HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2015 - 03/17 - RegularMarch 17, 2015
Regular Meeting
March 17, 2015
Commissioners Present:
Jeff Cocking, Chair
Shirley Mangrum, I" Vice -Chair
Ben Trahan, 2"a Vice -Chair
Luke Hollingsworth
John Ogrizovich
Michael Orr
Stephen Platt, Jr.
City Staff Present:
Ogden "Bo Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development
Shawn Poe, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering
1 Kevin Laughlin, Citv Attomey
Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner
Madhuri Kulkarm, Planner
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cockingcalled the meeting to order at 702
p.m.in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report
1. Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the February 24, 2015,
and March 10, 2015, regular meetings attached.
Consent Aeenda
2 Capital Improvement Plan CIP Status Report.
3. Approve minutes from the February 17, 2015, regular meeting.
4. Final Plat — Consider a request for a Final Plat for Assured Self Storage, Lot 1, Block A, being
5.36201 acres of land situated in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No 711, City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; located southeast of Exchange Parkway and Alma Drive. (FP -9/2/14-62)
[Assured Self Storage]
March 17, 2015
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by
2n° Vice -Chair Trahan, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0
OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda.
The motion carried.
Reeular Aeenda
5. Tabled Item/Public Hearing (WITHDRAWN) — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to
amend the development regulations and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 10.04±
acre portion of Planned Development PD No 105 located in the David H. Nix Survey, Abstract No.
668, the T G Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500, and the James H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract No.
1017, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; and generally located southeast of the intersection of
Alma Drive and Bethany Drive (Z-10/7/14-73) [Montgomery Urban Tree Farm Headquarters]
Chairman Cocking opened the item. He stated that the applicant has requested to withdraw the item. He
closed the public hearing.
6. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the development
regulations of Planned Development No 54 and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations
relating to the Property The Property is a 5.37± acre portion of Planned Development PD No. 54
located in the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; and
generally located southeast of the intersection of Alma Drive and Exchange Parkway (Z-3/3/15-11)
[Twin Creeks Marketplace — Streetlevel]
Mr. Ogden "Be" Bass, Director of Community Development, presented to the Commission. He stated this
is a request to amend PD -54 which has been in place since 1993.
The proposed development is on approximately 5.37 ± acres of land, and is generally located southeast of
the intersection of Exchange Parkway and Alma Drive. Mr. Bass explained that all PD amendments
include three components: a concept plan, building elevations, and development regulations He stated
that this project had been heard by the Commission before, and is largely the same except for activity that
has occurred within that time period. He mentioned that the applicant has reached out to the surrounding
citizens which has helped the project progress to make the grocery store a reality
The properties to the south and west (across Alma Drive) are zoned Planned Development No. 54 Single
Familv Residential SF The properties to the north (across Exchange Parkway) are zoned Shopping
Center SC and Planned Development No. 54 Single Family Residential SF The property to the east is
zoned Planned Development No. 54 Shopping Center SC, for Assured Self Storage. He stated the area is
within residential areas, but that this specific location was always intended for shopping center elements
to serve the needs for the immediate residential areas.
Mr. Bass went over the site plan, which has not significantly changed. He pointed out that there are two
reasons for this hearing. The first reason is to fit the size and shape of the grocer as well as the amount of
parking required by the grocer on this lot. Because of these reasons, the 50' setback cannot be met.
Initially, this area was intended to be a large-scale shopping center, with an HED or Kroger. Over time,
this property has been partially converted it to a self -storage use. The Assured Self Storage included a
1 provision for 8' masonry screening for the entire property This project has been delayed, but staff is
currently reviewing their screening wall permit and their building plans. The plat has already been
approved There will still be a single -style masonry wall, depending on which project is completed first. If
March 17, 2015
Streetlevel is completed first, lei, portion of the wall will match the Assured Self Storage all section
The first change, then, is the setback from 50' to 34' Additional items are in place to mitigate this
reduced setback — the dock -high area has been moved to the eastern side instead of the rear of the
building, 360 architecture (similar colors and design features so it doesn't look like the back of a typical
grocery building), and no penetration, storage, or activity at the back of the building. Thus, even though
there is a reduced setback, there is an 8' masonry screening wall, enhanced landscaping, a building with
no penetration or activity on the southern side, and enhanced elevations The second reason for the zone
change is the spacing of the driveways on Exchange Parkway Edge -to -edge driveways have a certain
standard — this distance has been vetted and the Engineering Department is satisfied with a reduced
distance (which is only I foot less than the standard). This provision will be included in the Development
Regulations. If the changes for these two items (reduced setback and driveway spacing) were not
proposed, then this project would not have been a public hearing.
