HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-3928-7-22 0,1kD1NzA,,NCE AN ORDINANCE OF JJIE CITY CGUNC11, OF THE CVVY OF A,I,,,,I,,,EN,, C011,.iIN IEXAS,, I,. �„„ G, N" ,,, ",°°,� a „,,,," r"" , """" ING THE A1.11[,,xN „ I h � ' , �C01.T,N, TJ,7'N",, "APITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN, 1 „ U AN, 1F,,..N'DED,, RE1,,oATING T w IMPA - WASTEWAl"ER AND ASSUMP01"IONS, AN o „ - , , fi " , R0,ADWAV FAC11,1TIES,1#11 PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY CLALJSE* P',R()N0r1D1,',N1'(x1 FORA FOWAN R1,,PEA, 1.41NG CLAtJSE,#,A,,N7`D EV'F`ECT1VF J DA11,"L I . w City WHEREAS, In full c p r e N , e provisions , C . ^" 3915, Tlexas Govemm,ent , e 1783-11-919,regulat* v*oti,sly adopted,,OrdinanceN. 'o. If the Cit , e6 a ° 0ty") ° ,- n 'olhin ,, as tng y C 1MPt(r:,)1c1t,f s,ft,,)r1 1s,,. ter, and,wast'ew terfo tal im mcnt ,;I I c I cinicilities fbr the finan A'capI I required,by, newdevielopmentin,the City,saaid reguliations being stibsequently amended by"Orditiaince*N"o,sow.2005-1, 1-01, and, 6-021'and and asikvtlicle X1Dieveloptnent IC de", )N, 11­,1EREAS, the City hais% reviewed the ctirrent land us;e as,sutn anid capttal improvements plan, and the, ptions nceI " ,, " , tn compl.* impaI I er Ind,rod , iance wi �; n , r » �» vs previottl, , I I I i n I I " ly Chapter 395,Local Goviernmen't Code,;anid, I I ofrevei'ving the proposed tipdated land I WHEREAS, the 01ty has, w"ith'in, sixty (60) days date ,"i'' iti f 'improvements p impact, l le � �umptions, : w lat�� .� r � � , . „ I n teld a resolution setting , ub]* nd hearing r n,, di'scu, ,,s,,s and,r I,.a ,,Ie ,, sI is and, ,v ,..:. , �. ,I ',.'m I II �r,I II��'II" first I�u�I^ of the �, rW11ER,EAS,� �"'...,, r ,. r..,... a! hl N� ��. ,,. ,. .. wl.I'fir :.� ,,, »,,,.. hearing � �. „,. w ,�,,. I,. .... � I w I , I « I , „ , propoiseld impact t"�e pier service , such,unt ,, ✓ r ay „ � I r „ We v 1 N to, flie publi"Co, WHERE,AS, o .. r r Cotincil h ptibbic heannig ,disietiss, prorlosed ° sIiI .I I assumptions sos e „ :pi tat i mprovem,eints plans-, " w u , I „, o„ Governmej, "tal III .< 3 WIIi, commaents ,.. :, ' I,, „ r0.: I. .�� �,:;. :; .;u°..� �,..,. : litl�' ,,;<� °,„I '-.. j .,... : , ,.,. . ..i 1 ����. Local Code, fflI�,Ii"II r I1 „�I„ I I IIdmentsII , Iland n,tlie� caplital 10 tmpro date .: ... v r� plans befolre, „. o.. ,;o,.l (5,th)business r. rzu: ,�,.: ", -o- , ,:: lo, ,, , 'm. ,,. rw, ,. ,rc ,....wr, coliv .r .. . ;. and, within .aI " ai. Irty(30) .., : Ig... p "^ hearing NV1-'1E`R.EAS,, � diays proposed,amiendments I the of I "to the land assumptions �, capital improvements: plans, theCity Counicil is ., „m re ,. amendments. ,» landuse w, assumptions il sm „ s «, I r " I,.