HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2012 - 01/17 - RegularPLANNING AND ZONING
Regular Meeting
January 17, 2012
Commissioners Present:
Robert Wendland, Chairman
Jeff Cocking, 1" Vice Chair
Shirley Mangrum, 2"d Vice Chair
Kurt Rizer
John Ogrizovich
Steven Platt, Jr.
Ben Trahan
City Staff Present:
Ogden "Be" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development
"Ciffany McLeod, Senior Planner
Chris Flanigan, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering
Patrick Blaydes, Planner
Shelby Griffin, Planner
Julie Pandya, Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at 703
p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report
1 Director's Report is attached for action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by
City Council at the January 10, 2012 regular meeting.
Consent Aeenda
2 Approve minutes of the January 3, 2012 regular meeting
Commissioner Ogrizovich requested his statement "around the church parking lot' should be changed to
read "to the west of the church parking lot" concerning Agenda Item 95
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Ogrizoyieh, and a second by
Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED
to approve the Consent Agenda with the requested changes.
The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
Agenda Item #3 Public Hearing - Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to
amend the Concept Plan and development regulations for Planned
Development No. 86 Shopping Center SC. The property is 8 8314± acres
situated in the John Pyke Survey, Abstract No 325, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas: located at the southeast corner of Stacy Road and Watters
Road. (Z-1I/I/I1-176) [Watters Village]
Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. The property is located at the southeast
corner of Stacy Road and Watters Road.
Ms McLeod described the major alterations to the Concept Plan. The applicant is requesting to amend the
Concept Plan by expanding the building on Lot 1 R3 and increasing the parking throughout the site. The
applicant is requesting to add the following development regulation as it relates to the proposed
The allowance of a drive through (with conditions) for the building located on Lot 1 R3
Retail/restaurant/office uses have been proposed for Lots IRI, IR2 and IR3 There is an existing retail
building on Lot 2. Lot 3 is planned for retail use. The budding size on Lot IR3 has increased by 6,800
square feet and the budding footprint has converted from a rectangular to -L" shape. The applicant has
increased the number of parking spaces provided for the entire development and exceeds the standards of
the Allen Land Development Code. The Concept Plan also shows a slight shift in the parking row
alignment along Stacy Road.
The applicant is requesting the allowance of a drive through at the eastern end of the building located on
Lot IR3. The drive through site configuration will be reviewed at the Site Plan stage. In order for the
drive through to be permitted the standards of the Allen Land Development Code must be met and the
Engineering Department must approve the site layout at that time. Ms. McLeod described how the drive
through use will be provided for in the development regulations. She explained to the Commission that
two additional regulations concerning screening have been added by City staff.
Ms McLeod informed the Commission that the four access points and screening requirements will
remain consistent with the existing Concept Plan An eight (8) foot masonry screening wall will be built
along the southern property line. Shade trees and a continuous evergreen shrub screen will be placed
along the masonry wall to provide additional screening She suggested requiring the developer to build
the screening wall in its entirely when the next lot develops and allowing the landscaping to be provided
for as each lot develops.
The request included updated building elevations which fulfill the exterior building material requirement
of the ALDC. The buildings are one story and the materials are primarily stucco and brick.
The Concept Plan was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the requirements of the
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked Ms McLeod about the existing screening wall matching the future
screening wall. Ms. McLeod explained that the intent for having the remaining portion of the wall built at
one time is to provide a continuous look.
Chairman Wendland asked if the drive through note is in final form on the Concept Plan. I" Vice Chair
Cocking stated that the drive through note reads for the entire property and not specifically Lot 1 R3. Ms
McLeod informed the Commission that the Concept Plan will be adjusted to match the recommended
development regulations before it is sent to City Council.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing.
With no one coming forward, Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing
Chairman Wendland read the written submission of opposition from R. Sheffield, 2100 Chamber Drive,
Allen, TX.
Commissioner Trahan asked for clarification on where the existing retail building is located. Ms. McLeod
used the presentation to show the existing retail building (on Lot 2).