There are a total of four (4) access points into the property. There are two (2) access points on Exchange
Parkway and two (2) access points on Alma Drive Mr. Bass stated that the Concept Plan shows four
buildings: an approximately 30,000 square foot grocery store building with about 140 parking spaces, a
5,180 square foot building with a common wall and additional parking spaces, a 3,400 square foot
restaurant building with a drive-thru (on the hard corner), and a 5,100 square foot building for retail and
restaurant uses, also with a drive- thru. The applicant volunteered to self -limit the hours of operation for
restaurants with drive-through from 400 a.m. to midnight An informal poll conducted shows coffee
vendors usually open up at 4:00 a.m. The closing hours are also typical Mr Bass asked that the
Commission make the hours of operation a part of the recommendation. The hours of operation will be in
the deed restrictions, included as a note on the Concept Plan, and in the Development Regulations.
1 Mr. Bass then presented the building elevations. The grocer building includes brick, cornice elements, and
storefront glass. He pointed out the 360 architecture of the building. He also stated there are no
penetrations at the rear of the grocer building, prohibiting any activity in that area A note is placed on the
elevations regarding the dock -high area that the wall be tall enough to hide the trucks. The contiguous
building is modern and includes awnings as well as stucco and stone materials. This same design theme
carries to all the outparcel buildings. The elevations will generally conform to the graphics shown. Lot 2
and Lot 3, with the restaurants and drive-thru component, will limit the hours of operation as mentioned
Other elements negotiated include enhanced landscaping. There is a 10' wide landscape area with a row
of trees to the south, along with the 8' masonry screening. Specifically, Skyrocket Juniper will be planted
and will be 10' high with spacing of 25' (rather than the typical 40') to further mitigate the southern
setback. Mr Bass pointed out that the same provision was applied to Assured Self Storage — a reduced
setback in exchange for enhanced landscaping. Thus, the precedence for a reduced setback is in place.
Any loading dock, according to the Code, is not permitted to be visible from the public street However,
to mitigate the impact on the rear of the building, the loading dock location was changed Due to this
change and a potential view from Exchange, the landscaping in that area has been enhanced. Additionally,
the loading dock colors match the main building. These elements are in place to hide the loading dock
from view
Mr. Bass then explained the third element of zoning, the Development Regulations.
- Lot I Rear Yard Setback — 34 feet
- Truck Loading Area — on the exchange side, doors to be painted the same color as the main
building, and high screening wall at sufficient height to adequately screen trucks from view
- Street Standards — off-site improvements put into place by the applicant:
I A double left turn lane constructed on northbound Alma Drive at its intersection with
Exchange Parkway; and
March 17, 2015
2. A hooded left turn lane constructed on southbound Alma Drive and aligned with the
southernmost driveway on Lot 4 of the Property
Street standards also include the reduced driveway spacing on Exchange Parkway as well as
that the fire lane on the southern end of the budding be in place before a Building Permit is
- Screening — %' masonry wall and landscaping on the southern property boundary, with no
building permits or Certificate of Occupancies issued until the wall is complete. Additionally,
if the Assured Self Storage project does not construct the wall first, then a portion will be
constructed by Streetlevel to match with the Assured Self Storage screening.
- Operations:
I The shipping or receiving of goods, materials, inventory, equipment, and/or any other
personal property into or out of the building(s) is prohibited.
2. The location, placement or storage of trash, debris, refuse and/or recyclables and/or
any containers in which such trash, debris, refuse and/or recyclables might otherwise
be contained, regardless of whether such containers are in actual use is prohibited.
3 The temporary or permanent location, placement, or storage of goods, materials,
inventory, equipment, motorized or non -motorized vehicles and/or any other personal
property, whether or not placed in a storage container is prohibited.
- Fire Code. Assurance for adequate hose pull requirements if the Assured Self Storage project
- Deed restrictions: Enforced by the land owner and the City An Ordinance ultimately
approved by the City Council will include the Deed restrictions.
Prohibited Uses (six among several listed in the Deed Restrictions).
