HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2007 - 09/04 - RegularPLANNING AND ZONING
Regular Meeting
September 4, 2007
Commissioners Present:
Robert Wendland
James Rushing
Steve Shaffer
Alan Grimes
Jeff Cocking
Douglas Dreggors
Marcelle Jones
Commissioners Absent:
City Staff Present:
David A. Hoover, Director of Planning and Development
Mari Bailey, Senior Planner
Erin Jones, Planner
Chris Flanigan, Civil Engineer
Regular Agenda
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chair Wendland called the meeting to order at
7-00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Consent Agenda
Agenda Item 1: Approve Minutes of August 21, 2007, Regular Meeting.
Agenda Item 2: Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for TriTech Software; being 6.009f
acres located southeast of Ridgemont Drive and Greenville Avenue.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Rushing and a second by Commissioner
Jones, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the
Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
September 4, 2007
Agenda Item 3: Revised General Development Plan — Consider a Revised General
Development Plan for The Village at Allen; being 189.341± acres
located at the southeast corner of US75 and Stacy Road.
Mr. Hoover presented the case to the commission He explained that this is a revised GDP due to
the new event center planned for this area. He explained the realignment of Allen Station
Parkway and the screening wall between the development and adjoining neighborhood. He
discussed that there will be two parking garages to accommodate the additional parking needed
for the event center. He also discussed how the adjacent properties will be rearranged. He stated
that the event center may move in the future but the change would be so minor that is would not
require a revision of the GDP
Commissioner Cocking asked if future phases will be brought to P&Z. Mr. Hoover responded
that yes, the office complexes will come back as they develop. Commissioner Cocking then
asked Mr. Hoover to explain the tree line and screening wall again. Mr. Hoover said the
screening wall will be built in such a way to keep existing trees and those they can not keep will
be replaced.
Chair Wendland asked if there will be breaks in the wall for pedestrian access. Mr. Hoover stated
that it is still up in the air but at this point they can do whatever the adjacent HOA would like
them to do.
Commissioner Schaffer asked what the parking structure heights will be. Mr. Hoover stated
approximately 40 ft.
Commissioner Rushing asked where the proposed DART Line will go if it ever happens. Mr.
Hoover stated that it would go on the NE comer of Stacy and US 75 on an elevated platform
giving people an option to access both sides of Stacy Rd. without having to cross the street.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 3 as proposed. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 4: Revised Preliminary Plat — Consider a Revised Preliminary Plat for The
Village at Allen, Lot 1 - 11, Block A, Lots 1 & 2. Block B, Lot 1, Block C
and Lots 1 — 3, Block D; being 181.940± acres located southeast of US75
and Stacy Road.
Mr. Hoover presented the case to the commission. Mr. Hoover stated he had nothing additional
to add to what had already been discussed during Item 3. He stated that this preliminary plat has
been through the TRC process.
September 4, 2007
Commissioner Cocking asked if the land swap will take place prior to the final plat being issued.
Mr. Hoover stated that yes the land swap will take place before the final plat and the
Development Regulations will need to be amended regarding signage in the future as well.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 4 as proposed. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 5: Tabled Item/Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a
request for an amendment to PD Planned Development No. 96 to expand
the boundaries of Tract 1 by 8.43 ± acres and amend Development
Regulations for Lot 37, and sub areas 1, 2, and 3 for Bethany Mews.
The property is 8.43± acres situated in the T.G. Kennedy Survey,
Abstract No. 500, the David H. Nix Survey, Abstract No. 668 and the
James Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017, Collin County, City of Allen,
Texas; located south of Bethany Drive and East of Alma Drive.
Mr. Hoover presented the case to the commission. Mr. Hoover recapped the information from
the last meeting and said that staff is satisfied that the inconsistency issues have been resolved.
He then stated that staff recommends approval.
Commissioner Cocking asked if there will be street signage that will indicate no parking. Mr.
Hoover said yes, but it is still being worked out how to do that in an esthetically pleasing
manner. Commissioner Cocking asked if the HOA will have the power to enforce parking. Mr.