°I In I plans,Ia I I,, „, t`ufly set nc ,,*orth hereinj*' and WHEREAS, he City has i ied with II proposed I ffilly, � Chia,pterGoAren,imle*,nt a :. m ,wX to the land, use a sI u u °,..w s and ca a m I rPr" ',"°«"DWI ""' "" plans-, an W11 E AS I I the l r r�l citizens � „ I v nteres M*dlothian � � � ° � " a u a � the ty finds that n the st 1 o a �,. i'mprovet'nents � < an. wwys �, » ,,W":w^wNN V'd<k�i 1. �.. r rladopted o I �,i.. ft:)iah > land I I u a pursuan't to A- rt."licle,'X.1, of tbeAllen, t,ioandf)evelopmen't Code. NOW, THBF,,., 'IT ORDAINf B..... THE, CITY: COUNCIL OF THE CI Al"'LEN, C01.4tiIN COUNTY, a I, I S, . „ I tkt-tlicle X1" : vFees"o ,,f the Allen [,,.at'id Development C i"s h i a .� _ .as f Hows- A. i I 1/ Idefini"tion of the phrasie "'IRmpact Fee SItudy'"to 0 r a ,- . o- s I hrq,�iivt ; 1 ✓ f � means that certain It "Water,titled .' Wastewater, a,,n,,d Roadway, tmpact Fee Up�u,,rite 20221-2032"t prepared by Birkhoft", Hiendr,"I"'cks & Caner, e IIlial i,o which onfillein e ot7ficeof'the city secretiat�y and incorplorated in'to this,article by:ret"rence. B. secfio� , 11 "on .05 N, I I f Impact Fees" s rt ^ s u I I I J I and Payt, ent o Impact Fees R amended read in,its, ,s enttrety a,,�In� f,(fllows., SilectiOn 11.051.—Calcul',,atil'on 1. ,II f, ,la fi 1""'or �./ developtnent s ddetermlineld by /I I IIJ ,� I II � each gJl„N ,f I„ y�1 �water Iq >' 11,be a f y:.�o���I..' be w �, tforth ImietI I purichased for I subject development I in Schedule Schedulle Wa ter and S�r Impact Feess by Meter Slize S* ON Meter Meter LUE IMPUCCF,eie i Type, w�l , h ,� 8 190 D� �, f wrl 1 ,a amp . If o �r,„fa .u 51127.519 ----------------- Ultrasonic I / I I t A 91 14 ''Ilala �:'w ✓,�w I.., c 2.8, 816(,40.60 5 0,5 5 52.15 re �rororolwrlur�ml�renlmr�uu a�umrowrouwaerw re�muINWW�uuwrorowlmwsm wlmll IrvW>wra. al�wWwwwnwlwwwl�wl�wa�laa'nmwxnrvwuw�rv... a•Nwwrwr�oaawwaanwwrwwwawlwnceww,wnwwlwwuwwarvaauulwuwwwalwlw'uwwaJnwwwwwwaarawNw;ww�wawwwwwww "..awa ,. Ultra�,,�r I, ,rah, 1-1/2 I.. 4.2 „ ,3,117 I.I, k I' 21 535.88 J '7 f 19,8016.912 111*c r'vD lJ,w:.'�Jl I. 1031,37r ,Huu nor,' 51,275,91 'J++.�w+w.wlwwwwwwrwwwwwWr.:�..:.::..:.::w �WJw�wwJlr.... mmm+ma�.�mmm:.