1" Vice Chair Cocking voiced his concern for the potential drive through configuration
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice Chair Cocking, and a second by Commissioner
Trahan, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve
the request to amend the Concept Plan and development regulations for
8.8314+ acres in Planned Development No. 86 Shopping Center SC with the
following conditions:
Changing the drive through note on the Concept Plan to pertain
specifically to Lot IR3.
Adding the stipulation that the 8 foot masonry wall will he completed in
its entirety when the next lot develops.
The motion carried.
Agenda Item #4 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to
adopt a Concept Plan and amend the development regulations for
Planned Development No. 92 Shopping Center SC The property is
3.76± acres situated in the Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract No 280, City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas; located at the northeast comer of Stacy
Road and Watters Road. (Z-10/31/11-175) [Stacy -Watters Retail]
Tiffany McLeod presented to the Commission. The property is located at the northeast corner of Stacy
Road and Watters Road
Ms. McLeod stated that when the property was originally zoned for Shopping Center uses, a Concept
Plan was not incorporated into the ordinance. The applicant is requesting to adopt a Concept Plan for the
property The applicant is also requesting the following development regulations as it relates to the
proposed development:
• The allowance of a drive through (with conditions) for the building located on Lot 1
• Two points of access on Stacy Road; as shown on the Concept Plan
Perimeter screening consisting of the existing 6 5 foot masonry wall and landscaping
Staff is proposing an additional regulation for Planned Development No 92 concerning the drive through
use. Ms. McLeod recommended removing "restaurant with drive through use" as a permitted use.
The Concept Plan shows four (4) lots for retail and office uses. Lot 1 lists retail/restaurant uses with a
provision for a drive through. Ms. McLeod stated that regardless of the removal of a restaurant drive
through use, a retail drive through would be reviewed at the Site Plan stage. In order for the drive
through to be permitted the standards of the Allen Land Development Code ALDC must be met and the
Engineering Department must approve the site layout at that time
There are three (3) access points proposed; one (1) access point off of Watters Road and two (2) access
points off of Stacy Road. The standards in the ALDC only allow one access point on StacyRoad.
However, as a result of detailed review and discussions with the applicant, it has been proposed to extend
the existing deceleration lane to accommodate the traffic accessing the site. In addition to the deceleration
lane improvement, Ms. McLeod informed the Commission that a left turn lane will be constructed for
east -bound Stacy Road traffic to access the property
There is an existing 6.5 foot masonry screening wall and a two foot retaining wall along the northern and
eastern property line. The applicant is proposing to provide shade trees and shrubbery along the northern
and eastern property line in lieu of replacing the 6.5 foot wall with an eight (8) foot masonry wall Per the
ALDC, the minimum height requirement for landscape screening is eight (8) feet Ms McLeod stated that
staff believes the 6.5 foot screening wall and additional landscape screening sufficiently meets this
The applicant's request also includes adopting budding elevations which fulfill the exterior building
material requirement of the ALDC. The buildings are one story and approximately 26 feet in height,
made of a combination of stucco, brick and stone "Ihe roofing material is composition shingle with a
standing seam metal band for architectural interest.
The Concept Plan has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the standards of the
ALDC Staff recommends approval with the following added regulation that a restaurant with drive
through use be prohibited.
2i' Vice Chair Mangrum asked how far apart the 8 foot tall screening trees are from each other. Ms.
McLeod stated that the minimum requirement is a 3 inch caliper, 20 foot on -center tree.
Commissioner Kizer inquired about the deceleration lane on Stacy Road. He stated that his concern was
that patrons might turn into the site using the eastern -most access point, even though it does not appear to
have a deceleration lane. Chris Flanigan, Assistant Director of Engineering, explained that the
deceleration lane is provided to serve the intersection as well as serving the driveway Mr Flanigan
continued to state that according to the ALDC, there is no mandate for a deceleration lane for
commercially zoned properties. Commissioner Kizer stated that this makes sense because other
commercial uses do not have deceleration lanes
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing.
