HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2007 - 08/21 - RegularPLANNING AND ZONING
Regular Meeting
August 21, 2007
Commissioners Present:
Robert Wendland
James Rushing
Steve Shaffer
Alan Grimes
Jeff Cocking
Douglas Dreggors
Marcelle Jones
Commissioners Absent:
City Staff Present:
David A. Hoover, Director of Planning and Development
Mari Bailey, Senior Planner
Erin Jones, Planner
Chris Flanigan, Civil Engineer
Regular Agenda
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chair Wendland called the meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Consent Agenda
Agenda Item 1: Approve Minutes of August 7, 2007, Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
the Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
Agenda Item 2: Preliminary Plat -Consider a preliminary plat for Cornerstone/Allen
addition, Lot 4, 5, and 6, Block A, being 7.61 + acres located at the northeast comer of US 75
and Exchange Parkway
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Ms. Bailey presented the case to the Commission.
No questions were asked by the commission.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 2 as proposed. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 3: Public Hearing/Replat — Conduct a public hearing and consider a Replat for
lots 2R-1, 2R-2, 3R-1, 3R-2, 3R-3 and 3R-4, Block G, being a Replat of Lots 2 and 3R, Block G,
Bray Central One, being 15.696 + acres located at the southwest comer of Exchange Parkway
and Junction Dr.
Ms. Bailey presented the case to the Commission.
Chair Wendland opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak closed the public
Commissioner Cocking pointed out that the Vicinity Map was inaccurate regarding the
connection of Junction Dr.
Chris Flanigan , Civil Engineer stated that the vicinity map was indeed inaccurate and explained
the connection for Junction Dr.
Commissioner Schaffer asked if access to the water tower had been taken into consideration.
Ms. Bailey stated that is had been discussed and most likely access will be available through an
access easement.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Schaffer, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 3 as proposed. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 4: Public Hearing/Replat — Conduct a public hearing and consider a request
for an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 45 to the property is .529 + acres located in the
Allen Heights Shopping Center, Block A, Lot 2; located at 1215 E. Main Street, Collin County,
City of Allen, Texas.
Ms. Bailey presented the case to the Commission. She highlighted the parking issues staff had
worked through with the applicant and stated that staff recommends approval.
Commissioner Schaffer asked if the fire lane would be shared with the rest of the shopping
center. Ms. Bailey confirmed that it would be a shared fire lane.
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Chair Wendland opened the public hearing and stated that there was one written submission in
favor of this item submitted by; Ruth Frye of 1208 Clearwood Ct. stating that, "it will be
convenient for the community " With no one wishing to speak Chair Wendland closed the public
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Jones, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 4 as proposed. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 5: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for an
amendment to Planned Development No. 88 to amend the regulations related to private streets, side yard
setbacks, and fence restrictions for the Estates of Twin Creeks, which includes 79 585 acres of land
situated in the Jesse A. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347 and the Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract No. 854,
Collin County, City of Allen, Texas; located north of McDermott Drive and east of Custer Road
Mr. Hoover presented the case.
Chair Wendland opened the public hearing.
Roger Pachuta at 616 Naples Dr. asked for further clarification regarding opaque fences.
Mr. Hoover stated that PD -88 currently states that key lots must have opaque fences but the deed
restrictions for Twin Creeks prohibit them. This amendment will correct that discrepancy
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 5 as proposed. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 6: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for an
amendment to PD Planned Development No. 96 to expand the boundaries of Tract 1 by 8.43 ± acres and
amend Development Regulations for Lot 37, and sub areas 1, 2, and 3 for Bethany Mews The property is
8.43± acres situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, the David H. Nix Survey, Abstract
No. 668 and the James Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017, Collin County, City of Allen, Texas; located
south of Bethany Drive and East of Alma Drive.
Mr. Hoover begin the presentation and then turned it over to Amy Monier of Emerson Partners to present
the details of the case to the commission. Ms. Monier gave a brief history of Bethany Mews and then
presented the new additions to the project.
Chair Wendland opened the public hearing and stated that there was one written submission in
favor of this item submitted by Audrey Beard of 1215 Old Bethany Rd. and one written
submission in opposition by Ricky Grlcrease at 402 Woodbridge Dr. With no one wishing to
DIY speak Chair Wendland closed the public hearing.
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Commissioner Grimes requested that Chris Flanigan , Civil Engineer address questions regarding
modified curbs, setbacks, and 20% flyash concrete requirement.
Mr. Hoover stated the reduction in setback requirements allows the lots to float in the way
necessary to make a development like this work. Mr. Hoover also stated that he is asking that
the commission table this item until the September 4, 2007 meeting to have time to finalize
several details in the development regulations. He also stated the curbs as proposed will allow for
natural drainage and will lead to LEED certification as well as aesthetic improvements to the
area. The concrete with 20% flyash has been adopted by the City of Allen from the North Central
Texas Council of Governments standards and is acceptable material.
