HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2014 - 10/07 - RegularOctober 7, 2014 n CITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Ben Trahair John Ogrimvich Michael Orr Stephen Platt, Jr. Luke Hollingsworth Absent: Jeff Cocking, Chair Shirley Mangrum, Ist Vice -Chair PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 7, 2014 City Staff Present: Kevin Laughlin, City Attorney Lee Battle, AICP, Assistant Director of Planning and Development 1 Shawn Poe, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner Madhuri Kulkami, Planner Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, 2" Vice -Chair Trainor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway Director's Report I Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the September 23, 2014 regular meeting attached. Consent Aeenda 2. Approve minutes from the September 16, 2014 workshop and regular meeting. 3 Final Plat — Consider a Final Plat for Angel Field West, being 21 80f acres out of the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas: located south of Bethany Drive and west of Montgomery Boulevard (FP -8/8/14-59) tAngel Field West] Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. October 7, 2014 The motion carried. Regular Aaenda 4. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the development regulations specifically related to Section J (Garage Orientation), Section 6 (Garage Setback), and Exhibit "E" (Lot Detail), of Planned Development No. 112. The Property is 79.6± acres out of the J. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347. City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located north of McDermott Drive and east of Custer Road (Z-9/24/14-67) [Cypress Meadows] Ms. Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. She stated that this item is a public hearing and an amendment to Planned Development PD No. 112 for Cypress Meadows. The property is located north of McDermott Drive and east of Custer Road. The property to the north is zoned Single Family Residential (R-5), The property to the east is zoned Planned Development PD No. 88 Single Family Residential (R-7). The property to the south is zoned Agriculture -Open Space (A -O). The property to the west (across Custer Road) is in the City of Plano. She stated that the PD is already established, and development regulations are in place that set the lot design standards for the subdivision. The applicant is wishing to amend some of the development regulations, primarily related to garages, to provide more flexibility for the products offered in the subdivision and to accommodate the builder's floor plan models. Ms. McLeod showed three product types of existing homes within the subdivision. Option I 2 -car, J - Swing, 1 -car front entry garage product; Option 2 1 car J -Swing, 2 car front entry garage; Option 3: 2 -car front entry garage product There are 281 platted lots in the subdivision. The current PD requires that a minimum of 50% of the lots are constructed with Option 1, and a maximum of 25% of lots with Option 2 and 3, respectively These percentages are listed in the development regulations and on the Lot Detail (Exhibit "E") in ordinance. The first part of the applicant's request is to change the percentages so roughly a 1/3 of each option type is constructed. For Option 1, the percentage will be reduced to 34% (141 lots to 95 lots). Options 2 and 3 would have a 33% requirement, which would increase 70 lots to 93 lots for both product types. The second change the applicant is proposing is to reduce the minimum garage setback for the front entry garage of the Option I product (which is a 2 -car J -swing, 1 car front entry, garage) from 20 feet to 18 feet from the building setback line. Thus, there would be a 2 foot reduction only for the Option I type The third change is to measure the front entry garage setback for Option 2 and 3 product types from the front of the building face instead of the front building line Ms. McLeod noted that originally, the request was only to change the measurement line for the Option 3 product, but the applicant now wants to include Option 2 as well. Ms McLeod explained that the minimum garage setbacks are measured from the front building line for all option types Conflicts, however, can emerge for front entry garages on radial lots (lots with a curvilinear property line such as cul-de-sacs or elbow shaped lots). The front building line runs parallel to the curvilinear property line This potentially causes the front entry garage to sit closer to the front building line than what the minimum garage setback allows For radial lots in Option 2 and 3, the applicant is proposing to measure the garage setback from the front face of the building instead of the El front building line to avoid the conflict with the budding setback. October 7, 2014 Ms. McLeod showed the Preliminary Plat of Cypress Meadows, and indicated that the highlighted radial lots, which are roughly 26 lots, would be affected by this change. Ms. McLeod summarized the proposed changes: • Change the established percentage of each product type provided in the development • Reduce the minimum garage setback for the front facing garage, on the Option I product type, by two feet from 20 feet to 18 feet. • For radial lots only, change the point of measurement for the front facing garage, on the Option 2 and Option 3 product types, from the front building line to the front face of the building. Ms. McLeod stated that staff has reviewed the request and believe there will be minimal effect on the streetscape within the subdivision. 2"a Vice -Chair Trahan opened the Public Hearing. 2n° Vice -Chair Trahan closed the Public Hearing Commissioner Platt stated that he has seen cities make requests for 20 years for cul-de-sacs to place houses further back, so it is a pleasant surprise that the City understands those needs. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Ogrizovich, and a second by Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the request to amend the development regulations specifically related to Section d (Garage Orientation), Section K (Garage Setback), and Exhibit "E" (Lot Detail), of Planned Development No. 112 for Cypress Meadows. The motion carried. 