CODE AND NO ZONING MAP, PREVIOUSI.,XAMENDED, BY AMENDING REGULATIONS,OF AREA� I OFr %aul r ,;ma�ia� r rurr o.:,�„ ,��w;,,;,r,,. PD NO. � W11"H �Ilb l � II Pl.,ANNED I»'h. .,« ,r,mt�' ,cmP� a<✓„ I, ,,.I,. �A; ,, 'm. : !, �:: BASE' Z0N[N,,i,,,,",`,'G OF LIGHT INDUSTRIAL R 1.,AT1N1(1"F „,din,,, „r ,nVELIOPMENT 11 ,�� OF I I u AND rn1Ir, �,„e ,. �✓ wr�'kiw�✓�I �Vw�, SI ,.�rralW�.,. .a `. ,�.' J r�.er. �..a�, ,,,�rrr�e�d ,v �'er,ry ,... '.� IJSE T714F ,air ,;r PROVIDING wl� Iu�rr ari « r ae r >..r ✓ I FOR �, w»w ,�»� h"I" ��r,�, rare CONNFLICTS SEVERABILITY iw ; CLAtJSE*I,. PROVID"ING CLAUSElo, PROVIDING A. SAVINGS C'LAtJSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEE THE St ,,. ,".��,. s "".. �..:: THOIJSAND ',V,..... FOR OFFENSE# ,v.r,f iiI✓rr OF I),10L1..,,,A,RS EACH PROVIDING EFFEC"nVE DATE. AN WHEIWAS, _ Ptanni'ngf r N w Commission, andthe governing body o 'the City I with Texas, I w � , givien JIve J of Iv, Ir ordinances ,r , „�, � of r� r �" II r �' � Nw xas rnd � : �, of ✓ J� �,. I notices �" "I I 1fW1 and I I by publiciation and ,,. �,✓hioldmg and, tia:uir affording the properlt:y hean"nIgto I owners I I I d area, and, generally "in the viici,n'ity thereof, and 'i"n the J rcise of its, legislative di"scretion, have concludied 'that Allen [,,iand, Dev Texas, e onjing I� +�a ,I � nd � , �, previously amended, shouldbe I amended,,. NOW', THEREFORE, BE 14" 0RI CITY H COUNC1,1. OF THE CITY OF A1.4LEN, C101.1.sIN CO't]",N'TY,`Ff,',XAS,,.",`,,'I'MAJ SECTION L TheAllen, Develo, i�riw,w '.. Zotlitig Regu'llations Zoning 'I c: ePrvVgriWlIWw"'.. °"�H I..l iN. ,r. I(w 1.. ,: �:. �... ap 1,anid, r. n' Allen, Collin C T'lexas, as, preNrl"ousl d amended, f4ther amended e d y amending er , a s I I fbrth Slection 2, he he bellow, 'It d applicable Area I of Planned Developnient ,D" No. , relating Y I development property �. I�d r descri''blCid „ Blu.stiness! I I r nd I 1'.A)t 2, Allen Cen,tr Y r I r n Iweerw ,,� P'lat en, WIIIReclords, Y✓ ✓, i (,,,outity', Tie'xaa,s, , ,�' w�l , Voliume 20114, Page Collin Co'unty, ,:r 0.M», sN (""'the Property"). shallSECTION2. The ropefty � p�r(:),!visiolns ow Y. ". b�e developed . �� r accordance .. � ',:. � ID a,.. �; r i ( I r� I ,I I he I I of I Tra,,ct Allen L nd Development ode, as amended,("ALD("") he developnient and use � i � .. t" Planned Development "'PD" ' I A. 3 N , a' fiorth Ordinance No. 368-110-81,11, as such, regulations , have been r amended, c t extent idDevelopment W (,, below': r PERMITTEDUSES., 1* In addition, I I accessory uses fo.I which IIprolperty locateldwithlin No. maybe Y I �I, � developed II w„; I Propleqy l be d" vietopeld anduslesd, 'for the folillowing pu,rposes as an a. Retald lb.access,ory usie*tlo a R,,,esU�Allranit. M111crobre"wery 2. For the purposes of this Ordinance,, a Nficrobrewery operating F „ rI, Y 'use � ,s accessory w ✓ N,d �,I an to a ,in ti Beverage Rtsltiaurianit 1-Tse shall , Brewpubil N ., e : q S U µ ith Perii,r,iit with o and e ICerfificate r I ITexas, Alcoholic errge (.'