Mr. Flanigan reiterated that his opinions on flyash materials are the same as Mr. Hoover's. He
also stated that the curbs function for drainage purposes and since they will be maintained by a
private entity the Engineering Department has no objections. He also stated that 60' wide utility
easements will be required for setbacks.
Commissioner Grimes asked for further information regarding setbacks. Mr. Hoover stated that
the setbacks are based on a 60' utility easement and while most ALDC setbacks are permitted to
have some encroachment these will not.
Commissioner Dreggors asked how the lots will be serviced by utilities. Mr. Hoover stated from
the front. Commissioner Dreggors asked how building permits would be issued for the "slice of
bread" lots and what kind of follow up would happen to ensure regulations are followed. Mr.
Hoover stated that staff is still working that detail out but like other developments building
permits go through intensive review based on the plat before the structure is permitted and that
will be the case for this development as well.
Chair Wendland stated for clarification that the development regulations will require a re -plat for
each "slice of bread" lot as they are developed and Commissioner Cocking stated that the P&Z
commission will not see 4 lots or less in a re -plat situation.
Chair Wendland asked if the commission would be seeing finalized development regulations and
Mr. Hoover stated that if this item is tabled it will return on the September 4, 2007 meeting.
Commissioner Jones asked what the commission would be voting on tonight. Mr. Hoover stated
ideally they would be voting to table the item until September 4, 2007
Commissioner Rushing asked what material would be used for the roads. Mr. Flanigan stated
concrete or perhaps an undetermined material that would protect the tree roots. Mr. Hoover
stated it will not be gravel.
Commissioner Jones stated that she is concerned that if the "slice of bread" lots are not closely
watched we will end up with un -buildable lots. She also stated that she is concerned about the
narrow streets. Mr. Hoover stated that staff is currently working through the street regulations
with the developers to make sure the narrow streets are not a problem. He also stated that narrow
streets will not be city wide, but only in this development.
Commissioner Jones asked how puking will be enforced. Mr Hoover stated it will be combined
between the city fire Innes and the development's deed restrictions. Commissioner Jones also
wanted further clarification about encroachment in the easements. Mr. Hoover stated that is a
detail that will be worked out depending on the easement width and will return with the rest of
the regulations at the September 4" meeting.
Commissioner Schaffer asked for clarification on what we public and what will be private
streets. Mr. Hoover said everything in the development will be private but will not be gated.
Commissioner Schaffer asked if fire turning radii have been checked. Mr. Hoover stated they
Commissioner Grimes stated that he is uncomfortable with the lot coverage. Mr. Hoover stated that the
allowance is higher due to the amount of open space surrounding the lots, similar to other sections within
the Montgomery Farm development.
Chair Wendland stated that he is not uncomfortable with the narrow streets as this is a unique
development. He also stated he would like to defer action and table the item until development
regulations have been finalized.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Schaffer, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to table
item 6 until the September 4, 2007 meeting and not to re -open the public
hearing at that time. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 7: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for an
amendment to PD Planned Development No 96 to expand the Planned Development. Development
Regulations are proposed for a mix of uses including R-6 Residential, TH Townhome and LR Local
Retail for Connemara Crossing. The property is 18.59+ acres situated in the David H. Nix Survey,
Abstract No. 668, and the Michael See Survey, Abstract No. 543, Collin County, City of Allen, Texas:
located northeast of Bethany Drive and Alma Drive.
Mr. Hoover begin the presentation and then turned it over to Amy Monier of Emerson Partners to present
the details of the case to the commission. Ms Monier gave a brief history of Connemara Crossing,
recapped the public meetings they held last year with the Waiters Crossing neighbors ,and stated that the
main issues of concern in those meetings were use of the alley, tree line protection and height of the
townhomes. She then stated how she believes Emerson Partners have tried to address those issues with
the new design.
Chair Wendland opened the public hearing.
d*", 2007
Stephanie Walton
1231 Newbury Dr.
Christina Cabral
415 Irvine Dr
Robert Stack
400 Irvine Dr.
Robert Piazza
514 Irvine Dr.
Ed Halphen
512 Irvine Dr.
Pete March
1201 Sonoma Dr.
Shane and Shelley Stelmach
1235 Irvine Dr.
Ricky Gilerease
402 Woodbridge
Mark Massei
508 Irvine Dr.
Summery of Complaints:
• Do not want Townhomes adjacent to Watters Crossing would prefer Single family
• Opposed to foot traffic through Watters Crossing due to Retail and Townhome cul-de-
• Will be a negative impact on Norton Elementary with increased enrollment
• Plenty of retail in Allen do not need or want more that close to Watters Crossing
• Concerned that Townhomes will lower Watters Crossing property values
1 • Concerned that townhomes will not hold their value over the years and will become
rental properties. That will be a detriment to the neighborhood and city
au a
• Upset that City Council turned down the idea of Townhomes last year and yet they are
being brought back for consideration again.
