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Min - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2011 - 01/04 - Regular
I V_ CITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Jeff Cocking, 1" Vice Chairman Douglas Dreggors, 2"a Vice Chairman Kurt Kizer Shirley Mangrum Steven Platt, Jr. Ben Trahan Robert Wendland, Chairman PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting January 4, 2011 Commissioners Absent: None City Staff Present: Ogden "Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Planning and Development Tiffany McLeod, Planner Kevin Laughlin, Attorney Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p m in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway Consent Agenda I. Approve minutes of the December 21, 2010 regular meeting. 2. Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Waterford Parks Phases 6B & 7, being 18 243+ acres located east and west of Bray Central Drive and south of Hotsprings Drive. (FP -12/13/10-90) [Waterford Parks Ph. 6B & 7] Motion: Upon a motion by 2"" Vice Chairman Dreggors, and a second by Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried. Regular Aeenda Agenda Item H3: Replat/Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat for Alma Exchange Addition, Lots 3R & 5, Block 1, being a Replat of Lot 3, Block 1, being 1.838+ acres located at the northeast comer of Exchange Parkway and Alma Drive (FP -12/13/10-89) [Alma Exchange Addition, Lots 3R& 5, Block ] Tiffany McLeod, Planner, spoke to the Commission. The property is located at the northeast corner of Exchange Parkway and Alma Drive. The property to the north is zoned Shopping Center SC. The property to the east is zoned Planned Development PD No 54 for Single Family Residential SF The property to the south (across Exchange Parkway) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 for Shopping Center SC. The property to the west is zoned Shopping Center SC. The purpose of the Replat is to subdivide Lot 3 into two lots. A Site Plan for a veterinary clinic has been submitted for Lot 3R. This replat outlines the required infrastructure (firelanes, utility easements, access points, etc.) for that project and is the next step in the development process. The Replat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the requirements of the Allen Land Development Code. Staff recommends approval Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing. With no one wishing to speak Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice Chairman Cocking, and a second by Commissioner Trojan, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the Replat for Alma Exchange Addition, Lots 3R & 5, Block 1. The motion carried. Adjournment Motion: Upon a motion by 20° Vice Chairman Dreggors and a second by acclamation the meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m. Items of Interest r e this F day of nua� J 1011. �/f None Adjournment Motion: Upon a motion by 20° Vice Chairman Dreggors and a second by acclamation the meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m. se minutes r e this F day of nua� J 1011. �/f R ert V�MNhwnman ©TWMcLeod, Planner