+ro'nmwawwrr.. .. :...I',wrrwlw'rrsmrolll�mew.iwnn mmWWm.m.ImrcmwmmuwwwammmaWererWWmmr�urmmmwaemWw�WlmroumlmWWrm�mrma,�WWmror�Ww�celmmrelmnnolmWnonlmrsWla,�cr 1"'JItra'son'tc 1 � 391793.85 �w " al"�: 210 62,W1 , ,II,I 96, 5 I '�ri w�lb°,+Mq r! mr„ �Wmnrororewl mlm�u uvawbucwcwcwum�lup�Nmlammmrtmmmi: I'N a-d� I 4 1-2 $1 Atras,onw 5,5 I f',�d'I n�I al 79,,5871,710 205,1103.62 . 71 ....... ........ wlwMa'. M>VPIIIWaImtl.WroPlwuwNmiNuu womaNKK IMNPNNNNWINVwI&P aaaNw IwwINaN!uWVYwlWpµtiwWW&WWWdYtlwIVIWWY' 08 88.26 $238,4 , I,5 L,2 16 2 +Nw ry �„ "'"^ I��' an 1 w w I 10 R96 "*V 'Siotiic 8 V!'µWW�IMPoa4WUWfNIIIUlll9l MIWM%U'kHUIUIUI:. IMIIIIIywWUU WNIwOWM%III�MuMJNtNIIUIIUIIUIIUIlUlU01YIHIpNII p 112 351 44.6 0I 14 5 'Uftr 1 $1 'fie f d 845.55 S 7412,9 ,A NNNUNWANNOW *Water ltnpactfiees based on I.,tving Un'tt Eqtiivalent I a, a $3,137,90 O4 0 1989.69 "Wastewater s f � ,µ ltinpact,fees baseld `. W ` Equivalent �� � l to$1, I T71ile roadway / I impact 2. fcef6r developmentshaftbe by mutt u t "*, ` a. Nw � I 1 ��V r applicable«, d J I,f, ^°� n c e . Ordinance Nio. 2, Schedule N. Roadway by Impact ................ L ' Impact Fee DevelopmentlJnit De.,velopm Ie Sery Categt,,,)ry ®'II "'ic rice i Un*ts A, ea 1 I, :I�w�mm%a'�wowMM'r+uswMmuMw Iwmmwu,. awr✓wr*rtar'wuwwuum+mwwmrw+mw�Mu'wmw�wwmwmwwuurowwwwbuaww�ww+awuwwa�««wwwwwwxwmwM+��wnDww.ro«+Mwww�www��.« �wwwrrlwww,wwl,umrwuMw�fwmwwuuwr�wr7��,wwnrwlwww. aw mawmM� ...... i RES,'l'D'E'.N"T'lAL w�v�w�ww�uw,r�wu wwwww uwolwwulwvwM;wwaremolww!Immwomrouol......omwlrolnmmwwlromunmwrrwrvaromwwmux�mw.m.:lwmm, .... MMw�ww+w�wwn wawaw�w�wa«wawww�w.�.rcuuwwumm.�wwwunawuuxuxuwwaw..." wwwwnu�wn'�ww... ww�mav M� SmL, cI I � $843.48 y �Ie D well"ng,"(,,,Jnit m wn Ir a "`�' ' I, n,Yll",.,f wu ,1' �� +x'bw�a a F.,ero '1" r.. wamlw. ,mmwlMmraummumumammm�Imm�rirumm„mm Muh'�'if-Fami Rist .96ICI 2, �w$540, 2 wlwlwlMml Iwl I I "), 2 8, Multl`-F4m, r w,,,n,.rw..M i d' 'Ri1Dwelt"i. i�jJn,,tt . $1365.0 nw.;�m, � 4 I $659.30 m,rrs��� aawmwmuMwumMauw w,w Iw a,WWwilw,wibawwibwwW!wi Y . "I fia r in*11 2 72 mulli wnhous 1 I kiise ,y,� $1,434.52 1.,ow .. .. wum wa........ ylmwwwlwmlrowlowo wwuwwwwwMwolomnwmaumummmmromrmwlmwreMmmwwwammwlwwomMlm�oamMmuuuumoeweGeew�mmvmrenwro .. www'+o�nw,xwr«�,m�,:w'. ..M w'.«+..w awv.Mwwwwmaw'awmmwwwr www,w;amwwamm�Imruawrwwuwawnaamwawxrawwowwwvlmawwula,uwdflw d... wawuulMnlareauMulaaarememmmmi .......... 'l it mP',ing il C Se, mN a:w�,. +'qw lu �Irel ,n+ � I I . .....