Sheri Hall, 939 Sloan Drive, Allen, TX, spoke in opposition to Agenda Item #4. She is concerned with the
traffic safety at the Watters Road entrance/exit driveway Ms. Hall described the location of the retaining
wall as compared to her house and asked the Commission to require an eight (8) foot screening wall. She
stated a concern for the landscaping affected by the water restrictions. Another concern related to the
El height of the retail and restaurant building on Lot I She wanted to be assured it will not exceed one-story
in height Lastly, Ms. Hall stated that she is not opposed to a restaurant, but is not in favor of a restaurant
with a drive through.
Michael Wells, 2121 Moss Glen, Allen, TX, spoke in opposition to Agenda Item #4. He stated his
concern for the type of tree used for screening. He had a concern for security that may come with having
a bank. He is concerned with the smells that may come from a restaurant use and the location of the
dumpsters. His last concern was regarding the height of the buildings in relation to the houses to the
Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing.
The following people submitted a written statement in favor of this request:
James H. McGowth, 927 Sloan Drive, Allen, TX.
Colleen & Chris Lenz, 2115 Moss Glen Lane, Allen, TX.
The following people submitted a written statement of opposition to this request:
James & Jennifer Lang, 2109 Chambers Drive, Allen, TX
R. Sheffeid, 2100 Chambers, Allen, TX.
Ms. McLeod responded to the citizen concerns She stated that when the original zoning occurred in 2004
the restaurant use was allowed; with or without a drive through. She further explained that this is part of
the reason staff suggests restricting the drive through use to only retail She stated that the maximum
building height will be based off of the renderings submitted. If the applicant would like to change the
height restriction to allow a two-story building, the Concept Plan and development regulations would
have to be amended at that time. Ms McLeod stated that the ALDC requires evergreen trees as landscape
screening. She stated that with Stage 3 Water Restrictions, there is a variance for 30 days to allow
landscaping to be established
Commissioner Ogrizovn:h inquired about the architectural differences between the black and white
elevation and rendering. Ms. McLeod stated that only the renderings will be part of the ordinance and
that the black and white elevations are used to call out the building materials.
I" Vice Chair Cocking asked about tree mitigation and replacement. Ms. McLeod assured the
Commission that all trees will be mitigated, replaced, or paid for according to the ALDC tree preservation
Commissioner Kizer verified that the zoning was established in 2004 Ms. McLeod assured him it was.
Commissioner Kizer also wanted verification there was an alleywaybetween the subject property and
residential properties to the north Ms McLeod stated that there is an alley and rear entry drive -ways
behind the subject property Commissioner Kizer stated that the location of the alleyway provides
additional relief to locate the dumpster at the back of the site. He inquired about the driveway location off
of Watters Road and the distance requirement from the intersection to the south. Mr. Flanigan explained
that the driveway meets the requirements of the ALDC. Mr. Flanigan also explained that in addition to the
distance from the intersection there will be a widened turning radius, wider driveway, and lengthened
driveway to allow for a quicker turn into the site by the motorist exiting Watters Road.
Commissioner Trahan asked if there was a median cut across from the Watters Road access point. Ms.
McLeod explained there was not a median cut at this location. Commissioner Trahan also inquired about
the ability to require a stop sign within the development to prevent motorists before entering Watters
Road. Chairman Wendland explained that according to state law, the Commission does not have the
authority to require a stop sign within the site
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Trahan, and a second by 2n° Vice Chair
Mangrum, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
approve the request to adopt the Concept Plan and development regulations
for 3.76± acres in Planned Development No. 92 Shopping Center SC with the
following amendments:
• A restaurant with drive through use is prohibited.
The motion carried
Agenda Item N5 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a
Specific Use Permit SUP for a car wash The property is 1.1425± acres
situated in the Henry Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 1026, City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; located south of Stacy Road and approximately
520 feet west of Greenville Avenue. (SUP -11/21/11-183) [Bluewave
Express Car Wash]
Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. She gave a brief history about the project
to remind the Commission that Specific Use Permit No. 119 was approved in August of 2011 This
permit was granted for Bluewave Express Car Wash and was to be located on Lot 6 in the Greenville
Center Addition subdivision. Since that time the applicant has chosen to relocate to Lot 9 Due to this
relocation a new Specific Use Permit is required She stated that staff believes the new location is a better
location for the proposed use.
