HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-3931-7-22 i I RES01ot 2931-7-22 IONNO. RESOLUTION THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, C01.,tAN' NN4, 1W1 ,Wwu�'' COUNTY, TEXAS, EST,ikBLISHING v„ . N,m,4 �. J, ^ ,., FOR AND RATES FOR AND, PARKS RECREATION MENIBE RSHIPS AND RENTAtS,ol PROV"IDING A,�.. REPEALiNG, CLAUSE; PROVIDING A,"N"D SEVERABILITY PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE. � Et' *I to amend the 'I 1.11unict W WHREAS, the Codie I h IT Ind ., w ratesfor Park,s and Recreation membersbips and rentals by Resoluti'lon. 'T: �...;� rNWe N', THW;. ORE, Brw� IT or"ou W° ow :""�VE n il t ,ma nwM .�, C101JNCIL OF .,T11E. 117Y OF Y' NOW, COLIIN, COUNTY,TEX,A- S,THAT: SECTIONli., ,....o„ r h W°'..n,M, ~~N... +�, r �^�„ii' "Wig , i ,�^" e ,�. hiesth,lefollow,"i'n,gsched,uleit'*or I Parks "tons oaf^ri '� �^" rR { mf�i enpqw w and, Recteat rvni '�XP °wp p"� i"""ryp' J ' and, a i I* MEMBERSHIPS a* Annual Memberships Mem,beirsikipil Annual Fee Non-Resident.. Annual Fee, Addifional Information . A.11en Senior Recreation i Center r phi:$500 � '�4.00 i�MPoMiW'.' r�IW r e d 17h Coursies , ➢ t i Creek $3 $800/addilional fami'lly, si .. member b* Monthly Memberships Res'lident Non-ResidentRodenbaugh (DRQ Don Natatorium� Monthly Fee mouthty Information Additiotial Adult 8-59yrs) S20.00 $2 1 81 #, 001 'Youth(3-17 yrs) 1.(,')0 S 15.O,0 $2 Senior $15.00 $12 Family $55.00 $774,00 f * ,'c� I ,^ M'' N 'R "LL I OW'w' 111111 (!J11111 Joe FwIrtij,er (JFRQ "' Mon'thly Fee* Adult(18-59 yrs) $10.00 Youth (3-17yr,$) $5.00 $17.00 Senior(60 yrs 4) $15.0("o $7.00 Famlily $25.00 $35.00 Stelphen'Terrell Riecrieat-lion Cen.ter Resident NowResident (STRQ Monthly Fee Monthly Additional Infor,matiOn g' d �" ,.8 'IMR'wd, 9 �IIiiF�o Me $58.00 17 yrs) $35.00 $49.10110 Youth d MAMX k Senior('60 yrs I 1 $35.00 'M% ,.0, W $85.00 W 15,00 Fammily 1, I ResidentStephen ��a� b eit� I i la, 1„ I I �, Non,*Resident (S"FRC) Confinued Monthly Fe�x, Monthly Fee Add,iftional Informattion O'ne-1 n.... °+ ;� ..', �M" ,,. (� 1 ,-.- I �Ie ��1�1. ,�. Fee � e �.:� $75*00 �/fit OTE: Ford 'Pool Membersh't"pis, includeldwvi �, 0 Senior Recreation, Center, Joe Fairmer Recreation Rodenbaugh Natatiofium,and Ste, hen G. Recreation 'p Center. C* Day, PAISWIS Non-restident Day Pass Resi'dient Fee Fee Addit"i'lonal 10brmalt"lion DRN'anid,ERIC, $8.00 $111,00 DR, N"and KRIC, 'Youth/Sentior $7.010 DRN'andJFR(1'1/1, 1 $17,00 !. AS,R,C 'Ni/"A $15,010 Ford Poo 1 $3.0() $5.00 Fiord Seas,on,Pas�s, ,I,,/,,n,<j"lv')"dtiaI III -�0 MbWe .M 0() $300-00 Ford Pot)1, Season Pass, Family $200-10,10, $9.,00 $13.00 SITRC,, 12.00 $117.00 SF,',,C, Famfly $20.00 $28100, ST'R,C,,I ups, 1 I RENTAI i,»,M PAVILIONS Resident No[Wictsident Hourly Rate Hourly Depost $5 Amenit"I"cis(�� ��I�.. I����. I,. 