(,V' I we 11, $4,22.63 $213.00I � wwrwwlwuuw wwwmmll. uwwuw uuoww�wwww!w!wmuuuwluwurowrolwlsmwnwolwuwwbnuawwanuumlmluuuuuuuuuwuwlwaMlrcmM ".. wminmrorwlMnmwromwi urmr�mlmemm�mem�mmm,.myrnmm�.mw"m��wm�,mwmw,wH+mw,�wwww. �w.... r to OFFICE NMPo .. Ip � 1'�000 f�1,2 r B.''U'll"Idi"'t"i'l G-FA i 0 M e d'1" f"fit c e $21,434.321�� MWllwlwlwlwll� $1 34708 ... .... $1226.9, 4 r'nrvmm�lwlre iw w aw, MMlolrolmuwwro Iwuwuwwwmloluwwn uuuml Iwwwu lmlwmmmmwlummmmmmu�flfflnm m.... edroro .......... Il vuww w rwmaumuh 1. 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Car Wash (.,�N, ,'utomated, "yYV "N,/, ,I prf r, m 'un-'nels $52 ..... $261 r 1, uwMMlwm�luwa�uw,uoMll Mbwwl.IMu�wnM'anwmwuullua....... m nce Store/(",,,koi/,s,,'; 1,412.100 8 Fuellfig Ir6 $1647I��; � ° I 814.7 $71 i PloslitiOn's �r,�I�'� �, I, 1,52 r 1 rove nt Sto,re 1 A uMrolrolrorolimlmlrolmumaMrtwwmwmmmlMMlrolurmv,lmmulm Homle I ....... 1 q � �32 ,000 ft) � � 1 � $1 24 1,36 iuuuw lau 1 : flotel $997,40 a c' '� 5 5,2.24 $502.,68 . www,wsua�ourrwnwu�rwwwwwwwwowww�wrmw'nww,ww�wwuwwuwwwu'muwwrw,aceuwww�.11wweil,wrumw� w uwlowwl Iwuwd�w!wwnwmmumwlmuw,wwmmmuw,wwwm uw moroNwmuMuurouumuuuuurvroromluorum 1000 f'll 1 GFA Phannacy/Drug'store Rlestociu/ra, t` U *v 1 1000 0 .. wdkV�llwpW :.M. MMMVWMMMWYMM $1 7 5 ;,, ..,. 2.8,6 $9,1275,716 $814,43.312 In/Thro, lI I d d�,M� a����������x� �l,��uwuu�IlwMw'dW�Ulwmlu,ololurowmlool�uror�I�IMIMMI�wlwl ulmmmwnwuuuloenwo�remoruowuulw� ::mmmmmmmmmmmnromwvwMwaw�mumm"FA S4, �� 1�V »I 7 6,2 8 $5,357,041II 1' l Ihn 13 $9,675.30 » 7h , ww a wwuw�Iww mmwwwrrmmrlwl www. Imwllwmmmmuowwummwwaw�wmlatomw;w,w�wrwum mummrcanamlmarouwunrolomMMwlmlmmm�mwmmuM�wmnu,�,mmmmm�mrrs�tmmrcavwm�rmn'e. :.romrumn+um,�auwmmmmm lo(),() 1- �I7 6Slit-Down Restaurantcol 'f �q /r" w,v w, uWnuw'u4,o $3,862,56 7.74 �wwShopip"inli ft2 g �f I Im w� wl8,88 $2,10561.1,161 FA iIIw" $2,25 5 0100(.") "„I w Shopping(,",'!enter(1401100("""')- '110001 J 0 . $512631.091 $2,19114,08 $2,6 1 150*0100 I, I M I 2 Shoppling Center(<40 I() f0 I,,� I,1 "w�u GFA $6,683.111 ,"'u �, L M ,� r 32 a13 n �wlm 9 2 5 14 $5 3 a 6 „» 4,8 0- , 000,tI mark,"et 4 GFA: W41fwV� ru�w�wNW,V!'NVW�WIWwVild'�HtlYW MM,M�MdMMM mlmMmWMW1M!MMN�,ccIA,M... ..r,: I INDUSirl""R111A.1.4 ,,�1F I FYI a uwy w,�, $6A 80 LFA w , 83 r 'w r wr"" l. ,w„,2 I I ,," wlOm'I„��u'M �,sm �,�,,.. 