HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2013 - 11/19 - RegularI f 7� CITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Robert Wendland, Chairman Jeff Cocking, 1" Vice Chair Shirley Mangrum, 2n" Vice Chair Stephen Platt, Jr Ben Trahan Commissioners Absent: Barbara McNutt John Ogrizovich PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting November 19, 2013 City Staff Present: Ogden "Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development 1 Shawn Poe, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner Shelby Griffin, Planner Kevin Laughlin, City Attorney Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Wendland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Conference Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway. Director's Report 1 Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the November 12, 2013 regular meeting. Consent Aaenda 2 Approve minutes from the November 5, 2013 regular meeting. 3. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Report. 4. Request for Extension — Consider a request for a 60 -day extension to file the Replat of Watters Village, Lots IRI-IR2, Block A, being 4.1015+ acres located at the southeast comer of Stacy Road and Watters Road. (R-7/29/13-54) [Watters Village) 1 Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Trahan, and a second by 2"d Vice Chair Mangrum, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried. Reeular Aeenda 5. Public Hearing/Replat— Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat of Lots I -R-I and SR - 2R into Lots 1-R-2, 5R-3, and 6R -I, Bray Central One Addition, being 10.611 acres located southeast of Watters Road and Raintree Circle. (R-1029/13-75) [Corporate Center 111 Tiffany McLoed, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. This property is located south of Raintree Circle and east of Watters Road. Ms. McLeod explained that the Replat shows two existing lots (Lot I -R-1 and 5A--2, Block E) being replatted into three lots (Lot 1-R-2, 5R-3, and 6R-1, Block E). The plat also shows a variety of firelane and mutual access, landscape and utility easements necessary for the further development of Lot 1-R-2. A Site Plan for the second phase of the Corporate Center II development has been approved and is located in a portion of Lot 1-R-2. The Replat is the final step in the development process for this phase of Corporate Center 11. 1 The Replat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the standards of he Allen Land Development Code (ALDC). 1" Vice Chair Cocking clarified that Lots 6R-1 and Lot I -R-2 will eventually be replatted into one lot. Ms. McLeod confirmed that the two lots would be a single lot in the future. Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing. With no one choosing to come forward, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Trahan, and a second by 2"d Vice Chair Mangrum, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Replat for Lots 1-R-2, 5R-3, and 6R-1, Bray Central One Addition for Corporate Center H. The motion carried. 6. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Specific Use Permit for outdoor display and storage uses for Lot I, Block A of Wal-Mart Supercenter Addition; located north of Exchange Parkway and west of US Hwy 75 (commonly known as 730 W Exchange Parkway). (Z-9/18/13-64) [Wal-Mart) Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission The property is located at the northwest comer of US Hwy 75 and Exchange Parkway. Ms. McLeod explained that the applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for outdoor display and storage. The proposed locations for the outdoor display areas are in the front of the building (between 1 the entrance canopies and garden center) as shown on the attached Outdoor Display and Storage Location Map. The applicant is requesting to display the following items year round within this area: • Flowerdisplays • Pumpkins and other small displays • Christmas trees • Swing sets or other large displays The second part of the SUP request is for outdoor storage. The applicant's request is to place eleven (11) to thirteen (13) 8' x 40' storage containers along the east and northeast sides of the building The storage containers will he placed on the property from September 15'h through February I" and will be used to store only seasonal merchandise for the Wal-Mart store. Ms. McLeod stated that the SUP request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee. She reminded the Commission that the location, time frame, and list of items for outdoor display will be made part of the Ordinance. She also informed the Commision that staff would recommend adding language into the motion that requires the outdoor storage containers to match the building Commissioner Platt asked about the location of the outdoor storage and whether or not it uses required parking spaces. Ms. McLeod informed the Commission that the storage containers do not use required parking spaces and is not located within any fire lane I" Vice Chair Cocking asked how staff will determine if the containers match. Director of Community Development. Be Bass, stated that city staff would monitor. The existing containers match. 1 1" Vice Chair Cocking asked if the areas shown on the graphic should be identified on the pavement. Ms. McLeod explained that city staff would monitor the site Director Bass added that there is a count of containers allowed and Code Enforcement would monitor the containers. Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing. With no one choosing to come forward, the Public Hearing was closed. Chairman Wendland announced that there was a written submission of support from Charles Yelverton, representing Jimmy John's. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by Commissioner Trahan, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED recommend approval of the Specific Use Permit SUP request for outdoor display and storage uses with the added regulation that the storage containers will match the building for the property located on Lot 1, Block A of Wal-Mart Supercenter Addition for Wal-Mart Supercenter. The motion carried. 7 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Bottling Works and Distribution use for Lot 1 R, Tract D and E of Allen Business Centre, located 1 north of Bethany Drive and west of Prestige Circle (commonly known as 9 Prestige Circle). (SUP -10/17/13-72) [Nine Band Brewing] Shelby Griffin, Planner, presented to the Commission. The property is located north of Bethany Drive and west of Prestige Circle. She explained that the applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Bottling Works and Distribution use. The Allen Land Development Code (ALDC) requires a Bottling Works and Distribution use to receive a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to locate within Light Industrial (LI) zoning. Ms. Griffin described the proposed SUP Site Plan as having two buildings; one for the bottling works and distribution use and one for the office and retail use. The bottling works and distribution building shows a silo on the east side of the building for the storage of grain. The office/retail building will provide office space, a conference room, and small gift shop open to the public. She explained that there are two (2) access points into the site. The SUP site plan provides more than the required number of parking spaces for this use. The SUP Landscape Plan provides more than the required open space for this site. A sidewalk will be constructed along Prestige Circle Both buildings are one (1) story and reach a hetghtjust under thirty feet (29'2"). The Silo has a height of just under twenty-five feet (24'10"). The buildings will be constructed of brick and stone with treated wood pergola elements located at the entry points into each building and along the eastern fugade of the office/retail building. The SUP request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the standards of the ALDC' and Planned Development No 3 She recommended approval of the SUP request. 1 Chairman Wendland inquired about the loading areas on the site. Ms. Griffin explained that there is a loading area for the trucks to park and load from in the rear. 1" Vice Chair Cocking asked if the wide sidewalk leading from the rear parking lot to the bottling works and distribution use would be for trucks John Villareal, 7028 Hillwood Drive, Sachse, TX, design developer, stated that the larger width would allow small trucks to pull up to the bottling works and distribution use building. 2"a Vice Chair Mangrum inquired about the amount of parking on site and whether it would provide enough space for special events. Ms. Griffin stated that stats had the applicant break down the parking by the three different uses on the site; the bottling works and distribution use, office use, and retail use. The applicant is providing ten (10) additional parking spaces. Chairman Woodland asked if the public would have access to both buildings. Mr. Villareal explained that the public would have access to the office/retail building and a portion of the bottling works and distribution building. Commissioner Trahan stated his concern for customers parking in the rear of the building to the office/retail building 1" Vice Chair Cocking stated that he had a concern that the driveway between the buildings is functioning as a sidewalk and driveway Director Bass stated that the driveway can be clearly marked to distinguish it as a vehicular lane. Chairman Wendland agreed. I" Vice Chair Cocking asked about how the waste will be removed. Keith Ashley, 1211 Boran Court, Lucas, Texas, applicant explained that all of the grain would be picked up by local cattle ranchers to feed to their cattle. None of the waste would go into the waste system. Ms. Griffin added that the waste removal was discussed extensively throughout the TRC process. She added that the Director of Community Services understands how the operation will function Chairman Wendland opened the Public Hearing. With no one choosing to come forward, the Public Hearing was closed Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice Chair Cocking, and a second by Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED recommend approval of the Specific Use Permit SUP request for a Bottling Works and Distribution use on Lot RI, of Allen Business Center and more commonly known as 9 Prestige Circle with the condition to provide appropriate demarcation between the rear driveway and pedestrian walkway. The motion carried. 1 Adiournment Upon acclamation, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. hese minutes approeJihthis ��� day of�-013. ' Keit Wend and, Chairman helby Gri , Planner 1 IDirector's Report from 11/12/13 City Council Meeting There were no items taken to the November 12, 2013 City Council Meeting. F C