'Iir a,w. "^�:w� h1M�,v �-,.0 I��I+wl�w,l . u Bettian y Lake 1$55#(i r m O j 1 ja 114 $50.100 Blethany Ridge S45.00I 65.,*1 0 0 $50.00 B." i $50.00 ��Uw . CI $50.00 Celebration A $155,00 $80,411100 Celebration B $55.0,,() $810.00 $50.00, Day'spn*ng Nature Preserve A $45.000 S65.001 00 $501.010 Day $50.010 III ,�.. ,u��I,S55 'm =ilk ry,. , aIe1 ,..✓�, s1 � �I:: 1, II HIV Ford-East $55.00 $180*00 $50-010 Ford - 1 $80,00 West $55,00 $150.010 Glendover, $45.00 $65.,00 $5,501.00 Green S45.00 S65.00 S50.00 Losit Creek $45-00 $1.50.100 Lost Creck-The Bluff's* $45'.100 565.010 $510.00 Orc-hi p , . IS au.. Park $510.00 ql i ',,�ir+�a ,v. Qua i I RUIn $45.001 $65.00 $510.00 S.tacy Rj*,dlge $45.001 $65oOO $50.00 Story $45.001 $165.00 $50.00 Sun Creek $,45-00 S65,100 $50.010 W tn I *"11, $150-00 ater's Cross," Ig $114500 $65.00 I r FACIIATIES Non-Resident COMM VNNJTY Re,sWent Houll-oly Hourly Rate Deposit Comm'unity Room, Busincs,s Hottrs $45*00 S65,00 0 Community, wr"1 '„ $65.00 9 V J�, Ma a;',Hours XIA Member NXIATORIUM Hourly 60.00Rate Hourt, �100.(25 �.'U!t�' lialf Room pleople) $84AX)f Party Party 1(50, 00 $13 Room, W­,holc Room people) $1915101 err' Goveried,Paw,., Half Pattilo, people) $55.00 $717.00 $100.00 ,Coveried Patlio, "W' ''hole Patio,(50 people) $1 9"0,.00, $,'t 1,2,00 10,01.0,0 +� "'sty i n) $300 n $4,20.00 1010, rao � a Pool', flours,-;i (2-hour Up Poo,1, After Hours Lap Pool, Slingle Lanw $12.00 $17.010 $100.100 Climbing Wall, Aftler,I-Jours, $1615.00� $100.00 , ALLEN SENIOR REC'REATION" CENTER, , �, ,..� F� , r I Silk 11ol url,y Rate Hourly"Ra e Dep"O 1, Multi-I'llurpose Room, $240.1000 $336.1000 $300.00 Mutt i-Pu,,q,),osc ,'R,(,,),om,- nr94A1"'�' i1,w s ,.,, � r" $1m;� ., Mm -2 Mukli-Purpose Room, Secti"ons $165.00 $231.00 $200.100 Classroom A or,B $70.00 Classroom $1,20.00 $1681.00: $1 1010.00 SEN'IOR,'R,,t'.,CR,,t,',"4A*",t"10,N" CLNTER Men'ther Non-,Ntei nber, Hourly Rate U. ,,iourlr Rate Deposit 'N/A Set-up/1"Ale $180,00: $1810.00 M"ember ,N, 'ojtwM,em bier, JOE FARNIER R.EC/REX`FION CENTER, Hourly Rate Hourly Rate DePOSI, I,akeside Clubhouse,,,i Business flours $70#00 $98,00 $1,00,00 4 U 1 , J 'ter( _� �' I,eY� ,,, Jrr �Wb "I u:.,nod'�i, " ''rrr1,, Ivry' r00 $16.,,," 00 S11010.00 Meicti*ng Rooim A, or B $70.00 S198.00 II Meet"Ing Room A and, 100.00 BI $120.00 S168.00 $1,00.00 1 filillside Amph'itheat/re, (Minimum 2 $140.00 inai, hours) S P � $250.00 Gymnasium (after hiours, em I...r y/ n d hours) 100#00. $1,140.010 $100.1010 THE EDGE VISITOR CENTER I-Iourly Rafe. Hourly Rate Depoisit Ldobby $95,010 $1,133.00 S 1,00*00 ActIvity Room $75.00 105.00 $100.00, , Resll"dent Nion-Resl"dent Rink Rentals Hiourly Rate Hourly l ,� Rink Rental S30.1,00 1 I� $50-00, Skatea 2-hour in "u,1, ', l„0 S3108.010 $50001,00 "den't Resi'dent Non,-Riesj, AIMLETICS poi m Hourly Rte, DePOSI, Restrvatiio"ns,i baR flelds, 'Turf Flield, Riate Gra,s,,.% Field Rate $20,00 $401.00 N/A L.Iight Rate u,µ�i0.00 N4$](),1()() "'Fournaments "Team Rate Field Ra,te Light Rate Allen ((.