HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2011 - 06/07 - RegularPLANNING AND ZONING
Regular Meeting
I ;V�� June 7, 2011
Commissioners Present:
Robert Wendland, Chairman
Jeff Cocking, I" Vice Chairman
Douglas Dreggors, 2"d Vice Chairman
Shirley Mangmm
Steven Platt, Jr.
Ben Trahan
Commissioners Absent:
Kurt Kizer
City Staff Present:
Ogden "Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Planning and Development
Helen -Eve Liebman, AICP, Senior Planner
Kevin Laughlin, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report
1 Director's Report is attached for action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by
City Council at the May 24, 2011 regular meeting.
Consent Aeenda
2. Approve minutes of the May 17, 2011 regular meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by 20° Vice Chairman
Dreggors, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to approve the
Consent Agenda.
The motion carried.
Regular Attenda
�1 Agenda Item #3: Public HearingfReplat — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat for
!s Forest Grove Estates, Lots 14RI and 1482; being a Replat of Forest Grove
Estates, Lot 14R. The property is 2 71f acres located at 2403 Forest Grove
Estates Road, Allen, Texas (R-4/11/11-116) [Forest Grove Estates]
Kevin Laughlin, City Attorney, spoke to the Commission. Every city has an extraterritorial Jurisdiction
(ETJ). State law provides for cities to have jurisdiction to consider subdivision plats in their ETJ. A
City -County Plat Approval Agreement between the City of Allen and Collin County was executed in
2002. This agreement requires the City of Allen to regulate subdivision plats within the ETJ.
Tiffany McLeod, Planner, spoke to the Commission. The property is located in the City of Allen's
extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ); west of Rockridge Road and north of Forest Grove Estates Road. The
property to the north is zoned Planned Development PD No. 75 for Single Family Residential R-2. The
property to the east, west and south is also part of the city's ETJ. The City of Allen is processing this
Replat as required by the agreement referenced by Mr. Laughlin.
The purpose of the subject Replat is to subdivide the existing Lot 14R into two lots The property, being
located in the ETJ, is subject to the Allen Land Development Code subdivision regulations. However
since the property is not zoned, development standards such as budding setbacks and lot size cannot be
regulated. The Replat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the standards of
Article VIII, Subdivision Regulations, in the Allen Land Development Code.
Staff recommends approval.
Commissioner Mangrum inquired about the average lot size in the subdivision. Ms. McLeod stated that
she did not know.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing.
Keven Johnson, 10109 Concord Drive, Frisco, Texas, applicant, spoke in favor of the request. He asked
that the plat be approved since it meets all applicable regulations.
Caroline Vail, 2402 Forest Grove Estates Road, Allen, Texas, spoke in opposition to the request. She
does not support the plans for the home that will be built on the subdivided property
Mike Patrick, 2314 Forest Grove Estates Road, Allen, Texas, spoke in opposition to the request.
Subdivision of the lot and floodplain constraints limits the amount of buildable land on the property He
is concerned with the resulting proximity of the proposed home to the street.
With no one else wishing to speak Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing.
The following people submitted a written statement in opposition to this request.
Caroline Vail, 2402 Forest Grove Estates Road, Allen, Texas
James and Betty Lanier, 2406 Forest Grove Estates Road, Allen, Texas
Mike Patrick, 2314 Forest Grove Estates Road, Allen, Texas
John Drummond and Beth Kellner, 2407 Forest Grove Estates Road, Allen, Texas
1" Vice Chairman Cocking asked for clarification on whether the applicant could build the home today
without going through platting. Ms. McLeod stated the home does not have to meet the standards of the
Allen Land Development Code (ALDC). Mr. Laughlin answered no; there is nothing preventing
construction of the home at this time.
Commissioner Platt asked for clarification on whether the home could be built as close to the street as the
applicant elected. Ms. McLeod stated yes since the home would not have to meet ALDC building setback
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Trahan, and a second by Commissioner
Mangrum, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 1 OPPOSED (by
Commissioner Platt), to approve the Replat for Forest Grove Estates, Lots 14R1 and
The motion carried
Agenda Item #4: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Planned
Development District PD No. 107 with a base zoning district of Community
Facilities CF for a church. The property is 27 3281 acres situated in Abstract No.
1026, Henry Wetzel Survey, Collin County, Texas; located at the northwest
corner of Trinity Drive and Greenville Avenue/State Highway 5 (Z-4/12/10-26)
[St. Jude Catholic Church]
Helen -Eve Liebman, Senior Planner, spoke to the Commission. The property is located north of Trinity
Drive and west of Greenville Avenue/State Highway 5. The subject property is zoned Community
Facilities CF and Shopping Center SC and the applicant has submitted a request to rezone the entire
property into Planned Development District No. 107 with a base zoning district of Community Facilities
■� The Concept Plan for the Planned Development District PD illustrates five (5) additional buildings and a
® bell tower The materials and colors for the additions are of those used on the main church building.