1. Manufacturing facility
2. Any facility for the sale, lease, rental of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, RVs,
boats, or other vehicles
3. Car wash, tire store, automobile repair shop or service station or any facility
storing or selling gasoline or diesel fuel in or from tanks
4. Any facility whose primary business is a smoke shop (including cigars,
cigarettes, vapor cigarettes, and e -cigarettes)
5. Amusement center, carnival, virtual reality, laser tag, jump/trampoline facility,
game arcade, or children's recreational facility or play center of any kind
6. Hotels or lodging facilities intended for human use
Mr. Bass stated that the ordinance and deed restrictions run with the land. Additionally,
the deed restrictions cannot be amended or terminated without a public hearing before
City Council. The City has the power to take action in a court or may withhold any
building permit or other permit for development, Certificate of Occupancy, or final
I" Vice -Chair Mangrum asked if there is a fire escape door on the backside of the grocery store. Mr. Bass
stated that it would be vetted through the Site Plan review process. The requirement would have to meet
all Fire Codes. He stressed that no activity is allowed in the back.
I" Vice -Chair Mangrum stated that her concern is the safety of employees in the grocery store, and asked
if there are doors on the east and west side towards the back.
Maxwell Fisher, 900 Jackson St Suite 640, Dallas, Texas, applicant/representative, answered that he will
answer that in his presentation.
March 17, 2015
1 Commissioner Ogrizovich sought clarification that smoke shops of any kind are not allowed. Mr. Bass
stated that he is correct — smoke shops are not allowed.
2nd Vice -Chair Trahan asked if there are any warning signs or stop signs when traffic exists from Alma
into the rear fire lane since there is no outlet towards the east. He does not want cars turning in that back
area. Mr. Bass stated that ultimately, signage will be provided.
Commissioner Platt asked about the double left-hand turns and if it is actually a right-hand tum Mr. Bass
stated there are double left-hand turns on Alma Drive northbound to tum on Exchange Parkway
westbound. Mr. Bass also stated there is the hooded turn southbound on Alma Drive.
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked about the vacant parcel that is remaining and if it would also have the
same restrictions as this project. Mr. Bass stated that it is not part of the zoning case and it is subject to
the previous zoning regulations of PD -54. Usually PD amendments are required as what was marketable
in 1993 does not fit in today's time, but he said there are no promises that the PD will be amended.
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if there was a reason that piece was not included in this development.
Mr Bass answered that he didn't think it was part of the sale.
Commissioner Orr clarified the truck route — it would go east on Exchange and loop into the dock. Mr.
Bass answered yes. It is not intended for trucks to access from Alma. If it consistently occurred, it would
require an enforceable action.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing
Maxwell Fisher, 900 Jackson St. Suite 640, Dallas, Texas, applicant/representative, presented to the
Commission.Mr. Fisher, the land use consultant with MasterPlan, went over the project The only two
amendments are the driveway spacing and the setbacks He said they spoke with neighbors and increased
the setback from 30' to 34', which is the most they can compromise on setbacks. He stated that the uses
allowed there will be maintained, but some will be taken away or restricted. He said they met with Twin
Creek neighbors in August. They met with select neighbors in late February to continue working on the
project. Mr. Fisher discussed the concessions for the project, including deed restrictions for restaurant
hours, restricting certain uses, and buffering to the south Mr. Fisher stated that citizens have been
concerned about the outparcels, which will most likely be used by a national coffee user (hard corner) and
other personal service user (medical or retail). He then showed a list of targeted users. Mr. Fisher then
mentionedspecific prohibited uses such s smoke shops, bowling alley, and adult movie store The uses
they want to target are for immediate neighbors, so they are capturing trips that are already generated. Mr.
Fisher then went over architecture and stated it will be built as to what is shown Next, he touched on the
loading area on the site (increased setback and enhanced landscaping). The loading area will be recessed
and dip down, so trees will be the only thing that will be seen. Mr. Fisher provided an example of a
Sprouts store as an anchor and supporting retail (coffee, bike mart, hobby store) which are low trip
generators. Mr Fisher showed examples of stores with loading in the back — in the back, there is no
policing. If it's in the front, it's self -policing as the store would not want a mess. He then showed a profile
of the store to a potential neighbor —there will be a 24' fire lane, landscape buffer and Junipers which will
be 20' tall, a masonry wall, and the deep setback of the residential structure. The back of the budding will
be extended and will buffer the loading area from the residential area He then discussed the surrounding
proposed storage units, which would be a buffer and would also keep the traffic low The tax information
was then presented — taxes would increase by 8 to 9 times after full build -out. He discussed the TIA and
stated it is very conservative. With the targeted users, traffic counts would be 80% or lower than what the
TIA shows. If the property was developed by right, piecemeal development with undesirable uses would
be permitted However, this is a comprehensive development.