`,,irass) Flootbalt/Soccer NJA $1,000 per N/A Allen, (Gxrziss) i Baseball mr, I i{ V r.. Softball N/A U,w uu per day i $1,200, (tioum,ament nds het',,*o.r dusk) Softball N/A $1 Allen (Turf f,00 per day (tournament i r after NIA dusk) $I OfO ($,50 ,t-wn­ re,fun,dable). Softbiall, foutw fielid , complex, , ,i i°� . 'fieldn ,� N ,, a,,nd,, tournament concludig ., $1500 1 #1 pnor 6PM four-field or softball T " �Artiffic"I'al „ti �,� � �a � $1,400 , ky complex „, t, soft hall his four-fiteld I$h'4'2,1010 tion- Complex e ,m icy. mcludes, initial field set-up and, cio c , n 6P'M,." Temporary 2 5 0100/14'*1",e I d 12 5. 11 e I d N/A r NOTE: toumaments staffuIrIll riequiire St.,afftng Fees,per staff` $30.100,(Rour S30.00/14our two(2) staffitng ,Jfees mernbers so i I Resident Non-Resident Th� r y� N4u,.I' a� Watters Creek(TCWC) Rate you Pavillion,* S200,.00 $280.00 N/A catering with TCW'C.1$60.10,() Ford Cabanals.'s Resident Hourly Ra 1-fourly Rate, Depo,sit Pavilion A $5100 $7'0. Pavilion B & C $40i.00 $56.00 N/A Pool Rental -2 hours, „I�21()0 pleopile) $6100.00 $840.101(") N/A Adidilti"onal SYpers'son $13/person Commerc)"aill,Attendee 11 LJ1,,s*'%„ i t, C:lommercial P Now-Resl den , hotograp"I'lly Sle'' Resident Rate Rate Deposit Skate wrm Park,Commercial $500/Eti!W It Day $700/Ftjl,l, Day, $5CO-00 Com,,niercil'al Phiotogra,phy Use $500/FuJI 'Day Special EventAppheation (addiflonal � ay ly) I 0.00 I urfe �, 3. Deflintitions. Fan'tily,': A, i ly consuitutes at least onelno tiiore than two, adult heads of household, and, hs./her r tvtn 'It alsol incl dependents thatIII are* 26, hotne yearss, of age or younger iin sclwollt r - pi,ersons With special needs living as, - singleho,,u,sekle.,c,,/�,p,,,"tn,,g,unt/tat the I J s s Program Rates: Ie-bas r s not defined w1thin the schedule of fl�es, by the,Parks and Recreat"I'on Dtirectior based current ''I .re e W es I.; * I ", , W �i v � fee, your home ` must Res*dcn,t* be paid located within Allen,ctity fii.m-its and property taxes must, .a„ I� be, toth �b City »,, Allen. the I I SECTION Al proviisiions ,. Resolutionis i.. : ,., Clity, ,',. Allen,Texas, ..,. .r ,..r ... .. .. a Nw Re,,so,l,t,j,t,i',on,'he,,,, ,�Li/ndpisions N hereby', r v r pr are, repe/aled, h I Re.4;o1lution sluill remain il`nfiull"fiorc.,,e av,"id eff t. SEC11011710N"3. � r �`.. e �G:.,�,:I panagnaph, : ''., �N'N phrasc% v;."�NM' ,., d... �. yj Re,�,.s"A,,),1ut/'1*lon,, Should I I clause, , , I I I i » %al adjud gewd or h Id to'be vioid or tincon, itutional,th same,shall t', s. ,"d I I Res(-,)i1tition,which shallf le",ffect. SECTION4. ff,"" afronland,afterits passage except o,, �; (11,M „,� shall, I ' fl&,,es established, �, ^�� "'ded,beginning herlel*n sha l take, a r w fl�6,r se . January 1, 2023. D'u-111.4'Nal" . 'PASSED A'N"'D APPROVED BYTHE C11"Y C01JNCIL OF THE CITY OF A1.41.,EN,... COL1.41N ON C0tJN, [TV,T'EX,,,AS,,, ,, ,, I., THE 26 T14 DAN-`OF JTTIX,121022* vvrN A.1",P1110YED**1 r AN, :f i4DN� `uounyp lee, 00/ for", lr ttetFu1k,,N/1,A "'OR Resolutioti',No. 3:931,0017w202(Roll Page r ,wvr�➢�r ��George�t,,(JTV Irolg,RL, J'ARY