The Concept Plan also illustrates access points along Greenville Avenues/State Hwy. 5 that are subject to
the review and approval of TXDOT
The Planned Development Regulations outline specifications for the church and are included in this
communication. The proposed screening along the future playfields adjacent to Lots 24-29, Block G of
the Spring Meadow Subdivision is not in compliance with the requirements of the Allen Land
Development Code. The request is for a decorative metal fence and landscaping illustrated in the
Perimeter Landscape Screening. This particular location will have active recreation uses in close
proximity to the residents and there is a need for the screening wall to separate the noise and activities
associated with the play Additionally, there is a requirement to provide a visual screen when the
property develops and the screening wall will provide the required solid visual barrier. In 2009, the
Planning & Zoning Commission recommended and City Council approved an ordinance requiring
screening walls between residential and non-residential uses. Staff is recommending the Concept Plan
and PD regulations be revised to comply with the Allen Land Development Code requirement for a
screening wall in this location.
A Sign Plan and Street Frontage Landscape Plan are also included in this PD Staff supports both plans.
Staff recommends approval.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing.
The following people submitted a written statement in support of this request:
Kendall Roland, Pecan Creek Lane, Allen, Texas
Ernesto Benandes, 1525 Redeemer Road, Allen, Texas
Robert Holladay, St. Jude Catholic Church, 1515 N Greenville Avenue, Allen, Texas
Rosemarie Reyes, 434 Sunrise Drive, Allen, Texas
Erika Beskar, 601 Meadowgate Drive, Allen, Texas
Commissioner Trahan inquired about the reference to City approval to use the living screen; which was
mentioned in a letter sent by the applicant Chairman Wendland stated he believes the reference was to
the old ALDC standard which did not require churches to erect a masonry screening wall. However, the
new standard would apply to this request. Ms Liebman stated she is not aware of any agreement.
Commissioner Platt asked if the code allowed a living screen prior to the new standard. Ogden `Bo"
Bass, Director of Planning and Development stated the code did not require an eight foot masonry wall
when the property was initially developed.
I" Vice Chairman Cocking asked what the noise requirement for the bell tower will be. The PD language
states that the noise levels will comply with the ALDC. Scott Meyers, Alliance Architects, 5732
Silverton Avenue, McKinney, Texas, applicant representative, answered the church has not decided on
the intended use of the tower. When this is decided it will comply with ALDC decibel levels.
I" Vice Chairman Cocking stated there is a distinct elevation change between the northern parking lot and
adjacent property He is concerned with the proposed living screen because portions of the existing living
screen do not adequately shield the property Mr. Meyers replied the site is pretty Flat and the living
screen along the western boundary is not fully mature
1" Vice Chairman Cocking asked about phasing of the development. Mr. Meyers answered it is currently
under discussion.
Chairman Wendland stated he is concerned about the living screen. Mr. Wendland also confirmed that
the proposed ballfields are unlighted. If the church chose to light the ballfields they would have to come
back to P&Z and request an SUP
Chairman Wendland asked if the church has had meetings with the neighboring residents. Timothy
Church, 1712 Terrell Drive, Allen, Texas, St. Jude Catholic Church, Pastor, addressed the Commission.
Ms. Liebman stated all responses have been in support.
1" Vice Chairman Cocking clarified that the elevation change is not located where the ballfields are
proposed. His primary concern is where the new parking lot spaces are proposed to be located.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Trahan, and a second by 2"d Vice Chairman
Dreggors, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to recommend
approval of the request for a Planned Development District PD No. 107 with a base
zoning district of Community Facilities CF for a church; with the stipulation that
the perimeter landscape screening adjacent to the Spring Meadow subdivision, Lots
24-29, Block G be revised to provide for an S foot solid masonry screening wall as
required per the Allen Land Development Code.
IThe motion carried.
Discussion Item
Agenda Item #5: Discussion of Board Evaluation to Provide Feedback to the Council Nominating
The Commission has been requested by the City Council, as is done on an annual basis, to complete an
evaluation form Responses are due June 15, 2011. 'Please submit any comments to Chairman Wendland.
He will assimilate everyone's comments and submit them to the City Secretary's office by the due date.
Motion: Upon a motion by 2n' Vice Chairman Dreggors and a second by acclamation the
meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
ese minutes ap roved this ��day of �u n 2_ 2011.
Raijil Wendland, Chairman Tif cLeod, Planner
Director's Report from 5/24/11 City Council Meeting
There was one item taken to the May 24, 2011 City Council meeting for consideration.
The request to amend the Allen Land Development Code amending Article III, Building Regulations
by adopting the 2009 Editions of the International Building Code, International Fire Code,
International Residential Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code,
International Fuel Gas Code, and Intemational Energy Conservation Code with local amendments to
each of said codes, and the 2011 Edition of the National Electrical Code, with local amendments was