.",,,ommi,ssi',oln I IIc `o r I c with ✓ e Texas Alcoholle Be Code, as amended. "" 3. The dievelopment and use of'the Property as a Microbrewery nw,sit, comply with the f6flowling development standards: a. All, manuf,,"aaurei, blending st"11"ing, t,"ermentation, rocessi-tig and packaging of di, i 't P alcolholic bev,erages activities shall oiccur whollyInside a buddingl. b. 1"he Property, sh all be dieve,,,Joped "'with at least the f"011owing number of of,"Tstrellet parkinIg space't-s'. One space per 2,000. square feet of floor areaused, f,)r Istolrage,, 111 One spa,cle per 200 squa rie t"elet offloor ar a used, for retal'1, sales and seat ng* and, 1,11. Onle spilacie pI 100 sqt,,i,a,re of or area tjsed restaurant ptirposes. C Each Micro,brewety use shall, icomply, wilh all applicable requirements of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage(','ode,- and d. Retail sales of,alcoliollic beverages, for on pr emis, S 0'ri off premises clonstunpulon and relateld i''Itennis are allowed, to the extent per m itted by "'Flexas Alcoholic Belv eragxe Comm,tsston regulatilons atild app,I 1"'Ic ab lie, pro.,vi'stions of t1w `11 1111111fl,exas Alicohohic Beverage Code. _ 'in gererrl con formatl ice "w"th tbe (7,on cel i"t Plan B* CONCEPT PIAN': J'he Proper ty shall be dev ellope d I attaiched hereto as Exhl"bit "A" and, incorporateld herein by ref*erence (the "'Concept Minor ivewa a i gnm en�t, mold 1*,,fications to feltfsf,/d,,r' N s th t do not alter th,le giene'r I ah shown on the Concept Plan may ble made at the t1iftle 0,fl,"' e KIII, approval., I The bu"*I * " all be des*gned and,con/structed to gieneral look N d like'It-he cool Bl"tJ N 1"t.,iRIG F F1114 ,XATIO 'S. I I n g,s sh 1, Building Elevations attached hereto as Exhibit"t "B" and incoq)orlated in. by ref rence ("Building Elevations"). 11 SE"I"BACKS: `Fhe silde yard s(,,-,*tb,ack, on the southem property hine shall 'be 22 t� et as sho,wn o n, the Concept Plail,l. SECTION 31# T.. the extent of any, in,-econcilable conflict w1th the provisions of th/is Ordi',nance and othe ordtinancels(f),fthe City of Allen goveming the use and,developmentof the Propert)i and which are nolt expresst Y aniended by this i m r vJ, the priovisiions,Iof th"is,Ordtinance sh-all"be controlling. SECTION4. Should any world,sentence,para&,rraph,subidivil"S'llion,clause,phr se or sectill ofthlis Ordi,nance, or ofthie Ailien Land Devellopm-ent Codle Zon,"ing Regtilatil'ons, as atnendil hereby, bel adjudged or held to be vt,,i,nconsti',,t,",u,t"i*,onal,,the satInne shall notavff," ct the validity,of the remainting portions ofsal'id ordinanb ol, ir-kMA I Allen Land, Development Code, Zoning Regulations, as amended hereby, which shall