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Servi'ce Art�.a .' I $312/setv ice MIA Serv"ce Area and$284/servi",ice n )r Service Ar a 3 fi I' I table � reflects, e � I � I land uses Nvi41n*n each « y � For, uses N N included ve, an phicant in, w table ✓a ,rl r a, ✓a, t"'or the, « use ,r of , I land 'use, or an I I F h � supportingprov/1"de, I I a, i i 0 0 altem/ai've seri:e unit calUflation, I lifust*rt Stry, ce Area y 3,01 Except priov"lded,*Iti�,,c*,tttib.,s, I� i",nipactI�" � below, feesto I I I L ,, th , Ion 4, ol prop er ty desicr",*Ibed.. ,l ,,, final plat shall an be a ra , si e a of the l rc N r✓ *,es in o t at the time approved ^ Io final platis rel v s N to, "a '+ 4. I_ ,.. number m of I u r -lo- , , n . I with, :i:w r ...1 I" I v property �shall, b I calculated cato' r I ,n,t , change w land use, tl. of the,,; the rh , In land us, an(Vor re, ti n of theI I ! ✓ �property, rr « L a inc reI w e number of v,,, units w with respect t the propeqy, the 0 # 1, M It1,7 � : to, be collected with e% cteach a service un.tt relating todevelopmentthe be propeil,,,ysih'9M".IIANMANvi. ✓'^+.qwIMbvr ted at riniw�w,spi,s ICI � r 1ectl' '�'/.. ir ,,:,q.. IVr: rhe : :I' ,, YI..r yrr 'r ,+�;.. ,.rI.... �,I,r.. .�,, ir.... r. , rr ,: n':� "' '.:�µ :. ". Islu ,� "'.I 1"4r" , r to w id, Aa r r rti re «alIalI �b a ,w aNpl ua r AI i �A as : I Ilm r.. ',..I wnW� � '' �k,",r ue I'VI f� �I��p',n «"... I;. r : th � I „ 'j `'', '.:r' �o"rv» :. f'� "',a" Wilts,.I 'w gyp" :... g ,r "n I and and,/ iqg ,INl propeny prii'lorto M g e iW i- nW r a III and, 'n b., 71"he �rate p I of act f*ees per I ti I IW , the I ft,"ect « r Ir : the,,, I ✓g, "n land , If , 1 andI or ,"�w l v.:' r„.. of "a Property shall pi a apply wi th respect .p, « to h number fl,. / rc,m,"�.,lorr✓ _. i I S exceeding /)Mi,,l,w detemi,,I*,ned,pursuant ,v patillagraph(a), v ✓ -V Ir "'I a,rpgr ,I tnotint *'. uu i't-ripact, ,,, ✓i ,^� I" to the request for ra,. iltt " ^red,j he I fa ' li"� shall be � , I I I, per service 60 t ,%,ff,r I , „ N r It PI ; pect to N I ,W,I but*Jding pennit , I to fuly 12,2023, t'o,r constructi"on,of e bufliding on a lot for o n s w I i" s�o plat was Pproved a July, . 12, 2022, "in gy r a l ry �I r C, a e $1 provi,stions o o w „ i liaw, ilI pn*or applicable ty % wa I ,SECTION2. Th aRev'sed _. 1,,,,a,nd,.. Use Asi, aon,I �nd,Revised Capital, . a ,..a , set lorth inthat certaill ar�p dioctinte,,tit �„ " w, r,,,, ,r.. 2"' prepar dbyw IiINS,.Iram,. I I I � � iir urPf"'c I r r. ,, , ,, Hend, '� Carter, r ANIt, IW ✓ate , r,c , � �I. Atli; �.�.rx i...e � r:. ^,„. " " :. ei ,, r rr ri:,... r r r. .,wur:�w. ,,. . ,N .a,.I ra, Ri.....err r: 01,. W,IIU TM:.. ;....m N v�.... w N. rlrv.: V, : I: IriN,.. r : M ✓ IMF. , ,I nrul,. W InlUSI tea, � . .. r. I �M i. .. : �: ili i : �U r I M� I y✓ � r `�Noa" / ,a , I ) I I I I 'I , . tons a ✓ a o „ I. article l by o : . 