March 17, 2015
Chris Fair, 1102 Italy Dr., Allen, Texas addressed the Commission. He said he and Debbie Jacobs met
with staff members and was appreciative of everyone's time The concerns for residents were hours of
operation, which is acceptable if time was restricted to no operations from midnight to 4.00 a.m He
wanted to see a time restriction on delivery time. His other concern was regarding traffic, which was
addressed through another TIA that was conducted. He was concerned with commercial traffic through
neighborhoods all involving accidents with children, which he understands is not preventable, but is a
concern He concluded by stating he is happy with the project.
Greg Jacobs, 1421 Salado Dr., Allen, Texas, spoke to the Commission. He complimented City staff and
the developer for listening to the concerns of the residents of Allen. A lot of his concerns have been
addressed The biggest concern was the restaurant operation hours, which is now a reasonable
compromise. His other concern was traffic volumes and the exiting traffic on Alma, which has not yet
been fully addressed. The City will need to monitor the routing of traffic after the site is developed His
last point was on the screening wall on the south side — and that it is not open at the bottom due to
concern with rodents He requested it be closed to minimize animal impacts.
Mary Vail Grube, 918 Granger Dr., Allen, Texas, addressed the commission She is in support of the
project This project will enhance Allen with the elevations and landscaping. Sprouts and the additional
retail will be beneficial for the surrounding residents It will enhance the sense of community in that area
She would love to walk to Sprouts or a coffee user to meet friends and family and not take a car. There
has been tremendous effort from the developer and staff to meet the concerns of the neighbors
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
The following letters were received in support of the project:
Steve Aman, 1220 Granger Dr., Allen, Texas
- Don Valk, 1251 W Exchange Pkwy., Allen, Texas
Gerry and Diane Angeli, 504 Bristol Dr., Allen, Texas
- John and Mary Frampton, 1232 Granger Dr., Allen, Texas
Kendall Hutton, somerset20050sbcelobal.net
2n° Vice -Chair Trahan stated this looked like a good proposal.
Commissioner Hollingsworth asked about the screening wall and if it would be open or closed at the
bottom. Mr. Bass stated that staff will minimize or eliminate the opening, but it's a grading/drainage
issue, and will be examined closely during the Site Plan process.
Commissioner Platt stated that the screening wall would be a benefit in general.
Commissioner Ogrizovich commended the applicant and staff and supported the project.
Commissioner Orr asked is the first left -turn lane heading north on Alma would be a U -Tum lane. Mr.
Bass answered yes.
1" Vice -Chair Mangrum repeated her question about the doors towards the back. Mr. Fisher answered
that there is a door planned on the west elevation and on the other side, for fire emergency or employee
access. There are no doors on the rear elevations.
1" Vice -Chair Mangrum stated her concern was fire. Mr. Fisher stated they have to meet the minimum
fire access requirements.
March 17, 2015
Mr. Bass further stated that the Fire Marshall and the Building Division would review this to the Site Plan
process. However, anything south of that main lot will not have any activity
Chairman Cocking asked discussed cut -through traffic on Comanche Drive and Granger Drive and that
those roads were designed so that the traffic and speed would be reduced. Mr. Bass agreed That path may
still be taken by drivers, but it would be discouraged.
Chairman Cocking asked about the prohibited use listed as"Surplus Store," and wanted examples of what
that meant Mr. Fisher stated that used good sales or thrift stores would not be permitted.
I" Vice -Chair Mangrum asked about truck delivery time and the store hours for Sprouts.
Mr Fisher stated that delivery to Sprouts occurs early in the morning and that the timing varies. He said it
also depends on shipping schedules and that they cannot regulate the timing He did not know the store
hours for Sprouts
Anne Kuta, 5846 Mercedes Ave., Dallas, Texas, stated that Sprouts' general hours are 7:00 a an. to 10.00
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Mangrum, and a second by Commissioner
Orr, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to recommend
approval of the request to amend the development regulations of Planned
Development No. 54, and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for
a 5.371 acre property, generally located southeast of the intersection of
Alma Drive and Exchange Parkway, for Twin Creeks Marketplace —
Streetlevel, with the additional provision that restaurants with drive-thrus
can only be open for business from 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. midnight.
The motion carried.
The meepn& adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
These i booed [his 7 day of %V r 2015. u
'� ��
Te*TXki&Vhmrman Madhuri Kulkarm, Planner
March 17, 2015
I Director's Report from 2/24/2015 City Council Meeting
• There were no items taken to the February 24, 2015 City Council Meeting.
Director's Report from 3/10/2015 City Council Meeting
• There were no items taken to the March 10, 2015 City Council Meeting