5. Public Hearing/Replat — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat of Lot 2-R-1, Block E, Bray Central One Addition (being 29.09± acres at the northeast comer of Watters Road and Junction Drive) into Lots 2R-2, 2R-3, 2R-4 and 2R-5, Block E. (RP -9/8/14-63) [Bray Central One Addition] Ms Madhuri Kulkami, Planner, presented to the Commission She stated this item is a public hearing and a replat for Bray Central One Addition She stated that the property is located at the northeast intersection of Watters Road and Junction Drive, and is zoned PD -108 within District E of the PD. The property to the north is zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 for Industrial Technology (IT). The property to the east, across Junction Drive, is zoned Planned Development PD No 108 for Mixed Use MIX and Planned Development PD No. 54 for Industrial Technology IT and Corridor Commercial CC. The property to the south is zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 for Corridor Commercial CC. Finally, the property to the west, across Watters Road, is zoned Planned Development PD No 54 for Multifamily Residential MF -18. The property is roughly 29 acres, with proposed uses including a senior independent living facility, the first phase of a multifamily residential development, and a commercial building. A Concept Plan for the property was approved in July 2014. Staff's review of site plans for all three uses is currently being finalized. Replanning the property is the last step in the development process. October 7, 2014 Ms. Kulkami stated that the property will be divided into four (4) lots There are six (6) access points provided through this plat; three (3) on Watters Road and three (3) on Junction Drive. Access points for the future phase of the multifamily residential development (on Lot 2-R-2) will be platted when that phase develops. The plat also shows ROW dedication and various existing/new easements required for development. The Replat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee, is consistent with the approved Concept Plan, and meets the standards of the Allen Lund Development Code 2"" Vice -Chair Trahan opened the Public Hearing, To Vice -Chair Trahan closed the Public Hearing, Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Orr, and a second by Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve Replat for Lots 2-R-2, 2-R-3, 2-R-4, and 2-R-5, Block E, Bray Central One Addition. The motion carried. 6 Public Hearing/Replat — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a Replat of Lot 313-R, Block A, Deer Crest Addition (being 15.798! acres located east of State Highway No 5 between Prestige Circle and White Oak Street) into Lots 3B1 -R and 3132-R, Block A. (RP -8/19/14-61) [Christian Care Center] Ms. Madhuri Kulkarm, Planner, presented to the Commission. She stated this item is a public hearing and a replat for Christian Care Center. She stated that the property is located on the southwest corner of Prestige Circle and Jupiter Road and is currently zoned PD -46 for Community Facilities CF The zoning to the north is Planned Development PD No. 46 for General Office GO and Multifamily Residential MF -12. To the east, the zoning is Planned Development PD No 49 for Single -Family Residential R-7 The zoning to the south is Single -Family Residential R-5. Finally, to the west (across Greenville Avenue) the zoning is Planned Development PD No. 3 for Light Industrial Ll and Shopping Center SC. The property is roughly 15.8 acres for an assisted living and memory care facility and senior independent living cottages (for the Christian Care Center Allen Senior Living Community project). A Concept Plan was approved in January 2014. A Site Plan has been approved by staff. Replatting the property is the last step in the development process. Ms. Kulkami stated that this replat shows two (2) lots. There are three (3) access points into this lot; one located on Prestige Circle to the north, and two located off the adjacent property to the west. The plat shows various existing/new easements required for development. The Replat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee, is consistent with the approved Concept Plan and Site Plan, and meets the standards of the Allen Land Development Code. 2"a Vice -Chair Trahan opened the Public Hearing. 2"d Vice -Chair Trahan closed the Public Hearing. October? 2014 Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the Replat for Lots 3B1 -R and 3B2 -R, Block A, Deer Crest Addition. The motion carried. 7 Public Hearing - Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to adopt an update to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Planning and Development, presented to the Commission. Ile stated that the Comprehensive Plan is a document that articulates a vision for the future of the community The plan establishes policies, goals and strategies for achieving that vision It includes many tools, such as the Land Use Plan and Thoroughfare Plan that directly guide growth and development. The Allen 2030 Comprehensive Plan was split into two phases: the first phase is Growth and Development and the next phase will be Community Integrity Over the last year, the City has facilitated a process to create an updated Comprehensive Plan for Allen. This plan is focused on the continued growth and development of the community There are four main elements of this plan: • Community Livability — Four main focuses on Parks and Recreation, Community Facilities and Infrastructure, Community Appearance, and Environmental Quality and Resources. • Mobility — Including road construction and expansion, roadway design, roadway mobility enhancements, bike and pedestrian mobility, and public transit. Another element of mobility includes the Thoroughfare Plan, laying out the major roadways. • Land Use and Design — Goals include employment and commercial centers, neighborhoods and housing, mixed-use centers, community character and design, and floodplains and greenbelts. • Growth Strategy — Focus on major vacant areas including the 121 Corridor, Twin Creels Urban Center/Medical District, the area around Watters Creek, McDermott Farm, and the Central Business District. Mr. Battle provided a build out analysis. He stated that a majority of the development will be single- family housing, with a significant portion which will be more mixed-use products and developments. The current population is approximately 90,000. A build -out range estimate is between 110,000-119,000 people; depending on how the vacant properties develop He gave a build -out estimate of 115,627 people. In terms of growth rate, he stated that over the last few decades, there was a high growth rate. The growth rate has since slowed down. Estimates with a more realistic 2% growth rate would yield a population of about 115,000 people by around 2027 The Plan has been available to the public on the City's website, newspaper, and a hardcopy at the library It is scheduled to go to the City Council on October 14th. 2nd Vice -Chair Trahan opened the Public Hearing 2nd Vice -Chair Trahan closed the Public Hearing. 2nd Vice -Chair Trahan stated that there has been a lot of input from the Commission, the City, and Staff, and commended staff on the Plan October 7, 2014 Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to adopt an update to the City's Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 737 p m. AThe-s.m.ge�p ved this a0 day of �yw' 2014. Sr trman Madhuri Kulkami, Planner A October 7, 2014 . Director's Report from 9/23/2014 City Council Meeting The request to adapt an ordinance to amend the development regulations of Planned Development No. 54, and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 5.37± acre property, generally located southeast of the intersection of Alma Drive and Exchange Parkway, (for Strectlevel Center) was continued to October 14, 2014 City Council meeting.