HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2011 - 11/01 - RegularI ;7._
Commissioners Present:
Robert Wendland, Chairman
Jeff Cocking, 1" Vice Chair
Shirley Mangrum, 2nd Vice Chair
Steven Platt, Jr.
Ben Trahan
Kurt Kizer
John Ogrizovich
Regular Meeting
November 1, 2011
City Staff Present:
Ogden' Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development
Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner
Patrick Blaydes, Planner
Chris Flanigan, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering
Kevin Laughlin, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present.
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at 7'00
p to in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report
I Director's Report is attached for action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by
City Council at the October 25, 2011 regular meeting.
Consent Aeenda
2. Approve minutes of the October 18, 2011 regular meeting.
3. Extension Request — Consider a Request for an extension for filing the Final Plat for Allen Center
North Addition, Lot 4, being 1 36031 acres located south of Stacy Road and east of Greenville
Avenue/SHS. IFP-111III1-1111'Allen Center North Addition - Murphy Oil]
Motion: Upon a motion by 2" Vice Chair Mangrum, and a second by
Commissioner Trahan, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0
OPPOSED, to approve the Consent Agenda.
The motion carried.
Reeular Agenda
Agenda Item #4 Public Hewing/Replat — Consider a Request for a Replat for St. Jude
Catholic Parish Addition, Lot 1 R, Block 1, being 27.328± acres located at the
northwest corner of'trinity Drive and Greenville Avenue. (R-10/10/11-167)
[St. Jude]
Patrick Blaydes presented to the Commission The propertv is located on 27 acres north of Trinity Drive
and west of Greenville Avenue/State Highway 5. The purpose of this Replat is to incorporate the
unplatted lot to the south and the platted lot to the north, creating one lot for the entire St. Jude property
The replat was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the standards of Article VIII,
Subdivision Regulations, in the Allen Land Development Code.
Staff recommends approval of the request.
Chairman W endland opened the Public Hearing
With no wishing to speak, Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing.
1" Vice Chair Cocking asked if this replat was in line with the original Concept Plan for PD 107 Mr.
Blaydes stated that the replat does match the original Concept Plan for PD 107
Motion: Upon a motion by 2" Second Vice Chairman Mangrum, and a second by
Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
approve the Consent Agenda.
The motion carried.
Agenda Item #5 Public Hewing/Zoning— Consider a request to amend the zoning on property
zoned Planned Development PD No. 78 for Corridor Commercial CC to
allow outdoor food and retail kiosks The property is Lot I R, Block 1, Allen
Premium Outlets, located at 820 W Stacy Road. (Z-8/8/11-152) [Allen
Premium Outlets]
Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. The property is located at the northwest
corner of US75 and Stacy Road. The property to the north is zoned Planned Development PD No 102
for Corridor Commercial CC and Corridor Commercial CC. The property to the west is zoned Planned
Development PD No 92 for Shopping Center SC The property to the south is zoned Planned
IDevelopment No. 78 for Corridor Commercial CC The Town of Fairview is located to the east
The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate outdoor food and retail kiosks as a permitted use in the
existing PD. The applicant is proposing to locate a maximum of four (4) food and/or retail kiosks at the
southeast corner of the site (in front of the food court). In addition, a maximum of two (2) kiosks are
proposed for the northeast comer of the site, totaling a maximum of six (6) kiosks.
The retail kiosk would be approximately 9 feet tall and 7 feet wide, made primarily of plywood. The food
kiosk would be made of stainless steel and would stand 4 % feet tall and 4 feet wide, with an option to
add a shade umbrella.
Staff supports the food kiosks but not the retail kiosks The retail kiosk is slightly larger than the food
kiosk and there is a concern for impeding foot traffic and pedestrian flow on the site. Visually, staff is
also concerned with clutter as it relates to each individual kiosk and the overall appearance of the site.
Theresa Barringer, Regional Vice President of Allen Premium Outlets, applicant. stated her commitment
to this property would require strict regulations that would be set upon the kiosk vendors. The applicant
expressed a possibility to limit the number of kiosks in the food court area and reiterated the priority of
having retail kiosks in the food court as opposed to food kiosks in the food court.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing.
