HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2014 - 08/19 - RegularAugust 19, 2014 n_ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting August 19, 2014 CITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE Commissioners Present: Jeff Cocking, Chair Shirley Mangrum, 1st Vice -Chair John Ogizovich Michael Orr Stephen Platt, Jr. Absent: Ben Trahan, 2nd Vice -Chair Barbara McNutt City Staff Present: David Dodd, City Attorney Ogden "Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development Lee Battle, AICP, Assistant Director of Planning and Development Shawn Poe, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner Patrick Blaydes, Planner Madhuri Kulkami, Planner Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cocking called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway. Director's Report 1. Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the August 12, 2014, regular meeting attached. Consent Aeenda 2. Approve minutes from the August 5, 2014 regular meeting. 3. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Report. Motion: Upon a motion byP'Vice-Chair Mangrum, and a second by Commissioner Ogrizovich, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. August 19, 2014 The motion carried. Reaular Aeenda 4. Combination Plat — Consider a request for a Combination Plat for Lot 23, Block E, Twin Creeks Business Park, being 5.1951 acres located at the northeast comer of Stockton Drive and Baumgartner Way (FP -8/4/14-56) [Twin Creeks Business Park] Ms. Madhuri Kulkami, Planner, presented to the Commission. She stated that the property is located at the northeast corner of the future extensions of Stockton Drive and Baumgartner Way, generally west of US Highway 75 and north of Exchange Parkway The property to the north is zoned Multi -Family Residential, MF -18. The zoning to the west and south is Planned Development PD No. 108, Mixed Use MIX. To the east, the zoning is Planned Development PD No. 54, Industrial Technology IT The subject property is part of District H of the Twin Creeks Urban Center Planned Development PD No. 108. Ms. Kulkarni stated that the property is roughly 5.2 acres with the proposed use being an assisted living/memory care facility Both thesite plan and zoning were approved earlier this year for about 70 units. The final step in the development process is platting A Combination Plat may be submitted if a tract of land is subdivided into less than three lots, there is no change in street locations, and the requirements for both the preliminary plat and final plat are met. The Combination Plat shows one (1) lot. There are a total of three (3) access points for the site. One access point is located on Stockton Drive, and two access points are on Baumgartner Way The plat also shows various firelane, access, and utility easements The Combination Plat for Twin Creeks Business Park, Lot 23, Block E has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee, meets the standards of the Allen Land Development Code. and meets the requirements of Planned Development PD No. 108. The Plat also complies with the approved Site Plan Staff recommends approval. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by C' Vice -Chair Mangrum,the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approvethe Combination Plat for Twin Creeks Business Park, Lot 23, Block E, being 5.1951 acres, located at the northeast corner of Stockton Drive and Baumgartner Way. The motion carried. 5. Floodplain Reconfiguration -Consider a request for Floodplain Reconfiguration for The Bluffs on McDermott, located north of the intersection of McDermott Drive and Watters Crossing Drive. Mr. Shawn Poe, Assistant Director of Engineering, presented to the Commission. He stated this item is a request for a floodplain reconfiguration for The Bluffs on McDermott; north of McDermott Drive and Watters Crossing Drive. The property is zoned PD -100 for Office Use. Surrounding zoning consists of Townhomes, Multi -Family, Community Facilities, and Single Family. Mr. Poe discussed the floodplain workmap which was submitted by the applicant. Section 5.01.4 states that a detailed floodplain study is required if any portion of the development of a drainage course lies August 19, 2014 within 100 feet of a floodplain that is mapped on the Floodplain Insurance Rate Map. Additionally, the ultimate floodplain has to be mapped if the drainage way of a creek serves over 160 acres. Mr. Poe went through the details on the floodplain workmap: - Yellow lines: cross-sections - Red lines: existing floodplain on Flood Insurance Map, used for regulatory purposes and to calculate insurance - Blue line: 100 -year floodway on FIRM Map, no development can take place in this area The development does not encroach within any of the above. However, because the drainage serves over 160 acres, they were required to map the 100 -year ultimate floodplain (purple line on the map). In March 2008, the owner of the property submitted a request for the Floodplain reconfiguration of Cottonwood Creek. The goal of the reconfiguration was to have more usable land currently encumbered by the fully developed 100 -year floodplain. The request was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The current owner of the property has submitted another request for the reconfiguration of the 100 -year fully developed floodplain The goal of this request is to increase the usable area in order to provide additional parking. This current request is to revise the floodplain delineation for the development. The Engineering Department reviewed a detailed drainage study, signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, which analyzed the reconfiguration request based on the following criteria: I. Minimal impact to flora and fauna. 