HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2010 - 03/02 - Regular;�
Commissioners Present:
Jeff Cocking
Douglas Dreggors
John Kelley
Shirley Mangrum
Steven Platt, Jr.
James Rushing
Robert Wendland
Commissioners Absent:
Regular Meeting
March 2, 2010
City Staff Present:
Ogden "Be" Bass, AICP, Director of Planning & Development
Lee Battle, AICP, Assistant Director of Planning & Development
Chris Flanigan, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering
Helen -Eve Liebman, AICP, Senior Planner
Tiffany McLeod, Planner
Amber Slayton, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report
1. Director's Report is attached for action taken on the Planning & Zoning items by City
Council at the February 23, 2010 City Council meeting.
Consent Agenda
2. Approve minutes of the February 16, 2010 meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Rushing, and a second by Commissioner
Platt, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the
Consent Agenda. The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
Agenda Item 43: General Development Plan — Consider a General Development Plan for
Watters Village, being 8.8314± acres located south of Stacy Road between
Watters Road and Curtis Lane. (GDP -2/1/10-7)
Tiffany McLeod, Planner, presented to the Commission. The property is located south of Stacy
Road between Watters Road and Curtis Lane. In January 2010 PD86 was amended to revise the
Concept Plan for the shopping center tract in preparation for development. With the approval of
the revised Concept Plan, the General Development Plan is the next step in the development
process. The General Development Plan has been reviewed by staff, is consistent with the
revised Concept Plan and meets the requirements of the Allen Land Development Code.
Staff recommends approval.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Mangrum, and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
the General Development Plan for Watters Village. The motion carried.
Agenda Item #4: Consider a Preliminary Plat for Stacy -Chelsea Commercial being 17.627±
acres located northwest of Stacy Road and Chelsea Boulevard. (PP -2/l/10-
Helen -Eve Liebman, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. The property is located at
the northwest comer of Stacy Road and Chelsea Boulevard. The Preliminary Plat has been
reviewed by staff, is consistent with the General Development Plan and meets the requirements
of the Allen Land Development Code.
Staff recommends approval.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
the Preliminary Plat for Stacy -Chelsea Commercial. The motion carried.
Agenda Item #5: Conduct a Public Hearing and consider amending Section 2.03.2 of the
Allen Land Development Code regarding procedures following the Allen
Sign Control Board's recommendation for approval or denial of an
application for a variance from the City's sign regulations; amending
Section 4.03.7 regarding procedures for determining new and unlisted
uses; amending Section 4.10 regarding minimum side yards for garages
and carports entered from rear alleys or side streets; making technical
amendments to Section 6.03. 10 regarding firearms and explosives sales
`j and service uses to correct possible conflicts with Section 4.20 .2
® "Schedule of Principal Uses', amending Section 6.04 by adding temporary
food vendors to those required to obtain temporary use permits and
procedures related thereto; amending Section 4.20.2 "Schedule of
Principal Uses" by deleting the use categories "convalescent center" and
"nursing home', adding the use categories "long-term care facility" and
"senior independent living," and amending the uses allowed as a matter of
right or by specific use permit in the "CC" Corridor Commercial zoning;
amending Section 4.20.3 "Schedule of Accessory Uses" by amending the
uses allowed as a matter of right or by specific use permit in the "CC"
Corridor Commercial zoning; amending Section 7.04.1 regarding off-
street parking and loading regulations by adding minimum parking
requirements for assisted living centers, senior independent living centers,
and long-term care facilities and adding regulations regarding stacking and
queuing of vehicles; amending Section 7.05.6 regarding the plans for the
design and installation of irrigation systems; amending Section 7.07 by
deleting regulations relating to utility locations and adding a minimum
height for ornamental fences located adjacent to greenbelts, open spaces,
and parks; amending Section 7.09.2 by adding a new definition for
"changeable electronic variable media message sign" and amending the
definition of"electronic message board", amending Section 7.09 4 to
prohibit changeable electronic variable media message signs, animated
signs, and message centers except in certain circumstances; amending
Section 8.03 with respect to general development plans; amending Section
8.06 with respect to the design of comer lots; amending Appendix A
"Definitions" by adding new definitions for "assisted living facility,"
"long-term care facility," "senior independent living," amending the
definitions for "firearms sales and service repair" and "structure," and
deleting the definitions for "convalescent home" and "nursing home";
amending Appendix B "Filing Fees and Charges" by increasing the fees
related to pro -rata collection charges relating to construction of water and
sanitary sewer lines; and amending Appendix I "Trail Design Standards"
by amending certain design and construction standards related to
pedestrian trails. (Z-2/22/10-11)
Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Planning and Development, presented to the Commission. The
Allen Land Development Code is periodically amended to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of the code, address changing development trends and new technologies, and make
changes necessary for compliance with state and federal laws. Historically staff has presented a
compiled set of amendments to the Planning Commission and Council approximately every
eighteen months. The proposed amendments are as follows:
• Section 2.03.2 Powers and Duties — Grants sign board final authority on sign
variances. Establishes a 10 day appeal to City Council.