With no one wishing to speak, Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing
2"d Vice Chair Mangrum shared her concerns with the number of kiosks at the northwest corner of the
site. She expressed her hesitation with the size of the retail kiosks and the size of the products being sold
at the retail kiosks.
1" Vice Chair Cocking inquired about the scale of the kiosks located on the Concept Plan. He stated his
concern with the number of kiosks at the northwest corner and not having accurate documentation of the
size and pedestrian circulation around the site Fie also stated that he had no reservations with the food4.
kiosks at the northeast corner. �c 5 c fru€
5 �
Commissioner Platt inquired about the permanence of the kiosk location if the amendment.' Ms. McLeod
responded by assuring the Commission that the proposed locations would be the only permitted locations
for the kiosks. She also explained that the applicant would have the flexibility to provide fewer than the
maximum of six (6) kiosks on the site.
Commissioner Platt asked for clarification about the applicant's ability to change the number and
placement of allowed kiosks in the future. Ms. McLeod stated that if the applicant would choose to
change the number or placement of kiosks, the applicant would need to go back through the planning
Commissioner Trahan inquired about how the kiosks were going to be powered and if there would be any
pedestrian hazards created because of this. Teresa Barringer explained that the kiosk utilities already
exist. She reassured the Commission that there would be no pedestrian hazards created because of the
Chairman Wendland agreed that the food kiosks at the northeast comer of the site would be appropriate
He stated his concern with the number of kmsks in the northwest corner of the site and the pedestrian
Flow of traffic around the larger retail kiosks.
I" Vice Chair Cocking brought forth the option of tabling the item until the next meeting to provide the
applicant time to work the with the staff to better illustrate the kiosks to scale and foot traffic exhibits.
The applicant stated that she would be comfortable with tabling this item.
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice Chair Cocking, and a second by
2"d Vice Chair Mangrum, the Commission voted 51N FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
table the request to amend the zoning on property zoned Planned Development PD
No. 78 for Corridor Commercial CC to allow outdoor food and retail kiosks until
the November 15" meeting.
The motion carried.
Agenda Item #6 Public Hearing/Zoning — Consider a request to adopt a Concept Plan and
amend the Development Regulations for property zoned Multi -family MF
and Local Retail LR within Planned Development PD No 63 for Corridor
�! Commercial CC, ® Multi -family MF, Local Retail LR, Single Family Residential R-5 and Communitv Facilities CF uses The property is 31 4t
acres situated in the Shadrick Jackson Survey, Abstract 489, generally
located northeast of the intersection of Ridgeview Drive and Custer Road.
(Z-7/13/11-136) [Custer/Ridgeview]
Ogden 'Be' Bass, Director of Community Development, presented to the Commission. The property is
located east of Custer Road and north of Ridgeview Drive. The property to the north and east is zoned
Planned Development PD No. 63 for Corridor Commercial CC. The property to the west (across Custer
Road) is the City of Plano. The property to the southwest is Planned Development PD No 63 for Local
Retail LR. The property to the south (across Ridgeview Drive) is Agriculture Open Space AO.
Director Bass explained that this Planned Development is located between two high traffic roads: making
the site a good location for a multi -family and retail center development. Upon this site, there would be
three access points provided for the Multi -family development and two access points provided for the
future Local Retail development. Turn lanes and new median openings are incorporated into the Concept
Plan to accommodate future traffic on Custer Road and Ridgeview Drive. Additional improvements to
Ridgeview Drive are proposed to accommodate the access point for the Local Retail tract. Mr. Bass
mentioned that if there was an applicant wanting to locate a fuel station on this site, the applicant would
have to receive a Special Use Permit,
Mr. Bass described this development as an urban style design. Rey elements to this design are a reduced
building setback with buildings fronting the street and parking in the rear. There are two building types
proposed The exterior materials for the buildings are a combination of stone and stucco. Eles ahons
facing Custer Road and Ridgeview Drive will have stone on the entire first level for added architectural
detail along the street frontage. He explained that there will be three (3) "type I" buildings with an
internal open space and there are six (6) "type 3" buildings. The Concept Plan shows nine 3 -story
buildings that are approximately 47 feet in height. The development contains 246 one bedroom/one
bathroom units, 180 two bedroom/two bathroom units and 18 three bedroom/two bathroom units; totaling
444 units and a density of 15. Surface, attached and detached garage parking is provided at a ratio of 177
spaces/unit. Staff supports this parking rano since over 50% of the units are one bedroom/one bathroom
The proposed development regulations are as follows
• A maximum building height of three stories or 48 feet.