2. No net decrease in valley storage 3. No net rise in the fully -urbanized 100 -year base flood elevation 4. No increase in velocity The Code provides that the Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the authority to grant variances from the regulations for the delineation of the fully developed floodplain. Mr. Poe showed the previously approved site plan and location of the ultimate Floodplain. The proposed 100 -year floodplain has changed due to the layout of the building changing and parking added to serve the site. Mr. Poe also went over the elevations. The request has been reviewed by both the Engineering and Planning Departments and the revised site plan is still consisted with the previously submitted PD Concept Plan, so if approved, this floodplain request will then go through TRC for the Site Plan. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Ogrizovich asked about the beginning and end of the retaining wall. Mr. Poe stated that it will start on the far western end along the north side and follow the outside of the parking. It will match grade as it approaches McDermott. Mr. Ogrizovich asked if the parking area would be below McDermott. Mr. Poe answered yes. Mr. Ogrizovich confirmed that the water held by the wall cannot enter the site. Mr. Poe stated yes. Chairman Cocking asked how high the retaining wall would be at its highest point. Mr. Poe stated he did 1 not recall. It is at least 3 feet in a few locations, but does not remember the highest point. The revised Site Plan will be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and a grading plan will be included. August 19, 2014 Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Orr, and a second by Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request for Floodplain Reconfiguration for The Bluffs on McDermott, located north of the intersection of McDermott Drive and Watters Crossing Drive. The motion carried. 6. Public Hearing — Conduct a public hearing and consider a request to create a Planned Development and adopt development regulations, a concept plan and budding elevations. The property is Lot I Al and Lot 2, Block 2, Millennium Business Park, an addition to City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located northwest of the intersection of Century Parkway and Millennium Drive. (Z- 10/14/13-71) [A11enPlace Office Complex] Mr Ogden "Bo" Bass, Director of Community Development, presented to the Commisston.He stated that the request is to change the zoning from a base zoning of Light Industrial to a Planned Development. The reason for the Planned Development zoning is to fit the facility effectively onto the site. The site is generally located south of McDermott Drive, north of Bethany Drive, and adjacent to Century Parkway; with some elements that can be seen from US 75 The subject property is zoned Light Industrial and is approximately 22 5 acres. Access will be provided from both Century Parkway and Millennium Drive. The property is also bordered, on the north, by Butler Drive for a future phase. Eventually [here will he access off of the US 75 service road when the future phase is developed. The property is currently platted into two lots. The level of detail shown on the Concept Plan (if approved) will be generally what is built on the site. Specific site notes have been included to clearly set standards for the development. Parking for the site either meets or exceeds the ALDC requirements. The plan shows lighter toned and heavier toned areas; which depict the break between the two phases. The lighter toned area (future phase) shows three separate multi -story office structures (made of glass, steel and concrete) with structured parking and site amenities. Even though this is only a Concept Plan, it has been ensured that parking is adequate for the square footage shown. Two of the buildings to this future phase have underground parking. Mr Bass stated that the current l 1 acre phase of the project is shown in a darker color and is comprised of three lots. Lot l will include a three-story roughly 102,000 square foot office building (made of glass, steel and concrete). A covered walkway connects it to a multi -story parking garage with 221 spaces. All of the structures have similar architectural features which gives the area more of a campus feel. Lot 2 will contain a three-story