'is hereby w d asitile C"ty's f. „nt nd � � » ry nd , plan "in accorda -cIe w1l"th Texas, 1.,,ocat Gov,emnient Code §395.045. I SECTION3. Should anyI sentence,paritigrifi-ph, sti,b di k i firc Wphras"te I I section o �� oI d ii a , e ad,ju ry a I to, l be I » � I � ,„II I , s w I " �- I f I r WIwo rI , , ct wia ,.I '..., ,. I ... : - .. � I ICI:.. M... I.<.,.����&I �,�I ,., .�� �..�... ro �� u � ...� ��I�... ... � porttions, s " t' ✓ , ase' I herebly, 'h shall re . V" *r„ full force I.l : fe c,. SECTION 4. u C114y IIN;w I nces I I w , �' l .,all I wy,� with ° Provisloins n„ e ,,r, ;: I I ,r" anry ountY., nfl Texas,, I �I a wr I,awl, � Ir � ,�. " �I I i I III � tl� � I a^,w,. I ail r, as y I wA w I I r, � I 0 I I l r Ir, i ,m I _ hereby, ,�� � �" r IA r� � �� r �hieprovisl*011.s I thi's ordinzinicle shall, e,and Ie,f fect. SECTION w ✓ name I r �✓ City Any viloliat'j*'o, *t In of I I I m I 5. it coud', of%,competent jurisdiction'; and 'he ✓ ✓ edyy "d i iton, ."L rr pnal of Allen, Coltin outity, ryW rr ,, i*',n aN�kIINO!tl�I.. hal' SIR' ,v � i o :. uII I, ,I , a� a Code� Ordi*nance , . Oty a , � . i", o mTe s. x' N ,en rNn fir s, t' ws , ' r, i SEC'Tl0Ni,,, , 6. This ordinance shall tAe ell* t i.nimediately, fioni. and after its passage and pub,I 111"cation iin ice. � el Charter � City ., CoIll"n, .,o� ����.���.,», aw � � I; � �„ waccordnce wiw �w-�rvN�r�, ,,�, Ikl;��,r fir, 1� i � exas. DIJLY PASSED AND BYTHE CITY COUNCIL OF E CtTYOF ALLEN,, C011.1,1N CiOtJNTY,TEXAS,ON 1`1111 ;: 12'"I"I'l OF'JtJ",LY 2022. )VIE D ......................................... "N' to,F J M Ainnelh N,"I ....... OR 1`0 FOR," M** tE'*,ST# „ iwar, , AT' �nr»uY,r ;m miooriwwann... � ewuJrtuamWxuwryroNww�N w m i w� f ��o;�a�flV�1'�'W11414WW&t �wpmw,ollmry r�d�� ,�yrv10 I�Pi ��,y➢IyNlVhya ,, wo.,. f uaeowur�m f w, 110 MOM W11 Ali ny�'&y,. (6 nau wuiuuiui�amimo�wxmwQiuwiimiam ', P� ,' tllfwii"�W�':'NWT,wll�'uW^<o'y�P�rnu(NN�Jlfnvfl�%/r� reerv«ww.wnwrounrww.wewwwi.:rvweuwiwaervwew ww.wrom� wwacwuuuuuuw.wrw aw�w.�w�ww�w wxx�:uuuex�.w awrvwuwrw,ww,ww,�xx�a,.wuwww,ww craw,wm�rww�rrvwww�ww��.�wr�wawsnwm�wwnmwawa�rvwmmu�uawwr�wuuu�NuwNuwrr!wuie� o apmi�mioioiotio��nmm�uIDnuNiuM1m .. � C�.,i ��. TTO` � �;,iu: ryMYµiey I 1� �y�y +ry ry�„� «w, � e�Xy�i, i[S,"tC., µkW� if r iv1� I11VI,� l,Cl NSm.' wPoio w,Pi I 1Ordinance No.3928**7,w221 Pagle 5