In addition to the relocation, Ms McLeod stated that the site configuration has changed to fit this new lot
The SUP Site Plan illustrates a 4,810 square foot building with an outdoor vacuum service area. Access
for the site is from Stacy Road and through an cast/west access easement at the north end of the site A
two-lane driveway with approximately 162 feet of stacking length provides adequate queuing for car
wash patrons. There are a total of 25 parking spaces, with 17 of those spaces located in the vacuum
service area.
Ms. McLeod briefly explained the Noise Modeling and Analysis Statement that was submitted by the
applicant The analysis was based on measurements collected at other Bluewave Express Car Wash
facilities and concludes that the noise level at the southern end of the property will comply with ALDC
performance standards. The noise level on the northern end of the property (where the car wash exit is
located) may range between 53-73 dBA. Since these levels are along Stacy Road staff does not foresee
noise negatively impacting surrounding properh
The elevations for the main structure demonstrate compliance with the Allen Land Development Code
masonry requirement and show a combination of stone and stucco. Sun shades are an additional element
that will be placed in the vacuum service area and at the ordering station The canopies will have a
weatherproof fabric and columns that are sheathed in the stone veneer product utilized on the main
structure Ms. McLeod assured the Commission that as part of the SUP requirements, the canopies will be
maintained at all times
Ms. McLeod explained the Sign Plan for the SUP She explained there will be wall signage and multiple
directional signs to maintain effective circulation through the site The Landscape Plan exceeds the
requirements of the ALDC by providing additional trees and shrubs around the property's perimeter.
Ms. McLeod stated that staff considers this a favorable relocation and supports the request because the
previous location for the SUP was directly north of single family residential properties The new location
is northeast of this subdivision and does not border any single family residential properties. The SUP has
been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the requirements of the Allen Land
Development Code,
Chairman Wendland clarified that the existing Specific Use Permit SUP granted to the previous site has
no ties to the new SUP Ms. McLeod restated that the old SUP is tied to the previous property
Commissioner Ogrizovich inquired about the access into the site off of Stacy Road. Mr. Flanigan, stated
that motorists traveling west -bound on Stacy Road can turn left at the stop light and access the subject
property by using the cross connection access road Commissioner Ogrizovich further inquired about the
ability and/or frequency of motorists making a U-turn at the light and accessing the site. Mr Flanigan
explained that U-turns are allowed on Stacy Road and he further described the future plans for the traffic
circulation throughout the site.
Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing
Karen Galletti, 439 Deer Brooke Drive, Allen, TX, spoke in favor of Agenda Item #5. However, she
stated she was concerned with the landscape screening and southern portion of the property
Chairman Wendland closed the Public Hearing.
Ms McLeod described that the property to the south is zoned Shopping Center SC and the detention pond
located on this property will be amenitized. She also described the excessive landscaping around the site
which will serve as a noise and visual buffer.
Chairman Wendland announced the following people submitted a written statement in favor of this item*
Scott Geffert, 433 Longcove Court, Allen, TX.
1" Vice Chair Cocking inquired whether or not there will be hand drying of cars on the site. Bryan
Burger, 17103 Preston Road, Dallas, TX, applicant, assured the Commission that when a car leaves the
tunnel it is considered a fully dry car and there will be no employees to dry the vehicle. 1" Vice Chair
Cocking stated that he would like to prohibit hand drying from occurring at the car wash exit. Mr Burger
agreed to the request.
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice Chair Cocking, and a second by Commissioner
Kizer, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request for a Specific Use Permit for a carwash with the additional
• Any form of hand drying at the exit of the car wash is prohibited.
The motion carried.
U matron, the meeting adjourned at 8 13 p.m.
rhe ovedis! da of 012.
Ro rt Wendla d, Chairmanhelby G n, Planner
Director's Report from 1/10/12 City Council Meeting
There was one item taken to the January 10, 2012 City Council meeting for consideration
• A request to adopt an ordinance to change the zoning of 61.240± acres of land, being all of lots
1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1 0, and part of lot 1 I in Kittyhawk Estates, from Agriculture -Open Space to Single
Family Residential R-5 was approved.