• A parking ration of 1.77 spaces per unit with a combination of surface parking, detached
garages and attached garages.
• The rear building setback line (located on the eastern property boundary) shall be the fully
developed 100 year floodplain or 20 feet from FEMA 100 year floodplain, whichever
represents the further setback.
• The front building setback line (located along Custer Road and Ridgeview Drive) shall be 20
• Perimeter screening along Custer Road, Ridgeview Drive and the boundary between Tract II
(MF) and Tract III (LF) to consist of wrought iron fencing and landscape screening
• Three monument signs (with a maximum height of nine feet) for the multi -family
• Two access points along Ridgeview Drive for Tract 11 (MF) and Tract III (LR), as shown on
the Concept Plan and Ridgeview, Drive Access and Driveway Exhibit.
Mr. Bass pointed out where additional landscaping will serve as parking lot screening A 6 foot wrought
iron fence will be placed around the perimeter of the parking area. Extensive landscaping is provided to
screen the parking rows along Custer Road and Ridgeview Drive from view In addition, a 6 foot
wrought iron fence and vegetative screen will be placed along the boundary between the Multi -family and
Local Retail tracts These screening elements shall be built at the time the Multi -family tract develops
Tree mitigation for this site has been reviewed by staff and meets the requirements of the Allen Land
Development Code.
Staff recommends approval.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing
David Hicks, 401 Woodlake, Allen spoke in favor of the request. He shared his concern for the growing
young population not being able to find reasonably priced housing. Mr. Hicks stated that the lower count
of parking would be appropriate because many of the units would only have single individuals, only
requiring one parking space. He stated that Allen would be proud to have this type of product.
Paul Smith, 1206 Waterdown Drive, Allen, stated that he was not opposed to this project entirely but was
concerned with the concessions made toward building height and set -back. He also stated a concern for
children walking to school from this development.
John Heaton, 1224 Waterdown Drive, Allen, expressed his concern for the height of the building structure
in relation to the adjacent road Another concern Mr. Benton stated was the additional traffic in the area.
His last concern dealt with the appreciation of the site not being consistent with the rest of the
surrounding neighborhood.
Carter Moore, 1204 Waterdown Drive, Allen, explained his concern for the height of the building. He felt
as though the large "type 1" building would be above the creek and would serve as a detriment to the
area. Mr. Moore stated that he was in favor of this development in general, just not the additional height
of the buildings.
Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing
Mr Bass explained that the school was consulted on this project and has agreed to provide busing for
students. He explained that pedestrian access is pieced together as development occurs and does not go in
all at once Mr. Bass assured the Commission that the height proposed for this site is a good fit for the
location. He further explained that the locations of the buildings along the street are not exactly twenty
(20) feet because the set -back is measured from the property line, not the curb of the street There is an
additional fifteen (15) feet between the curb and the property line.
I" Vice Chair Cocking pointed out that there were very few trash reciprocals Mr. Bass stated that this is
a Concept Plan. Waste services will be further reviewed during the Site Plan stage.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Trahan, and a second by
Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED, to
approve the request to adopt a Concept Plan and amend the Development
Regulations for property coned Multi -family MF and Local Retail LR within
Planned Development PD No. 63.
The motion carried.
acclamation, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
These mi es appro d this. ay of ,12_r 20l l
fitf&) McLeod, Planner
Director's Report from 10/25/11 City Council Meeting
There were no items taken to the October 25, 2011 City Council meeting for consideration