office building and a seven -story research test tower. Lot 3 will contain a one-story 121,852 square foot light industrial building. Mr. Bass then described the elevations and how they have evolved. Aluminum framing, tinted glass, scored and colored concrete panels, and scored gray tone panels are included. Mr. Bass went through each of the elevations and described from where each could be seen. He mentioned that it is still unclear how much of the project will be seen from US 75. There will also be 1 additional buildings in between the highway and this phase. Mr. Bass mentioned that the mechanical equipment is completely screened. He stated that the industrial building, 3 -story office, 7 -story test tower and parking garage will have the same design elements. August 19, 2014 Mr. Bass then reviewed the proposed development regulations; to include building setbacks, building height, driveway throat lengths and a variable landscape buffer on Century Parkway. In regards to traffic impacts, a Traffic Impact Analysis was conducted. Based on this design, there is no significant impact to the Bethany Drive or McDermott Drive signals. Mr. Bass concluded that staff recommends approval. If this project is recommended for approval it will go to City Council on August 26th. Commissioner Off commented that even though this plan is not a final version, it is nice that everything is tied down with strong architectural elements. This is an industrial area which can normally be boring, but he appreciates that the architectural detail has been considered and elevated. Commissioner Platt asked about the height of the tower and asked if anything else besides water towers are a similar height Mr. Bass stated that water towers are within the same height range. Mr. Bass mentioned that there was concern over how the building might read. However, with the styling of the tower and with it being embedded between other buildings it will not command the horizon. Mr. Bass also mentioned the stadium's height is roughly 125 feet as an example. Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing Mr. Greg Jones, 600 Millennium Drive, Allen, Texas, represented Finisar Corporation. He stated they had been in communication with the developer on this lot, but had not seen Lot 3 on previous concept plans. Mr. Jones stated that the density of the construction on this property will eliminate much of the existing green space which is prevalent along US 75 and Century Parkway— sacrificing mature trees for concrete parking lots. Mr. Jones was also concerned about the employees of this development using their parking lot. Another concern Mr. Jones stated was that the property seems to have a limited number of access points. Other questions included percentage of landscape that will be offered, signage, and intended use for the light industrial facility; such as air emissions or other elements. Mr. Jones concluded by stating that the site looks different than what was shared last year. Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing Mr. Bass counterpointed the concerns. The landscape standards are not shown on this plan, however the development will have to meet ALDC standards. There is no requirement to screen between industrial uses, but there is a requirement to screen mechanical equipment from public view This is why the screening was limited. It might be worthy to enhance it. This project will have the same 100' setback and luxurious "front yard feel" that Finisar has. Ultimately this project will go to site plan and it will be thoroughly vetted. Regarding Finisar's awareness, the Allen Economic Development Corporation and Sentinel have had contact with Finisar at some level about a future agreement. The plan has notes that reflect these agreements. The Traffic Impact Analysis shows that a connection off of US 75 is currently not needed and that the access points currently shown work. Chairman Cocking asked about the adjacent land owner's concern over parking. Mr. Bass stated that if there was a desire to come to some agreement between this project and Finisar, it 1 can be done in a private parking agreement that the City would "memorialize" as a joint parking agreement. Otherwise it is a private trespass issue. He reminded the Commission that each one of the three lots can stand alone with regards to parking. August 19, 2014 Chairman Cocking then asked about the concern over traffic — and whether most of A would be on Century Parkway instead of Millennium Drive. Mr. Bass stated that most of the industrial traffic would be on Millennium Drive and the employee/visitor traffic would be off Century Parkway Mr. Ogrizovich asked if Mr. Bass could speak about the operations of the building and if there would be any air emissions. Mr. Bass stated that the site plan process would vet all of those concerns. He stated that the company builds elevators. Some documents have already been submitted to the Fire Department on materials and nothing looks unusual. Mr. Orr asked if there would be a break in the median at the intersection of the new boulevard to the north and Century Parkway. Mr. Poe stated there are pavers there so there is no barrier. A deceleration lane on Century Parkway would also be in place to get into the site. Chairman Cocking stated this looks like a good area for office space within Allen. Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Mangrum, and a second by Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to create a Planned Development and adopt development regulations, a concept plan and building elevations for the property known as Lot lAl and Lot 2, Block 2, Millennium Business Park, and generally located northwest of the intersection of Century Parkway and Millennium Drive, for the AIImPlace Office Complex. The motion carried. 7 Public Hearing — Conduct a public hearing and consider a request to create a Planned Development and adopt development regulations, a concept plan and building elevations. The property is 35.071 acres out of the John Fyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 702, and FC Wilmeth Survey, Abstract No. 999, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located southwest of Stockton Drive and Curtis Lane. (Z-6/24/14-38) [Keystone Park] Ms. Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. She stated that this agenda item is a public hearing to establish a planned development for the Keystone Park project. The property is currently zoned Multi -family Residential MF and Corridor Commercial CC. The properties to the north and west are zoned Single Family Residential R-6 and Planned Development PD No 93 Single Family Residential R-7. The property to the east is zoned Corridor Commercial CC. The properties to the south are zoned Planned Development No. 54 Corridor Commercial CC and Industrial Technology IT and Planned Development No. 108 Mixed Use MIX. The applicant is requesting to change the zoning from Multi -Family and Corridor Commercial to a Planned Development with a base zoning of single family residential, R-7, for 178 lots. Ms. Mcleod stated that the property is generally located southwest of Stockton Drive and Curtis Lane. The subdivision has 178 lots, both front and rear entry with a proposal of 3 minimum lot sizes for the development. Neighborhood A will have a minimum lot size of 50'x105' (about 39% of the subdivision). NeighborhoodB will have a minimum lot size of 40'x110' (about 26% of the development). Neighborhood C, across Curtis Lane, will include a minimum lot size of 32'x105' (constituting about 35% of the lots). These lot sizes do not exactly match the lot sizes of the surrounding neighborhoods such as Quail Run or the Villas at Cottonwood Creek. However, staff believes that the lot sizes are still August 19, 2014 compatible with the surrounding area. The Neighborhood C lots abut the Villas at Cottonwood Creek development; which has 35' x 100' lot sizes. The 40' wide Neighborhood B lots are internal to the site and adjacent to the future assisted living memory care facility and Wal-Mart. The Neighborhood A lots are grouped together and are along the perimeter along Stockton Drive. Across Stockton, the Quail Run subdivision has an average lot size of 53' by 115' The development complies with ALDC standards for screening, open space, and landscaping. The 8' masonry walls will be constructed along the east side of the property, in portions on the south side of the property, along Stockton Drive and along Curtis Lane. A 10' landscape easement is provided along Stockton Drive and Curtis Lane In addition, a 10' hike and bike Vail will be constructed to generally align with what is shown on the trail master plan. The open space, 2.4 acres, complies with ALDC standards as well. In terms of roadway improvements, Stockton Drive will be widened to four lanes. Curtis Lane will be widened to four lanes from the existing terminus to a proposed roundabout at the Curtis Lane/Stockton Drive intersection. Curtis Lane will then transition to a residential collector street from the roundabout to US 75. All of the internal streets and alleys comply with ALDC standards. The proposed elevations for all product types show stone, brick, and stucco; which also complies with the masonry definition in the ALDC. Ms. McLeod pointed out the enhanced garage door and enhanced driveway surface that will be provided on the front entry Neighborhood A lots. Ms. McLeod then went over the proposed development regulations which establish building and garage setbacks, lot dimensions and the roadway improvements The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and staff is supportive of the request due to the variety of the lot sizes, variation of product types, and the architectural standards. Mr. Ogrizovich asked about a tree line and if any of the trees are affected. Ms. McLeod answered that the next step is preliminary platting if the zoning is approved. A Vee survey and tree mitigation plan will be required at time. It does appear that some of those trees will be impacted. However, that will be accounted for by caliper inch at the platting stage. Mr. Ogrizovich and Ms. McLeod also then agreed that the other tree line by US 75 is outside the scope of this project and will not be affected. Mr. Ogrizovich also asked about Curtis Lane entering US 75 and if it would come in through the south bound outer road. Ms. McLeod answered yes. Mr. Ogrizovich clarified that if someone wanted to enter they would have to exit on Stacy Road and head south since the Exchange Parkway exit is south of this development. Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing Shelby Griffin, 5225 Village Creek Drive, Plano Texas, stated she is with Dowdey, Anderson, and Associates, and is there to represent her client. She summarized the product types and the developer's desire to provide a unique development that fits into the area. The pockets of open space and variety of product types create a sense of place. The type of person that would live in this community would be someone who appreciates easy access off the highway, wants to live in west Allen, enjoys the amenities that Allen has to offer, likes the access to the trail system but does not want to maintain a larger lot. The three product types give a range of options to the potential buyer. Ms. Griffin then went through the August 19, 2014 product types and discussed the price points; which range from $400k -500k for Neighborhood A, and a range of $300k -400k for Neighborhoods B and C. Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing. Chairman Cocking stated that several written notices were received — Colin Haggs (concern of traffic and noise and smaller homes), Miam Chin (losing view of open fields), Wal-Mart (supports development), and letter from Clif Gans (support of most, but with some questions). Commissioner Ogrizovich thought the development was a good fit for the property and will be compatible with the surrounding area. Ms. Mangr am stated that she noticed the open green spaces and thinks it is a very creative, outside -the - box design. Chairman Cocking stated that one of the letters received had questions over landscaping (which will have to be meet City standards), concerns over crosswalks and stop signs (all vetted through later stages) and requirements for on -street parking for trails (parking not required). Ms. McLeod provided additional input — that the internal streets comply with residential roadways so there will be on street parking on both side of the streets. Chairman Cocking stated another concern was regarding individuals from this development using the Quail Run Park; which is about half a mile away from the development. Ms. McLeod stated that staff does not have any concerns due to the amount of open space provided within the development, hike/bike trail, and distance from the park. Chairman Cocking stated that this property was zoned for Multi -Family and Commercial and could develop as apartments with no questions asked. He believed that this conversion to single family homes is appropriate, especially due to the variety of lot sizes and homes. He believed that the variety is now a standard within the City which will set Allen apart. This is a good development that fits a vacant part of the City Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to create a Planned Development and adopt development regulations, a concept plan and building elevations for a 35.073 acre property, generally located southwest of Stockton Drive and Curtis Lane, for Keystone Park. The motion carried. 8. Public Hearing — Conduct a public hearing and receive public comment on the following proposed amendments to the Allen Land Development Code: amending Sec. 4.20 4 "Schedule of Principal Uses Central Business District" to require specific use permits be obtained for various uses within the Central Business District which are presently permitted uses; amending Sec. 4.20.5 "Schedule of Accessory Uses Central Business District" by deleting "Laundry/Dry Cleaning, Pick Up Only"; amending Sec. 5.01 "Floodplain Hazard" by amending Sec. 5.01.1 relating to the purpose for adopting floodplain hazard regulations, amending Sec. 5.01 4 by adding a statement regarding the limited effect of the City's floodplain regulations, and amending Sec. to add regulations relating to location of manufactured homes and recreational vehicles in certain flood zones; amending paragraph 8 b. of Sec. 7.03.4 "Outdoor Lighting" relating to parking lot and loading area lighting fixture standards; amending Sec. 7.094 "Prohibited Signs" relating to the prohibition of certain vehicular signs; amending Sec 7.09 11.1 — Table 7.22, "Temporary Signs' by amending the time August 19, 2014 limits for displaying Grand Opening Signs and Banner Signs; amending Sec. 8.04.1 "Clearing and Grading Permif' by deleting paragraph "h'; and amending Appendix A "Definitions" by amending the definitions of the phrases "Accessory Structure (Residential);' "Day Care Facility," and "Vehicular Sign," and adding a new definition for "Psychic Reader, Fortune Teller, or Spiritual Advisor" Mr. Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Planning and Development, presented to the Commission The Allen Land Development Code (ALDC) is periodically amended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the code, address changing development trends and new technologies, and make changes necessary for compliance with state and federal laws. Mr. Battle went through the list of amendments including - Vehicular Signs: Today, there is a definition of vehicular signs — if a vehicle with signage is parked within 20' of the right-of-way for more than 24 hours, it is prohibited. The 24 hour time period is hard to enforce and is an enforcement challenge. Vehicular signage has also changed over time and is more common today. There are various delivery vehicles, for example. With this modification, vehicular signs are now proposed to change from just a vehicle (associated with a business) to trucks which are usually parked adjacent to right-of-ways to act as a sign. The proposal would not regulate passenger vehicles, but would be applicable for larger commercial vehicles over a certain size. These trucks with signage would need to be parked 50' from streets. The vehicles would also need to be maintained in good condition. - Central Business District This is a large and diverse district. Some uses, in staff s opinion, work better in some areas than others. To ensure that the right uses go in the right places with the right 1 design, some uses will be converted to requiring Specific Use Permits. Parking Lot Lights: There are current conflicts in the Code regarding LED lighting. This change allows LED as an acceptable light source and adds more flexibility in the shape of the top of light fixtures. If a developer wants to seek an alternative to the general rectangular shape or other aspects, they would have to come beforethe Planning and Zoning Commission - Definition Changes o Psychic Reader. There was no definition in the Code, so this use was unclear. It is now recognized rs a listed use o Residential Accessory Structures: Shed, garage, bams are examples. This modification would not allow these uses to be "dwelling units" o Day Can Facilities — The state agency name has changed so it is now updated - Sign Table modifications — To make the code and the table consistent. - Language on Floodplains — Added to cover certain provisions and include additional language that the State has recommended. Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing. Tom Scales, 1903 Bordeaux Court, Allen, Texas, spoke to the Commission. He mentioned that some businesses are struggling and need some identification close to the street; such as Elke's. He stated that the Specific Use Permit change would be very helpful to the City moving forward. Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing. Mr. Battle stated that Like's van is an example of a passenger vehicle that would be permitted. Chairman Cocking stated that if it is a commercial vehicle of over 8,000 pounds or larger, then it would fall under that commercial vehicular category August 19, 2014 1 Chairman Cocking stated his concern regarding accessory dwellings units. He stated that he understood the reason but said that there might be unintended consequences by preventing houses that have the size to have those uses. Staff should consider this as part of a future review. Looking at the demographics of the country, houses are going to have more multi -generational functions. He stated he understands the need to regulate the use, but also there might be certain circumstances where having these units allowed as living spaces would make sense. F L Mr. Battle stated that the next section of the Comprehensive Plan that will be presented will be the housing section, so the request is very timely for a discussion about accessory dwelling units. lst Vice -Chair Mangrum stated her concern of discussing flexible regulations for this use because she is afraid of an accessory structure converting to rental property and having various families move in and out who may not maintain a home like a property owner would. Chairman Cocking stated that is why a discussion will need to occur. Some houses may need size restrictions, and there needs to be a balance to properly regulate this use. Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Mangrum, and a second by Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the proposed amendments to the Allen Land Development Code. The motion carried. Items of Interest 9 Texas APA Conference Mr. Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Planning and Development, stated that the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association will have its annual conference in Frisco. There are several tracts of courses, including short courses for the Planning Commissioners. Commissioners can attend the whole conference or sign up for one particular day Mr. Battle asked the Commissioners to consider attending and to let staff know by the end of the week Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 8,40 p.m. The t nut to ed this of day of }.2014. K�Rodink/'Vairman Madhuri Kulkarni, Planner