HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2008 - 02/05 - RegularPLANNING AND ZONING
Regular Meeting
February 5, 2008
Commissioners Present:
Robert Wendland
James Rushing
Alan Grimes
Jeff Cocking
Marcelle Jones
Commissioners Absent:
Douglas Dreggors
Shirley Mangrum
City Staff Present:
David Hoover, Director of Planning and Development
Mari Bailey, Senior Planner
Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician
Chris Flanigan, Civil Engineer
Amber Slayton, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report from 1/22/08 Council Meeting
Council approved the amended to PD 54 that allowed for Day Care Use.
Consent Agenda
Agenda Item 1: Approve Minutes of January 15, 2008, Regular Meeting.
Agenda Item 2: Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Bethany Mews/Pecan Homes; being
15.21± acres located southeast of Bethany Drive and Alma Drive.
Agenda Item 3: Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for The Village At Allen, Lots 1-6,
Block A, Lots 1 & 2, Block B, and Lots 1 & 2, Block C. The property is
E'! 180.820± acres located at the southeast comer of US75 and Stacy Road.
February 5, 2008
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes, and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
the Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
Agenda Item 4: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to
amend PD Planned Development No. 3, Section 3, Allowed Uses, Item o.,
which states "Other like uses which may be deemed by the City Council to
be offensive by reason of smoke, dust, odor, gas, noise, visual, or other
pollution" and replace with "Allow uses permitted in the LI — Light
Industrial District" And to amend Section 4, Development Standards,
Item a., to eliminate the 100' landscape requirement adjacent to State
Highway 5 (Greenville Avenue) and replace it with a requirement for a
25' landscape easement. The property is located in the Allen Business
Centre, Tract I, being 2.0831± acres, and Allen Business Centre II, Tract
L, being 2.3496± acres of land, located at the northwest and southwest
comers of SH5 and Prestige Circle.
Mari Bailey presented the item to the Commission. She stated the request consisted of two (2)
changes. One is a text amendment. The language in the ordinance as it exists is vague and
subject. Staff is asking that it be more direct and state uses permitted in LI Light Industrial
districts. The second change is a reduction in the landscape requirement. Because the
surrounding properties have developed with a 25 -ft. landscape buffer, the requirement for 100 -ft.
landscaping requirement would not be consistent.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing. There was no one present to speak for or
against the request. There were two (2) responses were received prior to the meeting — 1 in
support— 1 in opposition. Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing.
The Commissioners had no comments.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Jones and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
recommend approval of Agenda Item 4. The Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 5: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to
amend the permitted uses of PD Planned Development No. 54 to allow a
private preschool on 2.150± acres of Tract 5. The property is situated in
the W J. Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 484, being part of Lot 2-R, Block
E, Bray Central One Addition, City of Allen, Texas: located south of
11 Raintree Circle and east of Watters Road
February 5, 2008
Mari Bailey presented the request. The request is to allow Day Care use in Tract 5 of PD
Planned Development No. 54. Ms. Bailey stated that Staff didn't anticipate any additional
requests for Day Care in this area.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing.
Bruce Heller spoke. Mr. Heller is selling the property to the Applicant He stated he has looked
at their current facility in Frisco and feels the applicant will construct a facility that will
coordinate with the surrounding development.
Tim Murphy, representing the owner, approached the Commission stating he was available for
One (1) written response was received prior to the meeting indicating support for the request.
No one else was present to speak for or against the request. Chairman Wendland closed the
Public Hearing.
Commissioner Grimes stated that he supported the request, however; advised Staff he would not
support 4 or 5 more requests in this area.
Commissioner Rushing was concerned that there would be a saturation of day care in this area.
Commissioner Jones asked Staff what considerations are made when deciding if additional
requests are accepted.
Mr. Hoover responded that Staff looks at industry standards and uses the statistics. He stated
that unless development in this area changes, Staff will not bring another request back.
Commissioner Cocking stated that this was the third request in this area, and it was reaching a
limit of saturation.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
recommend approval of Agenda Item 5. The Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 6: General Development Plan — Consider a General Development Plan for
Kids R Kids; being 12.852± acres located at the northwest corner of Alma
Drive and Exchange Parkway
Mari Bailey presented the request. The Applicant plans to develop a day care, a use allowed by
right, in the northwest comer of the development.
Commissioner Cocking stated he did not see trash receptacles illustrated on the Plan. Ms. Bailey
responded that trash collection is an element that is reviewed during the site plan stage.
Commissioner Cocking had further comments and expressed his concerns with the high traffic
February 5, 2008
that will be generated by the day care being diverted to the far corner of the development.
Commissioner shared his concerns with the traffic. Ms. Bailey responded that relocating the day
care to the far comer, allowed for additional cueing. Commissioner Grimes stated he had seen
the same design for this Applicant in Frisco, and that it didn't appear to be a problem with on-
site circulation.
Commissioner Jones stated that the Plan appeared to be short 14 spaces. Ms. Bailey responded
that at this stage of the project, Staff does not review the parking requirements. The Plan is
conceptual, and Staff will review parking requirements at the site plan stage.
Commissioner Grimes stated he would like to see the entire screening wall built with the first
stage of the development.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Jones, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve
Agenda Item 6. The Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 7: Preliminary Plat — Consider a Preliminary Plat for Allen Blue Star
Storage, Lot 1, Block A; being 6.3944± acres located at the northeast
comer of Richardson Court and Main Street.
Mari Bailey presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the plat is consistent with the
previously approved General Development Plan.
The Commissioners had no questions, and felt that the plat met all requirements provided in the
Allen Land Development Code.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve
Agenda Item No. 7. The Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 8: Preliminary Plat — Consider a Preliminary Plat for Greenville Center
Addition, Lots 1-13, Block A, being 20.2436± acres located at the
southwest comer of SH5 (Greenville Avenue) and Stacy Road.
Mari Bailey presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the Project Engineer has
studied the future Stacy Road improvements for project development planning.
Commissioner Grimes asked if Staff will require additional landscaping for lots 1-7 Ms. Bailey
responded that they will be required to do what is required by Code.
Commissioner Cocking stated that the building layout for lot 12 appeared to be different from
the approved General Development Plan. Ms. Bailey responded that the change wasn't
substantial as long as building lines are followed. She stated that Staff has not reviewed the
building foot print. This will be done during the site plan stage. Mr. Hoover addressed the
Commission stating that the buildings have moved some, but not substantially Staff will work
February 5, 2008
with developer and possibly relocate some of the required landscaping to other areas of the
The Commissioners had no additional questions, and felt that the plat met all requirements
provided in the Allen Land Development Code.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Grimes, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve
Agenda Item No. 8. The Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 9: Revised Preliminary Plat — Consider a Revised Preliminary Plat for Lots
4 & 5, Block A, Allen Watters L.P Addition; being 8.017± acres located
south of McDermott Drive west of Watters Road.
Mari Bailey presented the item to the Commission. At the request of the City Council, the
applicant has provided a second point of access to the site. During site development, the
drainage problems that currently exist will be improved.
The Commissioners had questions, and felt that the plat met all requirements provided in the
Allen Land Development Code
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Grimes and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve
Agenda Item No. 9. The Motion Carried.
Other Business
Upcoming joint meeting with the City Council on March 4th at 6:00 p.m. in the Parks and
Recreation Community Room. Because of Spring Break, Chairman Wendland asked
Commissioners to e-mail Staff if they cannot attend.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking and a second by Commissioner
Rushing the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn
the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Theseminute pprovedthis day of/C. 6TH 4)2008.
e Weridlalid, Chairman Kellie Wilson, Planning Technician