Hoover said yes. Commissioner Jones asked what will happen with the slice of bread lots if there
is one odd lot left over. Mr. Hoover said the developers would not let that happen. If there are
only 4 lots left the last buyer will have to buy all 4 or the remaining will become open space.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Schaffer and a second by Commissioner
Dreggors, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda Item 4 as proposed. The motion carried.
Agenda Item 6: Tabled Item/Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a
request for an amendment to PD Planned Development No. 96 to expand
the Planned Development Development Regulations are proposed for a
mix of uses including R-6 Residential, TH Townhome and LR Local
Retail for Connemara Crossing. The property is 18.59± acres situated in
the David H. Nix Survey, Abstract No. 668, and the Michael See Survey,
Abstract No. 543, Collin County, City of Allen, Texas; located northeast
of Bethany Drive and Alma Drive.
Mr. Hoover presented the case. He recapped the information from the last meeting and said that
staff is satisfied with the changes with the following exceptions:
September 4, 2007
• Staff does not support the one sided sidewalk and would like to see the sidewalk be on
both sides of the street.
• Staff does not support rear entry garages. Staff recommends front entry garages in order
to cut down on through traffic.
Mr. Hoover also stated that it will be made clear that the HOA is responsible for the storm
drainage and not the City of Allen. He also said the trash pickup will be worked out during
platting. He stated that staff recommends approval with the exception of the above items.
Commissioner Rushing asked if the lots are large enough to have a ]-hook driveway Mr. Hoover
stated no, or if it did fit it would be a tight squeeze and would not took very good.
Chair Wendland opened the public hearing.
David Egan
1231 Irvine Dr.
Christina Cabral
415 Irvine Or
Stephanie Walton
1231 Newbury Dr.
Ed Halphen
512 Irvine Dr.
Pete March
1201 Sonoma Dr.
Tony Cabral
415 Irvine Dr.
Richard Reynolds
1218 Bel Air
Dianne Massei
508 Irvine Dr.
Holly Fabiny
September 4, 2007
1231 Covina Ct.
Randy Boys
1003 Westwood Ct.
Opposed. T�
Sum*ry of Gemnlwinfsr K
• Do not want Townhomes adjacent to Watters Crossing would prefer Single family
• Opposed to foot traffic through Watters Crossing due to Retail and Townhome cul-de-
• Will be a negative impact on Norton Elementary with increased enrollment
• Plenty of retail in Allen do not need or want more that close to Watters Crossing
• Concerned that Townhomes will lower Watters Crossing property values
• Concerned that townhomes will not hold their value over the years and will become
rental properties. That will be a detriment to the neighborhood and city
• Upset that City Council turned down the idea of Townhomes last year and yet they are
being brought back for consideration again.
• Concerned about shared alley and cutting through the existing tree line
• Do not want open access to their homes which will happen without a physical barrier.
• Concerned about increased crime the townhomes will bring
Concerned that Ms. Monier is a business woman and does not want what is best for Allen
• Concerned with what the definition of novelty shop is and what kind of businesses that
may bring.
• Concerned about packaged beer and wine sales.
With no one else wishing to speak Chair Wendland closed the public hearing. He then asked Mr.
Hoover to address the concerns.
Mr. Hoover stated the following:
• The overall density is less than what is allowed by R-5 that could go in at this location
• A screening wall is proposed and they would like to make it a wrought iron fence with a
living screen to prevent the destruction of the tree line.
• The houses are zoned R-5 not R-6
• With a PD concept plan what you see is what you get. It is part of the zoning and can not
be significantly altered without amending the PD which would require a public hearing.
• The height of the buildings will be 55', however that is on a slope so no Connemara
Crossing buildings will be taller than the existing Watters Crossing houses.
• A novelty shop is for uses such as a Hallmark card shop or Party City not a sexually
oriented business.
• Permitted uses are accomplished through the PD use chart not through deed restrictions.
September 4, 2007
• TABC categorizes all beer and wine sales as packaged beer and wine stores; however
what is intended to go into this development would be a wine store or a wine tasting
center not a Beer Barn. Regulations would not allow such a place to be built.
