HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2007 - 10/02 - Regular1 ;_
Commissioners Present:
Robert Wendland
James Rushing
Alan Grimes
Jeff Cocking
Douglas Dreggors
Marcelle Jones
Shirley Mangrum
Commissioners Absent:
Regular Meeting
October 2, 2007
City Staff Present:
David A. Hoover, Director of Planning and Development
Mari Bailey, Senior Planner
Erin Jones, Planner
Chris Flanigan, Civil Engineer
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chair Wendland called the meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Elect Officers
Chair Wendland opened the nominations.
Upon a nomination by Commissioner Rushing and a second by Commissioner Dreggors, the
Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve Rob Wendland as Chair of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Upon a nomination by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner Grimes, the
Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve James Rushing as Vice Chair of
the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Upon a nomination by Commissioner Rushing and a second by Commissioner Jones, the
Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve Alan Grimes as Second Vice
Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
October 2, 2007
Commissioner Dreggors thanked the City Council for his re -appointment. Chair Wendland
introduced new commissioner Shirley Mangrum and welcomed her.
Consent Agenda
Agenda Item 2: Approve the minutes from the September 18, 2007 meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
the Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
Agenda Item 3: Public Hearing/Replat — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat
for Bray Central One Addition, Lot 6, Block F; being 6.907± acres and
being a Replat of Part of Lot IR -1, Block F, Bray Central One, located
west of US75, south of Allen Drive.
Commissioner Cocking requested that this item be removed from the consent agenda per state
Ms. Bailey presented the case. She stated that all engineering issues had been addressed and staff
recommends approval.
Chair Wendland opened the Public Hearing. Brain Jaffe, 8350 N. Central Expressway, stated that
he is the developer representative and is here to answer any questions. Commissioner Rushing
asked where the detention ponds will be located. Jaffe stated that they are building three ponds in
a centralized location to serve the needs of future development Commissioner Rushing stated
that he is concerned that this will tum into a weed infested pit. Jaffe explained that this will be
amenity with landscaping and a walking trail. David Hoover, Director of Planning stated that the
pond Commissioner Rushing was referring to is a temporary pond that will be going away and
that the ALDC now required detention ponds to be amenities.
Commissioner Grimes asked if this pond would be privately owned. Mr. Hoover stated that yes it
would be owned by the developer.
With no one else wishing to speak Chair Wendland closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 71N FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
Agenda item 3.
October 2, 2007
Agenda Item 4: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend
the Development Regulations related to Area Regulations, Permitted Uses,
Parking Requirements, Lighting, Sign Regulations, Fences and Walls, and the
Concept Plan for the Village at Allen. The property is 181.341± acres situated
in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026 and the F.C. Wilmeth Survey,
Abstract No. 999, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the
southeast corner of US75 and Stacy Road.
Mr. Hoover presented the case. He explained the history of the Village at Allen and that since the
addition of the Event Center the concept plan has shifted and caused some changes in the
development regulations. Allen Station Parkway has been realigned, setbacks have been
adjusted, and signage requirements have been updated. He stated that they will be asking City
Council to approve the construction of the screening wall prior to the final plat stage. He stated
that representatives from the MG Herring group are present to answer any questions.
Chair Wendland asked Mr. Hoover to address Allen Station Parkway and the 300 ft. buffer zone.
Mr. Hoover stated that Allen Station Parkway will be a 4 lane road that will connect to Exchange
Mr. Hoover stated that in the original zoning the 300 ft. buffer zone was not a setback and was
always allowed to have certain uses in it. This has not changed. The uses that are not permitted in
the buffer zoned have not been included in the new proposal.
Commissioner Dreggors asked Mr. Hoover to explain the screening wall. Mr. Hoover stated that
an 8' masonry screening wall will be constructed. The plan is to save as many trees as possible
and still provide access to utilities via rod iron gates in the wall. He stated that talks are still
taking place between the neighbors and the City and Herring to make the wall more inline with
what the neighborhood wants.
Commissioner Dreggors asked if a tram was still in the works. Mr. Hoover said yes the Herrings
consider the Village at Allen and the Village at Fairview one development and the tram insures
people can get from one to another.
Chair Wendland opened the public hearing. Chair Wendland stated that comments should be
held to three minutes however he would allow the Reid Farm HOA president to speak longer as
he was summarizing the concerns of the neighborhood.
Summary of Comments
• Concerned about how the event center will effect property values
• The south parking garage will be what they have to look at out of their backyards
• Noise and light pollution concerns effecting sleep, health, etc.
• Concerned about traffic flow patterns along Allen Station Parkway especially late at night
after events let out.
• Would like to see all structures stay out of the 300 ft. buffer area.
October 2, 2007
• Would like to see the event center moved closer to US 75 or to a more industrial area
such as SH 121.
• Want to see large mature trees used as a buffer along with 10' screening wall instead of
• Concerned about detention ponds creating problems in the flood plain.
• Concerned with loading docks being used late into the night creating noise and light.
• Who will maintain grass behind the masonry wall?
• People were lead to believe this would be retail and office not an event center when they
bought homes in this neighborhood
• Issues with height of building making it easy for people to over look into neighbors
• Will there be noise and light pollution enforcement?
Doug Galletti
439 Deer Brooke
Hugh Bickford
1613 Wood Creek Ln.
Joel Lunde
1609 Wood Creek Ln
Linda Clark
1629 Wood Creek Ln
Mark Roberts
1627 Wood Creek Ln.
Randy Wheeland
1615 Wood Creek Ln.
Jim Campbell
408 Shady Valley Dr.
David Linacre
404 Fox Trail
Malti Patel
1607 Wood Creek Ln.
Janice Barton
1639 Wood Creek Ln.
Mitch Hefter
407 Deer Brooke Dr.
Joel Lunde
1609 Wood Creek Ln
Linda Clark
1629 Wood Creek Ln
Mark Roberts
1627 Wood Creek Ln.
Randy Wheeland
1615 Wood Creek Ln.
Jim Campbell
408 Shady Valley Dr.
David Linacre
404 Fox Trail
Malti Patel
1607 Wood Creek Ln.
October 2, 2007
Chair Wendland closed the public hearing.