• Section 4.02 7 New and Unlisted Uses — Clarifies that unlisted uses are not
permitted. The Planning Director interprets uses. Any appeal to staff
interpretation of uses goes to the BOA.
• Section 4. 10 Residential Accessory Use Regulations — Front entry garage setback
is 20 ft. Maximum carport width is 27 ft
• Section 6.03.10 Firearms and Explosives Sales and Service — Allowed per use
chart. Allowed as home occupation. Defines required distance from schools.
Prohibits the manufacturing/assembly of ammunition. Updates definition.
• Section 6.04 Temporary Use Permits — Defines temporary food vendors. Allows
temporary food vendors with a Temporary Use Permit.
• Section 7.04 Off-street Puking and Loading — Clarifies that on-site stacking is
required for drive -thins Dimensions stacking spaces. Requires a space after
• Section 7.04.1 Parking Requirements — Establishes parking requirements for
senior independent, assisted living and long term care facilities.
• Section 7.05.6 Irrigation Plan Requirements — Updated to match state
• Section 7.09 Sign Regulations — Defines and prohibits Changeable Electronic
Variable Message Signs. Allows Electronic Message Boards to change once an
• Section 8.03 Plat Requirements — Clarifies that a GDP is not a plat.
• Section 8.06 Lot Design — Allows "right-angle" lots with additional setback.
• Appendix A Definitions — Removes front yard requirement from Definitions.
• Appendix B Filing Fees and Charges — Updates pro -rata collection charges.
• Appendix I Trail Design Standards — Updates trail design standards.
Staff recommends approval.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing.
Clarence Elmer, 1432 McKenzie Court, Allen, spoke in support of the amendments to Section
With no one else wishing to speak, Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Dreggors stated/asked the following:
1. Light level intensity should be included in Section 2.03.2. Mr. Battle answered that the
only sign that would emit light is a prohibited sign. It is not necessary to include
intensity levels.
2. The director's title should be established as a part of Section 4.02.7 Mr. Battle stated it
is written this way because director is defined in the Appendix.
3. In relation to the added uses in Section 7.04.1, will the City require senior independent,
assisted living and long term care facilities to place the use on their site sign? Mr. Battle
answered the City would not require particular signage identifying use.
4. Do the facility titles in Section 7.04.1 line up with state definitions? Mr. Battle stated they
do not completely line up with state definitions. What category would illnesses such as
Alzheimer's or Dementia fall under? Mr. Battle answered these conditions would most
likely fall under long term care facilities.
5. Do existing inspections addressed in Section 7.05.6(6b) refer to the current date? Mr.
Battle answered the inspections are for all existing commercial systems.
Commissioner Kelley stated/asked the following:
1 The agenda caption lists Section 4.03.7 However, the proposed amendment is to Section
4.02.7 Amber Slayton, Attorney, stated the error does not void the public hearing.
Commissioner Cocking stated/asked the following:
1. Do the uses prohibiting all circumstances of firearms sales and service, as specified in
Section 6.03.2, include home occupations? Mr. Battle answered yes.
2. How do the amendments to Section 6.04 affect mobile caterers? Mr. Battle answered it
does not affect them. Separate provisions in the City's health code address caterers.
What is the limitation of number of temporary use permits? Mr. Battle answered two
permits are allowed in one year. How do these amendments impact charitable events?
Mr. Battle answered they would be considered as special events. A separate permit can
be acquired for special events.
3. As it relates to the amendments to Section 7.05.6, has staff found studies of drip irrigation
within a turf environment? Mr. Battle responded by saying the irrigation amendments
were submitted by the City's Water Conservation Manager. Staff is relying on her
expertise and experience. Commissioner Cocking added he has concerns about moving
forward without further research on drip irrigation.
4. The wording in Appendix A is easy to misread.
1 Chairman Wendland stated/asked the following:
1 Do the temporary use permit requirements, as specified in Section 6.04, apply to farmer's
markets? Mr. Battle answered yes. The provision already exists for farmer's markets to
acquire this type of permit.
2. It is recommended that staff give consideration to TCEQ guidelines as it relates to the
irrigation amendments in Section 7.05.6.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Cocking, and a second by Commissioner
Rushing, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve
the proposed amendments to the Allen Land Development Code with the
following corrections:
• The amendment listed under Section 4.03.7, regarding procedures for
determining new and unlisted uses, be changed to Section 4.02.7.
• The period in the middle of the seventh sentence in Appendix I A.l.a be
changed to a comma.
• Consideration of amendments to Section 7.05.6 regarding irrigation
systems is tabled to the March 16, 2010 P&Z meeting.
The motion carried.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Dreggors and a second by acclamation the
Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the Planning
and Zoning Commission meeting at 8:13 p.m.
These rn utes a)prov4this day of �" _q_r �1�2010.
Ti / Mc d, Planner
Director's Report from 2/23/10 City Council Meetings
There were no items taken to the February 23, 2010 City Council meeting for consideration.