• City Council voted against this item without prejudice with is much different than had
they voted against it with prejudice. They wanted the Developers to meet with the
Watters Crossing residents and refine the plan and that is what has happened.
• Connemara Crossing is just one piece of Montgomery Farms.
• The comprehensive plan has been updated twice since the initial 1992 plan and the
medium density residential description of this land has not changed even with the other
changes in the city
• Emerson Partners is following the comprehensive plan set forth by the City of Allen,
which calls for medium density residential and retail on this comer.
Commissioner Jones asked how trash pickup is handled for townhomes currently Mr. Hoover
stated the same way it is for Single Family with the polycarts.
Commissioner Shaffer asked how far the separation is between the townhomes and single family
homes in Watters Crossing. Mr. Hoover stated 25'-30' from the edge of the alley Commissioner
Schaffer then asked if there is room for a wall on the Watters Crossing side. Mr. Hoover said yes
but it would not be the best location because it would make it more difficult to back out of the
existing driveways.
Commissioner Dreggors asked Mr. Hoover to talk more about that existing vegetation along the
alley Mr. Hoover stated that if the concept plan is approved as is no trees will be removed
except for driveway cut throughs. If the homes are not rear entry no trees will need to be
removed. Commissioner Dreggors asked how wide the alley is and can two cars pass each other.
Mr. Hoover stated it is 16' and would be a tight fit for two cars to pass each other. The turning
radius at the end of the alley is sufficient for turning around.
Commissioner Grimes stated that his thoughts have not changed since last time and he is not in
favor of townhomes.
Commissioner Rushing stated that while he is not in favor of townhomes the developer has a
right to develop their property but will only support this with a screening wall or fence.
Commissioner Jones stated that Montgomery Farms separated single family from townhomes
within their own development which would imply they understand the property value issues
townhomes may bring. She stated she can not support this item without a fence separating the
townhomes from Watters Crossing.
Commissioner Cocking stated that looking back at the Comprehensive Plans this area was laid
out as medium density residential in 1992 and they were updated in 1998 and 2002. The Watters
Crossing residents and HOA had an opportunity at that time to voice their opinion and work
through he comprehensive plan process. The developer is following the plan. He will support
this item with a screening wall/fence, no alley cuts and front entry garages only
September 4, 2007
Commissioner Schaffer stated that the developers have a right to develop the property as they see
fit according to the comprehensive plan. He would support this plan with screening.
Commissioner Dreggors stated that the tree line is very important to him and he does not want
alley cut throughs. He stated that this project is upscale, quality and will enhance the City of
Allen. He stated that he is in support of this item if all homes are front entry
Chair Wendland stated that he is in support of this item. The developers have worked hard and
this is not the same plan presented last year. He stated that the comprehensive plan process is an
intense process and is not taken lightly He stated that diversity in housing is what makes a
community and he will support this item if the screening wall is addressed during the platting
stage, and with front entry garages only He recommended that no more than 6 townhomes be
conjoined. Mr. Hoover stated that the only place there will be more than that is where the retail is
on the bottom and townhomes are on the top. Chair Wendland stated that he does not have a
problem with that arrangement.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 1 OPPOSED, with
Commissioner Grimes casting the opposing vote, to approve item 6 with the
following stipulations: Change R-6 to R-5 in the title, require a sidewalk on
both sides of the street, change Watters Creek to Watters Crossing in the
body of the text in the PD, add a required 8ft barrier fence, remove the
provision for alley cuts in subdistrict A and require front entry garages only.
Other Business
Mr. Hoover stated upcoming projects will include addition Village at Allen plans.
Chair Wendland stated that tonight's meeting may be the last meeting for Commissioner
Schaffer. He thanked him for his service. Commissioner Schaffer stated that he has enjoyed
serving on P&Z and hopes to be back in the future to serve the City of Allen in another capacity
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner
,Rushing. The Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn
the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 9:00 p.m.
A�Thes inutes appr ed this �day of Qlt.� 2007
2 ert WenrffanrNairman Erin Jones, PI a ter