remain "'In ftffll f r rd SECTION 5. An off�,nse com-mitted bef(,,,,)re the e4"I"'e. tive(,,tate of this Ordinance is governed by prlior/law and the provsions of'the Allen 1-,and Development Clolode Zonil"119 Regulations, as, atmended, in leff ct w,hen the lofl," nsewas, committed, and the ft),nnn-er law continued in ef ect ft rthis purpose. I t"th SEIG14 O N6. A.t'iyperson,firm oreorpot'a,t*loln,v"l'olati*,,ngan,ylo,'', ,,eprol,,v'i'si'j',,onsior,tertns,oflth"sOrl dl",,,,i,,,t�iaiice,!;,hi,,�,,,�,t'l,I ble subject to the same penalty asprov�ldieid Nw t'o,r lin A-l"Ien Land Developnient Code Zoning Regulations ofthe C"ity 01rdinance No.3929-71-221',Page 2 i amended,of Alien,as previously Thiousand Dollaris, ($2,00,,0) ,,R,,)r SEC ;,,�, ,,,,.. r 7"'hi"'s Ordinance ately from ,. �u 7., I i �.... and, pub], -ioi at ofId, I I the("'ty of Alten,amidiris accord'ingly so!orda*ned. accoridance,with the provisil"ons of the Chartc*,fr of' /"I, DUI,Y PASS1f,4,D A. ,Nl,,) APPROVED BY THE CfTY COUNCIL O,F THE CITY OF A"LLEN, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,,ON T:H THE 12""" DAY OF ,JU14Y 2022,0.. APPR VED#* i "OR MArY tifeth Mi.FuIk, APPROVED AS TO FORM,* A'J"TEST: i J 1 f IWMiWWNfWPN,UUWYWI!WW,WW�k'tlVtlVU,W&WNIM WN�bW{'VN'FIW�fII'�WdNW:WTfWW'W11PW1'NVflWWV6nWWWVrv1'NflIN�wINWV,VI�WW�fvWWu'4r�KKv�W IIMnHMIdVAfi�W�MtMmm�kWV,Wk,'ANW�fw�mM41,v.... �Ida,aNPoRW.'MlWmmeMudMdiWwW�I.�MwWdM�i�a4Uuuuuuuuuuuuu a�w,w44uuuuWM PoNw.mm�uulwew�mxwwwxw�enwW.�Mww'e✓fw'�ma�W,Mdwu+wwleuwwmx,wdNww.wWw+4pB5��n 1 sr�avmm,mmu��'�"�w,�^u�uoi�u uur,"„;�va�, wwwwpwil G 0, ;0"r .. �mmniwwuwouwr �'t�`p» m .:"�,"aammwua '��rN y 4r�w�PiN,rOU lo 0000, aoiir � �,/aly�m 100 "0001r �o q.. � �..�,. irf OWN" 1. xaw ws�mnn ror�,vrn!wcrow,yp�,uwrvwm��wm "� �a ,// � �� �r�::moo�mo.�rw, .. � ��I�MECtlNMNUNW IIWN�IWNINNOMNNNM90MNN. �m'�WWVtl'dbfflNMNUwxWkw�WWI�MWN� N� Lim,NwWu,V�wWuuGUI�IW�lwiwwuwwuu�W�uVgwwuupWp'w&PYw.�.w'WkWkkl�I�wWf�... � WdN� y6�JN1 Peter G. Smith, Cui r Al"]" RN Shelley ,& JF u,f CITY StCRETARY (kb I*1 6/16/2 02 2,:129,993) 0irdinatice No.,3.9,294,w221 Page 3 R I< CONCEPT PLAN II I EXHIBIT "A" I T V; PW I I I I it I NNE 1 Ali; i mw 7 s rr, / ' � ",� � �� � ��� I 11 iv mowurararn I „�w'..f f� „�i w ai�NNwmww;, .., Rw r , I .... "wr is r r � 9 i V*ml ! '� i c i u P .o f1 yo I �jl Ak ^D f 1 m f �l r 1 / I A 4 0 1' u IN 1 I d� c , / W p r�uo ' p E �1, / sAl �i '" �, � N 0 h� aN i " I N frI �(, � � '�' 4�IIIW4NwdAMMrtMdWWNM!�WI� f �I y I A m oo No n I d w 0 i 10/ lop w "'.„wu~s , Im arc>ao✓ems ,un<r����vaa'�' uu uwrawiml�ouulu w mw-10 m j 411 JAI d ,N lip N f �ilfy I 1 t P r 1, I n� r II r I I s f r r r G I I xm .,,,. ry a lop'", i o OR t ( 1 J +, I I f I 1 ffI 1 wm i al J J I f 1 l i I , / r ffff ff r I I' I �I r r i rJ 1 1 >I I 1 ,w ° r fi a� > I I I° � r i ........... 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