• Concerned about shared alley and cutting through the existing tree line
• During neighborhood meetings with Emerson Partners Watters Crossing representatives
said they would prefer to lose part of the tree line and share the alley then to have
townhomes backing up to their homes.
• Do not want open access to their homes which will happen without a physical barrier.
• Concerned about increased crime the townhomes will bring
• There is no where locally where townhomes are selling for more than $180,000
• Concerned that Ms. Monier is a business woman and does not want what is best for Allen
Chair Wendland stated that staff bad received 12 written responses in opposition and 2 in favor
of item 7 With no one else wishing to speak Chair Wendland closed the public hearing. He then
asked Mr. Hoover and Ms. Monier to address the concerns.
Ms. Monier stated the following:
• The overall density is less than what is allowed by R-5 that could go in at this location
• She would prefer to see environmentally friendly barriers as opposed to screen wall
however that issue will be addressed at platting.
• The distance from the Watters Crossing back yards to the retail center has a 40' slope
down so the idea of children wandering over to the retail is unlikely
• A plan showing single family was shown at the Watters Crossing neighborhood meeting,
there was inconstancy with attendance in the three meetings and out of 200 residents 40
came to the last meeting.
• Craig Ranch, a premier development in McKinney, has Townhomes abutting residential
that are selling in the $400,000's. Townhome developments are not all the same across
the board and Emerson believes that these townhomes in Connemara Crossing will be of
the highest quality and design standards.
• Parking has been taken into consideration with garages for the townhomes as well as
guest parking
• From the back of Watters Crossing the townhomes we a good 35-41 feet which is more
than currently exists between the single family residential within Watters Crossing.
• Emerson Partners is following the comprehensive plan set forth by the City of Allen,
which calls for medium density residential and retail on this corner.
Chair Wendland asked if development regulations are still being worked out and Mr. Hoover
replied that they will be finalized by the September 4, 2007 meeting.
Commissioner Cocking pointed out a discrepancy in the regulations stating that the zoning was
R-6 when it is R-5. He also wanted to know if the R-5 will have rear entry garages.
Ms. Monier stated that they would like rear entry garages due to the natural slope.
4W[u , 2007
Commissioner Cocking stated that he has a problem with the lack of a barrier and that typically
the city requires some sort of barrier to block light pollution and he would like to see a barrier
built into the development regulations not just addressed in the platting stage.
Ms. Monier stated that she assumed it would be addressed in the platting stage and noted his
Commissioner Jones stated that she is concerned with the narrow streets and asked to see a
rendering of the slope.
Ms. Monier showed the slope and explained the height of the townhomes again.
Commissioner Rushing asked where the property line falls and Mr. Hoover stated in the middle
of the alley, although it may be the edge as is generally the case. Mr. Hoover also showed a
picture of the tree line and stated that a masonry barrier will not do any more than what the
existing tree line is already doing.
Commissioner Rushing asked what will happen to the tree line adjacent to the Single Family
section south of Watters Crossing. Ms. Monier stated that they will have to cut through in places
for access but it will be done in a manner to save as many trees as possible.
Commissioner Grimes stated that he is not opposed to retail but is opposed to a temporary batch
plat, is ok with a medical clinic but not a vet as he thinks it will turn into a nuisance over time.
Ms. Monier stated that the temporary batch plant is a requirement for LEED certification to cut
down on track traffic. Mr. Hoover stated that a temporary batch plant is allowed by right in this
area by current regulations
Commissioner Grimes stated that Watters Crossing was not designed for foot traffic and he is in
favor of a barrier to prevent foot traffic. Ms Monier stated that they will address that issue.
Commission Grimes stated that he was not in favor of'Townhomes backing to residential last
year and is still in opposition.
Ms. Monier reiterated that she believes they will be of high quality and appreciates his point of
Chair Wendland stated that he would like to see finalized development regulations. He stated he
is not opposed to Townhomes and feels like they are an appropriate transition zone. He will not
be in support of a barrier that would take away from the tree line. He is pleased with the updates
but understands the Watters Crossing concern with foot traffic and would like to see that
addressed before the regulations are brought back before the commission.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to table item
7 until the September 4, 2007 meeting and to re -open the public hearing at
{ that time. The motion carried.
Au J�
Other Business
Mr. Hoover stated that the Bethany Mews and Connemara Crossing regulations would be
reviewed and finalized by the September 4, 2007 meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner
Schaffer. The Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn
the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 9:30 p.m.
These minutes appr ed this 1 day of 2007
1I er Wendland, tliairman Erin Jones, Parmer