Barry Knight with Village at Allen LLP was present to represent the owners. He stated that
Herring has worked closely with the city and the HOA throughout this process and he sticks by
the agreement made with the HOA regarding the screening wall. He stated that that Herring has
accommodated the cities request to put the event center in the middle of their development and
that specific regarding it will have to be addressed by city staff.
Commissioner Rushing expressed concern that he feels like the 300 ft. Buffer Zone has totally
disappeared. Mr. Knight stated that is was his understanding that the buffer was never a setback
and certain uses have always been permitted to go within that area. Mr. Hoover reiterated that
Mr. Hoover stated that the 8' masonry screening wall is not a reduction in size it is the standard
Mr. Hoover stated that the traffic flow and parking generated by the event center will not be
more than what will be generated by retail shopping. The only time the center may hold up to
9000 people is if it is used for graduations.
Mr. Hoover stated that the concept plan can not be rearranged due to the fact the Herring project
was already in full swing when the event center came into existence. They have already
established some leases and businesses can not be moved. He also stated the concept plan will
have to come back to P&Z if anything significant changes.
Chris Flanigan, Civil Engineer stated that the detention ponds will not impact the flood plain and
explained the way drainage works. He stated that building a screening wall on top of a berm will
negatively impact drainage on the Reid Farm side.
Mr. Hoover stated that noise, light, and the parking garages have been discussed and will be
addressed but it will have to be further along in the process after parking agreements, etc are set
up. Noise and light enforcement are in place through the ALDC.
Commissioner Cocking stated that signage information in the regulations was not accurate with
the graph shown. Mr. Hoover stated that the discrepancy would be corrected.
Commissioner Cocking asked which concept plan is the most updated the color one or the black
and white one. Mr. Hoover conferred with Herring representatives and stated to use the colored
one and disregard the black and white one (it was a duplicate).
Ms. Jones asked what permitted uses have been added. Mr. Hoover stated the event center is the
only change to the permitted uses. Ms. Jones asked if parking garages were allowed back in 2006
when this was first zoned for Village at Allen. Mr. Hoover stated yes. Ms. Jones asked if the
roadway has to be improved who would incur the costs. Mr. Hoover stated it would be the
developers, however they do not anticipate the road being shifted.
October 2, 2007
Ms. Jones asked when the city made the decision on the Event Center, Mr. Hoover stated that
discussions had been taking place since January 2007 and it was formally announced at a June
City Council Meeting.
Chair Wendland did clarify that the event center conversations were not a secret negotiation, but
that by law cities are allowed to hold closed sessions pertaining to things like this to prevent
competition from effect the project.
Mr. Hoover stated the city will own the center and the parking garages.
Commissioner Dreggors asked if the event center people will back out building it if they are
asked to move it. Mr. Hoover stated that as previously discussed the center can not be rearranged
due to Herring already signing leases for businesses in their development.
Commissioner Cocking asked what the schedule was for the replat. Mr. Hoover stated it had
already been approved by the commission so at this point the next step was to approve the final
plat. Commissioner Cocking expressed concern that the Commission will not have another
opportunity to see site plan issue other than the concept plan. Mr. Hoover stated that since this is
a city project the City Council will see those details and will make decisions regarding them.
Chair Wendland stated that while the commission does not review site plans they can make
�! recommendations to the City Council.
® Mr. Bickford spoke up from the audience and Chair Wendland told him that the public hearing
had been closed but tried to address his questions. He asked if the land south of Allen Station
Parkway could be rearranged and the event center placed there. Mr. Hoover stated that the same
problems existed with the Herring group already working through leases.
Commissioner Grimes stated that he did not have a problem with this proposal as long as there is
adequate screening and proper abatement for noise and light.
Commissioner Rushing stated he would not support this item because he felt he was being forced
because he was being told there were no alternative and no way to move the event center.
Commissioner Jones stated she will not support this item because it was promoting excessive
traffic and would like to see alternatives.
Commissioner Cocking applauded homeowners for comments and willingness to work with the
developers and city He stated he will support the item as long as noise, light and screening
issues are addressed as well as police enforcement present as traffic releases from the event
center to make for a speedy exit.
Commissioner Mangrum stated she will support this item and is confident City Council will
make sure the noise and light are taken into consideration.
Commissioner Dreggors stated he has always been concerned about the hotel and this is too
much noise and light and he will not support this new proposal.
Chair Wendland stated he is supportive of the plan and does not have problems with the new
Commissioner Jones asked what the difference is in a masonry screening wall and a sound wall.
Chris Flanigan, Civil Engineer stated that sound walls we much thicker like something you
would find next to a highway and that it has been found that screening walls are not adequate for
blocking sound.
Commissioner Jones stated she still will not support this item.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Mangrum, the Commission voted 4 IN FAVOR, and 3 OPPOSED, to
approve Agenda Item 4 with the following conditions, noise and light
abatement issues be resolved including but not limited to adding additional
landscaping, and screening requirements, noting that the developer assumes
all risk of beginning development prior to final plat and that the sign portion
of the development regulation be adjusted to eliminate mistakes. The motion
Other Business
Mr. Hoover stated that the commission will be attending yearly training in the next few weeks
and he would send out an e-mail to confirm later in the week.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by Commissioner
Rushing. The Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn
re Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 9:30 p.m.
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Erin Jones, Pl er